OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER V 1904. PAGE 9 All fym Down HIS Is a common txrreu lion we hear on every side. Unless there is some organic trouble, the con dition can doubtless be remedied. Your doctor Is the best adviser. Do not dose yourself with all Kinds of advertised remedies $et his opinion. More than likely you need a concentrated fat food to enrich your blood and tone up the system. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is fust such a food in its best form. It will build up the weakened and wasted body when- all other foods fail to nourish. If you are run down or emaciated, give it a trial i it cannot hurt you It it niiatlw iU k..4 ! ii is essentially the best possible nourishment for delicate children and pale, anaemic girls. We will send you a sample free. 1 J I Be lurt that (hit picture la the form ol a lahtl Ii a j "j"PP''vry bottle of EmuUlon you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE Chtmlsti 409 Pearl Strtet, Nw York SOc. and $1. All DruUU NOTICE Of A88E88MINT. Per Laying of Sewer In Sewer Dlitrlct No. 4, of Oregon City, Oregon. Notice la hereby given thut the Council of Oregon "lty, Oregon, at a regular , meeting held Wednesday, December C 1904, declared an assessment by Ordl-nam-e No. 817 for the laying of Hewers, in Hewer- District No. 4, of Oregon-City, Oregon, In the manner provided by Ordi nance No, 312 upon each lot, part of lot and tract of land benefitted, to be aa fol-' lews, via: LIU : . . Suspension B IM 1, mock 101 T. U Carman.... 4M Lot 2, lllouk 101-T. I.. Crmrman.... 130.44 Lot 1, liiook 112 -CJiirrnan Kvitngul- leftl Church '. 89.14 Lot 2, Iilock 112 J. D. Ttonnnr 249.64 Lot 7, mock 112 Aicnt BohUBbel. .141.64 IM 8, lilonk 112 -I.ulhniiin .Ion church ,,,209.14 Lot 7, lllock 129-B. & J, Klmer. ,. . 246.34 Lot I, lilock mU UorriMihuh.. 102.14 A tatmnt of the afurmald akhihi) merit Iwim bonn entered In th docket of City Mima ii nd In now dua and payablo at the ofllca of (lie Treaauwr of Orngori City, OrKon, In lawful money of the I, 'nltcd Httttim, and If not paid within twenty (20) day from the nmt publica tion of thin notlcr, uch procendlngi will be taken for th collection of the tame are provided by the Chartur of Oregon City. Tim above auMWftnu-nt will bear Inter em twenty (20) day after the flint pub lication of this notice. Jty order of the council of Oregon City, Orgon, mad this 7th day of December, 1904 f IirtUCE C, CUflRT, Recorder. I)ut of flmt publication of thin notice, Friday, December 9th, JM4, "Itching hcmmrholda wcie the pluirun of my life., Waa bIihohI wild. Doun'a Uliilineiit cured me tuli'kly and perma ncntly, after doctor had failed." C V. Curnwell, Vulley Htreft, Httuai'i tli-K, N. Y. Deaervei Your Patronage. The growth of a commur.lty and the ; kucccm of lln local Inatlvjtlona depend j entirely on the loyalty of It people. It I well enough to preach "patronize home i InduMtry" but except the aervlce given at a home Inntltutlon equate that of out-of-town enterprlaea, thle argument car rlea no weight and la entirely disregard ed, a It ahould be. Hut with Oregon City IH'OP1 It I" different. A few montha B. u JohniKm ,atabiuhed u, c- cade I-nundry. It la equipped with the , latent Improved machinery and la dally turning out work that I equut to any fand uy.rlor to much of the laundry work that I being done In I'ortlund. i lining a home iimtltutlon and furnUhlng employment for many Oregon City people It la enjoying an Immense patronage. The high atandnrd of the work being dime commendi It to the general public. laundry left at the O. K. barber ahop will j be promptly called for and delivered to ' any pnrt of the city. Telephone 1204. E. L. Johnaon, proprietor. Oregon City Market Report. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No. 1, 7So to I0o per bushel. Hour-A'alley, $4.80 per bbl. Hard whriit 11. IK. Portland It IK ner snck. I Howard' Itcst, 11.28 per ick. v j Oata In aacka, $1.37 1-2 per cental, i Winter Vetche 3 to t 1-4X5 per pound. 1 Cheat Seed $1.75 to $2.28 per pound, i Hay Timothy, baled, $140118 per ton: .clover, $11 to $12; oat, $13 to $14; mixed hay, $12 to $11; cheat, $1$ to $14, MlllBtuffe Bran. $20 per ton; abort $22.(0 per ton; chop $20 per ton; barley, ' rolled $28 per ton. ) I'otatoea 80 to 90 cents per sack, j Kags Oregon, 32V4j to 35c per dozen. Butter Ranch, 48 to 80c; separator, ; 88 to SOc. creamery, 68 to 70c. Cabbage 60c to $1 per doten. Vricos quoted a thoy linve nnvcr boon bo fore. Kvory article oHrrying within it wlf the oonvinoinfj prwf that in its purchase you pre suning money. " Men's SuitsOvercoats Men's Suits, heavy weight , all wool Cassi meres or Cheviots for this Hcial sale, price .... 7.8." For choice of Men's Kino nil wool suits, regular price $I2..'(. Special Sale Price '. $9.8."5 Men's Overcoats, Blue Motion, Nebular $9.00 values . Special $G.T5 Men' Overcoats, extra good val ue at $152.00, now on sale at $8.8.- Men's Pants Men's alt wool Pants, heavy weight reduced to $ 1.9.1 Men's good quality pants, prices have been $.'! to $.,j..'50. Specially reduced ,v $2.:V5 Children'8 Knee Pants Suits, Prices during Sain $2.10, .4."S, 3.10, ii.75, 4..'i5. This means avbig saving. Extraordinary re ductions in Children's Overcoats during our great Special Sale. Shirts, Etc. Men's Working Shirts, double idge Corner NBW THOUGHTS. Are you growing more attractive a you advance in life? "Given a healthy body, eaye Dt, S. V. l'lcrce. the anecial- hit In woman' die. eae, of Buffalo, N. Y., "and a US healthy mind, and JrJl evervntiA ran ruiti. jfVJ We mtit tat property ana ai re! well to be ; brail tiful. It it, ft , fact that any form of dyipepsia may in a tew day trans form a clear, white akin into a ma of pimple and black pot. A beautiful woman ha the beauty of ber atom acb, Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery main tain a person' nutrition by enabling one to eat, letain, dig-eat and aaiimilate the proper nutrition food. It overcomes the gaxtric irritnbility and ymptom of iodi- ? cation, and th. the peraon i aeved front hoe ymptom of fever, night-sweata, btailuchc, etc., which are to common. A tonic made up largely of alcohol will hrink the corpuitclra of the blood and make them weaker for resistance. ; "Thti l to certify that ! have used Doctor Pierce' flolden Medical Illnco-ry, think If the grand it medicine in the fiW.d. "wrilca Mrs. V, M. Voting, of Weir, W. V. " I had dypi in it wor-t ffirm. I deriilril to try your med icine. I nl five botllci, and now I m doing my own Iwmwwirk. A number of my friend alio are using Dr. Pierce' meillcine ad they rermnmenil it highly. May God bleM you in your grmiU work." Dr. Pierce believe that a tonic made with alcohol will shrink the red blood corpuscle and make the ystcni weak for resistance; Hint is why he avoided the use of any alco hol or narcotic in hia Medical Discovery," which contain the pure eitract Lorn root and herbs without a particle of aihol. Accept no substitute forT.olden Medical Discovery." There i nothing "just at good " fur dysprpsia or debility. Uiliousnes is cured by the use of Dr. Piece' Flcattaut Pellet. Onion Oregon, 2c per pound. Hubbard Squash 46 to 90c per dox. Honey U to 12 l-2c per pound. Good Apples 60 to 60c per box. Prune (Dried) Petite, to per lb; Ital ian, large, 60 per lb; medium, 8 1-2 ; 8llver, 4 1-Je. , , Dressed Chicken 14e per lb. " Turkeys live, 1816c; dressed, 1743 18c. Livestock and Dressed Mnata Heef. live $2.60 to $3.25 per hundred. Hogs, live, 6 to 5 l-2c; hogs dresaed 6 cent: sheep, $2.00 to $2.60 per hd; dressed 5c; veal dressed, 6 and t',i; lamba live, $2.00 to $2.60 per head. That Throbbing Headace. Would quickly leave you, If you used Dr. King' New Life Pill. Thousand of u Merer have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 26 cents, your money back If not cured. Sold by Howell & Jones, druggists. OABTOniA. Bn th Kind Yon Haw Always Boujjfl front, yoke back, at great value, During Sale . . .' 38c Men's nntttrnl wool Sox. seam less toe and heel, are offered at Special Price of 9c Men's Gingham Blouses, heavy weight, sale price 38c Men' Derby ribbed wool Shirts and Drawers, price per garment 08c Women's Jackets All this season's leading styles in Cheviots, Kerseys and Man nish mixtures. An unequalled opportunity is presented at a big reduction from regular selling prices. Jackets, a collection offered at $:i.?5, $5.2.1, $5.75, $0.50, $7.25 and $8.50. Dress Goods Reduced Ladies' Cloth 50 inches wide Special Sale Price 00c HIS inch all wool Tricot reduc tion Price, yard. ... 33c '38 inch all wool Homespun, Special at 43c 52 inch all wool Venetian Cloth Sale Price, $1.10 yard. Women's Underwear Women's scarlet Vests or Pants, all wool. Price per garment 85c Women's Fleeced Vests or Pants, Dur, ig Sale each, 23c w Let us agam 2 - .That Xmas is only two weeks off and you haven't yet bought all your pres ents. WeJ would like a chance to help you make your selections. We will assure Jyou that we won't urge you to buy and will take just as much pains showing you what we have as though you did. We have gifts this year within thefmeani of every one and we are just as much pleased with your small purchases as we are the larger ones. By buying direct and in large quantities we have this year gotten better discounts than ever before, and as usual weftntend givingjyou the advantage of them. No fancy prices here, but! wewillg maintain our reputation in Holiday Goods, as in other lines, of selling thcbe$t goods in Oregcn City at the lowest price.' We are making to schools and churches special prices on tree ornaments, Xmascards,"etc.f. Get our prices before buying elsewhere. A0FEW HINTS FOR YOUR PERUSAL i f COLLARfANDJCUFF BOXES POCKET BOOKS MANICURING SETS FRAMEDAND!UNFFMED PICTURES CARD CASES WORK BOXES SHAVINGISETS JFANCY CUT GLASS PERFUMES SAFETY RAZORS' GLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES PURSES AND CIGAR CASES TOBACCO BOXES EBONY, CELLULOID AND STAG PAPER KNIVES MILITARY28RUSHES TOILET SETS f LAP PADS PHOTO ALBUMS FOUNTAIN PENS GOLD PENS JEWEL BOXES TRINKET BOXES. MATCH BOXES STAMP BOXES WRIST BAGS NECKTIE BOXES TRIPLICATE MIRRORS JARDINIERS TRAVELING CASES AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER THINGS , v k i v s v . 4V w CANADA MONEY TAKEN AT PAR : i Women's Vests or Pants, - wool plated, Sale Price 58c Women's Union Suits On spec ial Sale at 45c, C5c, and 95c. Child's Umbrellas Children's Umbrellas steel rods Special ; . . . . 33c Ladies' Umbrellas Pegular $1.00 now. ..... 78c Itegular, $1.25 now 98c Regular $1.50 now $1.12 Pegular $2.00 now .... 1.68 Men's Umbrellas Regular $1.00 now ...... 78c Regular $1.50 now .... $1.12 Regular $2.00-now ......1.08 Regular $2.50 now .... 1.95 Notions San Silk 2 spools for. .... .5c Finishing Braid I? for. . , ,10c Embroidery Silk, during stile extra special, 3 skeins for.. 10c Shetland Floss por skein ....8c Box of 12 skeins. 85c Ladies' Shirt Waist Sets 9c Ladies' Magic Hose Supporters, 19c Pillow Shams, scalloped and braided 22c Chenille Stand Covers. . . , 48c Stockinet Shields, pair .... 8c ik7 ii K ernmc! Howell & Jones RELIABLE DRUGUISTS. Shoes Women's 3.00 grade now $2.70 Women's 2.50 grade now $2.15 Women's 2-00 grade now $1.68 Men's Shoes $4.00 grade now ......$3.35 $3.50 g;ade now 2.85 $3.00 -rade now 2.35 Misses' and Children's School Sizes 5 to 8 at $1.10 Sizes 9 to 11 at $1.35 Sizes 12 to 2 at $1.55 Ladies' Trimmed Hats G specials, greatly reduced 88c, $1.15, $1.35, $1.5, $1.85, $2.10. Former prices $1.50 to $3.75, all stylish, all good, at a reduction of 40, per cent from regular selling prices look at them and verify our statement. Calicoes, Etc. 30-inch Atlantic L. L. Domes tic, yard 5 l-2c Ciood quality Bleached Muslin, 3G-inch, yard . , . ; 8e Lonsdale Cambric, 30-inch, per yard .10c Dark Iudigoes, American, yd 5c Light Indigoes, yard ......5c Figured Turkey Red yard.. 5q Light Shirting prints, yard 5c Take advantage of the induce ments offered which means un matchable Bargains. OREGON CITY, OREGON you Goods Delivered Free to Any Part of the City " i "