OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1904. PACE 4jf ...Short Sidehead Stories... ? TI!KHIU.VTOLO TAl.tlS OP TMB WUtJK'A DOINOs. 4ft Thurber Wti ateleaaad.--Falllne; to And ny Im'tlmliittilna: avlilcnrn hkhIiidI Juk Thtirbur, of Itila Pity, who wm arri-etd at t'ortland luat Hiimliiy on mitil im of havlns; muidorad Clam-fa Jnyoa In thin city laat Rummnr, Clilnf of Pollne 'flume rot tinted to natron City Inat , Monday tight without Tliuruar, who Wll dlH 'hnrund ly the I'wllmtd aiilhorltln. Joy re vnt i h mmi who wa found In the rwllar nt a IhchI Induing Iioiinh nnly on iiiotiilnn luHt utirnmnr. II win In itn unumiiH'ImiN aiata, til ktill having hci-n fraulurad, Ho dlrd In. for ri'iiliilii con elutiaiiiaa. The nlnht tirwtidlna, n room adjoining Ihnt mx'tipM by Joyr-e u rntntpil mid ruhhfd of soma money itnd gold wsth, Mitre fonMrall mutiny Witt found on JoytVe person, It We euanartrd ttittt on Morning to 111 room on ilia night of tha rtiiry, he had luti-rif (ifrd the burglar, who at rin k Joyro deadly blow M the moet rffuctlv mrana of diirying any evldm aa to the Mrwimtor of th theft, Hhortly flr the Inoldonl Tlttirbar lft the olty. Il wit liniiinllulrly miiici'ii-(1 tind wim plitiVd unlr polio atirvilllanr that ra. etiltad In hid arrrat laat Hnnday nftr noon, , Mora Dem.alle Infelicity, In a dlvorcw tilt filed a few day ego, K, M, Itulltie cliaig.e W, J. ltulitm with Bdultery and denertlon. Th partln went married In April, ! The iilnliillff nam Alio ItlrW. of T I'nlon Avenue, Portland, aa the parly who la renponallile for her die. tttrbvd domi-atli' rlallaia, Hlie alao wanla a mottilt for the aiitort of liemelf and minor rhlld and iiaka the court to reiilr thl rontrltmtlon from the htieltMtid who la rraolarly entiiloyed at IT! a month, firm mount Womlworth la i'htitfl with habitual and Kiiwa drunkeniivaa In a dlvortt, ault that waa filed aaalnat him by Dorlla Woodworlb, whom b marrlfd In tK-lotwr, IIW2. In the clrmilt court In tlw atlll of llermanti Vorpahl va. I.lanle Vorahl. the dlvonw trre waa ntiKlirli'd to the eti'Oi that l.y.Ua, mliwr child who waa awar.l, to tha mother, bavin developed Into an tneorrlaahle lad. wa ordered vommltted to the Hoy' and (lltl'a Aid KoHely at IVrtlaK'l. 6m car Clactad.-At Ha laat meeting. Tualatin Hive. No. a. IjtOIca of the MaH-atee. rHt-lved a vlatt from their tata commander, Mra. N. II. l-ambaoii. of Portland, The follow Inn otttcar Wrre vlwtod for the enauliiK year; P. I ('., Kvetyn lnrllni I C, Nora Pluinmer; 1.1. '.. t'lant Kaldoif; It. K.. Vila Tate; Y. K.. Anna I'ahl; Chaplain, Mary V. Howell; Hreitit, Maile ll,l, M at A,, pearl iiinman: Hentlnrl, Julia Harry; Picket. Ilattle Haker, Want Mlaaatl ok At a ronrpKa t tonal meeting of tha membera of the Drat Praabytarlan Church laat week, a rail waa leaned aaklng for tha return of Hrt V, A, Mlaaell to the paetorata of tha church. At a recent meeting of the ''' et I'reahytery of thin dlatrii-1, nv. M!x"ll wim rtlli'Vtxl of thtt pitKloititr of the Ore gon City rlinri'lt b-raii of a niiiito vciny lii'tw'n tlio lotMtor and the inrni hi'in of the mttiniglng board of the church. Ili'V, Mlxacll In ttow tngugd In mlaalon. ury work and la located tit linker City Hint Hninit,'r, Damurrar wat OvarruUd.-In the lo- lunntlon mii It hroiiKh anulnat the Oicnon City council by Mr. H. A. Cline to re Uln that body from puaaluir an ordl tiiiuce RiantlnK to the ftotithern Pacific Coiiilntny m iiciiiihnil fium lilee to Hall road Avenue In thin city, Jiol Mc lltlde overruled the demurrer to the r.om llinl that wua argued In the circuit court here luat itiiturdtty aflernoon. The ini inlicra of the ci;imcll, who are the (!' fcuttiinla lit the milt, have been vlven ten diiya In which to prepare and (lie an unawcr to the rompliilnt when the caae will be jiroieiil.J with on Ha merlta, The council ferla ronftdeitt that It will eventually win out In the ault. Lactur Tomorrow Night. Kcw thliim have come up In recent yenra about which there hua teen a itreater mlaunderatnnd luff than Chrletlan Kclence, In order that the people of Oregon City may have an opportunity lo correct their mleconeep. llnlia of thl atihject, the Iih'uI church haa aecurcd Mr, lllrdnt'll Young to lee. lure on 'In let Ik n Hcl-nce at the Conitre. kutlonat church on Ieccttibcr 10,' Mr. VfUHK Iimm Ix-etl lilrlllltled Willi thla moA'ement for aeveral yeara and for the paat two year haa been a member of the ('lit let luti Hi Ifine Irtureahlp Hoard. ualrtaaa froparty Changaa Hand. The later part of luet week aottie Main at reel bualnea property chaimed lunula. Mra. Mary K. Ilurlow old to Jm-a M. Tracy, tola 1 and (, block 27, the con aldcratliMi beln I'Ukmi, Thla proerty adjolna that on which Wllaon .um walt'a livery ataide and ieoti II, Votmg'a aaliHin am located, fly ncnulr liiK thla proM'tiy, Mr. Truiy now owna tha entire half blia'k on the cant aide of Main attvet iH'lwecn fourth atrect and the alley lM-twecii Third and Fourth Hia. Will Ottatrva Chrltma.Al the laat regular meeting of Warner Orange, ' No. 117, .11 waa voted to hold tha rrgulur i.netiim tn lecrmber on ftttiurday. Ia-ccmtM-r 1?, aa the data of tha regular mcelbig would be on tha 31th or the day tfure fhrlatiitaa and muny would be unable to attend on account of extra work preparing fi.r the Chrlatmaa featlv Idea. All memlxTa ara riieated to tukn due liotlca and govern thrmaelvea ae-i-oidlngty. Attend the meeting Decern Ijer 17tti aa that la the time fur the elec. Hon of onicera. A. W. Kronce, Maater. In tha Inttraat of thtlr Mln. F. II. Welah and C, II. ttiulih, repreaenllng the Financial Mining Company, of thl city, left laat laat week for Houlhern Oregon and California In the Intereat of the enm- YOUR CHRISTMAS OPPORTUNITY iOUR fine, display of Holiday Goods is opened and ready for your inspection. It is by far the largest and best selected stock in the city. We are proud of it because the goods are strictly up to date, quality the best and our prices extremely low. No matter how hard you are to suit, we can suit you. You are cordially invited to look through our up to date line of Watches, Diamonds, Pins, Rings, Chains, Lockets, Emblem Goods, Stick Pins, Bracelets, Silver Novelties, Ebony Goods, Kodaks and Cameras, Leather Goods, Opera Glasses, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, St venir Dishes, Haviland and fine hand decorated China, Pianos and Organs, Victor Talking Machines, Guitars, Mando lins, Violins, Zithers, Banjos, Autoharps, Accordeons, Harmonicas, White and Standard Sewing Machines, Clocks ,of every description, Umbrellas and Canes, Fountain Pens, fine Pocket Cutlery, Carving Sets, Sterling Silverware, Rogers Bros. 1847 Ware, Com munity Silver, guaranteed for 25 years. If you want to buy right, if you want to be treated right, make our store headquarters for your Christmas buying. The Oregon Suspension Bridge Corner VVVVvWV'WVrWl pany'i mltiltiK enlerpilaea, Tha company haa a number of proclaim claim In thla courtly and haa arranged for tha thorough development of the propartlea, A atnmp mill hn been purchaaed and t hia will be Inxliilled during next aummer, with an Idea of huvlng It In operation by next Hc;tetnber. COMrOrtTINQ wono. Many Oragon City Houaaholdi Will Find Tham .a, To have tha pulna and achea of a bad buck removed; to bo entirely frea from iirltuiry troubiea la enoofcli to miikii any kidney aufTerer gmteful. To tell how thla great change can be brought about will prove comforting worda to hundred of Oregon City reader. Mr. Painter, wife of J. W. Painter, expreamMn, living at 310 Kuet Heventh Ircet, Portland, aaya; I have had mor or Icn kidney trouble all tny life, When (ttltn A young 1 had a aevera apell of alckncaa and all who knew me thought I waa going to die. I finally recovered, but ever after my kidneya bothered me. Thera wera headwhea, dlaxlneaa, and I could no more He on my left atde than I could fly mid could not aloop to pick anything off the floor without working myaelf up gradually by placing my handa on my hlpa. In addition to thla thera wera headachea, dlaxlneaa and trouble with tha kidney accretion for all of which rdoctore and ued more than one rem edy auld to be a aure cure for auch annoy ancea. Nothing brought me relief compar ed with that received from tMiun' Kidney Pllla. The reaulta alamp that remedy aa one fully up to repreaentalloua made for II." Plenty mora proof Ilka thla from Ora gon City. Call at C. O. Huntley'a Drug Btora and aak tham what their cuitom ara report. For aala by all dealera, prlca 19 eta, Foater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T. aola agenta for tha United Btatea. Itemeinbar tha nama. Doan'a and taka no other. Mothara Ba Cartful of' the 'health of your children. Iook out for Cough and Colda, Croup and Whooping Cough, fttop them In tlma One Minute Cough Cure la the beat rem edy, llarmleaa and pleaaunt. Hold by Geo. A. Harding. Hurdock Wol Hittera give a man a clear head, an actlvr bruin, a atrong vlg oioii ImmI--makea him fit for the battle of life. "A LITTLE OUTCAST." Clean Malodrtma at Shlvaly'a Opara Hauaa Te-Nlght. K. J. ClirpenleFa "A Utile Outcaat" with Ha aplcndld acenlc eiulpmi-nt. will be at tha Hhlvely Opera Houae, to-night, Friday, I)e'emb-r lh. Thla big New York production la a melodrama of the ck-aneat type, having every eaaence of human Intereat and la without doubt the beet thing of Ha kind yet produced. Th piece, la brimful of modern amuaementa and peculiarly fua clnatlng aiene to attract theater giM-ra, but withal It la a lova atory. pure and IWmeiste? MrryrWrWrWW almple, wllb every trait of loyally and ef- I faction which could tm lent to give the play a nobler Intent and color. Tha alory, which la a wldn departure from th uaiinl alyle of drama In marked by novelty In cotiatriH'tlon, la built upon the v Ideal ttelea of a young clerk, and puaaea In awlft action fiom atately mHiialona to crime In fen led hantta of New York. The play opena In the office of Mr, lliircnnrt, a wealthy broker whu la about to lake hia young clerk, Paul Weaton, Into the firm a Junior partner, Weaton alao haa th broker1 aanctlon to at mar riage with hia pretty daughter, Madallne, whom Weaton haa already married In aecret. Hut IJarcourt'g gracele nephew, a rejected aultor for Madeline' hand, haa dlacovered that la-fora thy), Weaton had aerved a term In prlaon for anothera crime. IeVo I prewmt when Ilrk II Ig glna recognla' Weaton aa hi former cell mute and aei urc money from him. With IIIkkIii' aid, f)eVf rob hia uncle' a af, throw tb blume on Weaton and de nounce him oa a thief and an ex-convlct. I Weaton la utterly caat off by hia former ' friend, and becoming helpleaa, fall to ' tha level of the worat drunkard and , crlmlnala In the worat part of the city until, on the point of committing a crime, he la aav by llttle"ltob" a newaboy who haa been hia faithful friend. Weaton win hia way out of til dlfllcultlea and the cur- ( loin full tin 1 happy home acen with ' Weaton a mime clear, hi enemlea over- thrown and Madxllna hia own again. I , Winter Rate, to Yaquina Bay. In order to accommodate the many people who wixh to make a winter trip to Yaquina Bay, the Southern Pacific Co, will U, on Wednesday a and Baturdaya - of each week, until March 31, 1905, round trip ticket at low ratea, to Yaquina and return, limited to alxty day from date of a!e. ThoHe who dealre to take ad vantafce of thla rate should apply to ncarcnt Southern Pacific agent for ticket. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Tfci Kind Yon Han Always Bought Bear tha Slgnfttw of ' Drylrjflr preparations simply davet ; op dry oaUrrh , they dry np the secretions, i which adhere to the membrane and d acorn- pose, ceasing a far more seriona trouble than -the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. . ing inhalants, fames, smokes and snnfla and nee that which clean, soothes and heels. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy j and will cure eatarrh or cold in the head eaaily and pleasantly. A trial eue will be mailed for 10 cents. All drnggiata sell the (rOc. size. Ely Brothers, 66 Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cores without pain, does not , Irritate or cease sneering. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev. : ing immediately the painful inflammation. , With Ely's Cream Balm yoa are armed j again at Kaaal Catarrh and. Bay Fever. & Anct?esen City Jewelers Auer's For hard colds, bronchitis, isthma, and coughs of all kinds, you cannot take any thing better than Aysr's Cherry Pectoral Cherry Pectoral. Ask yout own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. " I h4 terrible cough for weak. Tha I took a,r'a h.rrr I uuk i!r towttla MHnplttT enr4 m." Ma, t. B. LuaroBTa, M. JaMph, Mkh. Jfte..We..lja. 4.C.arc awiniMMBaaiMBaH Col" lwU. Coughs, Colds Vu will haatert recovery by tak ing one of Ayar'o aHg mt baxltlmo. i - ; - FieOd'o Vtwt fi Amblt!n anal Pya "Dyipeptla," wrote Eugene Field, "often incapacitate a man for endeavor and sometime extinfuiab.ee the Are of ambition." Tbougb great deaplte hia complaint Field suffered from indljea- ttOD all his lire. A weak, tired stomack can't difeat your food. It needs rent. You can only mt it by the nse ; of a preparation like Kodol, which re lievet it of work by dijrestini; your foo4. Rest soon restores It to its normal tone. Strtitgtltnlnflt Satisfying, I Envlorstlfj. i rrPfd oaly by E. O. DiWitit Co.. Chlcae TkalU boUiecoauiaaDi Hiaaa ibaatc atae. SENDING MONEY ABROAD f ltym wish to send the Old Folks at Home a remem brance for iiiristmag, come to us and we will sell 3'ou a draft that is good in all the principal cities of Great Britain and Europe. CHEAP and SAFE. THE BANK OF OREGON CITY - s Oregon City, Oregon rr n rrrra U) Physicians pres cribe it for their delicate patients. OLD and PURE for Sale by -E. MATTHIAS tote Agency far Oreae City. THE. DUST " CITHIVCatLD QKiHttnmrrzz . araiAcanra II X 4AJU-irMTi AND MWl A. 4. TOW I a CO.,oTO, ..... ,na eaa ea., T., tomwto. eaaaaa. M VO..O yS 1 . -Zj.-j ti A : wwm if M- avj. iia r i vmm