Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 16, 1904, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    r(li - ... ...,. ... ,!..
...anorc siueneati Stories...
luloiii, Till ii hiii) of .irl
w(iiiiIhiiiib fimr pm. pint ,
vlmwly ltwud, took up Ui early Malory
of aui'lo iiilHlntr, I'm m u,i,n nd '.four
will Heat tut i ho varlctloH tx'rt for rom
imwlal plant Inn, hurvoMtlnj, anil
iMf Tliiw. tmllt tltiM will h v-ry fnler
;llim In frnir mill appli- rowtr, and
jm Hv N Cyelon. Comity A
jiHw" r'wUly rrtlvi. a Inmr front
:'nl- ' Jtrlyn. Npw York, that
? t l-rnikl;l Ijtmottaita of id
uiflfltti Vall l' tlmal and the
'.pinMHiy r.f lli will, Tht writer In
"",, wild Im-atmi
f,, will"'' fliiit, thl (mtiniy, M(t.
... 1..II..I- it. Ilia ... ....
4aHW'"" """" " in to
j.itiunifotl th author IruiHliM the
of I'll Hint win I iiiilrJ In
itf Vn nit the water I hut rim ovr tha
j, .aha to Me aMn.al.l valua mid
,j(ti W I" nfwritiwd If th valua of th
()f,iy mit I in nhned by thorough
inmlHin, AiiHiim ollior Minngn ijtiii
itiird rn it iiumlior iouililn on th
.Jiiii' that r followad In thin tat,
,j mih o' 'ha wlulm and rhHhr or
, ihiw awtum l Kpt vMii-d
Jnmi9l OcmmI HMdi Moling.- I'minly
gt ll)n mi Coinililaalimrr T. II.
ta wpiU t lilt'm Tusaday in aMmtd
i tmtitml inofllhK if Hip Ii flood
Lit Aih lulioii. JutJtfit llymt In
,alrr l'f Hl PKHi'llllVt loillllllllKh Of
.ut AM'lalli'H. Mul. luNltig n
, v tolrrft III work mid i.iun of
'j (wm1 IUhkI oigmitsnilim, dm mt.ni
t uf iti liii(imM loiiniy court In
I irniv Itiilldlutt 1 riifclr of id
i) of Ihr iniliHy Ittif Ibii in ar
j,l wull Mil t!nxrllitl, At liml
i,k i mwllim uf i-ouil Mvntitl Mm-
i iittilur worih ot r iluiihinn
IM-Mi- Ni-w Km, In ir--ntlti Mh clitlm,
M' liiMiiilil ri'iiri'ititiiiid (hut bHPun of
funny foii.iiiion of thM road tfi load
of Ininlwr Ihdt tin wan btiiillnir uhlftsd
to Hid extant (hut w win thrown from
ttiii witjftm iiiiminK h tnm to run ttway
nrnl (leniiillnh th i;onvyiiifi, to th Irt
Jury of Iwth hlmnttf nd thu tm, in
'IIhuiIMmh' th ftittlm, Ui cnuit fiit jnml
ll! In iloliif tin for from thu nxttmlnllon
Into Mm iiwm. ihnl wun trn4, thtt wm
twrn of Ihnl loidy convlnird th-tpii!lvi'
tlit M('I)onnl.J' inrijo of lumbor find
not heeii firo.rly loudud olhnrwlmi tlm
lnlhii would not have rnmilli-d.
flOht for Mtor Cntlnui,-lt In rr.
iinlil to mtdlnt llmt whimvor In ftrmlly
mJJiMlKod the l-Kul nwrirr of th lmniiiM
iiK'Inor Hint wun dlmoVBrrd nxur Uil
Hly Ihi Wlntr, will Imvc
III llilKnitim tlmn Him ourlonlly I worth, i'""1 wl" " ' ''I f'r the 1806 Omutau'.
Tlnt for CHiutaqua. ilurvry K.
Crimn, KMrntniy of th Wllliiintl Val
ley t'liHiiliiiiitiia Awwlailon, Inft TuwHliiy
fr AriKi'lt-a to attend meftlnj of
Hi Hoard of Miiniiai of tlir four t'acllic
mal ( liauluiiiiit Acmlii.a whn tl
Orwm Iron A t. Co., which wtta
imftitly mail tint df-ndalit in a aull
brooitlit hy t'ouni'llinan ttudolph Kimrimr
and t'lty Twianirr Krrd Mryr, of thl
i lly. In inlii l.,iin 0f ili mKtwir
whl. lt Ihiy claim u Ihrlr araonal prop.
iy, li ntofll an anawi'r by Ita aiiur
iiiya, William, Worn! Mnihlium, In
which th coniimy d-tii. t chai
of Imvlna roniovvd from th land of tlm
ulaliitlff th ttinliHir and on ilia contrary
Inaiaia Hml the molten fna w by tha
plalnilfra ifinovid from tha landa of Dm
ilofm1ant, for which rcaaon a (llnnilwial
of tli ault and Ihn Iminrdlalu and full
micmoii of thfc nii tor ta akd by tha
OlrHOtt lion Hlt'i'l tomllfiy.
Aaylum f4oom Naf dad. BiiiH'rlntondi nt
! i- C'albrfath of tha atat Inaiin hoilial
in bia biennial hhh l Jukt lciicii, aliuwa
I hill thu hml II mil, n al Hl,., l, n,,,iu
on th Miilalta load nrar l.lnd-( r.-hi-d Ita manlimim t apaclty. havln
f m"" -cM.M"i iirw-Mjj Intnali-a, and thcrrfora racommanda
lint nifitna, Th Jtfiaid of Mniiaum-a
Im coniiMwid of four ntettibara, who with
th raaucotlva Cliautimiiia Aaanmbly
" h rnpri-aanta, are aa follnwa: WIHmn-
Ctt Vltlll'V CIlimlMIKIIIH AniUM'llllll.M.
Harvpy K, Crura; Hontlicrn On-ifon Chun.
liniii'm, of Anhliinl, J, K. illlllnirit: ln.
cirtc drove f'hniiluiKnia. l)r, Thoa. Kll-'
iwn; lo AnitHia, Prof, tliorgn It. Crow.
K"in talent for tha Wlllium'tln Valley
Chantuuqiitt Aaaoclatlon haa already
rnisiiai-d for tha im Aaacmbly.
Chariot ta JVrklna (lllrmin, of N-w York
City, tma iKi-ti aacurad and will ba In
iliorai- of tli (btmitmnit of honmhold
ccoiioiiilia. I'rof, Kvi-rilt Kint, of Chi
coiio. haa fntared Into a contract and
will conduct tlu clocii Military clan.
I'rof, Kent la not a alranK'-r In On-ifon,
havlna he n -iigiiKi-d In a almllur capaci
ty at the 'hiiMiiiuiOa at (llartatona four
yuia ago,
Handy Oaak Calandar. Tim I'opa III-
j h..iern llaitim and I "gait wa,t branch aaylum tm ratab)lah4 at ,""" Mcoiandum Calendar for 1(I6
'rjeii and dimlrd on th aliuwlng of j anm tla a to im rhoam aa aoltabl. J p"",al1"' memorandum leaf for every j
, n.giiiiH-r who ttwit im- nnt.y that editoi. recoim
of art to 84 tr cent In I'lacea h augg. ata that Itoo
Ijld hav. to lw m oiiitr if (, limi tl)( tlt , (1J.r mmltt Im, ,
n.giiier who MWd the aMni-y that h, , eauendllora recoinniendntlo... 1 1,1 ih yr' wlglmtl auylnga
; . . . ... . .... , In favor of tfottd rmit1 irnwt httlth nut.
nm. a .er cap-j . Z. rZ ' " " ' . '
iai,nri,ili,l,-,l tr . '""'r n'i reii venu le oi
L. ratol.llnhed a felllli.of.1 for. , ' n, t.. . health glvlnif, tha modern bicycle, by
1 " new wing be c.i tutrix ted to eont Hll.OOO, m,mi rmi-l ,,v,,'' m of markad
t mevao i no,-ftianea n Foa. iht ward Im ateclty conducted fur ' , '"'i,nmcnt, me cuietmar ta me at
V " " ' i wamaa county rnn n cilmlnlly liiMtie and lhat 1(M.(NW
p him mivd onto hi, nmiiralead half , t .,i0i.ilaled for new bulldlna and
,;) uiwro IMid and I'litievllla and m.iveinenta in thetw hitter la to b a
"Now, then, ma," aald Cncle lie u ben,
"I bava aold my crop of prunea;
Wa'va got carrola and potdltoei '
Tlmt will Inrt for ninny moona;
And the hop haa helped a little,
' Bo I've Kot a bit to apare;
Now aupiioae we go to Portland
Maybe Huniii ciaua la there,,"
"Mien," mid ma to tJnclu fteubin,
"That la Jeat what 1 would aay,
And I've got my chicken money
Qulta a neat-egg laid away;
And tha girl need hata and ribbon,
And tha boy need aock and tie
Hu we'll go next week to Portland
And give them all a big aurprlae!"
Well, they came, but wore bewildered
At lh many thing they hi; .
Till they camo to KILBH8 WINDOW.'
Then Mttld Uncle lieuba to ma
"H'poae, we prlca them there planner
If they'ra cheap enough for u,
Then we'll tak on in tha wagon-
Wont the children make a fu?"
"Wo won t buy no ring nor trinket
A w alwaya Went and done;
They'll git loat, but thl planner
Will b their when we are gone,''
Well, they bought one, and the uleman
Sold them too, a scarf and atool,
And the old folk wore aa happy
A two kid Jiiat out of achool.
Thin laid ma to Cncle Keuben,
A they Journeyed home that night
(The piano In the wagon.
Right behind them Htrapped on tight):
"Won't w have a good time alngln'
In the Winter evening" now;
'klundy, h can play like alxty,
And the other can learn now."
Now thl acheroe of Uncle Reuben'
Heem to me the thing to do;
Eller have the beat piano
Can't they aell one aoon to you?
(Store 361 Waiihington atreet, corner
I'aik, Portland, Oregon.)
Bald? Scalp shiny and thin?
Then it's probably too late.
You neglected dandruff. If
you had only taken our ad
vice, you would have cured
Hair Vigor
the dandruff, saved your hair,
and added much to it.' If
not entirely bald, now is your
opportunity. Improve it.
u4 Avar's Half Vigor fr orer 40
Tr. S am no Hi ymrmlilftiia have heavy
jrruwtu i.f rli'li lirown hair, turn, I tliluk,
tlrolf Ut Ajm'f Unit Vlror "
I, KSITM. Kl!r!!!s, III.
glMalmttla, s,c. ATKIICO.,
Good Hair
I . ..ja ' Hit
Physicians pres
cribe it for their
delicate patients.
For Sale by
Sol Agency for Oregon City.
ted aubalnntial llnpMnetrtnit, Ho tout .,,., hlm r, t,0aomt.llva o.ilenta
) a iHMof mi able dwelling and barn on ; .
pirn-. Thel I another Chat In If,
l'iie Munufoctiirlng Co., llurlford. Con
nect lent, or 143 Hiata l fit., Chicago., III.
Uaed Pruning Knife,- In auditing lj 1 1 ' ,
In a lnile ihiy limt week at the reanlur '
A busy' liver makea a lazy man, tiur
dock Hlood Hitter I the natural, never
failing remedy for a lay liver.
A itranoar tulcldta." Hlimllv hefi , I tvcemlwr meetlna. the Claekumaa county '
Jir who rrld.a at HiH-i Th two a ,, t.U h Holiday morning, a well dretund court engMged In a whotcaale cllppinrj of
-,si ilieir name the aam, join the let- mn, Uaped from lite Willamette Mlver tha elaima with the reaiill that during
V, m t)i him nmnrtpr and It la dim- ui. naiu btidae In thla city Into the j Hi duy wa aved to the county.
) t t.. dlt!iiulh them Th men thein-! river and waa diowned. After reaching ; The aaving wa made prlm lpally In a
" '"t li"k t all alike. They ih wulet lte muit vvltlt-iiilv i n,rl,-, ,l red net Ion of Hie eliilm of wltneutei on .
BaantlM a H Hmd Voti Hao always Bos!8
Ita Kind Yw Haw Almyi
Vlwt n Ambition and Dys
pepsia. "Dyipoptla," wrote Eugen Field,
"often incapacitate man for endeavor
and gometlmee extinguiihee the lire of
ambition." Though great despite hie
complklDt Field Buffered from Indlge
tioo til hie life. A weak, tired etomach
can't digeet your food. It needg
rest. You cao only rent it by the ut
ot a, preparation like Kodol, which re
tieves it of work by digesting your food.
Ilest soon rettorea i t to ilt normal tone,
! Sallsfylng,
I Envlgoratlng.
Pt pared only by K. C. DtWirr & Co., Chicago
, X(t$U boUlconUlaIiitiinetbSvo.lae.
, vt
zlte ell our waterproof
coots, juiti ond hats
oJi kinds of wet work.
it is often imitated but
It. 4
rOg 5AL& ST ALL m L q u ?'
RE liable kalcr). n bloxk or yellow
i.ti, tn tub. ana fu iyeuaramce nr
piVirt Ur Hit lion. i!iowtj. imrnmmntm
Iteier mel, llriid Itiitlelln,
, a i hnnge of mind for h cited loudly for
! help Mild made fiillillc effiHl to awllfl
1111 Ttath at Aurora. -At a inc.-ili,g ,, t)U, ,,!, .far9 aiwlatiince iniuld
)4 ' the avlnml tNmrd thl week, MIk ,h, , i,,, The Uely waa not recovered
? r-wirr. of i irttyea. ciackama j f.tm , no , , w upon which to r-
i3i, wa enaaged a fulnelpal of Mm thllet the identity of the aulclde. If the
, t..g term, to i''ed Ml Tliumpaon. , wa not a iifect alranger here. It
'"' lhrell. a H-lleted he wa into of the trailalent
the HiTlill court
cleika of election.
and the judge and
Winter Rate to Yaqulna Bay,
In order to accommodate the many
mmi)Io who wlxh to make a winter
trio to Yaoutna Bay. the Southern :
( latwrr who waa for time employed pacific Co. will gull, on WedneHdave ,
itertd far amphtet.-.Tti inliitlrig de- j at th lm.rovmeni tliat ar b lug mmle ' amj Satiirdaya of each week, untij
imMit f ti, A. c. h )ut completed; at the oat! mill. I March 31, 1905, round trip ticketa at
v of io bull, tin f to .gi a a. h, ) 1 - j low rate, to Yaqulna and return,
j tim by I'rof K, K. jik. Th bulletin j MeOenid oti No Dmg.The i limited to sixty days from date of
!t f apple raining, and cover the county court laat week dlaallowed the I imle, Thoae who dealre to take ad-htn-
of varMlr of apple to be plant- claim f tfm, Milkmaid for 12000 fori vantage of thla rate ahould apply to
i f iMime u, pejilimukut, tltage, ' dnmagea alleged to have iien auatained ; neareet Southern Pacific agent for
diing, and other lmiitant factor in ' by hlmaelf and team on the county road ticket.
liana! Catarrh quickly yield to treat
meut by Ely 'g Cream Balm, which ia agree
ably aromatio. It i received throngh the
noalriU, clean m and beala th whole ma
face over which it diffuae itself. DmggUt
ell the 5Qo. iz; Trial eize by mail, 10
oeutt. Teat it and you ere aure to continue
the treatment.
To aooommodate thoee who are partial
to the ttee of atomizer in applying liquid
into th naael pemgee for catarrhal trott.
Met, the proprietor prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form, which will be known a Ely'a
Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the
eprayingtubei75cente. DruggiU or by
maiL The liquid form embodiea the rued
ioinal propertiee of the eolid preparation.
If ym wih to send t)ie 'ld folk's at Hume a remem
brance for '. liristman, come to us and we will feel I you
a draft that is good in all the principal cities of Grea t
Biitain and Europe. PHEAP and SAFE.
V 'regon City, , 'regon
Watches Ate Always
a Favorite Gift
We make a specialty of Watches and carry
a very large assortm.nt. We have
cheap watches for boys and girts as well
as more expensive ones for old folks.
Nickel Watches for $1.00, $2.00, $2.50,
$3.00 and up to $10.00.
Silver Wat:he3 from $6.00 up.
Gold Filled Watches from $10.00 up.
Solid GolJ Watches from $20.00 to $75 00.
You are sure of getting a good time piece
when you buy a watch of us. We
guarantee them to give satisfaction.
We like to have you come in and look
over our assortment.
YOUR Holiday wants in our line will nave our most
careful attention. Our stock is complete exstensive
and well selected. Tie styles are fresh and new. The
inducements we are offering are better values for the money
than we have ever offered before. Our personal guar
antee goes with every article we sell. Come and see the
greatest variety in Watches, Diamonds, Rings, Pins;
Chains, Lockets, Bracelets, Sleeve Buttons, Emblem Pins
and Charms, Silver Match Boxes, Stamp boxes, Hat
Marks, Hat Pins, Coat' Hangers, Clothes Brushes, Mili
tary Brushes, Ebony Goods, Leather Goods, Silver Dyosit
Ware, Hand-Painted China, Haviland China, Cut G?as,
Silver Tea Sets, Cake Baskets, Bread Trays, Fruit
Dhhes, Fern Dishes, Baking Dishes, Chafing Dishes,
Carving Sets, Child's Sets, Child's Cups, Baby Spoons,
Forks and Knives, Black Wood Clocks, Gold Plated Clocks,
Mantel Clocks, Hand Decorated Jardeniers, Umbrellas,
Canes, Opera Glasses, Spectacles and Eyeglasses, Foun
tain Pens, Kodaks and Cameras, Developing Machines,
Photo Albums, Violins, Banjos, Washburn Guitars and
Mandolins, Atftoharps, Zithers, Harmonicas, Victor Talk
ing Machines, Kimball and Burdett Organs, Pianos,
White and Standard Sewing Machines, Etc.
For Yotit Friends
in the East
Souvenir Cups and Saucers, Plates of all
sizes. Vases, Pin Trays, etc., from 15c to
$2 00.
Souvenir Spoons in sterling silver, from
75c to $2.00. Fifty styles to select from.
Sterling Silver Hat Pins and Book Marks.
A Kaiser Zin Souvenir Cup. The metal
looks and wears like silver. We have
five different scenes, all from Oregon
City on this cup. Price $1.00. Come
and see it.
Views from Oregon City from 10c to
We will lay aside any article you may
select until Christmas pack it ready for
shipment and deliver at the express of
postofiice. .
Tike C&regofi City ilewelers
Suspension Bridge Corner
Oregon City, Oregon