Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 16, 1904, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    I Our Correspondents' Corner
$ Bikf Bitt of CkMip From
. Correspondents are requested to re
Dew their work. W will furnish all
necessary stationery. The news from
your neighborhood should appear in
these columns every week.
Thnnksglvlng ovr, now pivpsrw for
Old Santa.
FrWl Wallace.! home for the winter.
Ida Eoynton and Mamie rvLaney
pent a few days In Ore-gnu City last
Bom, to the wife of Grant Ashby.- last
Monday, a eon. Mother and child are
doing fine.
Some surveying is being done on the
Mulvaney farm this week.
Mrs. F. Erickson. who haaen III! for
some time, la Improving very slowly.
Mrs. Woodslde called on Mra. Ashby
few days ago.
Mra. Daniels an daughter Kate re
turned home from Salfm a few days
ago where they had been visiting.
The school entertainment Saturday
night was a decided succeaa. The pro
eeeds will go towards fencing the school
Jot Mallat Is working for Iwls Stod
; Huntley Bros. Co. Recommends It Be
cause they know It cures.
"There are so many laxatives on the
market," says Huntley Bros. Co. "that
It la hard to tell which to recommend,
however. It Is a good deal of satisfaction
to know that there is at least one we
can recommend with every confidence."
Experience shows that Lax a Kola is
sum to benefit every one In need of a
mild, tonic laxative, and we ask our
customers to try it on our guarantee.
'Experience has taught us It doesn't
pay to deceive the people and mom
mend anything that might prove In the
least unsatisfactory, but we know Laxa
kola la all right and sure to do good."
"It Is the only liquid laxative In this
store that we are willing to sell with a
guarantee, and It tastes so nice that
children like It and ask for it."
If the baby is colicky, or fretty, or
teething, there is nothing will do so
much good as Laxa kola. Try N1C and U
It proves In the least disappointing we
will return your money.
Miss Mable Kenedy, of Mulino, and
Miss Thena Howard, were the guests of
Miss U Gans Sunday.
Mrs. A. l Jones, Mrs. N. Maule and
Grandma Maule. Mrs. R. Goucher and
Miss Gans were entertained, at dinner
Wednesday by Mrs. I. E. Jones.
There will be an entertainment and
social at the school house the latter part
of next month. Date will be given later.
Mrs. Emmott has been very sick the
past week.
Mrs. R. Schoenborn Is on the sli-k list.
J. J. Mallett Toad boss." District No.
1$. was doing some work on the road
near R. Uouche's Monday.
Chas. Spangler and wife were in Ore
gon City Monday on business
Mra. Em Jonrs calinl on t!i and-dad
Beebe and wife Monday.
The Mulino entertainment was a suc
cess proceeds $31.
A Pleasant Pill.
Living at an out of the way place, re-
mote from civilisation, a family Is often j
onven to oesperaxion in case or acci-
a? nis,t resulting in oums, cuts, wounas,
ulcers, etc. Lay In a supply of Buck-
len's Arnica Salve. It's the best on earth
25 cents at Howell & Jones drug store,
' !
Our school is progressing nicely undT
the management of Miss Mulkey. Her
sister commences teac hing the Dodge .
St'hool tiay.
Mrs. Kidgeway is quite III. having suf
fered t paralytic stroke.
Charles Bard and wife contemplate go
ing to California soon.
The Springwater Grange had Its an
nual election on the Kith Inst., the fol
lowing officers being elected: Master. A.
utcey. wvrrwer. caces; niewara.
R. Carey; Lecturer, Rex Gordon; Sec- 1
, I
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There is a disease frevailin. in thi. !
country most dangerous because so clecep- j
."111 I II rJl-TAtive. Manv sudden
'deaths are caused .
bv jt heart dis- ,
ease pneumonia
II K TIA lleart fai'ure or j
1 YrHrV Tr apoplexv are often ;
the result of kid- .
nev disease. If !
kidney trouble is !
allowedtoadvan.ee !
ed blood will at- ,
tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of : spec-table people.
fhe bladder, or the kidneys themselves 1 Our genial Postmuster, J, ('. Mar
break down ami waste away cell by cell. I iiiam. made a biiplness trip to Portland
Bladder troubles almost always result ; one day lust week. It Is rumored that
from a derangement of the kidneys and ho made a short visit to Salem, but I
. a cure is obtained nuickest by a proer am not authority for this part of the
treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel- aiHtement.
inff badly you can make no'mistake by The Epworth league of this place has
taktnglJr. ktlmer's Swamp-Root, the appointed a committee of four girls, to
great kidney, liver and Madder remedy i m , b (.an() d nu14
It corrects inamhty to hold urine pud for 1hP Xlnaf) tr,.e. and ,h ar(( m(H.
t"m'"'! 1 " V l'""""'S
comes that unpleasant necer.ity of being
compelled to go often through' the lav.
and to get up many times during the j
night. The mild an'd the extraordinary
effect of fiwamp-Root is soon realized. ,
It stands the highest fcr its wonderful
cures of the most distressing cases. ;
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is
sold by all druggists ill fifty-cent and :,,"'li'"f ' 'ailed for the purpose of talk-one-dollar
size bottles. Von n'lav have a ! '"8 "V"T the "dvlsHblllty of building a
sample bottle of this wonderful "new dis- ; nPW w'ho'1 h""8'- N"w- K"d l"-Pl.
covery and a Ijook that tells all about it, , """ 8Hk "f v""' wl" " y" " ' thl"
both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil- . meeting, to think of o-r rising gen'ia
mer &. Co., Binghamtou, N. V. When w,n '"" fat your vote, either for
writing mention reading this generous , "gainst a new school house. We are
offer in this paper. Don't make any : ivn yrs behind the times in the way of
mistake, but rememlier the name, Swamp- school houses an I fixtures, but there
Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the no exi use for s u b a state of a:Vys,
address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every 'or we are surrounced by a vast number
bottle, . w'" lo 'lo ,'ai mc-is. but as long hh
All Part of Um County. p
rwtary, Emma Shlbley; treasurer, John
Stormer; Chaplain, A. M. Shlbley; attest
ant stewurd. Earl Shlbley; lady awitntant
steward. ' Dell Outtrldge; Pomona. Edna
Miller; Seres, Mrs. A. Stormer; Klora,
Lews. Stoiiiier; gale keeper. Abe Stormer.
The young people of the Gran and
; the neighborhood will give a piny In the
near future.
The Presbyterian church will begin
special evangelistic meetings January 5,
m. Rev. Mllllgan, from Portland, will
SMut Pastor Allen. Everybody co'dlallv
ln Ited,
No More Suffering.
If you are troubled with Indigestion get
a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and see
how quickly it will cure you. Geo. A.
Thompson, of Spencer. Iowa, says: "My
case was almost helpless. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure waa recommended and I
used a few bottlea of Ifand It was the
only thing that relieved me. Would not
be without It. Have doctored with local
physicians and also at Chicago, and even
went to Norway with the hope of gett
ing some relief, but Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure Is the only remedy that haa done
me any good, and I heartily recommend
it. Every person suffering with Indi
gestion or Dyspepsia should use it."
Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
The season called Winter has arrived,
but brought very little of the weather
usually attending It. but the farmers are
very' well satisfied to have the winter
minus the weather, as they have had an
opportunity to do an unusual amount
of farm work which was very necessary.
The fall grain Is about all sown, There
are a great many acres being planted to
hops this year In this vicinity and It
begins to look as though some one ought
to start a wheat ranch In order to sup
ply tlje hop men with bread, for s year
or two until hops get cheap again.
Mr. Herbert Johnson and family con
temulate moving to Portland to embark
in the hotel business for a change, and
as Herb. Is a wholesouled fellow, and
as we are real well acquainted with him,
and as w are' real old acquaintances,
and have known him for & real long
time, and have been neighbors so long.
It makes us happy to think that we will
have a place to stop where we csn feel
at home when we go to Portland, which
we expect to. and go oftener and stay
longer, and In the meantime we hope
he will make his new venture a success.
Miss Grace Thompson spent Sundsy
with the Misses Grace and Beatrice
Mr. F. E. Fish and family visited with
the family of J. D. Rltter on Bunday.
The school board cleaned out the well
at the school house on Saturday and had
the broken window glass replaced with
new ones, also repaired the door locks.
Our literary society has re-organited
for the Winter and are In session every
Friday evening. We have several good
speakers, and besides the questions de
bated on. we have a program, rendered,
and listen to the reading of a very spicy
news paper called "The Gimlet" edited
heretofore by John Wachtman. but Is
now edited by Mr. Stuart, the plant
having changed hands recently
Driven to Desperation.
No Pill Is as pleasant and positive as
DeWltt's Little Early Risers. DeWltt's
LIUIe Early Risers are so mild and ef
fective that children, delicate ladles and
weak Deoole enlov their clennslnr efToot
wnle -tron y ,hy are ,he
pUs gold by Geo A Hardn.
The Ladies' Aid Society of Marquam
met Wednesday afternoon at the home
!of Mrs. Hattie Hibband.
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, of Wood-
burn, WPre visiting at the home of Mr.
an(i MrB. j. c. Marquam last Sunday,
Mr Ross Wilcox, of Palouse. Washlns-
ton. has been visiting friends and rela
tives of this place during the past week.
There will be a Christmas tree at this
place on Xmas eve. The Sunday school
will give a fine program and avery one
Is cordially Invited to attend.
Mr. A. R. Marquam of Tiller, Oregon.
has returned to tils home, after a short
visit with friends and relatives of this
A party of young lwople met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Hibbard. last
Friday evening. All report a good time. I
Mr. Omer Manitiam and Mr. Rons Wll- '
I cox. made a trip to Howell Prairie, to
: vlelt their aunt and cousins.
Mr- Kla,lk R'ddlngs and Mr. John
Hough mad. a business trip to Port-,
,and on day lu9t WP,'k' Mr' lmUn I
went tor l"e purpose or buying a noli-.
y ,"K'B; goods for ins store.
'"e ousiness nwuns oi me r.pwonn
iKf was held at Mr. George Bent- I
''' Tuesday evening. All report a
s"01 .
Mrs. B. M. Adams has sold her farm
to Mr. M. D. Leeabo, and J. A. Kidding.
We regret very much to lose Mrs, Ad-
ami as a neighbor, but we are glad that
her property has been sold to highly re-
in ,lth B,.ut -,.,,- Ths nc-r,i,l r,
Marquam are very liberal, and always
give freely towards a good cause,
j I have been Informed by responsible
' parties that the school board of Mar-
quam hue ported notices af.klng for tin
: call of a epeclal school meeting to be
held on the 31 day of December. Hald
these good people think more of the al
mighty dollar than they do the Interests
of tho community, w will find ourselves
with an old school house, and will still
be considered a back number, In the
way of educational matters. .
Startling Evidence,
Fresh testimony In great Quantity la
oonstsntly comm In, declaring Ir.
King's New Dlacovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, to be unequaled, A
recent expression from T. J. McFarland,
Dentorvllle, Va., serves as an example,
lis writes: "I had bronchitis for three
years and doctored all the time without
being benefitted. Then I began taking
Dr. King's New Discovery, and a few
bottles wholly cured me." Equally ef
fective In curing all Lung and Throat
troubles. Consumption, Pneumonia and
Grip, Gusrsnteed by Howell & Jonea,
druggists. Trial bottlea free, regular
slses (Do and 11.00.
Miss Clara Fancher spent Tuesday
with Mrs. Drayton.
Mr. and Mra. Johnson and little son
spent last week with the tatter's mother
Mrs. Mae Rivers.
Mr. John Achlson.of Oregon City, Is
taking part In the Christmas Cantata,
which the Sunday school Is preparing.
The painting which Miss Wilson pre
senled her pupils with. Is much praised
by all who see It. i
Abernathy Grange No. iM held Its reg- '
ular meeting last aSturday evening.
Owing, to not being able to get the.
rough lumber delivered, the work on the
Orange Hall had to be suspended until '
Thursday. (
Mr. Hayford la suffering with neural
Beware ot Counterfeits.
"DeWnt's Is the only genuine Witch
Hasel Salve" writes J. L. Tucker, of
Centre, Ala. 'I have used It In my family
for Piles. Cuts, and 'Bums for years, and
can recommend It to be the best Salve
on the market. Every family should
keep It. aa It la an Invaluable household
remedy, and should always be kept on
hand for Immediate Use." Mil. Samuel
Gage, of North Bush, N. Y., says: "I
had a fever sore on my ankle for twelve
ye&rs that the doctors could not cure.
All salves and blood remedies proved
a orthless. I could not walk for over
two years. Finally I was persuaded to
try DeWltt's Witch Hasel Salve, which
has completely cured me. It Is a wonder
ful rellew." DeWltt's Witch Hasel Salve
cures without leaving a scar. Sold by
Geo. ., Harding.
Mlsg Bessie Clark, who Is attend
ing high school at Portland was
home spending Sunday with her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Clark.
Mrs. Miller, who recently came from
Eastern Oregon. Is visiting her mother
Mrs. Stoker.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones attended
the funeral of the old Christian mother
Mrs. William Roberts, who died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Atia-
.Dfi DIG EST 1 012
"I wss trovblsd with
aohtroubls. '.Bedford's Black-
Drauiht did us more go4
la oas wmIc tbaa sll ths doc
tor's mscllcine I took la a
SUIRHELD.ElUtU-ilU, lad.
Tiiedford s Black Draught
q'lickly invigorates the ao
!ion of the stomach and
cure even chronic cases of
i ml ..est ion. If you will
take a "inall dose of Thed
ford Black Draught occa
sionally you will keep yoar
itomac- and liver La par
feet condition.
More sickness iicausad by
constipation than by any
other di-ae. Thedford't
Black-Uraiivht not only re
lieve nMnii;ation butcurea
diar-iiuu and dysentery aad
keej te bowels regular.
II drif-fi sell
!,- I packages. I
'ThedforJ"s Black-
Prau it is he brst medi-
cie t i-rw.ihte the bowclg
I li ive i vr irwl." MR3.
A. M i 1; AKT. Snaada
r'eiry, N. C.
Ths Bead of a Department of ths
Whiskey Habit
Office of ths Public Prlster.
t . WMblnfton, D. O., April ID, 1004.
Tb OmntCompinit, I DcarpwkUd.
W-nbmgtoo, D.O.
Ontlrao :Mj ttteatioa u riwDtlr lld to
onof thttmploTM of thin olfic who hij, tliruonh
hftbiuof lotoiic-tlDS drink, tweau so lnfflcint
u to b on th Tri(e of dimlnl. Yon will ti in.
torxtwl to know tint in ! wki not oolr tho
ppotito, bat prscticallr ll of tbt ordinr ilrui
of diulpttinn, dmtppatrsil, and I m taiurod hr
tbo InterMtwl that to "Orrluo" bclongt tlioerodtt
for thlmceUent rMMlt. It It plsuur to to
crknowlodK tho Tlu of ramodt which brlass
rooulu 10 boHeisl, Yourn r trnlr,
Take Orrlne quietly at home 1
Toenrt without ptlnt'i knowisdfro, bny Orrlas
No 1 ; for volunurjr treatment, bu Orrio Mo. 3.
Plies, $1.00 rsa Box.
t ' Curt effecUd or money refunded,
Book on "DrnnkenneM" (Mated) free on request.
Orrlne mailed (waled) on receipt of I1.0U by
The Orrlne Co., Inc., Washington, D. C.
Soil ud recommended by
r owell a. Joml'J, ntfi Suspension Bridge
Orecron City. Oieu-n
tin of Liberal, and waa burled at tho
1'rvHbyterlaa church 'of leaver Crwk,
on the 13(h Inst.
Mr, T. C. Thomas), who recently
came from Wardner, to live on his
place, li recovering from a fall he re
ceived some week ggo.
Mr. Thomas Is having blft Improve
ments: made on his place already, he
has had a kitchen addod to his house
and a general finishing tip of the
housii. This looks as If Mr. Thomas
really meant to mak his homo" here.
Miss Millar went to Portland to
apem.1 Sunday with her parcuts. .
Catarrh Cannot Cured
cannot reach ths seat of the disease.
Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional dis
ease, and In order to cure It you must
take Internal remedies, lull's Catarrh
Cure Is taken Internally, and acta directly
on, the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure la not quack medicine.
It was prescribed by one of the best
physicians In the country for ysara and
la a regular prescription. It Is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
Combination of the two Ingredients Is
what produces such wonderful results
In curing Catarrh. 1
Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prow. Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, price 7&o.
Take Hull's Family PI I la for constipation.
Mr. and Mra. Rounchuck, of Oregon '
City, called on the Uohlander family'
lust Sunday. j
Jacob Welduer butchered hogs for:
Jacob Hermann this wet k.
Ralph llowand and the Thomas
Brothers went out on a coon hunt
last week and had good luck. 1
D. K. MiH'linKe has been aiuolutd '
malt carrier on the loop route. ,
Wtn. Thomas made a pleasant call ;
at Macksuurg last week. , j
Luke Duff and (1. Stableus called
on the Thomas Ilrothom one day this
J. Uohlander bad a lively runaway,
last week, although no serious damage '
was done. i
Will Hughes, of Astoria, la visiting ,
relatives here now.
J. U. Ilhihm visited Ray gtaben last '
Friday. j
L. Luelling bought a new horse last
A few Beaver Creek sports attend
ed the basket social at Mulino last I
week. I
The funeral of Mrs. VVm. Roberts,!
was largely attended. Mr. Shank was'
the undertaker. j
Mrs. Tremalne Is expected home In
a short time.
A Studeman visited the metropolis
last week. There must be some attrac
It Is too wet for much news to be
(W. L. Block
I The Homefu rnisher
Well, Santa Claus has come and can be found at W. L.
Block's store, corner of Main and 7th streets. Noto
surely there is not a little girl in Oregon City who ever
saw such a variety of dolls, all sizes and all prices. A '
very large stock to select from, in fact the largest stock
in the city. Come at once. Don't delay, if you want
to get your pick.
We also have Side Boards, Extension Tables,
China Closets, Combination Book Case,
Morris Chairs, Hall Trees, Fine Art Squares,
Carpets and Rugs. All make a beautiful
Holiday present. The finest line of Crock
ery and Hand Painted China in town.
A Special of
Seventh and Main Streets, Oregon
-a.,, -.....m.ii,.h
I r: fl
AM'Celdbltf Prr pat-Alton ror As
slmilatiiia iticFtHklniulUctfula
Litg (Jic Stoinnchs ond Dowels til
Troiiwlcs Digcsllon-ClkTrful-neasaivlRi'si.ContaUM
th)ium,Monliiue norXiitcral.
Not Narcotic.
ff,tu r.V4M TLftraan
Apeifccl Remeily forronsllrt
lion , Sour Stomach. Diarrt-HTt
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ncss aim1L080F SlJERI".
facsimile Si'nnlurt of
- "S ii i inni jSjH"
on fHt, hut we hear a rumor that the!
wedding Invitations are out. and In
conseiitnre us boys are cleaning our .
guns and looking with critical eye
to the biggest cow bell and brightest
5 gallon cans. ,
Mrs. Parker Is still visiting her i
daughter. Mrs. Powell. j
Mr. John HohnU was again very
gbcai-llfalbrOWlOrriCliblaCk? USC
5 Per Cent OH on
i",w - ,'sfn"isfiriirtiti i
c -
For Infants ami Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
For Over
Thirty Years
ths smw mm, w frt.
sick last week. Ills daughter Katie
from Portland Is visiting him.
Mr. and Mrs, (Inge entertained a
number of their neighbors to dinner
last Humlay,
........ ,
Walking hats and every article In
millinery reduced. Miss C. Hold-
The dote It one, )uit one pill
bedtime, bugir-coatcd,
mild, certain.
They ci
I.ll. M
urt t cis. s ssvwums as a . au t ea. suaSA, a a
- - r -a hi in By.
L. Block 1
Homef at nisher I
Holiday Goods
Homef urn isr
City, Oregon