PAGE 2. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER , 1904. I Out Correspondents' Corner : 3 Brief Bits of Gossip From All Parts of the County. 9499 999999499 94499444 999444944944 94449994 Correspondents are requested to re new their work. We will furnish all necessary stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear In these columns every week. I In this part of the country, and we prom. In the public that the entertainment will be the best ever given In Garfield. The dramatis pemoline of Ulack-eyed Susun consists of fifteen character and twelve supernumeraries. Mack ltlundcre will have twelve negro characters, con slitting of nine men and three women, and Is very comical. It la not Improbable that a Juvenile. Orange will soon be organised In connec tlon with Garfield Orange. Such a move. in the writer's opinion, would be for the welfare of the Orange.. The Debating Society lust Friday night discussed the question: Resolved that there Is more pleasure derived from hope than from memory. The negative slda won. The next question tor discussion Is: Resolved that the minority Is more often In the right than the majority. One week from Friday night there, will be a mock trial. Mrs. Sarah Palmnteer and her daugh ter, Mrs. Rena Duncan, have gone to 011- llara and Morrow counties to visit relatives. F. M. 01LU CLACKAMAS. Mr. James Harper has rented the house belonging to George Brown, better known at the Shute's place. He has moved In the household goods belonging to his son and family, and the two parties will occupy the house until Spring. Mr. Har per has bought twenty acres of land west of Marlon Johnson's place, and will build a , small cottage thereon next sum mer. Mrs. Rickman, who has been living In Kansas since the death of her husband a few years ago, lately returned to Clack amas. Thornton Strlte has completed the fencing of the five acre tract In Clacka mas Park which he purchased last fall. The said tract has been cleared of brush and timber and is now In readiness for cultivation. We are Informed that it is for sale. C. F. Clark complains of having ost thirty-five head of sheep the past year by the depredations of neighborhood dogs, besides having several torn and maimed. He proposes to shoot all dogs caught running sheep on his premises. The young people of the 8. C. EX are preparing for an entertainment In the near future. Active preparations are going on In both churches of this place for Christ mas services. We are informed that several ladies of this place will make an appeal to the county court this week, in behalf of "Blllle Danforth." Mr. Danforth Is cer tainly entitled to help. He has bravely done all that he could to support himself since the death of his mother, "Grand man" Clark, but has been ill In bed for several weeks. At present writing he can get about a little with the aid of crutches. mend anything that might prove In the least unsatisfactory, but we know Laxa kola Is all right and sure to do good." "It is the oniy liquid laxative in this store that we era willing to sell with a guarantee, and It tastes so nice that children like it and ask for It." If the baby la colicky, or fretty, or teething, there Is nothing will do so much good as Laxakola. Try It, and If It proves In the least disappointing we will return your money. LAXAKOLA GUARANTEED TO CURE CONSTIPATION. Huntley Bros. Co. Recommends It Be cause they know It cures. "There are so many laxatives on the market." says Huntley Bros. Co. "that It is hard to tell which to recommend, however, it is a good deal of satisfaction to know that there is at least one we can recommend with every confidence." Experience shows that Laxakola is sure to benefit every one in need of a mild, tonic laxative, and we ask our customers to try It on our guarantee. "Experience has taught us It doesn't pay to deceive the people and recom- i 0 I (cTHTTTA 1 VtMz5tMIU ; II1LLI IU CUTLERY Knives and Razoi ioc to $5.00 CHARMAN & COMPANY City Drug Store STAFFORD. Beautiful weather In Stafford, and the plows, harrows and drills stop for noth ing, not even the Sabbath. Well, yes, they did hold In Saturday for the shoot ing match over at Charlie Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Durr and Mrs. Wlesen- born visited old friends In Portland last week for a few days. We were glad to hear that Lou Loed temeier was arrested for beating his little girl, and hope he will meet hla just deserts. Poor little motherless wait! The Aid Society should have taken the little ones when the mother died last summer. Mrs. Durr lost her purse last Thurs day In Portland. As she stepped on to a Madison street car at the west end of the bridge, she missed her purse, contain ing $".25, she knows of. besides other small change. She thinks a man who took hold of her elbow to assist her on to the car may have taken It Gage's telephone Is out of "whack" and will neither speak or answer. A number from this vicinity attended the National Grange at Portland and en Joyed it Immensely. The displays of the products of Oregon and Washington were certainly fine. Of course there was the usual amount of good natured Joshing. One young fellow, presumably from Washington county, was heard to say: "See how Clackamas has things heaped. In no order at all. Now look at Washington, everything of a kind by It self and classified, as It were." "Yes," spoke up a young man from Mllwaukle, "Tnat is ust it. This display la typical of the two counties. In Washington, where you can raise onions you don't raise potatoes or fruit; where you can raise oats you can't raise wheat and so on. while In Clackamas you can raise them all with a hop yard thrown In, on any farm." airs, i-owen nas oeen m Portland a number of days having some dentistry work done. One can ride now on the "palace car" clear to or from the Field's bridge. It comes down to the bridge every other trip, we hear. At least It comes six times a day, and is quite convenience to many. The brass band has a telephone in Its room now and the Professor comes every Thursday to give Instruction. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schats went to Portland Sunday morning. A slight frost the past two nights the first of the season here, though lower localities say there was a frost some weeks ago. No More Suffering. If you are troubled with indigestion get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and see how quickly it will cure you. Geo. A Thompson, of Spencer, Iowa, says: "My case was almost helpless. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure was recommended and I used a few Dottles of it and it was the only thing that relieved me. Would not be without it. Have doctored with local physicians and also at. Chicago, and even went to Norway with the hope of gett ing some relief, but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only remedy that has done me any good, and I heartily recommend If.. Every person suffering with Indi gestion or Dyspepsia should use It." Sold by Oeo. A. Harding. A Pleasant Pill. Living at an out of the way place, re mote from civilisation, a family la often driven to desperation in case of acci dents, resulting In burns, cuts, wounds, ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply of Buck len's Arnica 8alv. It's the best on earth Zi cents at Howell A Jones drug store. person cannot speak ICnt'.'.eh and has Just come out of a hospital a crlppln, paralysed from rheumatism. Yes one lady gave the poor man a dollar and fifty cents, his dinner unit a nice lunch, lie only had one arm when there II was douhled tip In his sleeve, but at the next house It was the rheumatism, lie could also speak plain Kngllsh. UmiK out he will visit you all. Two hobo paused through town one day last week. They were the real arti cle. Mr, J. p. Stliiman Is assisting I- It, Klrchem In finishing W. Klrchem's new house. ' Mr, Oeorge Clark has purchased prop erty near Mt, Scott and Intends to make his residence there. , Saturday, December 3, was the regular monthly meeting day of Harding Gringo, also the annual election of officers. Most of the officer were re-elected with ex ception of Master. II. 8. A'nderson will occupy that chair for the ensuing year. Harding Orange Is In a flourishing con dition and la still growing In numbers. Hurrah! for old Clackamas County. It Is pretty tough for other counties to stand on tha ground and listen while Clacka mas stands on the "top rail" and crows. EACLE CREEK. We are having some cool frosty weath er, but do not think the freese will hurt the grain. Mr. William Kurr and Mr. Cahlll are repairing A. D. Burnett's house and I Baker la preparing to build his new shop at Eagle Creek. A. W. Cooke and wife of Damascus, were up visiting at W. J. Howlltts Sun day. Mark and Ell Rivers were seen on the streets of Eagle Creek yesterday. Mr. Joseph Bracket haa gone to Eastern Oregon for a three years' stay The Grange will miss Joe .as he was a very regular attendant. J. P. Woodle and rfwlly attended church at Dover Sunday. Mr. Ward Douglas waa laid up all last week with a sprained ankle. Mr. Oeorge I.lun, a former resident of Eagle Creek was visiting relatives and friends here last week. LOGAN. Jack Frost is again an unwelcome vis itor, pinching web-foot roses. Logan is neither dead nor a "dry" town. Just a busy place. There will be a basket social at Stone School house December . There will also be a ball at Harding Hall on December 26th. All respectable people are Invited. Music by Morton's orchestra of Damuscus. Good order will be maintained. The Logan Debating Society meets Saturday evenings. The next question for discussion Is: "Resolved. That labor unions are a detriment to the country." There also was one of that class who exhibits a deformed hund. also presents a book with printed statement that said BEAVER CREEK. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to 1 traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning jn the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneysare weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly,'1 begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If yotf are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedv, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all f":7u- druirtrists in fifty-cent dnSe; and one-dollar size gugWijlK bottles. You may "i-H!s have a sample bottle noma of Swamp-Root by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Bingharaton.N.Y., on every bottle. Jack Frost appears to have been com ing rather severely of late. Mr. and Mrs. A. McC'ord are visiting with relatives at Ely at present. A number of the young people who at tended the party at the Steudeman resi dence reported a good time, as they al ways do. Mr. Steudeman was 63 years old last Saturday night and took an ac tive part In the games which were played. E. Ixnidigan is visiting relutlves here. O. Thomas, who is Ihe owner of a I'i'i acre ranch near I'rlncyllle. Is home for a short time. ' " G. Slaben and A. Thomas culled on V. Camerth last Sunday. It. Stuben and II. Mochnke. who at tended the German tnawniierade at Ore gon City last Saturday night, returned home looking as though they had thor oughly enjoyed themselves. V. Hughes, a prominent young farmer of Heaver Creek, went to the city the oth er clay and bought a disc drill after many years hard sowing by hand. Driven to Desperation. No 1111 is as pleasant and positive as DeWltt's Mule Kaily Risers. DeWitt's Mule Karly Klpers are so mild and ef fective that children, delicate ladles and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are the best pills sold. Hold by Geo. A. Harding. Drying Mis 2325 Keele? St.. Chicago, III., Oct., 2, 1902. I nuff.'re.J with falling and con gestion of the womb, with severe pains through the groins. 1 tuf Fwrv.1 terribly at the tima of men itruatio'i. nil blinding headaches and nub ni if of blood to the brain. What to try I knew not, for it seemed that I had tried all and failed, hut I bad never triad Wine of Card ii, that blessed remedy for lick women. I found it pleasant to take td soon knew that I had the riz'it medicine. New blood sneme.l to course through my veins and atir uting eleven bottlei 1 wm a "ell woman. Mn. Bush it now in perfect health because she took Wine of Cardui r menstrual disorders, bearing iown pains and blinding headaw when all other remedies failed l bring her relief. Any ufferer may secure health by tak ing Wine of Cardui in her home. The CM bo.tle convinces the pa tient ilie is on the road to health. For ' special Vllliv: Depar' i Medic dvice in case requiring 'iirer.uoii. address, giving , ,. "Ihe Ladies Advisory . t." The Chattanooga e Co., Chattanooga, ienn. Worst of All Experiences. Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last? Such was the ciperlence of Mrs. R. II, Ncwson, Decatur, Ala., "For three years" she writes, "1 endureu insuttcrabie nam trout Indlgestlun. stomach and bowel trouble leuti aeciiied Inevitable when doctors tnd nit remedies failed. At length I wss Induced to try Electric Hitters and and the result waa mlraculoua. I Im proved at ones and now I am completely recovered. For Uver, Kidney, Btoro ach. and Bowel troubles Electric Bitter Is the only medicine. Only S lt'i guaranteed by Howell Jones druggists. GARFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irvln were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Irvln. Sun day. Mrs. V. 8. Irwin was the guest of Mrs. Martha pavls, Sunday. J. H. Palmateer has at last purchased CAMUS. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Griffith and daughter Gertrude, of Oregon City, and Mr. and Mrs. David W. Oiifflth from Cambria, Wisconsin, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. lAndon last ftundny. Mr. C. R Stewart of Carua lost a val uable hoiae and colt a few days ago. "I DSP .K. -m-.i-.-.a! r::r,- ntf i Startling tvldtncs. Fresh testimony in great quantity la constantly coming In, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, to be unequaled. A recent expression from T. J. McFartand, Bentorvllle, Vs.. serves as an example. He writes: "I had bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time without being benefitted. Then I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally ef fective In curing all Lung and Throat troubles. Consumption, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by Howell A Jones, druggists. Trial bottles free, regular sties 60c and 11.00. UNION HALL. AYcue taUe Prcparfliionror As- slmQallntf the Food nmlBctf iita ting the Stomachs and Dowels or Tromolcs Digcslion.Chmrul -ftcssandRfM.Contahis nelitrr ttoitim.Mofpluiie norJinrral. Not Narcotic. Jtn.Smm Ammhrnt 1 7,il s i Ml I Aperfrcl Remedy forConslipa Hon, Sour Stomach, DlarThoca Worms .Convulsions .Kevrrish nest and Lot Of SLEEP. FiCSimiW Sigmdureof NEW YOUR. , lxact corv or whamm. Tor Infants nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years niEU Tea esiwa ea. way. The music was excellent, flood order wss maintained throughout the evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kohblns visited Mr. Itlevlns and wife lust Humiuy. Mr.' J. Hess snd wife were visiting Mr. William and family last Bunday. Mrs. B. J. llelvey wss the guest f Mrs. J. II Burns last Hunduy. Mr. 8am Wllkrrson haa his barn tin- Uhd Mr. It. l. Ilelvry has gone lu F.atri Orrgun to stny this wlnii-r, on account of his health. Mls Marin l'uvrrlri visited relative In l'ortlund lust week, Mr. J. Burns railed on Mr. Will Draper lust Hunduy. Hubscrlbe for Ihe Enterprise. The dance given In t'nlon Hall by Mr. ' Krunk ltrlKK whs a success In every TUT A T7 17 PC vegetable Sicilian lniilLriUu) Hair Renewer why not stop this falling of your hair? At this rate you will 100a be without any hair' Just remember that Hairs Hair Renewer stops falling hair, and makes hair row. I f I U. ft vm MAIN AND SEVENTH W. L. BLOCK THE HOME FURNISHER MAIN AND SEVENTH TO MAKE ROOM The Head of a Department of the U. S. GOVERNMENT SAYS ORRINE CURES Whiskey Habit GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. Offir nf thm Ptitilty Prlti.v. the Inng-taiked-of buggy. He wiih out: Wwlilng ton, D. C, April 18, 1904. Bunday displaying his purchase to all j n'0nla,CoVul,Jii'v!'4 who wished to gaze thereon, the glrlH cm- Osntlemss ! My stuntios wss fsiisntly esllsd to . ii.. lt.iii i . . i ess of tbt smployMofthis office who taBd,throagh peciully. While returning from playing hibita of IntoiicUliig drink, become to inefficient the role of the "young panther" the name && ;f .'wl&sVJl "tK evening, he drove over a log and a stump . sppttltt, but pranlictlly til of the ordinary tifnt and nlt. ln.rl i t tl.o h.iiru l, i ! of dutlpstloo, diatppttrtil, snd I am smurad by ana was pit'.. lied out of the buggy, tint tho. Interuttd thai to Orrine" belongi thtcrtd't ko far an we can learn, except collecting' foMhlatietllsnt rtault. It It s pltaaurt to mt to rttuluto baatocial, Youra nr truly, P. W. !., . Public 1'iUiler. Take Orrine quietly at home I To curt without pttlant't knowledge, boy Orrine Ko 1 j for voluntary traatroeot, buy Orrint Ho. 2. Psics, $1.00 rag Box. Curt effecttd or money refusdtd. Rook on "Drunkenneat" (tealed)free on rtqutat. winui oiBiivu imieuj un. rtoeipiui pi.w uy For our New Stock of Wall Paper we decided to reduce all our pres ent stock at the following prices: 10-12 cts paper 5c double roll 15-18 44 44 ioc 44 " 25-28 44 44 15c 35c 44 25c 40c 44 30c 4 4 4 4 50c 44 35c a Kmall quantity of (.'laekama enmity's I valuable real estate, he was uninjured, j A special meeting of f'.urfleld Grange I will be held Wednesday evening at 7:110. I Garfield Grange will give an entertain ment Wednesday evening, December 2Mh. The program will consist of the drama, Black-eyed. Susan, a negro farce, Black Blunders, recitations, songs and niUKlc, The actors In Black-eyed Susan will be The Orrine Co.. Inc.. Wafhineton. D. C. attired in sailor costumes, or costumes to, ol 1 and raeommtsdad by suit the parts. No suchv extensive cos-' Howell A Jones, near Suspension Bridge turning has ever been attempted before Oregon City, Oregon.' AND THE BALANCE OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF PAINT TO BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF PRICES. Call and get your wall paper for spring as it will pay you W. L. BLOCK The Home Furnisher