OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, fRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 190. PAGE 3. Mew To-Day. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cent. Farm leourlty, U'Ron k Bcbubel. "WANTED a middle aged lady to can vass at Oregon City, Address W. I. MoGuIr. W Commercial block,' Port land, Oregon. '. f WANTED. Men or women to take or dar for art goods; guaranteed (alary or communion. AddreM Oregon Art Association, 6H4 Sherlock Bldg Fort land, Oregon, , Deo. 23 STRAYED from my farm 1 miles south of Heaver Creek, a white yearling hnlfnr with & few red spot on neck end body, a half-Inch hole punched n middle of right ear, Kinder will bo suitably rewarded. Address l T Wil liam, Rural rout No. I, OregoW City, . Oregon, ST" Clackamas Chapter Royal Arch Masons, Monday night elected the following of ficers for he mmilng term; J. E. Hedgea, high prlost; T. J, (Jury, king; P. K. Hammond, scribe; J. P, Keating, sojourn er; Thoe. F. Ryan, treasurer; Andrew Robertson, secretary. According to the nw law of the lloyal Arch, the minor offices will be filled by appointment by the high prleat. ,, The bill of eKceptlom (n the Lauth murder cane! having; been signed by Judge Mcllrldo, were returned to thle city Wednesday and have been forwarded to th Supreme Court by Senator Ilrownoll and a. B. Dlmlck who are Lauth's conn- anl. Hut alight modification were made to the bill of exception by Judge Mc- tinne. ine transcript sent o in out preme Court, consists of 64 page of typewritten matter. It la expected the case will be argued before the appellate :ourt about January 1. Lauth ha been atntenced to be hangd Friday, January With every dozen photographs tak n before Christmas, Miss Cheney will give one mountod on a folder, Sepia effect. Studio Tenth and Main 8ts. Wedneeday was "wedding" day with Judge Ryan this week. During the fore noon alone, he officiated at three separata ere monies that united for life six happy heart. The half doien young people were paired oft In the following order: Resale E. dray and Qulncy Roblnaon; liertrude Mary Meek and Warren Baty; Pearl 8l. Clair and John Parrott. The Judge la becoming exceedingly proficient In adjusting th nuptial knot. Marriage licenses other than those necesaary to the foregoing marrtagus. were Issued during the week aa follows: Ida May Rower and Smith Turner; Annie E. 8chmltt and Carl Thleme; Joaephlne flnell and George K. Fletcher; Zella Hard Isty and John E. 'Wells: Lorene Ksiise and C. I. Baker, Judge Ryan Wednesday overruled the motion to dismiss the petition for the tillowailoa of ooat on th ground that the court hsd no Jurisdiction, In the re cent will contest case of Lars Anderson, deceased. Attorneys IT Ren and Hayes filed a claim for about 1300 costs and at torney's feea for having conducted a con test In an effort to set ailde the will that waa admitted to probate. The attorney for the estate, O. W. Eastham, was giv en until tomorrow to tils a demurrer to the petition which has been set for argu roent next Tuesday. i John Billeter, of - Mt, Pleasant, died this week at a Portland hospital follow ing an operation for appendicitis. He Is survived by a wife snd two children. "A MIx-Up With Cupid." T title of the present story Is "The Stress of the Trail," Mka the other, it dsals with cowboy life, and is Interesting and amus ing as Its predecessor, It describes the subterfuge two cowboys adopted In order to enlist help from the Indians In getting a herd of rnttla through the snow. A. Orlesshuber, a farmer residing near New Kra, was examined this week as to his insanity before an examining board consisting of Judge Ryan and Drs. E. A Homer and J. W, Norrls, After heating the testimony 1n the case the board re leased Grlnsshaber on parole. OiieHshaber Is aged 41 years, and nls children iom plained that they were afraid of him he csuse of his strange actions, Fur choice lurd, spare-ribs, and tender loins, go to Cain A Ramsby at Ely. Choice stock always on hand. The Samson Hoarding House Bowling team last night defeated the Moreland Rowling Team At Ooodfellow's alleys by eight pips, the total scores In the three game contest being respectively, 432 and 438, There were six members of eaoh team as follow; Ssmson Dr, L. A. Morris, captain; Mount, Osrtyind, Price, Parker and Nelson; IMoseland W JR. bogus, captain; Wolf, Cochran, Myers, Jones and Fortune, After the game the losing team treated the winners to oys ters, A return game Is being arranged for. . ' Fled Foster, of Linn's Mill, this county, swallowed some particles of glass while eating a dlah of mush Monday morning and his life was only saved by the ef forts of Oregon City physicians. For two days Foster's condition was serious. The glass was contained in the package of mush. The following officers for the ensuing year were elected last evening by Mil waukle Grange No. 1, Patrons of IIus bandry: Muster, Mrs. M. L. Roberts; overseer, H. A. Andrews: lecturer, Miss Kate Canto; steward, J. W, James; slstonl steward, Leo Duffy; treasurer, T. R. A. Bcllwood; secretary, Miss Delia Mullen; gatekeeper,, Whiter Soil wood; Pomona, Miss Agnes Oliver; Ceres, Mrs Mnggle A Johnson; Flora, Mies Maggie Johnson; lady ' assistant steward, Miits Roa Wslsh. The Mllwaukle Grange adopted articles of Incorporation and. early In the new year, will make a strong effort to procure funds to start a new hall. The patron of the Oregon City post office are to have a metallc drop letter box that I to be establlehed Immediately In front of the post office. In response to hi 'application for this mail receptacle Postmaster Randall was advised that th department would furnish the metallc box but would not assume the expense of Installing It. Mr. Randall notified the department to forward the box which he will Install at his own expense. This arrangement for receiving mall after hours will be a great Improvement over the slot In the wall that la now used and to find which the services of searchlight and a squad of detectives are required. Candy, 8c; Walnuts and roost Peanuts 10c; raw Peanuts 7Hc pound, at RED FRONT, On January 10, J. M. Price will occupy the building adjoining the Hub and form erly occupied by Michaels, the clothier, and will conduct an up-to-date shoe house In addition to his clothing business.' Or-gon City people will appreciate an exclusive and fully equipped shoe store conducted on a proper basis and that Is Just what Mr. Price promises to offer the people of this city. ei land, this week obtained from County Clerk Sleight final citizenship papers and Is now a full fiedg.d subject of Uncle Hum, Christmas services at Congregational church at Ely, next Sunday at 11 a. m. Sermon by Prof. Davis of the Oregon City Academy. All lines of millinery at Miss Gold smith's below cost.' Holiday goods and toys. Best Assort ment. Lowest prlne at Thomson's Bar gain Stole. Mr. T. R. Worthlngton, aged 28 years, of Concord, dropped dead on the streets of Portland. Tuesday. Mrs. Worthlngton hsd . been 111 for a number of months and was being treated In Portland, She had Just left her doctor's office when she died on the street, supposedly of heart failure. Mr, Worthlngton, her husband, was among the first to reach his wife's1 side. He was coming up the street when he saw a woman fall to the sidewalk. He hastened on and was horrified to tffid the iuanltrsMe form of hi wife lying on the sidewalk, Mrs. Worthlngton is survived by a husband and nine children, the youngest of whom Is only a few months old. ' School Notes By Sup. Zlaier . . 5-f. ..... ........ Married Miss Josephine Snell to Mr. George Fletcher, at the home of the bride's parents, at Canby, Oregon, Wed nesday, December 21, 1904, Rev. C. A. Housel, officiating. Only a few immedi ate relatives and friends were present. Untrlmmed shapes below cost at Miss Ooldsmlth's. The wagon that was awarded to Po mona Orange ha been moved to Wilson ft Cooke's warehouse where It way be kept In the dry. Hereafter anyone wish ing to see the wagon will find It at Wil son ft Cooke's warehouse. The story In the Argonaut for Decem ber 2flth la by Bertrand W. Sinclair, who will be remembered as ha ing written ft j Christmas i Is Here ? 4 P t 5 4 t And we hare made pro vision for your wants. Fruits, Nuts and Candies and all Christmas special ties at low prices. For Your Dinner We have the famous M. J. B. Coffee . New shipment just arrived. Buy it for your Christmas dinner. Big sale begins Saturday, December 17, at Mis Uolldsmlth'. Multnomih Lodge, Ancient, Free and Accepetd Masons, held Its annual elec tion Saturday night and the following of ficers were chosen: R. C. Oanong, wor shipful master; Joseph T. Lynch, senior warden; John P, Keating Junior Warden; Linn E. Jones, treasurer; John R. Hum phry, secretary. Mr. Ganong has been twice honored by re-election to the office of master. The newly elected officer will be Installed on St. John's Day, Tues day, December 27. when a banquet will be held in commemoration of the day. , Personal Mention ! W. E. BlsseU was a Canby visitor Mon day. ' . A. Thomas, of Beaver Creek, was In the city Wednesday. R. V. Auxier. of Mllkaukle, was in the city Monday on. business. Keoresentutlve-elect Frank Jagger, of Carus, was Irfifthe city Tuesday. C'hns. Koellemeier, of Stafford, , was transacting business In Oregon City last Tuesday. . Mr. and Mis. J. P. Keating have re turned from a short visit at points on the Sound, C. Loder, of Carlton, Oregon, visited last Saturday with his son, J. W. Loder, In this city. Mrs. W. Gilbert Beattle and baby ore visiting with Eugene . relatives during the holidays. C. E. Young, of Grass Valley, .Eastern Oregon, Is visiting his brother, G. H. Young In this city. State Superintendent Ackerman and Ex-Oovernor Z. F, Moody, of Salem, were In the city Tuesday. Miss Eudoxla Riley, of Oakland, Cal ifornia, Is spending the Winter with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Loder. Miss Alvena Horn left today for New burg where ahe will spend the Christ mas season with friends. Geo. H. Mooney, constable for Mll waukle district, waa transacting business at Oregon City last Thursday. , Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Church, of Llnd, Washington, are spending the Christmas holidays with relatives In this city. Mlsa Mary Case wefit to Cottage Grove Tuesday where on Wednesday evening she was successful In giving a concert Garrett Purkerson, of Eugene, Is the new salesman at tne ureal American Importing Tea Co.'s store in this city. Contractor Ed Olds returned a few days sgo from a business trip to Clatskanle where he secured the contract for making a number of improvements. Mrs. J, M. Lawrence, who was called to Oregon City by the elckness and death of her rather, the late C. O. T. Williams, has returned to her home at Bend. Jack Latourette, Roy W. Kelly, Misses Daulton and Edna Caufleld are among the Oregon City students at the State University who are home for the Christ mas vacation. Alderman E. F. Story end family have gone to California to spend the holidays with relatives. Mr. Story will return shortly after the holidays, but his family will remain for some time. Ernest Rands of Oregon ICty, was here Saturday evening, the guest of old time friends, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson. Mr. Rands was county surveyor of Clack amas county for four years and la prom inent in the councils of the Republican party at the city by the Willamette falls. He waa on his way to Corvallta In the Interest of some government work with which he Is connected. Washington Co. News. -(Forest Grove). West Orejjon City has the distinction of being the first school district in Clack amas county to make use of the law for the transportation of children at the ex pense of the school fund. It was found that eleven children live beyond the two mile limit from the school house, and the district voted to employ a driver and conveyance, paying him 120 per school month for this service, There a number of neighborhoods where the school ad vantages could be materially improved by taking advantage of this law. : This week the superintendent had a profitable conference on this subject with the school officers and other citizens of Colton and James schools,., where the sentiment is quite favorable for early action of oome kind along this line, j John Putz, M. E. Bonney and N. 8. Dlx are the directors of Colton; C, E. Gorbett, clerk. The directors of James are C. R, James, John Wright, and Holden Har greaves. Miss Grace E. Fisher has accepted a well earned advance of salary at Clarices, and has declined the call to Aurora. Miss Louise Hull Is the new teacher In the latter school. . Miss Catherine V. Conway began a new term In the Salmon River listrict De cember tth. Wlllsburg has voted a ten-mill special tax. Mullno school has secured 134 at its recent entertainment, and a special meet ing has been called to consider the ad visability of making extensive todiool Improvements. Falls View school has fenced its grounds and built a new wood shed. Colton has added quite, a number of volumes to Us school library by vote of the directors. Clackamas has ' enlarged Its school ground, painted the Interior of the build ing In a tasteful, harmonious color scheme, and Improved the sanitary con dition by an experimental application of dustine to the floors. The teachers have adorned the walls with suitable pictures. The enterprising board consists of W. T. Johnston, C. F. Clarke, and A Mather. Miss Inza R. Thompson has closed her contract with the Aurora school and will return to Monmouth Normal school to complete her course. At the Har greaves sawmill at James, may be seen an Interesting relic of early Oregon days, and which ought to form an lnt westing feature' of our Clackamas County exhibit at Portland next sum merthe planer which was Imported from London by Doctor John McLoughlln, and which was the first machine of the kind ever brought to the Oregon Country. Clackamas County should have a Coun ty High School. 4 w 4 . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 ' 4 4 4 4 4 IDrwi Store It should be a store in which the very latest word of medical and pharmaceutical science should be authority; a store that is up to date to the very hour. Other lines ef business change slowly, pharmacy advances with steady strides all the while- We keep abreast of all advances in our profession, or in medical science, so that our customers may be afforded as perfect service as can be had anywhere. You cannot go amiss in making this your regular trading place. Your inter ests will be protected in every way and at prices never higher than elsewhere. 1 ! Huntley Bros Co Up to date Druggists p p p ' p ' p p p ' ' p p , p p p p p . - p p p Fifteen to 20 per cent cut In this year's clothingwool sweater, wool and part wool shirts and fine shirts, at reduction of one-ourth RED FRONT. G. W. Waldron, who resides near Ore gon City, thinks Oregon canot be equaled in the production of fruit. He reports that he has on his farm a patch of straw berries from which he recently picked fully matured berries that were as perfect In color and flavor and equal In also as those of the summer crop. The vines also contain a nunufer of green berries and blossoms aa well. Shoes at cut prices Baby shoes 23o up; shoe laces, le pair; high top shoes at BOo to fl less than elsewhere. HAMILTON RED FRONT. A two-ton safe for sale by A. O. Cheney, Barclay Building', Oregon City. Bcfrn, Wednesday, December 14, to Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Williams, a son. The Williams Bros. Transfer agency thus acquires another partner. Trimmed hats below cost at Miss Gold smith's. , Jacob Wind has been appointed ad minlstrator of the estate of Johan Herbst, daoeascd, Herbst was the owner of a house and two lots In Goose Flat, J. A. Moehnke has removed his office from the Barclay building Into the rooms formerly oooupied by , the Postal Tele graph Company, " . ' I A - - - - - - .. . . . I enrr a t rrrrrn.T"ro P P P P P ? Electric Grocery D. M. Klemsen, Prop. Main Street, near Electric Hotel Alice I. Mann Is suing Carlos A. Mann for a divorce In the Clackamas County circuit court. Mrs. Mann alleges that she and the defendant were married in Ohio In 1876 and complains that her hus band wilfully deserted her In 1900. Henry St. Raynor appears as attorney for Mrs, Mann, . , i Don't forget to buy your wife a hat for a' Christmas present, . They are away below coat at Miss Goldsmith's. Jacob' John Knaus, a native of Swlts Drs. Beetle Beetle, Dentists; rooms IS, If, 18, Welnhard buUdlng. "Die Lustlgen Maedchen," a club con sisting of Miss Laura Pope, Miss Mar Jorle Caufleld, Miss Alice Lewthwalte. ojrle Caufleld, Moss Alice Lewthwalte, Miss Cls Barclay Pratt. Miss Martha Francis Draper and Miss Ethel Caufleld, has issued invitations for a leap year dancing party, to be held at the Armory, Friday, December SO. The patrons will be Dr. E. A. Sommer, Dr. L. L. Picklns, C. O. Huntley, C. D. Latourette, Joseph E. Hedges and Franklin T. Griffith. Everest's Orchestra, from Portland, has been engaged. $$ Monday evening the Barclay High School Alumni Association will hold social meeting at Woodmen Hall to which are Invited all Barclay High School grad uates. In the absence Of any record of the different classes that have graduated from Barclay, the committee in charge was not able to reach all graduates lth Invitations, but graduates who may not bave been thus remembered are urged to attend the social, Monday evening with out the formality of an Invitation. A regular 'meeting of the Shakespeare Club was held Monday evening at the home of Miss Martha Prances Draper, The time was taken up with reviews of some of t!ie leading characters of Shakes peare. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Miss Maysie Foster, Monday evening, January 2 Mothers Be Careful of the health of your children. Look out for Coughs and Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. ' Stop them in time- One Minute Cough Cure la the best rem edy. Harmless and pleasant. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. , ANOTHER PIONEER GONE A. B. Gleason died of paralysis Satur day evening, December 17, 1904, at his home In Hubbard, after only a few days' Illness. The deceased waa bom in Ripley Co., Indiana, in 1829. In 1861, In company with his father, he came to the Pacific Coast and settled in Clackaeyis County, Oregon. He volunteered Tor service against, the Indians In 1855 and became a member of Capt. Hays' Co., of Wash ington. In 1856 he returned to his old home In Indiana, and befor returning to the Coast, he married Miss Clarissa Towne, of KnoxviUe, Iowa. Soon after bis return in 1857, he engaged In the milling and merchandising business and In 1870 moved to what is now Hubbard, Oregon, building the first house there. Here he also engaged in merchandising, and dealing In grain, retiring from busi ness in 1900. . He leaves a family of four to mourn his death: Mrs. H. C. Caldwell of Sauk, Washington, Miss E. Minerva Gleason of WILL REWARD PRODUCERS. Lewis A Clark Committee Offers 1150.00 In Prizes. At a joint meeting Tuesday of the gen eral and executive committees having in charge the Lewis ft Clark Fair ex hibit from thle county, the executive committee was authorized to cfer prizes aggregating $150 for the best samples of all farm products that may be offered for the exhibit. In thus slightly com pensating the producer it is expected Interest in the gathering of a creditable display will be advanced. Captain J. T. Apperson, J. W. Roots and R. Scott ere constituted a committee to arrange a schedule of the premiums to be given and the rules that will govern the con test, it being conditioned that all samples offered in competition shall become the property of the executive committee for use in making up the exhibit. County Judge Ryan on. invitation was made a permanent member of the executive committee. ' A. V. Davis, of Soda Springs; O. D. Bobbins, Harding; and C. T. Toose. of Pleasant H1U, were elected to member ship on the general committee to fill va cancies created by the resignation of F. M. McLeran, X O. Byers and A. P. Todd, respectively. E. E. Brodie, sec reteary of the general commfttee, served the committee ' in that capacity. The commltte decided to propose to the Pomona Grange that the Studebaker wagon that was awarded the Clackamas County Grangers for the best exhibit at the National Grange Convention be raffled the price of the tickets to be placed at fl each, and thtjaproceeds of the sale to be applied towards the cost of gathering the exhibit from this county for the 1905 Fair. The proposition was suggested by a resolution offered by J. W.- Thomas .who proposed dividing th receipts with the Grange, but before its adoption by the committee, the resolution was amended I will present my petition for the ap pointment thereto at the January, 1905 term of the County Court, and I hereby brand all assertions that I have with drawn as a candidate for said appoint ment, as a lie, and that said amotions are made for the purpose of endeavoring to have others appointed thereto, and to defeat me therefor. O. F. JONES. DA.tlAx'4 UUa 0kfl lasMn rf frtlf I vi vutuui Miise - cMst vc(Myif v v , i , , Washington, and N. P. Gleason. Hub- ' bard, Oregon. ' An Emergency Medicine. For sprains, bruutes, burns, scalds and similar Injuries, there Is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. . It soothes the wound and not, only gives Instant re lief, from pain, but causes the parts to heal in about one third the time required by the usual treatment Sold by Geo. A. Harding. NOTICE. To whom it may concern: I hereby notify my friends and the elec tors of Abernathy Precinct, Clackamas County, Oregon, that I am a candidate for the office of Ro.id Supervisor of said Abernathy Preclnot, for the year 1905. notwithstanding all reports and rumors to the effect that I have withdrawn. A Certain Cur for Croup. When a child shows symptoms of croup there is no time to experiment with new remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommended. There is one prepara tion that can always be depended upon. It has been In use for many years and has never been known to fall, vis: Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, Mr. M. F. Compton of Market. Texas, says of it, "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in severe cases of croup with my children and can truthfully say it always gave prompt relief." For sale by Geo. A. Harding. (Continued from page 2.) the Oregon Water Power ft Railway Co., was attired in the conventional black. jar. vata ni s. jcunuui imic iviic va ocu- wood where they will reside. Mr. and Mrs. Lehman received a great many valuable presents. The young people enjoyed themselves hugely, hav ing much fun from, parlor decorations in mistletoe and passed the evening in dancing while the older members of the company played cards and sang. At a late hour the jovial party disbanded after having wished Mr. and Mrs. Lehman a long and happy life and offering each other best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Tear. Dr. -Wood's Norway Pine Syrup seems especially adapted to the needs of the children. Pleasant to take; soothing in its influence; it is the remedy of all remedies for every form of throat and lung disease. 0A87OZIIA. Bear ' H Kind Vou Haw Always BotgX Sigaatsr sf Half the ills that man is heir to come from indigestion. Burdock Blood Bit ters strengthens and Hones the stomach; makes indigestion impossible. Ptfeseaafts GSw&bl Away EVERY CUSTOMER MAKING A PURCHASE, AT OUR STORE, OF 25 CENTS AND UPWARDS, WILL RECEIVE A GIFT WORTH FROM 10 TO 25 PER CETjfT OF THEIR PURCHASE. Holiday Bargains ; r A FEW SNAPS OF. OUR LARGE STOCK Cameras, while they last, at cost , Toilet Sets, Work Boxes, Manicure Sets, Perfumes, R Autograph and Photograph Albums - . - ZOC to 4yUU t' Calendars, Christmas Cards, large assortment - c to 200. Fancy Box Stationery - - - - J0c to J 00 Shaving Sets, the genuine that' shaves - - 500 . Fountain Pens, guaranteed for - - - 100 ' Christmas Candles, 2 dozen - - AO ' ' ; ; ' i C H A RM A N & CO MP A N Y , LOW PRICE DRUG STORE Don't forget the place Electric Hotel Block I