- it . : . 0R66N CITY tNTERPRIt-E, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1904. PAGE 9. ARE FOR GOOD ROADS NATIONAL OHAN0I INOOMt ftD KMAL AID. DHI Bsfor CortrM Carrying W4.OOO.000 tar Conatruellan of Public Mluhwayl, A "M the KmhI aohjecl il Inifi-i1 Ml ,1,,. NMilmiiil Orang held In rortbiuil ,,, .ml)' I tint Hood It""1'". I" ttiiii'lt dlaeiiaaluM Mi'. H. II, Nurrls. Mas " of iho New Yolk Mini" Orange, took lltr lead I'K reading Bint liiliuil.ii'lnil Hip f,,i.Wlllg paper 'l tt'Oolllllun Vmii' uouimllleo bus iinn't thul ox-ii-tnlixt apace i"f nut be inkcu li.'ie In plrii'l Hie can" ' belter rtmd, W Like II t lint III" Nul'.iiml Iihhk will mured that ItnpaaMblc roada dining ,nlil.ol.le polio.1, ' 'mil er lr johe-fellitwa Hi" spinning wheel, II,,. oll ktll Hint t m i mi I 'I'lii. auhoj.-i "( ",,l ri'MiU l a llv I! odV, o'l'l Hii' Kllii'Kl lli.tugl.1 if pmgiTlve iim ii I being given t' lln. .lli.nvpit uf iiiu practical ilan anflV i-lriiily olaotli' to mm I Hit' laolng condl- lluim "if .llrTer.lil luealHIm, Yiiiii .a.liilnltle la-Hovo I lint I iu' tlinc b fuM come when Mi" I'mli'lWl mill Hlnte lloteiuiii'iil should li.k'lhl que. II. ,ii ii lii lli end Mint Inline eftuM .Lull be .Utrinled along systematic; ninl I. , i iimii. nl lltiea, Cmincin "iii in urn l i I"1 i'tmi nulaicd thai slope in II, 10 iiiiii.iii.li liave uhend' been taken National iimiKi1 legislative roui mlllee. l H"" ! ecaoluii, Instruct id lit suppoil aulnm fill III of tho llrowii uw I. III. llH'ii l"'ii'lln In t'ni.giesa 'I'lil I. ill iirHi it lu wiiii l-'t ooo.oou lu i.i- expended under Hii dliecllitn f a I, .ml ili'tmiliupiil III the public service, Tlila atiiunni tu lie divided aiming the ala III plupoilluli In population, lull mi mailt In tccelie tin limit l.'uo.vw. i;lt tai. ..oitniy or town. rr.-oivlng ,,l. Hiimt mill m I W aiuuuut Iii tin- sum glicu by Mi" tJ'iwiil Uovernmi nl. Illli mule and National mil. mill" lu ex .,i..d ! l Ik- Nnlluiinl lh.uinii'iil uf I'uUII.' IIIKli tint- Inf.ii uml lull In. Ilmt uiir . kImImIIsc ii.lllllllllnn ml In WimlllllKtoll, luIU'U llm im.iiI..w l.lll. Inlluf initio i-nrffully. unit tty oairpnwiil i-huumI 1 jimtilinl wllli.trnttHl uf III"' lluliliw bill ml l, .til. .!.-.) llm i'iiii l.lll. llm rhlrl dlf fiMriuv Ix-liiK. nrot. Hi" I"' blM l-ft til pMnJlluf tf olMin fiimlo tu llu ti iiM.ir .imiiiiI li uriivldi'd fur U" I'lwllv tuMil i1i-i.ni iiimil Tlir im.liTnloml li. in, llml ltlo Oimi" bill l iiuw f-nil-in ur l 'lUin lo i-onii' tx-fun- tli up- .HMirhllt4l -loll of l'ulHli Your euimiilllwr iukx'iii Ilmt Hi' Na tional Uimmo ot Oil ilin" i''ii-w li inaml for Iblo bill. r tKmi'lliln mini lr, mi'l limiiun H lmiimivo iwminli imi to wmimuit im i-ffmio lu wi-un H .i,..m.l Hliitulil tlilo b- il.'ii- utit i.iu-r l biuuitlit fmo t f" ltl mlRliiy uii'l.rimii Yi-t H "'' H"ltolllii f"r I'"' Wuild to in- ba'k ltii ' tmvowd b i Old lun y-or olnc-f. Tho rruublli- of Kimii-r hmi limn ing molnlflllii-d JJ.WKI III"' 'f thoul .-I..I o the forim-m. Italy ban lowt uill.. uf riMi'ta iiiiiIt lnillr lumllllioia. Kn li.n.l Btul Uiiiutiii) haw 'iil"'l 'ifiHi rnn-l fur many M'aio Mt l,"-y ro n.ir.n it malli-r uf i-outur. VnrUtua mt-o ait- aln-ady In lino ' .i..ih.ibIi Hti tl"' I'ed'inl iluvtuiimiil ohutild tlif t'urty bill biHimii' a lw Srw Yoik Hlnlr ii.riiliitid rti-nu li.iw iioo fur oyoirmiitlii !nirovrtiu-nt uf hr tuadn. Hi" otMl l' '" lM"r t ,'n1, lh iiiuiiiy 34 '' Mn ''in It of Ihr cual uf llm liniitVfinnl. Tbn l-Ulatur of nhlu nl lt l"l aiwliiii- fmbll"ti,d mud tfi.mlinrnt. m wbl' b 'iy locality niuy nl'ltly fur aial" aid "!i Itoad 8u- IH-rliiU-nibnl Malta lli UMa.ny. u--iura whilhr I Ik- rwnd to h Impruvid la of piimili-nl ImiMitlaiHi', aoiurea ihe lllil if way fur any iliima dmnn-d oc-a amy. InajM-i-U and ai.alti-a Iho aviillHbU' iimiitIuI fui ti- iroHtfd Imiirovem-nt, and BiiK.illuiia tho cunt Ix'twix-n Hip aliiL...mnty. town and townalitp. Wc M-nluiv tin- opliiluii Ibat I bo mm fmini'in have iifrn-d from puor rt.ada runk wi.ll mi wlH ibat fmin any oilur ij. fi.. Ai'c-oi illtm l iHi'ifi'l Mnuib!i, II :;, will Imiil a Inn llm nilh-a nwil, whllo lli aaniB amuunl will i'l Ii4i 16 inlli-a wpll-mmw aumo man. ' Iiu la a loiiwivallva i-allmato. eamUi ly wbi-n II la rMni'iiibi.ri-d that vaat por tluna of tlu- country mud me prm-tlrully mnd hinin.V dm Inn i-oiialib i iilili.' por l .Mia of llm yvt. We uriiti In Uila wnniH tlon a precrucni ,.f many .a' al.indlng. Tho Unllrd Hlt,.a (luviiiliiiiinl jipiitprltd mitna uf n.-.m-y K Hip lniirovpiiiflit of rlvia and lini boia, i.m blnil wUliHi IiinI tun yi'nr M' nuimoim m f i mm mil) to whirl) Hie fiirn"'" have l...i Ki-n.-iuim c.mliiliutoia. Wt. na Inn bm-n linly aU. a 10,1 "f ,mh"'' an bo luiul-it In Hi ' V,,M,L m.iHt Im hiHib-d ovpr a country road. n... I .....nn.,1 nil III lllllll lU'llViirV, II I' III. .T - wp am ilpimutdlng piiivola m"t; " mitko It now a ureiit trlnmvprute by nd dlnic giHid nmdH. Your oomn.litpp I" "l bl" ta "u'"'1 an Iron-alml t'b' ""! I"'I'I'vp-' " blKliwaya Unit M n hppIIpo to H.x-tlona. In tin- nbaiiuc w imm.,-.. Himo nld, with H minnuimiylnu ''l,i- viHi.ni. i-'' Mirm"; "r! n.Pllioda Unit worn pi'HctU'iibU. In tlmt .p,. ... -inula uf mlli a of tino imd Hinvi-I nmdH lmv b.-.-n .'oiiHtnuti'd In OblO lind othlT HtHl.H lit It IH'Ht VHOlllK from 12U to IROoO jiki- mil". 0,,B m' Mini.'., llm fomnilaalonPi'H of county In Ohio aaai'MHiMl a nmdi'i'iile tux upon tho .uunty d..,.tlr..lP. nd wliwi im '""'- i'uiiio Into Iho tiPUHury b.'K.in tH d mrurtlon of a ntonp r.md. It mrt .with public favor, nnd tho plan ha bwn pur nm.'d for 25 yiti Tlmt founty l-" t ..... of timfoot atimo rotds, wtlh no IPonltUiK dW. in olhor lnHtu"U th doolHlon to Improve a road h.u biin Imnwdlatoly followed lV th0 bonda and tho MUK of conlrantB, Urn a bolmt omHlriictod by an """""""t ,, aU ,,t ,.Hlnlo wllhln two mlUa o tlm loud l.i...ov..(l, .inn uku.ii ' ' ,,,Hl and puraonul proporty mllo. Wh.m lima atoiw or olh'i laid ZlerW. U . vu.lablo. ..oiiMiructod fiim sand- luaun ii ...... n . atona for a baala. protoctod by a ftw Inchua of .ravel, to aome ata r. th poll lax la dlaoontlnuod lownahliw divided lnrotwo d.atr.ola, two aupoivlaor. elooUd who undar th. general dlractlun of lh tt UMlliHB. ItHVM 'Vtnt rrf ,,t It.. '.(.' v ifiiH,f. tfi 1 1 it- I'Mtim, a lilnn glvpa at tiiooi but Iwo ayatPina of r..n.i ii.iiiiii m PHn townanip, and la lo hi. proforrocl n IIik old plan whon Ion aiipwrvlnora lua.iM.iiniod oai-h ypar tn fllfrowil pinna, m If nf which wort llnblp lo bo bad. Thffo la nno ruin ihal .-aii bo and aim. ild bo uiiplloil vorywhir, haiiivfy, lo coiiMtrilil tho roaila llml all walor will ai.Pk D. dll'lira and ao Hint thoy hiivo flow inilli'ia, In tbla f'tmiinotlun, II may bo tlmi-ly In ri.ll Rlti'iiilon to a m w di'puil.iro by a Mr, Kliiat. of Mlnxiuil, It la UMlullllHllvd llllllll OlM.lt klllluil i.u llml Mr. King, with llm co-on-iHllm of blM iiiiltliliiif fuimnra. baa ki.m In i. moat poi'fori ropalr a alroli'h of cuiii'iion dirt ruud by h olmplo prori-oa of il'iiKKlna rn. i-Hri ruin. A luK of i'i or II Inrlii In illiiiii.'li-i', l fot-t In li'iialh, la apll', In i liulf . Ilin ai'i-tloua ai'iu-i.v fiiiiiii.it I... Ki'tlii'l'. two foot Mpurl, aburp oilgi' anod Willi Iron forolnoat ll.i'li mi rmiici-.ii.-nl la oblbiuo. ao that wlifii diawn alnnr III aide of Iho ruud Iho rill a will ho flllt-d and I ho oaitli woikod Inward Iho 'W.t-r. Tho i uln boliiN uvor, Mr. King, or bla nolglihiir In turn, hld'hoa lo ibla liux pvlialvo drag and muki-a Iho l.'r.i of tbi ruud, Mr, Ktiig liu Inalalod, and la now Inalatltia. in i.iil.ll.' aililri-aa brfoiu ii.ai.v HioiiaamU that Ida road hua not biokon tbrotigh hut on i.n In olght yrata. Afii-r .-K i.i.i l im-iil Iiik aovi'itaaftillv with a oliii. I .l.-ro of toad, Mr. King vlaltod each of 16 or 20 nolghbor fainnua and M-ui od a iiroinlao lu haul th drug ovor a rot lain iiIitc uf mad unco i-a. I. yoar. Iln HiKii vlaltod Iho bnalnoaa tiii-ii of a noarby town, and all agroi-d lo haul tho drag mill- ouch yoar, lly thia mouiia a nuinlior uf mlloa 'uf an linpurtanl ruud la l.rlna kohl lii m-rfi.i t rotialr at a iiuml- nul iil Tbo ibritry la that llm road la ii...i-ii)' i-uiiotiuciod, no rum lift fur tbo will.-1 to follow, whllo tbo dragging cmub-i- tho road to dry voiy quickly after a rain. Your ciiiiimllto cminul do muro than to Inalot ll.ttf any wi ll dlacou-d tiiuu la au- l-..ir In tho liap-haaard inaniu-r of i-ouiiiiy n.B.I l.iill.llna lu tho uuot; m lllu-r can w do Iraa than hiatal that tho long -i. . In uf liuiHaahlo ruud a In out? uf the Urlon thnl muko f m in life li-oa d'-olr- ahlo. Ulvi-ii Iho l.li-t.hiiiii.. rural ib-llv.-iy, ,M.-ci:U m.i nnd g.MHl ruada, wo could uffi-r lu llm young 'a iun l-l of bloaalnga Hint would muko lit.- In tbo country inorr alliaiiliv, To Ibla i-nd your i-utniulttoo off Iho fullowli.g roaolutli.il : "Itraulvi'd. That Hie National Clrango now aoniinbu-d t rortlund, (in-gon. In- all tu t Ha b-glalallvo coininllloo lo uae ovory .-flfitrl to ai-curo Iho onactno-nt of tho furry hill. No, 10,7ii6, oxtondlng Ked oral aid lu tho i-unalructlon of public hlgbwavii wir HiiioiiK thn ClnckamiiH county pfiil In fho cliy tho flrat uf tho WWK. ,1. ('. Kfllinlncli. lit Htnrw. waa In tlw flly Wdni'aflay, Mr. uml Mm. Chan. I'oirfhrokH r Uirui'd to tlmlr homo In Th Dalleu laat Monday. Mrg. rcmhroko dan nr-i.il vmitiiiK hpr niotbnr, Mro. Win. I'arkitr, for tho pant alx wiiulta. lira, Hcotle & ItaatU Dontlata: ruoma 1. 17, 11, Welnhard building. nuciita fur tho United HtiitrK, Hi-tnombci' tho name, Itoana, and take no other. Iir. Wood'a Srnwav Vine Hvnm ai-enid oapochilly adapted to' tho ncedt of th clilliln-ii. I'lpiimirit lo Hike: aonthlrig In Ita liiMii.'ine; It la tho remedy of all romodloa for ovoyy form of throat and IllUK dlMOHMO. WVVVVAWVWVVSrVWvVVVySAoVVyVVWyVWVV SOCIAL EVENTS Window CHI iln have lu-.-n luted ail- vortlaii.g a grand intiiik bull lu bo alv.-u l tho Armory by Iho Htar Huclal Club, M'W your a r;vo,, HnliiMluy, Itecenil.c! 31, lut. I'lrat cbiNo mualK will bo pro vlded and a number of valuable prize will bo diMlrlliulod mining tho Ik-mI maak ora, Tbo uiunugoment Inai.rea a thor oughly pli-Mtutnt ovonlng to all who at- lend, Nasal CATARRH In all ita atanea. Ely's Cream Balm eleanaa. aoothM and heali tha dlnoawd mombrina, It carei catarrh and drive aay a cold In th Ud ..LI. Cream Balm la placed Into th twitrili.apreada mrr ilia tmmhratia and I itnorbed. Belief 1 un uxlUU and a car follow. It 1 not drying-doe But, pxl'ic lOMzlng. Lrg8l!,oceDwaivrog- (HiU or by mall TrUI 8lx, 10 cent. ELY. BROTHERS, M Warren Street, New To I Irsonal Mention I fi im c -i i i r-T-- iq" Htalo Henator llruwnoll vlaltod Balom tho flrot of tho week. f t' patMW k baa guno lo Hun Kran tto.-o to romaln aomo tlmo- Mloa Kthol faufiold vlaltod over Bun day with frlonda at Balom, l, J. Jtl.ldlna. a merchant at Murquam. waa lu tbo city Inat Krldny. H. it. Mi'Alpin haa rolurned from a t,0Hn.. vlalt to McMlnnvlllo, f. il. Tull. of Harlow, waa In Oregun City tho lallor part of laat wo.-k. I It HMIilev and Ed. Cloanor of Hprlng water, were In (hi-gon flly laat Thiir day. i Mr. and Mi. Uoy 1'. Martin have mo od lo 1 lay ton, Oregon, wlirr tno will roaldo. in.. u..rv h iturlnw and Mloa Tull. of Harbiw, vlaltod thla wook with frlonda In thla oily. Judao Itvan altonded a moot lug of Hnyal Anh Muoona at Eugone HiitunUy night. l w lt.d. of Katacada. waa a bual- ni-aa vialtor to Oregon flly tho latter iiatl of laat week. Mrv T. Howard, atalo aocrctary of tbo Oregon Orungo. wa In the city from Mt.lhio Turaday. u...... u..,,.i,.e k. M. Crolaan, of Salotn wua In tho city Tuoaday In conaultatlon with Bonaior Hiownoll. i ..mi Mia. John Hourth have ro turned from their honcy-moon and have Ih-uuii hoiio. k.iplng on the hill. M.. lVler Mdnlyre and daughter Mloa Mary, have roturnod from an ex tended vlalt In llllnola and Micnigan. ltev. J W. Exon, former paatnr of the k....i..uii.i ,-imech at Viola, and now lo latcd ul llcavfiton, waa In the city Miimluv. l-'i-i-d Mlba la temporarily employed ... . wr with Wi'lla Kargo Com- ,..,.. on Ita Southern I'aolrte run out of rui'iiii.iil. Mra K. Nolaon. who haa boon vlaiting I,..,- ilHter, Mm. T. 1 Randall, haa re lumed to her home at waterman. r.-i-eru Oivgoit. V K Ulaai'H. accomtumled by Poat niaater J. K. leoe of anby, have re turned from a attecrsaful hunting trip to Newport. MIhh Dra ItriKKH visited relatives In Portland laat week. I t it w.ilfur. of Needy, waa In Ore- Hon City Weilnesilay. CnrtlH Ilolvey was sailing on his r.-ioiuii horo laat Sunday. Mr. J. D. Wllkfirwm tnado a buttlnesa trip to KroKixmd whi aavurua,. Mr. and Mra. J. Robbing vihupu i. ..,t mou nifivlns laat Sunday. MIh Edna Matlock waa the guest of MIhh Hoaa Brlgga laHt Sunday. iiN win Drawn- vlHltetl Mr. William Parker and family laat Sunday. . , .. , Mr. and Mra. Jot. Perrlnge ,, yla ed Mr. John Thomas ana lamuy duy night. .. . r iild uml family via trattheeV.dence"of Mr. Martin iir-htnr laat Sunday. nnd Lvdla John mm wore tho guests of Miss EUaa Mra. C. 12. Nash of Oregon City vlaltod her mother, mra laat Saturday and Sunday . Mrs Xnotts la a aufforer wtm ru....-" r ...... .i t M Cross, of Mo lalla?and LewW Haugulum, of Sandy, 'if ' Olm of tho in out eriJi.vMlilc mimical eventa that ha taken place at Oregon I lly in a number of year waa llm con cert at Woodmen Mull luat flaturduy evening by Mra. Kalhryu Ward Pope, Mloa Mary Iv oiiyera and Mlna V.-da Wllllama. Maalated by Mra Miller. Mlaa Warren and lom J. .an, of Portland. Kui'h of Iho aoxtellu la well and favorably known aa gifted uml entertaining nor- funnel lo Oregon City people who In dicated a proper appreciation of tho con cert by a liberal putroiiHge. Individual in .nl Ion of the nmnbera will b omit (To but It may ! aald that tho program w a thoroughly enjoyable one, well rendered. following Iho concert dancing waa en joy fur one hour. . One hundred pcraona attended the ban quet given by Ht. I'aul'a Oulld at Wlllunv otto Hall Friday evening. While the ex citement Incident to the fire aomewhat Interrupted the program of the evening, a full cnnjyincnt of the many guod thing lo bear and eat waa not curtailed In Hie allghleol degree. After dlocuoalng a aplelulld feiilt. aiich aa the ladlca Of HI. raul Oulld are famed for. a pro gram who rendered. Including a vocal nolo by Mra. It. C. Gaming, and after dinner ai-inhe by Hcv. r. K. Ham mond, Judge T. K. Uyan. Attorney J. E. Itedgca and Mayor-elect K. A. Hommit, During the afternoon the ladle con- dueled an apron oule and for the day'a lulair realised alxiut I'iO recelpta. Owen A. Thomaa. formerly of Oregon Clly. but now located at Orant Pa. waa In the city Tuoaday on hla way to Halem. where on Wedneaday he wedded Mlaa Hlauche Kantner, daughter or ltev. W. f. Kantner, paalor of the Klrat fon lonal chiinh of the Capital City. Mr. Thomaa- many Oregon City frlonda wlHh him much happlneaa. , ' , 4 4t Christmas Is Here RED FRONT Youth's full Hock wet weather shoes, cut to jioy'H cut to Men'H " " " " " " cut to . ... Ladies' Unlint-d Heavy Shoes.. $1.15 and Lauies' $2.50 Kid Shoes 1.90 and Ladies $1.50 Kid Shoes, patent tip ... I'.aliv'H ShfMfi. worth TjOc tor Child's Shoes, worth $1.10 and 1.25 for, Boy's Calf Shoes, worth $2.00, for i. smaller Men's Fine Shoes $1.42,' 1.69 and . . -a -a ifL t f a li igh 1 op bhoes, good grade, $ z.yu, o.jo " " equal $6.50 Cutter '. 23c. 48c. 63c j - t Ladies' Slippers 58c, 88c Shoe Laces, pair 1.65 1.85 1.40 2.25 1.20 .35 .95 1.68 1.22 2 20 3.40 5.45 .98 .94 .01 IN A BAD WAV. And we have made pro viaion for your wanta. Fruit. Nuts and Candie and all Cbriatma apecial tiea at low price. For Yoar Dinner We have the famous M.J. If. Coffee New shipment juat arrived. Buy it for your Chriatmaa dinner. Electric Grocery D. M. Klemsen, Prop. Main Street, near Electric Hotel GROCERIES Oianges and Lemons, each .... Candy for Xmas t. ..- Peanuts and Walnuts - Fine Figs, pound Seedless Kaisins Fine Currants Cheese lc to Good Coffee 14c to Fine Coffee, worth X5c, for Tea Dust, usually 25c, for . Teas, usually 15c to 2o more zoc, 40c, Cocoa, can ..... Starch, 6c Soda 4c Prunes Washing Powders, pound Fine Hulk Lard, pound Flour :.: : Good Chons, 90 lbs Good Syrup, 10 lbs pail.... o quart Walvanized ran Clothes Pins, lc dozen Clothes Line .01 .08 up .10 .08 .07 .10 .15 .15 .20 ,15 .55 .10 .02 .04 .11 1.05 up .95 .45 .15 ,05 Many an Orgon City Radr Will Feal GraUful For Thla Information. When your buck give out; lifcomca weuk or aching: When urinary trouble act in: Your kidneys are In a bad way. I loan's Kidney PHI will cure you. Here la evidence to prove It: Juitiea A. Tanner, farmer, corner 13th and 1-ewl Btreeta. Salem, aaya: no n.unv surfer from kidney complaint that for a time I waa alarmed about tnyaoii r..r t w... troubled with my back aching in tin, realuii of my 'kidney. I think It ,...! first bv a strain causeu .... h..iv HftliiK 1 did yeara ao. I ki-ut Kcttlng worse Instead of better and finally consulted a doctor. He told me 1 had gall atone In the bladder out trouble wllh kidney aecretlona exlated, their loo frequent actiou rest from tlfteen lo twenty ttmea a night. Thla waa very annoying and I waa In a had wav when I read of Doan a Kianey Fill and procured a box. lo say that I wu surprised al their speedy effect uf their use ia putting It mildly. 1 have recommended I loan's Kidney mi" iu other, and will alwaya have a good word fur them." Plenty mor proof like thia from ure- riii- Call at C. U. Himiicys urns store and ask them whut their customeia report. ... i.-..r ...I., bv a l dealcra. rnce w Koster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y.. sole Mi ! ill to 1 oil Mb I DniTrlinrr I Milium : w X Dry Goods, Toys, Etc. Fine lt Hosiery, from factory, 10c up. Factory shipment Wool Hose; Misses Hose, worth 25c, rI 1Q. r;o VVr.l TTnto 9.r tin- Men'R Wool tUl K't, uauica ""v. c - SrL-a tr tin to 'Li. aim ZC I0r warm tuoun. , AfiUit.firv. cut to cost or less: Kibbons 'at.cut prices - J t r " Lace at cut prices. See our array of 5c and 10c toys; Picture Books, lc, 5c, ,. ii . i tr . J n 11. 9c and up; Uolls, lc up; Metai rieau ious, eic. Hundreds of useful presents, Clothing, Shoes, Suspen ders at cut prices. - Statable F. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER VOELCKEL & NOLANS GREATER Troxibadours SINGERS MINSTRELS DANCERS VAUDEVILLISTS JESTERS DIXIE GALS HEADED BY IBliaclk IPsLtti (SISSIERETTA JONES) The Greatest Singer oerJRace JOHN RUGKcK, l?5S3t. . The most appreciated gift is a useful article, such as a nobby R S. & M. suit or overcoat, an up to date HAWES HAT, a stylish pair of W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES, a dainty pair of JULIA MARLOWE SHOES for the fair sex, an elegant line ot UJ l i tiK &, CROSETTE NECKWEAR in the newest creations to select from, and the largest gents' furnishing goods stock in town from which to select useful articles at matchless prices. Our thanks are due and heartily tendered our great public for their appreciation of our efforts to place before them the values of their lives. Your generous patronage, home folk and visiting friends, during the earlier part of the autumn season assures us that we have succeeded beyond our fondest and most sanguine optimistic expectations, and it has made pos sible offerings of these surpassing bargains for your holi- t . -1 t I L day needs. 1 here are hosts oi maicmess vuuc . Come as soon as you can. First choice is always the best. I 1 PRICE CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER PPTCTTY OHORUS-Compristng the Sweetest and Best; . ... ww. j i7.i u tki Af rt: rrismim?,! , . wt JSBrar1 Apat for H. S. & H. Clothing, Hawes Hats an. w. a Magniticenuy . PatJm..Glorv ! T Done-las Shoes. ng'Xcwneyurearruana, n r sWt of the Fair," "Offenback Opera-Bouffe and bwell, Minstrel Varieties." i Otcgon City Oregon Shively's Opera House, Monday Night, Dec. 19 i I i .-I i