PAGE 4. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1904 Oregon City Enterprise CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates: One year l.50 Bti months 75 Trial subscription, two months.. 25 Advertising rates on application. Subscribers will find the date of ex miration stamped on their papers fol lowing; their name. It this is not changed within two weeks after a payment, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. Entered at the postofflce at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. NlCHl. TRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1904 GET YOUR BROOM AND BRUSH! Civic pride is a valuable possession for the community. It is conclusive evidence of the public spirit and enter prise of a city or town and Influences in no small degree the selection of location by many home seekers. As we have remarked before, Oregon City will be to the Lewis k Clark Fair what Niagara Palls was to the Buf falo Exposition. During the summer of 1905, Oregon City will be visited by thousands of Eastern people. Let the people of this city, which Is un- Busch of Oregon City. Only a few weeks ago he established a furniture factory In this city, an institution that he had barely got In running order when It was wiped out by a fire that had Its origin In the carelessness of a Chinese janitor, entailing a Ion to Mr. Bunch of about G0o0 with only $2000 Insurance. The furniture fac tory was' a valuable Industry to the community in a number of waya. It turned out a first class product, made from native woods and furnished em ployment to a number of people. It Is to be hoped that Mr. Hunch will re establish the factory at an early date. DO YOU WANT HIGHER RATEST eaualled in natural heautv. Inaugurate a general house-cleaning to the ma-l1 ,omi ,n a 8ub8,n" vance In terial improvement of conditions as they exist throughout the city. Some of the side-streets opening on to Main v mi. , ' "I Clackamas wa once the seat of vnAVA tn a rtihhlun rbin tno aoov an,4 , ' , territorial government. It was the Incorrect reports Invariably do more damage than a subesquent cor rectlons can off-set And this Is par tlcularly true of a recent published report of Friday's fire In this city. It was stated that the presure of water In the mains was Insufficient to meet the requirements of the fire department lu Oghtlng the, fire. Su perintendent v Howell, of the City Water Works ami Fire Chief Brown inform the Enterprise that such was not the case. These gentlemen re port that from the time the alarm was sounded until the fire was entirely extinguished, the pressure In all of the mains ranged from 110 to 135 pounds, which is as much as the hose In use by the local fire department can stand. The results of the circula tion of such unreliable statements will the rates of fire Insurance in this city. '0 WE'LL BE THERE. promote not only the general appear ance, but the sanitary condition of early home of Dr. John McLaughlin. It's welcome to Mr. Brownell. Marion the cltv. Sneaking- about the 1905!. . . . , . is a county or weaitn and resources. rair, u is suggesieu mai anomer timely Improvement would be the painting of the suspension bridge at this place. Such a treatment of this bridge would greatly add to its beauty as well as preserve the structure. Get the broom and dust pan and brush up: SUGGESTED BY THE FIRE. The members of the volunteer lire department performed valuable ser vices at the fire last Friday night In confining the flames to the buildings that were burned, especially when it Is considered that a general conflagra tion, endangering a block of residenc es was threatened. But the fire sug gests needed Improvements in the city's fire department. With proper equipment, the members of the de partment would have had little diffi culty in putting the fire out before it It's the home of Banker Bush. E. Hofer and Ex-Governor Geer. It has a lunatic asylum, penitentiary, reform school, and produces some hogs. Polk annually takes the Blue Ribbon over both Clackamas and Marion in com petition at the State Fair. Mrs. Wolfe will prepare an exhibit to compete with them both at the Lewis t Clark Fair. Geo. Murphy's cow has produced four calves as a starter in the line of things wonderful. Meet us on the Trail. Independence Enterprise, o PERTINENT EXTRACTS FROM THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. Race Suicide There should be se vere child-labor and factory inspec tion laws. It Is very desirable that married women should, not work In factories. The prime duty of the man Is to work, to be the bread winner; f h nrlma ffnfv rtt tha w ..... n i. reached the damaging extent that it m ,,., . r . be the mother and the house wife. All did. But it is, perhaps, not expedient ,., i . , ,i- j , , , , ... I . questions of tariff and finance sink in- to advocate the purchase by the c tyjto ,mer ln3igninrance wh(n eompared at this time of expensive fire-fighting ,with the tremen,Iouili the vu, ,m. apparatus. The municipality canot j ,.rtQ ,., . . . ,, , . .1 Portance or trying to shape condi- afford It But we would suggest that fK., . I Hons so that these two duties of the some arrangement be made for theim . , , , , . . f . . man and the woman can be fulfilled hauling of the hose carts to the scene ,,. . , ,. . , . . t under reasonably favorable clrcum- of the fire Immediately on the sound- , ,.., , . ! fttancpft. If fl rare nruu nnt tiuvo r.t,.n. In. ..t . .1 I. .. V. F.v., "ft ' uic atai ui. it nuuiu uuv uc necessary to hire any one teamster for this service. Provide a small fee as compensation to be paid for de Jiverlng the hose cart at the scene of the fire, t!e task to be performed by ty of children, or If the children do not grow up. or If when they grow up they are unhealthy In body and stunt ed or vicious in mind, then that race Is decadent, and no heaping up of wealth, no mileniliir of mumonlurv ma. the expressman who first reaches the ,,, ...,. '. . .... ., , ,, , terial prosperity, can avail In any do- vbuilding. This service would not be expensive and would greatly facili tate the department In reaching the fire. Besides, the members of the de partment would not be exhausted to the end that they would be handicap ped In performing the hard work that is required of them at a fire, after mailing a long run and hauling a heavy hose cart after them. THE CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS. While by no means a convert to the faith, it must be said that those who attended the lecture at the First Con gregational church last Saturday night by Bicknell Young, of the Hoard of gree as off-sets. Punishment of wife-beaters There are certain offenders, whose crlmlual ity takes the shape of brutality and cruelty towards the weak, who need a special type of punishment. The wife-beater, for example. Is Inade quately punished by imprisonment: for Imprisonment may often mean nothing to him, while It may cause hunger and want to the wife and children who have been the victims ! of his brutality. Probably some form j jf corjxiral punishment would be the' most adequate way of meeting this' kind of crime. j Forests It is the cardinal prlncl- j nlo nf tho iirUtm-tUWf rwtl is. r . ivi vi f Jill ut Lectureship of the Christian Science this administration that the reserves are for use. Whatever Interferes with the use of their resources is to be avoided by every possible means. But these resources must be used In such a ay as to make them permanent. No more scrip The making of -forest reserves within railroad and wag on road land-grant limits will here after, as for the past three years, be ho managed as to prevent the Issue under the act of June 4, 1897, of base ! for exchange of lieu selection (usually called scrip). In all cases where forest reserves within areas covered by land denomination, enpoyed a treat. As a lecturer, Mr. Young easily excelled those who preceded him In the same capacity. He engaged the very closest attention of his entire audience throughout the lecture. In many re spects the local Scientist organization as Is the case in every community, in the pursuit of its religious services, might be'emulated by other denomina tions with more satisfactory results. The Christian Scientists conduct their worship without ceremony and pomp, mind their own business and In the building of chapels and the conduct j grants appear to be essential to the of their business affairs avoid Incur- prosperity of settlers, miner, or others ring a cent of indebtedness that can-' the fiovernment lnnH within not be promptly discharged. LOSS TO THE COMMUNITY. Injury to any business enterprise Injures the community In which it may be located, and for that reason the general sympathy of the coramun- proposed forest reserves will, as In the recent past, be withdrawn from sale or entry pending the completion of such negotiations with the owners of the land grants as will prevent the creation of so-called scrip. Game preserves In connection with the work of the forest reserves I de sire again to urge upon the Congress authorizing the ity Is extended Frank Bunch, who suffered a heavy loss by fire last the Importance of Friday night. There are few more ; President to set aside certain portions puiuic spirited ana enterprising cit izens In any community than Frank of these reserves or other public lands as game refuges for the preser vation of the bison, the wapiti and other largo beasts onc so abundant In our woods and mountains and on our great plains, and now tending to wards extln"tlon. Pensions The veterans of tl civil uar have a claim upon the nation such as no other body of our cltlsens possesses. Extravagance In public printing t call your attention to the great ex travagance In printing and binding Government publications, and espec ially to the fact that altogether too many of these publications are print ed. There Is a constant tendency to Increase their number and volume. It Is an understatement to say that no appreciable harm would bo caused by, and substantial benefit would ac crue from, decreasing the amount of printing now done by at least onuhalf. Probably the great majority of the Government reports and the like now printed are never read at all. and fur thertnore the printing of much of the material contained In many of the remaining ones serves no useful pur pose whatever. Currvucy The attention of the Con gress should be especially given to the currency question. Every allver dollar should be made by law re deemable In gold at the option of tho holder. Americanism- Good Americanism Is a matter of heart, of conscience, of lofty aspiration, of sound common ense, but not of birth place or of creed. No fellow-cltben of oura Is entitled to any peculiar regard be cause of the way In which he wor ships his Maker, or because of the birthplace of himself or his parents, nor should he be in any way discrimi nated against therefor. Each must! stand on his worth as a man. amli each Is entitled to be Judged aolely thereby. j War and Justice The steady aim of i the Nation, as of all enlightened na-1 Hons, should be to strive to bring ever 1 i nearer the day when there shall pre vail throughout the world the peace of Justice. There are kinds of peace which are highly undesirable, which are In the long run as destructive as any war. The peace of tyrannous terror, the peace of craven weakness, all these should be shunned as we shun unrighteous war. Disarmament not possible If the great clvilixed nation of the present day should completely disarm, the re sult would mean an Immediate re crudescence of barbarism in one form or another. A great free people owes It to Itself and to all mankind not to sink Into helplessness before the pow ers of evil. No land hunger in America It Is not true that the United States feels any land hunger or entertains any projects as regards the other nations of the Western Hemisphere save such as for their welfare. America's voice for peace Our voice Is now potent for peace, and is so potent because we are not afraid of war. But our protestations upon behalf of pi-ace would neither receive nor deserve the slightest attention If we were Impotent to make them gd. The army No other civilized na tion has. relatively to its population, such a dlmlnultlve Army as ours, and while the Navy is so small we are not to be excused If we fail to keep It at a very high grade of proftcency. Rebates Above all else, we must strive to keep the highways of -om me-ce open to all on equal terms; and to do this It Is nece.-tsary to put a complete stop to all rebates. Insurance I urge that the Congress carefully consider whether the power of the Bereau of Corporations cannot constitutionally be extended to cover Interstate transactions In Insurance. The trusts The National Govern ment alone can deal adequately with great corporations. To try to deal with them in an intemperate, de structive or demagogic spirit, would, In all piobabillty, mean that nothing whatever would be accomplished, and, with absolute certainty, that If any thing were accomplished It would be of a harmful nature. But these cor porations should be managed with due regard to the interest of the peo ple as a whole. Where this can be done under the present laws It must be done. Where these laws come short, others should be enacted to supplement them. Employer's liability law Wherever the National Government has power, there should be a stringent employ er's law, which should apply to the Government Itself where the Oov ernment Is an employer of labor. Government and union labor There Is on objection to the employes of the Government forming or belonging to unions; but the Government can nei ther discriminate for, nor discriminate against nonunion men who are In Its employment, or who seek to be e:n ployde under It. Moreover, It Is a very grave impropriety for Govern ment employes to band themselves together for the purpose of extorting Improperly high salaries from "the Government. o- - The Willamette Valley Is already beginning to reap the benefits that will ADAMS BROTHERS OREGON CITY'S BIG CASH STORE Oat Repwation Was Gatoed by Selling Gooi Goods at Low Prices Walk Over" For Men. 'Queen Quality" For Women. The best wearing and most sty! inh shoes on earth for 3.60 per pair. Rather an extravagant state ment, but true, nevertheless. Just received lf0 pairs of Not tingham, Brussels, Net Motlfany, and Hurried Edge Dobbtnett Cup tains the newest patterns. Prices from fl.25 to I8.S0 per pair. Sensational promise of Impo slble bargain giving will never be made by this atore. but It will be noted by those who care to keep In touch with the actual value giv ing, that upon many articles and lines Adams Hroa regular marked prices are m low or lower thaa variously advertised "bargain" prices upon corresponding merchandise. TOYS We have the largest stock of Toys and Game In Oregon City.' Dolladressed and undressed. Build ing Blocks, Engines, Maglo Lanterns, Horns, Hank. Stuffed Animals, Tool Chests, Boats. Typewriters, Air Guns, Dumb Bella, Mechanical Toys of all kinds, Toy Dishes, In fact a little of everything In the toy line. SPECIAL IN MEN'S CLOTHIN( We have Just received from drummer who was returning hom 69 Banipln Bulls, with the requm to dispose of them for him withi the next Urn days. At prices marl ed wo think the first (9 men wh call will take the suits. CHRISTMAS PRESENT! Work Boiea, Glove Ikixns, Handkerchief uxh fancy wood and Inlaid, Japanese Boxes, Ln,tni Goods, Indian Novell lea. Pillow Tops, Fancy m kerchiefs, Fur Neckwear, Card Case. Bilk Umbrellt Kid Gloves, Waist 1'attern In Bilk and Wool, Kn Huawl, Shaving HHm, etc etc. SUIT CASES & VALISES The most complete line In Ore gon City. Just the thing to give a man for Christmas. SILK WAISTS Just received a shipment of Silk Waists, the newest hapi and colors. Blankets and Comforters This week we intend having a apcclal sale of Blankets and Com forter. Our entire stock at great ly reduced prices. W. B. CORSETS Kvtry woman desires to appear attractive, and the corset has much to do with making the appearance. W. 0. Corset have long since gain ed the distinct ion of being among the leading cornet manufactured, Only the bent material Is used, and after applying the thorough know ledge of the French makers, the W. B. Co. have produced the com plete combination of Perfect Corset and Perftct Figure. We keep In stock 17 styles la all sUcs. Prices from 11.00 to 12.60 Women's Suits and Coat We Intnnd to close out our entir flock of Walking gun and Coat before Christmas, If extremidy 0 prices will accomplish it, Owla to space being limited w CBI)5f! quote prices on these garments a there I not more than one of to style, but It will repay any lnu.n Ing purrhaer to lnspct our stoe before purchasing elsewhere. CURTAINS JuM rirfrlvrd ijop4li of Nottini hem, BriiMrls, Net Moiifany in Ruffled Kde Bobblertt Curlelm The newrt pattrrun, Pri.-c f0ti ft. IS tels jnper pir be associated with the holding of the of the latter as well as with much of jkm.wn ml unknown ,,f Itrnrv wil Lewis A Clark Centenlal at Portland 'the iih-sssk" that Is merely a reltera- i N ioi-a ; I A I - .. . .1 ... . . next year. There are already being t Hon of what the President has said "'""'" ' m, before. We get In them nt only the I ld wpr , ,.,,,, specific rvcommendatlon but a note ain.t ..., in it,? rniiiid c of agr-sslve ladrhlp against the M M'.mUy. in alniHi, uix.n vhich triiHln h.w, t,rlv ! du' Jm"oy, . ' " ( f that Is certain to arouse the country. Vol. 1. No. I., of the Kstacada the Knterprlxe of- received by local real estate dealer an Increased number of Inquiries re lative to agricultural lands by Intend ing settlors. In many Instances these letters are preliminary to a personal visit and Inspection of this section by the Eastern home Meeker, during the life of the Fair. Let us put on our best News, has reached dree and make of the Easterner a flee. II A. Williams Is the publisher thorough convert to Oregon. Its eqult- of the paper which professes to aid In the further development of the Eastern part of Clackamas county. able climate and its many resources. THE CHIEF FEATURE MESS AC". OF THE! Wont f All f setrisnce. President ItooHevelt's tnmml tin.. ' sage is such a long document and covers so many topics that It would bo Impractical to attempt to review it In detail. There Is, however, little difficulty In selecting matter for spec ial mention. For the President him self has supplied the directions In his vigorous treatment of the railroads. He says that "the rebate must bo stopped, the abuses of the private car and private terminal track and side track systems must be stopped, and the legislation of th Fifty-eighth Con gress, which declares It to be unlaw ful for any person or corporation to offer, Krant, give, solicit, accept or re ceive itny rehatt, concession or (lis crimination In respect of the trans portation of any property In Inter state or foreign commerce whereby uich property shall by any device whatever lw transported at a less rale than that named by the carrier, must be enforced." This series of "musts" is followed by a discussion of the powers of the interstate commerce cornnilsion In re lation to rates. The president Is of the opinion that It would bo undesir able at present to clothe the commis sion with general authority to fix rates, but he expresses the belief that "as a fair security to shippers, the commission should bo vested with the power, where a given rate has been challenged and after a full hearing found to be unreasonable, to decide, subject to Judicial review, what shall be a reasonable rate to take Its place, the ruling of the commission to take effect Immediately and to obtain un less and until It be reversed by the court of review." , Such a provision is emphatically described as constituting, In the Judg ment of the President, "the most. Im- ('art anything be worwt than to f--l that evrry minute will t your Ui? Hui h was the rxprrlcnf of Mrs. fl. II. Nrwxio. jH-i-alur. Ala., "Kor lhi years" she wnir. 'i endtirru itikuiiiim,,,. mm) Iik!i.-iiihi, stomach and bowel trouble, ! 'It, kutfiis f'uunl)-, Or-n,n, pMar snrt nrr lh ,luliiu(T trill WSItt tllrtrilf. ,y in in Toiiri tut r-Urt ptayi-tl f.r In lliin nitniUtitl hfivlll, ,lll-H: fr ft I rt qui till., of tU I.Uit.linf III ll fkmU. iiiuiirr ( the Huultw! ijumirr at it. T. J. H It. K. of th Wlll.ui XtftUtUll. r.mlalnlns H'-rHi trior, Ifrm. ami oil oh I In rUrkam ea.i . Orr sun, mill try I he sum dxciH Ur lh il.-f-ei.lnti I and -h rf lhta f ny i lnlnt or lotwot whli h lhy i I hnv In lit same, and fr auch other fui Hi-1 ri'lUt a to ih i '.nut may IIK-rt Hint rllltatl. Tlil. mimiiions la ulllhrii for mi i -Ivk wrrka In th Otr(ii t'liy En pilar- to' order of lliiiiitiahl Tliumu Ilyaii. Jmtgo of h ('until)' Cuutl mailt on ifjin ar-f i inl Inevlulilo wlirn doctors j J"'h iluy of NovmtUcr, lol, r'ttnl I .tut lilt rn.inllia failed. At bni.lh I llatlim ih-Iiis" In l he lanun uf ifctui waa Imlucrd 1 1) Iry KIim'IHp lllllna and ' -d. l?ul."nd it taut (iiildli aiinn t and lh rrault was mliai-utnus. I lin-i It"' l"'' f January 11th. IS', lrnv-d at oni and nw I am caiiiplHi-lj- j II. K. CROK rer-ovrrr-d." Ktr l,lvr, Kldnry, Hi out Allmiiry fur plain aih, and Iliiwrl trnuhlra Oritlr KHtcru ; - - - la Hi only mrdl. Im, Only HV, Ifsj OkElTOlHAi auai BUO rd hy Howell A J.,n-a drulat, ' lb(l 111 hti W 111 4 Unn I, Bi(saur AOMINI8TBATO NOTICI Of BALK, j In ha County Court of Clackamaa County Stat of Ortoon. I Hit- Kl,llr nf John COLUMBIA FIVER SCENE i ROUTE In I In- tniilli-r ut Irf-lnli-l'. d,-rili'd. .iiiii- in nrn-iiy kimii llml piiiaiintll . . f II u, H.t ..i.r ,f mm. t . v.. r-uiui...! ....a Portland and TiiGuaH duly miiile mid enferr-d nn thi Ulh ditv I ill IM-i-i-mlH-r, 1HIM. I he lllldIKlKU''d uil lillttltiltiitiir nf Hi., nulil iHttn will imi i Hi,. JMh day nf Junniiry. ltiof, nl (hi hour nf lu riYI. k ti m , a.-ll ill iml.llr Hintlmi nl th. iiMirl llunn- ,1 nf IP riiiirthnuar nf ('liii'hiimii tiiuiiiy, On-sitii, j ut Oi in. hi ply, o ,c lilKhiat tlddr fur citnh the fnllnwltm d.aiTllii'd rnil -lul. to-aIt: TIih aniilliwcal iimrli-r nf Ihe N'nitiiwt-st u'liul'-r of Hi'iilnn I. Ti, 6, Hniilh r.f Kiiiikm 3. yMn f n,.. V M . nsiitt. i t 1, W. A HI I FORI ). aliili- nf Jnhn U'lt- ('liiikHiiuia Cniittly, Regulatoi Line Steamers A'litilrilxl tutor nf lli iliT, (lel-t-HKfd. Illl,-d. li-riil. 2. 1WH. "BAILEY OAT2ERT "OALLH CH "RtOULATOR" "MITLAC "8ADH B." NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department nf I lie Itili-rlor, Lund Of fie St Oligmi fliy. f)l r Ron. I ll'l'l-mluT 3, lft04. Nnllirr Is hi-n-hy ntlvrti llml the follow ln liumeil antler un ,., nnili (f nB Intrtillon In imike rliml iiiM,f In sup port nf hla i-liilm, und thnt said pttHtf will hn miulf. br-fore tin. UiKlati-r snd Itecclvor at Onsnn f "Ity, On-snn, Junu-ai-y 1, 1305. vis: KM Ix-IIORH. init 7, hi:u , T. B H. U. 4 H. K. No. 14191. fur Hi, HW'i nnl HV4 HK", of H.c K. He numia the following- wltiunma to portant act now needed as regards the'"'"''' eoniinuous rcaid.-tue upntt Mini regulation of corporations," and It Is evident that the regulation of great corporations is considered by him to be a most Important duty of the fed eral government., Moreover, he says that Government alone can deal ade quately with them, and ho reveals his Impatience over the Idea that It Is possible to remedy their abuses by state action. .These passages are of far (creator In- " Btr. "nsllfy Oatsart" leaves Pwd 1 7 A. M. Mondsys. Wadnasdsys snd M days: lesves Tha Dallas T A. M. T . days, Thusrsdays snd Bsturdsya I Htr. "Itcg ulster" lasves Portlsni M Tuesdays, 1'hursdsys and Btrd lrsvas Tlis Dsllus t A. M. Moo Widnpdays and rrtdsys. I fitr-amnrs Iravlnf Portlsnd insks 4 ctmnactlon at Lyle with C. R. ! n . for Ooldondalo snd Kllokltst v ! points. 1 C. It. at N. train leaves UoldaflM Mondays. Wednesdays snd Friday! 1:30 A, M., maWm oonnectlos steamer "Regulator" for Portlsiw way points. .......u1 C. IV N. train leaves umu - cultivation of auhl land, vis U. ('. Hunter, of MoMhvIIIu, Or,.BUu, I Anson i'oiiiitrymnn, of Colton, Oregon. 'Hen Hun let-, of Monluvlllu,, Oiciion. , tft'iin , ..... ..... i . .i.iimo nnniM-y, oi i.oiion, oregnn, ; nectlng theft .KO. W, IIIHI5IJ, , Bant and West. . Iti.i flvi.p H,. -uu,ll u laavS CttcSO . .i i A. at. Tuesdays. Thnrsdsys snd 8siurdy : A. M-. eonnectlna at Tvl! , steamer "Sadie B." for Ths DIJ . " lib 0. B. SUMMONS. In Hie fli'cult Court of th Roue of Qt- gon, for the County of I'lui-kitmaa. J. W. Worell, PluliiiifT, vs. Adiilliu, Wilkinson. Alfred K,.i... terest than the efiually positive ones ' Wlllliim Neeves, and nil other hehs known relating to our foreign and colonial ' u"d u"1,,w ( Jlency willlc.m Nerves, nllcv. heeniiHe lh m.l.lln lu t,.i., , deceased, Uefendunts. thoroughly familiar with the substance Tn rS ' i .. ... . - ..rlvaa St " a . I.. II.. t P. 11., 'rl i Bn. , irv-a IIW umiivm m - I Cascade Locks P. M. Meats oerved on all stesmets. ' Kin accommodations tor l,m lmllns at Portland at AWr j , u C. CAUVm Msn flen, Offle. PotHsnd. Orefim.