Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 09, 1904, Image 12

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when he was overwelromed by h's faith
ful old dog Suite.
Our school is a success this year with
Miss Miller from Portland at the helm.
Frank Halstead Is back on Vm. H.
Jone's place at his old Job of cutting
tun; Chaplain, Jennie Perdue; Gale kocp
er, Edward Hammond; Treasurer, O. V.
Adams; Secrotary, J, V, Thomas, P.O.
box IS. Molalla; Pomona, Mary Uluon;
Flora. Mary M. Clark; Ceres, Kdlth Saw
tell; Idy A. 8., Ola Melton; Organist,
lion ha Adams; Janitor, Mary Kobbtns;
Ituslncss Agent, J. N. Sawtell; Insur
ance Agent, Ufs and Fire; Press Cor
respondent, Mettreuu Information, Jf. W,
Thomas, Molalla, Oregon; Tmsiee lttli,
Oliver Kobblna, Q, V, Adams, J. W.
was rendered and well received by all
after which various games were played.
Proceeds, from sale of pies 127,80.
The carpenters ars working on the
Orange hall and hope to have It complet
ed for our next meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Moore, who have
been visiting the tatter's parents, wilt
leave this morning for tlielr new home
at Sherwood..
school hoys with a bat and ball tor clean
ing the school grounds.
Several of our young folks spent Sat
urday evening st the horn of K. T, 0 In -ther,
Aliueda Itennet spent Sunday with her
little friend I.uclle Hohuebel.
Mr. Ilettman Is on the sick list,
Robert (llnther of Maxburg, visited his
old home here lust Sundny.
Itev, Kraxbut'gcr of Oret-.m City, Is
unending a few days with tils father-in-law,
Mr. Kleve.
Mrs. See, of Itlglilutid, spent Haturduy
at the home of Mr. K. W, Ilornstiuh,
Quite a crowd attended the services at
the Evangelical church today,
Ed. Schmidt has started a singing
school at Clarkea.
K. V. Olnther ha puivlinsed a new
Itching I'llesT Never mind If pliyslu
tans havs failed to etin you. Try Doan'g
Ointment, Ni failure there, DO eentg
at any drug store,
: .
Mr, Pug mid family of Parkplaee, has
exchanged residences with Mr. Ents Ca
hill and family of this place.
Mr. Eastman, who went to Portland,
accompanied by Mm. Eastman, to un
dergo an operation la getting along favor
ably. : -"'' V-'
Mr. Frank McCormtck t cxpwted home
from Portland hospital where he has un
dergone five critical operations, but la
Improving fine.
An entertainment and basket social
will be held at Iceland school house Sat
urday evening, December It. All are
cordially Invited,
. Mrs. Clark and Miss Miller on
the new bride, Mrs. C. V. Stoker, on
Mr. Charles Rider has rented the
Blaiers place.
Enos Cahlll visited his farm on Sunday
tost e artful fkmsn
indHardsnerasesrir wlisre
lues etiuntUmea In Fsrry
Our burg Is to have Christmas tree
by the united efforts of the school and
Sunday school, and a general good time
Is assured.
The Artisan Assembly No. $2 Is having
a lively time now and incidentally taking
in some new members.
Molalla, Orange No. Sit, at the Decem
ber meeting, elected the following officers
for 1906:
Master, i- H. Cochran, Aurora, R.K. S.
Overseer, J. N. Sawtell, Molalla; Lecturer,
J. J. Clark, Molalla; Steward, F. A. Dun-
v sWa4bs kind that asvsr fell
tan. y
Mr, and Mrs. Kred Kleb of Highland,
wera in our neighborhood Sunday,
Several of the Shubelltra took In the
masiiuernde at the Armory Saturday.
O. A. Schuebel and son called on K. F,
Ulnther Sunday morning.
I), Moehnke, of Clarke, was a visitor
here Sunday,
The directors held another meeting last
night. They decided to reward the
Mrs. Iliivrth Is suffering with the
rheumatism In her spine.
Ernest Charters was seen In this burg
The social given Saturday night by the
Abernathy Grange No. Sis, was well at
tended. A short but excellent program
iS "- M
havslMsiiUisstandardRit)rsafa, ,
a. yv
Tliey ar m
I Mold by all
I Xsv
not an saiwrimsnl
in anting, ax I
Oetreit, Mick,
Subscribe for th Bnterprla,
FRANK- BUSGH. Tk mauBisllhxrriis&biat
Ji. sV
1 A
as ,
l Ml H I
It is out intention to give out friends and pat
tons during the holiday season strictly wholesale
prices on furniture. As yot know, we are run
ning a well equipped furniture factory with up
to date machinery and can turn out furniture
just as cheap as any factory in the land We
let the following items speak for themselves
This large size Bureau
like cut, finished in
Mtbogany French
bevel plate
This iarge size Bareau
just like cut. French
bevel plate, finished in
golden fir
This large size Bureau
fust like cut, French
bevel plate, finished
natural wood.
This Hardwood Olaii
Safe finished in Mahog
any golden maple or
white maple, would be
an ornament for your
dining room, only
1 Tbri
Our Chiffonier has five Urge easy run
ning drtweri and cost
Wardrobe Conch
This I. on Bed
All Glassware sold at
Trrrrf ,
Patronize Home Industry
At considerable expense I established
a furniture factory and using our native
woods exclusively and with up-to-date
machinery can put furniture in the
msrket that will defy any competition
in quality and price. If ou will glance
over my advertisement you will find
staple furniture at prices so far unknown
for the consumer. v
You will encourage this young enter
prise by purchasing your furniture at ay
factory, at factory prices.
-Tr&ttlJ I :tW fin . II gsa
Kltchra TrfaJorea
We tamed out too for the holiday
gifts; what better can yon buy for
any body's kitchen than this treasure,
they are welt built and fine finished
with hardwood dough boards. Price
only $4.00.
, We also have one for $2.75.
Our Writing Desk la the
most attractive piece
of furniture on the
floor, standi 4 ft. to in.
Kitchen Safes t
We are manufacturing five differ,
ent kinds and sell them as cheap as
Six Fine Dinning Room chairs,
high back, solid bottom (or.
We have a limited number of
these ti.js Cobbler Seat
Rockers and sell them still at
Hardwood LeaJ Table
Better than a cheap extension
extra large size.
Library Tablet
Top a feet by 3 feet and drawer
Side Boards
and Buffets
See what we offer for
Center Tables, 24 inch top
Art Squares
11 wool
Rugs 3 fix 6 ft
V- ?r-riyr.-.r-"2r-- ,r'
i 1
1 '"?p
Regular $10 value, now 7.00
Extension Tables, round and square, from
$4.50 up
Morris Chairs, $6.50.
It Is a departure from other rotary mo
tions. The gear Is the strongest lever
age known, therefore the operation of
the same Is the easiest. Strain of cast
ings not known In this gear, hence
breakage la eliminated. Has locking
hinge gear, which locks the machine
when open or closed.
Cotton Felt Mattresses
The cleanest and purest of all. The
general health depends a great deal on
how we sleep. In order to be able to do
a good day'8 work wemuBt be freshened
up by a good night's rest on a comfort
able mattress. A good mattress means
good sleep and good health. Cotton
Felt Mattresses that are sold for $14.00
can be bought here for $ia 00 higher
grade ones for $15 00 and $16.00. We
have others made of different material as
cheap as $2 50.
75c to
$6.00 per pair
a 1
A $45.00
Steel Range
for $30.00 Cash
Just like cut, 18 inch
oven. All the guarantee
you ask for. Be good to
yourself and family and
put one la your kitchen.
There is none better.