Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 06, 1905, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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FAQ 10
Local Power Plant Will Bt Enlarged to
82.000 Homo Power At
Contlderabt Epni.
Our proxe-d development of the dec
trio power In the Willamette river at
Oregon City will have absolutely no of
foot on any proposition that niiy ho made
for tlio sale of the Oivgn City locks to
tho government. I wish you would make
that plain." said 11 W. Uoode. presi
dent of tlu lYotland General F.lootilo
Company. reort 'ho Portland Journal.
For some time the oompnny ha boon
llannlng the construction of an olootrlo
power plant on the oast side of the rlvor
St tho alio of the power station lhat was
4andonod Ujw years ago. Tho now one
will be vory muoh lancer than tho pres
ent power lant at Oregon City. This
will assure It an enormous Int'tvase In It
facilities for generating olootrlo light
and power, Tho present wator power
plant at Oregon City and tho aloam plant
now bolng oomplotod on tho rortlnnd
wator front, with a olrahlnoj capacity of
S4.1HK horse power, ar totally- eclipsed
by tho now plant doaignrd to kerp tho
Fortlan'j General Electric oompany
Abrvaxt of the rapid growth and expan
sion of IVrlland and tho Willamette
valloy. Whon the undertaking la car
ried Into effort the company will hav
facilities for generating of a total of
t2.(W0 horse power at Oregon City plants,
and a duplicate system plant In Tort
land that will be capable of taking up
the kad at a moment a notice.
The water power planta will be used
In season of good atage of water In the
Willamette river, and the steam plant In
Portland w"l handle the work In the low
water seasons. One of the plants will
Always be In reserve for use In event of
an accident.
It Is stated that the company's plans
at Oregon City are being drawn not to
Interfere In any way with the operation
or enlargement of the Oreogn City locks,
which are at the west side of the rlvor;
the power plant ts to be constructed on
the east side. The volume of wator. It
la pointed out, la ample for manuaf dur
ing purposes without effecting the opera
tion of the locks. A report made by a
government engineer on the possibilities
of water distribution at Oregon ' City,
states that the malxmum quantity of
water needed for navigation business of
three lockages an hour would be only 2
per cent of the volume of water In the
river at the low water stage. Present
navigation requirements amount to but
three or four lockages daily and none at
Migri. The future growth of navigation
It la said, will never require so much as
three lockages an hour. The company
does not expect the use of the water for
manufacturing to present any o'.ftacle
to the operation of the locks.
The new power station to be built on
the east side of the river will be a basis
for all development that the company
expects to make at Oregon City, It
will have a capacity of 4.0tM horse pow
er, and will be conrtniotod no that any
needed amount of power can be devel
oped by adding imlta of Installation to
moot demand of the market for all time.
"Tho (list Installation at the now sta
tion will probably be three units, or
10.11 art horse vovor." said president
tioodo. "Additional unit of J.6d horse
power will bo Installed as rapidly as the
demand for vleotiie light and power de
velops. For even H Installed at tho
Oregon City plant a unit will bo added
to the steam plant In Portland. The
building of a duplicate steam plant here
to bo operated by steam Is for the pur
pose of prov Iding power to be used dur
ing the low water period each year and
to avoid a possibility of having the ser
vice crippled by accident. We Intend to
be In a pool! Ion to furnish power and
li;ht nt only to IMrlland but to any of
the towns In the Willamette valley, and
to meet the reda of the rapidly multi
plying manufacturing Industries In this
When the plans are consummated tl.o
IWt sunt tienenil Kiev trio Co,, will ha o
facilities for generating SI.OOO rw
power In Its own plants and In addition
will have a supply of g.ooo horsoHwer
contracted for the Oregon Water Power
& Hallway company from Its plant on
llie Clackamas river, practically amount
ing to a total of tiHUH home power.
This linmViso supply nf electrical cur
rent Is expected to meet the needs of
l'ortland and the surrounding territory
for many i ears.
NVt, Hoe, IS. J-., K; t&
K. N. Foster to N. 1-5 Hllngley, lots
I. S, J. blk, 1, Kal. Crook:
C, K. Moioy, to It. W, tfcotl. int.
In 5 acres In Hoc. 2S, 1-9. Ni 13335.00.
IV Williams to IV W. William. 4 S
acres In S-S. K; tli&O.OO,
State of Oregon to K. R Townsond.
JNH of Hoc. 33. ft - 4, K; t
I H. N. Joimaon to J, V. Olysen. NK'i
'of Woo. 3'i. S-ft. K; IfiW.
J. It tlraham to M, K. Gregory. 1780
Acre In Claim No. 4. S-3, K: tlO.S&lUW.
j A. and T. 11, Faltvloiigh to Ogle Moun
'tain Mining Co, claliua In Houth Molalla
Mining Mm,, tl t,
The Clackamas Abstract X Trust Co.
, ar owner of the only complete abstralt
plant In Clackamas county. lrompt anJ
tellable work on short notice. All work
guaranteed. Abstracts made, money
loaned, mortgages foreclosed, trusts xe
ruled, eatatos settled and titles per
fected. J. F. CLARK, Atty-al-Law,
I President and Manager.
i Omoe over Hank of Oregon City.
Furnlthed Evory Week by th Clackamas
Abstract A Trust Company.
IV M Cuddy to W, II. 8eard. lot 11.
blk. 1. t'.arlow; 5.
K. Jl-obson. to A. Waldorf, blk. 12.
South Oswego; $Ti
J. K. Willlama to U. K. Williams, lots
i and T, blk. K. Falls View; $.
W. K. Estes to A. C. and E. A. Svheer.
lot 3. Heulel Tracts; I tort.
II. II. Hart to E. K. Campbell, lots J,
t. blk. 123; lots J. blk. 1 is Oregon City;
lota 10. 11. 12. 11 and II. blk. 3. West
Side Add. ill W.
Svilwood Land and Imprv Co. to O.
Pkoog, lot 1. Tract V. Subd. of Oak
tlrove; JU't.
A. C. Warner to A. J. Mans, 410 A.
In McCaner CI. E. 110
O May to C. O. and M C. liranson.
SV, of NW XW'i, of DH'i,, 8,c. ,
3 S. K; 50O.
P. IVSiuuer to C. O and V. C. Itran
son. Si, of NVV. and Ntt'i, of 8WV
Sec. S. 6-3. E; II O-i.
O. & C. It. It Co. to N. Rath.
of SE', See. IS. 3-5. K. I.J0 MO.
E. E. ('barman to X. M. Shank, part
lot 2. blk. 3. Oregon Cltyl.'OO.
O. Smmers to I). 11. Jack). 14 A
In or near Robertson: IJM.
A. Vetsch to SchH)l llst Xo. 4. ! l-
A. Sec. 1. 23. E; 1110.
F. fslvxcni to F. Langeitsaiid. N'S of
Miss Kate U Rlddlnga has Iwen oldlged
on account of sickness, lo resign her
school at tilad Tidings, and Is succeeded
by Miss Itcrtba Marks.
Miss Maude Laman of l-aFayette has
begun a term of school at IIihhI View.
January S
Mulluo held a siMHial meeting nf lev
led a tax of two mills to build a fence
and make other school Improvement.
January 21 Miss tlaus of the Eldorado
schihd will give an entertainment for
schmd purposes,
Oak drove Is planning for an entertain
ment to be held In the near future. It
will go towards a school library.
A meeting was cnled for January 51,
In Portland, lo discuss the advisability
of holding an educational congress dur
ing the Fair, It 1 expected that noted
educntors will be Invited to spesk.
The Agricultural College at Corral la
has niKittu-r Nature Study circular ready
for distribution.
A Unal Institute will be held on the
West Side January SI. Following la
the program:
Practical Measurements. Ilobl. Olnther
Principal Macksburg School.
The Need of our Rural Schools, J. (1. Noe
Elliott Prairie.
Muslo itnd Selection by the school.
Roll call and Quotation by teachers.
Firttt tirade Numbers, F.Jna Harris
Oregon City. j
Supplementary Reading. I A. Iteed
lrtmipal Parkplace. '
Analysis bt the Advanced Plvlslon
Entitle Shaw, Principal E.tatham School !
tleography. A. C. Stanbrough. ItultevtUe
J, C. 7.INZKR.
ExtraofCsinafy Reductions, Unmatcfiablc Bargains.
We Mention Few Only of the Great Many Bargain! Which are OJfered
itig tot slightly damaged doors at a
tin gain at Frank lusch's furniture store.
Heavy weight, all wool casstmeres or
cheviots, special sale price
For choice oi men's fine all wool salts
regular price $I2.50j sale price
Men's all wool pants, heavy weight,
Reduced to $1.95
ChlIdren's.Knee Pants Suits, prices to
clear them out quickly, marked at
$2J0, 2.45, 3.10, 3.75, 4.35.
Men's natural" wool sor, seamless toe
and heel formerly sold at 15c, sale
.price , 9C
$1.00, now v7 fief regular $1.50, now
$!.J2; regit! $2.00, now $1.68.
$ 11 HA
TSic IIoiisefurnisKer
I .Tf
i a o
Men' 50c heavy ribbed underwear
in pink, blue or tan, special
clearance sale price
Men's all wool underwear, clearing
sale price 88c
All wool 3fi inch dress goods on sale
at 39c. All wool waistlngs,
sale price, per yard
NOTIONS-San silk 3 spools for
5q Flelsher's Shetland Floss, 4 tkelns
for 25c. Finishing Braid 2 for 5c.
Embroidery silk in all wanted shades,
2 skeins for 5c.
SHOES marked atclearance sale
prices. LADIES' COATS and
greatly niuced.
ILr lis li K1
Seventh and Main Streets oc Oregon City, Oregon
We fcave to perform the unpleasant duty of selling
our damaged stock of goods damaged by water
andfrcugh handling during the excitement.
! 'i i
5 i
. 4
t i I -
1 1
I s,
I ' -
r " t i. . ".
700 Cedar Doors, edges slightly, sprinkled with water
85 and 95 Cents a Piece
50 Woven Wire Springs, best quality, $1.95.
50 Iron Bzds, $1.95.
Writing Desks, regular $9.00 values, for HALF PRICE.
Fine Decorated Dishes, as 6 Cups, 6 Saucers, 6 Dinner Plates, all for $J .50.
Come early if yoti wish to avail your
self of some of these bargains.-
Will Compsnsat Producer for all Os.lr
bit Artlclt.
At lt regular meeting. Tuesday, Jan
uary, I, ths -xrinlvt cummllte having
In rhargf thn rxlilbll from this rouniy
that la lo b shnwn at tho Aa('laih
Knlr at t'lirtland. In 108. alitod a
s-hrliil by whlrb trill l dltrltiulid to
the (irodiirfrs 6f ('larknrnaa r.mnty the
sunt of 115') for th twat aml' rf agr.
rulturat and other products of which th
rxhlblt will Im! rusHw-d Threo prtss
are off-rd for rarh samtl. tanging
f mm 15 M . for first prlna tn one dollar
for the hlrd. It Is conditioned In lhi
enntf-st that rarh artlclit mtrrvd for a
premium Is to become, thn irowrty of
thu rommltte whi-iher or not It Is
awarded any of th prlna In this way
th conirnlttee eipects to crests a great
Interest In th cihllilt thai Is being col
lected Inthls county. Tha contest will
con.ludo ThursilHy, April JJ. when ths
award nf prises will be madn by th
In this connection the rommlttee katies
the following statement to the people;
of Clackamas county:
The ejecutlve committee hereby of
fers prlK-s to the Amount of One Hundred
and Kifiy Dollars, to bn divided and paid
on the following Hat of agricultural pro
ducts. Kni-li article entered for a pre
mium to become the, property of the
Committee whether tho same la nH.irded
a prlxn or not. The committee Is l.i tiae
mild articles In making the Clackamas
County Exhibit at th I-wls ft Clark
This offer Is designed to apply only to
products of Clnckumus County,
Premium List.
Division A Winter Wheat, J!ct' M'r
bushel, 1st prlae, 4; 2d prlisn 12; 3d prig,
Division It Spring Wheat, !et half
bushel, first prigs, 14; 2d, 12; 3d, II.
Buckwheat Heat half bushel, 1st prlae
li; 2d, 2; 3d, $1.
Mvlslnn C Winter Oat a, llest half
bushel, Is pilne, $4; 2d, 2; 3d, II,
Division D Hprlrig Oats, Heat half
bushel, lat prize, 4; 2d, $2; 3d, 1.
Division K Hurley, best half bushel,
1st prlxe, $4; 2d, 2; Jd, tl.
Division F Rye, best half bushel, 1st
prize, 14; 2d, $2; 3d, tl.
Division O Shelled Field Corn, best
half bushel, 1st prize, t4; 2d, 2; Sd, tl.
Division II Field Iens, beat half
bushel, 1st prlz, $4; 2d, 2; 3d, 1.
Division I Field Jleans, best half
bushel, 1st prize, 4; 2d, 12; 3d, l.
Division J Clover Heed, licst 10 lbs,
1st prize, t6; 2d, t3; 3d, 2.
iJlvlslon K Grass Hefcd, best 20 pounds,
1st prize, t5; 2d, 3; 3d, 12.
Division 1j Vetch Seed, best hiilf riu
1st prlzu, 4; 2d, 2; 3d, tl. '
Division M Potatoes, best bushel, 1st
prlzo, t5; 2d, 3; 3d, 2.
Division N Onions, best bushel, 1st
prlzo, 6; 2d, $3; 3d, t2..
Division O Hops, best 6 pounds, 1st
prlzo, 15; 2d, $3; 3d, 2.
Division I Winter Apples, best box
1st prize, t5; 2d, t3; 3d, t2.
Division Q Dried Apples, beat 2S lbs
in box, 1st prlzo, 4; 2d, 2; 3d, l.
liUWIorv It-If led IVars. beat IS lt,
In l-.. 1st pits. It; M. U, M. II
IvlaUin sV-Httm frutis, llest lifts In
l-.. I.I priie. It. M. !. d. II
ul to Oov.rn In Making EnlrU.
All gTiua and grsu sevd to b In
sucks, in oanlltlr not rs than amount
specified Kach mrtseily nsmrd
l Tills tulo Si SpplIrS tO i'ulsl'i" Slid
I Onions.
j Apples In be In bie. of rgulatlm
J ie. not pressed All of on kind In each
j bog. and correctly named by rntr man
IHr. fruits to b neatly packed In
j holes of SlleS SMclned,
I Hops lii be put In one pound pa.-kages.
,ut and srtlstlralfy arranged, and at
least I pounds by h rlhlbllor.
The entry men will give their names
and poat "or addrrus when making
The Secretary wfil record each tt!ry
In each division, giving each rnnsecutlve
niitnliera, wit It entrymen and owner's
name and their I'oalorflcs addrros. In J
proper Uxjk on separata pages. j
Tb award of premiums will b made
at four o Iih k li m . Thursdav. Ao.il'
13th, 19 Knlrles can U mads and artl
t ies reeved st Ihs Court brmss In Ofs-
gon City by Ilia Secretary of tho vrcti
IUb tommltlee from April Id to I am,
April 11
The esecnllvs committee shall npiM.Int
an swarding rnmmltt or oimmltters
of not I ) eceed three persons In make
awards. The secreiary will prepare s
list of each entry made In each dlvl.
slon. giving the raid number of each
entry n made, omitting the owners
name and lt otllce address and present
the sam to tho Awarding Committee
appointed by this committee to make
th award In each division on or bcfoie
4 o'clock p.m.. of April 13th, 13it6. Ths
Awarding Committee will 0,en maka Ibn
awards, Their decision shall ha nnul as
to quality, and when reported lo ihe
Eexnutlva Coinmltles If found lo be In
accordant' with tlieaa rules and pre
mltim list, then said swards will b au
dited and allowed, and tho premiums
ordered paid.
lmted at Oregon City, Oregon, Jnnu
ary 3d, 1305.
Hy order nf tho Execullva Commlttea,
II. (1. H T A 1 1 1 W 1C A T 1 1 K 1 1,
I'tcss Com ml tins.
trn. of Ol.trltt N. 1 Will M
Two Mills This Ysar.
At a seU itiMimg Trldsy nlgbl. U
of the lltrg.tft ly s. UU a t ey t
ln mills was inted f.r bo, J ptirf
This ly will I. mads on a loial Imi
Hon of II : i:t and will yield Ihs rlii
trlil slmiil ;t Ctialrman Alllgt
preoenlrd few I rtlmtlng hs proli
stile rn-eipis and cwtduurt of ih
dlstrli I f.if lbs ensuing year ss follow.'
gists apportionment o
Cotsnly spHrltomehl IMI
Hr Isl S-mill ley ItMl
Tuition ,,, lill
1 fri,m V.uniy on 11 year s
Notlcs of Pomong Misting.
Tho next meeting of Clnekninas ptst,
I-omona Orange, will bo held with Hard
lug Orango No. 122, Wednesday, January
1,J05' C B. HI'KNCK,
Annual Masting of tho M.mbsn of ths
Orsgon Fir Relief Association
at McMlnnvlll.
Th finniml meeting of tho members
"f th Oregon Flro Ihdlnf Association
will bo held at McMlrmvllln on Tuesday
January 10, 1905, at 10 o'clock a.m., nt
Hums' Jlnll for the purpose of electing
three trustees and for the transaction
of such other buslnc, as may regularly
coma bofoi It.
T..ial ,,,,,,
Nnlarlr of teachers
Halarle of janllois
Halary of rleik
Water renl , ,
New Wtr I'loeets
Itil.tr.t n Ixrtld ,.
Inlerrsl on loan
It. l airs and patnllng
111. two
. iwl
: n
Total , Ill 0"?
The full. Sing resnlutlon presented It
H H Walker, Was a. I.. pled;
"Itesolved. That ths Hoard of Mr
ltrs of school district No. 83. of tb
t'ounty of Claikamas. Hlats of Ore
are hereby auihoiis.d instructed m
emiHiwered lo Imrrow, In tho namo of ta
dlsirb I, whatever sum or sums of mon
that may bs necessary In order ta P
the obllgntlnns of the district."
It Is proposed ,y i,n Hoard lo impto
Ihe sanitary conditions nt tho Easlhil
and llarelay school buildings and It I
within His rang of possibilities that bol
structures will , pnluled during Oi
summer vacation.
ChambsrUin'g Cough R.m.dy th O.t
"In my opinion Chainberlaln's Cou
Itemedj' Is tho host mado for colds," saj
Mrs. ("org Walker nf I'orlsrvlll. Callfm
nla. There Is no doubt "about Its beln
the best. No other will euro a cold t
lulckiy. No other Is so sur a prevent
tlvs of pneumonia. No other la so pleai
ant and safo to take, These are got
reasons why It should be preferred I
any other, Tho fact la that few pcop
are satisfied with any cither after havh
once used this remedy. For sale I
leo. A. Hnrdlnit.
Forest R.'.orv Scrip,
forest rtescrvo Scrip Is tho qulike"
safest and most econnmlcal method '
aeuuh lng govet riinont bind; which" Is
coining nidift senrco and vnluiiblo evci
day, No residence or final proof Is n
quired. If you want either timber '
agricultural land It will pay you to h
vestlgnto this. Kor Information addree
V. II. Hyde, Oregon City, Oregon. Jan.
Trimmed hat below cost at Mis Ooh