OHIOON CITY INTtRPmil, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1904. New To-Day. !.OilT-UdyV fluid O Main or Heventh attests, In Orsgun , City, Finder please ri-luin to II. U llolmnn, MONEY TO LoTnTt 6 AND "7 par dant. Farm ourlty. U'lteo 'Itllohubel. YOR HICNT Six room houn and atablo, nnar railroad atallon at Clackamaa, M) tr your. Call on A.0. llayward, Clackamas, Orojson. WANTKD, Mn or women to tak or dsra for art goodaj guaranteed Balmy or . commission, Address Orvgon Art Association, M HhnrliHlc llhlg., Port land, Oregon, Dee, it . UJ'ON tht lint of UndM for unto by th Clackamas Title) Company, 008 Chimbor of Comrtiorea, Portland, la tha KA8T HALF OK SUCTION 1, ' T. 5 811 1 B, 320 aoroi, about thru mile northwest of Mulalla, at 118. 60 Pr acr. Tlili la a BARGAIN and ShSU'.d OOt U ttnglncted. 1 Wi Local Eyci!. . i. .... it.i i til ivr nniix Kitchen, propose lo eonvHtt' the ppl of Oregon City hl ymr, (hat there la absolutely no moum fur iing to I'tnt land lo purchase thi'tr holiday ovtiiootl.m. , fry. last Hatimlsy aftrnoun b had a , formal opvulng. a Oemum band from Portland rendering a roneort,' And aiu-h an array of candlea he offorcd the public! Not only tht but th price wort rl(fhl. Mr. llamdmt Inttmda lo koop on hand a romplrta atork of eandlra throughout th bolldaya and inka tha pMipla of Orv Ion City to call and wht ha baa. Tha eaunty court Wlnaday aftr noon rant4 W, II, tlonnvy a framhiaa to vrtK't an4 maintain a Ulephon b iwoon AtMirnathy and Blunt. Thla will '. rampM a circuit of rural tnlvphoaa llnna that at-rvta a larm majority of ih farm ara maldlns In tha Interior of tha county, An order tu aUo rttada awarding to tha rCntvrprlM tha ountrart for prlntlnc tha dellngutnt tas Hit fur the year toa. ' Prom iJtHwmber tth until January 10. Mlaa Wlanor will ftv on llromld car nlaraad plctura with tavh doan ru. lar eaulnal photarapha. Hha will ha lad to have you call and aaamlna her work. Hr atudlo la on Main atraet nnar Hevanth. 13-1 Dana, Armory, Hatunlay Kvriilim. I. cmtr 10. lula Toedtrmitler. a Uerman farmer realdtna Hear Hlafford, waa flaturday af ternoon found guilty by a Jury In Juall ' Mtlpp'a rourt of th charge of aaaault and battery. Tondetnieler waa arcuaed of having cruelly beaten bla twtlva year old daughter. Th tentlmony ahowvd that uvrauH in i r i wouiu ii in ihii nim w n.i ha wanted to know, Toedetmeler during a alngla nlarht. whipped th daughter "la ' i different tlitvea. Jutllo haa not t Im poard a One. It waa an aggravated caaa and Judge ). E. Ilayea, of Ihla ally, proeecuted tb cae. At Willamette Kalla, tomorrow after poon will laa. plat a madli game of ,. football between tlovena Composed of atudent of th Ninth Grade and Barclay ' achool, of Oregon City actioola. Boi'4 team ar dlllguntly practicing and each expect to acor a victory. The Rod Front al!a cream cbeoao '' at 10H to 13c; candy, walnut, poa- outa, 10c; tr-aa, 12c 25o, 45c; cof ' faet 12 V4c, 14c; beat at 20c; ralslna, 7c; rice, 4c and 6c; beam, 4c; aweet potatooa, 2c pound. Among . the notablo feature of tha Argonaut for Denember 12th will ba "Th Colonel and The Lady.' " a fine atory of army Ufa by Kathleen Thoinpaon; "Mm. Hejan In New York." a letter In which tleralUIn ltonntr tell of eeelng tha French actreaa In different play; a letter written by Helen Ilyd from Japan; a review of, and eatrarta from, "Unnle" ',. Otorgo llnouiley' book of remlnlacencea, "The Ing Ago and Later On"; and fcrlt Iclama of "The Profeaaor'a Love Story" at tha Alcaaar Theatre and "In Mliaoura" at the Majxatlo Theatre by Joarphlne . mrt .l'blpa , . , . Cut Prlcea Oil Hata, 20c; leather Rlovoa,1 20o up; auapondort, 8c up; Cut prices on Clothing, wlntor coata, ahlrta and undorwear many at M off at ItED FRONT. Flrit Church of Chrlat SduntlM. liol.l aervlof In their hall In the Qarde build lug every Hunday morning at 11. Subject of the leaaon aermon for Bunday, Decem ber 11. "la the Unlvereo, Including Man, evolved by atomic, force T" Sunday achool ' at 10. Toatlmonlal meeting, Wedneaduy , evening at 7:45. The reading room la open from 2 till 4 on the afternoon of Tueaday, Thursday and Saturday.. Dance, Armory, Saturday Evening. Do cember 10. At the concert to be given at Woodmen 1 Hall tomorrow, Saturda.y night, Mr. Dom " J. Zan, of Portland, will be heard In the following number (a) A Madrigal Victor llarrla V (b) King Duncan'a Daughtera. ..Alllteen . (c) All for You..., .D. Hardolot Hata at a groat reduction. Mias 0. .. Ooldsmtth. ' Laat Saturday Judge Byan ofllolated at the marriage of Lydla Tourfeat and Harold Gordon. The ceremony waa per formed at tha court houae. County Judge Ryan and J. K. Hedge attended a banquet at Portland Tueaday night, given by Waahlngton Chapter, Koyal Arch Manon. In responding to toaata, Judge Ryan apoke on "The Grand Chapter." : The aubjeot Riilgned Mr, Hedge was "Sinter Chapter." Tueaday December 6, wae Opening Day at Huntley Broa. Co.'e. The attendanoe during the afternoon waa a record break er., An orchestra from Portland gave a program of choice aeleotlon and between tbe, rouilcal number tha vlaltor Inapected with admiration the large assortment of WnlMlspliiy.d Chrletms Rood. The Indie Were presented wllh souvenir fans and the gentlemen were provided with tl'ktM tliHt entitle- tliMin to a drawing that will ti held Hnturdny evening when a number of prlaen will be given away. Huch entm prise a I shown by Ihla Arm would reflect credit on muny larger drug estnbllshmeut In a metropolis, Grain Chop clean and rich, 95cta for om anck; flour $1.05 up; 5 cat. coal oil, 95o; bacon 12 Ho and 13c; timothy aod, CftC. IlKD FRONT. Kvory trimmed and untrlmmod bat reduced. Mlsa O. Goldsmith. M. I). .atourette baa been appointed local correspondent to Iba Portland Jour, rial and la doing some aood work for that paper. Tho new eervlee Mr. I.atourett la furnishing hlM paper I hrlaht, fresh and oi laliml In striking contrast with Ilia re-hash that waa being served tha Journal twfom ha took chart of tha work. "A great company and a great play" aay the Ht at H Time of Jame Kean and bla company. Heme great company will be eeen at Bhlvely opera houae neat Monday nlaht. Martin Hoon, who haa been receiving treatment at a Portland hoapllal for an Injury received three weeka ago by the accidental discharge of a rlfla. waa re turned la til horn In thla city Monday. Young Kooae haa about recovered from th Injury which waa a rlotis one. Apodal Prlcea on ladloi' and child ren' fashionable millinery at RED FRONT. HI. Paul' Oulld will hold a aal of aprons and other work on Friday after noon, Ieceinler t, at Willamette Hall, and In th evening a anquet and enter tainment at 4S. St cents will odmlt you to the banquet. Don't miss It. 11-1 Dance, Armory, Haturday Kvenlug, Ik. cember )0. Oregon City friends of Oeo. W. Uutb. mm v Irl i-d murderer of Mia, 1-onore B. Jihivs. yeaterday ralaed by subacrtptlon, the aunt of t&O which will be used In de fraying the expenea of apeallng his eaae to the supreme court In an effort to ob tain a new trial In hopes of having the sentence reduced to that of life Imprison ment. Hubert Kelland, the Well known New F.i a farmer-capitalist, and Mi. Nellie llnech, a recent arrival from England, were married at th realdrnce, of the offi ciating clergyman. Hv. P. K. Hammond, In this city, Haturday afternoon. Decem ber S, If 04 Frederick Held, aged II years, died December 6th, lKW, at Canby. Mr. Held leaves a wife, three eona and five daugh ters. J. K. Kliner conducted the funeral aenlces. and the remains were laid to rest In Zlon cemetery. Helena Waack and Frank M. Harris were granted a marriage license Wed ties day as were also John Heurth and Mlse Jennie Ktralght. For choice bird, epare-rlba, and tender loins, go to Csln A Ilamaby at Kly. Choice sto:k always on hand. Morris U. Dudley, manager of tho James Keane Company which coinre to this city Monday evening. December 11 for a three nights' engagement, spent a number of days In Oregon City thla k. arranging for bla company's ap pearance here. Mr. Dudley s company comes highly recommended and win back up their reputation by appearing at Shtvety'a for three consecutive perform ancea. M. 1.. Hamilton, of Seattle, la In the city gathering young evergreena for ship nient to San Jose, JLoa Angeles and other California point for the holiday festivl- ties. Mr. Hamilton expects to ship sev eral car-loads of these trees Into Cali fornia before New Tear. For sale new T-room house with over 1 aura improved laud In the very choicest location In Mlllamette. Price 11100, J, A. Mocbnke, Barclay Building, When council had adjourned, Mr. Kelly detained his associates long enough to make appropriate remarka touching on bia retirement aa a member of tbe city's legislative body. Mr. Kelly waa a faith ful member of the council, having In three years' service, failed to attend but a single meeting. Don't fall to see Jame Keane and his company In "The King of Rogues" at Sblvely Opera House Monday night. Kx- actly the same attraction that baa crowded the theatres In the large cities Dance, Armory, Saturday Evening, De cember 10. The Presbytery at Portland haa re fused to entertain the call of the Oregon City Presbyterian church for the return of its former pastor, Rev. Frank H Mlxscll. At the urgent roquost of the members of her family, Miss Veda Williams will render her piano solo at the concert to be given at Woodmen Hall tomorrow ev ening. Mra. EI. K. Williams will be the aeoonipanist for the evening. Joe Uoodfellow opened hi bowling alley Monday and It haa been largely patron -lted throughout the week. The alley form a pleasant place tor the young men of the city to spend an evening and their opening thl week wa welcomed. J. J. Brown, who formerly lived In this city, died at Portland Tuesday night. Mr. Brown wa about 40 years of age. 8am Latiery, who baa been dangerously 111 with typhoid fever, la recovering rap Idly. Jumea Keane and his company will b at Bhlvely opera bouse three nights com mencing neict Monday, Undoubtedly the best popular priced attraction ever men in the weat. Don't mlaa it. Dance, Armory. Saturday Evening, De cember 10,. vfr . k - 1 iciauiiai mtunuu m A Uii in Knight, of Canby, wa In th city Wednesday. J. M. Meek a it lias Joined bis family at Whllaker, California, Irftvl Itnbbtus, merchant at Molulla. wa In the city Haturday, Al FHlrclotigh U'ft Tuesday morning for the Ogle Creek mines. Mr. Walter tirlm, of Hubbard, visited Monday with Oregon Cliy friends. " Je4t Ueorge, of Salem, wa spending a few days in Orego.i City thla week. Miss Rose MrefToc, of Portland, visited Hunday with Miss Myrtle Mhonkwller. Frank Wsgner, a leading Itepubllcan of, Cottrvll, waa In the city Wednesday. Mr, F. L. Morfiti, of portlsnd, visited last Sunday with friends In Oregon City. Miss F,dlth Oil. of Pratum, is visiting at th home of A. II. Johnson in this city. Misa Lulu Rpangler, of Corvallls, vis ited this week with her sister, Mrs. U Im porter. David Calkins, of Oak Grove, was In the city looking after his pension papers Monday. Miss Ivy, who has been visiting Miss Llppltt, has returned to her home at I n Ion. J. W. Dowty. a prominent slock man of Currinsvllle, had business In Oregon 'Ity Monday. J, fl. Mitts, a prominent farmer of the Marksburg country, was In the city on Wednesday, Col. K. A. Miller, of Portland, waa ransactlng business at Oregon City Wednesday, Win. Morleiieon. a fanner residing near Ml. Angel, was In Oregon ('ity Thursday on business. Miss Viola Farr, of this oily, attended the marriage of tier cousin at Meharna Wednesday evening. Mlsa (iertrude Hashor returned Wed nesday from Salem quite recovered from her recent serious Illness. D. It. Dluilck, of Canby, was In the city this week. Mr. Dlmick was formerly engaged In the livery business here. Miss Ivy lloake, who hss been visiting her brother. J. A. lloake, In this city, leavva Monday fur her home at Long Beach, California. Mlaa Ksther Dcvereeux, of Minnesota, who haa been visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. A. Nash, at (Vadstone, ha gone to Priest Ktver, Idaho. Mis. D. 11. O I as, of Seattle, who has been visiting relative at Corvallls, apent Sunday wllh friends In Oregon Clly, be ing en route bom. Mr. and Mia. C. B. Moorea, of Salem, Mrs. K E. Williams, of Forest Urove; Mia. 11. W. Duff, and Miss Mary Con- yera, of Portland, attended the Derthlck Club party Friday evening. A. B. Marquam. of Tiller, Douglaa Co., waa In Oregon City Wednesday on hie way home from Portland where he was In attendance aa a juror at tbe United Stales court. Mr. Marquam formerly resided al Marquam. thla county, and still owns a farm in that locality. Mr. and Mra. T. 8. Lawrence, of Port land, wore visiting their daughter, Mra, Llnwood . Jonea Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence had just returned from a three mouths' tour of tho East, Inolud Ing an extended stay at the St. Louis fair. They visited In Texas. Mexico, and California, tbeir trip including vlstta to sixty-five famllle of relativea. Dra. Beatl Ac Baatle, Dentists; rooms 1, 17. It, Welnhard building. a rrof. Raber'a dancing school. Armory Haiti. Saturday evening, December 10, Concert at Woodmen Hall. Below Is given the program that wilt be given at Woodmen Hall. Saturday evening, lecember 10, by Mrs. Pope, Miss Conyers and Miss Williams. Everything promises for a brilliant af fair and the program certainly warrant an evening of pleasure. It la aa follows: Welti, d Flat Chopin Mlsa Warren, (Pupil of Mies Williams) (a) Until You Come ..Motcalf (b) Telltale Durham Mia Conyers. (a) A Madrigal Victor Harris (b) King Duncan'a Daughters... Alliteen (c) All for Tou D. Hardolot Mr. Zan. (a) Were My Song With Wings Pro Vlded I...... IIolui- (b The Brook ...Neldllnger Mra. Pope. (a) Prelude No S Chopin (b) Schcno in e Minor.... Mendelssohn Mlsa Williams. (a) On the Shore Neldllnger (b) Shoogy Shoo Mayhcw Mr. Miller. (a) Oh Dry Those Tear.... Del Regleo (b) Jeruehy Oayner Mlaa Conyers. Oh That We Two Were Maying.... Nevln Mra. Pope, Mr. Miller. (a) In Herbs t Fran (b) Our Life la Vain Roger Mrs. Pope. Din Possente Oounod . Mr. Zan. Mis. K. E. Williams, accompanist. Admission 60 Cents. , A Certain Cur for Croup. When a child show symptoms of croup there la no time to experiment with new remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommended. There la one prepara tion that can alwaya be depended upon. It lias been In uae for many years and has never been known to fail, vl: Cham berlain' , Cough . Remedy. Mr. M. F. Compton of Market, Texas, Bays of It, "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In severe cases of croup with my children and can truthfully say it always gave prompt relief,"' For salo by Geo, A. Harding. TWO COMMITTEES TO CONFER, Joint Meeting General and 'Executive Committees Called for December 20. At a meeting Tuesday of the executive committee that has In charge the gather ing of an exhibit of the resources of Clackamas county to be shown at the Lswl ft Clark Fair, It waa decided to have a joint meeting of tha general and executive committees in thla city Tues day, December 20. Te general committee Is composed of one member from etictt of th 37 precinct In the county. Tbe pur-' pose of tb meeting la for a comparison of note that the two committee may carry on their work In concert and to the best advantage. The nine member of the executive com mittee attended the meeting Tuesday, and the interest in the work continues good, It la dxslred by the comlrntte to raise t.'ii'iO In addition to the sum of 1 1 wo that already hu been subscribed by tiie county court lo defray the cost of gathering the exhibit. In order to facili tate the work of soliciting cash sub scriptions and collecting the products of which the exhibit will be composed, the committee haa divided the county into section and has assigned one member of the committee to ach locality which will lie thoroughly canvassed. Mr. Geo. A. Harding was appointed to this feature of the work. In Oregon City and vicinity. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank the fraternal orders and all other who so kindly and willingly assisted us In our tale bereavement. MRR. C. O. T. WILLIAMS. and family. Tha gmallest Restaurant In th World. The smallest completely equipped res taurant In the world as far s any evi dence to the contrary can be found, ex ist In fiutte, Montana. It Is just three feet wide and 13 feet Inches deep and will oral only four people. Half of the 11 feet feet is taken up by the klu-hen. which contains a small refrigerator, a gas range, a coffee urn and a very com plete cupboard. Every bit of room from floor to celling I used. The one table Is lit Inches wide and three and one-half feet long, There are four stationary chairs, which are In constant use. The "Success" restaurant occupies a niche between two business blocks and can never hope to grow. It Is located In the very center of Butte, near the cor ner of Main and Broadway, and catches the night trade from reporters, gamblers and those who eat In a hurry- Only the best insterlula are used and the price are high. From the Pacific Monthly for December. With every dozen photographs tak en before Chriatroaa, Mlaa Cheney will give one mounted on a folder, Sepia effect Studio Tenth and Main Sta. OASTOXIIA. ,! j lt Kind tog Haaj lwaw BoiijH ligastart ef THB CLEANMINO AMD BEAU NO CATARRH cuius rou CATARRH Ely's Cream &i MMf aad pleasant te awi. Contain aa In )n r loos drug. . ti W aukdUy sbeortwd. Give ttsuef at eoce. It Opens and Cleanses COLD "i HEAD lb nasai ra-c. All. a InAammiluia. Bmls and Protects th Membrane. Restores tlK rentes of Twis and fcnwIL Large Sise, to erait al Drugtlits or h mail ; Trial Bite, 10 ceuti by mtll aXV BHOTHKKrt. M Wanea feueet, Sew York ? a) e t .. 4r i 4 4 Seasonable Delicacies i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Fine Mackerel, Cod Fish. Salt Salmon and Anchoyis Also a new crop of nuts just arrived. Don't forget M. G. B Cof fee in I, 2 and 3 pound cans, the finest j'in the land. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Electric Grocery D. M. Klemsen, Prop. P P P fyW (far sArA Ivei to (In! till Fostolce Bill F. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER V s HOLIDAY SPECIAL IN every business, no matter how well regulated, there is an occasional lot of odd sizes in broken lines. We have selected the broken lines, put them on sale and marked the prices down, in some cases one-half, in others one-third. They are stylish suits and overcoats which readily sold at their former prices to many pleased customers People who are short of money and need clothin? should consider well our present offer. Note a few of the many tempting bargains : Fine aU wool black, unfinished worsted suits, latest military cut, which formerly " sold at S 1 6.50 now S 1 1 .25. Regular $12.50 black and blue all wool clay worsted suits now at the low figure of S7.35. Nice nobby patterns in fancy cassimerc suits. Their former price was $8.50; while they last at 85.25. A big lot of fine all wool gray and black kersey overcoats. They were good values formerly at $9.00. You can buy them now at the extremely low figure of $5.50. An elegant line of long 50-inch all wool overcoats, the latest creation, full back; it's a beauty and It pleased many at $ 1 6.50. It will make you as happy as a lark when you buy it for. $ 1 1 , OO. J. CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER Agent for H. S. & M. Clothing, Hawes Hats and W. , L Douglas Shoes. Oregon City Oregon Special SHIVELY'S OPERA HOUSE OREGON CITY 3 NIGHTS COMMENCING The Popular Actor Mi. James Keane AND HIS COMPANY Presenting Complete Scenic Production of the Reigning Eastern Successes Monday Night the Thrilling Drama 4 'The King of Rogues or Sherlock Holmes." Tticsday -The fanny farce comedy "CHARLEY'S AUNT" A LAUGH A ROAR Weinesday-Thegreatestofalldramas D. Jekyll and Mf . Hyde" Popular Prices 25c, 35c and 50c. Reserved Seats at Huntley's. Same great attractions that have crowded the Theatres of all large Cities. PRIG Mon, Dec. 12 A SCREAM E