ORSGON CITY ENTwRPRISC. FRIDAY, DtCtMtsn . 4A(iw M - - V ' ' COUNTY COURT Continued. j Telephone Co.. Telephones. 5.43 Water Commission, water rent ISM Blake McFall Co., Typewriter, lfttKrt , Olaa prudhomme, stationery, K.00 A. Walker, labor. 3 4U P. Nehren. exra work, 1123 W, L. Block. Supplies. 2 M A, Mlhlstln, plumbing. 4 20 J. H. Moody, jail repairs. 16tM County Judge, stamps, etc.. 29.75 II. W, Trembath. dep. sheriff, 14.50 H. Everhart. dep. sheriff. 15.2 Wilson & Zurawalt, livery hire. 11 H D. C. Fletcher, dep sheriff. 3.W J. H. Dnrltng. de sheriff, 5.00 J. A. Shlhley. dep sheriff. 1.50 Fashion Stables. livery hire. 14.50 T. F. Ryan, pauper acct, S0.90 I. Selling, pauper account, 20.15 W. W. Bradley, pauper account," 4.05 R. 1 Holman. pauper account 17.00 Chan. Catta. meals for jury. 7.00 P. C. Detective Ass'n Circuit . . Court 42.00 W. J. Culver, circuit court, M. W. Miller, meals for jury, A, M. Horn, circuit court, C. H. Webster, juror. C. A. Lakln, Juror, p. T. Oatfteld, Juror, Jacob Mlley, Juror, A. Frankhansen. Juror, E. W. Burghardc, juror, A. Crossan, Juror, George Lazelle, juror, W. B. Lawton. juror, J. R.x Duncan, juror. L. Tenny, Juror, E. A. Shaver. Juror. , J. E. Marquam, Juror, , R. (toucher. J. L. Daniels, Juror, T. Davis, Juror, H. Peckover, Juror. D. Robeson, juror. M. Hulras. Juror, A. O. Holllngsworth, juror, J. L. Evans, juror, A. H. Bottemiller, Juror, Mat Handle, juror, N. Rath. Juror, C Epler, Juror, T. Johnson. Juror, W. F.. Harris, juror, James Smith, juror, F. H. Hilton. Juror. M. Irish, juror. John Page. Juror, Jehn Roberts. Witness J. Koenig. witness. H. S. Bergman, witness. John Zeek. witness, Dagma Jones, witness. F. M. Wilson, witness, W. E. Wilson, witness Charles Wright, witness J. 8. Dick, witness, J. Evans, witness, C. Mattocks, witness, T. Stahlnaker, witness, E. C. Case, witness. Wary K. Cox. witness. Dycle Knotts. witness, Lola Knotts, witness. Harvey Knotts. witness. H. W. Trembath, witness, G. W. Blgham, witness. G. Smalley, witness J. B. Lorch, witness. 1.50 Sti.Ofl 2.0i :.oo 2.00 S.00 4.20 3.60 22.20 21.20 26.60 24.50 30.00 28.60 30.20 "ft 220 11 n on I A. 2.20 2.20 30.20 4.20 4.20 30.20 30.60 28.80 31.20 30.60 4.20 29.20 30.80 30.20 27.80 S0.40 6.00 5.00 6 00 3.80 220 220 2.20 2.20 3.80 3.80 4.60 3.80 4.00 3.80 MS0 3.80 3.S0 2.20 2.20 2.20 4.60 The 4 3 AFTER THE FIRE We have to perform the unpleasant duty of selling out damaged stock of goods damaged by water and rough handling during the excitement. a o 6 0 I i 4 6 ( 9 i ea " 700 Cedar Doors, edges slightly sprinkled with water 85 and 95 Cents a Piece tSO Woven Wire Springs, best quality, $1.95. 50 Iron Beds, $1.95. ' Writing Desks, regular $9.00 values, for HALF Fine Decorated Dishes, as 6 Caps, 6 Saucers, 6 E. Cornell, witness .1, IV I,orch. witness, IV F. Payton, witness. E. Cornell. witness, Mrs. Cornell, witness, J. Cornell, wltnes. Cha. Cornell, witness. Rose Ijilly. witness, Mary Martin, wttnesa. 11. W. Trembath, witness. Eddie Wollman, witness H. A. Fraf.er, witness. (5, W. Small)', witness. C. Wright, wUiiesa, G. W. Rlgham, wltnes. L. Moore, witness. Llxile .Moore, witness. H. W. Trembath. witness, V. K. Carll, witness. F. M. Wilson, witness. 9 40 1 4.00 j 4.10 940 SMO 940 940 6 40 2.00 2 20 50.10 9 40 3 20 t 20 2 20 520 2.20 J 20 440 3 20 Oregon City Enterprise, printing, SS.00 Oregon City Courier, printing. .50 Bert Jonsrud. Insane, J. H. Revenue. Insane. Hugh Mount. Insane. K. A. Sommer, lusane. (J. W. Norria, Insane ll.lH) 14.75 500 5.00 5.00 600 R. I. Holman, Coroner. G. W. Bentley. coroner. Peter Brown, coroner. E. Pitman, coroner, A. V. Davis, coroner. Dr. Leavitt. Coroner. Mrs. Lottie Miller. Coroner, J. W. Loder. Coroner. R. L. Holm j n. Coroner, Llvr St 1pp. Justice Peace. H. v. Trembath. Justlct Peace. Uxy Stlpp. Justice Peace, Ed. Shaw. Justice Peace. A. E. Alspaugh. Justice Peace. 1.60 1.70 1.30 1.70 1120 180 9.70 19 75 445 6.70 64S 310 415 240 3.90 460 4 60 460 540 1.00 100 400 700 , 6.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 300 300 3.00 O. Carpenter. Justice Peace, Cerhardis. Justice Peace. C. Ixiney. Justice Peace. H. Hanlen. Justice Peace. T. Meeks. Justice Peace. B. W. P. W. J. Hamilton. Justice Peace W. H. Moody. Justice Peace. Eltction Account. C. N. Greenraan. Election, , I School Dist. No, 27. election. Iw. Welch, election, C. E. Smith, election. W. H. Smith, election. Uohn Kent, election. A. D. Hilt, election. I J. Heiirth, election, John Page, election. I Ed Nachand. election. C. W. Parrish. election. H. J. C. Salisbury, election. E. Smith, election. I. D. Taylor, election. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.30 450 450 4.50 450 450 450 4 50 2.00 3 00 3.00 300 3.00 3.00 G. Olds, election. C. A. Nash, election. Mrs. E. Rivers, election H. T. Melvln. election. P. H. Mulloy. election, , D. B. Yoder. election Chris Hocher. election. G. ?. GUbertson. election "'. S. Tull. election. J. Sandsnes. election. M. W. Sheppard, election. James Shannon, election. W. Moehnke. election F. Stelner. election, C. E. Spence, election. J. R. Lewis, election. D. LeFevre. election. Hisef urnisker A ... ' t , i j jj , . ; . I 1 ,r ' t v . . V t (t I r ;j t - ' 4- i . . - :'. I '.',! :j f-' ;,' ';,... it , y , .i ' Gome early if you wish to avail you -self of some of these bargains. 420 8.00 3.00 3.1W 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 4 TO 4 50 750 4 '0 , 4 50 4.50 4.50 H. O. lnskep. Goo. lnkiHp, M. E. Umdon, Beaver Creek HiUK"X S. E. Card. . Edgar Rlchy. J"' Goo. Kitenum, E, Ai'tnlsseger. V'v"' II. W. Unit. O. W. lkrtng, T. D. l'help. Henry McUuglu. James Kegles. A. C. Thomas, Harry E, Hramhati. Otto Aschoft, K. F. Andre. Joe Carlson. J. II Wright. IV Robeson. B. C, Palmer. W. H IVmney. John Oerber. Mrs. P. E ivmoey, C. K. lrbtt. J. H. Wewer, S. Coalman, Paul Dun. I. R. lXHle. , A. Melnlg. Herman Bruns. Gilbert JonsrnJ. 4.50 950 4 50 450 4 50 4 5(1 4.50 4.50 450 4 50 850 4 5 3,00 450 890 450 4.50 4 50 450 450 4.50 Melnlg Bro. 11. A. Lee. Wrn. Vorpahl. J. S. Dick. James Evans. C. R. Rorroughs, U P. Hums. C. N. Walt. A. Phelps. W. H Hair. U E Graier. A. II. Knight. Geo. Koehier, J. A. Graham. E. C, Chapaian. J. C. Paddock, M. E. Gaffney, R. B. Holcomb. ank Talbert. E P. Dedman. Thoa, Mooney. 2.00 3.00 3.00 300 480 300 3.00 300 3.00 300 3.00 3.00 3.00 135 3.00 300 300 3.00 3.00 3.00 300 3.00 300 W. Imel. I W. T. Johnston. A. Mather. C. F. ZinsT. 300 300 3.00 J. V. Bennett, Wm. Welch. Tho. Ilrow n. . . C. W. Kern. J. T. Mclntyre. Edward Kopper. Jr, Chas. Harris. Geo. Utelle. 450 1160 450 450 450 450 350 350 354 iChas. Midlam. 1 K. Nuttall, ; Wm. Hedge. J. W. Partlow. , W. B. Uwton. Chas. Spencer, f A. F. Stokes. E. H. Burkhardt. J. R. Morton. W. Greeowall, H. BrWthaupt. 35 3.50 3.50 350 300 6.70 450 450 4 PRICE Dinner Plates, all for $1.50. W. Grlnenthwalt, election F. Katurnth. election tins. Si'buehol. election. , Frank Shannon, Out Gmat Cleamsnce IS NOW IN PROGRESS We ate Offering UnpAfaleUed Bargains Great Reduction on Men's Suits and Overcoats, Boys' and Youths' Clothing. Dress Goods at Clearance Prices. Men's Furnishings, Hats, Underwear at Clearance Prices. All Ladies' Jackets Reduced. Women's, Men's, Children's Shoes at Big Reductions . All Dressed Skirts Reduced. All Furs Marked at Clearance Sale Prices. SALE BEGINS Tfitftfsclay, December 29 AND CONTINUES THIRTY .DAYS I Y7 'j ho Seventh and Main Streets tf Oregon City, Oregon J. W. HtiW-rr. J. C. EHott. M. Schneider. H. HHIeary. Harvey, (iilxmij, J. J. Judd. 3 W S.m) 3 ) 3 oo 3 00 3.00 300 3(M) 300 H Hallou. N. F. Helple. J. K. BnrnHt. Chan. Vanruren. C. H. Smith. , J. W. Dowtjr, 11. lioffmtdator, H. .4 tiib.on. J. K. Ely. A. IJ. Burnett, A. (Jerhardia, J. P. Irwin, N. M. Tracy. F. II. DavU, P. K. Linn, W. 11 Holder, H. Ejieraon. J. II. Tracy, II. Paulnen. A. J. Kltzmlllor, N. Hath. A. Welderhold. W. Gueldcnropf. Ed Cuter. J. Paulrt'-n, J. C. Sprague, W. P. Klrchem, F. P. Wllaon, O. I. Roblilna. 300 6 00 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 950 450 700 9.50 4.50 460 4.50 4 50 7.30 4 60 4.60 4.50 460 4.50 4.50 2.50 7.75 4.S0 4.50 ir.o 4.50 4 :.0 4 tO 4.10 4.r.o 4 HO ! Fred Oerher, A. J. Ju!m4on, j Kolri Dane, ! Harding Orange, W. O. Klelnsmlth, !r. J. Br.ockley, jM K'indle. iC, U. Miller. If. C. Handle, K KieinHinlth, C Stromgreen, I 1$. MUM. M. 'ari'pbell, J. II. Daly, L. L ''-brile, J. L. Murdoch;, R. A. Wright, H. 8. Raraaby, M. B. Hungate, A,r Angle, 0. J. Caae, H. J. Raatall, W. J. B. Vlck, J T. Colo, W W. Everhart, P. C. Miller, H. Ij. Vaughao, T. 8. Stlpp, i D. C. Boylea, iJ. A. Welti, 0. W. Pro8er, B. j. ituagea, J. J. Johnson, U Halllnan, Ann Coon, P. 11. Zimmerman, I M. E. Dunn, Henry Gana, i J. W. Thomas, , D. B. Fox, J. C. Haines, Jr., ; R. B. Wllmot, F. E. DavldHon, Oawego Orange, W. H. Howell, ;W. M. Shank, A. Schram, 3ELLII Kf(3 4 It M 4 f' ! V. 4 50 J 2 50 j F. 7 00 V Ijitourftt". It. Hd J. CimA. T. tirimth. It. HowpII. W. Ul-r, A. 1'inhtoti. IK. ; j. J C"V. IK. J. Nut.l.'. ;mrt Brow n, ;C. C. Balw.K'k. V, V, K.dly. ; J. I. Waldrn. ;tl. C. Ctirrr. 3 00 ! I'rank Newton. David Cauflfld, C. H Ie. E. V. C.wlnK. II. C. Curry. J. T. Gli-anon. H 8. Walker, J. P. Keating. K. C. (ircnman, J. K. Harrington, IL d. I'lnrco, 8. V. Francln, Mm. Mulvejr, 4.501, C. Uriel... Elnwr 1)1 ton. 0. W. Kredrlch. E. W. 8r.itt. J, Runner, C. M. Man. A. K. Kli'inHmith, J. Swafford, H.-nry tilllrt. 8. M. Keliw, W, F. Younjj. E. O. Join-a, Jay Baker,. K. . Llohtnthaler, W. F. Ik.bcirg,' 8. H. llllhnan, A. B. Hlbbard, I). M. Rentier, M. D. Leal, Barton Jack, J. C. Marquam, E. B. Albright, 4 f.O 4.50 4.00 300 3,00 300 3.00 300 3.00 3.00 .':( 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 4.21 3.00 I. P. Larklna, J. W. Orazle, C. W, Illaley, Geo. M. Hlveley, Chaa, A. Reed, T. R. A. Sellwood, C. C. McLaughlin, R. Scott. John Oatfleld, H. Thelanen, John RlHley, 0. Keller, O. WlaHenger, T. R, A. 8ellwood, M. M. McOeohan, W. W. Meyera, Thoa. Davla, 8r., E. W. Swallow. 3.00 .1.00 '1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 7.00 2.60 3.00 3.00 3.00 J. Oaffner, Jr., L. Mautz, Jamea- Shelley, I. II. Blglow, E, A. Montandor H. JohDHon F. ErFlHh, T, it Sconco, J. w: Yoder, I. W. Garrett, W, 8. Rider, J. Burgoyne, D. Penman, W, H. Jonea, L. Ferguaon, 3 00 R J Brtin. 300 H Antluitiy. 3 00 I McArtlmr, 3 00 Altwrl 'riMin 3 00 J. tt Nlithttial. 3 00 o 8 B.iyl. 3 00 A. DaU. 3 oo Hrt.it Carter. 3 00 B F. lUmto. 1 cm) Vm Matlngo. 3 00 F. W. MeUrn. 3 00 A M Mbly. 3 00 8 II Rany. 300 W. Turkr. 3 00 W. J JwkIIph 3 00 W. Bard. 3 00 J A. Itwd. 3.00 Jaa 8hlbl.y, 3 00 J Sidling , 3 00 O I' 8barp. 3 00 C. F. Wannr, 3 00 C. F. Pollvka 0O 7. KlllKMn. 3 00 J peNetu. 3 00 Jarob Mllny, 3 oo J. F. Klnyon, 300 Iiaae Miller, 300 It H rrUaell. 3 00 W. I. White, , 3.30 J. 8. Vaogtian, 3 00 F. M. 8nd-r, 3 00 W. M Hlfine, 3 00 0. MaynM. 3.00 U. C Ariimtrong. 3.00 I"la Funk, 4 20 W. C. Ward. 7.60 Win. Rutherford. 4 60 W, Mattot.n, 4 50 Arh. I)Ut. No. 14 1.60 N. Blair. 4 50 W. F, Btanton, 4 60 Peter Anderann, 4,50 J. 8. Owlngs, 4 60 J. G. Nix, 4,50 F M. Hamnon, 9.r.0 Geo. Pope. 4.60 J. W. McKay. 4 60 Humphry, 4.50 F. GIUlKan. 7.26 O. Tonkin, , 3,00 K, Maaa, , 3.00 T, J, Gary. 3.00 R- I- Greavea, 3 00'M. A. Marine, 3.00 Otto F. Olaon, 3.00 T. J. Gary, 3.00 M. Hyatt, 3.00 W, O. Beattle, 3.00 R. G. Ooodfellow, 4.40 ,C. T. Howard, 3.00 A. L. Iarklna, 3.00 , Thoa. Wlloa, 5.00 , C. C. Marlclo, 4 50 F. E. Mueller, 4. 50. John L. Evana, 4,60 !C. T. Howard, Trustee, 4.60 W, lioney, Inquoat, 4.50 C. W. Herman, Inqueat, 4.50 , E. E. Judd, lnnueit, 4,50' J. V. Gheen. Inquest, 8.60 4.60 J. R. Duncan, Juror, iLcwIa & Clark committee, 4 S0T, F. Ryan, road account, 4.60, H. Shannon, road aconnt, 4.60 , Francla Shannon, road acct., 4.60 'Wm. EHtea, road acct, 4.60 H WllllamH, road acct., 6,60 iJ. Walker, road acct., 4.60 Jluffalo Pitts Co., road acct., 4.60 iC, It Dauchy, Jr., road acct., k 4.C0 1 B., Story, road act, ' 1.50 1 J- U. ErnHton, road acct., V 4 SO 4 $0 : oo 4 SO 4 & 150 4 50 4 30 4 60 4 60 00 4 50 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO ISO 4 50 4 50 4 80 4 &Q 4 50 soo 4 SO 4 SO 461 4 60 4 50 7.70 4 SO 4 50 4 SO 4 SO -B0 460 4 60 4 50 4 60 500 8.70 4 SO 4.60 4 60 450 ,4 50 4.60 300 3.00 3.00 3.00 300 3.00 8.00 3.00 3,00 3.00 8.00 8.00 6,00 4.S0 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 2.00 1.60 2.00 2.00 1.60 6.00 600.00 8.26 12.26 20.80 4.60 4.60 4.00 15.81 6.06 9.86 1.60 I j