Gee GON VITY . JoiNTEBPRI VOL. NO, , ooom citv, owtooN, mioay, January i, v, ESTABLISHED 1861. SE CROSS and SHAW LEADING REAL ESTATE DEALERS Hln Strrrt, OfRon City, Or. 233 Wmhlngton Strret, Portend, Of. A suburban bum 14' eie. In city limit of Halntii; all lovef and all In cultivation; i.iiii.inr of fruit; dwelling ( I .; ham and oui building; 14 iiiilm to railroad station, f 1800 00 M tniM accept trade fur grocery tr r saloon In Oigm t'liy r J'riln4 fr i:woj Thre hundred and twenir t, near !y :i ttl, on w.iIbiu, iw from Vtnt'f, Iwbiw ami Aurora, It acre in euliivaiitm; whot pise fence 4 and rr fenced, 1 acre or chard, t fuoro Njkp, ordinary barn, largely limbered an 4 veiuahl. Kih(y r In aWtlun IT, Townahfp J south ( liana seat, fairly !! au4 inwrily gd mII ; It acre in cultivation, to ec bvy timber. On mil (rum aawmiil. living wlr, Ouo4 Hill plae fur Hw)W Term. Tine hundid and IhitLn act. Good lan4. all practically !. Jix) a,ta fn-d, ie ae In cultivation, living tur on ery furty , I a-ia fin erthaid. largs b houaa, til barn and other eutbuiidiua Twenty mile fiuro Oregun I'lly, Ureal tiwk farm at4 ty cheap at U'joeee Choice City Projttriy at lowest prices. We are selling lands selL Farms In Clackamas are right. f L.roaTRH. ATTORN KY AT LAW aTaartarranrtaTr reaaiaaaa, OAoaaal UOraioalUf Rareia DR. K.T, TARKKR tuccwaaur to Dr. Iova 08TSOtATIIlC I1IT8IC1AN Acuta and ehronla dlaaaana. Kanraua 4ia- I ordara. Woman a and chlldrao'a la aaa a HKlalty. Offlr boura Km. I to t p. m Conaultatlon fra. Room f 11-14 Qarda Vit . On. gun City. () W.KAKTHAM ATTORNEY AT LAW Collacllona Mortgaga roraeloauraa, A atracta of Tit la and Oanaral I-aw Hui In mm. j , Offlr ovar ' Hank of Orarm City, Oragon City, Or, ) - - y w. s. O's.t 0. loht.v.i : ' U'ltKN A SCIIUEHEL ; Attortifyii A.I I.nw. ' Will raiHra in all nmrta, inakt oollrcliom ( ' ana Mitlitiriiia uf K.atalaa, and ln I ygiir tit'inry un rt rt morgait. Office In Enterprise Building, Ori?iii City, Ora gun. Attormcy at Law. J nation n( Ilia IVaro, Jniuiur UKIg.! Orrgon Ciy i T U.CAMIMlKl,!., tnui'M1'! a 1 law, aaaoa Citr, Oaaaoa. Wlllpramlpaln alUhaeourualtbaiiat. 01 noa, "1 1 niinnui nuiiaiuc. 1 0 U.A P.O. L4T0UKKTTB ATTORN EYH AND j COUNSELORS AT LA 7 I KilR ITRgllT OkKUON CITT, 0RKO0I I rurntah Abatraots of TlUa, Loan Money, Jroraoloaa Mortgagaa, and transact Oanarai Law Bualnaaa, sT III C0MMRRCIAL BANK Or OREGON CITY Vapttal, 100,000 I TamiAOTtA aaNiaALaiMKiaaauaiNiiia. ! trfiaii mailo. H11U dlaoouuted. Makaipnl Inotinna, HiiMftndiallneiohaiiKeon atlpolnti hi ma iiniten n-aina, nuron ami itoug koiii HVxlt reeolved nib'aut to cheok Huk 1 pen trora a, a. tot r, a, 0, O.UTOURSTTK, Preatdent. r. J. MKYSB oaihitr. Una bundled and forty-fiv iwtii St In cultivation; loo act fenced; good Ml; living spring; 49 ro w llmUrj on nice fruit; (.10 . room house; p barn on 4 numerous mlwr building itn mil M iHra,t I'Hy, Thitteen boa 4 cattle, 3 ir, all farming Implements, il i hj) 00 Ui4 stock farm an 4 bargain. Ta hundred and fifty-two a-r near eMail rltsrj .0 ectea vl; ol t4, 1 'ia In oulUvailiifi; 19 f-in4. a'ra hnary Valu al-la w (in.l-r ai4 urlh lit ri. if .U. fir an4 64ar ttg barn ti:t, no houaa, rir I :4 g. Trtn. "x Varm InvMimonl. til acrx ! nilla frum lha Urmlnua of O. W. I', Ity Co. Una al Rpring walar, t In euiilvailon, whota (! fn4, ft arria In tlutw, J anra o"b4. lo million faa( good mr rbaniabla Hmlr, Ibroa fina lltlng W)a of ,U waiar. ainall daU Ing. targa new Urn IHH. outranga of aiao4 n4 fw vina for a Oku m4 h4 rf aiwK boui 44 ba4 of raid. atan butaea, agn, na bin4r, a,d all farming wlih lor ulc In Porttini Oregon City and Gladstone right along and are always In the market to buy or County are a good safe Investment and our prices f s,WlvvrNr Make Known I Am Prepared to Supply Them Tbat'i my tmtioeaa. I have compete line of new and arcoa.1 hand furoitort that can't W ejuallrd in quality and price. A jx,cllty made of furni5ing houf kcrping outfits. rP YOU NEED Anything in Furniture, Carju, Crockery, Hardware Gtaa. ware tf (rranitaware new and arcond band you are aure to Uy afir ini(cciing my atock. I. TOLPOLAR , MAIN STKKItT ' OREGON CITV, OREGON Brunswick House & Restaurant Newly Furnished Rooms. Mealiat All Hours. Opposite 6uspenslon Bridge. Only First Clma Restaurant In Town 1 f v T s w. 1 a W'e are lit potiU lion to gave,1 yon f from lu to ll fxT Vh cent, on undortak v er'i auppliet of Ji. wlilcli we curry a comilato tiock. S R, LHOLMKN, Undertaker & Embalmer J j Ulilea: une door aoutu 01 Oourt lloimeor at UiKf Store opposite )3ankvC of Oreiion City. S W.VaVaV.VV.WVWaW Enterprise for lranl ti op for l9 per am; vary ay rm, Oo4 a-bcMl and fro Ing nlgbbrhoo4. Two hu'lf4 ar4 lwnty-flva acra I Irffgin, I mil'a 4u m( of Or on City, It wlJea from I'ortland, 109 cra In tultiva(ln, t4 aa mora nrly ra4y to brvak, I aura prtina orchard, wltota flaoa fartoad. maun lain trout at'aam running through tha ramh. ! buga tprlnga. frama dwalllng, I foorna, coat 499, puat bant, t mllaa to cbaaaa factory, aarna dinlanra to camry (bat aelia i0 trorl b of ttullar month, achooi onauarlr Mlla; (ltt4ld nln botboud. 114 ar a era. Ttrm to cult. Tbxaa bund tad and forty-nlna acraa of laval, rtth aou, la Mar ton aount, t mlUa from WowJUuro, tit taraa In good cultlvatlun, fra from atumpa and rock, batanca In paatura, arbota tUua fenced and eroaa fanead. on a fair old dwelling, I rtwrna, two larga barn a, otW eutbuUdinca ooovta ietit to plac. all acraa orchard. 7 " bopa. on a quart rr mlla to a-rivul. ntia parfwt. ItU 117 pr atr; urm ma 4a to ault tba pur etiaaor. Ttila la a rar bargain. Your Wants Prices Reasonable. CHARLES CATTA, Proprietor v - T - e irn w w v w S ' are under ? null exp nte. Have no middle- ! men to pay. own " , -JJk c "iw,t' , our hearae and , lltSTA 1:VlA willtreat you fair. S lii(iJWw0N,rR,c,tTAL,' I our hearae and S Job Printing THE LAND JAUD CASES j INDICTMENT! UtTUHUfD AOAINtT I MITCHILL AND HIRMANN. Tha ar Chargad WltH Contplracy To Oafraud tha Oovarnmant Othr will ba Namad. I'rll(in4, Or , !;, HI Tha r4rl rhn4 Jury whlh baa f.n rrmt-4 t'f wvml wM-ka 1 lnvdtlgalfn varbma pliaara r,f irw land fra4 ui.arib4 In tlila Ul. by fl A, It Orama, I ngi-nt of lha )pitfnriii r,f M Ir:(erlfr, n4 a.nt bi-ie. It a!4, at tha Inatan'-a f I'rrald.'M lt.i.-Vfli. (I, la aftornwifi rrtm4 tnill, trnTila aaalnat 1'rilUd Htit-a Vnlr ,Jhn II. Mstrbfll and .'(ft-.grvaaman lilnK'-r llrrniann, who ara i,argl in tha Indktmanta with ton' j lrarT to fl, fraud Ilia l'nl4 Ulati-a ' '1uvrmniirl if j.iil.llf land, Jf 8,i,ii,fi, (iHifiy a 4-puly ImiKT In thla roiiniy, an4 a man who baa m!4 In ptty polllka. waa alm In dlrlwd, lflrig rhargMl with having at tntrd l' brllja I'riHwd UtaU-a Irlalrb-t Aiirny Mall In th aunt of ti'ffl. u j IhrtiH-nr bla faxrral'lo cwnalleralWn In lha ui f I lor arc rj MrKlnlcy, 9. A 1. l'Ullr atit Maria U Ira. ! Klnlry and l'uir wr r w-rtljr ivmvl. d if r,r,4a'y to defraud th ! fivornrrKil of ubll landa. Mlaa War aa ault4 Hit--n additional in dli Inwnta ar art lit fx-nding agalnal tha ti1n. ('ottgraoninn sltig-r Il,rniartn, who III lra f,r Waahlngton tmrroW n)rnlng, Imu4 tlwt following wrtlt-n alat'-rri.nt lunliitit: 'Tha IndU tnwnt rr- luit)-1 agalnal ma la tha ranlt of on of tha baarai rnslra-b-a ar,d of ma ; It- 'a t- r, .jtii.n. I rama b-ra upon i lh advUv and urgent auat'tln ot my frlrmla two wn-ka ago, aa I had b--n In jfnrnifd by thm aff'iria w being-rn4 to Implirata H naUir Mit hrll and I In Iho raHi land frauila whl h bava ' unl.-r Invratigalbin and trial and which 'frauda It waa rtimd I knowingly aided 1 and advan4 during my arvba aa com 1 mlMlnr of lha Onrral I-and Offtoa. I ;krw I waa fr frum any Imputatlnw of j winng'd'ilng. and no huneat ltm-u itould Invuha me In that charga. j "ItrvrraJ Inatwi'tUma wr mad aa to j Itu-aa land t-nlrlra. Ttivy had paaard the ai'iroval of tha k-al land off j Thay bad Iwb undrr lha careful arrutlny ' i.f th aaalatant ounmU'lun'r, wrhuac , lTitiniiy In tha lata triala In thla city 1 waa to tha r-ffect that h found th evt- i drnr aatlfa'-tory. I brlivva tha law bad twa-n complied wall, I had nn aiualntan(i with tha landa, no Intl-Bta-y any of thnaa to ba brnnitd. no Interval In tha tranaar tUnna dbwt or j Indirect, and no prutniae, no cnnaldrra ! tkm. no Indurrmrnt. and I acorn any tiggrauai mat 1 vrr neaitatmi 10 at ana by my a worn duty In thla or any oihr truat impcMnfd upon ma. "I have barn a rtdvnt of Oregon jalnr my boyhood and have bern -n-jtmtl with many tranaactkma affect Mug tint pnhlw- Inti-rrala, and wHh try frllowmrn, and In thm all my alngla rndrator ha brn to dlatharga my duty and trrrrv my homr. Mlatakra may aomvttni bat Iwi-n madv. and I may hate bvn titipoard utwn. but I am not ronarioua of having vtolatrd my obliga tion aa an officer, or aa a prtvata citlan. "If frauda wrrw practiced upon th of -Bee tha Impoaltlon wi.a aa grxwaly pr rx't rated upon m aa commlaalonrr. aa upm other In office. "In rlw of tHeae eondltlona I am 4natd at tha action of th grand Jury and rrallao the dtaadvantage In not knowing who the aritneaat-e wir who tpntined againat ma. or what thrir etate nirnta wrr. to all of which no oppor tunity waa gfvan m to croaa-rxmlne or vipialn. I rr ly upon my vindication be fore a trial Jury, before which, aa a cltl ten. I ahall ba protected againat mera Innlntiattona, baa persecution and per jured teetlmony. 1 "Having remained her expecting to J be recalled before th (and Jury for an opportunity of answering any accu j Milon w hich mlRht have been made , lnr my appearance before that body. but with courtaay waa not accorded me and the Indictment having been brought. I now f-l It my duty to return to my oftclal duttea In VTaahlngtolt and come back after congcra to meet thoae mall- clou and base accuaations." The grand Jurv waa eicuaed until Jan- kry 10th. The bond of thoae Indicted waa fSaed at M.OOO. and they are to be given a reaaonablo time to retum them to the court. Heney left tonight for San Franciaco, having been called to that, city by -an Important case. He will return In time to take up the conduct of the Inveatiica tlona before the grand Jury on the day It begin work again. A number of wltnesaea from Wash ington left hint nlKht for their homea having finished their testimony before lha Jury and will return to Portland In March or April next aa wltneaaea be fore the federal court when the caaea com to trial. Newt Was Expected. WeabltiKton, Dec. Jl. The newa of tha indictment of Senator Mitchell and Representative Hermann haa been ful ly expected for aome time by tha of flclala having to do with the case, and therefore came aa no surprise. Secretary Hitchcock frankly atated that he had looked for the Indictment Moody declined to make any comment, although It la believed here that he, tew, waa prepared for no other decision than the Indictment of tha two men. Hlteheock consented to make a brief statement concerning the case and aald: "While we all regret that men occupying- high stations In public life should get within the clutches of the law, nevertholeas, the Interior Ekpartment and the Peparlment of Justice had ita duty to perform. -v "These land fraud Indictments are the reault of two years of the moat aearchlnx Investigation and are a part of tha unalterable determination of the President and the administration to bring to Justice all the offendera high or low. "Theae Indlotmenta," continued the Secretary, "will not be the last. More are to follow, although I believe I can Ay the inveatfxatlrm will Involve no more oftVlala aa blah In the puMlrj er-vl'-e aa t " two tnmi of Cimm. "All tha caai' will I f.bifed n th handa of the I ar(mM of inaiir ard the i-rowmllon will t vlaoroita, "I (uMiol aay how many additional n-itirtm-ria ar to he rHtirnrrd. but It I true thai IM a almply th beginning. " TTi Herretary aald be eould not at thla tint t- Into the detail of th caa agwlnat ftenator Mli'twll and l'.'-pr,ti( a live Hermann. Mara Indictment to Com. I'orllaod. Ore, Jan. l.Th Ml'-imnt of Ken a tor Mltrhii and Itprenttiv Hermann try the Federal Orand Jury doea not mark tha end of the Involu tion a by that brxly. but rather I lha be ginning rf work fr-rea'hlng In It lm fmrtanrw and ffe-t thrmighout the en tire mited Ulatea, ttenator Mitchell and Mr. Hermann, at far a I now Judged by the evidence, known in be anginal them, are Impll- rated In email frauda and unimportant ror(,lrarle n i-nfTipufimm with tha far- reaching ateal that will. It la aald. yet b brought to light and punlahed W the,"' hajutitty nam-4 an Government. Tha- work dfn during th pt two year tinder th supervlalon and direc tion of Colonel A. K. Ortne. and th evidence fathered by hint and th feat of th Government ofnlala who have be-n working ixn tha can, have led not to Hermann and Mitchell alone, but to I many of thoae who are prominent In th ! " "" aioiajia; oeorge La tat, ao It la rumored, and to thoae who j 'm Kr' Mr Gw- Mafdtef. ar operating through agent from die- City. No. S: J. W. Root. Bortng; lent parte of th nation, all to th com- I n'1 "1r Harkweather. MUwaukl. mn of curtng control of the timber 1 0,n'J,,k'0 ot th committee reaulted ... . . In IK. . ,J 1 T A r.,. ... ana other landa of th atata tor their uae. and the evidence gathered w! aliow that the land boa been atoten from the Government and ttwi peopi through fraudulent meana and method. The or in- exmo.i oy appotnuna; an maaa of evidence gathered I aald to be j ' .'P"-U;:. for each aectton of wldeapread it. Ita application, and wl!JS,h erf'Tn thla aervlc tn reault In many atartllng dveWpmr,ta ( n, "" In thl way an exhibit mor befor the end la reached. It Wi urrdoubtedly the Intention fof the Government to return an tndlrtroent ; againat Fred A. Krlba. the Portland tlm-i'1"" ln" i.wnir lr man. and In all probability thla wlllCaurt to ,h expense of th ex- be on. of the flrat made by the i mil- h ""bera of the executive Jury when It reconvene on January i i ""ttte are working on a plan that upon the retum of Mr. ll.ney from Cai- P"V" h 'ln "otw by Ifomla - fpular eubacrtptlon. The people of KHt- baa Un a llmle neultor for 1 Clackamae county feel that they hav many year, and bla caae haa been under the eye of th Oovemnsent people atnc flrat they began to dig Into th land- fraud attuation tn Oregon and the North -weat. It 1 aald. and on good authority. Ihiit ICrlha holrta an unlaua ttoaittnn Ihe otnra In .ha at.l. and district. In th past Sv year he ha secured. In on way arid another, mor than tul.004 acre of th best timber land In th Northwest, and of that vast accumulation mora than loe.W acres are located in Oregon. , Even In the past few days h haa made transfers of timre than t.eoe aeree of hi Oregon land. and. it la believed I now trying: to work off hi holdings or a part of that wUlch h- ha in his own name before th era ih cornea, which he 1 aald to be fearing. UirT SWEETHEART FOR ANOTHER. Molalla Young Woman Boys Wadding Troau and Disappear. In the sudden disappearance ten day ago of Ik-He Noyer. daughter of Ben Noyer. a farmer residing near Molall.'V haa resulted the sudden termination of a love affair and the breaking of the hearts of the girl's fond parent. On Tuesday. iJesember 10, alias Noyer cam to thla city tor the purpose of making some purchase anl completing her troa seau for ah waa engaged to be married to John Cross, a young fanner of th Molalla neighborhood. Since that time the antxoua parent bar not heard a word from their daughter, whose where abouts a thorough search haa failed to disclose. In the search that haa been made to find the girl, who la only IT years of age. it haa been Warned that Immediately on her arrival In Oreogn City she was Joined by a young man of tbls city. named Knowland. with whom ah went away presumably to Portland. Her es cort returned within a few days when the girt .was seen In the company of another young man. whose name 1 not known. Friend of the young woman at first feared that aha bad commlted suicide, but that theory waa dlsproven by the search and It Is thought she la now hid ing In Portland although a week's hunt has failed to find the slightest trace of the niisshig girl -Oregon City Item In Oregonlan. (wSIMosintEd There is a quality in . Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accord ingly endorse and recom mend it. ROYAL BAKIN8 POWDER CO., NEW YORK. CLACKAF.IASAT THE FAIR WHAT COONTV tXPECT TO DO AT 1909 tX0ITION. itatamant of Commltt Appaart In th Nv Vaar't Ortgerc Ian. The follow li aeeotinr of the flarka mti frtiitl exhibit that I being pre pared for the Lewia A (;i,,rn fair a(. Krd In the Orlgonlan' annual num ber laat Monday: "Confident of their ability to gather and exhibit a collection of reaotrrcea au fwrlor to that of any other county In tha itat, tha popl of f'Urkamaa county ara uriuaually active In gathering tha cream of their varied prwlucia for tha ll Clark Exprwltlon, To that end an organlaxtion haa been formed through which creditable reprenentatlon of tha county will reault. A g'-neral committee, conalatrng of on mmlr from each of the i" precinct waa named at a maaa wetlnx f th cllrx-na of Clarkamae J hM r,y tr- Thla gen executive committee of nln member to which waa delegated th apeciflc teak of upervlalng. aaaortlrtg, arranging and Iranafortlng th exhibit to the Expnal lion, The executive committee conaiata of: Henry Oana, Oswego; J. T. Apperaon. AlH-mathy; W. IJ. Btafford, Oregon City No, I; Mra. Mary 8. Howard. Mullno; " " " l.l'ii t and r. Htarkweather aa aecre- lary. Th two commtttee are acting in conjunction and have facilitated tha col- thoroughly representative of th county will be procured. "In addition to the appropriation of ,onwlkhl to hw th Utt tol,OT that worth aeelng and are going to pend what la neceaaary to collect and exhibit tha am. Intereat In the exhibit from thla county waa greatly attrpuiated when Clackamaa captured first honors at th I Nt-1 Grange Fair at Portland In govern wr. zm mt 01 in prooucia that were shown at that time hav been turned over to the Lewis Clark Fair committee, forming a splendid nucleus for th more comprehensive exhibit that la to bo made at the 1)06 Fair. Th agricultural, mineral and manuafcturtng Interests of the country are ail working in behalf of the exhibit. "Other arrangements are being mad by the people of Oackao-aa County to show, the Fair visitors what can be pro duced tn thla section. During the laat year the County Court baa ex; vnded thousanda of dollars In the Improvement of a Qumber of ita highwaya so that th Easterner who is aa certain to visit Oregon City as he la to attend the Fair, may be made acquainted with the land of Clackamaa County besides being1 fur nished an opportunity to enjoy the unri valled river and mountain scenery tn the vicinity of Oregon City. Befor the gates of the 1K5 Fair are thrown open the County Court will hav completed a number of beautiful dn.,as leading out of Oregon City, notably among which will be one on the West Side, and another extending up h Clackamaa River to the Government hatchery. Matchleaa river and mountain scenery in addition to a large acreage of rich orchard and agricultural landa are to ba viewed from either of theae driveway. waya." "The Two Little Walre." This play la one of the moat successful ever written and staged by Lincoln J. Carter and will b seen at Shively Opera House on Wednesday, January 11th. It Is without doubt one of the most stir ring plays that will be seen at thla thea tre this season. The story Itself la full of strong; heart interest. The villian, in order to win the love of another man's wife, breaks up the home and kidnap one of the children. The mother la re duced to abject poverty, but tn her direst need refuses aid from the man who brought trouble at the door of her horn by his base plotting. The piece la full of pathos and tenra but la not without some good comedy.