Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 16, 1904, Image 1

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VOL 31.. NO. I.
Main Street, Oregon City,
IS aor of level land on Mill Creek,
U mile from Oregon City, half
mil to f!hool 40 ors In eultlva
lion 10 acre fr.no d. 40 aorea light
clearing two living creek run
through tli pin. 1669,00 fiow
dwelling, 1 roqma two barno, and
other good out-building T head of
eattie, 10 Ion hay, spun horses,
wsgon, harness, I doutn chickens,
rid all farming tool,
Prlc $2floo. Very ohtip. Term
Eighty acrsfart of Ran FMrlok
Un a old plana at Highland, to a-cret
In good cultivationliving creek
fruit only fair building. A No. 1
bargain at 1)349; ltx down, bal
ance III t year tint at I per cant
S. A. aloWieery placa, t mil from
Highland. Tt aorea, !t aarea In cut
tlvatlon all good aoll, llunnlng
water. On and ono-half a ore or
chard. Uood dwelling, rooms,
cost IIIOO. Oood barn and out
building. Pile 12104, With team. I
head tattle, and barn Implements,
00; M40.M down, balance I
On hundred and slaty aero In High
land. 120 act (aval, good aoU, all
fenced. 40 acre In cultivation, run
ning atream through tha place,
water In all (lelda, I aor orchard,
4 -room boa houao, barn 44(10, 10
aorta In clover, 10 acre In grain
and vegetables, great Outrange, 1
mile to Caaadoro, 1( head of slock
with Increase, all for t:0O; half
down, balance In I year at I per
cent pr annum.
Two hundred and fifty aero atock
ranch, rolling enough for good drain
age, aoll good. 10 aarea In cultiva
tion, 10 aorea mora slashed and
City property for sale In Oregon City and Gladstone at lowest rates
We are selling lands In Clackamas county and desire some choice bar
gains for sale, especially do we need some farms from $1000 to $2000
If you don't see what you want In the above list, write at once and get a
full list to select from. ., , , , ? .n t t
tMTBaCT.orraoriaTV resstaasn
Utn to Oregon Cltv Kah-rpri.
DR. E.T. 1'AltKP.R
Successor to Dr. Ixv
Acute and chronic diseases. Nervous dis
orders. Women's and children' a 41a
aees a specialty. Offlo hours a. m.
to I p. m. Comultatlon frea, Room
11-14 Oanl Uldg., Oregon City.
Collections, Mortgage Foreclosure. Ab
stracU of Title and General Law Bus
iness. Office over
Bank of Oregon City,
Oregon City, Or.
Attorneys at Law.
pcutfcijer 9vokat
. Will practice In ail conns, make oollectiout
ana tfitlaniriiti of Ksiatet.
Furnlnh ahetracii of title, Ifntl yon tnonry
an t leu I y ir m ni"y on tlrit m irgi(.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Attohnky at Law.
Juslicc ui tht IVace.
.1. Kner Bltlg., Oregon Ciy
bioh City, Oaaooit.
Wlllpraotlcoin allthoouruelthtat. 01
doe, lu Ciiuflisia oui dlus.
IMrnlih Ahatraots of THIa, Loan Money,
rorooiosa Mortgagee, and transact
General Law Business.
Lnani mado. Bill! dtsoounted, Make i dl
leotlom. UuytandielUaxchaiiKeon all point.
In th United B'atei. Kiiroiie ami Nona k
pepmlti reoolved mb eot to check.
tpon from 9 A.M. U4 r. M.
O C. LATOl'RKTTK. Prondcnt,
t i MEYKR Cfthl
233 Washington Street, Portland, Or.
burned, nd could b put In' jultl
vetion for HO por aor, batar m paa
turo land, email oreek runa through
th place, f living aprlnga, I acre
orchard, l-room bog houoa, oovered
with ru.tlo. painted, 1 tie-half
tory, big homo mad barv 10x40,
ahedded all round, larg outrang on
main road U mllea from Op ion City
on and on-half mllea fror Wllholt
flprlng. $20 per aor; J 00 down,
balance on long tlm at alii per cent
per annum.
Stock and timber. Xt 'ja, T. I S
It. I B.one mil from Molalla rlvr
and on iln of Ktenelin of nmior
railway, 100 aorea level. ;o aor
fenced, 10 aorea in eultlvat'ott, no
houae, barn 1071, living water. 100
acre heavy timber, fir and cedar,
valuable, would cruls Bv million
or mor feet of good, merchantable
timber, bealdeo piling, i-t mile from
school great outrang, IT mllea to
Oregon City, perfect title. Prlo
111.19 par aorai 11090 cash; balano
In t year at par cant Interest.
Eighty-acr fruit and vegetable farm
at Canby on Una of Southern Pacific
railroad, all level H aorea In nice
cultivation. All fenced, border on
Molalla river. II acres prune In Al
condition. It acre peachea. 4 aorea
apple. I acre atrawberrlea, l-room
tram dwelling, huge barn, 40ct0,
prune dryer, tint, ooet 1I00, gran
ary, warehouse, 1-1 mil to school,
1-1 mile to railroad station, on mile
to steamboat lauding. To go with
place: 1 apan ttorsea, I oowa, chick
en. I plow, wagon, hack, harrow,
mower and all other farming Imple
ment and growing crop al tlm of
al. Jrlo $1000; $.000 oaah, bal
ance In I y.are at I per oeiU tntereat
Make Known Yotst Wants
I Am Prepared to Supply Them
That's my business. I have a complete line of new and
second-hand furniture that can't be equalled in quality and
price. A specialty made of furnishing house keeping outfits.
Anything in Furniture, Orpets, Crockery, Hardware Glass
ware or Grsniteware new and second hand yon are sure to
buy afier inspecting my stock.
Brunswick House & Kestaunmt
, Newly Furnished Rooms.
Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite Suspension Bridge. .
Only First Class Restaurant '
In Town
We aie in a posi
tion to eav you
from 10 to 20 per
rent, on uintortak
fr's Hiippliea of
which vnrry a
outiiplMte Htock.
R. L. H O LM N
Ollloe: One dotir south .of Uourt House tir at Cluai Store opposite Bank 5
of OieKOti Oily,
Enterprise for
Stock farm lnvtmant. 144 acre
two mllea from th termlnu of O.
W. P. dt fly Co. Iln at Sprlngwatar,
160 acre In cultivation, whole plaoo
fenced, 10 acre In clover, 14 acre
orchard, two million feet good mar
ehantabla timber, thre fin living
springs of pur water, small dwell
Ing, larg new barn 10x14, outrang
of elkweed and pea vln for a thou
sand had of atock, about 40 bead
of cattle, span horses, wagon, new
binder, and all farming tools with
present crop for $30 per acre; very
asy term. Oood school and grow
ing neighborhood.
Two hundred and twenty-flv aor
at Logan, I miles du aaat of Or- i
on City, It mllea from Portland, 100
acres In cultivation, 10 acre mor
nearly ready to break, I aarea prun
orchard, who! placa fenced, moun
tain trout stream running through
the ranch, sevsral large spring,
ream dwelling, I rooms, eoat WOO,
poet barn, I miles to cheea factory,
earn distance to creamery that sella
$1000 worth of butler a month, acbool
on-Quarlr mile; splendid neigh
borhood. $$0 per aor. Term to
Thre hundred and forty-nln acres
of level, rich soil. In Marlon county.
I mllea from Wood bum, 20 a area
In good cultivation, free from stump
and rocks, balanoa In pasture, whole
placa fenced and eroaa fenced, on
fair old dwelling, I rooms, two larg
bams, other outbuilding conven
ient to place, ala acres orchard. 1
aorea hope, on quarter mil to
achool, title perfect Prio tit par
aor; term mad to utt th pur
chaser. This Is a rare bargain.
J 3 ')
We are under
small ezp nue.
Have no middle
men to pay, own
our liear-ie and
will treat you fair.
Onk Prick to All
. Undertaker & Embalmer
Job Printing
Larg Audience Knjoy Scholarly Ad
dress of Ipeaker. lynopel
of Lecture,
A larg" audience greeted tllcknell
Young, a nwrnlK-r of th Board of Ic
turfuhlp of th Christian BcUrnce de
nomination, at the First Congregational
church last Saturday night. There were
prewtit many of Oregon City's moet
cultured people who pronounced Mr.
Young a brilliant lecturer. Many went
to hear tha lecture became of thrtr faith
In the creed, others because of curios
ity while there were a great many others
who went although prejudiced agalnut
Chrletlan 8:lenc and what It teachea.
But It was a nollcable fact that all re
mained until the cUnm of tha lecture.
Mr. Young I a very able lecturer and
gave perhaps the clearest and moat sat
isfactory exposition of Christian Science
that was ever afforded the people of
Oregon City. The lecturer was Intro
duced by II. U Kelly. Th following Is
a brief svnnpKls of the lecture:
H'hrlatlun Science may be defined a
the science of all that relate to God.
and Is sclenc not only In relation to
healing, but as corrective In relation to
all the problems of existence. Accepted
theories of religion and science have
acoffed at the aanoclatlon of these words,
but reason and logic show conclusively
that science must relate to truth, snd
therefore to God. since God Is th cause
and basis of sll thaUls true.
"Christian Science, doe not proclaim
a new Ood nor a new law, but come
declaring the same Ood. and the same
law that Jeeus declared, the one Infinite
eternal God, who Is good, and his good
and unchangeable law. Christian Sci
ence declares the omnipotence, omnisci
ence, and omnipresence of Ood as do all
other denomlnatlnna, and upon that ba
sis shows that evil has no power, know
ledge or presence; In other words, that
It Is unreal.
"Christian Science never ascribes evil
to God or makes Htm in any way re
sponsible for it, but shows that evil
originates In a belief of material exist
ence entirely apart from God. and un
supported by science or Truth. Of all
people, Christian Scientists believe most
absolutely In Christ. They accept th
teachings of Christ Jesus without reser
vation. They declare that his command
t heal the sick la aa binding as that to
preach the gospel, and that there Is no
evidence that It was Intended for his time
only. It was scientific religion that heal
ed the sick In the time of Jesus and his
dlaclplea, and it doea the same work now,
and must always do It, sine his life and
-Vorli were an example for all ttme, and
his method was a universal and Impor
table heritage of man. '
What Chrlttian Selene Meant.
"The steps of salvation In Christian
Science are not unusual. Aa In other
denominations they Involve the admis
sion or conviction of sin, sorrow for
wrongdoing, or repentance or reformation
manifested In a corrected life. Salvation
In Christian Science, however. Includes
exemption from sickness, want and woe,
aa well as from sin. It is not contin
gent upon death, but Is a way of life, a
way of righteousness. Christian Sci
ence Is founded upon the Bible. The
Christian 8clence Text Book. "Science
snd Health with Key, to the Scriptures"
by Mary Baker G. Eddy, la a commen
tary upon the Bible. Other denomina
tions have commentaries, but no other
book In the world haa ever accomplished
aa much as this one. Thousands of
people have testified that they have been
I healed, aomo of them of so-called Incur
' able diseases, through the perusal of
1 this book. In some Instances this teatl
i mony has been given In courts of law,
and has not been In the least shaken by
crosa-rxamlnatlon. Many of these cases
Involved the most terrible disease
known to mankind, ttuch as cancer, tu
berculosis, locomotor ataxia, and In other
lustnnces such diseases as asthma, hay
fever, St. Vitus' dunce and others.
"It Is erroneous to suppose that
Christian Scientists deny the reality of
things. They affirm the eternnl exist
ence of all things, and that they exist In
the divine mind In their perfect Indi
viduality and prc-per order. They deny
the materiality of things, Including all
the discordant conditions that material
things manifest.
Not Opposed to Doctors.
"Christian Scientists are In no wise
arrayed agnlnxt , those who believe In
materia medlca. They were all believers
In It themselves until they found In
Christian Science a more efficacious way
of healing. This way they believe to be
the very best one, because It Is God's
way aa shown In the works of Jesus.
Although charitably disposed toward those
who practice materia medlca, It Is a well
known fact tfrat materia medlca la mere
ly an experimental system. Surely after
four thousand years It ought to be be
yond this stage. Furthermore, It Is a
self confessed condition of weakness that
combinations of medlcul societies and the
mdtciil fraternity generally should come
before our legislatures demanding spec
ial legislation, the tendency of which Is
nlmoHt Invariably to shut out all other
systems. Nor can any valid excuse be
given, as far as ChrlBtlon Science Is con
corned, on the ground of protection to
the public, sclnce the Christian Scien
tists do not advertise nor sanction quack
ery, and they believe In obeying the regu
lations of health boards In relation to
contagious and other diseases.
How Disease Is Cured.
Those who bollove that mentality plays
some part In disease and Its cure gener
ally look in the wrong direction, and say
that the cures of Christian Science are
effected by mental aufrfrestlon, hypnot
ism, will power, mental science, which
Is spurious und not related to Christian
Science, or to some other erroneous or
material belief. Christian Science, how
ever, doclures that It Is God who heals
diseases through Christian Science, and
they of all people know best.
Th Dlscovsrer and Founder
"We scarcely dare to think what the
world would have been had not there
appeared from time to time a man or
woman good enough and great enough
to b touched by eternal truth, and
brav and self-sacrificing enough to
stand for it Mr. Eddy discerned and
proclaimed to the world the Ood-gtven
freedom of the race from all sickness
sin. want and woe. She revealed the
science by which men may begin to re
alise that freedom and enter upon thlr
heritage of dominion over evil. Some
time this knowledge had to come. Ac
cording to the promise of Jesus It was
to be the spirit of truth. Some one had
to be good and pure above all .others In
order to perceive It. Any great discovery
along a given line is always made by ne
whose thoughts, desire, and studies, are
reaching beyond those of other people.
"That Christian Science has a place
In the world's thought today Is due en
tirely to Mrs. Eddy. There was a time
when she stood absolutely alone with
Ood, and Incurred the ridicule of Ignor
ance and the hostility of theoretical
forms of religion and material mode of
medicine because of her discovery of
Christian Science, Today the whole world
is uplifted by her teachings and example,
and because of It, human thought la
rising somewhat from the depth of
gross materialism. These are tu simple
facts. 1 should consider It presumptuous
to praise Mrs. Eddy. A character touch
ed by the deepest humility and Illumined
with love to God and compassion for
man Is Chrlstllke; It needs no eulogy.
Her life Is an open book wherein are re
corded only good deeds. The sign of
these times are prophetic. They point
to the gratitude to God that la appear
ing In the hearts of men for the life and
works of the leader of this great move
ment, destined aa It la to accomplish the
r herniation of mankind." (
All-Barclay Wins At Football by Score
of 10 to 0.
Before a large number of spectator at
Willamette Falls grounds last Saturday
afternoon, the All-Barclay football eleven
subdued the Ninth Grade team by a
core of 10 to 0. The officials for the first
half were Wilkinson, umpire; and Caiiflf,
referee, but In the second half, Jack
Caufleld succeeded Wilkinson aa umpire.
Mr. Cole kept time and saw that neither
side worked over time. The game was
quite an Interesting one and waa much
enjoyed by the many friends of the two
competing teams. It has not been de
cided whether a return game will be
played or not. The two teams lined up
as follows:
Seller ,
Xehren "
Position Ninth Grade
Center Joehnke
full back Todd
left half back Cole
right half back Wood
quarter Latourette
, left end
right end "
left tackle
' right tackle
left guard
right guard
' Eaton
Salem Passes Resolution.
At a recent meeting of the Commercial
Club of Salem, the following resolution
was adopted:
"Whereas, the Willamette river la a
great public highway In the State of
Oregon, and haa been navigated by steam
vessels ever since the settlement of this
country, and
"Whereas, for years the Government
the United State has assumed juris
diction over the same and appropriated
money for the Improvement thereof, and
"Whereas, the locks at the falls of
the Willamette at Oregon City, are own
ed by a private corporation and tolls are
charged all vessels for the freight and
passengers carried by them through the
same, which Is a great embargo upon
the commerce of the Willamette valley,
"Whereas, "It haa been the policy of
the Government to make all navigable
rivers free, ,
"Now. therefore, be It
"Resolved, by the Greater Salem Com
mercial Club, that our Senators and Rep-
resentatlves In Congress be requested toi at any time before, the merchants of
use all honorable means In their power Oregon City have offered the people of
to secure an appropriation to either pur- this city so large an assortment of
chase or acquire by condemnation the Christmas goods to make selections from
said locks at Oregon City, and thereafter as they have provided this season,
maintain and operate the same, so that There is no legitimate excuse for going
no charge shall be made vessels or pro- j to Portland, for your Christmas pur
ducts passing through said locks, and ! chases. Local prices cannot be equalled
be It further j and the only way to encourage the enter-
"Resolved, that a copy of these resolu- prise that Is being shown by home mer
tlons be sent to our delegation In Con- i chants this year Is to patronise the horn
Kress." ' dealer. It will pay in the long run.'
Baking Powder
Menkes CleeLtv Bred
With Royal Baking Powder there is
no mixing with the hands, no sweat of
the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest
facility, sweet, clean, healthful food.
Full instructions in the " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook
book for making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake
with Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address.
Penslty and Interest T Amount of
$11M.J5 Coi;U(l.-43.9l
Allowed In Rebate.
On the 190 J tax roll for Clackamas
county representing taxes to the amount
of 1213.743. M. there remains delinquent
and unpaid only 12112.04. This condi
tion of last year's tax roll waa shown by
report made by Sheriff Shaver to th
County Court last Saturday, when the de
linquent roll was ordered published.
pur Ing the year Sheriff Shaver levied
and collected sheriffs assessments ag
gregating II 23. 19. penalty and interest
to the amount of $1164.35 was collected
while rebates aggregating were
allowed. The roil Included double assess
ment and errors amounting to 11681.45.
The total amount of taxes actually col
lected and turned Into the county treas-
j ury amounted to something over $207,000.
I A summary of Sheriff Shaver's report
J to the County Court is as follows:
i DR.
To total taxes to be collected, $212,743.81
Sheriff's Assessments, 1,263.0$
Penalty and Interest Acrulng, 1.164.3$
Total $21S,173.81
Sheriff's Ass'm'ts Collected. $ 1,236.1$
Collected on roll. 200.I36.S3
Penalty and Accruing Interest. l.lt(.3
Rebate Allowed, t,S3.9$
Poll Tax Sworn Off. 22 M
Double Assessments and Errors, 1.881. 4S
Taxea Delinquent and Unpaid, 4,734.(1
Ben Barstow, of Coal Creek. I Fatally
Crushed Whil Logging.
Ben Barstow, a farmer living on Coal
Creek, was fatally injured In an acci
dent last Tuesday, from the results of
which ha- died Sunday morning at 4
o'clock. The funeral wss held Monday,
Interment at Scott's Mills.
The details of the accident and eon
sequent suffering are harrowing In th
extreme. It seems that last Tuesday he
and another man were getting out saw
logs, and were hauling them over to a
skldway leading to Coal creek. While
hauling a big log over a rough piece of
ground It made an unexpected turn and '
caught Mr. .Barstow, who fell while the
log rolled onto him. dragging for half It
length acroea the hips and groins of tha
unfortunate man before the team could
be stopped. Mr. Barstow, waa alone at
the time and when his helper Anally ar
rived he was unable to remove the heavy
log. and the only thing to do was to haul
the tog off. with the team, and this waa
done. The injured man could not atand
to be carried, so he was dragged by th
arm for about 300 yards, put on a sled
and hauled home nearly a mile away.
Medical aid waa hastily summoned, and
an examination proved that the bones
In the hips were mashed and the lower
part of the abdomen was crushed, caus
ing serious Internal injuries. He appear
ed to be Improving at ft ret, but he waa
gradually falling, and said himself that
he had not long to live. Saturday night
and Sunday morning he appeared quit
cheerful and waa telling stories and jokes
to a circle of friends and relatives. Sun
day morning he said: "Let my boy coma
In to rubber at me too." He called hla
oldest daughter, a child of about four, hi .
"boy." When ahe came In he took her
hands, pressed them to his face and fell
back on the pillow dead.
Mr. Barstow waa about 35 year old
and leave a wife and three little girls,
the youngest only two weeks old. Au
rora Borealls, Dec. 10.
Without going Into details or giving
Individual mention, the Enterprise can
truthfully say that it has been years If