ORIOON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1904 PAGE Sv. Iew To-Day. IWm I.AtrWho can turiiMTbint .' mrnroitOMi, ' dpalro to com-npond with olnals ntltman or widower of means, Addles I'. O, box 81)0, Portland, OrS, M'BT-l,adVs (iold Clasp I'ln titltKron Main or Hnvntli struts, In tiijf)ii city, Vlndnr plMmn rwturn to It, M )lolman, f MONKY TO WAN AT 6 AND T per cent, Farm ftMurity, U'Rn Bchubnl. TOR1uWT-liom 5oum and v stabto, ntar railroad station at Clackamas, f 50 pr yar, Call on A. O. Hay ward, Clackamas, Orcfon, WANTKU.Mpn or women to taks or ilnn (or art goods: guaranteed salary ; or commission. Address Oregon Art Association, (64 Hhcrloik Hills', Port land. Orrion. Dsn, III r""ar"V""W f "" unmrv T f T? l, J A., a j it ife j8v A iSl Jamrs A. Ilmna's taautlful oomedy. ilnittirt, "Hlmre Arrcx," has Won a aiio ! only tiunllrd tty that of "Tha Old lloinratpad," Itnlh if Ufa plays trout Of Kw England farm Ufa, and both aim to trim In dramatic way tha dally hum dm in lnllnl that in to mak up llfs's dally turmoil. Mr, Hcrne, unllka Mr, Thiunpwun, aimed to confirm hi" aoxnrt to a slnals locality, and ha avoided Intro ducing any variety fpalurra, thua lift ing hla work to a far higher lvt. Many my alile erltloa claim that "Hhora Acraa" la an epoch-marking play and that It I the r)nt paatoral drama yet given lha Kiitllah apeakm atngn, Tha atory told In 'Hhore Auras" la full ef human Inter eat, and one cannot help being moved by thr simplicity, naturalneaa and truth-fulm-aa of It all. Any on con ill through a prrformanM of Mr, Herna'a maatar plrre, and not be pleaaed with It, ahould avutd tha theatre, for to hln. or her tha the drama and Ita meaaagra Will ever remain a satd book, a eomplete srenlo prixliirllon of "Mhora Aarea" Will be given at the Klllvrly Opera llouae, December JIl. elcct'd the following oltlrera for tha en ailing year C, C, Mnnli Krak-a; A, (ieoign Kohl; flanker, Chris THInfsoni Cleik. W. II, Hrown; ICmoit, h. Naw klrkj Watchman, J C, Klrcltnrn; Rnntry, i, Moalnr) Manager, I, Hprague, ' for eholoe lard, spars-ribs, and tender lolna, go to Cain A Itamaby at Kly. Cholrts Hock always on hand. ' Tha Lsdl.i of tha M.lhodl.t Church will olvt a baiaar, beginning with ehicken pi .upper In tha Lasgus room of tha church on Tusiday awning, Da oember 30th, for which they will ohiroe the moderate prlc of U cant. A great variety ef attractive and uaoful artlolaa will b an !. They Invito tha liberal patronage of the public. t'utrlinmed ahapea below coat at Mlaa Ooldsmlth's. Clly Attorney litory and Mayor Orant It. I'lmlck, counael for the council of Oregon Clly, on Tueaday tiled an aniwer to tha amended complaint In the railroad Injunotlon ault that la pending aftlnit the city council to reilraln tha granting of a perpetual franchlae to tha railroad corporation to Illuff atreet. The aniwer la aoooiniAnled by two motion, on lik ing for the dleaolvlng of lha Injunction and lha other demanding that tha Oregon A California Itallroad Company and the dotilhern I'acino Company, to whom It la propoeed to convey the franchlae, be mad partlm defendant to tha lult for theleaaon that complete determination of tha litigation cannot be had without tha preemce of thoee corporation! aa defendant In the ault. The aniwer re Cltea that In 117 the oounnll of Oregon City granted to the fn.gon a California Railroad Company, a light of way to all Illuff atreet with the exception of 20 feet that waa reierved for ilreet purpoan and allegea that by reaaon of the contlnuoua occupation of tliat atreet by the railroad company and the expenditure of 100, 0O0 In Improvement!, the railroad com pany acquired a perpetual right to the premlaea that are occupied. The aniwer alao denlea that any Injury to the plain- worth 60 and Darguln lltore. $4. JO, at T:ifimon'a tiff property haa reaulted or will follow tha tnaklng of the Improvement provided for In the franchbM and the contract, Tha motion to dliaolv the Injunction and to make the railroad eompanle partlca defendant to the ault were argued before Circuit Judge Mclirtde at the office of Attorney W. I), , Kenton, enunael for Ihe Houthern Paclflo !ompany, at Port land Wednesday night. County Judge liven made an- order Tueiday dlimlaalng the charge of In annlty that haa been pending: agalnat Chai. V. Horn of thla city, for the pat month. Thla la the aeoond time that a chnrgn of Imanlty, preferred agalnt Horn by member of hi family, haa been dlamlened wllhln the Inet three month. Horn' domeetlo relation have been anmewhat turbulent fur mnmit time and with each outbreak the trouble haua I terented In thl movement or dealrin been taken Into court on charge 0f I lunner information, pioaae wriw im- menial (line agalnat the huaband and ! nwllatuly to Mlaa Mary Kranca Iiwm, fniher who. on both occailon ha e- Librarian of tha Portland Public U- tnuiiahed conolualv evidence of hi ank "rBry, Portland, Oregon. Ity before the examining court. Atlor- " neya URen A Bchuebel appeared In the The mnmbnra of the Oregon City ln(eret of Mr. Horn, Volunteer Fire Department, will be 'J banqueted at the hall of Columbia Tueaduy Chief of Police Bum found! Hook A. Ladder Company, Tuesday near the Houthern Pacific pangnr da- evening, December 22. Aa an appre- pot two discarded, teieacope, that are elation or tn aervlcea of tbe mem' All llnea of millinery at Mlaa Oold mlth'a below coat. The librarian of Oregon are acat tered over a wide area of country, Tbe time la now ripe for organiza tion ao that yearly or half-yearly meeting may be held of one or two day' duration for better acquaintance with one another, for conwlderatlon of plan and dlacumtlon of method. A moetlng of all thoee Interested In library work and of all librarian preaent or proitpectlve, will be held In the Portland Public Library, cor. 7th and Stark atreet, Portland, on the morning of Tueaday, December 27th at ten o'clock. Will all thoae In- believed to have been thrown away by trampa who had stolen them. Itoth va lleea contain a quantity of clothing and will be rcatored to their owner upon Identification. Manager Shlvely haa aecured for Bhlve ly'a Opera House Wednesday evening, next, "Shore Acres." Tbl will be a plendld treat for local theatre goer and la only mad poaaible by an open date In the company' Itinerary. Hchool Superintendent Zltiicr spent this week vlaltlng the schools of the county. He itarted his Itinerary by vlaltlng the Cotton acpool Tuesday. pic-! bera of the department In fighting the Are that threatened to do exten sive damage to their property Inter ests, the Idea of holding a banquet In honor of the boys originated with Frank Hunch and, the Welnbard es tate, who were tbe principal losers In last Friday's fire. Manager Hhlvely has arranged to ex pend about 1500 In Improvements to his theatre. Among the Improvements will be more drop scenery. John L. and Mahala, Baker have adopted the 14 -year old daughter df I Kobert and B. M. Alexander, of Chehalla, Washington. Holiday goods. New stock toy a, turea, handkerchief!, gloves, ribbons. I Fire at Oswego Wednesday morning umbreliaa snd neckwear at bargain destroyed a frame building, the prop- price, umg Fur Boas 12 and 12.98, erty of the Oregon Iron 4 Steel Com runy. The loss c th? building which v as formerly occupied as a . aloon bj r:i DupuiH, Is about 5oo. While bo other buildings suffered any damage by reason of the fire, the electric light service of Portland was sus pended for several hours by the burn ing down of one of tbe poles support ling tbe wires that transmitted the current, resulting In a short circuit and considerable damage to the Port land General Electric Company, A large force of men was employed by the company repairing the damage and the service was resumed late Wed nesday night. The Oregon City lights were not affected by the accident. "The New Berlin." an illustrated article by Jerome Hart, appears In the Christmas number of the Argonaut, Issued December 19th. This Is one of the most Interesting end Informa tive articles written by k.'. Hart, and gives many facts about Germany's capital that will be surprising to those who have not visited it. Tbe Issue of the Argonaut In which this appears, contains twenty-eight pages, with many Illustrations. , Interest in tbe Evangelistic services being conducted at tbe First Baptist church la Increasing. Rev. W. H. Wyse Jones Is assisting Rev. J. H. Beaven In conducting the services which are held at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. daily. Johann Herbat, aged (4 yean, and a recent arrival In thla city, died Saturday night of a complication of '.. Mr. Elisabeth Robert, aged (S year, died Sunday at the home of her daughter Mr. E. Auitln. at Liberal. A ten-pound daughter wa born Mon day to Mr. and Mra. Chas. Mimher of this city. Sola Circle, Women of Woodcraft, will bold a special meeting Saturday afternoon when a number of candi dates will be Initiated and applica tions for membership considered. Alt member aro urged to be present. James Mctntyre, a merchant at North port, Washington, ia visiting with relatives at Oregon City and will remain until after tbe holidays. Tbe Commercial Bank of Oregon City, ia suing Elbert Dyer et al for f 1000 on a promissory note that was executed In June, 1903. The Mllwau!:U city council this week Issued a liquor license to a Port land man who will conduct a saloon at that place. Jack Latourette, of thla city, was thla week elected captain of the State University football team for 1905. The young daughter of Orel Cut ting, at Motalla, Is critically ill. Te the Patrons ef the ahrvely Opera Houm. It afford mk great pleasure to an nounce the ftrat presentation in thl city at the Opera Houae on Wednesday even ing, December 21 et. of James A. Herne'a famous comedy-drama "Shore Acre." This 1 the fourteenth year for thla fam oua play, which all agree Is one of the cleanest and puret ever seen on the American stage. The company coming here Is the original one, and 1 headed by Mesers. James L Galloway and Atklna Lawrence, and contain over twenty act ors and actresses. Thl company alao carries a full carload of scenery and It requires fourteen stage hands to set the many scene. I can eafely guarantee la "Shore Acres" the belt play, company and production ever seen In this city. Respectfully yours. W. B. UHIVELT. A Sewing Machine Cheap. We are going out of the sewing mach ine bualnesa and will dispose of our Wheeler A Wilson machines at coat. If you want the best machine mad at factory cost, write at once or call at Huntley Bros. Co. With every doft.m photographs tak en before Christmas, Ml Cheney will give one mounted on a foldnr, Bepla effect. Studio Tenth and Main Bta. Although the post office department authorised the eilabllehment of two rural free delivery ruulea from thla city on the ltlh Inet., i'oatmester T. P. Itnn dill report Jhat he la unable to And a carrier for one of the rouiea. Two ex amlnaibma have been conducted for ap plicant for appointment aa carriers, but none of the aorcveaful appllranta ha l)iiHlind for route No. 4, which starts at Ix)n, going via Viola to Highland ami returning via Spritigwater. The pro pecu are that thla route will go by de fault await of the want of a carrier At a meeting of the school board Mon day night the holiday vacation period reduced to one Week. It Will begin Friday evening, lrcember 22. and claw will be reiumed on Monday morning. January 2. To iiar matter with (he disappointed puplla, the Hoard decided to close the achool one week em Her, the year to end June t, Instead of June It. The bond of Clerk-elect Ilrodle In the urn ef 120.000 wa approved and that of hvlnl awoin In. n't foigct to buy your wife a hat for a Chrlatma prraent. They are away beluw coal at Mini Uoldamlth', Illack Pattl'a Irotibadoura. 40 In num ber, will be aeen at Hhlvely'a Opera llouae Monday evening, next, I)ecenitier 19th? Hliwlerett Jonea, aa lllnck I'ntll, la re puled to le the greatest linger of her rare, and haa aeaoclitted with her a fine choru and Inimitably funny comtnedlana In her new IIO.OOQ itng production. Or the 1372 patient at the State In vine Aaylum. a ahown by Superintend ent Calbreath'a lait report, 65 were from Claikamaa county. Trimmed liuta below coat at Ml Gold amllh's. P, 1. Hull, who reildes at Oladetone, a suburb of thl lily, tin at hla home two red rnepberry vlnei In hla yard that have ripe and green berrlea hcildcs a number of blossoms, The unumial pio ductlvcncM of theae two vines which have no ' protection from the weather enn only be explained by the fertility of the mil In which they are growing and the mlblneitN of the climate. The recent nevere front!, whlln producing Ice a counter of an Inch In tlilcknem on stand lug water, did not effect the raspberry vliii-s whatever, H, S. Jnhniton, formerly connected with the Ant oi In Dnlly New, haa been ap pointed correspondent to the Portland Jiiumiil nt Oregon City. Mr. Jolminn wilt ulso Imvo charge of the business Inter est! of the Journnl .In this city nnd will look oftcr (fto subscription lists of his pnl'er. lllg sale beRlns Hnturdny, I)ecember 17, nt Mis tJollilHniltir. ' Yesterday Mayor Clrnnt B. Tlmlck, nt lorney for George W. l.nuth, went to IfllHIwiro to submit to Juilitn Mcltiiilo n hill of except Inns In the appeal of the ense Hint Is to bo taken to the supreni cmuV After Hut bill uf executions ha been iipiuoved It will bo. tiled with tho ( otinty t'lerk ntul a transcript rorwnnint In Hiilctn. An examination of applicant fur np poliitmciit mm oanicia on (lie two ncv rural rno delivery routes, Mis, nuu a, was hclil Huliniluy, tlnmo taking tho ex amination lii lttR David MochnUe, Unbelt illiuhcr iiiul I'Vcd llcft, It will bo soma time before, tho result of the Examination will be reported from Washington, but In the ineaiillnio lavhl Mocliuke liaH been swum In uml will uct as cairThi' of ltuutu No. C temporarily. The Mcndow bronk Htnr route has been discontinued as has nlso tho post olllcc at Ely, Denver Creek nnd I'larkos. 1 Only One Mo?e. Week to Get Ready In Take Yotfl Christmas Tgotribles to Htmtley's Stfch a ttore full of desirable goods at reasonable prices yog will not find elsewhere in this cotmtry. ' We have jst as fine things as are shown in Portland. We offer them lower than yon can buy them there. Shopping here is easier, quicker and in every way more satisfactory. We are always here to correct aay mistakes, to make good any defects, to satisfy yog in every way all without trouble or expense to You. . ywt J0 come 'to nc see what we have provided. Buying or visiting yoq will meet with the same courtesy. P "Av. fi.""-',, J If you could here the praise that is daily bestowed on our Cut Glass you wouldn't need to hesitate about what to buy some people. Not only the finest gists snd the newest cutting but prices alxiut 30 per cent, lower tlun other peo ple are quoting, Give yourself the pleasure of seeing it. Prices commence at ft. 50. VHm.lltllaUiitlUAa-4 Toilet Articles More Toilet Articles are sold for Christmass gifts than any other line of goods. We have hundreds to select from in all kinds of woods and finishesin sets or singlyboxed or plain. Two Piece Set?, in box ;75 Three ' " . . 1.25 Six " M 1.50 Manicure Sets, in box - - 1.25 liaby " " " - 1.00 Large Fancy Sets. infsncycaes,nptoJ7.00 O Ovey 75 Diffcteat Bibles to Select From That's the stock we offer you to choose from. People who know, say our bibles are cheaper than they are sold for in Portland. They ought to be nobody can buy them any cheaper, for they come direct to us from the publishers. Testaments - 5c up Bibles - - 20c up Teachers Bibles - $1.25 to $7.00 Japanese Lacquered Ware AH Japanese ware is immense ly popular this year. This is partly sentiment, but largely because of its beauty and cheap ness. Nowhere in the world are things made at so little cost as in Japan. We have a line of Japanese Lacquered ware that we are selling so cheap that it looks like giving it away. Trays - - 15c to $1.00 Boxes for Hankerchiefs, Gloves, Necktie, Work 75c op Gumb Trays and Brush 50c tip The Drawing For Opemny Day Pmes Resulted as follows : $10.00 Loving Cup Mrs. M. A. Warner $7,QA Rajah Vase i Mrs. J. Miller $2.U3 Stationary Mrs. M. Michaels $3.00 Box Cigars, L. B. Miller $2.00 " Cigars H. W.Shaw Cameras and Kodaks $t.0Q to $35.00 J And don't feel that you mustpay $35.00 to get a good one. The $1.00 Camera of today takes better pictures with less work than the $35.00 one did 10 years ago. For $5.00 we can outfit you completely Camera Developing Machine--and all the neces sary chemicals, etc. Hard to get more for $5.00 than this outfit. ; Crokinole Boards $1.00 up Checkers & Dominoes .10 up Board Games - .15 up Card Games .05 up ABCBlocks - . .05 up Cloth Dolls - .25 up Rubber toys, tops and hundreds of desirable games for children at equally low prices. Every Woman Wants China We have the daintiest pieces for decorative purposeThe Koyai Indian Ware; and hand painted plates, saucers and salad dishes for table use. Prices are 1-3 less than any you ever priced before for equal quality. Prices start at 50c. Especially Desirable For Presents .25 .50 .90 ginckumnH Camp No, 431, M. W. A at Logiin, at Its hint regular mooting;, Gift Books in white and gold covers " flexible leather " padded 41 Books in Silk Cloth Binding, gilt top .40 in be is, 2 vol, 5 vol, 10 vol, 15 vol - - - 1.25 up Silverware, Sterling and Plated, spec'l prices Fancy Stationery, in plain and fancy boxes - - 25c to $2.00 Lowney's Candies, in boxes 10c to $5.00 Perfumes in fancy bottles 25c to $5.00 $250 Worth of Pictures at Cost or Less A big shipment of fine pictures the best from an artistic point of view ever shown here has Just arrived. We refused it becattse It was delayedshould have been here a month ago. Theshippers said put them on sale at 33; per cent discount from regular prices and chargejthe loss to us. We have doneJt. At this writing Monday we have plenty; at the rate they are going, we'll have none In iO days. People simply can't resist these values. , Of course we include in this sale all our regular stock on hand. Any Picture in the Store 33 1-3 per cent, discount. r 'i-stnjam HUNTLEY BROS. CO. DRUGGISTS HUNTLEY BROS. CO. BOOKSELLERS HUNTLEY BROS. CO. STATIONERS