3 OREGON CITY INTtAPAlM. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1904. PAGE 7. : ...Short Sidehead Stories... " TKIfSi!UMOU TAI.UH OMTIIB WEfcK'3 DOINOH. ) Dth at Rdlnd. Mm, Aiigimt Kiink, togid dft ypiiiK, illrd IiimI Kilday ritKttt Hi hnr limn at Itmlliim), flia liHiad omit In tilt-gun fnmi Wlaionin four twit yi-tu Hlio In aurvlvt-d by n liiia ! in ml mul ai-v.il I'lillill'nn, lliiiim ami uinl four iliiuvliii'ta Rtmmbrc( Masonic LoUo Ah-Jiiin- d-r Kat-i'lhlnn. who dlml ri.ri.iy HI Ui. gait, Iffl nn miHih VHlimii nt ulmui $tooo. J, IC llrdgi-a mul I !( mp Armstrong wi-r liial wirk by lh rouit BnoliilH .nn-iilnia ot thn kmUId. In hl will, dtipdi ni iMiM.MiiiPd tafco in rf, j,, l-odgw A, r A, M.. av u Unit of land In it iiMghhiir imiiiwd Wnllni, and 'ft III" IiiiIiiii,' of lit, ruliilt. tt, lioif Arinatrnng. mil dream mm iiiaiilft-at In her vtiim, MIip wua brought In. imp l.v Maud Unit, wlio wi n! t Hitlum for l ln iiiiipoan, Th Infamous iiikiwIIh la now wllhoiit a fol lows In (hi vlrlnlly. If ho got hi Just drawn, tin. rial of lit I If., alioulij m npi'lil txlilnd Him walla IIihI now i-niniti lillil from aiM'lttly, That would pr-vt-nt lilm fiiitn iImIiik furihiT harm In the world, which b la Mhily lo do when h la lull-Hard after serving nut hi two yciua' acnli-nci. In tin. jnnHtril lary.- t'urvalll Tlmi. It will rrriulr nil the aid of ovary In fluiTir In the weatfin part of tho slat lo Hcconipllah tint matter. -Halt-in BUt-inun. Taaa Should ba Lowarad, . Tho pall, nmh'it can-iiHi of running lln aiuin of Orrgnn th nxl two yui la $l,si:t,(it, ).! -. of kjo,oih) aa iiiniimi-il with th dial IiIi-iiiiIiiI Irrin, Mul la jn.ilml.li. that lh rlhlint will b rriwli-d hy th legislature, and that Ilia approprla tiona will Miiiouiit In round Usui it,, ooo.ooo, Thla la a dei'iraa of vwr $'), oofl in alali lu., and lugrlhar with I ha fart that ni....y Vhlura have lipi-n luigi-ly ni'i i, ahrtuld tni-ail it aub tantlul n dm linn in ili ml f taxa Raward Rathtr Than Punlihmant Ijiat HnlunlHy nflirniMiii, i-cr Nrhi'ffi, thn i-vci -uii-oiiiiiiii(1iiI Inaj and ohllglnR JiiiiIIiii at Mm court houai. waa uin-alid Jy XliMirr Hhuvtir at llm Inaiiinci of th In lulu of Dm dirfriiil i)i pni trni iila at Ihi) nullity iuillnl mid hroniiht hefora I'liiinly J inlaw ltyun, An lnvinilKHtlin f llm niliiaunl pnrfuriimncn dim lom-d Ihbt IVIn wna up for reward rstlier than for iilllilmii mul piiiilnlinii'Ml. In n hilcf -'ili, JiiiIk Hyail prvariilad Mr. N-h-ten With a liBiiclmiiiie aolld (old ring, th lllft of Ilia coiihly oftlcrra In apprecia tion of thn uniform courleay at all tlmea ahown by Mr, Nelirun In. hi alrwurd- ahlp of llm court haiian. Mr, Nehien waa much pleaaed with tha gift am! praad hi thatika, ror flraman't Tournamant, Tin vol milder Hi r miii t.r una rlty ai plannlni 10 hold a niciii.'ii liiiiiiiiiinriii in itila clly neat Kninnirr. At thn lmiiiu.-l lveii ll ThiiKMlay main ir !!;.; itieiolxta of Koiinlalu Hoax t'otiiiiuiiy, a 'umiiiiIIIit, oKmlmiiiK of tlv niemlH-ia. wna apHilnt l to ililnmlnn the fcHKlblllly if hold ing auch a iniiiiiBiiirtil Tim ruminlilre imialaU of Kiank .Miiglnnlii, cuiilnlii of III. hiino iMin Hint pMrtlclimtnl al Hie Aatorla Toiiitiomeiil luat Hiiimiici : W. 11 ll.iwill, anpci'liiu-nilKiit of I lie Clly Water Wurka; ,M Ju.Hn, n duiiiIhc of tli I'liy f nil; K, J, Nolih" and J. W. fol, Difd Of Cancar. Tlioinu" V. Hwoh. a iiallvv of Mlnmiurl and for twenty yuara l.mililil of I'lnckauiaa county, illej of l anu r of llm nlninn, h lul Kililiiy. nlaht at the i - Klil. in of liia dniialilt r, jli. Chaiba M Oglraliy. near tbla clly. The ,lii.l.r. waa ael "J yrui and twaldea Hit- ilunaliin, ,Mra, 0lrty. in aurylvrd by iwu aotia, ltrv. II. W, Hwupe. ihimIiii of tlm Klrat lluptlkt chinch at Naahvlllt. Trniiemu-r, and H. K. Bwope, an attor ney at Toledo, Lincoln county Hurlul arivlcra er iuinliirl.il at the rraldencr of Mr. Oiilr.li) at ) Ju o'clock Hiinib.y aftrtnuon, llev. l", II. Ivacixk. of IW land oltlclutlnic. Iijlei ini-nt waa held al Mountain View nlnileiy Got th Coon,- A good alory la being liiftl In ih aludent circle on certain four cuilct who went cofin hunting out near the hvudwater of Oak t'ri-ek, hiat week. Aa the atudenla wrn new at tha biialncaa they wr accompanied hy amna woodchoiipirr who acted ua guide mul owned the coon dog. It wna lnlfi In the ufteriKHin when they atiirted out, and It wua not long until lha dog airuck (he fiimllliir acent of tt fine, big f(Kn. The briivtj hunteia only poaa'a-l a couple of lunlerna, uud Hie woodchopx-ra look lioxninnliin of I luxe mul lit out after the dog, who wiia letting out a yelp at every Jump, hot on th coon' trail, Thn "ten ilerfect" were lift" to follow tlm light, but aa (lie encliement of the chaaw In- ! creiiaed, they wera am foogolln, every I fellow being auppimed lo lixik out for hlmaelf, and It. wu not noticed when Hie unlucky atudenl were, loat In tha Jungle. Hut after Hi wary coon waa treed and killed, It waa noticed that the "collcgtt feller" were not In It, and a couple of woodmen atnrted out on Mudcnt hunt, mid tho loat boya were riot localed until i a. m., when they wer found hofMdeaaly lol and delivered back to the college, The would-be apoilanien think they have enuugh coon hunting for thla aiiiwm. ('orvallla liiuitte. Ayers O, f, Mehlrum to K. h, Trvtt, 1' acre In P. Hleimraon (T. 2-1 A ; K: tlfi'W. . T, 3. Oiiry and J, C, llungei ford 10 e. Aright and A, Marrmccl, blk !IH Mil WHiikle; A, Ilutihlnaon to K, T. Ilutchlnaon, U acrea In H-o. 32, I-J, K; $5.00, Hlate of Oregon to J.J, (Jmd, NK'4 of HK. Heo 11, 42; E (IjO. J, I. Oard to M. K. (lard NK' of KWIJ NK'4 WE4. c, 1. 4 3, K; $1.00. , W. Currln to 4, W. I'ettlt 0 A In Bee, ft. 82, K; $f.60. A, Truha to V, If, Bidder, HW'4 of NK',4, BK'4 of NW', H-:. 11, W; $ir.w. Hellwood Iaml and Improvement Co., lo J. C. Muelh-r, tot In that Hubd of t)ak Orove; $10700. Oregon Iron nd fltlel Co., to II. P. Kuaiherg, .0 acre in Bee. 2. 2-1. B; $100. II. K, Noble et al to H. Weldon. Iota 4 rind B. Bee. 27. K; $240 I.. Hiigbea to O, K. V. Lee, part of CI. 42, E; $100.00. 0, T, Kiiy to J. W. Btandlger 25 crea In 62, K; $1.00. V (jladatonn It-al Klnte Aaaoirlallon, to K. J. Helling, land In Clackama fruit I, inula. $300. 1. Hlma to K. King, blk C and part 1,1k 1 1 nir..a U,il.,l nt lliirln' fT.(t . W. Horrlgan to K. I-hman blk. , K'Z-l W MfS?,? HellWfKKl Add to Mllwailkle: $180t. I "'-"' -K , Craiy ovar Rll)lon. Wraley M. Km ini II, of I'oriliind, iH'came violently Iri an nc while e n roii in from Mllwauklo lo Ihla illy Monday aii-moon, l-uplng from hla a.-at In Ilia electric car. he at l in k. frllnw mai nger and created great ixrllciiH iil biifore being oveiMiwer ed by Ihe cninblued efforta of a number of lite paaai-tiicia. I pun reaching ttila clly Kuiuiell waa Uuiieil over to the mil Inn lili a who cauaiid hit commitment lo lh luMU nay I ii in in which he wua taken M'liiilny night, Kiiimill. who la 'ii r,na of ii k-. la a Mingle man, lealdlllg at I'oitlMiut. He hud been vlaltlng a lirmher at Mllwaukle and It la aupiHtaed 1 Hint In hia demented condlllon, he IhiuiiI ed an iegini City bound car ralher than a I'orlhiud cur, KuilH Imumliy la the 1-cHuli- of lellglmiR excitement. Half the III that man I heir to coma from Indlgeatloii. Umilock HkKd Hitter atreiigthena and tone the atoinut'h; and make Indigent hm luiMmHlble. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnlahad Every Wk by th Clackama Abitract A Truat Company, Inclu- Tianafei-. l-cember 12 to IT alve: P. J, Itimacn lo M. II. Minn. Wty of NVi. Hen. 32, 61, K: 120.00. J. A. I,ee et ul by guar, lo P. J. Han sen, flV'4 of Hec. 30, 6-1, K: $4900.00 (J. Ij. Klltott to W. II. Llndaay, HW of HW4 Heo . 2-2, K; $7W. O. W. I. Townalle Co.. to I M'Mire lot 11, blk 11. Kfttarada; $76. II Croiilii lo C. II. Matlock Iota 1, 2. 3. HI 11. 12. blk 21. Cmibv: tl&0.O4. ! Wlllauii lle Fall Co.. to 11. N. linger, I i'I'iiiiI "C" Will. Kail acienge Inula favor Open Lockt -There la nothing $2vn, Ihul will help the enllie valley more than j K. M. Ann-n to 0. O. Itiiynlon 41 A In ine iiiiii iinar in in inegon liy ij r i rw-cuon ... a . r, uei. Ara Now Maritally Jound. Mia Hophla 'lae,.y, thn laat of flie vlctlmi of Cref i i iiuiiain m livid ium Hole in r 1 Tim awme a niiluina of an i -. MWakiuliig fiiim a lung unpleua- by the iinvi-1 iinuiii. la the feeling and opinion of Captain A. II. )ruhnm. of the alcauur Pomona. Captain Uraham haa been a al u mix minimi of the WIMnnieile II. I)Hlih.r to Hiii In and lliuver. H4 of HK' of NWU Her. 3. K; $iki. II. V. Connor to T. M. Iturgln. and A. ilver fur a numlicr of yeara and I well J K. Hoover, gW'i of Bee. 26, 11 K; 11.00. You can hardly find a home without its Ayer's Cherry Pecfbral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks Cherry Pectoral up a cold in a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad vise parents to keep iton hand. " Tha bant mwrh mutlrlna tnoney ean bnv la A f r'( Cherry pwtoai. Win llm eanaba of childna autbla enU4 iailly ha Iwitcr." J'Xi KMUI.L. Haratoga, lnd. 2V.,IV.,I., j.f. itH'O , aMManiaajapaj foT ' Throaty Lungs mm. Th Clackama Aba tract It Truat Co. tre owner of tho only oomplet abstract plant In Claekama county. Prompt and j reliable work on hort notlco. ' All work . guaranteed. Abtract made, money ' loaned, mortgage forecloned, truat exe- i euted, catate aettied and title per j feoted. J. F. CIJVRK. Atty-at-Law, ,' Prealdent and Manager. ; Offlc over Bank of Oregon City. Tilings Uo Lsj!ie Best Oftsn Dlsagre With Ut 4: Physicians pres cribe it for their delicate paticats. OLD and PURE For Sal by . E. MATTHIAS -Solo Agency for Oregon City. Btantko m KM natiwwsrj BacsttM w OTreat of thorn. Indl Mtim follows. But thero'i a way to cmim such conaoquence. A doM ot s good dljwunt liUo Kotlol will ro!ia yon j I quickly effected P"na-,wefck)dIr!ltwht,yoaltt. TbU'f ill C. W. Inhart. Bowling ; lndif,tloil U. Kodol digotU tha food without tho gtomach'i aid. Thus tho atomach mUwhtl the body laatreneth- i anad by waolesotd food. Diatiar i ua- I nacotaary. Kodol digetta any kind of rood food. Streng theoi sod InTlgorstes. : ttodel Hakes Rich Had Clood "I had a running. Itching aore on my leg. Huffi-red tori in e4 Iioaii Oint ment t,k away the burning and Itching , ;tODC- your gtomch it gimply too (iimuiiii, taii.j nent cure.' lireen, O. Subscribe for tba Enterprise. 1M Hind Km Haw Always Baggt rriaarai oaiy oy m,. v. uu n rrr at uv., viucafjaa . 3oltxUoeeatAlBlAtUBOtbloa.Ma ysr oiled " ' ill wua a ctwTW. - f pi l lK Wtaj J9 ( AJwatawwrussiiA mt(mmt imvwM. nun Meit!OT- aide lu dlauuaa tha uiallrr from Hie alaudpulnl of an ei'iiiumill. t'aptnln Oraham auy that the pnrilmha of the lock hy the Oovii nun ul would redui-o lh fictglit lutca frtim the iiM-r to the lower river at leaai llfly cenl and pa 'Ugeia by lit would 10 centa on each imaMtge, He nay that every H-ron living In the valley la Intereattd lit tha mutter and that It la woiihy their care ful Mllenllou, There aocni to he a move .V II. IjJ'nrcat to U. K. Mi ldrum. lot Mk , On-gon K'ty: $M0 H. Warren to J. ('. Cutika. K"M;5 acre hi Hie 7.. l IC. of 1 W; Kla. 11. Aduma to I.. V. I-enho. SE'i of KVI of NV l4 of NK'4 of Ben. Ji, 6-1 K: $:u:5.oo. H. Aduma to J. A. Itlddlnga. BK1, of HW. SW'ii of 8K'. Hee. ;. 6 IK; $:w5.oo. A. J. and t.'.K. Inland, lo K. M.oah- h XED FRONT Youth's full stock wet weather shoes, cut to . ... Boy " " " " " cut,to Men's " cut to Ladies' Unlined Heavy Shoes $1.15 and Ladies' $2.50 Kid Shoes 1 .00 and Ladies' $1 .50 Kid Shoes, patent tip 1.20 Uaby 8 Shoes, worlli 0c lor Child's Shoes, worth $1.10 and 1.25 for.. $1.40 1.65 1.&5 1.40 2.25. .35 .95 Roy'a Calf Shoe, worth $2.00, for 1.C8 smaller Men's Fine Shoe $1.42, 1.69 and " Hich Ton Shoes, cood crade. $ 2.90. 3.15 I vWt 2.20 3.40 equal $0.50 Cutter 5.45 ' 'Slippers 23c, 48c, 63c Sadies' Slippers : 58c, 88c hoe Laces, pair GROCERIES .98 .91 .01 .15 .15 Oranges and lemons, each 01 Candy for Xrnas 08 up Peanuts and Walnuts , .10 Fine Figs, pound '. 08 Seedless Raisins "... .07 ' Fine Currants 10 Cheese . .r: lie to Good Coflee 14c to Fine Coflee, worth 45c, for .20 Tea Dust, usually 25c, for .15 Teas, usually 15c to 25 more 25c, 45c, .55 Cocoa, can 10 Starch, 0c Soda 4c Prunes 02 Washing Powders, pound .04 Fine Bulk Lard, pound .11 Flour 1.05 up Good Chop, 90 lbs f 95 Good Syrup, 10 lbs pail 45 8 quart Galvanized Pail 15 Clothes Pins, 1c dozen Clothes Line....x .05 Dry Goods, Toys, Etc. , Fine Lot Hosiery, from factory, 10c up. Factory shipment Wool Hose; Misses Hose, worth 25c, for 18c; adies' Wool Hose, 25c up; Men's Wool Socks, 15c ur to 25, and 27c for warm goods. Millinery, cut to cost or less; Ribbons at cut prices, ace at cut prices. ( t See our array of 5c and 10c toys; Picture Books, lc, 3c, 9c and up; Dolls, lc up; Metal Head Dolls, etc. Hundreds of useful presents, Clothing, Shoes, Suspen ders at cut prices. on foot looking lo Hit aoit of a deal, but ! l-iKr, K' of Hcc l. & , E; $3MiO. i A. 1.. I'hrlaleniH-n lo J. It. and E Naah. IliliV. '1. H. U. S4, 7. Hobt-rtaon; $:1000. j J. t'reawy to K. J. t'reaay, lola 6, , t.lk. 2. Mllwaukle; lula 2. 4, , 1. 10, 12. t.lk. f." Itoberlnon; $. H Kinil. Uuatcc. to J. Ii. Hulc. lota I 2. 4. ii. H, 10, 12. blk. S Kobertaon; $300. (1. il. Wright to J. W. McAnnulty, j.M acw In 8w. St. :-2, K; 13u0. , J. T. AiiiM-iTton to J. I'liit-Il, 6,53 jaciia In CI. i!9. 2!, K; $15.00. ' J. W. IahU'T to H. Oglcaby, l-J Inlrnut 'In i. aci.a lu K. Klaher CI. 2 X E; j $:& w. J. Hun,)' to A. It. Allen. 30 acrla in j J. l. Rwaffnrtl I. I..C. J-J, 12; $:'50O. j W. W. Webb to J. II. Bratnleit, NWi iof NW4 Sec. S. 71, E $160 00. j I. Kruiiiirn et ul to J. P. Ji'imrn, 23.80 Lcica In B- W; 100. J. 8. Holm to 1.. 8. Holm, 10 acre In CI tK 11. E; 11. W. J. U. NiM- to A. J. and K. Ijila. 7 acrea In 5-1, K; $:'00. J. W. Uidcr to V. A. Hllllnahead. 8 of lot 1, blk. 1. tirt-en Point; $10.00. E. M. Howell to 1). U. Euatham. part lot "A" Heuna VlKta; $150. 0. W. P. Townalle Co.. to It. W. and W. V. Ciiiy, lot 8. blk. ti. Eatucada; J2&0. R. W. Cuiy to W. K. Cury, Inl. In K. and V. V. Hkcen to to 0. White, 50 acre In and lietir CI 37. 42, E; $250. T. P. Caraienaen, to t5, E, Lodcr and P. I.. NiiHh. 222.07 acre In S 3. E; $1110. Tranafer December It to 25, Inclu-i-lve: II. 1 Kochcr lo W. V. Urwla, 18 A. In See. an. 81. W; $450. Hluty ljiml liourd to H. C. I.oicni. S'j of NW'i.,. NH of 8W;, SW'ii of NE4 of NW'i of KE', of Sep. lit; $300. O, W. P. Townaite Co., to 8. C. I.eUny. loia 1 and 2. hlk 20, Eatiicudu; $125. I ). W. P. Townnito Co.. to A. Corrl- j Ki) lot 23, blk. 32. EtHcud; $75. K. !. Burton to W. W. Webater, tract P and imi't tract 1, Clackumaa Rlveialde; $1250 00 A. Wahater to A. K. ami W. W. Web Mi r, Hi' of NW'i of 8E4, Sec. 26. 12 E; 1501. A. P. I'runnhiRei- to C. M. Biiine. 20 uece hi Cr. 3li. 4 1, Wj $1. C. Thlcme to U. Gllhouaen. lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5 and lii, blk I). Sims Suhd of lot 14, blk. 14, Harlow Add to Burlow; $225. 11. A. l.ce to R. 8. Cot, Sr., Rondway lu 8co, 34. 31. K; $8.60.' II. Hrlght to J. W. Root, 10 acre In Section ti. 24, K; $300. A. G. Hodgklim to C, Cl.-vilund. lot 39. Jennlnga Lodge; $300. O. Howell to K. Howrll et al Claim 62 und lot 4 of Sec, 30, 34, E; $1.00. M. 8. Hnrlow, and V. Toll to 1.. O. Skov, 6H.74 Here In 41, E; $3404.00. 1., II, Porter and n. G. Porter 100 A hi 8c, 14, 51, E; $1. A. W, -Cheney to W. 8. King part of Hhttw't that Add to Oregon City; $1800. M. C. Young to n. B. Gruhura, 113.0 A In Zumwtilt claim, 31; W; $2500.00. J. W, MeAmilty, to J. C. Percell. 6.BS acre In 80. 28. 22. E; $375. x W,. VI. Seward to C. Thlema 5 acrea In Sco. 8, 41, 10; $1250.00. J. It. RIclmiKon to C. Trdtakl, lot 2, 8, 4, and NWH of 8WV4 See. 17. 33, E; $3000. O. T. Kay to 0. Hall lot 3 and, NW of SW4 See. 2, 52. E; $1000.' P. Redigor to C. E. Yodcr; 10 acres In I. D. Murray Cl B 1. E; $500. ' V. Bayre et al to O. T. Kay lot 3 and NWW of SWVi. Spo. 2, 6 2 E; $500.00. M. E. find R, R. Bratton, to 3. T. Kami Catarrh quickly yield to treat ment by Ely'a Cream Balm, which U agre. ably aromatic It U waived through the DoatriU. dean and heal th whola iur- fac OTr which it diffue itaelf. IrnggiU ell tha 60e. size; Trial aiz by mail, 10 cent. Teat it and you are aure to continue the treatment. Announcement. To accommodate thoaa who ara partial to tba uae of atomizer in applying Iwoida into tha nasal passage (or tatatrhal t,'nt bUt, the proprietor prepare Crea-v Calm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's liquid Cream Balm. Price including the prayin g tub i 75 centa. Dm ggiaU or by mail The liquid form embodies th med icinal propertiee of the solid preparation. SENDING MONEY ABROAD If ytm wish to send the Old Folka at Hume a remem brance for hristmas, come to us and we will bell you a draft that is good in all the principal cities of Great Britain and Europe. CHEAP and SAFE. . THE BANK OF OREGON CITY Oregon City, Oregon -jfHIS month closes another successful year and in carefully looking oyer our books we find that . we . have given most careful thought and incurred no little expense in bring ing our goods and methods to your notice. That our efforts have hot been in vain is very evident. un7 'E will not enter into any great volume of promises or resolves for the coming year, but simply say that we thank' you most cordially for your continued co-operation, ot Accept our best wishes for a Happy New Year. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS Brown, lit 1. blk. 14. Barlow's let Add to Harlow; $t!50.