PAGE 6. ORfeQON CITY tNTCA-l.iat, RIOAY, DECEMtfrt 23. 190. " Amt. Duo, 7 and S, Mwk 7. tl.09 each...... 2.11 Miller, R. A.. Glndstone, lot ll and 12, block 7, 10! each..,. Sil Beaver, Mattie, Gladstone,)! 15, block 7 1.09 Soaver, Mattie, Gladstone, lot 1, block 7 . 1.86 McOown, M. R, Gladstone, lot 12, . block 9. . 1.09 McCown, Cornelia. Gladstone, lot IS hlocl. 9 ........ i. -.,!.;.. 1.09 Hawkins. Oban. R., (iUxistonts lots 14 and 15. block 11, $1.09 each 2.18 Met 'own. Comelln, CHadslone, all that tract of land described in HiM-ord of Deeds, Book 67, Page 280 .... 5 47 Dlmick." (V. ' B.', ' Gladstone,' kits' 7." 8, . and 10. block 14, !8 cent each S.SS Rambo, Ira G Gladstone lotB, blk lrt ........ 1.09 Willamette Valley, CbAUtauqua As sociation, Gladstone, lot 16, block 20 .... 1.0$ Groom. J. K.. Gladstone lota 1 and S. block 28. cacti , 2.1S Chase. Mary E Gladstone, lot 9, block 2K 1.09 Wells, N. t... Gladstone, lot 11, blk 28, ,... 1.09 Cross, F. M.. Gladstone, lot 3. blk 79 , .82 Anna H. Moore, West Gladstone, lot 11, block t .82 Bloomer, V. J., West Gladstone, lot 17. block U 82 Frost, J. C., West Gladstone, lot 12, block 12 .83 Glbbs. Jessie A.. Lots adjoining Gladstone Park, part as descrlb ed in Record of Deeds, Book $3 Page 415. tract 110.. 25-100 acres .5 Ecklund. Alfred M.. lots adjoining Gladstone Park, tract 122, l.liO A 1.37 Cross, F. M., Gladstone, tots S, 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11, and 12. block S3 83 centa each ... .4 Sweet and Beal. Una villa, lota 1, 2, 3. 4. 8. . 7, and 8, block 1. 12 centa each 96 Sweet and Beal, Unavllla. lota 1, 2, 3. 4. S. , 7. and 8, block 4, 13 centa each 1.04 Sweet and Beal. Unavllla, lots 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. and S. block 6. 13 eta each 78 Sweet and Beal, Unavilla, lots 1. 2, 3, and 4, block S. 13 rents each . . : .&2 Sweet and Beal. Unavllla. Kta &, , 7, and 8, block , 13 cents each 82 Sweet and Beal, Unavllla, lota 1, 2, 3. 4. 8. . 7. and 8. block 9, 13 centa each .9 Sweet and Beal, Unavllla, kits 1. 2. 3, 4, 8. k. 7, and 8, block 10, 12 cents each 96 Sweet and Beal. Unavilla, kits 1. 2. 3, 4. 6, and . block 11, 12cts each .72 Hutchlns. Wo, Unavilla. lota 1, 2, 3. 4. 6, t. 7, and 8, block 12, 13 cts Hutchlns! 'w'm'.,' Una villa." lot's i.'i 3, 4. 8, 6. 7. and 8, block 13, 13 cts each 1.04 Sweet and Beal, Unavllla, lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. and 8. block 14, Sweet and Beal, Unavilla. lota 13 cents each 9S Sweet and Beal, Unavilla. lota 1 and 2, block 15. 12 cents each .. .24 Sweet and Beal. Unavilla, iota 3. 4. 5, 6, 7. and 8, block 15. 12 cts each .72 Sweet and Beal. Unavllla. kits 1. 2, 3. 4. 8. 6. 7, and 8, block 16. 13 cents each 9t Sweet and Beal. Unavllla, lots 1, 2. 3. 4, 6, , 7, and 8, block 17, IS cents each 78 bweet and Beal. Unavilla, blocks . 2, 3. 7 and 8, as vacated by county Court t.lfl lovejoy, uiiabeth. Nh of NE'i and SEW of NE14 Section 27, Town ship ( South. Range 2 East. 120 acres , 7 JO Brown. Henry A.. 8 of SE and NWli of SEW of Section 18.Td S south, ran? 1 west 21.46 times, Elihu. 5.90 acres as described in Record of Deeds. Book 65, Page 128, Section SO, township 3 south -range 1 west 1.02 ilodson, Emery. 24 acres as describ ed In Record of Deeds, Book 4, Page 25, Sections 39. 3, Township 3 south. Range 1 West ., 10.02 uranam, J. w., 12.37 acres as des- 1:1 !(- 1 in Kecora or ueeos, tfooK i 29; Township 3 South: RanW'l West 2.91 unanown. ail that part of W of NE14 lying East of Pudding River Section 13. Township 4 South: Range 1 West 6.06 cagan. Marlon, 15 acres as describ - ed in C. C. Journal No. 9, Page 62, Sections 23, 24, 25. 26; Town ship 5 South, Range 1 West.:.. 11.78 Wetaler, Fred, Improvements on B. Hoesley's land as described in Record of Deeds, Book W., Page 108; Sections 1, 2,35.36: .townships 2 South and 1 South, Range 1 . East 10.64 Lavagette, C. & L., 6 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds, Book 74, Page 407; 25, 2, 3; Township 1 South Ranges 1 East and 2 East 14.51 Wills. W. E. & L. A., 4 acres as des cribed In Record of Deeds, Book R, Page 469; Sections 25, 26 80; Township 1 South; Ranges 1 and 2 East 14.61 Minthorn, H. X. 2.25 acres as des ccribed In Record of Deeds, Book 64, Page 91 ; Sections 29, 30, 31, 32 25. 36; Township 1 South; Range 2 East 7.I8 Kashland, Fred'k, 30 acres as des cribed In Record of Deeds, Book 47. Page 54, Section 6, Township 2 South, Range 1 East 15.30 Magone, Amasa, Lot 1, Section 14 Township 2 South, Range 1 East 1.60 Stuart. Dell, Lot 2, Section 36, Township 2 South,, Range 1 East second half payment 14.37 Walden, N O., Trustee, 2.70 acres as described In Record of Deeds Book 61, Page 347, Section 36. Township 2 South, Range 1 East 2.04 Smith, Annie. 60x272.60 feet, Julia Ann Lewis D. L. C, as described in Record of Deeds, Book 86, Pg. 202; Sections 25. 26, 35 36. Town ship 2 South, Range 1 East 62 Shipley. M. K., 13.30 acres, Anthey James D. L. C. No. 69, as des cribed in Book X, Page 146; Twp. 2 South, Range 1 East 6.11 Riley, H. W. and part of Walling Geo. D. L. C. Undivided Half In terest in 47.60 acres as uescrib ed in Record of Deeds. Book 33, Page 274; Township 2 South, Range 1 East 37.92 Cake, H. M., part of Walling, Geo, D. L. C, undivided interest in 4 7.60. acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book 30, Page 277, Township 2 South, Range 1 East 37.92 Thayer, Aggie, part of Shannan, . Samuel D. L. C, undivided 3d interest 7.25 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book 73, Page 346; Township 2 South, Range 1 East 1.86 Biehl, Emma, part of Shannon, Samuel D. L. C. undivided 1-3 Interest in 7.25 acres as described In Record of Deeds, Book 73. Page 346; Township 2 South, Range 1 East 1.86 Miller, Sarah, part of Shannon, Samuel D. L. C, undivided 1-3 Interest In 7.25 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book 73. Page 346; , Township 2 South, Rantfe 1 East 1.85 Miller, Cellnda, A., 65 acres as des cribed In Record of Wills No. 2, Page 36, Section 21, Township 2, South, Range 1 Eant 16.62 Sharp, Wm. Heirs, 10 acres as des cribed In Record of Deeds Book K Page 29, Section 7, Township 3 S. Range 1 East 10.24 Baker,. Chas., 56.09 acres as describ ed in Record of Deeds Book 73, Page 145; Section 16, Township 3 South Range 1 East, second half payment 7.41 Evans, Amanda, 120 acres as des cribed In Record of Deeds Book 33, Page 400; Section 20, Town ship 3 South, Range 1 East 03.46 0. and C. R. R. Co., beginning on the right bank of the Willamette River where sl'y line of Section 15, Township 3 South, Range 1 East, intersects same; thence East tracing Southerly line of Sections 14 and 16 to County road thence Southwesterly along said County Road to D. McArthur's , land; thence West tracing said McArthur's North line to bank of Willamette river: thence north- westerly along bank of said river to place, of beginning; Sections J.4, 16, 22, 23, Township 3 South Amt. Due. Range 1 East.. . 3.03 Beutel, R, J part of IHimeroy 8am ul. D. L. O..60-100 acres aa dea- crlbed hi Recoixl of Deeds, Book 49, page 2M; Township 3, South. s Range 1. East . , .48 Griebei. Gnstaf, part of Hedges, A. P.. D. 1. C. as described In Record of Deeds. Book 76, Fa ire 6S; Sections 2 and 3 South, limine 2 Enst J.S8 t mitteld. K. U., part of Hedges. A. F. D. I. C as described In Record , of Deeds Bk 69. Page 417: Town ship S South, Range 2 East.... 2.03 u. ami .-. It. K. Co., part of Hodges. A. F II. 1 C 1 acre a describ ed In Record of Deeds Book 72, page 153: Townshln 3 South. R. 2 Kust .. 4.7J Kotn, franels, part or Joalvn Wes ley l L. C, 4.50-1 00 acres h described In Record of Deeds Book S2. Pago 249; Township 3 South. K.iiie 1 Kant 6.78 I nKnownl part of Joalvn Wesley U. U C. 4-5 of 3.75-100 acres Will Matilda, part of Joalyn Wes ley 1. U 0.. undivided 1-6 of S "5-1 09 A, described In Rec ord of lectin Bunk L. Pug 40 . Townnlilp 3 South Rnnge 1 Kaat Pulnuni. Orlando, part of Brock Muhloti, l. U C, 6 acres, aa f scribed in Record of Deeds Hk 75, 274; Townshlu 3 South. Rutin. 1 East ., 1.22 ctmKsie.v, a. m. pari or Ijw Philander IK U C, 50x100 feot a described In Record of Deeda Hook 47. Pam 126: Townshln 4 South, Range 1 East 72 rorier, a tmer. part or 1 Philander D. I C. 100x200 fet as describ ed in Record of Deeds Book 43, Page 352. Township 4 South. R. 1 .. East 1.4jd Noenier, K., part of Seeley. 1 A., D. U C, 75 acres, aa described In Recoi-d of Deeds Book L. Pago !: Township 4 South. Ramce 1 East , , 27.30 wm. Matilda, part 01 Seelv. L. A. D. L. C. undivided 1-5 of 8 acres as described In Book 1 Page 40, Township S 8outh; Unknown, part of Seeley, L. A.. D. C. undivided 4-5 of 8 acres as described in Record of Deds Rook !..( Page 40; Township 4 South, Range 1 East 149 fortune, miiinie. 13.82-100 acres as described In Book 76. Page 337 Section 33, Township 4 South, R. 1 has: ., S.09 f ortune, Minnie. 74-100 acres as described In Record of Deeds. Bk 7. Page 337; Section 34. Town ship 4 South, Range 1 East.... Thompson. Win., 80 acres as des 3.92 cribed in Record of Deeds Book U. Page 331. Section 6, Township 6 South. Range 1 East 34.63 Bagby. F. 8. L.. SWH Section 8. Tp 6 South. Range 1 East 19.51 Neuenschwander, C, Wit of SWVi ' Section a. Township 8 South, Range 1 East; second half pay ment 18.02 Neuenschwander, C. 2 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds Book 76, Page 149. Section 14. Town ship 5 South. Range 1 East; sec ond half payment .12 Porter. Lillian 11., 8 100 acres of 8WV Section 14. Township 6 S., Range 1 East 26.61 Brockait, O. A B., 8W14 of NW 8ectlin IS, Township & South. R. 1 Ehjk S.S6 Shively, M. M.. Heirs, 4-6 of 80 acres as described in Record of Deeda Uook 73, Page 10. Section 21. Tawuship 5 South. Range 1 East 7.7J uimicif. x. M. 1-5 or 80 acres aa described In Record of Deeds Bk 79. Paire 145: Section 21. Town & South, Range 1 East : 13.89 Tayior. J. . i. m., WTi of 8W14 Section 21. Township 5 South. Range I East lg.n jones, f.imi-r. z 60-100 acres as described in Record of Dees Book 76. Page 2; Section 26. Townshln 5 South. Range 1 East 9.26 Jianey. p. h.. fJ4 or Nflr ii of NE 4 Of 8W Sectlon-32. Townshln K South, Range 1 East 20.46 iianey, p. n.. &YtA of NW4 and North 4 acres of NW of SWi , Seciion 35. Township 6 South R. 1 tUit 7.J0 uarrett, kuzu Kllen, 9 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds Book 83. Page 310, Section 35, Township 6 South. Range 1 East; second half payment .0 .61 oiemaier, u. js., rsK or SE14 8ec 12. Township t South, Range 1 ,East 4.1s onunown, pan 01 juarquam Alford D. L. C, beginning 60 rods East of Northwest comer of claim No. 46; thence East 15 rods: thence South 20 rods; thence West 15 rods; thence 20 rods to beginning .49 ttyan. j. u., acres as described in Record of Dee'ds, Book 74, Pag 159; Section 28. Township 1 South Range 2 East 25.86 Reynold, C, 8 acres as described in Record of Deeds Book 86, Page ltf8; Section 28. Township 1 South Range 2 East . tt n Oatman. H. B. and Delaahmut, Van a., j.ou acres as described in Rec ord of Deeds, Book U, Page 229 except as described In Record of Deeds, Book 83, Page 178, Sec tion 29, Township 1 South. Range 2 East 1 ik Williams. E. B., Lots 1 and 2 8ection z. township 1 South, Range 2 Eaat 60 ii Hartung, J. M., 20 acres as described In Record of Deeds Book 44, Page 341; Section Township 1 South Range 2 East 9.75 Mather. A., 60 10-100 acres as des cribed In Record of Deeds Book 31, Page 288, Section 34, Town ship 1 South, Range 2 East except as described In Record of Deeds Book 76. Page 366. Section 36, Township 1 South, Range 2 East 4.56 Davis, Norria, 6 acres as described in Record of Deeds Book 69, Page 173, Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 2 East 2 91 Hunter, L. M., 2 acres as described in Record of Deeds Book 56, Page 122, Section 2, Township 2 8outh, Range 2 East, 2nd half paym'nt 2.18 Draper, Awrie M., Lot 1, Section 4 Township 2 South Range 2 East .25 Ambler. Mary E., 2 88-100 acres as described in C. C. Journal Vol. , 8, Page 223; Section 6, Townshln 2 South, Purnjre 2 East 2.80 iA.-vimmn. 1. B. ana a., z acres as described In Record of Deeds Bk 52, Page 345; Section 8, Township 2 South, Range 2 East I.73 Ambler, Mary E., 100 as described in C- C. Journal Vol. 8, Page 223 Section 8, Township 2 South, R 2 East 17 49 Bemrose, Emily, 60-100 acres as described in Record of Deeds Book 45. Pnfi-n Hi- KUWInr, a lZwn? nl 2 8outn' nnge 2 East Hlbbard. O. F., 8 square rods as described In Record of Deeds Bk 52. Page 16, Section 9, Township 2 South, Range 2 East Llvesay, Nancy J., 50-100 acres as described in Record of Deeds Bk 35. Page 346, Section 9, Township 2 South, Range 2 East Gladstone R. E. Ass'n, 4 acres as 1.44 29 1.44 aeHcnDea in necora or Deeds, Bk 34, Page 397, Section 21, Township 2 South, Range 2 East 5 47 Mayer, Samuel, 33-100 acres as des- criuea in Kecord or Deeds Book .16, Page 463, Section 21, .Township 2 South. Ranee 2 V.aut Cummlngs, W. J.. 65 acres n"ile'. .84 crioeo in necora or Deeds Book 75, Page 244 and Book 82, Page 43; Section 21. Township 2 East Range 2 South 22 86 Wise, Sarah, SE of NW Section 25. Townshln 2 Esst. Rn a itm Moehnke, Chas., 60-100 acres as des- crioea in necora or Deeds Book 29, page 360, Section 26, Township 2 East. Kan if e 2 Smith . ha Wells, James A., 25-100 acres aa des- crioea in Kecora or Deeds Book 82, Pusre 21, Sections 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, Township 2 East, Range 2 South i ail Caufield, Mary E., Jennings, B. v. ij. u., undivided i-g 0f 15 acres as described In Record of Wills No. 2. Vol. 6, Page 173, Townships 1 and 2 South, Range 2 East Abemathy, Mae J., part of Jen nlng B.. D. L. C. undivided 2-3 of 15 acres as described in Record of Wills No. 2, Vol. 6 Page 173, Township 2 South, R. 2 East hid Jennings, j, F., w.B. and W.S. part . ' pun. 44.4ft 30.06 73,63 16.78 ,68 .49 10.73 838 13.40 I.T4 4.38 1.87 33.17 10.49 .23 29.82 20.08 4.28 4.28 14.71 73.08 10.94 .73 Book 62, Page 97. and Uook 6' Page 179; Township 3 South, R, 3 Js-ust untlii. E. M . part of Smith. A. P.. IX U C, 33 acres as described In Record of Dds Rook 8, Page 153; Township 3 South. Range 2 East , Wilson. J.P., A C.E., part of Camp bell, Samuel. D. L. C. 10 25-100 . acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book 73. Page 2K3. Town ship 2 South. Range 2 Enst .... Unknown, 25-100 acres Jn NV corner of D. L. C. No. 4. Township 2 South, Range t East Kennedy, 8. E., part of Winston James, D. L. C. 60 acres aa des cribed In Record of Deeds Book 88. page 91; Township 3 South, Range 3 East... ........ Mugone, Edward, part of Tomp kins. D.D.. D.L.C., 16 9S-100 acres as described In Record of Deeds, Hook 37. Page 225; Township 2 South, Range 3 East Hughes. Ctyile, part of Tompkins D.D.. D L.C.. 99-100 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeda Book 37, Page 326. Township 2 Sun 111. Range 2 East Hughes. Claud, part of Tompkin s D.D.. D.L.C.. 3 99-100 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds Book 37. Page 326; Township 2 South, Range 2 East Magone, M. A., part of Tompkin s D.D.. D.L.C.. 13 96-100 acres as described In Record of Deeds Book 47. Page 226; Township 2 South. Range 2 East, except described In Record of Deeds Book 7, Page 328 Township 2 South. Range 3 East Gladstone Real Estate Association part of Cason. F. C, D. L. C 135 acres as described in Record of Deeds Book 34, Page 347; Town ship 3 South. Range 3 East .... Pattiaon. Young, Eji of BE!4 Sec tion 1. Township 3 South. Range 2 East, second half payment.... Mann. H.. 2 60-100 acres as describ ed m Record of Deed Book Z. Pf 403; Section 2. Township 3 South, Range 2 East Howell. Sanford. 10 acres as des cribed In Record of Deeds Book D. Page 740; Section 10, Town ship t South, Range 1 East Lewis. Mary. 7 68-100 acres aa des cribed In Record of Deed Book Z Page 447: Section 22. Township 3 South. Range 3 East Draper, Aurle M. Lots 4 and 6, Sec tion 32. Township 3 South. Range 2 East Dickey, Chas., part of Homes, Wil liam, D. L. C, acre as des cribed in Record of Deed Book 60, Page 134; Township 3 South Range 2 East Aekerman, Isaac, part of Homes, William, D. L. C, 60-100 acres as described in Record of Deed Book 36, Page 14; Township 3 South, Range 2 East Charman, T. & Son. part of Homes. William. D. L. C. 60-100 acres as described In Record of Deed Book 65, Page 29, Township 3 S, Range 2 East . Cobery, Mary, part of Francis. 8. D. D. U C. 15 acres, as described in Record of Deed Book 00, Page 96; Sections 2 and 3 South, 'Range 2 East Marley, P. H., NE4 of SE of 8E(4 10 acres Section 14, Township 4 South. Ranae 2 East 3.91 1.83 1.43 4.67 8 07 3.78 v 9.76 1.46 Cobery, Mary EV4 of NE!4. 80 acres oeciion i, Township 4 south, K 2 East Kimble. G. B. 4k M. A., 6 acres as described in Records of Deeds, Book 82, Page 423; Section 28. Township 4 South. Range 3 East Forbes, W. O., NE4 of NWVi. 8e tion 36, Township 4 South, Range 2 East; 40 acres; Rothe, R. C, SE of NW!4 Section M36, Township 6 South, Range 2 East- 40 acres: 16.71 .72 6.69 3.89 Gheen, Jos. V., WV4 of 8W, Sec tion 6. TownshlD 6 South. Ran ire 2 East, 80 acres, second hah .... 3.71 8.89 3.89 cnarman, Thomas, 8W14 of NW14 oecuon 5, x ownsnip sou in, it 2 East 40 acres ilyan, T. F., all of NW of Butte Creek, Section 32, Township 6 South, Range 2 East, 63 acres .. Reynolds, L. !.. 8W4 Section 34 Township 6 South, Range 2 East 160 acres Hoffman, J. E.. SE14 of NEVi Sec tion 36 Township 6 South, Range 2 East; 40 acres McLold. A. M., WV4 of Wft Sec tion 36. TownshlD S South. Finn ire 9.99 2.99 11.98 .49 11.70 4.49 10.99 12.67 8.78 6.59 46.86 "7.81 19:61 .69 .66 10.07 31.41 2 EaBt, 180 acres 8chuebel, Robert, 2 acres as des criBed In Record of Deeds Book 85, Page 82 In Francis Howard D. L. C Townships 3 and 4 South Ranee 2 East Jones, I. S W14 of SE4 and KU. of 8W'A, Section 4, Township 7 South. Ranee 2 East. 1fi0 net-en Jones, I. 8 60 acres as described in Kecora or Deeds Book 61, Page 153, Section 9, Township 7 South Range 2 East Klnsey, Thos. E NEK Section 12, TownshlD 7 South. R.intre 2 Rust Anderson, Hilda, C NEfc of NW(4 less 1 acres as aescriDed in Book 87, Page 214; Section 26, Town ship 1 8mth, Range 8 East, 83 acres Anderson, James, 8E14 of NWVI ne;uon z. rownsnip' 1 eolith, Range 3 East. 40 acres Leyden, F-ank E Lot 1, Bectlon. 29 lownsnip 1 Houtn, Kange 3 East 12 20-100 acres Donley, M. V., SW'4 Section 81, Township 1 south, Range 3 East 173 acres, second half Acock, C. W., NH of NEK of NEVi oeciion .rownsnip a south Range 3 East 20 acres Brown, George, WH of NW of oeciion as, Township 1 South, Range 8 East. 80 acres McGreaifor, BenJ., and McLane, urace, i 14-100 acres as described In Book 73, Page 174, Section 4 Township 2 South. Ranee 3 Ent Wade, C. E., A. U. and C. R.. 50-100 of an acre as described in Record of Deeds. Book B., Page 31, Section 9, Township 2 South Range 3 East Wihlon, A. C KW14 of NE'i- Ex. 5 acres, Section 17, Township 2 South. Ranee 2 East, afi ae.rea Pickard, F. M., 62 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds Book 89, Page 82; Section 28, Town shin 2 South. Ranee 8 Rust- . Ilcttlrk, Peter, lots 2 and 8, Section Township 2 south, Range 3 Amt. of JeiiuliiKH B.; D, L. C. 70 acres as described in Miscellaneous Record No. 2. Page 190; Twp 8 8, . Range 3 East, aucund half pay ment , 60 acres as described In MikcpI Uineous Record No. 2. Page 190; Township 2 South Range 2 Kaat, second half payment Sisters of Good Shepherd iMngda Ici.a Home! Straight, Hiram. D, U C, 29 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book 77, Pure 343 and Book 63, Page 838. Town hip 2 H.iiith, Range U East.... Richard, Kllia C 22 87-100 acres as described in Record of Weds Book 62, Pug 449; Sections 20, 31 2$ and 29, Township i South R East ,. Mlnkler, Mary, 24-100 aervs as des cribed lu Records of IVeds Book 36. Page. 403, Section 11. Town ship 2 South, Range 3 East.... Chiirman, T., lSl-100 acres as des cribed In Record of XHeds, Book 45, Page 420, Sections 28, 29. 32. and 33, Township 3 South. R, 2 East CoIIIh. E. H 11 acres as described In Record of Deeds Book 34. Page 37. Sections 28. 29. 32, 33. Town ship 2 South, Kanga 3 East . , . Rogers, O. U, SO-100 acres as des cribed In Book 68. Pago 307; Sec t luns 30 and 31. Township South Rung 3 Kaat Capps, K. F., part of Canps, Isaac l, I- C. undivided WV.fti 86-100 ores as described In Record of Wills No. 2, Page 161; Township 3 South, Range 2 East Cook, James M, J., part of Crun- fleld, Isom. D. U C, 60-100 seres Ma described In Record of Deeds Rook 86, Page 447; Township 26. Range 2 East Kraeft, Theo. M., port of Aber nathy. Geo. IX u C., 10 acres as descrllted In Record of Deeds lUHik 81. Page 458 and 469. Town shln 2 South Range 3 East Kraeft, Marie C, 16 63-100 acres as described In Record of Deeds ' Amt. Due. iC'UH ...a 9.76 0 milliner, Louis, 22 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds Hook 87, Page 60 (part of Thos, For rester Claim), Township 2 South Range 4 East .................. 7.31 Morlnok. Christian, 51 ncr des cribed lu Record of Deeds Hook 67, Page 162, Hwctlon 4. Township 3 F.iHUti, Hangs 3 Kast 8. 54 Brown, Mrs. H , Lots 6. 9, mid N 7 20-1000 aure of lots 4 and 10 Section 12, Township 3 Mouth, Range 3 East, 25 acres 1,33 Miller, Lens. SV4 of 8KV. North of County road, Section 32, Township 3 South. Range 3 Klist, 4 acres.. .61 Davis. Jim., Heirs, 29.60 acres as described In Record of Deeds Hook 29. Page 446; Section 33, Townshln 3 Mouth, Range 8 East 8.34 Charman, Thomas, 81 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds Book R Pngo 81 (part of David Cut ting D. L. C.) Township 3 South Range 3 East 13.41 McSntyro. J. O, and M.. 137 72-100 acres of Wm. Furdyoe , I- C as described In Record of Deeds Hook 66, Page 866; Townships 3 Slid 3 8011th. Range 3 Enst 36.68 Township 4 South Rang 3 tsst. .Unknown. F'rl NS of NtcV Sec tion 1, Township 4 South, Hange 3 Kust 4.88 MuytWUI, O. W., 20 wciva as des cribed In Record of Deeds Rook 89, Page 444; and EH of 8 of 8EU- Section 4, Township 4 South Range 3 East, 40 acres, second half payment , 3.52 Marlay, P, II., BWV4 Bectlon 14. To. 4 South. Range .1 East 15.61 Weed. George R. NW of 8R"i of Section 1. Township U South. Range 3 East 4.83 Lund, J. B and Hoel O. J.. 1 75-100 acres as descrllted in Records of v Deeds Book 43, Puge 462; and Hook 43, Pxge 264; Section 28. Township 4 South. Range 3 East .25 Hoel, O. J., NV4 of SICS4. Section 27, Township 4 South. Range 3 East, 40 acres , 3,39 Hurgrvaves. H., Jones, II . NVi of 8E4. Bectlon 33 Township 4 South, Rnnge 3 East 80 acres 11.80 Rees. A., Heirs, SKfc of 8W14. ec- ' tion as. Township 4 South. Range 4 East. 40 acres 4.83 Township ft South Rang 3 Kast Jones, 8. W. 8W of NWi Section 1. Township 6 South. Range 3 East. 40 acres 3.89 Dolan, John, Wli of HW14. Section 4 Township 6 South. Ranae 2 East. 80 acres 7.8O Dolan. John. EW of Bert Ion 6. Township 6 South. Ranae 3 Easf, 80 acres 18,09 Jones, Hanison, WH of NW and 8W1T Section 10, TownshlD 6 8 Range 3 East, lit acres , 11,70 Johnson, Perry. BVi of N Sec tion 17. Township 6 South. Range 3 Kast, 80 acres 4.84 Landers, John. BW14 of NEVi. Sec tion 18. Township 8 South, Range 2 East, 40 acres. , 4.06 Sumner. Bertha it.. N of 8E4 Section SO. Township 6 South, Range 3 East. 80 acres 9.70 Sumner, Amelia A., SE4 of B Section 30. Township 5 South, Rintge 3 East, 40 acres 4.84 Township S South Ranos 3 East Collins.- E. 8., St: Section 12. Township 6 8outh, Range 3 East 10 acres 29 12 Painter, F.. WH of WH Section 20 Township ( South. Range 2 East ItiO acres ., f.70 wnite, ij. a., and Est". W. p., IkiIs 4. 6. . and 7, Section . Township 7 South, Range 3 East 134.96 aces 10 80 Noble. H. F... SH of 8H Section 8 Township 7 South, Range 3 East 160 acres 12 99 Shaw. J. W.. NE4 Section 24, Tp. 7 South, Range 2 East. 160 acres 9 99 Webb. W. W.. Lot 1. Section 30. Township 7 South. Range 3 East 32.18 acres 2.60 Townsnip 1 south Rang 4 East Smith. Alpharetta. HE4 of 8EH Section 25. Township 1 South. Range 4 East, 40 acres 9.33 iseiu. juien. Bs or NK' Bectlon 20 lownsnip 1 noutn, Kange 4 East 80 acres 20.34 nan, m.. z acres as described In Record of Deeds Book 82. Page 228: Section 27. Townshln 1 South Range 4 East 154 swana. m. J.. jnk"4 or K', and 1.75 acres of EH of NEH South of road. Section 27, Township 1 8. Range 4 East. 41.75 acres 13.88 Dimn. T. M.. 8W'4 of SW!4 Ex. S.66 acres In 8E corner Section 29. Township 1 South. Ranea 4 East, 28.34 acres 9.75 uinin, t. an.. t& or hks serrtlon 30. Township 1 South, Range 4 East, 40 acres 9,75 Shaw. W. A.. WH of NRi (second half) Section 32. Township 1 South. Range 4 East, HO acres.. 10.96 Township 2 South Rang 4 East Smith. J. 8.. EH of NK'., and 18 acres in NE of BE N of the soiinty road. Section 29. Township 2 8. Range 4 East. 98 acres 20.13 Van Curen,. J. H., 1.50 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds Bk 68 Page 6. Section 29, Township .2 South. Range 4 East 24 Robb. T. E., 83 92-100 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds Book 82. Page 1. Section 32. Township 2 South. Range 4 East 23.16 Robb. T, E.. 135.12 acres as describ ed In Record of Deeds Book 82, Page 1, Section 6, Township 3 South. Ranee 4 East 11.41 Dufur, A. H., NWty of SWH and SB or b w h and lots 1. 2, S, 4. and 6. Section 20, Township 3 South, Range 4 East. 209.56 acres 31.41 Ainsworth, J. C. Trustee, 8E (Ex Southerly 15 acres) Section 34, Township 3 South, Range 4 East 145 acres 14.63 Township 4 South Rang 4 East 8trlcklln, Wm. Heirs, EH of BWH and BWH of SW. Section 7, Township 4 South, Range 4 East H8.2 acres 7.75 Cross, H. E., lot 1, Section 11, Twp 4 South, Range 4 East. 20 acres 1.94 Stricklln, Wm. Heirs, NEH of NW!4 Section 18, Township 4 South, Range 4 East. 40 acres 3.66 Cross, H. B., ail of Wm. Stricklln, D. L. C. No. 87, Sections 9, 10 and 11, Township 4 South, Range 4 East, 223.90 acres 71.22 Londen, Alvln 8., 8EH Section 30, Township 6 South, Range 4 East 160 acres 7,31 Blasler. J., WH of NE'i and NH of NWK, Section 32, Township 6 South, Ranee 4 East. IH11 ncres isfil Campbell, J. D., NW of NE4 and jnii 01 wa ana bw'a or nw4 Section 14, Township 7 South, R 4 East, 160 acres 15.61 TownthlD 1 South Rsnoe S East Mailer, H. P., SW'4 of NWV, Sec tion. z, Township 1 South, Range 6 East, 40 acres 3.05 Fair, Alice A., SV4 and 8H of BE H Section 36, Township South Range 5 East, 240 acres 20.13 Picklns, Mary A., 60 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds Book 46, Page 296; Section 10, Town ship 2 South. Ranee 5 East. Q r.n Boothe, J. F., EH of BE Section 11, jownanip 2 Houtn, ltunge 6 East, "80 acres an Dunbar, Francis J lots 4 and 6 Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, 17.76 acres 3.77 Ware, C. M.. NE' of SB Section 23, lownsnip 1 Boutn, Mange 5 East. 40 acres s 94 Colllnge, Thos., SH of 8W and NWS or 8W (2d half) Section 26, Township 2 South, Range 6 East. 120 acres .7 Bennett and Paxton, uwdivlded U of WH of 8EH and EH of SW Section 30, Township 2 South. R. 5 East. 80 acres A 7f. Fierens, J, F undivided of WH 01 bi'a ana n-vs or owy wec- tion 80, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, 80 acres 9.76 Karr, Isaac C, 8W of SW4 of aection 63, 10-wnsnip z south, R, 6 East. 40 acres 2 92 Gregory, W. M., EH of SE (2nd unpaiai section 3, Township 2 South, Range 6 East. 80 acres 4.84 Oraffenhelm, M., SE'A Section 10, lownsnip a ooutn, nange 0 wast 160 acres 9.76 Wolverton. W. D EH Section 12. Township 3 South, Range 6 East 220 acres i 0 K1 CurrWs, Jas, E., NW Section 12, lownsnip a ooutn, Kange 6 East 160 acres 9.75 Aint. Duo. Umrfmihelm, M.. KU of BWU Hec tlou 18, Township 3 H011IU. Hiiukc B East 80 acres , Bcheel, Henry. Heirs. WH of Sll'i (ind WH ' of 81' 8 22 Tp 3 South, itiinwf 6 East. 120 wcres Nulla, Henry. HB'i of 8Wi Hec tl.., !11 'Ct.wi.Mhlo .1 Month, tluhuo 1073 10.00 I 6 Ksst, 40 aures 3.68 Township 4 South Hang 8 Kast Miller, A. T. J., NH of.NK'i and 1 NVV4 of NW Section 4, Town- . hln I Hmilh. Hhiius & Kust. 11H.N2 acre .......... sin Cornelius, 0. W 8VVt Section 14. Township 4 South, Hiinge 6 Knsl 160 sores U.70 OiKwirlch, A, J NE'i Section 16, Township 4 South, Range 6 East, 160 acres 31.70 Bingham, E. W NWV, Hcctton 18 't'ownslilp 4 South, Rttiigs 6 JHiist . 100 acres U.70 Qurilnger, Uuiis. South H Heel Ion 16, Township 4 South, Khiim 6 Kast, 320 ot ., 23.40 Hepburn. J. IX, and !.. WH of NW H and NVVH ' NE4 of NVS'H or Section 3ft, Township 4 South, It. 6 East, 88.H.1 acre 6.10 Township S South Rang 8 Cast Baldwin, A. S.. all of Section 10, Township 6 South, Range 8 East 640 acres 93.67 thtldwln. A. 8.. nil or Section 36, Township 6 South, Kange 6 East 640 acres 93 67 Township 8 South Rang East Klngsiiury, Kate. Southwest 14 of Section 4, Township 2 H011II1. R, East, HI0 acres 33,98 Klynn. J, M.. West H of Northeast i unci Southeast of North west H nd Northeast of South west 5i of SectUm 14. Township 2 South. Itange 8 Enst, li0 acres 9.76 Baty, C, K and M.. Kust 21 acres of Soulheust of Soulhenst l Section 20, T'ownslilp 2 South, R. East . 2.79 Palmer. L, K.. Southwest t of Southeast H and Southeast of Southwest 4 Section 31, Twp. 2 Bomb, Kange 0 Kust, 80 acres 960 Noble, H. K West H of Northwest H and North H of Bouthwest t Bectlon 24, Township 2 South, Range I Kust, 100 acres 12.19 Palmer. U.K.. North H of North H and South H of Northeast and Houtheast V of Northwest H and Northwest H of Houlliesst , Section 2i, Township 2 South Range 6 Kust. 320 acres 27.18 Ware. C. M . Nortlieast of Houlh east H Heel Inn ail, Township t Honlh, Range 0 East, 40 ucres.. 3.03 Hammer, A. J.. Southwest 4 of Hoimhesst Si and South H of H M Section 30. Township 2 Hou'.h Rsiucn 8 Kast, 121.42 sere 10.82 Township 4 South Rang t East Rnurltch. John Kneblcr, Herman. West H of North west H asd Southeast of Northwest V and Northenst H of KoiilhWeSt t4 of Sect Ion 6, Twp 4 South, Range East, 180.07 acres 9.76 Jones. E. ).. Northeast Section '.'9, Township 4 South. Hunge 0 KU 10 sere 19.68 Township 2 South Rang 7 East Wolf, Henri, Northwest i Hoctl.ui '10, Township 2 holjtli. Range 7 East. 100 acres ...... 17.89 Bernshuw. J.. Northeat ti Section in. Township 2 South, Range 7 Kaat, 160 acres 11,18 I-wiA, I- A Fast H of Southeast H and West of Houtbwcat t He-ihin m. Township 2 South, Range 7 East. ISO acres 11.18 Woolwy. Frank. West H of South- enst and East H of Southwest h. Section Hi. Township 3 Sotuh Itange 7 East, 1U acres 11.18 The Wisconsin Investment Co.. WH of Section 22. Township 3 South, Range 7 Kast. 320 acres 26,83 Beach. 0. W., South H of North east Vi and North H of South, least Si Section 23. Township 2 Houth. Range 7 East. 100 acres.. 11.18 Thompson, Fred, Southwest i of Section 23, Township 2 South, R. 7 East 180 acres .... 11.18 The Wisconsin Investment Co., Northwest H of Section 27, Town-."' shio 3 South. Ranae 7 Enst. ItiO acres 17.89 Baldwin, A. 8., all of See 3H, Town ship 3 South. Rang 1 Kust. 840 acres 62.44 Township 1 South Rsng 8 East. Macrum. W. 8., West of Section 26, Township 1 South. Range 8 320 acres 23.40 Wilson. Joseph A., East H of East H of Section 26.. TownshlD 1 South Range 8 East. 160 acres 11.70 Jones. Ceo. H. Jr. East H of WH Section 26. Townshln 1 South. Range 8 East. 160 acres 11.70 Buelton. Frank II.. West H of West H Section 26. TownshlD 1 South Runge 8 Enst 10 acre 11.70 Jones. E. (1., North H of Northeast 44 and Northeast H of northwest i and Southwest t of Northeast ' Section 35. Township 1 Houth Itange 8 East. 160 acres 11.70 Miuriun, 1. A.. North H of North west H Section 8, Township 1 8, Range 8 East. 80 acres 6.85 Keller, 'P., Southwest H of North west H nd West H of South west '4 and Southeast '4 of South west V Section 30, Township 1 South. Range 8 East. 160 ucres 11.70 Hyde, F. A.. East H of Section 3 Township 1 South. Range 8 East 320 acre 23.40 BH KltlFr 8 A88K88MENT8. ' Harris. E. B., 8011th Oregon Clly No 3 lots 1 to 4 Inclusive, block 77 1.94 Austin, Beth, 1 1. -li s, undivided H Interest in Southeast '4 of North east H nnd Southwest of North east H and lot 2. Section 25. Twp. 8 South, Range B East, 35.86 acre 2.80 Austin, Beth, Hells, undivided 'f Interest In Southeast H of North- T west 14 and Southwest of Northeast of Bectlon 30. Town ship 6 South, Range 7 Kast, 40 acres .... 2.92 Colllnge, Thomas, Northwest V (2d H) Section 84, Township 2 South Rnnge 6 Esst, 180 acre 6.09 Unknown, undivided two-third of 128 acre In Frederick Helms D. L. C. No. B0. Township 3 South, Kange 4 East, 126 acres 14.28 Myers, John, Heirs, Northeast H of Southwest H Section 32, 'Town ship 4 South, Range 3 East, 40 acres , 3.90 To the person who offer to pay tho taxes, costs and accruing penalties there on, and take a certificate at the lowest rate of interest and which siitd rate of Interest shall not be greater than ten per cent. Said sale shall be continued from day to day until the said list is exhausted. All of said tracts of real property being situate In Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated this 23d day of December, 1904. , . J. R. 8HAVER, Sheriff or Clackamas County, Oregon, HMLLOI 2,000 miles of long die tance telephone , wire p Oregon, Washington , Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by thf Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,25U towns , Quick, accurate, ch'ea AH the satisfaction of u peraonal communication. Distance no effect to a dear understanding. Spo , kane and San Francisco as easily heard aa Port land. Oregon City office at Harding's Drug Store Superior Work Lowest Prices , Thin U wlmt yon get what , MiliiHtin tinea your plutrihiiig ; work. lift tint 1 gonerai tinning, plumbing and jobbing lui imH. KHtiuiatea cheerfully ' Airiiinlioil. Hot 8ilr heatlotf flxtuies manufactured and HuppliedV . A. M1HL5TIN Main NUtiet OKKOON CITY, Oil CLACKAMAS TIT U CO. Your ClatkartiMi County aim tract ot Tltlo sliould bo prparott by tb ClHckiimai Title Company, lncor IHiratott. Chamber of Cimmirc bullillng, l'ortluaa. This company U the builder and owner ot tha btxit and mom ootnilt plant of Clack aitins county tltUm. Astrictg from lta ofttcea are compiled by experta ot lonx experience, competent attor ney and draughtimoti, and are of Ktiaruntued accuracy. Clackama County Lnd, Mortgage Loans, Estate managed, Tax e mined and paid. E. F. Riley, prea.. . . B. Rlly ace. i PIONEER rpanfer" and Expfeg, freight and parcels delivered Ui all parts of the vitr. RATES - REASONABLE Daily River Schedule Oregon City Boat Dally tahedulet Steamer Alton and Pomona for H lum and way point, lesv I'mlUnd dslir tesceiit Sunday) at 8:4ft a. m. ; leav Or Eon Clly, Hit a. m.; retumlnir, Imi ulem. I a. m.i lav Oregon city, 4:M p. m. Oregon City Transportation Ce SCHEDULES OF TIME WUTHKKM PACITIO RA1LWA1 nohth antiHtt "Mm. m. !t a. in. (Albany n:l0 . m. OUTU HoUNn. 1t ;'.2 a. ui. 4 M o. m. (Albany f.ocal) ' U:Mp. 111 . Snoiriirffi axd union Pacific THREE TRAIN . TO THE EA T DAILY Through Pullman standard and Toor lHt sleeplne cars dally to Oinaha, Chloacov Spokane; tourist sloeplnf oar dally tm Kanaa City; throuan Full man tourtet Sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, rllsj' in chairs (saau (re to the east daily.) HOURS Portland to Chicago No Change of Car. 70 1. ten, Ho LlSo ii Vo Depart. Time ohdula. Asaive Chlcano- gait take, Denvar. I'ortlHrid Ft. Worth' Omaha, o:2j D Special Kansas City, Bt. QM 9 " :1S a. m Louis, Chicago and East. . ' Atlimtlo ' Kxpresa "alt Lake, Denver, 8:16 p. m. Kt. Worth, Omaha, Wan, via. Hunt- Kansas City, Bt. lngton. Louis, Chicago and East. ' Bt. Psul Fast Mftll Walla Walla, Lew- 0:16 p in Islon, Rpokaii, Min- . via flpo- nPVl"' Jfc SU . Duluth, Milwaukee, Chicago and East. Ocean and River Schedule For Ban Franclsoo Every five daye M 8 p. m. For Astoria, way point aad North Beach Dally texcept Sunday) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m. Dally service (water permitting) on WUlaaa ett and Tamhlff river. "- For detailed Information of rat, berth reservation, etc., call or writ e your nearest ticket agent, or A, U. CRAIO, , ' General Passenger Aeent The Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Cw Portland, Oregon, , Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. 8:00 A.M. Daily. UNION DEPOT Arrive. For Maviters.Ralnlor. Dally. vntiHKanie, westpor Clifton, Astorla,Wari ronton, B'lavel, Ham mortd, Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park, 8ea- 11:10AM. niua, Astoria and ncasnore. Express Dally. v Astoria Express. Dally, Except Satur- 7:00 P.M. 2:80 P.M. 9:40 P.M. aay. Saturday only. C. A. STEWART, Comm'l Art., tM Alder street. Phone Main 806. J. C. MAIO, O. F. & P. A., Astoria, Or.