PAGE t. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, DtCIMfttR SO,- 1904, Amt. I"ue. 7 and 8, block 7, 31.09 each 2.18 miner, u. a., tiiauxiono. iota u ami 13, block T. 1.0: each Beaver. Mat t to, tll.-tdstone, lot 15, block 7 Seaver, Mnttie, Gladstone, lot lii, block J , Mcf'uwn, M. K Illadxtone. lot 12, block Mt-Cown. Cornelia, tlladxlniio, lot 13 block 9 Hawkins, Chas. tllalloiic, ,in 14 n ml .15, bl.xk 11. f 1 !t each McCowu, Cornelia, tsiadsimio, nil that tract of Inn. I an dcm-rllied in Record of IVeds, Hook ti., l'age ISO lHnilck. U. 1)., tllm'stone, lots 7, S, s. and lit. block 1 4. .S3 wins each Hnmbo, li'ii (!., tlla.lstone, lotR, blk IK Willamette Vnlli'V Chnututniua As sociation, (Hailstone, lot 15. blo-k 20 tlroom. J. K. llladstone, lot 1 and 2. block 'J!. Kl.O each Chase. Mnrv K., Gladstone, lot 9, block -S Wells, N. K. loadstone, lot Jl, blk 28 Cross, K. M., Gladstone, lot 3. blk 7 Anna H. Moore, West C.laJstone, lot 11, block 2 Itloomer, W. J.,iWest Ulattstotie, lot 17. block 11 : Front. J. 0.. West Gladstone, lot 12, block 12 Gtbba, Jessie A Uta adjoining Gladstone Park, part aa describ ed in Record of Iveds. Hook S3 Page 415. tract 110.. L'S-loo acrea 2.1S 1.09 1.36 1.0!) 1.09 3.18 5.47 J. 32 1.09 1.0J 2 IS 1 09 1.09 S'J .82 .82 S3 .55 1.S7 Eeklund, Alfred M., los adjoining C.ladstone Park, tract 122, 1.60 A Cnaa. F. M C.ladstone. lots 6. t, 7. 8. 9, 10. 11. and 12. block S3 fc3 cents each St and Heal. I'navllla. lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. S. 7. and K, block 1. 12 cents each Sweet and Real L'navllla. lots 1. 2. 3. 4. S. . 7. and S, block 4. 13 cents each Sweet and Beat, l'navllla. lots 1. 2. 3. 4. S, and C. block 6. 13 cts each Sweet and Boal. Unavllla. lots 1, 2, 3. and 4, block S, 13 cents each Sweet and Beal. l'navllla. lota 6. . 7. and S. block ti, 13 cent each 0 Sweet and Ileal, Unavllla. lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. , 7. and 8. block . 12 cents each Sweet uid Beal. Unavllla. lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, and 8, block 10, 12 cents each Sweet and Beal, l'navllla. lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 6. and 6. block 11, 12cts each ..." Ilutchlns. Wm., Unavllla, lots 1, I. 3. 4. 6. 6, 7, and 8, block 12, 13 cts each .- Ilutchins. Wm.. I'navllla. lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6, 7. and . block 13, 13 cts each Sweet and Beal, Unavllla. lots 1. 2. 3. 4. S, . 7and s. block 14. Sweet and Beal. Unavllla. lots 12 cents each Sweet and Beal, Unayilla. lots 1 and 2. block 15, 12 cents each .. Sweet and Beal. Unavllla. lots 3. 4. S, t. 7, and g, block 15. 12 eta each Sweet and Beal. Unavilla. lots 1. 2, 3. 4.. S. 6, 7, and 8. block IS. 12 cents each Sweet and Beat Unalla. lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. and 8. if -eg 17. 13 cents each Sweet and Beal. Unavllla. blocks 2. 3. 7 and 8, as vacated bv county Court ". Lovejoy, Elizabeth. SH of NK'i and of NK'4 Section 27. Town ship t South. Range 2 East, 120 acres Brown. Henry A.. 84 of SE and NW of 8EU of Section IS.Twd 6 64 .96 1 Ot .78 .53 .5: .96 .96 1 04 1 04 .96 .78 10 r 5o 3 south, range 1 west -. 21.4ti nines. ;iinu, d.o acres aa described In Kecord of Deeds. Book 65. Page 128. Section 30, township 3 south range 1 west Hodson. Emery, 24 acres as describ ed In Record ot Deeds, Book ti4. Page L'5. Pactions 19, Jo, Township 3 south. Range 1 West Graham. J. W., 12 37 acres as des cribed In Record of Deeds. Book M 27. Page 25S. Sections 20.21.28 29; Township 3 South; Range 1 West , '. Unknown, all that part of Wi"of NEH lying East of Pudding Hiver Section 13. Township 4 South; Range 1 West Eagan. Marlon, 15 aeres as describ ed In C. C. Journal No. . Page l.o: 10.02 2.91 6.06 -, sections Z3. Z4, z, z; Town ship 5 South. Range 1 West Wetiler, Fred. Improvements on B. 11.78 Hoesley'a land as described in Record of Deeds. Book V Page 108: SVetions 1, 2,35.36; iownshlps 2 South and 1 South, Range 1 East jo n Lavagette. C. 4 L, I acres as des cribed In Record of Deeds. Book 74. Page 407; 25, 2'J. 3; Townshlp-1 South Ranges 1 East and 2 East 14 51 W ills, W. E. & L. A., 4 acres as des cribed in Rwcord of Deeds, Book R. Page 46!; Sections 25, 26 30; TOWnShin 1 ftnilfh' Uancroa 1 ,. .4 2 East Mlnthorn, H. J., 2.25 acres as' des ccribed in Record of Deeds, Book 64, Page il ; Sections 29. 30, 31. 32 25, 36; Township 1 South; Range 2 East , Kashland, Fred'k. 30 acres as des cribed In Record of Deeds, Book 47, Page 64, Section 6. Township 2 South. Range 1 East Magone. Amasa. Iot 1, Section 14 Township t South, Range 1 East Stuart, Dell, Lot 2, Section 36, Township 2 South. Range 1 East second half payment Walden. N. O., Trustee, 2 70 acre's as described In Record of Deeds Book 61. Page 347. Settlor! 36, Township 2 South. Range 1 East Smith. Annie, 50x272.60 feet. Julia Ann Lewis D. L. C, as described in Record of Deeds, Book 8J, Pg. 202; Sections 25, 26, 35 36. Town ship 2 South, Range 1 East Shipley, M. K., 13.30 acres, Anthey Jumes D. L. C. No. 69, as des cribed In Book X, Page 145; Two. 2 South, Raage 1 East Riley, H. W. and part of Walling Geo. D. L. C. Undivided Half In terest In 47.60 acres as uescrib ed in Record of Deeds. Book 33 Page 274; Township 2 South Range 1 East Cake H M nnr ,.t ti'..ui.. 'A'.' 14.51 7.18 16.30 1 50 14.37 2.04 .52 6.11 37.92 D. C, undivided Interest In 47.60 acres as described In Record of Deeds, Book 30, Page 277 Township 2 South, Range 1 East' 37 9' Thayer. AKgie, part of Shannan, Bamui-I D. L. C, undivided 3d interest 7.25 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book 73, Page iuwnHiup 1 nouin, Range 1 East Biehl, Emma, part of" "shannon, Samuel D. I,. C. undivided 1-3 Interest In 7.25 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book 73. Page 346; Township 2 South, Range 1 East Miller, Sarah, part of " Shannon. Samuel D. L. C undivided 1-3 interest in 7.25 acres as described in Record of Deeds. Book 73 Page 34G; Township 2 South, Range 1 East Miller, Cellnda, A., 5 acres a's'dVs crlbed In Record of Wills No. 2, Page 36. Section 21, Township 2, South, Range 1 East Shorn Wm Mult-u la .1'.... 1.&6 1.86 1.85 16.62 . r, .. .... ...... , v ..i,-n un ue- cribed in Record of Deeds Book K Page 29, Section 7, Township 3 S. Range 1 East jn24 Baker, Chas., 56.09 acres as describ ed in Record of Deeds Book 73, Page 146; Section 16, Township 3 South Range 1 East, second half payment Evans, Amanda, 120 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds Book 33, Page 400; Section 20, Town ship 8 South, Range 1 East O. and C. R. R. Co., beginning on the right bank of the Willamette River where sl'y line of Section 7.41 63.40 io, lownsnip a rsoum, uange 1 rarn., intersects same; in K.HMt traclnc Snuthcrlv Una thence of Sections 14 and 16 to County road mence oouinwesteny along Bald County Koad to D. MeArthur's land; thence West tracing said MeArthur's North line to bank of Willamette river; thence north westerly along bank of Bald river to place -of beginning; Sections U, 15, 22, 23, Townahip 3 South Amt. Pue. Range 1 East. IteiitH. It J., purl of IVmeroy Sam net, P. 1 C..&0 cihtit III l!icoid of lV-ods. UiHik mu --M: Townslilp 3 South, Kmige 1 Kant Ofli'bel, Oustnf, part of Mi'dites, A. F, 1. I '., a lescrllHd In ltccord of IWds. ltixk 76. Page Tin; Sections 3 and 3 South. Range 2 Fast .. faiillcl.l, K. pint of llclm. A. K. I. r,. I', us .1. x.'i lli.-.l In Kecord of IHvdK l!k 69. Page 417: Town ship South, Knnge 2 Kasl O. mid tV li. H. Civ. pin t of Hedges. A. IK I C., I ucre hj descrlb- S.38 5.03 in nM".ni oi i utiim itiHiK p:iiv U:t; TowiiKhlp 3 South, It. 2 East Uoih. Kiiincls, pact of Jiwlvti Wes ley l, 1 C 4.50-lUM acres f il. fciilicl In Kecord of IVeds M'. Page 219: Township 3 South, Kunge I Knsl t'nknown. inrt of .toslvn Wesley 1. I . C.. 4 -S of 3 7&-ltK aciv " Will Mittlkla. part of Joslvn Wes ley D. 1.. C. uudhkled 1-5 of 3 T5-100 A. as ilcsciloi'd In Rec onl of tnds Hook 1 Pag. 40 Township 3 South, Kange 1 East Putnam. Orlando, part of Biwk Miililou. I. I.. 0.. 6 acre. , ilicrilH'l In Kecord of 1W.1 Bk TV ZU; Township 3 South, Itange 1 East Bliiksley, J. M. A K., putt of j Phllnnder l. U C. 60x100 feet as .IcsriitH'.l n Kecord of Deeds Himk 47. Page i:; Township 4 South. Kauge I East Porter. Aimer, part of lc Philutnler IV U C.. llHix'.'OO feet as describ ed In Record of IVcls ll.Mk 43. Page 352. Township 4 South, K. I Kant Koehler. R.. IMllt of S.l..f i. "a 4.73 6.78 ! S9 1.12 1 44 P. I.. C 75 acres, as .I.k. i IIm-.I In Kecord of lcedH B.mli I, page 2t'.6; Township 4 South. Kango 1 VUit ? Will. Matilda, pjut of Seely. I-."a. j'. i. miuuniiMi 1-6 or 8 acres as described In Bmk U l"nge 40. Township 3 South; Unknown, part of Scelev. !. A., I. I. t. undivided 4-5 of 3 acres as dcscrtlxtl in Record of !)ed. BiH.k U Page 40; Towusliio 4 South. Range 1 East J49 Fortune. Minnie. 12.82-list acres as described in Book 16. Iage S3 StHMon j;t. TowiiKlup 4 South. R. 1 East , , 2 09 Fortune. Minnie. ;5 74-ltH) acres as described in Record of DihMs, Bk 76. Page 337; Section 34. Town ship 4 South. Range 1 East 3 92 Thompson. Wm.. NO acres as des cribed in Record of IVeds Book l Page 331. Section 5. Township '5 South. Itange 1 Kast J4 6J Kaghy. F S U. 8W, Section 8. Tp 5 South. Range 1 Kast 19 5 NeiieiiHchwander. C. V, of SW Section 11. Townnlilp 6 South Range 1 East; second hair v ment ISO" Neuenm hwander. C, 2 a. res as' des"- crilwd In iteord of IVeds Hkik 76. Page 14. Section 14. Town ship 5 South. Range 1 East; sec ond half onvment 14 Pi 'orter. I.llliiin H.. 8 100 acres of Sectioi! 14, Townshiu 6 S . Range 1 Kast 2& 6 inn kart. S. & B. SV4 of NW4 Section 16. Township 6 South. K. 1 Kast k r. Shlvely. M. M.. Heirs. 4-& of xii acres as des-ritied in Record of leeds H.,K 7;i. pag 106. Section 21. Township 6 -South, Range 1 Kast , 1 -j Dinilck. B. M . 1-S of 80 acres "as described In He-ord of Deeds Bk 7s. Page 145; Section 21, Town 6 South. Knnire 1 Kmt nu Taylor. J.' a I. M . fl u of Swi Section 21. Township & South. Ramce 1 East 11 11 Junes, Elmer. 62 50-1 M descrilied In Record of Deeu Book 76. Page ; Section 26. Township 5 South. Knntre 1 F!na a nr. Marley. P. II.. EW of SW14 of' NE - 01 nn -t section jj, Township 6 aouth. K.'isire 1 a Marley. P. f I . Sttl, of Nwii'an'd iuriu t ai-1-.-a or KW of 8WV S.-ction 35, TownahiD 6 South R. 1 Kast . ,,, ... ..... v..ijren. r,uza r.nen, acres as des- 011 bed In Kecord of Deeds Book 83. Page 310. Section 35. Township 5 South. Range l East; second half oavment Stelndler. D. N., NE4 of BE 4' Sec - 1-. townsnip Houth, Range 1 Kast j Unknown, part of Marunam' Alford u- i. t .. Deginning 60 rods Kast of Northwest corner of claim No. 46; thence East 15 rods; thence South 20 rods; thence West 15 rods: thence 20 rrwlH 1,, h0,nnin it Ryan. J. B., 25 acres as described in rteeoril or Iteeus, Boole 74, Page 159; Section 28, Township 1 Houth Kan ire 1 Knst . . -. or. Reynold. C. 6 acres as described " in Record of De-ds Book 86, Page 168; Section 28, Township 1 South Oat man. H. B. and iielas'liinui. Van " . i acres as aesenoed In Rec ord of Deeds, Book li, Page 229 except as described In Record of Deeds. Book S3. Page 178. Sec tion 29, Township J South. Range 2 East . . , if Williams. E. B Lots l and 2 Section if, lownsnip 1 South, Range 2 East . en ia Hartung. J. M., 20 acres as described 111 iioioru ot ijeeas I'.ix.k 44, Page 3U ; Section 35, Township 1 Houth RanEre 2 Knsl a tc Mather, A., 60 10-100 aeres'as des- orioea in Kecora or Deeds Book 31. Page 288, Section 34, Town ship 1 South, Range 2 East except as described In Record of Deedis Book 76. Page 366. Section 35. Townshiu 1 Hrmth 9 1 cr - --. - r, iwii i.uri Davis. N orris, 5 ar-res as described in rwcoru 01 ueeas Book 69, Page 173, Section 2, Township 2 South, Hunter, L. M., 2 aores'ss deacribed in necoru 01 ueeils Hook 66, Page 122, Section 2, Township i South, Kanife 2 b'.niti ?ni half .... . ab - ,,a, yay in 111, .JO Draper, Awrle M.. lt 1, Section 4 lownsnip 1 Houth Range 2 East 26 Ambler. Mary E., 2 88-1U0 acres aa uesentiea in C. c Journal Vol 8. Page 223; Section 6, Township Reynolds, C. B. and A., i'acre's'as ' uesenbed in Record of Deeds Bk 62, age 345; Section 8, Township Ambler. Mary K 100 as d'e's'c'rlbed m 1.. journal vol. 8, Page 223 Section 8. Tnunuhln a,...,u o i r.ast . . 17.49 iniuiw, cmny, du-iuo acres as ueririueii in ueeord of Deeds Book 45, Page 344; Section 9. lownstiin 9. u,,,,,!, rn,. a 1.44 Hibbard. O. F 8 unuare rod. described In Record of Deeds Bk L'J'av? 1S' 8(!tlon 9, Township 2 South Hi, 1,10 L'ouf I.lvesay, Nancy J 60-100 acies'a's .29 uescriuea in Kecord of Deeds Bk 35 page 346, Section 9, Township South, kfliwa Vaul 1.44 Uladstone R. E. Ass' n. 4 acres m described in Record of lu,. xjir 31. Page 397, Section' 21, Township 2 South, Range 2 Kast Mayer, Samuel, 33-100 acres as d'e's' crlbed In ltccord of Deed 1 Book 36. Page 463, Section 21, Township 2 South, Range 2 Kast , Ciiinminus. W .T f.K 6.47 .64 ( ilbed In Record of Deeds Book 75, page 244 and Hook 82. Page 43; Section 21, Township 2 East Itange 2 Houth 22 8(1 Wise, Sarah HE 14 of NW Sec't'lon 26. Township 2 Kast, Range 2 8 16.87 Moelinke, Chas., 60-100 acres des cribed In Record of Deeds Book 29, page 360, Section 26, Township orM'' Kan"e 2 Boutl .29 Wells, James A 25-100 acres as de- 82, l'age 21, Sections 3, 4, 6, 8 9, 10 TownMhip 2 Kast, Range 2 Houth ? 146 Caulleld, Mary E., Jennings, B D. U :., undivided 1-3 of 15 acres as described in Record of WIIIb No. 2, Vol. 6, Page 173, Townships 1 and 2 Houth, Range 2 East Abemathy, Mae J., part of Jen nlng's B., D. L. f. undivided 2-3 of 15 acres as described In Record of Wills No. 2, Vol. 6, Page 173, Township 2 South, R. Z KlIHt la KB Jennlnga, J. F., W.B. and' W.S.' part Amt. Due. S OS of Jennings B D. T 0, 70 acres its described In Miscellaneous Kensil No 3, Page 190; Twp 2 S. Itange a Kast, second half py ment , 50 acre as described In Miscel laneous Reconl No i. Page 190; Township 2 South Range 3 East, second half payment ,, Sisters of Doo.l Shepherd (Mng.ia leiia Home) Straight, Hiram. 1). U C, 29 acres us described In Kei-ord of Iveils, Itiwik 77. Page .142 mid Hook 63. Page 338, Town ship 3 South, Range 3 East..,. Richard. Kllna C,, 22 87-100 acMa as iti'M.'i llx'd in Itecot d of I Wits Hook 62, Puge 49: Sections 20. SI 28 and 29, Township 2 South It 3 East , Mlukler, Mary, 21-lou acre as des cillM In ItetHiiils of IVc.lx RlHlk 3ti, Page 40s. Section H. Town, ship 1 South. Kiingo 3 Kast..,, I'liioHiHin, T.. 61-100 aci-es as dea eiilH'd In Reivixl of leeds. Book 44 III 43 SO 0 ill 65 46.78 .66 rage 4211. Perilous ss, 3. 32. and 33. Townnhip 3 South, R. 2 Kast Colli. K. II.. II acres an descrilied In ItiHurd of IVeds UiHik 84. Page 3T. S.rtlons 28. S9, 32, 3.1. Town ship 2 South, Range 3 East,.., Rogers, U O.. 60-100 acres 11 s des cillwl hi li.H'k 68. Puge S07; Sec tion 30 ami .11, Township 3 South Itange S Kast Capps, K. F.. vrt of I'apps, Imiuc I'. U C. undivided 14 of 73 86-100 ncivs as described In Record of Wills Kil '' lUU 111' '!... ,,..,. .49 10 73 5.35 - - w m "vat 1 ftt iiniliu 2 South. Range 3 Kast Cook, James M. J., part of Crun tleld. tsom. 1. U O. 60-100 acres as described In Record of 1 Veils Book 86. Page 147; Township 26, Range 2 Ktt Kniell. Th.-o. A M , part of AU'f nalhy, deo. I. U C. 10 acres as .Ickci iIhhI In Record or IVeds BHk 81. Page 458 and 459. Town shin 2 Soutli 9 18.40 1.74 4.38 Krai-it. Marie C 16 63-100 acres 11s described In Record of IVcdn BHk 62. Page ?. and Rook 66 l'age K9; Township 8 South. H. J East Dlttlii, E. M.. part of Smith. A. P.. D. I- C, 32 acres as descnOe.l In ItvH'Ortl tit I Basils ll.U.L wt: i.. 37 153: Township 2 South, Range 2 East Wilson, J p.. A C.E., part of Cam'p lell. Samuel. 1. U i'., 10 25-100 acres OS described 111 Record of IVeds. Book 73. Page 283. Town ship 3 South. Range 3 Kast Unknown, 25-100 acres In NW corner of 1. U C. No. 64. Township i South, Range 2 East Kennedy, S. K.. part of Winston James, D. I C. 60 acii as des cribed In Record of Deeds Book 8. lge 91; Township 2 South, Range 2 Kaat Magone. Edward, part of Tomp kins. D P.. D.UC. 16 86-100 acres as described In Rei-onl of IVeds, H.M.k : -'C. 'I-.. 1,. 33 17 1049 29 83 South. Rang,. 2 East Hughes. Hyde, part of Tompkins P H.. n.UC.. S9-100 acres as des crlli.1 in Record of Deeds ihiok 37. Page 325, Township 2 South. Range 2 East f. . Hughes, Claud, purt of Tompkins 20.08 4 28 '.i'., i.i,,i ., a 77-ivu acres as ues crlb.-d in Ki-ord of 1 .-! n Book 37. Page 325; Township 2 South. Range 2 East Magone, M. A., part of Tompkln " I',. D I..C. 13 96-lao acres as described in Re-ord of Urnli Book 37. Page 226; Township 2 South. K.irige 2 East, except described In ttii-tt it I 1 1. -Ir .!? L.. .,u 4 28 Township 2 South, Range 2 East 14.71 iimuKiuiiF nrm r.maie ASMM-latlon part of Cusnn. F. t-'., D. I C 135 acres as des-rlbed In Record of leed Bxk 34, Page 347; Town ship 2 South. Range 2 Kast .... 76 08 i'attison, oung. E4 of SK Se- non 1. township X Hlllllh hlllOB-M elHl lie,.i,ii(l hulf r,,timbi,f mo Mann. II.. 3 50-HM acres as des.'rlb e.l in Recurd of Deed Book Pg 403. Hciion 2. Township 3 South. Range 2 Kast 7J lioweii. Huurord. 10 acres as des crilied in Record of Deeds Book 1. Paae 740; Section 10. Town ship 3 South. Range 2 East 2.91 t.ewls, Mary. 1 68-100 aeres us des cribed In Record of leed Book Z Page 447; Section 22. Townshio 3 South, Itange 2 Kast J.gj lira per, Aurle M. Iyts 4 and 6. Sec tion 32, Townshiu 3 South. Ranire X Kast 2.43 Pickey, Chas., part of Homes. Wil liam. D. U C. acre us des cribed In Recj-d of Deed Book 60. Page 134; Townnhlu 3 South Range 2 East 4.57 AcKerman, Isaac, part of Homes, William. D. U C, 6O-I00 acres as described In Record of Deed Book 36. Pag 14: Townshiu 3 South. Iljtn&rrt '2 ltiut r. nf .harman, T. Hon. part of Homes, . .n. w wiiiiam. u. 1.. c. io-100 acres as described in Record of Deed Bsk 65. Page 29. Townshin 2 S. IliinirM V Vt.ut eta l obery, Mary, part of Francis, 8. D. t. 1 . .. " i.B i'. I in acres, as aeHcrioet in Rword of Deed Book 60. Page 96; Hectiutis 2 and 3 Houth, Range V e n it I A la Alarley, P. H., NK, of BE4 of SK'm . - --- - F.IV I'm ucies oecuon n. lownsnip 4 Holllh. Han?. '? Ijitf 1 aa Coliery, Mary EH of NE, 80 acres nccuuii a, lownnniD nouin. it 2 East . . 11 Klmhle. ... IS. & M. A.. 5 acres as described In Records of Ixeds. Book 82, Page 423: Section 28. 'I'ovnMhln 4 Unnlh Unnua Q ma hortx-8, W. O.. of NW, Sec- - ....... . ....... . . , ...... a ,,a lion at, rownsmp 1 soutn, Range 9. ,:iihI- 40 n,.ruA K r. Rot he, R. C, 8E'4 ot NV Section m, lownsnio D noutn. ilanife 2 t,t.Mt 40 nnKia- 4 aa Uheen, Jos. T W of HW. Sec tion o, lownsnip tt Hon in. Kange 'A Vnut Un a,.,.ua u,..n,l u..l 1 - . . ... r,' . . ,i i l, .... a. 14 inarman, Thoma, HW of NW'4 wruoi. a, iowrmniD Houm. it A ri'.UHl 411 Dri.i 4 Qtk Ryan, T. F., all of NW'i of Butte Creek. Section 32. Townshin 6 South. Range 2 Kast. 43 acres .. 3.89 Reynolds, L. O., HW14 Section 34 Township 6 Houth. Range 2 Kast 160 acres 9.99 Hoffman, J. E HEV4 of NE'A Hec tioil 36 TownshiD 6 Houth. Ranite 2 Kast; 40 acres 2,99 McUdd. A. M., WVi of V Bee tion 36. Townshin 6 Houth. Run ire 2 East, 160 acres 11.98 Hchuebel, Robert, 2 acres as des cribed In Kecord of Deeds Book 86, l'age 82 In Francis Howard D. I.. (J., Towrmhlos 3 and 4 South Itange 2 East 49 Joiwh, 1. S W4 of 8E4 and KH r.f HW I. U,.M,,n 4 T,-.klJ 7 Holllh llnr.A-M ' . IP OA. 1AH an.-AA 11 f1 . - -. T ' A uunv, - ' . I n ... ,U T i, .. .. junen. i. o., ou acres as aescnoea in rtecora oi ueeas isooK 61, page 153, Section 9, Township 7 South Range 2 East 4.49 Klnsey, Thos. E., NE14 flection 12, TownHhlp 7 South, Range 2 Kost 10.99 Anderson, Hilda, C, NK'4 of NW14 less 7 acres as described In Hook 87, Page 214; Section 26, Town ship 1 Houth, Range 3 East, 33 acres 12.67 Anderson, James, 8K of NW(i Section '.'M ' 1 U....1, Range 3 East, 40 ucres... Irf-yden, Frank E., Dot 1, Section 29 Township 1 South, Range 3 Eat 12 20-100 acres 8.78 69 Donley, M. V., 8W Section 31, Township. 1 South, Range 3 East 1 7!t net,.. Ba.nnl ttalf iff - ' , t", f,' ..U..U ,,0.1. , iv.nn Acock, C, W N14 of NB!4 of NK'4 oecuon ,j., luwnsnip 1 nouin II ft ,1 a-1, ft lOrau ( u ....a n fil Brown, George, W14 of NW'i "of neutioil JU, lOWIIHIlip I' hOlltll. Ransre'3 East. KO neres .. 19.61 McOreagor, Ben., and Mefane, tirace, l 14-100 acres as described In Book 73, Page 174, Section 4 Townshin 2 Houth Rnrnia it Vaa .69 Wade, C. E., A. L and 0. R.. 50-100 of an acre as described In Record of Deeds, Book B., Page 81, Section 9, Township 2 Houth Onnco 9 T,?nAt Wlhlon, A. C, NW'f''NE'4'fc'jr. .66 a ni.-res, i-ection 11, lownsnip Z Smith tlnnin s V.u' It. nFr.m 10.07 Plckard, F, M., 62 acres as des cribed In Record of Deeds Book 39, Page 82; Heetlon 28, Town- n.i,,. a ,,uuiu, Avaiii? n Jtuanv, ... Hobklrk, Peter, lots 2 and 3, Section 0,' rt.n.n-i.i. n , . r, 31.41 iv, oTii0iop it Duutii. itange a Amt. Due. East thirllnuer. LoiiIm sM 'm..,. ul 8.15 crlhed in Record of leils Hook 8t. Page 60 tpart of Thus. For rst..r Claim!. Township 3 Smith Uane 4 Kast ,,, 7.JI Mtrlck. Christian, M ncien ss des i'I'IImhI In Record of liemls Book 67, Page 162, Section 4, Tuwiisliiti 3 South, Rsnge 8 Kast 1 64 Ill-own. Mm. , Uls 6, 9, unit N J 20-tooo acre of lots 4 and Id Section 12, Township 3 South, Itange 3 Kast, 26 acres 1 3 Miller. BH of W, North of County nwtd. Section 82, Township 3 South, Kitlige S Kast, 4 Riwu.. ,61 Davis, Jno., Heirs, 29 50 seres as descrilied III Kecoi d of I Nr. Is V Hook 29. Page 446; Section 33. ToWllNhlo !l Al.tiOtt 11,1, .a v m a. . ' ' C." -"Se ivet.1 Q.jii hitruiun, Thomas, 81 acres as ties- . crllied In ltccord of m..(s Rook U.. Page 81 (part of Pavld Cut ling D. U C Towiishlp 3 Houth Range 3 Kast jj Mclntyi-e. J. . and M . 127 72-100 acres of Wm. Fonlvce k C., as descrilied in Recoril of Hook 66. Page 356; Townships i and 3 South, Range 3 KuM 36(8 Township 4 South Rung 3 tait. I itknown, F'll NH of NEW, Hec t loll I. ToWllahlo 4 Moull. Il- 3 East '., . Maytleld, tl. V 20 m-res as des- "i-IImhI In Re.-or.l of Ihwls Hook .19. I 'use 444: and Kit of SKV, of SK. Section 4, Township 4 Houth Range 3 Kast, 40 acres, second half pnvtncnt Miirlny, p. 11 , HWt, Section 14. Tn 4 Monllt It !.,.. i,..,a. 4 88 3 S3 15 61 4.89 Weed. tliHilwe K. NW'I, lif'skVof r.-iion 10. lownsnip 4 Mouth, Range J Kasl I. on, I. J, It . nd Ho. I O. J , I 75-100 acres us descrilied In Records of Rook 43, nm HtKik 43. I'ngn 264 ; H.s-llolt 2s. 'l'owllHltitl 4 M....II, ll...,AU u, .. . .26 KUNI -111 M.-f-MM 3 19 f lunrrwavMsi II Jone-, li,, NW of 8E. Section 33 uwnaiup i boh i a. itange 1 Kast 80 ucira 13 80 IteCM. A.. lletl'M tat,l. nt avci. tl'....'- mil ao, lownsnip i noutn, itange 4 Kusl. 40 acres 4 g.4 Townahlfb a finlKa.n... t V . . . Jones. H. W. HW of N W Ctectlou i. lownsnip 0 noil'!,. Itnnge 3 Muni 411 A..rMA A Aa Polaii. John. Wi of 8VV .' Hect'lo'ii 4 ownsuip b rou in, Itange Kjtst, 80 acres f n P.. Ian. John. KU uf st in1, ua, li,,.. 6. Townshiu 6 Honilt ii,him t Kast. 80 acres j( gj ones, Hiirristm, W U, nf NW and SW", Meet Ion 0, Township 6 t Range 3 East. 120 acres U 70 Johnson. Perrv. Ht of Nr.- See ' Hon 17, Township 6 Houih, Hangn 3 Kast, 80 acres 4 84 Ijiml.'is. John. HW", of NEi. Hec Hon 18, Township 6 South, Range 3 Kast, 40 acres , 406 Sumner, lurtha M . NS of HKk Section 30. Township 6 South, Range 3 East. 80 acres f 70 Sumner. Amelia A.. HKK of SK4 Hellion 30. Township t South, Range 3 East, 40 acres 4 84 Township t outn Rangt 3 tail Collins, K. 8.. HE1, Hwlloii 12, Township t South. Range 3 East liiO acres 29 13 Paiiiler. F. Wt of Wtt Section 20 Township 6 South, Rang.! 3 East 160 acres 9 7Q "title, p. A., and Eetes. W. P., I Atls 4. 5. , and 7. Section . Township 7 Houth. Range 3 Kast 134 96 acres 10 80 .oi.i... 11. k, HVfc td 8i Secllun 8 Township 7 South, Range 3 East 160 acres 12 99 HlutW. J W.. M'A Section 21. To 1 South. Range 3 East. 160 seres 9 99 neoo. . v 1,1 i. Heel Ion lo. Township 7 South. Ranire 8 East 32 7 H acres ,, , j jo lownsnip 1 BOtitn Rang 4 East Smith. Alpiiurettu. HK id HEH HH-tlii 25, Township 1 Houth, Kange 4 East, 40 acres 1 1; Nelll. Kllen, H of NKt M. llon 2t Townshiu 1 Holllh. Kunirn t l.'i, .1 80 ucres 28.35 nan, .ii. , acre as descrilied In Record of lleeds Hook 82. Page 228; Section sj, Township 1 Houth Range 4 East J (4 Swank. K. J . NK'4 of HK'i nml . 76 acres of E4 of NE' Houth of road. Section 27. Tnwntthtn 1 H Range 4 East. 41.76 acres.. . .. 13 88 uimn. 1. ji., HW'i or HW1, Ex. 3.66 acres In SK corner Heel Ion 29. Township 1 South, Range 4 East. 36 34 acrea ., 9 7J Dlttln, T. M , SE'i of HE'4 Section .10. Township 1 South. Range 4 Kast. 40 acres 9 75 Hhaw, W. A.. WtJ of SbV (second half! Section 32. Township I South. Range 4 Kast. 80 acres.. 10.96 Township 2 South Rang 4 Cut Smith, J. H K of NK'4 and 18 acres In NK of HK N of the sonnly load. Section 29. Township 2 S. Range 4 East. 98 ucres 20 13 Van Curen, J. II , I 60 ai res as ili crlbed In Kecord of lheds Bk 68 Page 6, Section 29, Township 2 Houth. Range 4 East ' 24 Robh, T. K 83 92-100 acres aa des crilied In Record of lieeds Bonk 82. Puge 1. Section 32. Township 2 South ItniiirA 4 Kimf 'CI lit Robb. T. K 135.12 aeres as descrlh- eu III Itecorct or Peed IIihiK 82, Page 1. Section 5. Township 3 Holllh. Kiintrn 4 C!n.l IK 41 Dnfur. A. H.. NW4 of HW'li and HE it 01 Duvid ami iota , s, a, , una 6, Section 20. Township 3 South, Itunire 4 V.uul fo f,A oaama tt 41 Alnsworth, J. C Trustee, HKa'(Kx noiiuieriy it acres) Heetlon 34( Township 3 Houth, Rungn 4 East 145 acres 14. gj Towmhlll 4 lAi.lh D . a n a A Saa. SIrlcklln. Win. Heirs, K of SW sun ornvn 01 nw'4, nection (, Township 4 South, Range 4 East 118 1t acr..A ."R Cross, II. K., lot 1. Section 11. Twp 4 South, Range 4 East. 20 acres 1.94 Stricklln, Wm. Heirs, tiKV of NW14 nection ts. lownsnip 4 South, Range 4 East. 40 acres 3.65 Cross, II. E.. all of Win. Htrlcklln D. It. C, No. 37. Sections 8. 10 and 11, Township 4 Houth, Range 4 li.'riNt. 'J'.V.l 4II at,rttm H 19 Inden, Alvln H., HK'i He'ctloii'.io, lownsnip u nouin, itange 4 wast 160 iteres 1 Blazler, J., of NE'a atntl N of NW4. Section 32, Township 5 South RfinirA 4 ITtiMt 1110 a.,au IRr.l campbeii, j. p., nwh of NK'4 and r Vi m tv anu n w Vt OI IN w Section 14. Township 7 South, It 4 East, 160 acres 16.61 Townshin 1 ftAOtlAA.RannA H K mm Mailer, I. P., 8W'4 of NVVV, Sec- tion z, Township 1 Houth, Bangui S I'.HMt 40 AAAAA en Fair, Alice A., 8W4 and'sviof 8E vi wecnon so, 'township a wouth HflntrM R l-!nHl 94a an,. 9ft 1 9 Picklns, Mary A., 60 acres un des- c-rwea in Kecord or peeds Hook 45, Page 296; Section 10, Town shin '1 Month tion tra R IAAt Boothe, J. F., K ot H& Section ' ji, iownsnip i noutn, nange D East. 80 acres H as Dunbar, Francis J lots 4 and 6 Section 18, Township 2 South, Kanire ft tfiml 17 7K bi'iai til Ware, O, M., Nli of HK'4 Section io, iownsnip a aouiu, itnnge u Kast. 40 acres 3.04 Colllnge, Thos., S'4 of HWt and NWS or B WVi 2d half) Section 26, Township 2 South, Range 6 ITInul 190 uaaaa Ota Bennett and Paxton, ' iindiviiied' V, uiz. r,r avr.u nn.'i 12. t.r aw nection .to, iownsnip i nouin, n. 5, 80 acres lerens, J. K.. undivided iif W of 8EV4 and E'i of BW'4 fiee llpn 30, Township 2 South, Range 8 l!nnt. 80 acres 9.76 0.70 Kitrr, Isaac C, BWil of 8W of section a.i. 'lownsnip z Hotttri, ll. r. I''. il) 2.92 Cir-PKOi-yw. M., E of 'fl'fcii ' (2nd 1 imrialli Uuntlttl 1U 1'nmnul.ln VB 4"'niw 8v;-m-ji. 8urriiniiiii ') (Imilh U antra f. IVIntst- tift ant'tta 4.84 arafffinhHrn, M., 8K4 Section 10, TownHmp a noutn, uange i -ai 1 llrt nieuH 9.76 Wolverton, V. D.',' e'4 Bectlo'n 'ii iownsnip a Doutn, itange D iuast QUA A.A..A 19.61 CutTie, Ja's. B.V'NW'V 'flVoVlori 'l2, r . . . i . a ... . . . n . iownsnip a nouin, ititnge i u,usi ICO acrea , 9.76 Amt, Due. tlinffenlielni. M , E". of HV Nec tion 18. TowiiMhlti ll South. Iliinutt n rotsi so ncn.s 10,73 Hoheel, Henry, Heirs. WU uf HK' lot V U ,,f 'll'li. of HK4 H 22 Tp .1 Huolli Ififiiu,. ft i,.,ai im .,,... a 111 00 Nolttt, Henry. H K nf Hwii Seo llou 31. 'I'owilHlilp 3 Hotillk ItlMige a r.lini. o nciis .1 en Township 4 iotith Hangs t Kstt aimer, a t. J., IN In or NIC'i nml NWU of NW'i Section 4, 'Pown. , .1,1,. 1 M. ...... 1, A .... . .... i.. fioi l nooill, liuilgo u CllSl, IIS Sa "Cles , 8 61 Cornelius, C. v HWl, Heetlon 14, 't'ownsblp 4 Holllh, Riuige 6 Kite! 160 acres , 7o tloodilch, A. J.. NK'i Section 111. Township 4 South, Itntige 6 Hunt, HI0 acres ji "0 Hlugluuu. K. W NW4 Section 16 Township 4 Houth, Range 6 Must 160 acres II 70 (lei linger. IaiiiIs, South ' Hcctlnu HI. Township 4 South, Range 6 Kast, lt;'o acres 2.140 llepbuni, tl O.. and 1 Wti of NW and NW'i of NEV, of Ntt'i, ..f Section 30, Township 4 Houth. It. , 6 East, 8!l 93 iictes . 6 III Township 6 South Rings 6 Earn Baldwin. A. H, all of Hcclioit 10, Township 6 Hiitilll, ItuiiKc 6 East 610 iicicm , , , uj s; lllildwlu, A. M , till of Heetlon 3D. Township 6 Houth. Buiimi 6 Knsl 610 acres . , , fin 6? ... Township 8 South Hangs tast Rlngsliiiry, Kate. Southwest l f Section 4, Township 3 Holllh, It 6 Kost, 160 acres 13 98 Flvim. J. M . West I, of Norllienst 'i and Hoiitlieaat of Notth west mid Northeast , of Houth West it of Heetlon 14. Township 2 Houth. Itiiuge 6 Kast. luo scree 975 Haty. C. K and M , East 25 acres of Html Ilea! ' of Hoiitlieimt Section 20, Township 3 South, It. l East 2.79 I'lilniei, 1.. K, Southwest k, id Hollthenst ulld HolllheilHl of Hoiithwesl Hectioii 2;t, Twp. 3 Houth, Range East, 80 ncrvs 9 60 Noble. II E , W'est . of Northwest and North S of Houiiiwest , Section 21. Towiishlp a South, Itungn Knsl. Itfo acres 12 19 Palmer, I,. K, North S of Notlli unit H.iitih 4 of Noiiheusl 1 and Southeast I, of Northwest ' and Noitliwesl 1 of Hoiiltieasl 'a Heetlon 26, Township 2 South House i Kast, 320 acres 37,18 Ware. ', M . Northeast of Houth east l4 Section .10, 'township 2 South. Iluiise tt Kut. 40 acres, , S 0J Hummer.. A. J., Southwest , of Southeast i, and Sooth 1, uf H W1, Heetlon 30, Townslilp 3 South Itnnge 8 Kasl. l.'t 42 Mi les 10 62 Townahlp 4 South Rang t Cast Itourii. ti. John K nelil. r. Ileruiiilt, Wrsl '4 of North- went , soil lioutlieast 1, or Northwest , and Northeast V of Hoiitliwesi of Section 8, Twp 4 Houth, Range 8 l-Uisl, lHu.oi acres a "t. Jones. K (1 , Noiih.iist . Heetlon 29. Township 4 South, Range 8 East, Mo ucres 19 68 Towmhlp 2 South Ring 7 fast Wolf. Henri. Northwest y4 Section 10, Township 2 South. Range 7 East. li,o acres 17 89 lleriiHhaw. J., Nortli.nis Heetlon 16. 1'owiishlp 2 Houth, Itungn 7 East, 160 acres 11 m Ij-wIs. U A . Kast li of S.oilh.aHt and West l of Hoiitliwesi H.t-liiKi I. Township 2 tfotith, Range 7 East, 160 acres Ill W.N.I-.y. Frank. West U of Houtlt 1 asl 'a and East 't 01 Southwest ',. Heetlon 16. Township 3 Houih Range 7 Kasl. 160 ....... , till The Wisconsin Investment Co, Wli of Seclloll 22. lowii-hlp 3 H011II1. Itange 7 East. 120 acres 26 81 Beach, tl. W., South S of N..1H1 rast Vi and North C or Houih east W Section 23, Township 3 Houth. Range 7 Kasl, 16o acres , II Is Thompson. I-red. Houthweel ' of SectUgi 23, Township 2 South. It 7 East 160 acre II 18 The Wisconsin liiveslmeul .., Northwest W of Hectltm 8J. Town ship 2 Houth. Rang 7 Kuat, I'.o acres 17 89 Baldwin. A. H . all of Hrc 36. Town ship I South, Range 7 Kasl, 610 aerra 2 44 Township 1 South Rang Cast Macrum, W. H , West H of Section 26. Township 1 Houth. Range 8 320 acrea 23 o Wilson. Joseph A., East I, of K,..l S of Section 2(. Township 1 South Range East. 160 acres 11,70 Jones, Ueo. H. Jr. East ot W Mc! Inn fit 1 n South, Range 8 East. W0 acres II 70 Itnelton, Frank It , West I4j of West H Section 28, Township 1 South Itnnge I East 180 acres 1 1 70 Jones. K. fl North of Nnrtheasl li and Noil beast 'a of northwest mid Houlhwrsl t of Northeast ' Section 36. Township I South Range 8 East. 1'iO acres II 70 Murium. I. A , North of North west 'i Section SO, Township t S, Range 8 Mist. 80 acres 6 V. Keller. T. Southwest of North west '4 and West 14 of Mouth west and Soullieaat 14 of South west 4 Section 30, Township 1 South, Range g Kasl, I Ho acres 11.70 Hyde, K. JV., East of Section SH Township 1 Houth, Range 8 Knsl 320 acres 23 40 HHEKIKFH ASHKHHM KN'I'S Harris. K. II., South Oregon I'lly No 3 -lots 1 lo 4 block 77 I 14 AiiHtin. Seth. Heirs, uiiillylded 4 Interest In Southeast '4 of North east '4 and Hotithwest '4 of North east anit lot i, necuon m, twp. 8 Houth. Range i Kast, .16.80 acres 2. 80 Allium, niiit, iieirs, iinuiviciiMi Interest In Hoiitheust 14 of North ua 1: nt.M M.,,1 1 IimiaaI Northeast M ot Heetlon 30. Town ship Houth, Range 7 Kasl, 40 nr... m f. " " " Colllnge. Thonius, Northwest 14 (2d necuon Jl, lownsnip . nouin llun.. f. ChuI tH, AAAAA A ..(I ' " ..MA., j n . , n , q.uj t'nkiiown, uudlyliled two-thlrdn of i.n acres ill rreuerics iieinia 11. ,. C. No. 0, Township 3 Houth, Itallire 4 Knst. 120 r 11 9H Mvers, John, Heirs, Northeast 14 of Hotithwest '4 Heetlon 32, Town ship 4 Houth, Range 3 East, 40 acres 3 Ho To the person who offers to nav the on, and take a certificate at the lowest ruie 01 interest and winch snld rate of Interest "hull not he greater than ten per cent. Hald sain shall lie con tinned from day lo dav until the ho HI HhI la exhausted. All of said tracts of real property being sltuute In Clitckinnas County, Qregon, tinted this 23d day of Heceinber, 1004, J. R. SHAVER. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia ami Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Btation Telephone Corn pany, covering: 2.2r() towrm. ' Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication, Distance no eilect to a clear understanding. 8po. kane and San Francisco as eapily heard an Port land. Oregon City office at Harding's Drujr Store Superior Work Lowest Prices Tliiit Im ivhtit yon it wlit'ii A, Mihlstin iIim'm your ilnin!iiig work. lli'iltH'M ni'iifni' liiminir, I'lninliin nml jnliliiiiK Iuihi- Ht'MS, KslilllHlOH I'llt'l'l'ftllly I'tiriiiHlii'tl. Hot nlr liallnic I'lVtlllt'H IIIUlHlllll'ltll'lHt ttllt! Hiii;ilii't. A. MIMLSTIN Miiiii cilreid llHIHiON CITY, lU CLACKAMAS TITLK CO. Vtittr ClackniitUN County abstract of Tltlo Hlttittlil 1)0 prcpnrod liy tho t'lut'ktiiiiuM Tltlo ('nmpiiiiy, ltutii--iMirnitul, Cliiniitior uf ('tiiiimnroo biillillng, I'tirtlartil. This I'nitipntiy Im tttti bulKlor am! owner uf tho host uinl iiniHt iiitii(iltt plunt of Cluck. nuiita tMtinty tiling, Antractg from Hit iimctm aro cointill"l by uxiirt of luiiK i'8iHrli'tiu, MiiiiH'lint nttnr 111O8 otul tlruiightsiiinn, nmt am 0f Ktuiraiitoeti scctirncy. Clackamas County Landi, Mortgage Loans, Eititet managed, Taxrt tx amlnnd and paid. C. F. Rllty, pra... F. B. Riley, nee. 1 1 Gran, PIONEER rranpfei1 and Ep. Krijf,hl hihI jmrt-nU ilflivttntl lo all 1'iirtH f v. ATES REASONABLE Daily Rivrr Schedule -of- Ortgon City Doati Dally Schodulot Hi. timers Alton and 1 'onion 4 for Ha leni and wav points, leave I'ortlund daily (sct pl Huintiiyl at 46 a tit. ; leave Ure- Son ll v. 8 16 a. in.; returning, leav aleni, J a in ; leave Oicgon City. I II p. 111. Oregon City Transooi tatlon Ca. -iCHEIHJLICS OP TIMK -ocuiktt?! pAtirii' IUII.W AY NnMTIt Mot Ull ' :0ia in. '.".' a. in ( AHisoy .o si) I . It) p. 111. StltTtl l!o'Ki, It :.'.. 111. I Ml n. in. ( Albany I.-m r , 11:14 . in. Oregon SHOlrJLlNE ahd union Pacific THREE TRAIN TO THE EA T DAILY - Through I'nllinnn standard and Tour 1st sleeping cars dully to Omaha. Chicago, Spokane; loin 1st sleeping rttl, dully li Kunsas City; through I'ulliimri tourist sleet, ng rar ipeiiumully conducted) weekly to I hlcsgo, Kansas City, ret lln ln ihalra (imIi free to the east dally.) HOURS Portland to Chicago No Change of Cam. 70 70 Dipart Time Schedules. AtRIVI Clilcago I'ortland Special :16 a, ni Salt 1-uke, Henver, Kl. Worth, Umaha, Kansas City, Hi. Uiuls, Chicago and Kast. 6:26 p m. Atlantic Express 8:18 p. m. vis. Hunt Inn ton. Salt Ijike, Denver, Kt. Worth, Omaha, hansaa City, Ht. Uiuls, Chicago and 8,00 m. St. Paul Fast Mall Walla Walla. Iw Iston, flpoktina, Mln neapolla, St. I'aul, I till 111 ll Mlluin,,lii.A 0:16 p in via Spo 7:16 a m. kane. j Chicago and Knst! Ocean and River Schedule For Bun Kranolsco Every five dava al ip;km.-. 2r Astoria, way ,,,.y" 'i hmlrD!;tT :rrl.:M r .,,),,lll,, Information of rates berth reservation. eto call or writ, ta your nearest ticket agent, , or n A. L. CrtAIQ, 'pi.- r general Pnsneugur Agent or,t.a)nSrl5r,,,K,onr0, " Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. -r Arrives. lally. I -eaves. UNION Drci'OT 8:00 A.M. Pw Maygers, Rainier, liiilly. .!,,. ' "em IIOI I V.IOIOU, AHtoriu.War I'l-ltln,, l.M t I. i-otvei, iiam nioml, Kort Stevens, 11:10A.M. eioiiiiri j-ai-K, Hoa- ulue, Aatorla and Sen shore. Kxpresa Dally. Astoria Kxnreaa. Holly, Kxoept Hotur- 7:00 P.M. ( 2:30 P.M. UO P.M. oay. aturduy only. C. A. 8TISWAIIT, Commi Agf l.a jTi'mavo I'lintie MulrT BOO, ' 84 , L' MAY. K & V, A Aatorla, Or. . Ill,