Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 09, 1904, Image 11

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morteHim the old MnlhMllNt rhuroh for a
llHIH'K tttlll.
(mll llelvey waa ifln;i(1(itliif it twit-
I tun fur it It, V, ih Monday from t.'anly
In Miilltio miii) tmi'k.
tOmmem! HiHl Ih pluwlnif for C. Apart
For Thin
Fat is of great account
to a baby ; that is why
babies are fat. If your
baby is scrawny, Scott's
Emulsion is what he
wants, The healthy baby
stores as fat what it does
not need immediately for
bone and muscle. Fat
babies are happy ; they do
not cry ; they are rich ;
their fat is laid up for
time of need. They are
happy because they are
comfortable. The fat sur
rounds their little nerves
and cushions them. When
they are scrawny those
nerves are hurt at every
ungentle touch. They
delight in Scott's Emul-
sion. It is as sweet as
wholesome to them.
Stntt for frt $amptt.
0 awe that ihli pkiur In
tha lorm ol a Ukel It ea lh
mttpftr of e.erj aetua at
f malttea yea buy
Scott Boivn
4041$ PtmH Street
toe ead $1 CO
All Dru (!
C, HpttllKl'T tK l'll'llll Up hli fltllll,
Tit lann ul Union Hall Hitliirday nlalit
wtta enjoyed,
C, T. Howard In iiiittlnif In eome new
inet-hliiery In til milt Oil week.
1II TiutlltiK It h"I'ik to put up new
miw mill In the old McCotd aland.
Mra. Corn Hmlth wna falling on Mollno
frlentla Hiituirtiiy.
Om liavle made a flying trip t Oregon
City Hiindwy.
Kvni-y family etmuld have Ite houaahold
miillnlne wheat. And the firet bottle In
It nhouid t.e lr. Wood' Norway l'ina
Hyriip, Nature'e remedy for cotigha mid
A atrong Company.
Juma Ki-iiiii,, who i'om to the htv
ly Opera Ilmiae tH'Xt Monday nlgtit ha
etirronnded hlmw'tf with an exceptionally
atrong compimy. Hum Idea of tn excel
lence of Mr, Keane'a aupporttng way
tut gleaned when It li known thitt eev-
eral of the memuere of the eaat nave t
on tlmo or another been atarred or fea
tured with prominent atiraetlona.
Mr, Tony Wmet, Mr, Keane'e comedian,
originated the trad In th New York pro
duction of Walllclt'e fatnoue rural coin
rdy "The Dairy Farm". Mr. Wt waa
attrrwardi brought to Hun Krattelacfli by
Itelaeeo and Mayer In aaauma hta origi
nal rolr In the Alceaar production.
Herbert Aahlon, tha heavy man d the
company la an Auatrullun ador of prom
lnrnr, Mr, Anliton haa jtiat flnlahrd an
vnKKamnt aa Ifadiim man fur a promt-m-nt
attraction whrn h waa innuK-d by
Mr, Kean.
lJ-jnn llartlvy, th wll-kimwn rhnra
trr artrvsa and t.llty Urenaeomba tha
rhartiilnc III lie alnaluM and dunclna aM
liitt, are alao mml-rra of Mr, Kfanr'a
lonipaiiy, "(Jiid aupport la half tha bat
tla" awya Mr. Kaii, and we thorouithly
' biiw with htm. jvirf for Mr. K-ana rn
I fanfmant wtil a S5. M and 0. nwrvd
' arata n aal at Iluntley'a drug atora.
ite-V i A
The jrofeor who announced that "lovt
and ronmnrr die out with the aound of the
wriMinK MK" waa the firat to aurt the
ball rollilif. It would arem a brave woman
who tuatri. ii with thla echo in her eara, yet
w have not beard that there were fewer
mart iatet diifinf the year, Tbere are on
bapoy married Uvea, but a large prerentuge
of theao unhappy homra are due to the ill
nroa of the wile, mother or daughter.
During a Ion priod of practie. Doctor
Pierce found that a prrwrrtption made up
entirely of root and brrba, without the ue
of alcohol, cured ninety-eight per cent, of
aucb caarii, After uiing thia rrruedy for
many yearn ia bi private practice he put
It up in a form that ten be had at any eUire
mM mulii inr are hmidlrd.
Bached up by over a third of a century of
remarkable and uniform curea, a record
aucb a tlo other remrdy for tbc diaeaaea
and weaknenwa ftrramt to women ever
attained, lb' prnprirtor and makera of Ir.
Mrrre'a Favorite Preiwription now feel
fully warranted in oBrring to pay fvx) in
legal mony of the I'wltcd State, for any
ee of Uuiorrhra, 1'rmale Weaknena, Pro-
lapaua, or Falling of Womb which they can
not cure, All they ak i a fair and rcaao
Dr. pirrre'e Favorite Prencriptian curea
headache, bai kache, nervou-inraa, leep-
)eneta and other conequencei ol wom
anly dira. "Favorite Preacription
make weak womm atronr and airk ton,
ea well Accept no uUtitute for the
mcdicia which worka wonder foe weak
Croup Inatantly relieved, Ir. Thome'
!!. trio Oil. I'erfiHtly aaf. At any
droit ptnrf.
But in order to display our immense stock we are obliged to commence
showing them now. Never before have we had such a large assortment
of "Christinas daintiei." We have a superb line of those articles of use
and ornament that make the most appropriate and welcome gifts.
Fancy goods and toilet articles are here in great variety and all at the
very lowest prices. Our new stock is beautiful.' Appropriate, desirable,
complete and within your means. You can come and see for yourself
that all this is so without feeling the slightest obligation to purchase un
less you find it to your best interest. All visitors are - welcome and no
questions asked. Feel free to come one and afl.
Women love a cleur healthy complex
ion, Pur blood tnekee tt. Iturdoek Blood
Itliteia makee pure blood.
Krmik Kinney and Km Joiiee went to
th tJrtm ranch Hunday after a veal.
John and Hmii Hl.Jvey are fboth
down from Sherman Co. regon,
c. mid t Umlih are wolhlrtg for llobt,
Akin Ailkln are building fence Ihli rolled I2 per ton
Oregeti City Market Reeart.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat No. t. Wo to 9 per buehei.
rtour Valley, f 4 80 per bbl. Hard
wheat. II.U. Portland. 11.11 per eack.
Howard'a Heat. $1.26 per aack.
Oata In aacka, 11.17 J -I per cental.
Winter Vetchea I to 1 l-4e per pound.
Cheat Beedll. to 12 H per pound,
Hay Timothy, baled. HHI per ton;
clover. Ul to $13: oat. $11 to tU; mlied
hay. $11 to $1$: cheat. $11 to lit
MltlaturTa-Iiran. $29 per. ton; ahorta
$;2 $0 per Umi chop $:0 per ton; barley,
Wen Adklri I home letting hie mother
IW. Ilttlprtmer will m t giving & to 0c. creamery, ft to 70c
d.ru lng leM.a In t arwa. They are re- Cabbage 88fl to $1 per doien
otatoea 0 to 0 rent jwr ai k.
Rage-rOregun, K to 3&c per down.
Ilutter- Ranch. 4$ to 10c; aeparalor.
Onlona-Oregon. 2o per pound.
Hubbard Bquaah 46 to 0c per dot,
llur.ey-11 to 111-lc per pound.
fiod Applea- to to 60c per bos.
Prunea tDriedl Petite, Se par lb; Itai
m. large, le par lb; medium, t 1-1
Btlvar. 4
Drwaaed Cblckenai4o per lb.
Turkeya live. lrles dreaaed. 17lc.
Mveatock and Dreaae4 Meata Beef.
live $?.$ to $$. per nunareo. nogn,
live, I In 1 t-!c; hoga dreaaed eenta;
ahp, $2.00 to $260 per ha; areaaeo ac;
veal dreaaed, 8 and lantba live. $2 00
10 $2.60 per head.
Tha ThrohblnB Maadaeha.
Would quickly leave you. If you uaed
Jr. Klngi New Ufe Hlla. Thouaanda
of aufferera have proved their matchleaa
merit for.ftlrk and N'ervoue Headachea.
They make pure blood and build up your ,
health. Only 28 cent, your money Mi
If not cured, Sold by Howell A Jonea.
A Few Huggentionn for Gentlemen and Boy-
Collar and C'uft Boxftt,. ...... .50c to f 5.00
Pure Alligator and Seal Poeket liooka .
from 25c to ?3.00
Card tWa Utwt Stylos ...,S5c to f 1.00
Shaving Seta... ?l-00 to f3.00.
Safety Razors ? 1.50 to ?4.00
Holler, GrilliB & Bker Itazorg f 1.50 to f5
I'ursoa and Cigar Cast All Prices.
Tobacco BoxfB, Elegant Ituiwian, f lf $2, $3
Handkcnhief Itoxes, Ccluloid, Ebony,
etc.... 50c to ? 3.00
Toilet Cases in Stag Celuloid, ttc, f 1 to f 8
Military Rruhlics, latent designs. . ? 1 .50 to 9
Fountain Pens f 1 to flO
Gold Pens from ?1.00 UP
Sterling Silver Match and Stamp
Boxes 50c to f 1
Single and Triplicate Mirrors 50c to $4
Traveling Cases $2 to ?5
Keektie Boxes 50c to $4.00
Something Suitable for Ladies and Girh . .
Manicure Seta in Stag and Celuloid f 1 to f5
Framed and unframed Pictures. . . .10c to f8
Work Boxea from .5r0c to $3.00
Fancy Cut Glass Bottles Perfume 50c to f 5
Glove and Handkerchief Boxes. . . .25c to f 5
Toilet Sets - fl to flO
Ebony, Celuloid and Stag Paper Knives
from 25c to fl.00
Up Writing Pads ,50c to f 2.00
Card Caws and Purws 50c to $4.00
Photograph Albums 50c to f 5.00
Music Rolls 50c to f3.00
Jewel Boxes .50c to ? 3.00
Hair Pin and Trinket Boxes, 25c to $ 1.00
Wrist Bags 50c to f3.00
Work Baskets ......25c to fl.00
Photo Holders 50c to ?2.00
Handsome Jardiniere .......50c to $1.50
These are but a few of the hundreds of
things we have to show you. ,
Howell & Jones
Bean tii
jf lia auia tin nan mjr wv.t i
t :
Priees tiotid ins they lmvp never
iit-etl tK'fore.
Every nrtiele tttrrjing witliin it
wlf the fonvineing proof Chut
in it piirehitw you lire wiving
Men's Suits-Overcoats
Men's Suits, henvy feiglit . nil
wool Cassimeres or ClievioU for
this xpeeinl stile. rii'e f.H.l
For ehoiec of Men's Fine jtll
wool suits, regular price $12.50,
Sieeinl Sale Price $0.85
Men's Overcoats. Blue Melt. in,
lH'iilar $0.00 values
Men's Overcoats, exlrn gtuid val
ue at $12.00. now on sale
nt $8.85
Mcns Pants
Men's all wool Pants, heavy
weight reduced to $1.05
'Men's good quality pants, prices
have been $3 to $3.50,
Specially reduced $2.35
Children's Knee Punt Suits,
Prices during Sale $2.10. 2,15,
3.10, 3.75, 1.35. This means
a big saving. Ivxtraonlinary re
ductions in Chihlren's Overcoats
during our great Seeial Sale.
Sfrit-ts, Etc.
Mi'iiV Working Sliirts. tlouM.
Sttspension BtMge Cornet
front, yoke back, nt great value,
During Sale "
Men's natural wool Sox, seam
less toe and heel, are offered ut
Special Price of Oo
Men's (iinghnm Blouses, heavy
weight, sale price 38c
Men' Derby ribbed wool Shirts
and Drawers, price per
Women's Jackets
All this season's lending styles
in Cheviots, Kersey and Man
nish mixtures. An unequalled
opportunity is presented at a big
reduction from regular selling
Jackets, a collection offered at
$35, $5.25, $5.75, $0.50,
.$7.25 and $8.50.
Dress Goods Reduced
ladies' Cloth 50 inches wide
Siecial Sale Price 00c
32 inch all wool Tricot reduc
tion Price, yard 33e
38 inch all' wool Homespun,
Special at 43e
52 inch all wool Venetian Cloth
Sale Price, $1,10 yard.
Women's Underwear
Women's scarlet Vests or Pants,
nil wool. Price per garment 85e
Women's Fleeced Vests or Pants,
During Sale each.
Women's Vesta or Pants, wool
nla led. Sale Price o9c
Women's Union Suits On spec
ial Sale at 45c, (, and U.c,
Child's Umbrellas
Children's Umbrellas steel rods
Special 33c
Ladies' Umbrellas
Regular $1.00 now 78c
Regular $1.25 now ...... 08e
Regular $1.50 now $1.12
Regular $2.00 now 1.08
Men's Umbrellas
Regular $1.00 now 78c
Regular $1.50 now .... $1.12
Regular $2.00 now 1.08
Regular $2.50 now .... 1.05
San Silk 2 spools for. .... .5c
Finishing Braid 3 for 10c
Embroidery Silk, during sale
extra special, 3 skeins for.. 10c
Shetland Floss per skein 8c
Box of 12 skeins 85c
Ladies' Shirt Waist' Sets. .. .He
Ladies' Magic Hose Suppliers,
t ;e
Pillow Shams, scalloped and
braided 22c
Chenille Stand Covers 48o
Stockinet Shields, nuir .... oe
Women's 3.00 grade now $2.70
Women's 2.50 grade now $2.15
Women's 2.00 grade now,$l.b
Men's Shoes
$4.00 grade now $3.35
$3.50 grade now 2.85
$3.00 grade now 2.35
Misses' and Children's School
Sizes 5 to 8 at $1.10
Sizes 0 to 11 at $1.35
Sizes 12 to 2 at $1.55
Ladies' Trimmed Hats
(i specials, greatly reduced 88c,
$1.15. $1.35, $105, $1.85,
$2.10. Former prices $1.50 to
$3.75, all stylish, all good, at
a reduction of 40 per cent from
regular selling prices look at
them and verify our statement.
Calicoes, Etc.
30-inch Atlantic L. L. Domes
tie, yard 51 -2c
Good quality Bleached "Muslin,
30-ineh', yard 8c
Lonsdale Cambric, 3(i-ineh, per
yard 10c
Dark Indigocs, American, yd 5c
Light Indigoes, yard 5c
Figured Turkey Red yard.. 5c
Light Shirting prints, yard 5c
Take advantage of the induce
ments offered which means urn
tnatcbable Bargains.
1 W