Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 30, 1904, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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C Thrre in no upccific for
consumption. Fresh air, rx
erci&c, nourihliin food a.ul
Scott' i Krnulsion will come
petty near curina it, if therf!
is anything to build on. Mil
liom of iconic throughout the
world arc living and in good
health on one lung.
31 From time immemorial the
octori ire(ribcd cod liver
oil for consumption. Of
course the patient could not
take it in it i -old form, hence
it did very little good. They
can take
and Iterate it for a long
time. There it no oil, not
excepting butter, no easily
digested and absorbed by the
system at cod liver oil, in the
form of Scott'i Emulsion,
and that is the reason it is so
helpful in consumption where
its use must be continuous.
fj We will send, you a
sample free. . .
IJ Hr llxl lliii
plut in lit futm of
a 111 it on I he wr
I rl of ttrty bottVc nf
f ttmltioii jou buft
Scott f Bowne
409 Pearl Street
New York
t n4l, ll 4luf lt
fhrlatms nmrnliiK (be itioiiim wn
covered with a while oml making It mi
ulil fftHlili CIii'InIiiiiin,
'' school of Kinlw Creek mi- huvltia.
ii week's vacation iliirliiK Hie holiday,
Minn Kiirr, lewlier In District No. SO,
wiiil hmiK to hii'I (he holiday will)
her parents,'
Ml Miittle Hunutt mil quit mi
Wi'll nun In, (nil Ik Suiue better tlnill Mlir
wn it fi'W liny iiku,
Hit it, i H' I I, Inn, our Hiipeivlsur. wii
wui kliiii on I hit OIIimiiii hill yesterday
Will) H crew nt huttdM laying plunk. The
hill tleeda mure work.
Mr, I 'ii liudy . of Iliifur, l vIhIIIiik hi
slsler, Mr. A, J. OiiikIiikh.
i'HMiil fiiiDllliN Id District No, 60 have
Hi" wIiimiiImk i'oiiiiIi. It seems lo b very
mniMn In iiniut ritac.
Mr, Win. J, llnwlftt I some 1-ttr
lllllll Mill Wit II llol't Hill HRO,
Ml Klttli' Couki' has returned home
after npi'iidliiK abuut Ifn 'luvi with her
hi iiml purciit, Mr, and Mm, W, J. llow-lill,
The best disinfectant of all I stuiHfhi
It drlroy by it very brllilne til rto
of erm anil til tlir aame limp help the
growth of plant unci animal life. JJoubt
le nil have noticed tint mould frown
during the night and In dark, damp cellars.
JirtKlit minllKht quickly drutroy frrnis,
mould or other oigniiiiiii. That U why it
I lrt to let thr tiuiliglit into your hout
for it pin ifyinii infltirnre,
At the Invuliiln' Hotel and Burglral loatt-tuti-.
iuffil". N, Y,. Ir. fierce, chief con
utting mit(fon, Martrd exieriment, om
three yrara ko. with the Finurn light in
conjum tion with the X-ray in the treat
mi nt n cliwawn. lie got rxrrllent remilt
there from. nd wan among the Grot to adapt
thin trout liable cure to many raaea which
it wan formerly anpoaed niuat of neceaaity
be treated by the knife.
Net only a lr. K. V, fierce notable for
hi aurgical achieveinenta at hit bonpital is
Hulfalo, but nearly a third of acenturv ago
be diacovertd certain root end beiba
which were nature' remedie, and auc
cteded in putting them up in form that
would be eaaily ptm-ured and ready to une.
Thi he called Ii. I'ietce'a Oolden Medical
DiM'overy, It muintain the patient' nu
trition by enabling him to eat, retain, digeat
and iiinute nutrition food. It over
i'k b'lMr b-auttful C'hriatmaa :
oi ilm iwt ' the. church whre j
come gaKtric irritability and ivmptom of
InillgcMion, and In thl way lever, night
weat, hradacliea, etc., are done away with.
It fortifie the body again! the germ of
conniniptioti, grtn and malaria, it build
up the limiue and put on healthy Serb.
TL'twe detiring to know Hornet bing about
the body in health and dieae, alito medi
cine and urgrry. without tecbnicalitiea,
ahould read the "Common Sene Medical
Adviner," whit h can lie had for v cent in
oue-cent Muiui lot the iloih Ixiund IkioK.
An Emergtncy Medicine.
For apralna. bculaea, burn, acalda end
etmller Injurtee. there la nothing ao good
a Chamberlaln'i I'aln llalin. It eoothea
the Wound and not only given Inntent re
lief, from pain, but cue the parte to
heal In about one third the time required
by the uatial treatment. Hold by Ceo. A.
Mi . Itiidoliili Wulfi-r, of A hi hi ii, but a
former realdent of Needy, dl-d on the
I'lith and waa bulled on th Ti, of thla
(limit Ii, Hit wnm lioitt In I'ennaylvunU,
on Ih.ceiiilicr i'i. 111; when grown he
removed to Indliuui. tlietl to M I omoiii I,
lnre he I'lnulni'd till 103 when !;a
liiiuilmii'd to Orenoii with hla family
ulld fiita lived here ever lilll'U, HI Wife
died III J NK1 and he he allice lived wlm
lil dmiKtiter, Sir. Judith Miller, lie
Iravi-B lo mourn hi death. Ave aone mid
I hire daughter; J.. Win. It., and Mi l.
I'lilldllim HlaulTer. of Ifiililiiinl; Mi1.
Judith Mllbr o, Annua. H. !.. It. I. and
Mr. U. .Iitiiiieiinuil of Needy mid I'avld
It, of Irfiberul liealdea !xty-riv grand
K re lit Hiand, Ulld gient Kiellt rulld clillil
Mi John Wa.'hii.iini, n eldi-rly ldy.
j dud Hi- nileifm tune- lo full nij'1 In ink her! Addrena Dr. K V. Fierce, Buflalo, N. Y.
, III III lllKl Wei'K, UUI I 'IIB U Mill g llli'eiv
and we hope will hooi In- Well attain,
Kiiitik Klah wn eeen on our atreel
it dy or two ugu, and. Iki-IiIi black
llk tnultler, he wore thirteen of Jobe'
cmnfoi ter around hi neck mid till
i ntnil.ilni'd uf being i lillly i but when
IiimI .. ii he wn leelliin iH'tter ami ii ni
he would wmn dlienf with the extra
Mr. lluy Klxh, who la Itiklnu a cui e !
at the liuelui'K CollrKe In l'"t tluiid. m nl
Xnum ut home.
Mr. I'eivy Hitler, teacher at Uiguti.
and til Inter. Alice, teacher nt Hlgh
lund. are apetidlnj- the liolidaya here.
The odd KelMiw Citand Hall on
l-liilHliniix wm largely attended and en
joyed by all
A ciowd of our young, folk attended the
dunce at Hubbard Monduy night,
Minn. Kat Him a In and Norah Crl
well of l,ortlHiid, ate vlltllig relative
iinn clod to hunt the thief,
' On fliilatttui eve there were (tiiltma
, tree exercle Wbl:h wure Well rendered
, down to Hmila Cluiia. Rev, ftelg made an
B!inirliite eddreee. for the (icniloii,
Mr, 0. W. (Jngory did eome good baii
j lone alnglng. There were many nice
I preaenie dlHtrlbuted through the large
; aiiillenrti, Home rrilwlilevoii boy or
Kb') imth. n"iiVTiitteril little too
fur by tiutilria firge' al.e undremed
j doll on the trie tnf vry modeat young
miin ,
Teaael Crei
tree and ufi
evervthlnii I r(titr'iJ U HHlng off
nicely, , -,'''' ',
The MolnlU m boot hue taken a vace- (
tlon until January 2nd. I'roefanor Clarke ,
and Ml Kaylle ere, teaching a good !
Mr. Otln flitting a little daughter la;
very U'W. Medical hkiii cannot oo ner
any good.
Kat turkey hen at 20 cent rT pound
go off good whllHt the owner la at Xma
progiam; llkewlae GO buahel of oat tfike
wltm and llv away. ()f coure thl la
no! ut Molalla thla time, but over In an-
other precinct. It look like while the
thief wh foraging for hlm!f h did not
forget hla tenm.
Our merciuitlle biiaineM will open out
on the tlrat of the new year under the
Dim name of Itobblna Brother and com
pany. '
people are talking railroad rather ex
pectantly now a If auch e thing a a
motor line at no far dlatant day through
the Molalla country will be an aaaured
The Molalla Mutual Teleprone amwjcla-
tlon will hold Ita annual election of dir
ector on the third of January. Thla
eftKoclatlon ha now nearly a hundred
member and I giving good aervlce for
the leat poftalblv tifmt.
hull limt rVldny night. It wu run with
aunt" milrlt lalmut three kIImiii and
there wa not any dry thing 'about It
Inutile or out. And Juet la-fore the jieep
of de.y aonieoiie iluye a pri Ileal Joke
mi the uffnlr by running off with the
rew-tve - n Jug and content, men tne
Oregon City Machine Shop
Twelfth and Main Streets
Oregon City, Oregon
accompli tiled
1'lnlntmn here wa
an Inch of enow.
There waa a big unre at the dancing
In all It tagea.
Ely's Cream Balm
ckenett, eoothe and heal
the dl trued membrane.
It earn ceurrb ud drle
way eold la tae heed
Cnua Balm U placed Into th ettrlli,(preada
over the Btembrwe and It abeorbed. Belief to la
nMdkate and ear follow. It I not drying-doe
with J not produce coeetlng. Large 8Ue, M eeate at Prof
(iU or by nail ; Trial Blse, 10 owu.
FI T BltOTB EK8, U Warren Buwl, Vtm York
Grip Quickly Knocked Out
Borne week ago during the eevere
winter weather both my wife and mye!f
contracted aevere cold which pdlly
developed Into the worst kind of la grippe
with all It mlaerable aymptoma," lay
Mr. J. B. Egleeton of Maple Landing, la.
"Knee and Joint aching, mucle aore.
head Mopped up. eye and none running,
with alternate spells of chill and fever.
W began ualng Chamberlain' Cough
Remedy, aiding the earn with dote of
Chamberlain Stomach and liver Tab
let, and by It liberal uae soon com
pletely knocked out th grip." These
Tablet promote a healthy action of the
bowel, liver and, kidney. . which 1 al
ways beneficial when the ytem I con
gealed by a cold or attack of the grip.
For sale by Ueo. A. Harding.
Prices Reasonable
DO YOtir Work Work Guaranteed
We do a Geuural Baggag and Traisfer Business.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Oftice Opposite Masonic Building
T"''p';:,;r;f ' Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Mr, ami Mr. Hubbard gave a turkey
dinner on Xma day..
Mr. ft. W. Bentley and family spent
Tuesday with hi brother, D. M, Bent
ley. The wather )t III continue to be cold.
Home y a few flake of anow fell.
(rorillriued from Page Four.)
O. Saurn,
A. Delker,
District No. 35.
Orlln Zeek,
i 8. W. Scoville.
! Ktlllman Andrew,
j Kred Radford,
I C. Cottee,
J O. Houglura,
i E. Swank,
V. H. 1emon has purchaned a
itf Rilwrt t'ui-rln.
Mis U I-rnon went to Portland Sun- yron fc,dward.
(Jay I Jas. Spiers,
There was an enjoyable surprise party i E- E- Vau Fleet,
at the residence of H. H. Auder In hon- Tea W asrner,
W desire to thank our many patrons
for their liberal patronage during 1904,
and wish for them a Happy New Year.
While we are too busy this week to
prepare a change of ad., we will take
pleasure in finding time to wait on you
when you call at our store.
Our prescriptions -are always com
pounded from the purest of drugs and by
experienced pharmacists.
Watch this space next week.
! A
Ml I.ydla Egge spent ChiiHtma with
her friend Mrs. (I. H. Rogers at her home
ut Wheatland.
Eddie Hoff visited at his home near
fan by during the Chrlsttnus time.
The MIhim-s Ellutbeth and Ruth Shipley
urn spending the holiday with relatives
ut Everett, Washington.
Mis Mlnu IMddy of Portland spent
Vlirletmu with her parents.
Hurry Pollock of Oswego la spending
hla vacuUon at hi g'randparenta'.
Mr. and Mm. Will Berdlne- and little
Nola of Ruena Vlatu spent Christmas
with" relative here.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shlpb-y and daugh
ter Pearl ate Christmas dinner with rela
tive at Oswego.
Robert O'Biien. wife and baby of Port
lunil. spent Christmas with the home
A very pleasant surprise wa tendered
Mlsa Ella Rcum luat Thursday evening
by a pufty of her young friends. A most
dellght".il evening waa stient, the oeva
inn being her birthday.
Miss Jennie Reum and Ounther Sho
nlnc. Miss Nora Berdlne and Harjey
Miller sM-nt Christmas In Portland.
Mis Margaret Harman Is spending
her holiday vacation with relatives in
Mr. und Mrs.-Ed Mason and their seven
duuahters fmm Elyvllle were guests of
relatives here on Christinas day.
.ill. ..iiiiieiuir niiu litiiiit; nir ui
Into the lxigan house this week.
Willie Heavens of Heuna Vista is the
guest of his cousin, Miss Babe Beavens,
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Elery Capen entertained
ut dinner Christ mas day their children
and grand children.
Jus. Doweny is having a new barn
and wood-house built at his tenement
T. J. (Jury is having an addition built
to his burn.
A little son waa born to Mrs. Harry
Kusby lust week at the home of his
griind parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hunt.
or to Miss Selma Rodlun last Thurs
day. There wa a Christina tree and party
at P. M. Wugner's Saturday evening. A
select aswmbly was present.
Chi field Orange met Saturday with an
attendance of forty member. The elec
tion of officer j-esulted as follows: W.
II. Holder, Master; Cha. Duncan, over
eer; K. M. Gill, lecturer; Floyd Holder,
secretary; Irthe Wills, treasurer; W. B.
Ivmon. steward; Ralph I-mon. assist
ant steward; Mrs. Eliza Tocum. chap
lain; P. M. Wagner, gatekeeper; Grace
Davis, C'twe; Olive Wagner, Pomona;
Margaret Krlgbaum. Flora; and Cor;
YiKiim. lady assistant steward.
Clackamat Bridge.
W. H. Bonney,
Wilson & Cooke.
M. Bell,
B. Cox.
J. W. Mackay,
Clackamat and Damascus Bridge
For Infant and Children.
The Kind Yon Hate Always Bought
S. O. Weekland.
Ed. Boring,
Earl Tong, ,
J. F. Halbwachs,
H. Feathers,
W. W. Wilson, s
W. B. Hayden,
W. Kircbem,
F. S. Hutching,
E. C. Chapman,
G. Smith.
J. (Josser,
J. J. Heinrich,
J. Gill,
J. A. Byers,
S. Jones.
John Robinson.
26.60 ,
Bears the
I In the piatter of claims examined
and allowed:
J. B. Killen,
1 Wm, Brobst,
James F. Nelson, Assessor,
Ednetta Chase, treasurer.
Glass & Prodhomme, stationery, 13.00
C. Buchegger, recorder.
J. C. Zinser, school supt,
Winter Rates to Yaquina Bay.
In order to accommodate the many ,
people who wish to make a winter
trip to Yaquina Bay. the Southern j r:
oifl ..ni oii nn ! Huntley Bros Co.,
and Saturdays of each week, until . " f surveyr
March 31, 1903, round trip tickets at ' ?mf' . ,
low rates, to Yaquina and return, i ehJ .P""8'
limited to sixty days from date of!- C ?nlg " ,uber'1(. ,
sale. Those who desire to take ad-! (Continued on Page io.)
vantage ui mis rate tsuouiu appty io i
nearest Southern Pacific agent for i
Worst of All Experience.
run anything be worse than to feel
that every minute will bo your last? Such
wus the experience of Mrs. S. 11. Xewson,
IVcntur. Al "For three years" she
writes, U endured insuneraute pam irom
Indlgestlun, stomach and bowel trouble?.
iH-utii seei.ied Inevitable when doctors
au-t nil remedies fulled. At length I
was Induced to try Kleotrlc Bitters and
and the result was miraculous. I Im
proved at once and now I am completely
recovered," For Liver, Kidney, Stom
ach, and Bowel troubles Electric Bitters
Is the only medicine. Only 50c. It's
Kiuiranteed by Howell & Jones druggists.
r known by frbtt they have
rrowo. rur nail a century mrr
hsrc txrn the MandsM-hrnt
f ! I om to iph1u,t btttger, bet
ter cmpa ihnu n oitiera. Sold
tT Mil iiralen. I SOU Srri Am-
aal T'rtoall pilKuu.
'fViefOeteolt, Mloh. I
Near Huntley's Drujr Store.
Ureftt Britain and Amerio.
. Socialist to Organize.
I The Socialist mass meeting held in
, Oregon City on December 17, resulted In
1 the adoption of a new county constltu-
! tlon, for the Socialist party, which Is a
i new departure "In political methods and
; details will be given to the public after
our anal ratlneation meeting which will
be held on Sunday, January 8. at 11 a.
m.. In the oftice of Attorney V. S. lrRen.
Suciulists are invited to come as we
must elect a County Secretary and an
executive committee of three members,
also the question of secretary's salary
and other matters must be settled. The
new secretary will have complete con
trol of all funds and official business,
and It is Important that a good selection
be made. Visitors are admitted to these
meetings and each one is requested to
bring dinner along.
' Yours, etc..
Secretary. Pro Tem.
Mr. II. 1 Sklrvln Is very sick with
Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Albrlgbt of Teasle
Civek spent Xnuis with their mother.
Mrs. M. J. Jack.
Mr. I., llentley and family of Portland
Is visiting Mr. mid Mrs. II. llentley of
(his place.
' The Xmas tree ut the M. K. church j
was a grand success. The house was
crowded, und there was hurdly standing I
room, The children with eyes wide open j
....... .1.1.... .....1 ........ 1. ... I. ..r U'1,.,1 t),.,t, I
would get when all of a sudden the rear '
door of the church bursted open, and old i
Santa Cluus appeared, with baskets of .
presents' hiinKiiig on his arm. All was
excitement for a while! Each child re
ceived a present and all went away with ,
hearts full of glee, wishing that Xmas
would soon come again.
Mr. 0. K Young of Kutledge and Bert '
lUbutml are building an addition to their
There will be preaching: Sunday morn
ing; ut half past ten (10:30) The roll will ;
bo culled and all members are expected
to be present. '
TJTnrrnrl In 4lin nlfll
I P 1 1 1 H III!!
I iinntAttinn rrr
r S n
'" '''' '"' -er
Is Here
Anil we have made pro
vision for your wants.
Fruits, Nuts and Candies
and all Christmas special
ties at low prices.
For Your Dinner
We have the famous M.J.
B. Coffee. New shipment
CI just arrived.il Buy it for
your jChristmas dinner. "
Electric Grocery
D. M. Klemsen, Prop.
Main Street, near Electric Hotel