OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, rftlDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1904 PAGE I. BURNEDFACTORY OREGON CITY VISITED BY 17200 Flftt LAST FRIDAY. New Furniture Factory of Frank Dutch's Practically Wiped Out Alto Old Brewery., 1js Friday nlKht the old Ore-gun City Iti-t WPri' hullding waa burned to the ground and the furniture factory. ,e wntly established by Frank Buaeh, was practically reduced to ashes. Mr. llusch estlmatea hia loss at JiUWO with only $2000 Insiirnnce. while the brewery build ing, which la the probity of the Weln hard estate, waa valued at $1100 and was not Insured. Slight damage also resulted to the Welnhard brick block. The (Ire started in part of the brew ery building that waa occupied by a Chinese janitor, and resulted from faulty chimney connections. The blase waa dis covered shortly after o'clock when an alarm was promptly turned In. All three of the volunteer hose companies and Columbia hook and ladder company re sponded and worked faithfully until a late hour In the night, managing to save a number of residences that were for a time in great danger because of a south wind. The old brewery building waa a land mark in Oregon City, having been built in 1S56. For a number of years It bas been used for a stable and store house for the Welnhard brewery. The loss to Mr. Busch Is especially unfortunate. The plant for the manufacture of furniture had scarcely been established and In good operation when It waa wiped out by , a fire. Coming as It did just before the holidays. Mr. Busch's loss is even greater. Besides a great amount of raw material that he had on hand. Mr. Busch also suffered the loss of a great amount of partially manufactured furniture. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by the Clackamas Abstract A Trust Company. G. Collins to B. C. Giltner. Lot 1 to 20. blk. 68. Mlnthorn. and adjacent Sts.; $100. V. E. Brannard to J. Hooper, lots 18. 17. 18, and 19. Clackamaa Park: $.'500. M. M. Charman et al to C. W. Strlck- lin, lot 10. blk. C Supplemental map of Clackamas Heights; 160. C. Bluhm to J. and L. Noble, lot S and part lot 6, blk. . Pleasant Hill Add $280. C. Bluhm to C. Bluhm lots i:, 11. 14. blk . Pleasant Hill Add; $1.00. C. Magglnt to B. Men, NH of NEK of 8ec. 34. 41 E; $30. 8. E. Reed to R. F. Wllraot, 2 acns In NW of Sec. Z,2 2. E; $400. J. R. Hickman to J. Downey, lot 10, blk. IS. Willamette Falls; $750. J. W. Roots to Clackamas Grange No. 298. lots S and 4. blk. t, Rootsc Add to Marshfleld, $80. J. Jarl to J. Jonsrud. E of SE4 of Sec. . 24. E; $900. M. Bonn to F. Heldeman, NH of SE4 of Sec 2, Jt-2. E; $3000. C. T. Howard laK.R. Long. 7.52 acres In 8ec. 18. 42, E; $188.00. F. M. Chance to G. P. Partch. E14 of SEM of SW. Sec. 5. 24. E; $400. J. E. and F. E. White to J. M. White, lots 1 and 4, blk. 99. Oregon City. NEK of 8E4. Sec. 1$. 42. E; $1.00. F. Cochran, to Oregon City, part lots 2 and 7, blk. 49. Oregon City; $150. F. Bonk to R. Treolchler, part blk. A, Darling's Add; $400. J. H. Hardy to W. Phillips. 2 acres In G. Wills D. L. C, 11, E; $130. W. R. ITren to W. Phillips, t acres In G. Wills D. L. C. 11. E; $60. E. A. Porter to J. W. Watson NEVl of 8EU of NE4 Sec. IS, (1, E; $100. Ft H. Ackerson to J, W. Watson, W14 . of 8W4 of NW4, Sec. 14. 61. E $400. J. W. Watson to E. A. Porter, 8WV4 of SwH of NW, Sec 14, 61. E; $300. V. Klohe to L. J. Melum,. 130 acres in Sec. 35, 31. E; $8000. A. and I. McLean to M. Moehnke, lot 17. and 18. Subd. blk. 18. Holmes Add $175. J. P. Scheel to E. Scheel EVfc of E of SE14 of Sec. 22. 36. E $1. W. P. 8mith to E. F. Riley, lot 41, blk. 70, Mlnthorn; $5. L. Batdorf et al to A. Schoeder, Wft of NE4. Sec 6. 31, E;$1.0 et al. J. and H. Llebe to A. Bchroeder, WH of NEVi 8ec. 6, 11. E; $1.00 et al. II. Zimmermann to A. Schroedtr Vf of NEV Sec. 5. 31. E; $1.00 et al. M. L. and A. O. Hayward to H. Wil Hams, 100 feet x 56 feet in W. Holme' D. L. C; $760. E. J. Wolf to W. Kuppenbender, 104.40 . acres In W. Armpriest D. L. C. 32, E $4176.00. J. H. Olds to American Investment Co, 30 acres in Sec. 12, and 13. 21, E; $1 W. J. Wolf to the Land Company of Oregon, 200x300 feet near Estacada, $1 C. Bruedern to C. Anuschat. B of NWV1. NW4 of NEVi, NEVt of NWVi of Sec. 12, 62, E; $350. H. A. Knight to R. C. Knight, lot 9, blk. 2. Canby; $100. J, P. Young to C. A. Hlnes. 14 acres In W. W. Werns D. L. C, 31. W; $1.00. R. B. Holcomb et. al. to P. McCarren, partof Claim No.. 49. 2--2, E; 2600. P. Utlger to J. Jarl, of SE of sec. 6, 24, E; $950. T. Charman (by Shff) to J. M. Tracy, l-5th Int. in 177 acres In 341; E; $718. A. Sechtem to J. Gerber. SEVi of BEVt Sec. 9, SW4 of SWVi of Sec. 10., 43, H; $1200. Willamette Falls Co., to F. Darling, tracts "B" and "J" 1st Add to Will. Falls Acreage Tracts; $350. Will. Fadds Co., to F. L. Darling, part of tract"1" 1st Add Will Falls acreage tracts; $98. L. Bchulthels to I. M. Toliver 160 a. In CI. No. 40, 62, E; $5000. Clackamas Co. to M. B. Worthlngton blk. 10, Co. Add to Oregon City; Premises M. U. and T. E. Brown to R. J. Moore, lot 8 and part lot 1, blk. 10, Co. Add to Oregon City; $1275. F. 8. Morris to Land Co., of Oregon, SVi of NVi of Sec. 22, 46, E; $1.00. F. S. Morris to Land Co. of Oregon, 13 tracts of land in Clackamas county, Oregon; $1.00. Ore. W. P. Town Site Co. to C. and L Beers, lot 4, blk 36, and lot 10, and 11 ' of blk. 12, Estacada; $300. C. Bair to S. N. Strlubahr, S0.60 a. in SV4 of Sec. 27, 41, E; $4000. L. D. Mumpower to J. Q. Mumpower, 8V4 f NW4 and lot 1. Rec )$. 3, K; and 20 aovrea In Sec. 13, 22. 1S: 14(H. P. Mceka and 17 others to Aurora Eloc trlc Co.. by IS separate deeds, certain water and ditch rights on lands along Molalla road; $1.00 each. J. D. IH-ke to W. O. Heater, lots 3.3.4, 5 6 7.10.11 .12. blk. 4 all blk 6. Mountain View Add to Oream City; $200. W. B. Barksdale to M A. Btamhall. part lot S. blk. 42, -1st Subd Oak Grove; $600. C. W. Romlor to 8. K. Card 8v, of raot 10. Doling Junction; $75. O. W. Waldron to J. Hanks 1 a In K. Fleher CI.. 22. E; $250. A. U James to B. Warren. tats 3 V4 of 8Ki 8.c. 7, 23. E; $2000. K. B. Miller lo fl. Miller, 8K.000 A. n CI. No. 43. 4 1. E; $30." A. rYanoi to J. M. Poorman, tnistee, of NEVi of 8Ei Sec. 31. S 1. E: O. V. l Town Site Co, to J. K. Mnson lot 18, Wk. 8, Kstaomla: $75 J. r Mason to A. StroWx. lot 18, blk. KxtMCHll. $200. C. li. Snake to A. K. Stubbo, lot 1. blk. 8. Estacada; $25. M N. Wtioox to P. Stoller, lots 6.17. blk. S7. 1st Subd. Oak C.rove; $S60. E. M. Howell to W. 0. and A. Langa- ford; $500. J. Clausen to C. O. Sannes. 40.100 a. In Sec. 2. Sl. E; $1.00. C. O. Sanes to J. Clausen. 40.100 acres In Sec, 29, 31. E; $1.00. J. and C. C. Claussen to J. Samudson, 12 acres in clalmNo. 68. 31. E: $100. P. H. Peters to A. F. Gansender. 10 acres In Sec. 19. 41. K; $1000. S. E. Gregor-. to W. T. and 8. J. Ward. part of Sec. 23. 32. E; and Sec. 4, 1 J. E; $3500. M. E. Barlow, to J. M. Tracy Sr. lots and S. blk. 27 Oregon Clty;$600. O. 8. Bailey to 8. E. Hillman. 8Ei Sec. 16. 31. W; State of Oregon to W. A. Gardner 112.60 a In J. P. Garrett DLC.. 12. E; $1.04. E. M. Howell to J. F. May. 30 acres in E. Fisher CI.. 22. E; $3500. 8. Milliard to J. C. Ardrey. blka 3. 3. t, 7. and 11. Sellwood Add to Mllwaukle; am. W. E. Per to E. M. Howell. 10 acres In E. Fisher CI.. 22, E; $500. C. H. Dye. trustee, to E. M. Howell. part blk. 116. Oregon City; $100. V. N. Wilson to W. 8. Rogers. Int In blk. 12. Oswego Heights; $1.00. manont dlimolvtnR of the Injunction was taken untlor ndvlwnuMiC Altlwmen Justin, Knapn and SlicahHii, who are opiktsuHl to tho (ranch I so ordlnancH. havo notlfloJ tlu court that they Intended allowing the suit to go by tlofault mid did not learn ! until Wednesday of thin week that tney are parties tiejenuani in tne Mt. For this reason they have saked iK'inlslon and will tile a separate answer In the IntereHt of tho position they occupy with refenpnc to the pending litigation. The argument of the motions took place, at Portland Tuesday evn- ltKi at the -law cflW of w. D. Kenton, k'sl counsel for tho 8. P, Company. Attorneys U'Ken. Hedge and Dye sp HartHl In the Interest of the plaintiff, the city council Iwtng represented by W. D. Fenton and R. A. Letter. Mors Lodge Election. The Modern Woodmen hold meet ing Tuesday night and elected as of ficer: 0. Urtwsenehecher. venerable consul; Charles Moaler, adviser; O. Kosensteln. banker; G. W. IliKam, es cort; Mr. McOlashan, Charle Wright. and E. F. Story, managers; F. Cros. inside sentinel; Luther Moore, watch man. Pioneer Chapter, No. 28. Order of Eastern Star, Tuesday, elected the the following officers: Mr. R. C. Can- ong, worthy matron; J. Eugene Hed ges, worthy patron; Mrs. C. H. Frls sell, associate matron; Miss Alvena Horn, secretary; Mrs. John H. Walk er, treasurer; Mr. Matilda 'Miller, conductress; Mis Helen Daulton, as sistant conductress. The Clackamaa Abstract It Trust Co. art owners of the only complete abstract plant In Clackamas county. Prompt and reliable work on short notice. All work guaranteed. Abstracts made, money loaned, mortgages foreclosed, trusts exe cuted, estates settled and titles per fected. J. F. CLARK, Atty-at-Law. President and Manager. Office over Bank of Oregon City. RAILROADS MADE DEFENDANTS. Important Ruling By Judge McBrlde in Injunction Suit. In the city Injunction suit. Judge McBrlde has sustained a motion mak ing the O. k C. and the S. P. railroad companies parties defendant to the suit The motion asking for a oer- A Certain Curs for Croup. When a child shows symptoms of croup there Is no time to experiment with new remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommended. There Is one prepara tion that cap alwaya be depended upon. It has been In use for many years and has never been known to fall, vis: Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. M. F. Compton of Market. Texas, says of It, "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in severe cases of croup with my children snd can truthfully say It always gave prompt relief." For sale- by Geo. A. Harding. F. S. BAKER PROP. OREGON CITY PLANING MIL L x All kimlsnf llmlding Material, Sash, )oon MoulditiK, Kte. OREGON CITY, ORE 0 0 Oregon City Machine Shop PHILIPP BUCKLEIN, PROPRIETOR Twelfth and Main Streets Oregon City, Oregon a Mothers Be Careful of the health of your children. Look out for Coughs and Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. 8top them In time- One Minute Cough Cure Is the best rem edy. Harmless and pleanant. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. An Emergency Medicine. For sprains, bruises, burns, scalds and similar Injuries, there Is nothing so good ss Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It soothes the wound and not only gives Instant re lief, from pain, but causes the parts to heal in about on third the time required by the usual treatment Bold by Geo. A. Harding. digaslu lite Kmd ton Hat Almn COMPARE QUALITY Every time you compare price, and you will tend your next order for Job ork to the Oregon City Enterprise. By giving quality In both material and workmanship we endeavor to deserve your business. WE ARE AHEAD In all kinds of Job and Commercial Printing ss well as book work. Ont trial will con vine you. ARE YOU IN A RUSH? Do you want that brief, catalog, etc, printed t one T Well, send It to the Enterprise office. W hsve just Installed a modern Morgan thaler Linotype machine and are prepared to do all sui.it work on short notice and at right prices. OUR EQUIPMENT For turning out all kinds of first else work In the way of good print ing is second to no other house outside of Portland. If you sr In need of printing of any kind, correspond with us snd let us flgur with you. W can ssve you money. All orders and correspondence will receive prompt attention. Telephone Main 21. Price kcasonable LET US Do Your Work Work V""" We do a General Bagnge ami Tra isftT Huninesa. Safes, Pianos Furniture Moved Otlice OpiHisite Masonic Huihling ,vl .:!T.;i,2, Williams Bros. Transfer Co. ELLOH '2,(HK) mill ol long ids. laiion tl'iliont' wlrti tit Ort'gou, WitHliliigtoi,, Cali fornia anil Idaho now in operation y Iht I'noilU' Station 'lVlt'iilioiif Com jinny, covering 2,250 Iowdh Quick, Bcotirate, cheap All tlif MatiHlaotlon ol a iwrmmal oomimitiimitinii, blHtaiioe no ell'i't't to a clear unltrHtaiiiiiiK. Hjh kaiiM ami iruii KrtmtiMito an eunily iieitnl Port lam!. Onuron City otllee it llanliiux's Drmr Simv Oregon Siiopj line and Union Pacific THREE TRAIN TO THE EA T DAILY Through Pullman standard and Tour ist almitig -i dally to Omaha. I'lili'usu. HiMikunni totirlat alcillig cars dally to Kanaaa City; throush I'ullinan limrlat InrlMng cnr I hii .nlly CMmdm'(J) wwMly to t'lilrasn. Kama City, rwlln In clialis (aeala free to the Mat dally.) 70 Depart H O I) K S Portland to Chicago No Change of Car. 70 t'hli'asu I'oillund Hprclal .lt a III Superior Work Lowest Prices That is what you get when A. Mihlntin does your plumbing work He does genera' tinning, plumbing and jobbing butti neH. Etiniate cheerfully fiirninhed. Hot air heatin fixtuieti manufactured an supplied. A. MIHLSTIN VUlnStrwi OKKtiON l I TY, OR JOHN YOUNGER, OAOKAMAS TITLK . Your Clarkamas County abstracts of Title should be prvpnrotl by tho Clackamaa Tltlo Company, Incnr porated. Chamber of Commerce building, Portland. Thin company Is the builder and owner of th next and most complete plant of Clack amas county titles. Astracta from Us oRlcus are compiled by export of long experience, competent attor neys and draughtsmen, ami are of guaranteed accuracy. Clackamaa County Lands, Mortgage Loans, Estates managed, Taxes ex amined and paid. E. F. RUsy, pres... F. B. Riley, sec. !(! N CFfifillnll Near Huntley's Drug Store, HJKTY HAKS HXFEKIENCE N 'treat Hritain ami America. PIONEER m$ht and Expre?? Kreight and parcels delivered to all partH of the city. SCHEDULES OF TIME lOUTHER PACiriO RAILWAY KORTH BOUND ':00 a.m. 9:22 a. u.. (Albany Local) 6:10 p. m. SOUTH BOUND. 0:22 a.m. 4:50 i. m, (Albany Local ) -.14 p. m RATES RE ASONA OLE Time tchedulee. j Aaaios I I Malt lake, M. Wottli Kanaoa "llv HI Uiula. I'hkaao and kul. ttmver. ,1.. - : . Allanlle Kiinas 1 11 11, rn via. flunt-l Inslun Ml. Paul ra.l Mall t is p m via Bpu-kana. Halt Ijike. IVnver, Kt. Woith, Omaha. Kansas City, H. I j)u la, Cttlcasa and Kami. Walla Walls. Uw. Intun, RHkana, Mln- f it natMlls, rlt. I'aul. 1 1 " luluth. MllwaukMi, Chicago and tal. Ocean and River Schedule for "an Kranclaco Evry five days at I p m Fur Aitnrla. way ixjinu ana Ninth lia h -Imlly telrvpt Bunday) al P in; Haturtlay at Id p. m Wily iHrvl-e wal,-r iM-rmlltlng) im Wlllaja rtte and Yamhill rivers. Km ilMallrd Infurmatlon at ratea. Wth rvanrvatlon, etc., rail or write te yuur nrareat tlrket asent, or A. U CRAIQ. llenntal I'aawnaaT Asont. The Orrcun liallruad At Navigation Co.. I 'or t land. Oregon. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Iavt-s. 00 A M Dally. t'NION DEPOT Daily Rivf-r Schedule of Oregon City Boats Dally tchedulet Htinmers Altuna and Pomona for Ba- . li'm and way points, leave Portland dolly (except Hinxiiiy) at Q a. m.; irave ure son City, :I6 m, 7 a. m. p. m. m.: returnln. leave leave Oregon City, i.lt Oregon City Transportation Ce. 7:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. Kor M.vcftri Itnlnlnr ciittakanle, Wniimirt it'llf ton. Astoria, War- Irentmi . I.vn linn. Inmnd. Kort Htnvrns. Iijpiirliart I'ark. Hfa- Kiili-, Astoria and Hi-unhire. l-.xnrrsa Datlv. Astoria impress. Dally, i;x( . Hutur- niy. Ssturday only. Arrives. Dally, 1 1 :10A M. 'J: 10 P.M. C. A. 8TKWAUT. f'omm'1 Aft., 14 Alih-r sireot. 1'honn Mnln vod. J. C. MAVO, O. V. A P. A., Aalorla. Or. THE ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON Presents Given Away EVERY CUSTOMER MAKING A PURCHASE, AT OUR STORE, OF 25 CENTS AND UPWARDS, WILL RECEIVE A GIFT WORTH FROM JO TO 25 PER CENT OF THEIR PURCHASE. Holiday Bargains A FEW SNAPS OF OUR LARGE STOCK Cameras, while they last, at cost Toilet Sets, Work Boxes, Manicure Sets, Perfumes, CK nn Autograph and Photograph Albums' - - DC tO 4uUU Calendars, Christmas Cards, large assortment - Jc tO 200 ! Fancy Box Stationery - - - - JOc to J. 00 Shaving Sets, the genuine that shaves - - ' 500 Fountain Pens, guaranteed for - - - 1.00 Christmas Candles, 2 dozen - e 1 0 C HARM AN & COMPANY LOW PRICE DRUG STORE Don't forget the place Electric Hotel Block