Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 23, 1904, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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3 ...Short .Sidehead Stories...
Dtath A B.avtr Creak. Mn, W, 0.
Martin, attj 46 years, dlod of con mini p.
tlon Sunday nlh( at the family home at
Hftvr Crek. , Hho li survived by a
huoband and seven children. Funeral
Mi-vlima were huld at the Huavcr Creek
lrebytKrlan Church Tuvaday afternoon,
Wai Not Inaana. A. A. Plxloy, agd
71 ycaia, of Bunnyslde, whoae arrant on
an Inaanliy charge wa caud Saturday
night on complaint ot- hi wlft who
charted ixley lth thraattmlnir to kill
W, waa rltad after an examination
held Monday More Judge Ityan, Plxley
waa found tc, b aane and harmli-aa and
hla arreat on the Inaanlty charge aenma
to have btin the roeiitt of family troub-I..
Mr. (pence Klected Director. At a
meeting of repreaentatlvia from the dIN
frnt (Irangua In the Fifth DlatrUi, at
Oregon City Tueaday, C. K. Hponce waa
.elected a member of the Board of PI
rectora of the I'atron Inaurance Aaaocl
atlon. for a trm of two year. .Thla la
an organisation belonging to the Grang
ers of Oregon and Waahlngton and In
which membeja of the I'atrona of Hue
bandry are enabled to carry fire and life
Insurance at aetuul coat. Klghty-aeven
dolegatea, representing nearly aa many
Orangea. voted at the meeting.
Builneti Waa Not a Buccal flun
Oldeteln, who for a number of montha
haa conducted a cigar eloie In thla city,
la .reported to have Uft town leaving a
numbnr of oredllora who are conrerned
aa to hla wherebouta. It la known that
Oldateln'a bualneaa venture here wua not
a euaceaa and hla atock of gooda la be
llevnd to be Involved. It la aleo claimed
that before having tue tlty, Oldateln on
Saturday mortgaged the stock Jor aooiit
1200, a Portland jobber making the loan.
Oklateln's wife reniKlna In charge of the
atore. Oregon City Hint In On-aonlini.
wn made to drill the aafe. But the
drill beoame faalened In the metal door
Mini the would-be Hiife cracker, being
unubln to dlalodge the Inetrument had
to abandon the tuttk. The robbei'y la
bellived to have been, the work of emu-tiura.
Masked Man Taeklea Four. While on
their way home at 1 o'clock Monday
morning, Frank llenrlol, Thoe. Orubba,
Curl Frederick, and Auntln Nichola
were held tip by a maaked hold-up artlat
on flvventh atreet near Noah' barn, but
neither of the quartet auatalned the lone
of a cent, Hacked up by a gun of large
dlmenaidna, the man, rho wore a white
hundkerchlef over., hla face, demanded
the four young men to throw up their
handa, but Ineb'ad of doing ao, they run A ball
rapidly away, three chooalng one dlrec
Hon while llenrlcl atarted back to the
city being pureued by the bandit who waa
outept'lnted. llenrlcl reported the In
cident to the police ofllcere but no trace
waa' obtained of the man with the gun,
who wna described aa wearing a dark
Mult end a aoft blank hat.
Want to 8a Separated. After nuccea
fully defeating two ettcmpta by hla wife
to have him committed to the Btate In
eajie Aeylum, Chailea V. Horn, of thla
city, haa filed ault for divorce from Mary
Horn, whom ha married In Fannayl
van la In February? 867. In hla com
plaint Horn atlegea tliut for year the
wife, re-lnfoived by the annoying con
duct of undutlful children, have made
life mleerable for him. terminating In
two ettorta to have him placet! In the
any Him. He aeka for a complete divorce
and deelrca t he i court to award to him
the custody of Karl Horn, the only minor
Failed to Drill the Safe. DleguHled at
not being able to drill Into the aafe,
the burgtara who entered Ernest Mat
thlea' aaloon laat Saturday night Appro
priated two bottlea of whlaky, aome amall
change from the caeh reglater and de
camped leaving their toola behind them,
The building wua entered through a
window and an unmioccMeful uttempl
Mora Poto;cee Olacontlnued. -- I'on
niuater T. P. Ilandall, haa received
notice from the Poetoltlce Department at
Waahlngton ordering the dlacontlnuance
of the Kly, Clarke, Reaver Creek and
Highland oltlceM. The life or the Ely office
will end December 31 while the other
three ofllcea will be auepended January
14 The eimpetielon of theae ofllcea haa
reunited from eatabllMhlng two addltlonul
rural free delivery routea from tftr Ore
gon City office. Poetmaater Randall by
holding a euccexalon of examinations of
applicant for appointment aa , carriers
has been unable ut llnd an applicant who
will qualify aa carrier for route No. 4
and haa accordingly recommended ,to
the Department that further efforts to
etnrt thla route from Oregon City be
abandoned, but that the service be pro
vldtrd from the Bprlngwater office. '
Among thoae who will bowl on the Sam
eon team are Dr. I,, A, Morris, captain;
Ted Osmund, Dr, Mount and Mr. Schwab.
Opposed to these and two ottier flayers
yet to be named, will be the following
named half-rioien from the Mot eland
house: Wm. K. Loifii. caotaln: Dr. L.
J. Woif, Jullua Meyer, John W. Cochran,
ICd, Fortune and Mr, Jonea. , Another
howling team to be known aa the Inde
pendent haa been organised and thla
aggregation will challenge the winning
team In the contest herein referred fo,
flcfore the Winter la ended a bowling
tournament having t eeveral . competing
teams may be arranged.
Fifty-Two Fine New Kimball Planoe to
be Closed Out. Terma $20.00
Down and t a Month.
ppon Inventory we find exactly Jlfty
two of theae fine Kimball Pianos In
atock. ,
There la no-flner Piano than the Kim-
hoarding Houaea to Bowl. The Super
iority of two Oregon City boarulng houaea
from a bowling view-point, will be de
termined aome night Boon at Ooodfel
low'a alleys. Among those who never
nils a meal at Mis. M. J. Morelund'a
boarding house, alx young fellows had the
temerity a few day ago to Issue a chal
lenge to the boarder at the Bamaon
house for a bowling contest, the losing
team to provide an oyster aupper for the
victors. The chnUHtge waa promptly ac
cepted and the members of the two ag
gregatlona are undergoing vigorous train
ing for the aproachlng contest. Having
invited the trouble, the membera of the
Moretand family have not winced a parti
cle and while admitting that the com
peting team haa a trifle the better of
the situation so far a the name of the
aggregation la concerned the Samaom
still under the competent leadership of
Captain Wm. It. Dogus, the North Main
street team feela confident of eating the
oysters at the other fellows' expense.
No piano will outwear it.
In tone quality the Kimball stands un
surpassed. The action or touch of the Kimball la
light and elastic, admitting of the most
rapid repetition.
The world' greatest artist and hlgh
eet musical authorltiea enthusiastically
endorse and use the Klmbal In prefer
ence to every other make.
The piano pictured here la the famous
Kimball school or teachers piano. Sup
plied In case of fancy quarter-sawed
oak, motled mahogany, or a beautiful
rich, dappled French walnut finish.
No pluno selling at retail for 1450.00
la silperlor to one of these Kimball Pla
noa. To ulose out theae Instrumenta during
the next thirty duya we will offer them
at the uniform price of $300 cash or at
$309, on payment of $20 down and $4
a month.
We pay freight to any railroad station
or bout landing, and ship our planO aub
Ject to examination and trial. Money
to be refunded If Instrument does not
prove satisfactory In every way.
Write us at once, Ellerl'iano House,
351 Washington Street, corner Park.
Other stores, Spokane, and Seattle. Wn
Boise, and Lewlston, Idaho., San Finn
claco, Stockton and Oakland, Calif.
Doan'a Kidney Pill I procured a box and
took them according to directions. , The
result wua entirely aatlefuctoi-y, The
backache grew les and less and soon
disappeared, and aa far a I can tell It
ha gone for good for there have been
no symptoms of a recurrence."
Plenty more proof like this from Ore
gon City, Cull at C. O. Huntley's drug
atore and ask them what their customers
For sale by all de.aler. Price 60e.
Foeter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. eole
agent for the United State.
Kemember the name, Doans, and take
no other,
Visitor Will Have a Chance to See Crop
Being. Railed en a Model Farm.,
Portland. December 22. A large experi
mental farm, In actual operation under
the direction of skilled agriculturists, will
be, one of the muny novel spectacles at
the Lewla & Clark Centennial. The farm
Will be located on the western aide of the
Fair grounds, and the work of preparing
the soli and laying out the farm I al
ready well under way.
The site allotted to the farm waa for
merly a truck garden which waa conduct
ed by a Chinaman. It I an Ideal apot
wlh rich , alluvial earth capable of pro
ducing the most prolific crop. None
of the great world exposltlona ever held
before have given such an object lesson
to the people. While there have been
corn stalk of enormoua size, tied with
blue ribbon, and frulta on a china plate,
the opportunity of studying a marvelous
crop, while actually growing, will be an
entirely new and original feature of the
1905 Kxpoaltlon.
Bald? Scalp hiny and thin?
Then it's probably too late.
You neglected dandruff. If
you had only taken our ad
vice, you would have cured
Hair Vigor
the dandruff, saved your hair,
and added much to it. If
not entirely bald, now is your
opportunity. Improve it.
"I h ! Asre H(r V2r for rsr
year, t am now Hi jtmrt old sua lis hnrf
growth ut rich brown li.lr. 4u, I tbiuk, en
tirely to Arar'n Hair Vfrnr."
Ma. M. A. KaiTN. Belleville, tit.
Iiw.ll. Ma.
Good Hair
The Farmer' Telephone Co., recently
Bled article of Incorporation In the ottlcc
of County Clerk Sleight. Frank Andrew
Fred J. Meyer and Llnwood E. Jones are
the Incorporator of the compan which
I capitalized for $5000. The company'
principal office I located at Oregon City.
The building and operating of rural tele-,
phone lines constitute the business In
which the corporation will be engaged.
Some Oregon City People Fall to rteallxe
the Serloutnes.
The constant aching of a bad back,
Th weariness the tired feeling;
The pulna and ache's of kidney Ills,
Are serious If neglected,
Dangerous urlnury troubles follow.
Thla mun phowa you how to avoid them.
T. W. Bhunklund, who la a atreet car
conductor on the Woodstock atreet car
line, residing at 710 Ellsworth atreet,
Portland, aaya: "Some time laat fall I
began having considerable trouble and
annoyance from, a dull aching pain In
the back over the kidneys. I think It
waa caused from the constant jarring
und shaking of the cur. I thought at first
It would dlanpear aa quickly aa It came,
but thl waa not the case. Learning of
Bean toe
ilia Kind You Have
Vlaws n Ambition and Qyt
Dyspepsia," wrote Eugene Field,
"often incapacitates m man for endeavor
tod sometime extinguishes the Are of
ambition." Though gn&t despite hit
complaint Field lutfered from indiges
tion til his life. A weak, tired stomach
can't digest your food, it meai
rest. You can only rest it by the nse
of s preparation like Kouol, which re
lieves it or work by digesting your iooa.
Best soon restores it to It normal ton.
i aitlfcfvina.
I EnvigoratJrig.
Prepared only by E. O. Da Witt & Co., Obicega
i TbeSL bottle conuioa 2tf time tbe&Oc sue.
Physicians pres
cribe it for their
delicate patients.
... . For Sale by,
Sola Agency for O reton City. -
J.Ae elluur waterproof
oof 3utl: and h&tS
ti'lwioW wet work.
it i cHen nutated but
Mtr teualted
Mcxfe m bluth or yellow
6fii fully eouroo'ced to
A J T0f (0. sw OWOtAMGt,
ejiewr.OT4 mill NWieo.t,
i , rv .
II yl 1 y AA H . lap. i lt
r22a for
5I0N0C THE PI571.
anal Catarrh quickly yields to treat
ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree
ably aromatic It is receiyed through the
nnutrila. nloariHAS and heala the whole VOX'
j face OTr which it dffuseg itself. Drnggiste
sell ine ouc. size ; atuu aize vj man,
cents. Test it end you are sure to continue
the treatment
To accommodate those who are partial
to the nse of atomizer in applying liquid
into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou
ble, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form, which will be known as Ely's
Liquid Cream Balm. Price' including the
apraying tube is 75 cents. Drnggiste or by
mail. The liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of the solid preparation.
Jf you wijsh to send the Old Folks at Home a re mem;
branoefor hristmas, come to us and we will bell you
a draft that is good in all the principal cities o Great
Britain and Europe. CHEAP and SAFE. ;
- ' ; " Oregon City, Jregcn
Watches Ate Always
a Fvotite Gift
We make a specialty of Watches and carry
a very large assortment. We have
. cheap watches for boys and girls as well
as moK expensive ones for old folks..
Nickel Watches for $1.00, $2.00, $2.50,
$3.00 and up to $10.00.
Silver Watches from $6.00 up.
Gold Filled Watches from $10.00 up.
Solid Gold Watches from $20.00 to $75 00.
You are sure of getting a good time piece
when you buy a watch of us. We
guarantee them tb give satisfaction.
. " '
We like to have you come in and look
over our assortment.
YOUR Holiday wants in out line will have out most
careful attention. Out stock is complete, exstensive
and well selected. The styles ate fresh and new. The
inducements we are offering are better values for the money
than we have ever offered before. Oar personal guar
antee goes with every article we sell. Come and see the
greatest variety in Watches, Diamonds, Rings,. Pins,
Chains, Lockets, Bracelets, Sleeve Buttons, Emblem Pins
and Charms, Silver Match Boxes, Stamp boxes, Hat
Marks, Hat Pins, Coat Hangers, Clothes Brushes, Mili
tary Brushes, Ebony Goods, Leather Goods, Silver Dyosit
Ware, Hand-Painted China, Haviland China, Cut Glass,
Silver Tea Sets, Cake Baskets, Bread Trays, Fruit
Dishes, Fern Dishes, Baking Dishes, Chafing Dishes,
Carving Sets, Child's Sets, Child's Cups, Baby Spoons,
Forks and Knives, Black Wood Clocks, Gold Plated Clocks,
Mantel Clocks, Hand Decorated Jardeniers, Umbrellas,
Canes, Opera Glasses, Spectacles and Eyeglasses, Foun
tain Pens, Kodaks and Cameras, Developing Machines,
Photo Albums, Violins, Banjos, Washburn Guitars and
Mandolins, Autoharps, Zithers, Harmonicas, Victor Talk
ing Machines Kimball and Burdett Organs, Pianos,
White and Standard Sewing Machines, Etc.
Fof Yotif Friends
in the East
Souvenir Cups and Saucers, Plates ol all
- sizes. Vases, Pin Trays, etc., from ?f c tc
Souvenir Spoons - in sterling silver, Irum
75c to $2.00. Fifty styles to select from.
Sterling Silver Hat Pins and Book Marks.
A Kaiser Zin Souvenir Cup. The metal
looks and wears like "silver. We flwc
five different scenes, all from Gxejron
City on this cup. Price $1.00. C'cmc
and see it.
Views from Oregon City from JOc to
$1.50. .
We will lay aside any article you may 1
. select until Christmas pack it ready for '
shipment' and deliyer at the express or
u r ffir a s t -it
ini i o a
TKg OrGflon City JJevcflorG
Suspension Bridge Corner
Oregon City, Oregon