ORIQON CITY INTtRPftlif, FRIDAY, DECEMBER I, 1W4. PAGE 6. T ARE FOR GOOD ROADS NATIONAL. ORANGE INDOAM I HAL AtO. rto- BIH Boforo Cortgrott Carrying 124,000,000 for Conitruotlon of Publlo t Highway. AlllnllK till BDliil thj' 1Ihi.mhmci1 Ml t It NmiI'iiihI (It untie hi'li In I'm 11m ml iwnitly wa that uf iJiMirt Kimittt, lit wltlrli tUx'nitii Mr, K. II, N'iitIk, M l it nf tlm Ncv Vuik Htdtx iIimiikh, liMik I ln r lul liy i iielluu unit IiiIIihIui'Iiik (lie fnllnWlna mi (n-f, hiiiI rnlntlnii Your liuitiiiilllcn lia anrnit lliitt IkiiiIciI Mpni'n Mwil nut Im laktn lii-l'i' In I'l'Mil I runan nf tiriii-r mail, We trtHtt ll Hull lll Nlllllllllll HlHlIKH will l'llllt'lllw I1R1 lltltKHIllll Inllll iliirlitK rutiHlili'iBl'li' iiitli)il nf i-mli yvnr nri yna-fllnw Willi (In- . Inning wIikxI, I In- al kl uiiil tin- nt cull YllK Klllirjil uf ihh Haiti la H live . 1 1 i..l l in luiltiy. Hint llii' rulllint HinllKht of I'lutp-t U ! nu n In tit-Ilia Klven Id lit illorovm) uf luililo imUul pi nil Huttt i lrnlly nJimili' tu ini-rl llir tai)'lna ruiiill tlnit nf itlfTi'liiu liK'itlllUo. Vlllll lO'llllllllt. Ill'llt-V tlmt Uib flint? Iihk full mm whuii llir Kwl-iul mill HltltW UllVMItini t lllili!4 U)l llila llll. llmi ti it ui tu tail thiil future i-rtoila Itnll l.i i-i.i.'ii.t'".! alunii y aixDiHi It; ami m i mini, nt lluta. Kmm'M uf llix wiiti li ui In l viiiihiuIiiIuUmI tlmt li I" thin itlii'll(ni liat ulutnly Iwii ukrn. Tim Nallunwl (iiuiign lialalatlv (inn mil Inn, nt tlm lut aaloit, wa Iii.ii mi ni to ftiltiun I iiu fnl in nf lli lliuwn low lll, thi'li t"-nilln In t'liliKir. till hill irnHl ll In Oiitpllato tJl.lHlU.WHt III I M i(,i'lnli il nmli t I li' illiniluii uf euiul i.miiim'iit In 1 1 lo iiiililli' -nlH, TIiIh annum! lu l" illvlili-il annum Dm Vial" III III tlmt lit MllUlulllll, liul mi mmn In ni.!ci lean limn l.'tiU.OtW, Kiyii alnli, cniiiit)' ur tiiwn. iitHvIhk Hlil muni mll it llkn itiiniiint lu llm until Ktvt'ti hv Hit' IJ.niml ilnvin-liim lit. Until alula mill .Nutloiml ammini In ! i- n.l. i) i llm Nullutntl lli ml Inn lit nf I'm, in- iiiifhwA). Our liifiiiniullnii itt. thai our l-itlalnllv i iimmlHi'" wiiil In Wawlilnatuu, almlltj tlm lliuwnluw bill, IbII.T limit) lantiilly, nml ly ttliri'imnl luiiaiil llm HBitlrnl Willi. liomul nf tlm IIiiiwiiIii IjIII anil anliKllliili'il lht iim lilll. tlm ilil.f Ulf - r. i. nni IkIhk, Hi at, llm lirw bill left 111' fln-nilitiili' nf auto fumla tu llm olate liailf, aiMuiul, It in hv luViJ fur a l.aa i, l I) 1 1 unl ilii iii Inn nt Tlm nmli latmnl ItiM la. I hut thla ilialiKc Mil la nuw i-ml lti or la n-i tain lu i-iimn bi tuif llm a inmiiiliis M-aaliin uf t'uimii'aa. Vuiir i.'miitilllri auKViata Hint llm Na tluiiul tlraniio at Hila I lni" nn, 111 ili limml fnl llila 1)111. ir a.illli thllid alllil lar. anil liiatruii Ita l alaUllvo ouuinlt In naillmm Ita rffnita lu arvuiv Ita rnnrtliiKlit, Hliuulil llila U. Unim ulir uiiUr la liiuulit ( lu fuie with mighty mi. bunking Vi-I It la unly i piuunaltluii for tlm Ni-w Wuilil 10 Mil balk alinig a way liuwiind by Km Old lung roi aim i- Th rinbUr of Kruno Ima built nil liialnttilnril 23.IXW nilkii of rum1 wllhuiil nml lu llm fHiiimiN. Italy li tw mllra uf rnaila iiiuli-r alinllur inmllllnna. Km Ininl unO liiiiiiuiiy have rnJuyrU mifii luiiila fur an many ypma llml limy mr in'riiili'il aa a nmiti-r of roura. Vatiiiua alalia iirr allva'ly hi lluv tu iu-nmrti' Willi tin- Knli-ral tiuvi-tiiiimlil aliuiilil llm Curry bill bri'unm !. Ni-w Vnik Hlatn Niniirlklp4 mvnlly li.lKi.OOO fur ayati iiibIIi- Imiirnvriiii'lil of In-r Hiuit, tlm alalo mylnK IM-r frill tlm iMiuiity 31 mnl llm town 16 of llm coal uf llm liiipriivrmi-iil. Tlm bgUlature of uiiln Hi Ita Inat ai-aalun. ratMbllalmil niiul iliimitimiit, tu wblib nny liHallly limy ul'l'ly fur atati' will. Tlm Knuil Hu h-i Hili-inbMil Ixlloi llm liK'Mllty, (l"i'Ui Vjln llnr Hu inml In lm liupruvrd In of iMiltliii'lit ltiiHiiiuiii'l', aiTUIra 'tin- liuhl uf Wuy fur any iiiaii,, JwiimhI ica amy. liiaiHiiH Mini gimlygra tlm available imit irliil fur tln iiropoacd linprovmivnt nml iiihii lliina llm fuat tMiwin n llm atutn, rniinty, tuwn nutl luwnahlp. V Mlitiiii' tlm I'l'lnlun Unit till' Iuh llnil fiirimra Iihvp aiiltrrnl from uoor i-omla i link well tti with tlmt from any utln-r I'l.mi-, Arinrilliiii lo vm'uful t'lniul"M, l will haul a mn flvo mllra mi u illrt rii.nl, wlilln tlm amnn ainiiunt will I'liul tun lb inlb-a on a wII-iiiuI( atuno rninl 'tilt la txiiiaiTVailve) ratlmalK, iiHi ly wiii'ii 11 la ri'iiii'iuliori'd tlmt vant Hr tiling uf tlm eminiry rtmJ wt iiractlimlly i iiiml-bmiiur iIiii'Iiik unlilriiillo or I. una of thn yiur. Wi uigii In llila tuiiiifitlun a pri'i'i-ilriit of inmiy yi-ura' jMmihIIiik. The tfnliod HiHti UMVi-niinint iiii'iprltiid largo hiiiiin of inunry fur tlm linprm rmmil of ilvira mnl IibiIhii. n ui lilug within ihn IiimI It'll i ura tlm i-tiuriiimia aiiin v uf jjoii.oou.ouu, lo wtik'h tin- fiiiiiu-rg havo bi'i'it guni'ioiia ciiiitiihutura. Vi-t, aa Inn Imm'II truly Kiibl. "bi'for a Ion of proline? run lw limited III tlm hold uf a vi-awl. II iiitiNt bo Imuli'J over a cuiintry roiitt. Wi Iiuvh ai'i'iii-fd rural mull diilviry we iu ' dniimnillng a piiii'i'la pnal; In', in iniiko It now a ifitHt iiiumvoriito by ad (ling liond ruiula. Your commit lit Ih nut nbli In auKi'Hl nn Irnn-flml plim for t Improvi-nnMit of highway Unit will l iiiilli'nbl to all jn'iilniiH, In tin- abariii'o of Ki'dornl ami Htato aid. with Ita awoiiipanylng aupi-r , vlaliin, riii'li Inoalltyi will nninue those nmtliuilg (hut Bt'tin priiiiloiibln In that lorullty. ThotiHiiiidH of mllna of atnnu and gruvi'l rnaila luiva bot-n i-oiiMtrnrtint In , Ohio and olhi'r alalea at a mint varying from IlliOO to $5000 por nillo. In ono In ' Hlnni'O tlm cnmiiilaHlniii'ra uf a oountv In Ohio' imm-aMud a liimU'rato tux upon tlm county dunHi'iUP, Hint wliw. th nnmcy ennui Into the truaaury began llm con; Htriietlon of a Mlono road. It met with public favor, and the plan ha been pur amid fur 25 yearn. That county Iihn at prcNvlit a network of perfect Mono roida, with no reuniting debt. In other lnatantea I ho diiclaloii to Improve a road has been Immediately fallowed by the aaJo of bond and the letting of contract. Honda urn li'lno- cniiMtrueted by an aHHeaament upon' all real ealivte within two mile of tho road Itnprovud, and again upon both real and pitrnonnt property within one , mile. When llnio Htono or oilier' hard malerlulH Ih not available, gallafnetoiy roud are being ooriKtruoted from and atone for a Ii'iimIh, protected by a few Incheg of gravel. In tomo tate tho poll tax 1 dlHcontlnuod, townahlp divided Into two ttlMtrlct, two uporvlor elootod who under the general direction of the triiateii. havo chMige uf tho road. Thi plim give at,tut lint two yalem of rrmd-hullillng In each lowtialilp, ami1 I to be preferred lo tho Old plat) when ten upervlaor Inaugurated each year ten dlffarenl pinna, nil of which Wrro liable to bo bad. Tlmre I out nil that ari be and ahmild be applied every wb-ri). lianmly, tu euiialruii the mail that all water will eek III dlbima and e that lliey have fret) outlet. In thl connection,' ll may be timely tu cull attention tu a new departure by Mr, King, uf Mlaaourt, It la i.Hliibllaliid upon gixid authority thai Mr, King. Willi llm co-opcratlou uf lila neighbor fiiniuia, baa kept tit ,il- liuiat perfct itimlr u alreli h of iiimuiuii dirt ruail by a aliuple priN'ea of dragging after each rain. A lug of 12 or 14 luetic In diameter, feet In length, la pll' In half, tlm ac tlnng eurely framed lo- gullier, two feci apart, abnrp dgo mod wllh Iron fureinuat their arrangement la ublliiuw. no thai when drawn along tho able of the I'uad llm rut will lie tilled and the earth worked toward the center. The ruin being over. Mr. King, ur hi neighbor III turn. Mtche lo thl Incx penalv diag and make the linn nf llm 1 1 met Mr, King lia lnn!ii), and I now Initiating, lu public addrevt benn'i many tlinugatiil that hi road Imo not broken through but one in olght yar. After expel litmiitlng uccafully Willi hurt piece of mad. Mr, King vlalled each of 16 or 20 neighbor farmera and aecuted a promlae lo haul the drag over ertuln pec nf road one each year, then vlalled the bualtic men of a nearby tuwn, and all agreed lo haul (he ding nine each year. Jly thl mean a number of mile uf an Important road being ktl lu perfect repair at a nnml- nl coat, The theory la that tho road I pmpeily cnnali iiiit'il. no rut left for the water lu follow, while tho drugging cuiia llm road lo dry very ipil"kly after a rain. Your commute cannot du inure than lu Ittalat iIimI any well-digeatetl plan la au perlur lo Um hap-haggard manlier of ninny mad -building In the pi: null her nit we do ! than limlnt that the long pi.iuia of liupuaaable ruatla III one uf the (iiiion iIihI luiike farm llfo b'a dealr llhlC. liven llm li'lephulie, rural ibiueiy, parcel miI and giMMl roada, We could (Tit tu Hie young a quartet of blealug that Would liiuUe life In I he coimliy IniNO attractlv, To thla end your committer (fnl a llm follnwlng rranliillon: ' Id null i d, Thai llm National Orange now aeaeinbled HI I'urtlaiid. Ongoil. In Inni Ita bglalallvf cuiiimltlee lu ue every effort lo wcure the enximent of lite Curry bill. No. 0.;i&, mtendlng Fed eral aid In lh conatruiilun of public lllgllWH)." wore mong tho Clckgman county iwoplo In tho city th? flrat of tho wook. i J. C. KauplKch, of Htoini. wan In the city V'ttn'H(lay, Mr, and Mr. Chan. PomUrnktt r-turiii-d U) their home In Th Dallo Mt Mnntlay, Mr. Pinbrolf liaa Iwnn vlaltlnif hr mother, Mr. Win. Parker, for the pant glx wpka, lira, tteatlo Beatlo, Dnllti room IS, IT, 11, Welnhard building. SOCIAL EVENTS ageril fur the fulled dtatc. flemenilMi- th nnrne, lan. and tako nn oilier, , lir, Wood'a NoiWay Mne Hyrup aeem enpeiially alapled to the need of the chlldnrlt, 1'lraanfit tu lake; oothlng In It liim.tnc; II I I he remedy of all rifnedle for every form of throat and lung dleHe, Personal Mention w Wlii'low cord have been printed ad- vertlalng a grand iiuiaU ball lo be given at llm Armory by the Hlar Koclal Club, New fear Kve Hiilunliiy. liecember 31. I9UI. Klrt flaa mulc will be pro vided and a nuinlier uf valuable prlge will be dlatiibiited among the teat mark er. The mniiHgeme'nl Inaure a Ihor ougbly pleaaant evening lu all who at tend. ' ' , (am uf tho mtil enjoyable mimical event that ha luken place at Oregon City In numlter of year wa the con cert al Woodmen Hail lal HHlurday rveiilng, by Mr. Kalhryn Ward Pope, Ml Mary I'". ',) era and Mia Veda William. alled by Mr. Miller, Mia Warren and I Vim J,' Stun, of Portland. Kadi of tlm egtette I well and favorably known aa gifted and entertaining per former lo Oregon City people who In dicated n prutM-r appreciation of the con cert by liberal patronage, Individual mention of tho number will be omlttrd but It muy be ald that the program waa a thoroughly enjoyable one, well rendered. Knlbiwlug tlm concert dancing w en Juv for mie liuiir, i One hundred pt raun attendee the ban lin t given by Ht. I'nul'a Oulld at Willam ette; Hall Friday evening. While the e cllement Incident lo the fire eomcwhat luterrupled Ihn program uf the evening, a full ennjynieni of the many good Ihlng to hear and eat wa not curtailed In the allgbteal degree. After dlacuaalng ,a aplimllil feat. aiuii a the ladb-o of Ht. I'mil iltilld are famed fur, a pro gram wn rendered. Including a vocal aulo by Mi, it. C. lianung. and after dinner --cin- by Ilev. I, K. Ham rnund. Judge T. K. Ilyan, Atlorney J. E. Iledgin and Mayor-elect K. A. Hummer. During the afternoon Ih ladle con- dui-lrd an apiiai ale and fur the day'a lalMr reall.-d alaiut lQ receipt. )wen A Thorn, formerly of Oregon Ity. but now located at (Irani I'aa. wa in th city Tueaday on hio way to Hub-til. where on Wednesday he wedded Ml Itlanche Kanttier. daughter of Kev. W. C. Kanlner, ptor "f tb Klial Coti gngiillunal church of the Capital City. Mr. Tlioma" many Oregon City friend wiali him much happlnea. TJasal n itb nnn UHIAIIIIII laallluotagoi. f E!y'$ Cream Balm VwmJ Uh dieue4 BMrmbrano. t& I It eon catarrh Mil dme way a cold la the bead ankklf. Cream Balm to placed Into the notrlli,ptooa over tho metnbriM grid U glxtirlml Belloflobw MilUtoaadacsroMlow. ItlB"t drying -ioeo got proSwso weening, largo Hit., M eeoU at Drop Vu or by nail Trial Size. 10 cent. KLT BKOTBER8, M Warrea street, w To o a), i tln rti-nalor Hniwnell vlalled Hali-m the Ural uf the week. , C I'atxiM'k ha gone lo n Krn- laeo In rt-maln ome time. Ml Klhel Caufleld vlalled over Run- ilay with friend at galeni I. J. ittddlng. a merchant at Manpiam. a lii Hie city lat Krlday. II, ll. M'-Alpln h rtiurned fnm a Imalmaa vlall lo McMlnnvllle. tl. Toll, of Harlow, wa In Oregon iiy lli latter part of lal week. J. It. Bhlbley and Ed. Cluaner of Hprlng water, were In Oregon city tai i nur lav. Mr and Mra. I toy I. Marlln have moved lo luiylon, Oregon, where Ihcy will rralde. Ml Mary . Harlow and Ml Tull. of Harlow, vlalled thl week wllh menu In thl city. County Judge Kyan attended a meet ing of Hoyal Arch Maaoiio at Kugene Raturday night. J. W. Herd, of Klacada. waa bttal ma vlaltor lo Oregon City the latter part of lnt week. Mr, Mary T. Howard, lale aecretary if the Oregon Orange. w In tne city from Mulluo Tuemlay. Htate Hi nator K. M. Croln. of Salem, waa lu the city Tuemlay III consultation with Menator llrowimll. Mr. and Mra. John Heurth have re turned from their honey-moon and have begun hoiiaekecplug on the hill. Mr. I'cter Mclutyre and daughter, Ml Mary, have returned from an ex tended vlHlt In llllnol and Michigan. Ilev. J. W. Kxon, former pastor of the Method!! church al Viola, and now lo catetl at tJcaveriun, wna in me nj Moinlay. ' Fred Mile I temporarily employed a mcaaeliger wun wena rargo voni- patty on It Bmithern Paclllf run out of l'otilalid. Mr. K. Nelaon, who hna been vlaltlng her ller, Mra. T. P. Randall, hag re turned lo her home al Waterman, Ent orn Oregon. W. K. Blell, accompanied by P,ot maaler J. V. Deyoe of Canby, have re turned from a ucceful hunting trip lo Newport. MIhh Dora HrlRgg vlHlted relative!! In Portland lat week. J. H. Wolfer, of Not'dy, was In Ore gon City WudnoHday. Curtln Helvoy was calling on his frtimdH hore IiihI Sunday. Mr. 3. D. Wllkerson made a bvmlnesb trip to FroRiKind laat Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Robbtns visited Mr and Mrs. Dlovlns last Sunday. MIhh Ktlna Matlock waa the gueat of MIhh Hohb Drlgga laHt Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Will Draper vlHlted Mr, William Parker and family last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Job, Porringer vlsltod Mr. John Thomas and family last Mote day, night. Mr. Chas. Plpka and family vls ltod at the residence of Mr. Martin lllchter lant Sunday. MIhhoh (Jem Uurns and Lydla John son wore the gtiOHts of Miss Kllxa Biinm lant Sunday. Mra. C. B. Nash of Oregon City vlHlted her mother, Mrs. J. Knotts, ltiHt Saturday and Sunday. Mra. Knotts la a aufferer with rheumatism. Rex Lewis and T. M. Cross, of Mo lalla, and Lewis Haugulum, of Sandy, IN A BAD WAV. Many on progon City Reader Will Fool Oratoful for Thl Information. , When your back glvea out; Ik-come weak or aching: When urinary trouble act In; t Ymu- kidney are In a bad way. Iioan'e Kidney IHla will cure you. Here I evidence to prove It: J uinr A. .Tanner, farmer, corner 13th and Iewla Ptreel. ftalem, aayo: "Bo many ouffcr from kidney complaint that for a lime 1 wa alarmed about mydf for 1 wa troubled wllh my back aching In the region of my kidney. I think It wa i aimed Mint by a atra!n cauaed from heavy lifting I did year ago. 1 kepi gelling worae lntcad of better and finally conulted doctor. He told 1 had gall tone In the bladder but Christmas Is Here And we have piade pro viaioii for your want. Fruit. Nut and Candies nd all ChrUttnM gpecial tie at low price. For Yoor Dinner We have the famous M.J. B. Coffee New ahipment jut arrived. Buy it for your Christnia dinner. Electric Grocery D. M. Klemsen, Prop. Main Street, near Electric Hotel i! 'I ( 4 I trouble with kidney aecretloti exielea, their too frequenl action dlaturbed my ret from fifteen lo twenty lime a nlghl. Thl waa very annoying and I waa In a tied way w hen I read of Doan Kidney Pill and procured a bog. To y that j I wa aurpriiwd al their ieedy effect i of their ue I putting It mhuiy. i nave rccominenilcd Liuan'a Kidney Pill to I' til hero and will alway have a good word j for them." Plenty more proof like thl from Ore- gun City. Can t C. U. Huntley a drug ; atore and ak them what their cuatomer i relMirt. j Kor nle by all dealer. Price 60c. Kotcr-Mllburn Co., Huffalo. N. T.. ole iMnvp RED FRONT Youth! full htock wet weather shoes, cut to ...... $1.40 Koy'n " " cut to 1.6o Men' ,( " " " " cut to 1.85 radios' Unlim-d Heavy Shoes $1.15 and 1.40 Uuie' $2X) Kid Shoes 1.90 and 2.25 Udiw $1.50 Kid Shoes, uatent tip 1.20 P.ahy'H bhoef,worth 50c for 33 Child h MuMji, worth fl.10 and l.zo lor .mo IJoy'g Calf Shoe3, worth $2.01, for.. ..... 1.68 smaller 1.22 Men's Fine Shoes $1 .42, 1.69 and 2 20 " High Top Shoes, good grade, $2.90,3.15 3.40 " ' equal $6.50 Cutter.... 5.45 Slippers 23c, 48c, 63c .98 Ladies' Slippers 58c, 88c .94 Shoe Lacea, pair .01 GROCERIES Oianges and Lemons, each 01 Candy for Xrnas . .08 up IVanuts and Walnuts .10 Fine Figs jtound 08 Seedlesa Kaisins 07 Fine Currants .10 Cheese '.lie to .15 Good Coffee 14c to .15 Fine Coffee, worth .5c, for .20 Tea Dust, usually 25c, for 15 Teas, usually 15c to 25 more 25c, 45c .55 Cocoa, can 10 Starch, 6c Soda 4c . Pi unes 02 Washing Powders, pound .04 Fine Hulk Lard, pound H Flour a : 1.05 up Cood Chops, 90 lbs -95 Goil Syrup, lolhs pail 45 8 quart Galvanized lJail .". 15 Clothes Pins, ic dozen Clothes Line .05 Dry Goods, Toys, Etc. Fine IiOt Hosiery, from factory, 10c up. Factory shipment Wool Hose; Misses Hose, worth 25c, for 18c; Ladies' Wool Hose 25c up: Men's Wool Socks, 15c up to 25, and 27c for warm goods. Milliuery, cut to cost or less; Hibbons 'at cut prices, Lace at cut prices. St-e our array of 5c and 10c toys; Picture Books, lc, 3c, , 9c and up; Dolls, lc up; Metal Head Dolls, etc. Hundreds of useful presents, Clothing, Shoes, Suspen ders at cut prices. 7 5 Suitable 1 10 M I FOiR 11 II X GSiFts F. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER VOELCKEL & NOLANS v . GREATER Troibadours 41 SINGERS DANGERS JESTERS MINSTRELS VAUDEVILLISTS DIXIE GALS A. W1 HEADED BY BlsLeM IPattti (SISSIERETTA JONES) The Greatest Singer of Her Race I fl 1 1 M n 1 1 0 1 r D ."The Alabama Blossom" JUmi nUOlVLn. Funlest Colored Man Alive. The most appreciated gift is a useful article, such as a nobby H. S. & M. suit or overcoat, an up to date HAWES HAT, a stylish pair of W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES, a dainty pair of JULIA MARLOWE SHOES for the fair sex, an elegant line of CUTTER & CROSETTE NECKWEAR in the newest creations to select from, and the largest gents' furnishing goods stock in town from. which to select useful articles at matchless prices. Our thanks are due and heartily tendered our great public for their appreciation of our efforts to place before them the values of their lives. Your generous patronage, home folk and visiting friends, during the earlier part of the autumn season assures us that we have succeeded beyond our fondest and most sanguine optimistic expectations, and it has made pos sible offerings of these surpassing bargains for your holi day needs. There are hosts of matchless values here. Come as soon as you can. First choice is always the best. J. Ma PRICE PRETTY 0H0RU8 Compristng the Sweetest and Best .Trained Necro Mixed Voices in the World. Presenting ( a Magnificently New $10,000 Stage Production,' includ r)ramland.""Plantatlon Pastimes." "Glorv of the Fair," "Offenback Opera-Bouffe" and "Swell , Minstrel Varieties." . , v CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER Agent for H. S. & M. Clothing, Hawes Hats and W. L Douglas Shoes. Oregon City Oregon Shively's Opera House, Monday Night, Dec. 19 o. i