OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1904. PAGE S E E D T I ME experienced farmer has learned that some grains require far differ ent soil than others; some crops need differ enthandling than others. He knows that a great ' deal depends upon right planting ct the right time, and that the soil must be kept enriched. No use cf complaining in summer about a mis take made in the spring. Decide before the seed Is planted. . IJfe'best time to reme dy wasting conditions in the human body is be fore the evil is too deep' rooted. At the first evi- , dence of loss cf flesh Scottj's Emulsion should be taken imme diately. There is noth ing that will repair wasted tissue more quickly or replace lost flesh more abundantly than Scott's Emulsion. It nourishes and builds up the body when ordi nary foods absolutely fail Wi "Will mni you a tomtit fm. at Or fon City, to the. highest bidder for C'rhIi thn following described real estate, to-wit; The' south weat quarter of the Northwest quarter of Petition II. Tp. 5, Bouth of Range 8, Kant of the W, M C'lui'tdimiiN County, Oregon, , a. W, A8HKORI), Almliilstratorof the eatete. of John Ten der, deceased. ' Duti'd, December 12, Jft4. Worst of All Experierteee. C'tiii anything be worm than to feel thf,t every minute will bo your last? Such u the experience of Mie. 8. H. Newson, Decatur, Ala., "For three yearn" she write, 'l endured insimorebie puin iroin ! Indignation, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed Inevitable when duVtors itrt't '(ill remedlea failed. At length I wm maucea to iry juiectrio jiiuere ana i and the result waa mlraouloua, Im proved at once and now I am completely recovered." For Liver, Kldnfty, Stom ach, and Bowel trouble Electrlo Bitter la the only medicine. 'Only BOo. H'a guaranteed by Howell tc Jone drugglsta. ,1 NOTICE rOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, I,and Of fice at Oregon CHy, Oregon. December 3. 3904. ; ' Notice la hereby Avert that the follow In v named eettler has filed notice of hla intention to make final proof in iup port of hla claim, and that auld proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, Janu ary 19, 10S. via: KM K. DeRORD, II. K, No. Um. for the Lot 7, BtiSi BWVi and B BEV4 of flee. . T. S 8. R. 4 K. , lie namea the following witnesses to prove hla contlnuoua residence upon and miltlvatlon f aald land, via:. II. C. Hunter, pf Mon lav ilia, Oregon. A neon Countryman, of Coltou, Oregon. Olen Hunter, of Montavllla, Oregon. Wlllliim ' Honrii y, of Colton, Oregon. HKO. ,W. niKKIJ. Receiver, , Re aura that thin picture In tha form l a label U oa th wrppr of evary bottle of Kmulaioa you buy, SCOTTC& BOWNli CHEMIST 409 Pearl 8treet NEW YORK yot. and i all druggists ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICt OF SAL!. In th County Court of Clackamaa County State of Oregon, In the matter of the Kstate of John lender, deceased'. Notice la hereby given that pursuant to an order of the above entitled court duly made and entered on the I2th day of December, 1 904. the undersigned ad ministrator of the eald estte will on b 2Rth duy of January, 1905, at the luwn of 30 o'clock a. m., sell at public auction at the court bouse door of the courthouse of Cluckamua county, Oregon, SUMVONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackama. J. W. Worell,' Plaintiff. va. Adullne WIlkhtHon, Alfred Neevea, and William Neevea, and all other helra known and unknown of Henry William Neevea, deceased, Defendants. To Ailullne Wilkinson, Alfred Neevea, William Neevea, and all other helra known and unknown ot Hnry' William Neevea, deceaaed: In the name of the Hmte of Oregon, you and either of you are hereby required to appear urn) answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled Court and cause on or before Monday, the Itlth day of January, 1D05, and If you fill to appear and anawer thn plaintiff will, for wunt thereof, apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In thla complaint filed herein, to-wit: for decree quieting title of thn plaintiff In tha Southeast iiaiier of the Southeast quarter of Bos. 27, T. .1, S. R. a E; or the .Willamette Meridian, containing 40 ucrea more or leaa, and altuate In Clackamaa county. Oregon, and by the aume decree barring the defendnnta and each of them from any ulalm or Intereet which -they may have In the aame, and for aueh other mn further relief aa to the Cmirt may aeeni A COMriOKNTIAl, 4CHAT. "It'a perfect nonne, Beaaie, for you to Ulk of being laid on the ihelf. Why, It all depend on youraelf. ' Porget jronr worriea, your ache and ailment ; do aa I did, take plenty of out of door air, cultivate happi neaa by not allowing; your mind to dwell oa the trifle and the worrie of life. I aent thirty-one centa in atanip to Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Huffalo, N. Y.. for bi ' Common 6ene Medical Adviser. and found it con tained much ueful information about the care of my hrallh, about phyaiologv, anat omy, and everything a woman nhoulu know. I then decided to write Dr. Pierce and tell him all about my ailments. I received euch a nice, carefully considered and con fidential letter, in reply, living me advice about my diet, cxerciae and all. This advice i free to everyone and 1 wonder you don't write him at onre. It didn't take me many month to regain my good look. Ever aince 1 waa fifteen ! have auflered untold agoniea periodically but now I am free from pain, worry and bad temper. Oc caaionally 1 took Dr. Pierce' Pleatant Pellet thia for the complexion, and to atimulate the liver. Then I took Dr. Picrce'a Favorite Preacription three time clay for, thoe .womanly weakneaaea I told you about That' my aecret of beauty. It' the eaaieit thing in the world to be happy and keep one' good look. Look at the Uiouxand of women who have been made well by Dr. Pierce 'a Favorite Prencription ; look how they keep their Siood look. Dr. Pierce offer f joo reward or ny caae of Leucorrbea, Female Weak nee, Pro1apua, or Falling of Womb which be cannot cure. All he ak ia a fair and reasonable trial of bia mean of curt." FIX DATSS FOR COAT SHOW. Annual exhibit ef Blooded Angora At Pallaa, January 1 and 20. The Oregon Angora Ooat Show will be held at Dallaa on Thursday and Fri day, 'January 19 and 20, W!i. The: dntea were decided upon by Ihe execu-t tlve committee of the Polk County Mo- ; hair Annotation at a meeting Held In : thla city Saturday afternoon. The mwi- her of the committee In attendance were 17, 8. Oram, W. A. Ayiea and Ja. Rlddell, Prealdent O. W. McBee, chair man of the committee; waa detained at home by Important bualneaa affalra, and H. L, Fenton, another member of the committee, waa In Hpokune. The three memhere preaent held a buay aeaaion, and plana for the coming exhibit were diactiaaed at length. , The gentlemen compoaing the commit tee aay they look for a larger attend ance, of goat men at the 1905 ahow than ever before, lnqulriea from prominent breedera from California to Brltlah Col umbia are being received dally and great Intereat la manlfeated in the Dom ing exhibit. The greater number of n- qulrlea concerning the ahow -come from Southern Oregon, where goat ralaing la rapidly becoming an Important Indus try. ? i v ., '" . ,. ';, Mr. Orant Informa ua that the. premi um Data and announcement will be plac In the prlnter'a hands at the earlieat pos sible date, and that complete information relative to the ahow will be aent to every breeder In the Northweat. The Polk County Poultry Association will make an exhibit In connection with the goat ahow aa usual. J. p. Smith and I. V. Lynch, representing tha poultry raisers, were present at the meeting Sat urday afternoon, and received aaaurance from the commltteer that liberal apace will be allotted for a poultry exhibit. Polk County Observer. , a meet and equitable. 'This summons la publlxhed for six nuo cesMlve weeks In the Oregon City Enter prise by order ;of Honorable Thomas F. Ryun, Judge of the County Court of Clackamaa County, Oregon, made on the 28th day of November. 3804. FIrat pub llcatlon being In the lasue of December 2d. 1904, and the last publication & In the Issue of January l.llh, 1905. H. E. CROSS, Attorney for Plalntl.T. Nasal CATARRH In all It etagea. Eli's Cream Balm eleanaea, aootha and beala tha diteaaed, membrane. It care catarrh and drive away a cold In tb head quickly. Cream Balm la placed Into tha no Wis, ipreada over th membrane and la abtorbed. Bella la no mediate and a car follow. It I not dryingdoes not predoee enetslng. Large 81a, Meant at Drug- glata or by mall ; Trial Slae, 10 cent. ICI.T BROTHERS, M Wrrea Street, New York Grip Quickly Knocked Out.; 'Some weeks ago during the aevere winter weather both my wife and myself contracted aevere colds which speedily developed Into tha worst kind of la grippe with all Its miserable symptoms," aaya Mr. J. 8. Egleston or Maple Landing, Ia. "Kneea and Joints aching, muacles sore, head atopped up, eyes and nose, running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using , Chamberlaln'g Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a dose of Chamberlaln'a-ftomach and Laver Tab lets, and by Ita liberal use soon com pletely knocked out the grip." These Tableta promote a healthy action of the bowels, liver and kldneya, which la al ways beneficial when the system la con gested by a cold or attack of the grip. For aale by Geo. A. Harding. n. OREGON CITY PLANING MILL 4asare44 All kinds of Building Material, Sash, Doors Moulding, Etc. - - f . &f BAKER PROP. o UT Oregon City Machine Shop PHILIPP BUCKLEIN, PROPRIETOR Twelfth and Main Streets Oregon City, Oregon It's the little colds that grow Into the big colds; the big colds that end In con sumption and death. Watch the little colds. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Let us again remind! you w : : . That Xmas is only two weeks off and you haven't yet bought all your pres ents. We would like a chanw to help you make your selections. We will assure you that we won't urge you to buy and will take just as much pains showing you what we have as though you did. We have gifts this year within the means of every one and we are just as much pleased with your small purchases as we are the larger ones. By buying direct and in large quantities we have this year gotten better discounts than ever before, and as usual we intend giving you the advantage of them. No fancy prices Jhere, but we will maintain our reputation in Holiday Goods, as infother lines, of selling the best goods in Oregon City at the lowest price. We are making to schools and churches special prices on tree ornaments, Xmas cards, etc. Get our prices before buying elsewhere. A FEW HINTS FOR YOUR PERUSAL;: COLLAR AND CUFF BOXES POCKET BOOKS , MANICURING SETS FRAMED AND UNFRAMED PICTURES CARD CASES ' WORK BOXES i . " , SHAVING SETS FANCY CUT GLASS PERFUMES, SAFETY RAZORS GLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES PURSES AND CIGAR CASES TOBACCO BOXES EBONY, CELLULOID AND STAG PAPER KNIVES MILITARY BRUSHES TOILET SETS LAP PADS PHOTO ALBUMS FOUNTAIN PENS GOLD PENS JEWEL BOXES TRINKET BOXES MATCH BOXES STAMP BOXES WRIST BAGS NECKTIE BOXES TRIPLICATE MIRRORS JARDINIERS TRAVELING CASES ' ' AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER THINGS ' TV I CANADA MONEY TAKEN AT PAR Goods Delivered Free to Any Part of the City ' 3..' .-V i... . ... a w 1 1 1 1 , , Oregon City Market Report. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No. 1, 7So to 90c per buaheL Flour Valley, $4.60 per bW. Hard wheat, $4.15. Portland, $1.16 per sack. Howard'a Best, $1.26 per sack. Oats In sacks, $1.37 1-2 per cental. Cheat Seed $1.75 to $2.26 per-pound. Hay Timothy, baled. S14Q$H par ton: clover. $11 to $12; oat, $1$ to. $14; mixed hay. $12 to 513; cheat, $13 to $14. MlIlatufTa Bran, $20 per ton; shorts $22.60 per ton; chop $20 per ton; barley, rolled $26 per ton. i Potatoea 80 to ttf cent per sack. Kgg" Oregon, 32 cents per dozen. Butter Ranch, 46 to 60c; separator, 65 to 00c, creamery, 66 to 70o. Cabbage 60c to $1 per - dozen. Onions Oregon. 2c per pound. Hubbard Squash 45 to 90c per doa. Honey 11 to .12 l-2c per pound. . Good Apples 50 c to $1 a box. Prunea (Dried) Petite, So per lb; Ital ian, large. Be per lb; medium, t 1-1 e; Silver. 4 l-lo. . , Dressed Chickens 14c per lb. Turkeys live. 1516c; dressed, l"18c. Livestock and Dressed , Meata Beef, live $2.50 to. $3.25 per hundred. Hogs, live, 6 to 6,i'-2c; hog's dressed 6 cents; aheep, $2.00 to $2.50 . per .bd; dreased 5c; veal dressed, 6 'and' 6 ; lambs live, $2.00 to $2.60 per head. , Accidents come With dlstresKing fre quency on the farm. , Cuts, bruises, stings and . bums. . Dr. Thomas' Electric OH relieves the pain .Instantly! Never safe without it. . ... , Howell & Jones (Continued from Page Four.) Diatrict No. 9. Ed Guber, . s , . 9.00 W. Ooldenzaph, , 3.00 A, Weiderhold, . 3.00 Henry Johnson, : , 10.00 Ross Worston, 3.00 . District No. 10. : . Grwer Krigbaum, 2.30 Earl Wagner,. 2.30 Ralph Lemon, 3.50 C. A. Looney, 5.70 W. R..0atfield, 8.75 Diatrict No. 11. Oregon City Planing Mills, ' 1.00 P. Buckleln, . 5.90 Oregon Cltj' Foundry, 4.09 Pope & Co., 5.63 W. A. Holmes, 2.75 J. K. Smith, . 22.50 J. Guinipe, ' 4.80 J. J. Banks, ' ' 3.93 District No. 12. Martin Frakes, ' 1.50 Charley Gill. 1.50 J. S. Gill, . , 2.50 V, H. Bonney, 3.60 District No. 13. W. H. Bonney, ' 44.75 E. S. Walker, ' 47175 Harry Gray, ' '. 20.00 J. T. Fullam. 25.00 T. P. Jubb. 2.00 , District No. 14. H. Henricl. v 2.50 C. W. Freidrlch, 5.75 G. F. Gibbs, ' . ,. 60.00 J. Shelley, ' ' 31.50 . Shortlpdge, 24.00 C. Williams, , 21.00 Harry Shelly, . , 21.00 August Splinter, 12.00 J. Shelly Jr. 20.25 Ben Rainer,' 1 - 1.50 Geo. Taylor. : 14.25 I. Slibi'tledge, , ' 6.00 Wrn. Williams, ' . .12.00 T. W. Gibbs, - , 11.25 G. Guillam, . 6.00 , (Continued next week.) RELIABLE DRUGOISTS, , OASTOHXA. Ifiaantlia lh$ Kind You Have Always Boii!it Prices Reasonable LET US Do Your Work Work quaranteed We do a General Baggage and Traunfer Business. , " Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Office Opposite, Masonic Building 3 . ; Notice to Creditors. Notice ia hereby given that the under signed has, been, by the County Court of the 8tate of Oregon, - for the County of Clackamaa. appointed administrator of the estate of John Herbst. deceased. . All persons having clairha against said estate are hereby required to present the aame, properly . verified, to the under Rigned at the office of Bruce C. Curry. 1n Oregon City, Oregon within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. - ' JACOB .WIND, Administrator, of the estate of John Herbst. deceased. - - ' Bruce C. Curry, attorney for Adminis trator. . First publication. December S, 1904. Winter Rates to Yaquina Bay. In order to accommodate the many people who wish to make' a winter trip to Yaquina Bay, the Southern Pacific Co. will sell, on Wednesdays and Saturdays of each week, until March 31, 1905, roundtrip tickets at low rates, to Yaquina and return, limited to sixty days from date of sale. Those who desire to take ad vantage of this rate should apply to nearest Southern Pacific ageut for tickets. lSft If yoawant iogettbe " Wwtett returM for ; M&a& JW"r -VJ JfPlt5 ye" ground, V'" tSt' ' P1"1 anyihing bat rV3r SEEDS g" them f Set f A free V O.M. f DBT! the ttandanl after 4S y wn' teU. Ttaey lwmyi produce lb largest and surest crops. All deal" sell mem. our lees Seed Aasaal oa requut. Ferry Jt Co. DETROIT, fllOH, JOHN YOUNGER, Ner Huntley's Druf Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE 1 Ureat BritaiVi atul Amefii'H. r. C. GADKE ' THE PLUMBER Deserves Your Patronage. The growth of a community and th success of its local institutions depesi entirely on the loyalty of ita people, ft la well enough to. preach "patronize horae Industry" but except, the service given at a home Institution equals, that of out of-town enterprises, thla argument car ries no weight 'and la entirely disregard ed, aa It should be. But with Oregon City People it ia different. A few month ago B. U Johnson established the Cas cade laundry. It Is . equipped with the latest Improved machinery and ia dairy turning out .work that Is equal to anjy and superior to much of tha laundry work that Js being done in PortlanO. Being a home institution and fumlshlrag employment for many Oregon City people it is enjoying an Immense patronag. The high standard of the work beujp done commenda it to the general public. Laundry left at the O. K. barber ahop Will be promptly called for and delivered to any part of the city. , Telephone 120. E. L. Johnson, proprietor. - .1. CASTOR I Af For Infants and Children, i Tha Kind You Have Always E Bears the Signature of nef j. i 4 COLUMBIA RIVER -CE NEFiV Portland and The i lies - ROUTE I am Reg Line Steamers "BAILEY GAT2ERT" "DALLES CIT "REGULATOR" V "METLAKO". "SADIE B." V Str. "Bailey Gataert" leayea Portlan4 7 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdaya and Fri days; leavea The Dalles 7 A. M. Tu;a days, Thnsrsdaya and Saturdays. ' Str. "Regulator" leavea Portland 1A, M. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdaya; leavea The Dalles 7 A. M. Mondava, Wedneadaya and Fridays. ,. ;; , Steamers leaving Portland, make d&ily connection at Lyle with C. R. & N. tralm for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley points, ' 4 C. R. & N. train leaves Goldendale a Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday a at !:3Q A. M., making conneotlon lath steamer "Regulator", for Portland Md way points. , C. R. & N. train leaves Goldendaleaea Tuesdaya, Thursdays and Saturdays , at 8:30 A. M.. connecting at Yyls with steamer "Sadie B." for Tha Dalles, ccn nectlng there with O. R. As N. trains Beat and West. ' ' Str. "Sadie B." leaves Cascade Ldcka dally (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. for Th Dalles and way points; arrives at 11 A. M. leavea The Dalles I P. II., arrfjreaj Caacada Locke ( P. M. Meala served on all steamers. Fine accommodations for ' teams and wagons. Landing at Portland at Alder Street Dock. , H. C. CAMPBELL. Manager. Oen. Olflce. Portland. Oregon.