PAGE - OREGON CITY tNTCRPRISK, FRIDAY, DECfM8K II, 1904 BURNED FACTORY OBIGON CITY VISITED BY 17200 PIRt LA$T FRIDAY, New Furniture Factory of Frtnk Butch'a Practically Wiped Out- Alto Old Brewery. l.s Frttlay night the old Orvgnn City Brrwery bulldlna; was the around and the furniture factory, re- -nuy caiaoitsma oy rYsnk Hunch, was practically rduwd to aslwa. Mr. Ruerh futlmata his Ins at tiX0 with only JiOOO Insurance. whtl th brewery build tug, whk-ta la the protwrty at th v..ln hard estate, waa valued at 1200 and waa not Insured. Slight damage a '.so rvsultid to the Weinhard brick block. The Are started In a part of the brew ery building- that waa occupied by a Chinese Janitor, and resulted from faulty chimney connections. The blase waa dla covered shortly after I o clock when an alarm waa promptly turned In. All three of the volunteer hoee companies and Columbia hook and ladder company re- tiuira mnai woraea isiinrully until a late hour In the nlht managing to nutnoer or residence that were for a time In great danger because of a soutn wind. ine old brewery buildln waa a Un.t mark In Oregon City, having been built In 1S4S. For a number of years It haa been used for a atable and atore house for the Weinhard brewery. The toss to Mr. Buach la especially unfortunate. The plant for the manufacture of furniture bad scare ly been established and In good operation when It waa wiped out bv a fire. Coming as It did Juat before the holidays, Mr. Buach' loss la even vreator Bealdea a great amount of raw material that he had on hand. Mr. Buach also suffered the loss of a great amount of partially manufactured furniture. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by the Clackamas Abstract A Trust Company. G. Collins to E. C. Olltner. Lot 1 to 20. blk. 58. M In thorn, and adjacent 8ts,: $100. W. K. Brannard to J. Hoo.r. lota if. 17. 18. and IS. Clackamas Park: $t500. M. M. Charraan et aU to C. W. Strick lln. lot 10. blk. C. Supplemental map of Clackamas Heights; tiO. C. Bluhm to J. and L. Noble, lot t and part lot . blk. g. Pleasant Hill Add M80. C. Bluhm to C. Bluhm lots 1. 1J, H, blk g. Pleasant Hill Add: SI. 00. C. Magginl to B. Mers, X of NE4 of ec. 14. 41 E: S30. 8. E. Reed to R. F. Wilraot 2 acre In NWK of Sec, E; 1400. S. R. Hickman to J. Downey, lot 10. t4 If, Willamette Falls; $750. J. W. Roots to Clackamas Grange No. 298. lots S and 4. blk. 1. Rootsc Add to Marsh field. $S0. J. Jar) to J. Jonsrud, Z of SE4 of Sec. (. 14, E; J300. M. Bohn to F. Heldeman, NH of 8E of Sec. 2. S I. E; $3000. C. T. Howard to K. R. Long. 7.62 acres In Sec IS. 42, E; $188.00. F. M. Chance to G. P. Partcb, EH of SE?4 of 8W14. Sec 5. 2 t. E: $400. J. E. and F. E. White to J. M. White, lots and 4. blk. . Oregon City. KE of 8EM. 8ec. IS, 42. E; $1.00. F. Cochran, to Oregon City, part lots 2 and 7, blk. 49. Oregon City; $150. F. Bonk to R. Treoichler. part blk. A. Darling's Add; $400. J. H. Hardy to W. Phillips. 2 acres In G. Wills D. L. C. 11. E; $130. W. R, ITren to W. Phillips. 2 acrea In O. Wills D. L. C. 11. E; $60. E. A. Porter to J. W. Watson NEli of BE of NE Sec 15. 61. E; $100. R. H. Ackerson to J. W. Watson. Wfc of SW4 of NW14, Seo. 14. 61. E; ,$400. J. W. Watson to E. A. Porter. BW of 8wl4 of NffiJ, Sec 14. 61. E; $300. V. Klohe to L. J. Melum, ISO acres In Sec 35. S 1. E; $8000. A. and I. McLean to M. Moehnke, lot 17. and 18. Subd. blk. 18. Holmes Add; $175. J. P. Scheel to E. gcheel EH of EH of SE4 of Sec. 22. 3 6, E $1. W. P. Smith to E. F. Riley, lot 41. blk. 70. Minthorn; $5. L. Batdorf et al to A. Schoeder, WH of NEH. Bee. 6, S 1, E;$1.0 et ai. J. and H. Llebe to A. Schroeder, WH of NEH Sec. 6. 3-1, E; $1.00 et aL II. Zlmmermann to A. Schroedtr WH of NEV4. Sec. 6, S 1, E; $1.00 et at M. L. an8 A. O. Hayward to H. Wil liams, 100 feet x 65 feet in W. Holme's D. L. C; $760. E. J. Wolf to W. Kuppenbender, 104.40 acres in W. Arm priest D. L. C, 3 2, E; $4176.00. 3. H. Olds to American Investment Co., 30 acres in Sec. 12. and 13, 21, E; $1. W. J. Wolf to the Land Company of Oregon, 200x300 feet near Estacada, $1. C. Bruedern to C. Anuschat. 8H of NW4. NW14 of NEH. NEH of NW4 of Sec. 12, 62. E; $360. H. A. Knight to R. C. Knight, lot , blk. 2, Canby; $100. J. P. Young to C. A. Hlnes, 14 acrea in W. W. Werns D. L. C. J 1. W; $1.00 R. B. Holcomb et. al. to P. McCarren, partof Claim No. 49, 22, E; 2500. P. Utlger to J. Jarl, H of BEH of sec. 6, 24, E; $960. T. Charman (by Shff) to J. M. Tracy, l-6th Int. in 177 acrea In 344 1, E; $718. A. Sechtem to J. Gcrber, 8EH of SE 8ec. 9, 8W of 8W4 of Sec. 10 43, B $1200. Willamette Falls Co., to F. Darling, tracts "B" and "J" 1st Add to Will. Falls Acreage Tracts; $350. Will. Fadds Co., to F. L. Darling, part of tracf T' let Add Will Falls acreage tracts; $98. L. Schulthels to I. M. Toliver 160 a. In CI. No. 40, 62, E $5000. Clackamas Co. to M. B. Worthington blk. 10, Co. Add to Oregon City; Premises M. U. and T. E. Brown to R. J. Moore, lot and part lot 1, blk. 10, Co. Add to Oregon City; $1276. F. 8. Morria to Land Co., of Oregon, SH of NH of 8ec. 22, 46, E; $1.00. F. S. Morris to Land Co. of Oregon, IS tracts of land In Clackamas county, Oregon; $1.00. Ore. W. p. Town Site Co. to C. and I. Beers, lot 4, blk 36, and lot 10, and 11 of blk. 12, Estacada; $300, C. Balr to S. N. Btrlubahr, 80.60 a. in 8H of Sec. 27, 41, E; $4000. L. D. Mumpower to J. G. Mumpower, SWVi f NW4 nd lot 1. Roc. IS. S3, K; and S aevrea In Svc. 13, 82, K, $14W. P. Meeks and IT othors to Aurora Elec tric Co.. by 18 sepAiatn deeds, certain water and ditch rights on landa along Molalla road; $1.00 each. ' J. 1), 1-wke to W, O. Heater, lota 8,14, S.f.T.10.11.13. blk, 4 all blk 6. Mountain View Add to Oregon City; SHOO, W. B. Barkmlale to M. A. Hramlmll. iwrt kit S, blk. ii, -1st 8uM Oak Urove; C. V. Retntor to 8. K. Card SWU .if tract 10, Boring Junction; $7&. O. W. WaUlin to J. Banka 1 a In K. Kisher CI.. 8-J. K; $':&0. A. U James to B. Wanvii.lrft 3 A 4. WH of BBS Sec. T. 3, R; t.'lHVO, K. B, Miller to 11. Miller, S.0M A. :n CI. No. 43. 41. K; fA A. Francis to J. M. Poornian. trustee, EH of NE of SKH Sw. 31. 5-1, K; JO0. O. W. P. Town Site to J. F. Maaon lot IX. blk. S, Estacada; $75. J. K. Mumm to A. Strohtte, t 18. blk. 8, EatitcadN, $:'U0. C. tl. Snake to A. K. Stuhbe. lot 1. blk. 8, Estacada; IMS. M. N. Wilcox to P. Stoller. IvHa 6.,7, blk. 87. 1st Subd. Oak Grove; S60. E. M. Howell to W. tl. and A. Langa ford; $500. J. Clausen to C. O. Sannes, 40.100 a. In 8ec. IS. S 1. E; $1.00. C. O. Sanes to J. Clauwn. 40.100 acres In 8c. . S 1. E; $1.00. J. and C. C. Claunaen to J. Samudson. 11 acns In rlalmNo. 58, S 1. E; $100. P. H. Peters to A. F. Ounsender. 20 acres In Sec. 1, 41. E; $1000. S. E. Gregory, to W, T. and 8. J. Ward. part of Sec. 23. 32. E; and Sec. 4. il. E; $3500. M. E. lUrlow. to J. M. Tracy Sr. lots ; and 6. blk. 27 Oregon Clty;$i000. O. 8. Bailey to 8. K. Hillman. 8EV1 8ec. 1. S 1. W; 8 tale of Oregon to W. A. Gardner 112.60 a In J. D. Garrett DLC. 12. E; $1.00. E. M. Howell to J. y. May, 30 acres In . Fisher CI., 2-!. E; $3500. 8. Milliard ts J. C. Ardrey, blks S. 1 6. and 11. Sellwood Add to Mllwaukle: $3800. W. E. Her to E. M. Howell, id sen.. in E. Fisher CI.. S !. E: t&OO. C. H. De. trustee, to E. M Unwell parf blk. 115. Oregon City; $100, Y. N. Wilson to W. 8. Rogers. H n( In blk. 12. Oswego Helchts: 11.00 The Clackamas Abstract st Trust Co. art owners of ths only complete abstract plant In Clackamas county. Promot and reliable work on short' notice. All work guaranteed. Abstracts made, money loaned, mortgages foreclosed, trusts exe cuted, estates settled and titles De fected. J. F. CLARK. Attv-al.Lsar. Presldent and Manager. Office over Bank of Oregon City. RAILROADS MADE DEFENDANTS. Important Ruling By Judge' McBride in injunction Swrt In the citv inlunrtlnn suit IikIifo McBride has sustained a motion mak ing the O. A C. and tha S P i-.llr.H companies parties defendant to the suit, ine motion asking fm a nor. COMPARE Every time you compare price, and you will send your nest order fee Job work to the Oregon City Enterprise. By giving quality In both material and workmanship we endeivor to deserve your business. WE ARE In all kinds of Job and Commercial One trial will convince you. ARE YOU IN A RUSH? Do you want that brief, cstslog, etc., printed s once t Well, send K to the Enterprise office. Ws have just Installed a modern Morgan thaler Linotype machine and sre prepared to do all sut.i work on short notice snd at right prices. OUR EQUIPMENT For turning out all kinds of first clsss work In the way of good print ing la second to no other house outside of Portland, if you are In need of printing of any kind, correspond with us snd let us figure with you. We can save you money. All orders snd correspondence will receive prompt attention. Telephone Main 21. THE ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY. mattont tllssolvlng of th tnjunrtlon w takn umlnr tlvlmmint.. i Aldormon Jutttln. Knapp and Shoahan, who aro tipinmotl to the frunchlM or.llnanoo, have not th cintrt that they Intondod allowing the suit to p) by default and did not loam. until Wmlncmlsv of this u-olc thn( . thy r parUct dofendant ln tho t- rr una nanou tniy nave astKeu lormlHslon and will fllo a aoiiarato answer In the Interest of tht ntutltlon they occupy with referonca to th ptMidlng llttKatlon. The argument of tha motion tk place at Portland Tuesday even ing, at the law office of V. 11. Kenton, legal counsel for tha 8. P. 0miany. Attorneys U'Ren. 11 (! and Dya an-H-art'd In the Interest cr tho plaintiff, the city council being represented by W. D. Kenton and It. A. Ltdter. Mora Lodge Elections. The Modern Woodmen held a me( Inn Tuesday night and elected aa of ficers: O. tlroHMenebecher, venerahle cunsul: Charle Moaler. adviser; H. Rosenateln. banker: U. V. Dlgam, es cort: Mr. McOlashan. Charles Wright, and E. K. Sturv. iiiatiuir' r Pnui inside sentinel; Luther Uoorv, watch man. Pioneer Chapter. No. 28. Order of Eastern Star. Tuesday, elected the the follow-In officers: Mrs n r Can. ong. worthy matron; J. Eugene Hed ge, worthy patron: Mrs. C. 11. Krla sell, associate matron: Miss Alvena Morn, secretary: Mrs. John II. Walk- er. treasurer: Mrs. Matilda Miller. conductress; Miss Helen Paulton, as sistant conductress. A Certain Cure for Croup. When a child shows symptoms of croun there Is no time to experiment with new remedies, no matter how highly they may te recommended. There la ont nrvtars. tion that can alwaya be depended upon. nas been In use for many yeara and hna never been known to fall, vis: Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. M. F. Cotnpton of Market. Texas, says of It, "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In severe cases of croup with my children and can truthfully say It always gave prompt relief." For sale by Ueo. A. Harding. Mothers Be Careful of the health of your children. Look out for Coughs and Colds. Croup and Whooping Cough. Stop them In time One Minute Cough Cure is the bt rem edy. Harmless and pleasant. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. An Emergency Medicine. For sprains, bruises, bums, scalds and similar Injuries, there is nothing so good ss Chamberlain s Pain Bairn. It soothes the wound and not only gtvea Instant re lief, from pain, but causes the parts to heal In about one third the time required by the usual treatment Bold by Geo. A. Harding. OASTOIIIA, a 114 Lad Tot i m Lid fog Han start Bongs QUALITY AHEAD Printing at well as book work. OREGON OREGON CITY F. 8. BAKER PROP. -fv Oregon City PHILIPP BUOKLEIN, PROPRIETOR ) Twelfth and Main Streets Oregon City, Oregon LET US DO YOlir Work Work OuarnntccU We do a General Uttgng hi id TrA'iafer.RusinesH. Safes, Pianosnd Furniture Moved Oflice Oj)jKsite Mnxnnic ItuiMing IH,ilion. tlttlit. Kiwiileitca I&I3 Superior Work Lowest Prices That is what you get when A. Mihlntiu doea your plumbing work Ha doe" general tinning, plumbing and jobbing busi ness. KstimateH cheerfully furnished. Hot air heating tixtuies man niacin red and supplied. A. MIHLST1N MainHtrewi ORKiiOS I I TV, OK BSBSSBSaaassss.sassssBaBssaBssssssMassasaaassj JOHN YOUNGER, Near Huntley's Drug Store, KOKTY YEARS EXPERIENCE N treat Britain and America?"" SCHEDULES OF TIME KllTHKRS PACIFIC RAILWAY NORTH HOt Kl) " :00 a. m. :L'2a. oi. (AUany Local) 6:10 p. m. SOCTtl BOCNO. 9 :22 a. iu. 4 :50 t. m. (Albany Local) 9:14 p. in Presents Giveia Away EVERY CUSTOMER MAKING A PURCHASE, AT OUR STORE, OF- 25 CENTS AND UPWARDS, WILL RECEIVE A . GIFT WORTH FROM 10 TO 25 PER CENT OF THEIR PURCHASE. Holiday Bargains - , A FEW SNAPS OF OUR LARGE STOCK Cameras, while they last, at cost Toilet Sets, Work Boxes, Manicure Sets, Perfumes, . Autograph and Photograph Albums - - 25c to $500 Calendars, Christmas Cards, large assortment - I C tO Fancy Box Stationery - - " - - J0c to Shaving Sets, the genuine that shaves -Fountain Pens, guaranteed for -Christmas Candles, 2 dozen " - CHARMAN & COMPANY LOW PRICE DRUG STORE Don't forget the place Electric Hotel Block PLANING MILL All kind of Building Material, Sush, DoorH Moulding, Ktc. OREGON CITY, ORE. Machine Shop Prices Reasonable r Williams Bros. Transfer Co. QLA0KAMAS TITlr CO. Your Clackamas County abstract of Title should b prepared by ths Clnxkmiias Title Company, Incor porated, Chamber of Comnierca building, Portland. This company la tho butldor and owner of the best and most complete plant of Clack amas county titles. Astracta from Its omcea aro compiled by exports of long experience, competent attor neys and draughtsmen, ii are of guaranteed accuracy. Clackamas County Lands, Mortgage Loans, Estates managed, Taxes ex amined and paid. E. F. Riley, pres... F. B. Rllsy, sc. C. N. tan, PIONEER m$ht and Expre, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the rity. HATES - R E A SOMA RLE Daily River Schedule of Oregon City Boats Dally Schedule) Htsamsra Altona and Pumona for a I'm and way puliua, leave 1'ortland dally (rxcrpt HdimUv) at i it a. m.i liave Ore Ron City. 8:15 a. m.; returnlnir. leavs Haiem, 7 a. m.; leave Oregon city, 4:1 p. ni. Oregon City Tranaoortatlon Co. 2,(KK) niiltm ol long tiuice telephone wire in Oregon, WaHhiiiKti,, dll. fornift and Idnho now In operation by tlu I'uollle Htatltm Tejephone Con,, puny, covering 2,25t) low tin Quick, accurate, choup i All the aatiHfiwstlou of a personal oomiminiofttiim. Distftiu-e no tilliift to olinr imderstftiidiiig, H. kane and 'Han KntiioiHco as Pasily heard a iNtrt. land. On-Killl City Ji,,, $l llariluiirs Drujr SUm Oregon Shoitline and union Pacific THREE TRAIN TO THE EA 7 DAILY Thrnush rullrnan atamlard ami Tour. 1st slnrpina i-ura ilslly I( Otiiaha. I'hli n HmiIihii; tnuiist slrcpinf cars tlallv la Kanua City; thruiiali riilluiaii tuurtot slvrplna rnrs ( (i wmatly r..ii(lu(.d) wrsly to CM., Kansas ftly. rrlln In ttialis (seats free to the ( dally M OURS Portland to Chicago No Change of Cars. 7 70 -r. . ,;.-t ... Time tchedulee. Depart, ASKIVS Chlraao- Cult In nd Hclsl I. it a. m Hall lka, lKnvr. H. Worth, Omaha. Kansas City. Ht, liuia. Chluaau and KaaL Atlantle -spr ftslt lk., rnver. L M . Omaha, i1 00 1 11 t. via. Ill M. Wurth. lunl-J Kansas Oily. Hi In s on. IauIs, Chlisao (vast. ,.4 ! Ht. rstil r ast Mall Walla Walla. . Isluii, HiHiksna, Mln nnaiMilis, Ht. I'aul. I'ulnth. atllwsiika. U P in via tfo' T il a m. kans. I Chlraaa and Kasl." Ocean and River Schedule For JUn Krsni lsro-Kvory flv dsye al p hi For Astoria, way iHilnta and N.wth ltarh lially i.s.,.t Sunday) al l mi tfaturdny at 10 p, m I Hill t srvl. (water irmlitlni) un Wlllam' alls and Tamhlll rlvsre. or drinilrd Inrnrmatlon uf ratae irth rpsrvatlin. stp., rail or write Is your nrsirst iirkat aasnt. or , A. C CHAIO. Jianersl Vjuntr Tha Orrfim Itallroad NavlaaiUw Co., I'ortland. Orairon, Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. leaves, t'NION DEPOT Arrives. I IK) A S llly. 'Kor Mnvsrrs llalnlrr Dully. t'latskshln. Weal ih,i ( t'lirtun, AstoilB.Wsr- r.iniin. Muvit), llsin Immiri Kr-I Sivii. 11:10A.M. lUt-Rrhait Park. He- xi.i', Astoria and Honshrira Knprrss Ially. Astoria ICxiirssa. Ualty, Ksnt Hatur- 7:00 P.M. I SO P.M. :40 P.M. ony, Baturduy only. C A. BTEWAHT, fomm'l At. Uil.r sirr-t. prion Mnln 0t. J. C. MAVO. O. K. P. A.. Astoria. Or 2.00 J. 00 5.00 1.00 .10