Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 16, 1904, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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    PAGE 10
trsildnt RooMvvtt will PrM th Ktys
Five Thousand Mile Away.
. ronland. Pjo. t Electrical experts
are at work upon an extremely novel
feature for the opening exercise of the
Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition
on June 1. next. The scheme Is to have
President Roosevelt, at Washington,
touch a few keya and set In motion the
chlmea In the towers of the Government
Building at the Exposition. The chimes.
300 feet above the water will play "My
Country 'Tta of Thee." The sound will
carry a great distance owing to the fact
that the Government Building la located
on a peninsula in Guild's Lake, half a
mile from the mainland. Arrangements
have, already been made to have Presi
dent Roosevelt touch a button that will
set In motion the machinery 'or the
Western World s Fair, and It la thought
there will be no difficulty In arranging
for the additional feature of the chimes.
Ordinary household accidents have no
terrors when there's a bottle of Dr.
Thomas Electric Oil tn the medicine
chest. Heals burns, cuts, bruises, sprains.
Instant relief.
Urlp Quickly Knocked Out.
Some weeks ago during tha sever
winter weather both my wife and myself
contracted severe colds' which speedily
developed Into tha worst kind of la grippe
with all Its miserable symptoms." says
Mr. J. 8. Egleaton of Maple Landing, la.
"Knees and Joints aching, muscles sore,
head stopped up, eye and nose running,
with alternate spells of chills and fever.
We began using Chamberlain' Cough
Remedy, aiding the same with a dose of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets, and by tta liberal use soon com
pletely knocked out the grip." These
Tablets promote a healthy aotlon of the
bowels, liver and kidneys, which Is al
ways beneficial when the system la con
rested by a cold or attack of tha grip,
Cor sal by Geo. A. Harding.
The HrUlge of Nations at the Lewis
& ('lurk Exposition, which connects the
Government Peninsula and the mainland
Is more than two thousand feet long.
Work on the Government Building at
the Lewis ft Clark Centennial, la pro
grossing rapidly, and the building will
be completed by April 1st.
$ $
In the experimental gardens, located
In the western part of the Lewis A Clark
Exposition grounds, all manner of West
ern products will be exhibited a they
actually grow. This Is a new feature In
The walls of the Forestry Building at
the Lewis &. Clark Centennial are now In
place, and workmen are busy putting on
the roof. The building has proved In
teresting beyond all expectation to early
visitors at the Fair grounds. .
Jeweler from many western cities
have sent orders fur I.ewl & 'Clark
souvenir gold dollars to be used as
Christmas gifts, The coins are being
mounted and used us tie and scurf plus,
watch charms, brooches, and In many
other ways.
$ 4 $
Roosevelt avenue, which skirts the
shore of the Government Peninsula at
the Lewis & Chirk Ccntcnnlul, Is the
only road named after a living Ameii
The shady driveway In Centennial
Park at the U'wls & Clark Fair have
been named after western states, being
known as Idaho. Avenue, Wyoming Ave
nue, and Montana Avenue.
Three water tower, each sixty foet
high, will supply water for emergency
use at the Lewis & Clark Centennial.
The towers will be covered with vines
which will Completely conceal the wood
work. The National Association of Stat
tVitry snd Food Departments, consisting
of about 300 delegates, will hold Its next
convention at t'ortlund In June, during
the Lewis A Clark Centennial.
The brans statue of Sacajawea, the
Indian heroine, will b located In the
center of Columbia court, tho central
ulna of the Exposition. The status will
faoo th West,
If you want toittth
bliMMl return
your labor snd
your around
you oan't alford
plant nilthing but
th -.,
the UMdsH altar Vt Jin'
mi. TU.jp alwuy yrmluea
lb lsrMtt anil lurwl
oniin. All dealsniMll
Olh.oi. Our le j-".
Need Aaasal S
Iras ua rvua, I 1
FRANK BUSCH Tk mauas&arfcAbjiir
ranr. a ttttw
It is out intention to give out friends and pat
tons dating the holiday season strictly wholesale
ptices on furniture. As you know, we ate tun
ning a well equipped furniture factoty with up
to date machinery and can turn out furniture
just as cheap as any factory in the land. We
let the following items speak for themselves
This lare sue Kuieau
like cut, (mi lutl in
M-'ovanv French
Level plate
This arjie bize' Bureau
just like tut Freuc i
bevel plHte, finishe'l in
golden fir
Tnt large Mte Bureau
just like cut, French
l.eti plate, finish!
natural wood.
This Hardwood Glass
Safe finished in Mahog
any golden maple or
white maple, would lie
an ornament for your
dining room, only
''ft !smT Jj '
Our CbilTonier has five large easy run
ning drawers and cost
Wardrobe Cotich
This I on Bed
Our Writing Desk is the
most attractive piece
of furniture on the
floor, stands 4 ft. loin.
All Glassware sold at
We Are Still Here
While the recent fire did great damage to our furni
ture factory, our main store was unharmed and we con
tinue to give the people of Clackamas county the best that
is to be had in the furniture line. ' Our holiday offerings'
are unmatchable and in trading with us you are not only
getting full value for your money but you are encouraging
home industry.
fefjl r
Kitchen Sates
We are manufacturing five differ
ent kind-) and sell them as cheap as
Six Fine 'Dinning Room chairs,
high back, solid bottom (or
fr-- .slZX'Trfa-
Regular $10 value, now $7.C0
Extei.si 11 Tables, r-und and squaie, from
$4.50 up
Morris Chairs, $6.50.
It Is a departure from other rotary mo
tions. The gear Is the strongest lever
age known, therefore the operation of
the same Is the easiest. Strain of cast
InKS not known In this gear, henee
breakage Is eliminated. Ha locking
hinge gear, which lock the machine
when open or closed.
Let us
all your
Cotton Felt Mattresses
The cleanest and purest of all. The
general he. 1th depends a great le..l on
how we sleep. In order to be able to do
a good day's work wemui-t be freshened
up by a good night' rest on a c omfort
able mattress A g od mattress means
good sleep and goo health Cotton
Felt Mattres-es that are sold for $14.00
cun ce bought here for $ia 00 higher
grade ones for $15 00 and $16.00 We
have other made of different material as
cheap a i 50.
75c to
$6.00 per pair
We have a limited number ol x
these $1.75 Cobbler Seat t
Rockers and sell them still at
(f cn f
$7.50 j
Hardwood Leaf Table WQ( f
Better than a cheap extension yjSvi, T
$4.00 IWW Y I
extra large size. Vt T1" 111 n
Library Tables . . 1
' Art Square B
Top a feet by 3 feet and drawer H wool m
$2.00 9X11 I
$10.80 I
Side Boards f
and Buffets $o I
Mee what we offer for LVIVfN Z
$J5.00 p I
Center Tables, 24 Inch top Rugs 3 ft x 6 ft A
$2.00 $J.75 I
& ( A $45.00 - i
ti akt i steel Range A
".r?r for $30.00 Cash I
kx-rd 'd' ' '. ' I Just like c,lt' 18 inch I
i i ( iIZSm oven' A11 the 8uarautce f
1 1 I 1 r !L ', yu B8k t' Be good to S
81 fKwr . CTEE yourself and family and X
f frriTll - J put one in your kitchen, I
M I I I I L - .at .m-M 1 Tllere l nonB beltcr- 1