Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 30, 1904, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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; Oar Corespondents' Cor fief 5
X Brii Bit of Gossip From All Partiof the County.
214 9'9
Corrspondenti ar requested to r- erol svrviee wot conducted t the Arm-
tew their work. w i rurnisn an
bccoB&rr ttionTy. Tb ewt from
your neighborhood thould appear In
tbe colnmns every week.
A large civwd attended the' Christ
mas rxeivlses at the M. K. church.
Mis Eva Puller, our public chol
teacher, will spend the holiday with
her parent lit Im'U.
Mr. Tenny had Christmas family re
union Saturday; Headland whs well rep
resented. y
Rev. J. J. Pattxn has ln holding
aneclal meeting tyver.for " Pt
two week.
James Sevier, our blacksmith. 1 i'iij
tng few day at home. He expects o
return lo hi work for a INatland firm
after the holiday.
fr. Oherstaller. our flotirmlll man. Is
valuable addition to our community.
tirandpa Miller ha Jut completed
eery fine poultry pen.
William Hickenibothern has moved Into
hla new buw. We need a few more
buildings such aa he ha erected to orna
ment our valley.
tUrtstlna Hamilton, who la attending
a.hool In Portland, la visiting friend
and reUtlvee in Viola.
Moat of our peple attended the funeral
of Mm. August Funk at Bethel. Sunday.
Rev. Patton preached the funeral sermon.
Huntley Bros. Oa. Recommend It Be
cause they know tt cure.
'There are o many laiatlvea on the
market." aaya Huntley Bros. Co. "that
It la. hard to tell which to recommend.
nowAer. It la a food deal of satisfaction
to know that there la at least one we
can recommend with every confidence."
Experience ahowa that Laxakola la
aur to benefit every one In need of a
mild, tonic laxative, and we ask our
customer to try it on our guarantee.
"Experience haa taught ua It doesn't
pay to deceive the people and recom
mend anything that might prove In the
least unsatisfactory, but we know Lama,
kola la all light and Sure to do good."
"It la the only liquid laxative In thl
atore that we are willing to sell with a
guarantee, and it taste so nice that
children like it and aak for tt."
If the baby ia colicky, or fretty. or
strong home by Rev. E. IV Allen, paator
of the Presbyterian church, after which
the avrvlcea at the cemetery were con
ducted by Multnomah Iodgv, No. 1, A
K. A. XI.. of VM-egon City and Lone
Pine Istdge No. SS. of Ioan. the de
ceased having for 31 years leen a mem
ber of the latter lodge.
No More Suffering,
If you ai-e troubled with indigestion get
a bottle of Kodot Dyspepsia Cure and see
how quickly It will cure you. Geo. A.
Thompson, of Silencer, Iowa, says: "My
case waa almost helpless. Kodol Dys
pepala Cure wan recommended and I
used a few bottles of tt and It was the
only thing that relieved me. Would not
be without It. Have doctored with local
physician and also at Ohlcato, and even
sent to Norway with the hope of gett
ing wmr relief, but Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure I the only remedy that haa done
me any good, and I heartily recommend
It. Kvery person suffering with Indl
cexiton or Dyspepsia should use it."
Sold by tleo. A. Harding.
Another Christmas ha come and gone.
The Sunday School had very good
urogram and Christmas tree at Orange
Hall Christmas Eve.
Ctrns Gray is visiting from Oregon City,
Glen and Pidsie OaiMther from Can by.
Miss Allet Guttredge. Chas. Kaney and
Roy Smith from Portland:
On the ltd Inst at Estacada under the
auspices of the Oregon Agricultural col
lege and local talent, there was held a
very Interesting Farmers' Institute. The
n,),ttvs if welcome was made by Mayor
V. hi. llavtland. and the response there
to was offered by Dr. James Wlthycombe
who also gave much Interesting Informa
tion about dairying and forage plants.
Other sulije. t were discussed as fol
lows: Si.k tlustwindry. Wm. Holder;
C.uidening. Mr. tlill: Song. Shlbley fami
ly; I e and Abuse" of hand separator.
I'rof. F. U Kent; Garden and Orchard
I'esls. Iro. A. H. Cord ley; Instrumental
Music, the Branson family; recitation
Laura Sotruier, Grass Cultuie, A. M.
Shlbley. The latter speaker. In discuss
ing his subject. at that sm twenty
pounds stiould be used to the acre;
when the plnta are five Inches hlgn
they should be clipped and this treat
ment should be repeated for the firat
year the ob- t beinjc to produce a vigor-
Henry O'.nthrr shot a fox.
Mlsw-a Johanna and Julia Mnssinger
are home during vacation.
Curtain Calla Hcrnshuh of the 8, A.
la expected home In the near future from
Honolulu where she ha for some tlm
been rngaged In mlsslifiiary work.
The Christmas ttee at the Shubel
scliwt was well ttended lt Friday af
ternoon. All had a good time.
Mrs. ttettha Bryant Is visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mis .Hanson. ,
Henry Hernmn nnd Hugo Hanson are
home iitialn.
Startling Cvldance.
Fresh testimony In great quantity I
constantly coming In, declaring Ir.
King a New Discovery tor Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, to be unequaled. A
recent expression from T. J. McFartand.
Itentorvllle, Va., servea a an( example.
He writes; "I had bronchitis for three
year and doctored all the time without
being benefitted. Then I began taking
tr. King's New Discovery, and a fw
bottles wholly cured me," Equally ef
fective tn .curing all Lung and Throat
troubles. Consumption, pneumonia and
Grip. Guaranteed by Howell 4k J ones,
dniggista. Trial bottles free, regular
sixes 6tV and 11 .
Married, at the home of the bride's
parents. Irene. only daughter of Hon.
J. I. .Kruse and wife, was united In mar
rlage to Mr. C. I Haker of Stafford. tre
gon, on Sunday ivcember 15 at II o'clock
mxm .by Key. Mr. Lleschman. As the
wedding mnirh was belne played by Mr
Homer Kruse. the bride, attended by
her father, entered the parlor and waa
met by the gim. and while they stood
under a large suspendod bum h of mis
tletoe they took the vows that made
them husband and wife, and after re
celving the good wishes of all present a
bountiful dinner was served. The bride
wore a beautiful gown of white silk with
Ince trimmings The groom wore the
customary black. Miss Ruby Jackson
wss .the bridesmaid and Mr. Earnest
Kruse. brother of the Iflde, did the hon
ors of best man. Among those present
were the Hin-nts of the bride, also mth--r
and three sisters of the groom. Mr.
Homer Kruse and wife. Mr. and ' Mrs.
Llcsehman and daughter. Mi. John
Kruse. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kllgsen and
family, Mr. and Mr C. T. Tooae and
daughter Hs I. Grandma Kllgsen. Miss
Ruby Jackson and others. The young
couple h-ft at 4 p. m. f'r Oregon City
and will spend a short honeymoon In
Southern trgvn. lifter whk-h they will
be at home to their many friends In
their new home at Willamette Falla. The
young people are well and favorably
oiis roel grow th. The chemical tllu.
teething, there is nothing will do so i lrat;,.n by Pr.f Kent, of the Agricul
much good as Laxakola. Try It. and lr tural College, were very interesting and (known and have the best wishes ..f the
It proves in the leaste disappoint irg w I instruct n e. j entire ommuni';.
will return your money. j Today at I p m the fine new resnlence
I DHvto to Oesporatlon. 1 of J. N. Wood, two miles west of here.
- ELDORADO. No Fill I as pleasant and positive as J was entirely destroyed with all Ua con-
.DeWitt s Utile Early Risers. PeWitt a j tents by file caused b the overturning
Xmas Is pst and we had snw. did I Little Early Riser are so mild and ef-' ..f a lamp.
yM1 Jfectlve that children, delicate ladles and i Otr s hoot undT the efficient manage-
Miss Can spent Xmas in Portland. (Weak people enjoy their cleansing effect. ! ment of Miss Helen Murray Is making
The party and dinner at Robt. Seheu- .while strong peopie say tney are the best i rapid pnnrtes and on Friday the ::d th
b-l a Xmas was a grand affair, about , pills sld Sold by Geo A Harding I re4 had a Christmas tree and re ink-red
thirty guest wete present.
Marj' Molxan is visiting with her - I MOUNTAIN VIEW.
tee. Sophia Adkins j . ' j
Veva Kimmer)- td daughter Nadta- I x trry uirt (-hnstmas in wr part of '
the city. Several were out to dmner with
friend. The Sunday s hvl at the chun h t
guve t h- m Mm a treat erf candy and
fruit wt the Sunday s ho.! hour Instead !
nth V.
Mto Stry-krr at
are stayina
Several flora leie aitetid-d the Xnu
Llt t M,aia Friday rtena.g.
Utrn Adkins and brotheis Site and
Vr-n. are k-sxmg this wintrr on Milk
The eiiteitainmnt at EMid sh.jl
house will be Janus'?' H. 16. also a
Easket StxUI- " wes-ome
Junes a: Joos are in tle m-ejnlAirts
krokirg after cattle.
A Pleasant Pill.
Living at an out of the way place, re
mote from riv ilixation. a fami'y Is often
defven to desperation tn case of acci -deots,
resulting tn burns, cuts, wounds,
ulcers, etc. Ijiy in a supply of Buck-W-n
s Arnica Salve. It's the bst on earth
23 cr.is at Howell A J ms di-.ig te-e.
ASeXd'ider Keti htm. ageil TV ears.
1i-d t tfe h.re f iVn. C. Armstrimir.
I-f!ntr r. !. Iw-ife.) Wa lfTI
tn 1L'. (Tnsing the pLtms to tsiimi m
1 w r-n h- (1 ! 1 d at Red ia id 1 1 -sctVi-d
f't.r paralytic str-kes. ti- last
t4 whi-h .iid hrs d-ts after l-!!ijc
.e- fr i-Tt'v returns The f -.:-
Wsssa zi Well as Ken Arc Mads
Miserable by Kidney and
Bladder Trcnble.
KiJney tr"u'ri.e prev s upon the mind,
disconrageaiiii lr!t:ambttion; rwauty.
4UT ana chccrfui-:i'-s
sxm ilisisjniear
w hen tiie ki'intrys are
out of or-ier or ihs
en sel.
Kvlucy troub'.e has
lioine jo previient
tht 11 i uncoiii
niun for a cin'.'l t- 1e
l-orn i2ictel with
weik Vi'inev?. il'the
chili ahnatetono::en. ifthe unue si aids
the fieh.or :f, when the child reaches an
age wbea it houi i l 'e ab'.e to control the
passage, it is yet aSif.ci with ll-et-ting.
detn.lujjtt the ;'ju of tbedift
cuily v kidney trouble, and the fir-t
step rhouid i-e to ards. the treatment of
these important organs. This unpieasant
trouble is due to a abased coudition t
the kiinej s and " blii icr and not to a
habit as most people suppose.
Women as. wel! a& n:en are made miser
able with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the sarae ureat retueiy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
5 warn p-Root is sooa realized. It if- oJi
bv druesists, in fiftr- fTTL
cent and one-dollar
sue bottles. You may
have a sample bottle
bv mail free, also a
pamphlet telling all aboufSwamp-Root,
mcluding many of the thousands of tesli
raor.ial letters received front purTerer
rnred. la writing Dr. Kilmer it Co..
Eiughamton. N. Y., be sure and mention
this paper. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Satnp-I?oot.
Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, EinghaictGn, X. Y., on every
of having a tree as in urevt..us years.
Mr. Frejeri) ks him et,-iswd his hla k-
smith shop and . .( n-i a haidware stole
on Sevenih street. The gentleman that
nought the gTwind fuitnerly owned h
Jim CiiiTim is juitting tn lumter and
will start a lumber yaitL also build a
rv i.Vrn-e. Jim Cunins is moving to a'
farm out n-ar Highlands and Mr. Smal- j
ley will occupy the htmse v acateJ by t'ui - J
ritis j
Klroer IMxtin hs lei-D awy to Taoina '
as )m1ge In t)i multr slnw.
Mr. and Mrs. ii!lett went to I'ortlaiid
one Uy. While here Mr. Oiilett had '
some teeth extra-tel 'Tts said the an- )
tis he cut while onl-r the tnrhience of
aresttie-tii would put the shade on a i
1 k.w n. j
Mr Wail t'urran s hnuiM-keH-r went ,
to her home at M"1Hh to ssK-nd I'hjist
rnH. J
Kiily Heater i ariHiiKlng to bmld a!
renil.-ri"-e on his its et of Mrs. ,Ul- '
rhett s re.j,i-n-e, .
Tde ladies ,rf the neighljoitusNl to the '
niitnl-r of twenty suiirieil Mrs l.uellen
orte nftetriin IhjM wt-ek. A v'ry pWHSwnt
.time whs enieJ l.y mI.
Many eate at- -xiiess-fl at the . los
ii;! in the iMwtiirni-e at Kly as the ii"
,if . )ty delivery is rather vmene.
The material Is ! ing uut along the
tre t f'e the in l.' ii i,--ded "sld-walk n
Molaita a'in
C'uile a nrnli-r aii- 1 umpUliiihir yf
..In -jl a few are tirnlej' jiiiysii ians cure ''
Mrs. Stnalley has leeri ijuite sl k hot
in Netier at new-tit. Ilei sifter Miss
tiia'e 'jenie of Salem xp-iii ij p-iid
. lite w int. 1 miih h-r
Mil l Coagrsat tt.
Pvanasn. Maisa. Oet. IT, 1KH.
I eoasider Wias of t ardul nyarlar
ta aa - uoctor medicias I arsr aaed
aad I know whereof I lMl 1 saf
tsrad for aoaths wna aupprssssd
iweatrua4i.oa wa eh eompisiair pros
traxdme. Haiaa woald aboot tkrenga
s back sad sides and 1 weald kaee
iiaaiagfeaadsraes. Me llaaba wowld
II a sad i would fx I ss weak I
10 Id aoi stand up. I Batur&tfy fait
d.scoarsd far I wsd to b bsresd
to beip uf phraiciaai. bat Wias !
tarda! rams aa a God-sead to . I
fait a ehangs for the bsltar withia a
week. Afisr rins'aea gai trwauaaat
I MBXmat-d mt hoot auBsriDg tba
arooiea I utualW did aad sooa bscaasa
rogilar aod wittoul pais. Wiaa !
Cardai la .mpiy woadsrfal sad I wish
"ust all utfsr.sg vomi kasv ! ltd
good qtialltin.
fk gsw
Tsaaarar, Ponlaad Beaaexsi Laatws
fVrirlical bead achat tell of fe
male weakness. Wing of Cardai
curei pepuanentlr nirvteen out of
erery iiventr tuet of inegtilar
meuses. iieariiitf down paint or
an fett.aie weakness. If jou are
discoiiike,! and doctor bare
failed, that is the lest reason ia
the woi!J yoj should try Wine of
Cardui iiuw. Heinember that
head, les mean female weakBeu.
.ure a tl.Wi bottlg of Wimt of
Cardui tsJav.
a tvxid nrtvgram to h evident enjoy,
ment of the. many painsm of tha aehiml
Mr, John Itivhat U homo from an ex
tended Hip to tha 8t. luila fall,
Mr. F. F. Heely la at Kngens visiting
hla daughter.
Miss Klli'iv and Kllinlielh Ilnihst are
home from Foreat Grove for th holiday.
Catarrh Cannot B Cured '
with I.IVAI. AI'PUOATIONS, a they
cannot tegi-h the mat of th disease.
Catarrh la a blood or eunslltutliinal dis
ease, and In order to fine It you muat
tako internal lemedles. Ilalla Catarrh
Cure la taken Inlnrnally, and act directly
on the blood and muvoua surfaces. Hall'
Catanh Cure t not a atiaok medlvlne,
It wa piesorltieil by on of the best
physicians In the country for year and
Is a regular prescription. It 1 composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the beat blood purifier, acting directly
on the imicou surfaces. The pel f ml
(Himhlnatlon of the two Ingredient I
what produces such wonderful result
In curing Catarrh,
Send for testimonial free.
F. J CHKNKT CO.. I'rop. Toledo. O.
Kold by Iruiglata. pitos 4o.
Take Hall family I'llls for constipation.
Christ mas came and haa gone, and
waa rully enjoyed by the people of Can
by. What with vIMUng and vlaltora, can
dles nuts, and toys for the children, and
many other gift for older people, your
correspondent knowa f none, young or
old, who has not gotten out of the Christ
ma of 1M all that wa In it fur them.
The Christmas tie at the Methodist
church Itaturduy evening pronounced
a auooea In every way,. There Were
many people in attendance who' weta
AMfirlaUo PrrwrAlioii Tor A
Ung tlic 5 wiuwhs uinl IVmn uf
nP!ssaik1Iu'Hi.i'ouliilii!i ik'HUt
Ojvitiiii.Mtinilune nor Miiural
JU1 iAIlCll l Ib i
M tfVU hum n mtMM
Wis sJ-
Aaifi'd Rcinedy forroiu.lim
Worms .('.oimilsioni .Fovrrmh
nrst wul Lobs or Slefp.
FaC Simile 5iJivalurS of
For Infant! nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars the
compelled to stand, owlna to lack of !
Seating capacity
Altiotig thoee visiting h.le during the
holidays are: Fred Koth and George Cum
mlnga. who are home for the vacation
from the t) A, C. at Corvallla
llalsey I'helpa and wife sH-nt Xtous
with their parents here. .
Mr. and Mr. Many Thomua with the 1 1 iniTiir 1 mi 1
brothers of Mia Tin nuns, all of Portland. J
spent Christmas with their parents beie, ! m
Mr. and Mr A. L Hnell. j
Mr Klik rams up from foitland and including .n head of hmaea mules and J
Is visiting her daughter, Mia. Itorouglvs .miss Is bus) gelling settled down on!
Mr- and Mrs. Osborne, of Oregon City, j the Wulgaiiiul place, which he liss tent - .
visited over Christmas with the family j rd. Ill sister-ln-luw. Mia Hinlili. with'
of A. Bunlette. ,' her family, la insiulM In Mis I'anl- '
Mia. 8. Teney and son Charley Went well's house.
to I'ortland to spend Chl lsliuus with her The llurt wan liu.me was blokm Into
huslwnd and other children there. 'last Humlov nlslit by ikimeoiie who ev I
ft tfr h
For Over
Thirty Years
mi ssavsba ssMae, sxw ssaa e.
Is In
ne 1
1 liaie iv ild n'y mske sole
1 six sacks uf hartrt e tnUilig
'CoHttuurdon rair Nine,)
Mis A K her relumed laat Hatuiduy I di fitly lo-t-.trd fr.il. Mr. Huhnkri, wlm
from Fortlixid. where she pad been for
two week In 8t. Vincent Hospital,
where she underwent an operation. Al
though not strong now, she Is gaining
unite rapidly.
The local chapter of the Kpworlh
league will install lis ofllceis next (tun
day evening at the regular meeting A
very interesting service Is anticipated
Mr. Hascet. who recently arrl
Missouri with a carload of hi
W to tin ha
Wike up your liver. Curt
your constipttioo. Get rid
of your bllioutoett. Sold
for 00 yem. iZ.
uT;L.: Want your moustache or beird BllllKIHRrliU HYC
effect.' a Ks-nflfnl fce. .e Vt-.b w tt U W U ft II U II H III U U t i-
avuuuiui visssvi 1 IV.U viav, a run
rtnt hi ttuwma a uaiis.
W. L. Block
The Homef urnishef
W. L. Block
The Homeftir nisher
Well, Santa Claus has come and can be found at W. L.
Block's store, corner of Main and 7th streets. Now
surely there is not a little girl in Oregon City who ever '
saw such a variety of dolls, all sizes and all prices. A
very large stock to select from, in fact the largest stock
in the city. Come at once. Don't delay, if you want
to get your pick.
Beware or Counterfeits.
Bias, of to-aee.
"LieWitf is the only genuine Witch
Hdf! i'alv" write J. L. Tucktr, tl
Centre, Aia. I have i.w-d It in niy family
for Plies, Cuts, and B'irns for Jeals. and
'an r: immend it to be th best Halve
on !h market. Every family should
kep j;, as it is an invaluable household
remedy. ?nd should always be kept on
hand for immediate, us " Mrs. Samuel
jag', of North Buh. N. Y .. aaya: "I
ii a fever sore on my ankle for twelve
sears that the doctor could not cure.
Ad naive and blood remedies proved
worth!-!. I could r:Ot walk for over
two yea:-. Finally I wa persuaded to
try DeWut's Witch Hagel Salve, which
ha compleu!.; t-lired rne. Ii is a wonder
ful reliew." DeWitt's Witch Has! Salve
?ure without leaving a Sf-ar. Bold by
Of-o. A. Hardirig.
Jl'-rry f'hrtMmaa was Intareioeed bv .j
ii.ll .if sii.iw this year.
Th' "hrtstmas trr-s at tile l'ic ia-'H-na!
arid L'ith-rn rhurthew weie well
M!s-s Tarie and I-auia sVh'ietx-l are
expecte-d home f :orn Pm tland.
Misfw- Kllen M'sehnke. tiella Bluhm
and 1-idura Guntber are home ffiin s-lfd
for vacation. '
Mr. Nielson and iJildied Clnther of
Portland s;ient a merry Chirstmas with
Th Bead of g Departaacat of tb
Whiskey Habit
Ofic of tb Pablie Priater.
WubingKia. U r:., april IS lbt.
TbaOrriaaCseisssf. lstjKirt,
w uaibrt. It -'
Oeatlrasa a stusixis ws rwwatlf rall4 ta
ossbf ta. ssislDf ss st taw .ftis wb. Sad, tbrcriirh
bsiuif i Qfo t a : ifaj drtss, bsoois. s issOieietii
s. t ti. sa tb. esrt. sf siaiMsl. Ys wiU I is
tsrscted ts ta.w ibl ia n wssts But saiy tt
asiuw. tst srset-sJIf all of u ordiDVf mt ss
uf t.Mipfcl.o&, .M.KMrvi. sod I aw smuts by
t I.OM ictsrssisd ust to -(m.u s!SfiUrrsdit
lor Uti tll.Bt rsftvkl. It is a pieasnr. to as. ts
sekavsiwif. lis .sin. ef a rainr sawb brusgs
rest). is tMtcisi. losrs eerj trslf.
f. W. PALMtK.
rut.-t rnsiar.
Take Orrin quietly at home I
T. ears wiibest pstwst's ksowlstf. Wr Orrlaa
I ; tut s.iusisr; uwitBist, bsy Orris. S.
Petes, l .60 r Box.
Car sffactsd e isary i .
gek DrsalMaiHiM (m4) tn a reawst.
OrrlM sM (taaiwlj rscsisi l 14) lit
The Orritve Co., Im Wjbirjrton, V. C.
asll aag rseowstnte Iff
Howell A. Joees, near Susp-entlc B'ldg
Oregon City. Oregon.
We also have Side Boards, Extension Tables,
China Closets, Combination Book Case,
Morris Chairs, Hall Trees, Fine Art Squares,
Carpets and Rugs. All make a beautiful
Holiday present. The finest line of Crock
ery and iHand Painted China in town.
AiSperial of 5 Per Cent Off on Holiday Goods
Seenth and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon