OREGON CITY ENTERf?U8E, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1904. DELINQUENT TAXES FOR I903. otice or Sheriff's id TAX EXECUTION. STATIC OK OREGON, M. County of Clackama. To J, R, Bhavsr, Sheriff of Cluukatjm County, Oregon. GREETING: In the name of thti rltatn of Oregon, you are hereby commanded to advert le ii nil dkII hi the nmiiniT provided tiy law, thfl vonU article of perxonal property and parcel of real property upon which 'rnxe have been respectively levied for thti year 1903 and which are marked and extended a unpaid nd dxllnqtiunt upon the accompanying Tax-roll of Cluckamu I'otinty, for ld year 1908, and that you imy over nil money bo collected to the County Treamtrer of Bald oounty a re quired by law. Wltne my hand and the eal of the County Court of the Htate of Oregon for the County of Clackama, thl 15th duy of December, 1904. (HRAU) V. A. BLKIGHT, County Clerk, BTATK OF OREGON, aa, County of Clackama. I hereby jpertlfy that the foegolng la a true and correct copy of the original warrant for the collection of the Delin quent Title for the nr 1903 and of the whole thereof of atirh original now In my hand and that the Heme wa re ceived by me on the 15th day of Decem ber, 1904. J. R. BHAVKR, Sheriff and Tax -Collector for Clackamas County, Oregon. Now, therefore, In obedience to the oommanda of the nld above 'mentioned warrant, I will on the 23d day of Janu ary, 1W4, at the hour of nine o'clock, a. m.. at my office In the Clackama County Court House, In Oregon City, Clackamaa County, Oregon, null the aeveral tract or parrela of real property embraced In the delinquent lint of Clnckama County, Oregon, tor the year 1903, and a dca orlptlon of which property, the amount of tnxea, Intereat to date of aale, and pen an lee, accrued , agalnal each tract and name of the owner, when known, or per son to whom taxed, ia a follow, to-wlt; Ami. Due. Buckley, Johanna, Mitrchbunka, lot 3ft, block 7 .1( .16 .17 .1 .19 .64 Buckley, D. J 16, block 1 , Jr., Marchbank, lot , 13., Murchbank. lot 87. block 7 dove, C.A., Marchbank. lot , block flove, C, A., Marchbank. tot I, blk. ..: Bvnrvend, fl and Frailer, J. L., Marchbank. lota 12. 13, It ana l block 9. 16 cent each Gove, C, A., Murchbank, lot 16, block Bhaw, Bethalla, Marchbank, lot 26, block 10 Bhaw, Bethalla. Marchbank, lot 27 block 10 Wilson. Margaret A.. Pell wood Add. to Mllwnudle. lota 1. 2, 3. 4, 6 and 8, block 4, 64 cent each Dwver. Franc I W.. Robertaon. lot .16 .16 .17 6.04 li. block 8 1 47 Dwyer. Krnncl W., Robertnon, lot 1. block li 148 Pwyer, Francis V Robertaon, lot !. block 16 146 Pwyer, Krancla W Robertaon, lot 3, block 16 , Dwyer, Krancla W Robrton, lot 4. block 18 ., Pwyee, rrancla W., Robertaon, lot a ht,.k 1 1.41 1.46 i 1.46 Rin'rnfel. Vtorrl. Robertaon. lot 8 ' block 19 M Portland Land, IrrHtatlon. Lumber and Fuel Co.. Rui..4rtNon. South k of lot 4. block 20 1.04 Portland I,and, Irrigation, Lumber nnd Fuel Co.. Robertaon. lot 6 block 80 i...; 1.47 Itrevnn ljnd Co.. Minthorn Add to Portland, lot 19 block 14 25 n,(in Ijnit Co.. Mtnthorn Add to Portland, lot 20, block 14 ,26 f , ! J I ., . V. n.-H AAA A Portland, lot 86, block 14 25 Oregon land Co., Mlnthorn Ada to Portland, lot 26. block 14 Webber, Fannie Mm., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 27, block 14 .... Wlckman, W., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 28, block 14 Riley. K. F Mlnthorn Add to Port land, lot 29. block 14 Riley. B. F.. Mlnthorn Add to Port land, lot 30, block 14 Robinson, W. A.. Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 84, block 14 RnblnRon, W. A.. Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 36. block 14 Pork. Kate D.. Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 11, block 16 Hurka, Kate t Mlnthorn Add to Portland, let 12, block 16 Phillip. E., Mlnthorn Add to Port land, lot 19, block 16 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 22, block 16 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 23, block 15 ... Jtidd. Elizabeth, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lota 28 and 27, block 15, 25 cent each Phillip, K Mlnthorn Add to Port land, lot 30. 31 and 82, block 16, 26 cent each , Round, L. A O. P., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 33, block 16 Round, L. ft O. P., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lota 84, 86 and 36, block 15, 26 cent each Messmer Hnll R. F. Mr., Mlnthorn add to Portland, lot 1, block 16.. Messmer Hall K. K. Mr., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 2. block 16.. . Mnaemer Hall R. F. Mr., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 3, block 16.. Messmer Hall R. F. Mr., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 4, block 16.. Wllaon, Herbert, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lota 38 and 39. block 16 25 cent each Wllaon, Herbert, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 40 and 41, block 16 26 cent each Wllaon, Herbert, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lota 42, 48 and 44, block 16, 26 centa each Wllaon, Herbert, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 45, block 16 Wllaon, Herbert, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 48, block 16 Wllaon, Herbert, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lota 25 and 26. block 41 26 cent each Wllaon, Herbert, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 27, block 41 Wllaon, Herbert, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lota 28 and 29, block 41 26 cent each Wllaon, Herbert, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 30, block 41 , Wllaon, Herbert, Minthorn Add to Portland, lota 31 and 32, block 41 26 centa eaoh Wllaon, Herbert, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 33, block 41 Wllaon, Herbert, Mlnthorn Add to twtlnnri Inla 34. 36. 36 and 87. .26 .26 .26 .26 .25 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .60 .76 .30 .75 .28 .26 .26 .26 .50 .52 .76 .26 ' .26 .50 .26 .60 block 41, 25 oents each 1.00 Wllaon, Herbert, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 38, block i Wllaon, Herbert, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 41, blook 41 ' Wllaon, Herbert, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lotB 42, 43, 44. 46, and 46, block 41, 26 centa eacu Wllaon, Herbert, Minthorn Add to Portland,, lota 47 and 48, blook 41 26 centa each ". .. .. .. .. Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add to , Portland, Iota 1, 2, and 3, block 42 26 cents eaoh ' Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 4, block 42 Oregon Land C, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lota 5 and 6, block 42 26 centa each ' Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 9, block 42 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 10. block 42 .... Phlllipa, B., Mlnthorn Add to Port Jand, lota 11 and 12, block 42, 26c .26 1.25 .62 .76 .26 .50 ' .25 ,' .26 Snlo Ami. Due. each 0 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 13. hock 42 .21! Phillip, M Mlnthorn Add, to Port land. Kit IK. bock 42 2fi Phillip, IC Mlnthorn Add to Port land, lot 2U ana 21, block 42, 2bu each 60 Phillip, K Mlnthorn Add to Port land, lot 19, block 42 26 Phillip, 1C, Mlnthorn Add to Port land, lot 35 and 86, block 42, 2&u each , , . , , -. . .60 Phillip, K., Mlnthorn Add to Port land, lot 87, block 42 .28 Phillip, R., Mlnthorn Add to Port- mn a, lot 38, 39 and in; block 42, 26 cent each 7B Pltllllp, K Mlnthorn Add to Port land, lot 41. block it 26 ICiIj, Ira,, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lota 42 and 43, block 42, 26 cent each , 60 lOrb, Ira, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 44, blink 42 ,26 Krb, Ira, Minthorn Adtk to Portland, lota o and 46, block 42; 26 cent each , , ,i. ...... ,. 60 Htlley, M.J., Mlnthorn Add to Port land, limit Vj lot 5. block 42 .17 Hfilley, M.J.. Mlnthorn Add to Port land. Una Vfc lot 6. block 43.... .16 Wllaon. Herbert, Mlnthorn Add to purtlanu. lot 1. hock 44 26 Wllaon, Herbert, Minthorn Add to 'ortland, lot 2. bock 44 .28 Wllaon, Herbert, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 8. block 44 .26 Plttock, H, U, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 40. block 47 ., 26 Oregon Laud Co., Minthorn Add to Portland, all or K. x. 100 ft oft N. end of Iota U and 20, block 68, 8 cent each 18 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, all or Kx. 100 ft off N end of lot 21. block 68 09 Oregon Und Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, all of Ex, 100 ft off N end of lot 22. block 68 08 Oregon Ijind Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, all of Kx. luu ft off N end of lot 24. block 88 00 Krb, Ira, Mlnthorn Add to Portland. Iot 47, block B 25 Pryne. Chun,, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 6. block 70 26 Pryne, Cha., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot . block 70 .25 Krb, Ira, Mlnthorn Add to Portland. lot a, block 7U 'B Krb. Ira. Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 9, block 70 26 Erb, Ira. Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot IU, DIOOK 7U 26 Krb. Ira. Mlnthorn Add to Portland. lot li, block 70 .26 Krb, Ira, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 12, block 70 26 Erb, Ira, Mlnthorn Add to Portland. lot 13. block 70 26 Krb, Ira, Mini horn Add to Portland, lota 32. 33 and 34, block 70, 26c each .76 Krb, Ira. Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot .16. bock 70 26 Krb. Ira. Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 8J. block 70 26 Oregon Ijind Co.. Mlnthorn Add to t Pol l land, lot 88. b ock 70 .26 Bprague, M. W., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lota S and 8, block 71, 26 cent each .60 Oregon Lnnd Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 6. block 73 25 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 8. block 72 26 MoCormlck, B. P., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 13, block. 78 .25 Oregon ljtnd Co.. Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 40, block 78 25 Oregon Land Co.. Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 41, block 78 26 Mlnthorn, II. J., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 2, blink 75 Mlnthorn, 11. J., Mlnthom Add to Port hind, lot 3, 4, and 6, block 76; 26 centa each Oregon Land Co.. Minthorn Add to Portland, lot 16 and" 17. block 77: 26 cent each 60 White. 4. S.. Mlnthorn Add to Port land, lot 28. block 84 .25 Oregon Ijtnd Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 27, block 87 25 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 7, block 8U 26 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 8, block 89 ,, .25 Oregon Itnd Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 9, block 89 26 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthom Add to Portland, Iota 10. 11, 12, and 13; block 89; 26 cents each 1.00 Oregon Land Co.. Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 14, block 89 26 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 27, block 89 25 Oregon Land Co., Minthorn Add to Portland, lot 28, block 89 .26 Oregon Land Co., Minthorn Add to Portland, Iota 29 and 30, block 89 25 cent each 60 Oregon land Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 31, block 89 26 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lotn 82 and 33, block 89; 25 centa each .CO Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot :i4, block 89 26 Oregon Land Co.. Mlnthorn Add to Portland, jo'a 3& and 36, block 89; 25 cent each 50 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, ot 37. block 89 .26 Oregon Land Co.. Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 38, block 89 .25 Oregon Land Co.. Mlnthom Add to Portland, lot 39. block 89 25 Oregon Land Co.. Mlnthorn Add to Port and. lot 40. block 89 .26 Craven, C, 11., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lota 38. 39 and 40. block 90: 25 centa each .76 Craven, c. n Minthorn Add to Portland, lot 41. block 90 Craven, C. B., Mlnthorn Add to Portlnnd. lot 42. block 90 Hatch. H.W Mlnthorn Add to Port and. lot 21 and 22. block 91 25 centa each , .75 Hatch, H. W Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 23, block 91 .26 Portland, ot 24 and 26. block 91: 26 cents each .50 Hatch, H. W., Minthorn Add to Portland, ots 26 and 27. block 91: 26 cents each 52 Hatcn, li. w Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lots 28. 29. 30 and 31. block 91: 25 cents each 1.00 Hatch, H. W.. Minthorn Add to Portland, lot 32. block 81 26 Hnteh, It. W., Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot 83. block 91 ...... .25 Miles, J. Frank. Minthorn Add to Portland, lot IS, block 96 26 Miiea, J. Frank, Mlnthorn Add to ' Portland lot 14, block 96 ,26 Miles, J. Frank, Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lots 16. 16. 17. 18 and 19 block 96; 25 cents each 1.25 Miiea. J. Frank. Minthorn Add to Portland, lot, 20, block 96 26 Bradbury, R. Mrs., Mllwaukln (P.H. Marley Tax title) lot 3, block 87 4.21 Bradbury, E. Mrs., Milwaukle (P.H. Marley Tax title) lot 4, block 87 21.11 Pwyer, F. W., Milwaukle Heights. 1-3 of lot 6, block 33 ,21 praeger, ss., Milwaukle Heights, lot 7, ploek 46 , .... .41 praeger, Milwaukle Heights, lot 8, block 45 .40 Praeger, K Milwaukle Heights, lot 9, )lock 46 .41 praeger, is.. fttuwauKle Helahts. lot 10, block 45 .40 Praeger, H., Milwaukle Heights, lot 11. block 45 ,41 Praeger, Z., Milwaukle Heights, lot 12, block 45 .40 Praeger, z Milwaukle Heights, lot 13, block 45- .41 Praeger, s Milwaukle Heights, lot 14, block 45 p.c,o.n y co Milwaukle Heights lot 1. block 48 p.c.&o.K y co MttwauKie Heights lot 2, block 48 , P.C.&o.R y Co., Milwaukle Height lot 8, block 48 - . ' Amt, Due. p.u.iitu.it y co., Miiwaukiu Height lot 4, block 48 I, P.C,0.1t y Co,. Milwaukle Height lot 6, block 48 ",, P.CAO.It v Co.. Milwaukle Height 1 lot , block 48 I'.CAO.It'v Co., Milwaukle Height lot 7, block 48 l'.C.0,li'v Co., Mllwuukie Height lot 8, block 48 IM'.AO.U'y (,, Milwaukle Height lot , block 48 p.C.0,lly Col, Mllwaukln Height lot 10, block 4S I'.C.AO.H'y Co,, Milwaukle Height lot 11, block 48 P.CAO.R'y Co., Milwaukle.. Height lot 12, block 48 "... P.C.ftO.H'y Co., Milwaukle Height lot 1, block 4!l P.C.AO.lt'y, Co., Milwaukle Height .41 .40 .41 .40 ,41 .40 .41 .40 .41 .40 .41. .40 .41 .40 .41 .40 .41 .40 .40 .41 6.67 18.90 3.38 lot 2, block 4a ftierricK, w, it., Milwaukle Height lot I, block b'i Merrick, W. II., Milwaukle Height lot 2, block 53 Mei-Mck, W. li.,Milwaukle Height lot 3, block 63 Merrick, W, 11., Milwaukle Height lot 4, block 63 Merrick, W. li., Mllwaukln Height lot 5, block 53 Merrick, W, H., Milwaukle Height lot 6, block 63 "... Merrick, W. 11.. Milwaukle Height lot 7, block 63 Alien, B, K Milwaukle Height, lot 2, block 68 , Allen, n. V., Milwaukle Height, lot 3, block 68 Lee, J. W Cancmah, lot 6. block 3 Draper, J. W., Canemah, lots 1. 2, t 6, 6, 7, ami 8, block 10; $2.70 each Draper. J. V Canemah, lot 6, blk. 12 , Henderson, B. J. Canemah, lot - blk. 2.03 2.03 Henderson, B. J., Canemah, i lot 1. block 17 rtenuerson, H. J., Canemah, lot 2, block! 17 7.44 Henderson, B. J., Canemah, lot 7, block 17 1,69 Henderson, 8, J., Canemah, lot 8-, block 17 1.68 McMuhon, Richard, Canemah, lot 3 und 4, block 22; $2.03 each... 4.06 JoHcph, Charles, Canemah, lot 2. block 31 2.03 joeepn, diaries, canemah, lot 3. block 81 Joseph, Charle, Canemah, lot 4. block 31 Kline, Ham, Canemah, lot 6, block 31 Kline, Sum, Canemah, lot 6, block 31 , Jrmeph. Charles, Canemah, lot 1.68 1.69 1.68 J.69 1.68 I. diock ai Olbb. JesHie A., block 32 Cilbba, Jcnule A., block 32 Canemah, lot 1. .32 .33 .32 .33 .32 2.70 Canemah, lot 2, Glblis. Jenslti A., Canemah, lot 6, block 32 Ulhbfl, Jennie A., Cancmah, lot 7, block 82 Olbb, Jele A., Canemah, lot 8, block 32 Practise), Christian, Canemah, lot 3. block C Rlnehurt. Elizabeth, Canemah, Frl. IHk.. not numbered between Blk 61 and 62. lot 1 .32 .33 ,32 aieiihitrt, Elizabeth, Canemah, lot z Rlenhitrt. Elizabeth, Canemah, lot Rlenhart, Kllzubeth, Canemah, lot 7 Rlenhart, Elizabeth, Canemah, lot 8 of frac. block between blocks 1 and 62 Rlenhart, Jilixabeth, Canemah, fare, block not numbered between blka 46 and 46 lot 1 lot 7 .... Itletihart, Elizabeth, Canemah, Frl. Blk. not numbered between Blk. 45 and 46, lot 8 Rlenhart, Elizabeth, Canemah, Frl. blk. not numbered between Blk. 35 and 36. lot 1 Oibbn, Thoma, Canemah, as des cribed in Record of Deeds, Book 63. page 415 Draper, J, W.. First Add to Cane mah, lot 5, block I I-ove, W. 8., Pleaaant Little Homes No. 1, lot 1 j., Imvb, W. 8., Pleaaant Little Homes, No. I. lot 2 Noble. H. Pleaaant Little Homes , No. 1, lot 6 JlnilKon. Chatlln, Pleasant Little Homes No. 1, lot 12 Jlmlaon. Chnfltn, Pleaeant Little Home No. 1, lot 13 JlmiMon. Chaftln. Pleanant Little II omen No. 1. lot 14 Jimison. Chaftln, Pleasant Little Homes No. 1, lot 16 JlmlHun. Chuftin, Pleasant Little Homes No. 1, lot 16 Bauer, Margaret, Pleasant Little Homea No. 1, lot 19 .33 .33 .32 .33 .66 1.6 .26 .25 .24 .25 .24 .25 .24 .25 Bauer, Margaret, Pleasant Little Homes' No. 1. lot 20 Carr, William, Pleasant Little Homes No. 1, lot 22 urr. William, Pleasant Little Homes No. 1. lot 23 .24 .26 Klemmlnga, Mary J. Pleasunt Little Homes No. 1. lot 24 lemmings, Mary J. Pleaaant Little Homes No. 1. lot 25 .24 .25 .24 .25 .24 Everest, M.'E.. Pleasant Little ' Homes No. 1, lot 36 Everest. M. E., Pleasant Little Homes No. 1. lot 37 Everest, M. E.. Pleasant Little Homes No. 1. lot 38 Everest, M. E., Pleasant Little Homes No. 1. lot 39 .25 .24 .24 Everest, M, E Pleasant Little Homes No. 1. lot 40 Sverest, M. E., Pleasunt Little Homes No. 1. lot 41 Noland, Viola, Pleasant Little Homes No. 1. lot 48 Noland, Viola, Pleasant Little Homes NO. 1. lot 49 .26 .24 Crumbly. Adam. Pleasant Little Homes No. 1. lot &2 Campbell, Hugh, Pleasant Little Homes No. 1. lot 67 .25 .24 Campbell, Hugh, Pleasant Little Homes No. 1. lot 68 Flcmmlng, W. J., Pleasant Little Homes No. 3. lot 1. block 1 .36 .36 Swanson. Sumuel, Pleasant Little Homes No. 3. lot 18. b ock 2 Beverldge, W. T Pleasant Little Homes No. 3. lot 22. block 2.... Beverldge, W. T., Pleasant Little Homes No. 3. lot 23. block 2 ; Beverldge, W. T., Pleasant Little Homes No. 3. lot 24. block 2.... Honeyman, M. A., Pleasant Little Homes No. 3. lot 31. b ock 2 Honeyman, M. A., Pleasant Little Homes No. 3. lot 82. bock 2 .... Boothe, J. P., Pleasant Little Homes no. 3. lot 22, block 4 Boothe, J. F.. Pleasant Little Homes No. 3. lot 23, block 4 Boothe, J. F., Pleaaant Little Homes No. 3, lot 24, block 4 Boothe, J. F., Pleasant Little Homes No. 3. lot 26, block 4 Boothe, J. F.. Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lot 26. block 4 .37 .36 .36 33.79 .86 Boothe, J. F.. Pleasant Little Homes No. 3. lot 27. block 4 Boothe, J. F., Pleasant Little Homes No. 3. lot 28, block 4 .... .... O'Reilly D. C, Waverly Heights. diock iu, o acres Knox, 11. (5., Root's Add to Marsh- ncld. lot 2. block 12 Knox. H. C, Root's Add to Marsh- neld, lot 3. block 12 Roots, J. W., Roots's Add to Marsh- tleld. lots 1, 2, 8, and 4, block 20; 67 cents each 2.28 Welsmandel, W. P., Root's Add -to Marsnnem, lots l and 2, block26 87 cents eaoh Unknown, New Era. a pleco of land North, of Block 7, between S. P. R, R. and Willamette River and North of Parrott Creek.......... Blacker, Hannah, Canby, lot '2, blk 2 Blacker, Hanah, ,Canby, lot 3, blk 2 .;!.. Evans, Amanda J. Canby, lot 4, blR 1.74 Schmidt, Chas., Canby, lot 6. block 5 , , Schmidt, Chas., Canby, lot 6, block 6 Edwards, H. E Canby, lota 7 and 8 block 24; 72 cents each.......... Flee, Louis, H. A. Lee's Add to Can by, lot 1, block 2 , Connell, John, Prunoland, W block 64 , Gonnell, John, Pruneland, vVft block 66 Qroom, J. K Pruneland, block 73 Sell wood Land & Imp't Co., Oak Grove, EV4 of block 8, 2.60 acres Sellwood Land & Imn't Co.. Oak .72 2.43 1 4.88 488 40 40 '4. .41 Grove. W of blook 22. 2.60 acres .40 J Sellwood Land & Imp't Co., Oak 4, Amt. Due. (liovn. blook 27, 5 lien s 8,17 Nlcklinn, Wm.. Oak Orovu, block 49 S acre; 2d half payment,,,.,,., Sellwooil Lund & Imp't Co., Oak 4.08 uiove, block 64, Sucre, 2d half payment 4.07 HtMingenbeig, J'Jmma, Oak drove, lot 9, block I Hell wood Land Imp't Co., Oak (bove, all of except S. 120 feet ,,r i,,i i i.i. .u n .64 .98 ! Sellwood Lund & Imp't Co., Oak Uio'.c. H 60 feet of lot 3 an5 4, block H V... Bellwood Iiiml Imp't Co., Oak ,Oak Wjovi, Part of lot 1, 2, 3, 4 as desci'lleid In Record of peed Hook 78. page 36, block 19...... flellwood Lund Hi Imp't Co., Oak drove, all of except W 2-3 of lot I. block 3 Bellwoial Land & Imp't Co., Oak drove, 3.65x79.1 feet In NE cor ner lol 1, block 41 Beltwoo'l Land Imp't Co., Oak (hove, lot 8 and 4, block 41, 13.26 each Sellwood Land ft. Imp't Co., Oak 1.96 4.39 .98 1.95 fl.52 drove, lot l and 4, block 45, 12.62 fHCli ;:llwond Lund Imo't .Co., Oak 6.24 2.94 6.84 4.23 2.93 2.61 Grove, lot 1, block 0 1 1 wood Land & limit Co., Oak Orove, lot 1 and 2 block 74, 82.92 each Ilwood Land & Imp't Co., Oak drove, ot3. block 74 Sellwood Land & Imp't Co., Oak Oak drove, lot 4. bl(K:k 74 Ilwood Land Imp t Co., drove, lot It, block 74 , Pfennlnger, Carleln. Oak Orove, all on West side or H. K lot 1, blk, 76 .98 3.93 ellkemper, E., Oak Orove, lot 19, mock V4 Ilwood Land & Imp t Co.. Oak Orove, lots 8, 9, 10. il, 12, 13, blk vx. 4M cent each z.4 olt, Anna, Barlow, lots and 9, block 1. 117 cents each , 1 94 .97 .97 .60 Ollleld, O. W., Barlow, lot 9, blk 2 ckley, r, H Barlow, lot 3, blk 3 odHtrom, Burah 8., Barlow, lot 8, block 6 Barlow, A. P.. Barlow 5.60 acre a described In Book 76, page 222 block 16. 6.60 acre 4.88 Roger. Ros. Willamette Falls Acre Kf Tracts, lot 1 and 2, block C 11.73 each 3.46 Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Fall Acreage Tracts,, lots 1 and 2, block J.. 11.73 each 3.46 Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Falls Acreage Tracts, lot 2, block K 1.73 Willamette Falls Co,, Willamette rail Acreage Tracts, lots 1 and 2 block P. 11.73 each 3.46 Willamette Fall Co,, Willamette Falls Acreage Tracts, lot 1. block D 1.30 Willamette Fall Co.. Willamette Falls Acreage Tract, lot 1, block F 1.73 Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Falls Acreage Tracts, lots 1 and 2 block (1. $1.73 each 3.46 Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Falls Acreage Tracts, lot 1 and 2 block H.. 81.73 each 3.46 Willamette Falls Co,, Willamette Fall Acreage Tracts, lot 1, block I second naif payment .86 Willamette Falls Co,, Willamette Fall Acreage Tracts, lot 2, block I., second half payment .64 Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Falls Acreage Tracts, lot 1, block N .9S Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Falls Acreage Tracts, lot 2, block N 1.73 Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Falls Acreage Tracts, lots 1 and 2 block O.. 11.73 each 3.46 Willamette Falls Co., Willamette rails Acreage Tracts, lots 1 and 2 block R.. JUS each 3.46 Willamette Falls Co,, Willamette Falls Acreage Tracts, lot 1, block 8 1.45 Willamette Falls Co,, Willamette Falls Acreage Tracts, lot 2. block B 1.68 Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Falls Acreage Tracts, lots 1 and 2 block 1" $1.78 each .' 3.46 Williams. J. R.. County Add to Ore gon City, lot 7. block 22 .33 McUrlde, T. A. County Add to Ore-... , gon i:iv una. i.aiui Jv. moca34, 111.87 each 23.74 McRrlde. T. A.. County Add to Ore gon City, lots 2. 3, and 4 block 34, J10.52 each 31.56 McBride, T. A., County Add to Ore gon City, lot 6, block 34 19.34 McBride. T. A., County Add to Ore gon City, lot 7, block 34 10.52 McBride. T. A.. County Add to Ore gon City, lot 8, block 34 11.85 Randall. Susannah, County Add to Dregon City, 3 feet off of SW side of lot 6, block 42 .33 White. M. and H. E.. Central Add to Oregon City, lot 6. block 60 . . 3.38 White, Surah M., Central Add to Oregon City, lot 10. Jilock 60 3.38 Boylan, Anna, Darling s Add to Ore gon City. EV, ot NW'i block 4.. 7.79 Ranch, Mary. Darling's Add to Ore- . gon city. boxHO reet. block .... l.oo Mitchell, Lewis and Staver Co., Darnall a Add to Oregon City, lots 1 and 2. block 1. 81.69 each 3.38 Edwards. John R., Darnell's Add to ' Oregon City, lot 4. block 1 3.38 Townsend. C, S., Shaw's Annex to Oregon City, lots 1 to 5, block 1, 79 cents each 3.95 Mack, S. J., Shaw's Annex to Ore gon City, lots 8, 9, and 10, block 1. 79 cents each 2.37 Mack, 8. J., Shaw's Annex to Ore gon city, lots l and 2, block , "9 cents each 1.68 Mack, S. J Shaw's Annex to Ore gon City, lots 6, 7. 8, 9, and 10, , I ....1. o " a nAM,n n ne Mack, 8. J,, Shaw's Annex to Ore gon city, lots 13 and 14, block 2 79 cents aach 1.68 Wocllner, G. W., Shaw's Annex to Oregon City, lot 16, block 2 7j Wocllner, G. W Shaw's Annex to Oregon City, lot 16. block 2.... .78 Ellis, A. S., Shaw's Annex to Ore- eon Cltv lota l and 2. block 3 79 cents each 1.68 Mack. S. J Shaw's Annex to Ore- aon Cltv. lots 3. 4. and 5. block .36 3, 79 cents each 2.37 Mack, S. J.. Shaw's Annex to Ore .36 gon City, lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, block 3, 79 cents each 6.32 Froendle. Leopold, Shaw B Annex to uiegon city, lots l and 2. o k .35 .36 .57 4. 66 cents each 1.32 Mack, S. J Shaw s Annex to Ore gon City, lots S, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8. 9, block 4, 65 cents each .......... Mack, S. J., Shaw's Annex to Ore gon city, lots 13, 14, 16. 16, 17. 18 .33 .36 .36 block 4, 65 cents each Mack, 8. J., snaw s Annex to Ore gon City, lots 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. block 6, 65 cents each Mack, S. J., Shnw s Annex to Ore gon City, lots 11, 12. 13, 14. 15, 16, 17. 18. 19, 20, block 6, 66 cents each ..t... Hagerlk, Petor, Shaw's Annex to OreKon Cltv. lots 1 and 2. block 6 65 cents each Mack, S. J., Shaw s Annex to Ore gon City, lots 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 16, 17 block 6 65 cents each ir Mack. S. J.. Shaw's Annex to Ore-e-nn Cltv. lots 1. 2. S. 4. 5. 6- block .87 7, 65 cents each Mack, S. J Shaw's Annex to Ore icon Citv. lots 8. 9. 10. 11. block 7, 66 cents each . . . .' Mack, 8. J., Shaw's Annex to Ore iron Cltv. lots 13. 14. 15. ami 16. block 7. 67 cents each Mueneh. G,& L.. Shaw's Annex to Oregon City, lots 19 and 20, block .26 7, 65 cents each Griffith, F. T,, Shaw's Annex to Oregon City, lots land 2, block 8, 39 cents each Mack. 9. J.. Shaw's Annex to Ore 8.15 7.43 1.98 gon City, lot 3, block ! i, McDermltt, W. I., Sho.w's Annex to Oregon City, lot 4. block 8 9.60 3.45 1.44 Orifflth, F. T 8haw's Annex to Oregon Cltv. lots 9. 10. 11. and 12 block 8, 39 cents each Mack. 8. J.. Shaw's Annex to Ore gon City, lot 16, block 8 MoDermitt. W. I.. Shaw 8 Annex to Oregon City, lot 17, block 8 Mack. S. J.. Shaw s Annex to Ore gon City, lot 18, block 8 Griffith, F. T Shaw's Annex to Oregon City, lots 19 and 20. blk 8, 39 cents each Griffith, F, T., Hhaw's Annex to Oregon City, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 17. 18, 19. 20, block 9, 39 cents 4.08 each ' Amt. Cue. Griffith, F, T., Hhnw' Annex to . Oregon City, lots 1, 2, . 4, 6, , 7 8. . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. "A. 17. 18, 19, 20, block 10, 27 cents each Griffith. F. T Hhaw's Annex to Oregon City. ,!0ts 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, , 10, 11, 12, 13, 34, 15. 18, 17, 18, 19, 20, block 11, 26 cents each Griffith, F. K., Bhaw Annex to Oregon City, lot 1, 2, 3, block 12 27 cent each Klenke Fred, 8haw' Annex to Ore- . gon City, lot 4, block 12 Mack, H. J Shaw' Annex to Ore ,gon City, lot 6 and 7, block 12,' 27 cents each Mack. H. .1.. Hhaw'a Annex to Ore 6.40 6.20 .27 .54 gon city, lots , io, li, iz, is, 14. tf,, Hi, 17, 18, 19, 20, block 12, 27 ceniM Pitch 3.24 Mack. B. J., Shaw's Annex to Ore gon City, lot 3, block 13 Boenler, August, Shaw's Annex to Oregon Ity. lot 4, block 13 Mack, H. 3.. Shaw's Annex to Ore '.27 .26 gon City, lol ft, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11 12, 13. 11, block 13, 27 cents each 2.70 Waidin, Mathew. Hhaw's Annex to Oregon City, lots 16 and 16, block 13. 27 cent each Wardin, Mathew, Shaw' Annex to Oregon ctty, tot li ana is, oioen 13. 26 cent each Mack, 8. J., Shaw' Annex to Ore gon city, lots i, a, t, 4, o, o, i, 8, 9. 10, 11, U 13, 14, 16, 16, 17, 10 ia tit 11 7 ,Anta a n h 6.40 Mack, B. J., Shaw' Annex to Ore gon City, lots 1,.Z, 3, block 10, 26 cents each ,78 Mack, 8. J., Shaw's Annex to Ore gon city, lots 4, 6, , (, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 16, 17, 18 19, 20. block 15. 26 cent each ., 4.42 Mack, 8. J., Shaw's Annex to Ore gon city, lots l, z, s. 4, t, , 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 19, 20. block 16, 27 cents each.. 5.40 Mack, 8. J., Shaw's Annex to Ore gon City, lot 1. block 17 .23 Mack, 8. J., Shaw' Annex to Ore- fon City, lot a, 4, 6, , v. , 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 19. 20. block 17. 26 cents each.. 4.68 .27 Warren, Frank, Bhaw' Annex to Oregon City, lot 2, block 18 Mack, 8. J Shaw' Annex to Ore gon City, lot 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, , 10, block 18, 27 cent eaen t i-iv fians. Marv. Holme's Add to Oregon city, lot 2, oiock , Buuuer, oaipuas. oiittn s m si auu to Oregon City, lot l. block s.. Randolph, Sarah Mrs., East Oregon City Add to Oregon cttv, iois jb and 16. block 4. 27 cents each.. 54 Woodward, Tyler, East Oregon City Add to Oregon city, lot 14, owes Caufleld, E. G., Trustee, Park Add to Oregon City, lot 2, block 2..,. t-02 Atkinson, E. M.. Park Add to Ore eon Cltv. lol 7. block 2 1.03 Cauneld. E. G., Assignee, Park Add to Oregon City, undlvloed hair in terest In lots 1, 2, 3. 4, block 9, il. 18 each . 4.76 Canlleld, E. O., Assignee, undivided hi, If tntereHt In lota t, and t. Diock 9, 81.19 each ' 2.38 Cross. H. E.. Park Add to Oregon City, .lot 8. block 9 , 840 Welsmandel, Casper. Park Add to Oregon City, lot 10, block ....... 13.57 Warren, Anna S Park Add to Ore gon City, lots and 10, block 10 SI. 03 each 2.06 Atkinson, E. M., Buena Vista Add to Oregon city, an ot oioca u ana H. 68 cents each ... Taylor, J. M., Green Point, 50 feet on oi m Blue oi tot i, oioca o, second half payment 1.29 Kelly, John W., Green Point, lot 3. block 5 10.18 Mairs, C. L., Metes and Bounds to Oregon City, H acre as des. in Record of Deeds, Book 60, page 8 acre ............. 3 Lawrence, Geo. Jr., Cake, H. M. & W. M., Metes and Bounds to Ore gon City. 'undivided half each -of , tOx32 feet front extending to R.R. limits and bounded on the N. by U 1 .. 1 . nftl n HnaAn I M t block 29' of Oregon City 61.05 Cross, H. E Metes and Bounds to Oregon City, 6ox2i0 teet as des. In Record of Deeds, Book 77., page i so xQ.ut I Roberta. Morris. Mountain View Add to Oregon City, lot 7, block u Roberts. Morris, Mountain View.,., ( 11 Glanville, Ella, Falls View Add to Oregon City, lots 3 and 4. block 1. $1.70 each 3.40 Ross. Chas. A.. Falls View to Ore- aon City, lots 9 and 10. block 1 $1.70 each 3.49 Aldredge, A. Mrs., Falls View Add to Oregon City, lot 4, block 2 4.40 Law, Thos. and wife, Falls View Add to Oregon City, lot 1. block 6 Law. Thos. and wife, Falls View Add to Oregon City, lot 2, block o 6.45 Law, Thos. and wife, Falls View Add to Oregon City, lot 3. block 6 1.69 Williams. Lizzie. Falls View Add to Oregon City, lot 1, block 9 1.69 Glanville. Ella. Falls View Add to Oregon City, lot 6. block 11 1.70 Beo . Anna M.. Falls View Add to Oregon city lot 7. block il l.es Seol, Anna M., Falls view Add to Oregon City., lot 11. block 11 Moore. Celeste. Falls View Add to Oregon City, lot 6, block 20a.... 11.87 Moore. B. M., Park Place, lot 9, b ock 7 l Whale, Angle, Park Place, lot 11, block 9 Webber, Geo. A., Park Place, W or block m 3.29 Galloway. Emma Mrs.. Park Place block e. second hair payment.. 12.32 Kockwood. u. A. Heirs, tfark Place V, acre adjoining Bloclm 9.04 Heurth. Mary A.. Straight's Add to Park Place, lot 3. block 1 l.tra Heurth. Mary A., Straight's Add to Park Place, lot 4. block 1 Marley, P. H., Oregon City, lot 7, block 13 Andrews. L. H.. Oregon City, lot It block 21 Andrews. L. H Oregon City, lot 2 block 21 Wilkinson, James, Oregon City, lot lot 2, block 46 Wilkinson. James, Oregon City, lot 7, block 45 Kellogg. O.. Oregon Cltv. lot 4. blk. 60 13.63 Meldrum. Jennie. Oreaon City, lot block 68 - 10.16 Henderson. Sarah J.. Oreeon City lot 3, block 100 10.16 Roake. S. E.. Oregon City, lot 3. blk Fuller. N. L. Mrs.. Oreeon Cltv. lot 4.55 6. block 121 Fuller. N. U Mrs.. Oregon City, lot 6. block 121 3.90 Leonard.- L. D., Oregon City, lot 7 block 123 , Buckbee. James, Oregon City, tot 3.90 3. block 147 Buckbee, James, Oregon City, lot 4, block 147 Buckbee, James, ..Oregon City, lot 6.60 6, block 141 Buckbee. James. Oregon City, lot 6. block 147 1.30 Howlett. Lydta D., Oregon City, lot s. block 151 Howlett. Lydia D., Oregon City, lot 4, block l&l 9.75 Myers, W. W Oregon City, Wly or lot l, block 159 Myers, W. W., Oregon City, WlyH of lot 2. block 159 Welch. John Dr., Oregon City, lot 7 3.90 block .its:; , 2.60 Welch. John Dr., Oregon City, lot 8 diock lb3 , Henness, Augusta, Oregon City, lot 2.68 1, DIOCK 112 Henness, Augusta, Oregon City, lot Z. DIOCK 112 Henness. Augusta, Oregon City, lot 3, block 172 Henness, 'Augusta, Oregon City, lot 1.30 4, DIOCK 1 11 Whitlock. W. T., Oregon City, lot 5 .39 MeCormlck, J., 2, block -179 McOormick. J., 3, block 179 . MeCormlck, J Oregon City, lot Oregon City, lot .38 1.66 Oregon Citv. lot 4. block 179 89 Doty, Emma, Bolton, lot 8, block 17 Bolton Land Co., Bolton, lot 1, blk F Bolton Land Co., Bolton, lot 2, blk F Bolton Land Co., Bolton, lot 3, blk' F Bolton Land Co,, Bolton, lot 4, blk F Bolton Land Co., Bolton, lot 6, blk P, , Bolton Land Co,, Bolton, lot 6, blk F , 38 .39 .78 7.80 Bolton Land V F. Bolton Land C F Roots, J. W Bot tract s Roots, J. W., Boii tract Roots, J. W., Borini tract 10 81 Cross, H.K., Clackam tract A. 1 acre.... Cross, H E.. Clackama. tract B. 86.100 acres Cross, H.E., Clackamas i ail or ex. a describes of Deeds, Book 67, Pag j, i acre Bwlchard, Alice B C. Heights, bock 59 Trampieasure, A. O., Cla tieignis, lot z, block 30i.. Fretag, Richard, Clackamas lot f. block 29H Behind ler, G Clackamas He", lot 12. block 2H Johnson, M. E. Mrs., Edgewt lot 17, block Ainsworth. J. C. Trustee, tiilen - 64 I wood, lot 11. block 7 4. Ainsworth, J. C, Trustee, Edger ; wnnri. rti 19 hlr.V 7 . . . . .62 Ainsworth, J. C, Trustee, Edger- woou, lot 13. block l Ainsworth, J. C, Trustee, Edger- wood. lot 14. hWk 7 Gladstone. R. E., Ass'n., Hawarden lot l, block 3 .a Gladstone, R. ., Ass'n., Hawarden lot 2, block 3 , .96 Gladstone, R. E., Ass'n., Hawarden lot 1, block 4 80 Gladstone, R. E., Ass'n., Hawarden lot 2, block 4 83 Gladstone, R. E Ass'n., Hawarden lot 3, block 4 .80 Gladstone, R. E., Ass'n., Hawarden lot 4. block 4 83 Gladstone, R. E., Ass'n., Hawarden lot 6. block 4 80 Gladstone, R. E., Ass'n., Hawarden lot . block 4 S3 Gladstone, R. E Ass'n., Hawarden lot I, block 4 .80 Gladstone, R. E., Ass'n., Hawarden block A 2.46 Pomeroy, Walter, Linn City, lot 7. I.loek i Pomeroy, Walter, Linn City, lot I 8. hloek 1 .26 .26 Pomeroy, Walter, Linn City, lot J. block l. 0 Wakeman. M. B.. Linn Cltv. lot a, diock s .26 Wakeman. M. B., Llnn City, lot 6. block 8 .26 Parmer, Fred, Heirs, Parker Hill Arid to Oreirnn fltv Int A Hlnk .26 i ::. . ..r.. :rr i m Parmer, Fred, Heirs, Parker Hill add to Oregon City, lot B, block 2 1 AT I Brown, Mathew. Rockland, lot, blk 5 24 Ward, James, Sunset City, lot 8, I V v I.AO Weston, Mary, Sunset City, lot 11, DIOCk 9 1.69 Sunset Land Co., Sunset City, lot 11 block 14 , 1.45 Sichel, Big., West Side Add to Ore gon City, lot 1. block 3 '. . 1.59 Sichel, Big., West Bide Add to Ore- v gon city, lot 2. block 3 1.59 Munson, Benj., West Side Add. to Oreiron Cltv. lot 9. block 4 1 69 ghintoffer. Maria. Smith Oreirn Cltv I lot 1, block 2 97 t johann, C. B. Mr., South Oregon 1361 Citv. lot 7. hloek fi Johann, C. B. Mr., 8outh Oregon i uity, lot , block I Johann. C. B. Mrs.. South Oreznn City, lot 9, block 6 I Johann, C. B. Mrs.. South Oregon I City, lot 10, block 5 Rauch, W. J., South Oregon City lot 6, block 7 40 Dobyns, W. H., South Oregon City tot 1U, DIOCK S Collins, Edw., South Oregon City lot 11. block 8 White, John H-, Windsor, Lots 9 and 10. block 3. 11.07 each.. 2.14 6.00 I Parker. 8. C. and E.. Windsor, lot 1 I block 7 ., I Parker. Sarah C, Windsor, lots 2 I and 3, block 7, $1.07 each i Duiuvan, w . n., mnasor, tots l ana I 2 hlnek 11 il fl7 eeh ll I Hamilton, Meade, Windsor, lot 4,' iu block 11 ; - 1 Windsor- Land and Jmpt Co.. Wind- 8.48 Hoffman, O. A., Windsor, lots 9 and 10. block 15. $1.07 each 2.14 Bristerficldt, Annie, Windsor, lot 3 block 21 Berry, Julia. Westlynn. lot 3. blk 2 Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co.. Westlynn, lot 6. block 6 1.21 Jones, D. P. and C, as described in Record of Deeds, book 76. page 300. 1 acre 1.35 Rasmussen, 8. N., 100x100 ft., as described m Kecord or Ueeds, Book 74. Page 180 Rudstrom, Geo.. O. I. & 8. Co.'s First Add to Oswego, lot 12. blk 8 Cardwell, B. P., O. L & 8. Co.'s First Add to Oswego, lot 3. blk 15 Rondau, C, O. I. & 8. Co.'a First Add to Oswego, lot 14, block . Small, P. M O. I. & 8. Co. First Add to Oswego, E'ly 50 feet of lot 15. block 33 1.36 Small, P. M O. I. & S. Co.'s First Add to Oswego. E'ly 60 feet of lot 16, block 33 3.63 McBaln. George. O. I. ft 8. Co.'a First Add to Oswego, lots 12, 1J 14, block 34. $1.21 each 3.63 1.09 McBain, George, O. 1. & 8. Co.'o rirst Add to Uswego, lot v, block 34 1.21 Lasli, Ellzah, O. I. & 8. Co.'s First ' Add to Oswego, lots 7 and 8, block ' 46. $1.21 each 2.42 O. I. & 8. Co., O. I. & 8. Co.'s Ex tension to First Add to Oswego, lots 1. 2. 3. 4. and 6. block 50. 60 cents each 3.00 7.94 1 Schenck. W. K., O. I. & 8. Co.'s Ex I tension to First Add to Oswego, .I8 lot 6, block 66 Lesler, Kittie, O. I. & S. Co.'s Ex 1.68 tension to First Add to Oswego. lot 6, block 56 , .28 i.b iesier. Kittle, u. l. & s. Co. s Kx- tension to First Add to Oswego, lot 7, block 56 .29 5.06 3.3S Dwyer, William, South Oswego, lot 1, block 2 6.67 Lyon. Mary A. ..South Oswego, SV4 or lot a, block 6.87 j Cornell, E. W., South Oswego, lot 1, block 29 . "S Cornell, E. W South Oswego, lot 2. DIOCk 2 ,28 Habighorst, E. H., Trustee, South 3.36 Oswego, lot 4, block 36 1 .43 Habighorst, E. H., Trustee. South . 6,06 Oswego, lots 6, 6, and 7, block 36 45 cents ee.eh l.ss 3.38 Cophall. H. A.. South . Oswego, lot ; 8. block 36 8.47 Cophall, H. A., South Oswego, lot block 36 .67 I Lee, J. D., Trustee, South Oswego lots io ana il, block 36, 46 cents each 8.46 Lee, J. V., Trustee, South Oswego lot 12. block 36 Dixon, J. F., South Oswego, lot 13 block 36 Habighorst, E. H., Trustee, South 67 .67 6.78 ttswego, lot 14, block 36 Wilton, Nancy, South Oswego, lot It block 36 Wilton, Nancy, South Oswego, lot 6 block 42 Lee, J. D., Heirs, South Oswego. 9.48 3. 1.68 lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, block 42, 4ticents each 3.38 Cornell, E. W South Oswego, lots . 1. 2, and 8, block 45, 45 cents each 4.06 Cornell, E. W South Oswego, lot 14, DIOCK 49 Cornell, E. W., South Oswego, lot 6. block 45 ; .84 Cornell. E. W., South Oswego, lots - 14, io, ii ana it, oiock 4b, 45 cents each Cornell, E. W., South Oswego, lot 16. block 46 Parrlsh, Geo. L., South, Oswego. lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 16 17. and 18. block 65. 45 cents uinh1 38 9.16 4.06 2.03 Cornell, E. W South Oswego, lots x, o, , a ana in, block 59, 43 cents each Cornell, E. W., South Oswego, lots 3, 3, 4. 6. 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14. 16, 17 and 18. block 59, 46 cents each.. Cornell, E. W., South Oswego, loti 14, block B ...... Myer, Ellen, 6000 square feet as des. 2.03 2.69 1.45 .78 79 in necora 01 ueeas, nook 53, Page 451- 78 Habighorst, E. H.. Trustee. Oswego Heights E of block 4. 85.2 nr. .79 Lee, J. D Heirs, Oswego Heights o-io men. urjcn IV ... ,, , 78 Lee, J. D Heirs, Oswego Heights 8-16 Inst block 15 7....... 79 MoCown, C. Miss, Gladstone.' inta .60 .61 .60 .60 .97 .73 Ml l.Orf 1.07 1.07 4.93 3.21 3.49 1.21 1.21 1.21 .60 .43 .45 .90 ,43 .43 .45 .45 .45 1.8. 1.80 .44 .45 1.80 .43 4.9R 2.15 5.85 .45 3.02 1.48 .46 .46