10 PAQK . OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1904. Vitality and Success. WHAT CAS BE DONE TO ITEET THE DEMANDS OF A HEALTHY LIFT: ? CAN a man increase liis vitalitv? is easily answered in the affirmative if one studies the needs of the , - body and the laws of health. The first thing to accomplish is to bathe the interior of the bodv with refreshing, invigorating pure bloo. Impure blood, filled with the accumulated poisons of the body-waste, makes weak, listless and inert men and women. When the blood k filled with the impurities of the body, the kidneys and liver are unable to filter out all the tissue waste, these organs become overtaxed and cannot perform their proper functions; then it is that we feel listless, become tired quickly and the back becomes lame and sore, accompanied by nervous feelings of irri tability and despondency. That is why a tonic and alterative made entirelv from roots and barks, without' a particle of alcohol or narcotic, such as Dr. Pierce's ' Golden Medical Discover)', q iickly j brinn a hralthv ton tn nm... ' v. . . ' . .. and invigorating vitality, becau the Mood is bathed with the tonic influence w ui. io ouiiu UTg? daarantee that contain alcohol, opium, mi ms a pure compound scientifically combined. yalse statements concerning its will fit nifwntitH SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, For the County of Clack amas. Charles Keutemeyr and Jennie Keu ' -- - lemeyer. his wlfa and Snoio n,ini. - ' . vs. V. E. Young and Lena Toung, his wife, and C. E. Tyler and Carrie Tyler, his wife. Defendants. STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court. In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 10th day of November, 1904, upon Judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 7th day of Novem ber, 1904, In favor of said Charles Keutemeyer and Jennie Keutemeyer his wife and Susie Gundlach, plain tiffs, against W. E Young and Lena lYoung, his wife, and C. E. Tyler and Carrie Tyler, his wife, defendants, for the sum of $1500.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 18th day of July, 1903, and the further sum of $125.00, as Attorney's fee, and the further sum oi aii.ou costs ana disbursements. and the cost of and upon this writ, s , 'Z SOLD AND up the body that has been weakened by an attack of grin, pneumonia or typhoid, write Dr. R. V. Pierce for ad vice, giving all your symptoms, and he will give you the best medical advice possible to suit your case, aud without cost. For those who are weakened by the after effects of a bad cold, cough or grip caught during the winter, nothing will increase the number of red blood corpuscles and eradicate poison from the blood so quickly as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery." INSTRUMENTS OF ACCURACY. The surveyor, with t M r ,: transit, can tell the height of a mountain miles away. The microscope in the hands of the expert can determine the presence of disease -germs, and other newly discovered instruments are being of obscure diseases of the body. A sci entific examination of the water is of the greatest value in determining whether or not the kidneys are doing their work properly. A finely fitted laboratory is necessary to make accurate analyses, and tliat is a part of the magnificent equip ment of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical luamuic, ai ouiidia, a sian or expert- ence.1 phvsicians, under the control of Dr. R. V. Pierce, the founder and di- institute, at uuna.o. a stall of expert ) rector or tne business, make hundreds Tt. Di rinlri iLwti or any harmful dru&. w ... of medicinal plants Persons making "XVVhG J commanding me to make sale of the I t . .. . lonuwing aescriDea real property, sit uate In the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: (iuuiug bi. we cHjutueriy cornel ine th ..tu. tj , Beginning at the Southerly corner McCarver and wife; running thence North 42 degs. 15 min. E. 50 chains vuv uuuftiiuu laUU Ol iU. OX to the Southerly corner of a tract of tariff mnvavail tiw T..1I..M T . . - I land conveved bv Jniln Tmia tn Dora and Anna Nefzger by deed re corded In Book "U" at page 493 In the records of deeds of Clackamas county, Oregon; thence North 47 degs. 30 min. W. 22 chains to the Intersec tion with the Southeasterly boundary of a tract of land conveyed by E. M. Haines and wife to J. A. A L. E. Thayer by deed recorded in Book 67 at page 216 in the records of Deeds for said Clackamas county; thence South 42deg.30mW. 325 chains along the Southeasterly boundary of said Thayer tract to the Northeasterly boundary of a tract of land conveyed by John McGetchle and wife to David P. Martin by deed recorded In Book "X" at page 47 records of deeds for said Clackamas county; thence South 47 degs. 30 min. E. along the North easterly boundary of said Martin's Tract to the Easterly corner thereof; thence South 44 degs. W. along the Southeasterly boundary of said Martin HUNTLEY BROTHERS COMPANY, OREGON CITY of such exantinations daily, without cost to the patient. A sample of water sent mem win receive caretul analysis, au.l every one who suspects kidnev trouble should take advantage of this offer. Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Disco en is a most stimulating tonic because it goes to work iu the right way, assisting the atomach to assimilate the food, thus furnishing the blood proper nourish metit, which in turn feeds the nerves. Neuralgia and nervous break-dowus are only the "cry of the starved nerves ror food." The prone r food for the nerves is good, rich, red blood. The "Golden Medical Discovery" does not drind upou alcohol for a stimulating effect. It is guaranteed to contain not a particle of alcohol. It is safe for the most deli cate system, as it i an alterative extract made from roots anil herbs. Although we know the germs of consumption and grip are iu the air we breathe In rooms, street cars, shops, in fact everywhere, yet scientists have not been able'to fight these bacteria, very well. The best thing we can possibly do at present is to keep ourselves individually in such a state of health as to enable us to fight the Uctrria with our own vitality. The blood through our veins and arterk should contain healthy, red blood cor puscles, which sre capable of warding off the attack of these gvfnu if they get into our systems. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is just v.hal is needed for such ttersona and it hi, iwii.-.wt -- praise of thousanda of people through out the United States. Krad what a strenuous young Western man sas on this subject : " I have been in good health until 1 out three years when I m ticed ti.y 1 u k tecame lause and sore," writes Hon. Walter St. John, Surveyor (1-ornurlv Member of County Supervisors), cf 619 Law son Stretrt, St. Paul, Minn. "The nain 1 ktDt increasing with twitches and slow, exhaustive aches. I also found that my urine wss highly colored snd it passed with great imgu laritv. I knew that I had the drtadul Bright'a Disease and probably inflamma tion of the bladder. Ilaxi'r.g read in your 'Common Sense Medical Advi.er' concerning this subject, decidid to try your 'Golden Medical Discovery. I found relief from the twin Mithm tn fav til a(-tf-,c trruili.u 1 li .li ..--.. I and I experienced limply a blrtsrd relit f 11 -:.-. t . ... : I i iiuiu wirre niouins 1 was wen cv.ee mnr Mv arTM-tit rtiirtil Ik- . ousness and irritability from which I had suffered was s thing of the pti! t, ami lor over two years now I Lave r 1 1 a strong, healthy man." TUK BOUNDARY LINK between health and disesse can be so-ti-rstely followed only by the aid of a got medical book, such ss Dr. Pierce's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser, a work of 1008 pages; aent free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps, to cover expense of mailing only. If the paper -coxe'rd tvvalr ift Alrm mtyA -4, tt.miu A.t dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, BuffaloV N. Y. This vrrxl work, in rduin Knoliuli should be in every home, for many lives nave needlessly been sacrificed urougn ignorance ot isature s laws. - t ri j . n. M , . j wiinjwuiin, rasig tract to the intersection aHrh th Northeasterly boundary of a tract of tana conveyea Dy uoiden Williams to Joseph Paquet by deed recorded in Book 34 at nage 1S6. records of deeda of said Clackamas county : thence North 47 den. 30 mln. W alnnv th Northeasterly boundary of said tract deeded by Golden Williams to Joseph n . . . . ,1 . . . Paauet to the Northerly of; thence South 42 degs. 16 mln. W. 40 chains to the Southeasterly boun dary of said McCarver claim; thence South 47 degs. 30 min. E. 20 chains to the place of beginning, containing 100 acres In said Clackamas county, Oregon. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution. Judgment order and decron and In compliance with the commands or said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 10th day or December, 1904, at the hour of 10 O'clock A. M at tha frnnt door of the County Court House in tne city or uregon city in said county and state, sell at mihlln Ject to redemption, to the highest uiauer, ior u. a. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named ttnfonriantu or either of them, had on the date of tne mortgage herein or since had In or to the above described real prop- eny or any part thereof, to satisfy When your lungs are sore and inflamed from coughinir, Is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY nd CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. MM ah m stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is a safe and never failing remedy for all throat and lung troubles. The Doctors Said Kt Had Consumption -A Marvilous Curt. L. AI. Ruggles, Reasoner, Iowa, writes: "The doctors said I had con iumption snd f got no better until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It helped me right from the start and stopped the splttinB of blood and the Bain in mv llinoa mnA tnitoir I J lj 9 " u" r r- -6- -" 'x7 m suunu aim well. THREE SIZES 25c, 50c, nnd $1.00 REFUSE 8UB8UITUTE8 RECOMMENDED BY aid execution, Judgment order, de cree. IntoroHt, costs and all accruing costs. J. It 8HAVKU. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. c, Ilsckett, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Novem ber 11th, 1904. Htmrrs sal. the Circuit Court of tin Slat of Ore- in son. for the County of Clackamas. II. P. Fabrlcua Toy & Notion Company, Plaintiff. vs. Walter II. Keyea and Mary K. Keyea. Defendants. 8TATB Of OHKtlON. , County of Clackamas. Ily virtus of a Judgment order, deores and execution, duly Issued out of and un-dt-r the seal of the above entitled court. In the above entitled eause, to mn duly directed and dated the Slat day of No vember. 1904. uiH)n a Judsment rendered and entered In said court on the lh day of November, JSW, In favor of II. I. Kttbrk'tia Toy A Notion Camuanv. nluln. tiff, and aa-nlnat Walter II. Keyea and mi. nunuiii taiii'r 11. xveyes ana Mary K. Keyea, defendanta, for the sum of 1707.95. with Interest thereon at tha rate of I per cent per annum from the 8ih day of November, 1904, snd the fur ther sum of 119.00 costs and disburse ments, snd the coats of snd upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, sit uate In the County of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: The North Half of th Month Ku.t QuWter of Section Fourteen. Tn, Four. South of Rang Five. Bast of lha Wil lamette Meridian. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said exe cution, judgment order and decres, and In compliance with the commands of said writ. I will, on Tuesday, the Tlh day of December. 1904; at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, In said County and 8tate. sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the hlgheet bidder for U. 8. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and In terest which the within named defend anta or either of them, had on the date of said mortgage herein or since had In or to the above desurlbed rvsl property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution. Judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and all accruing costs. J. it. SUA V Kit. Bherlff of Clsckamaa County. Oregon. By K. C. Hackett. Deputy. Dated. Oregon City, Oregon. November 26th, 1904. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court or the State of Oregon, for the County or Clacka mas. Mary Nelson Wilcox, riaintifr. vs. Walter R. Wilcox. Defendant. To Walter R. Wilcox, the above named defendant: In the name of tht. Stats of nrttann you are hereby reoulred to annear and answer the complaint filed ajcalnst you In the above entitled court, and suit, on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication ot this summons, to-wlt: un or oetore the 16th day of Decern ber, 1904, and If you fall to answer said cnraDlalnL for want thereof th said complaint, for want tbereor. the plaintiff wtll sddIv tn th r in rt ttr the relief prayed for in her complaint now on file herein., to-wlt; That th bonds of matrimony now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant be dis solved and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem equity able and just This summons is pub lished by order of tha Hon. Tbos. F. Ryan. County Judge of Clackamas County, Oregon, this 31st day of Oc tober, 1904. The first publication of this summons is November 4th, 1904, and the last publication thereof will be the 16th day of December. 1904. DIMICK ft DIMICK. Attorneys for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALI. In the Circuit Court of th fli.i. of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Henry Gans. PlalntlfT, vs. Henry Meldrum, Jennie Moldrum, his wife, A. E. Latourette, Trustee; and The State Land Board. TWn,inni. STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. By virtue of a Judgment order. and an execution, duly Issued out of snd under tha seal of the above entltlml pnnrt Iu the above entitled to me duly directed and dated ton Jfiih day of November, 1904, uoon a JudirmMit rendered and entered In said court on LOJKlfiSS 3 the 2th dny of November, 1901, In favor Henry (inns, plaintiff, snd asnitud Henry Meldruin, Jonnlo Mehtrum, Ida wife: A. (C. l.ntometle, Tttmtoe; and tlis "tats tand Hoard, defendant, for the sum of 120100, with Inlniwat thereon at the rats of t per cent per snntim from the SRth day of November, 1904, and the further sum of $(t0,5 with imprest I hereon at per cent (mm the SMIi day of Nuvem- I v t'l rrni immii im rium imj wt mnm- her, ISOt, ami the further sum of M0, as attorney's fee, and tlie further sum of 117. B0 coats nnd ulebiirsementi, and the costs of and iiou this writ, comnmiidlna' me to maks sale of the follow ln des cribed real iraerty. situate In the county of Clneknmae. state ef Oreaon, lo-wlt: All of lots numbered one tl) snd Two (3) of Week Plxty-slx (88) of Orefon City, Oregon: also all of lot numbered one (t) of block numbered alxty-elaiit (its) of Oregon City, Oregon; said lota and blocks being as designated on the maps and plats of said Oregon City, now on file snd recorded In the offlos of the llecorder of Conveysnees In and for said county of Clackamas, fltata of Ore gon. now iiinmioin, y rinus vt Miq "i lion. Judgment order snd decree, end Now Therefore, by virtus of said ess In compliant with the commands of snld wilt. I will, on Saturday, the Stat day of Ieceniber. 1904.; at the hour of 10:30 o'clock a.m., at the front door of the County Court Houas In the Ctty of Ore gon City. In said County and fitate, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for IT. 8. gold eoln cash In hand, all the right, title and In terest which the within named defend ants or either of them had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or to the above deiillod real property, or any part thereof, to satisfy said execu tion. Judgment order, decree, Interest. costs and all accruing costs. J. It. BMAVEn. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Ity E, C. tlackett. Deputy. listed, Oregon City. Oregon Pee, Sd, 1904. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Department of the Interior. Land Of flee at OreKon City, Oregon. Octo- rer z. 1904. Notice la hereby given that tha fI lowlnnamed settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support 01 his claim, and that said proof will bo made before the Reifla- ter ana iteceiver, at Oreton Cfty, Oregon, on December 14th, 1904, vli: Isssa M. Dark. H. E. No. 124CS, for the WH of NEU or Sec. :0. T. 4 8.. It. 4 E He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous maldnnc tin. on ana cultivation or said land, vis: George W. Keller, of Dodge, Oregon. Ebenezer Lacy, of Dodce. Oregon. William T. Henderson of Elwood, Ore. Adelbert U.Hondersoo of Elwood, Ore, ALGEKON 8. DRESSER. Register Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, November It 1904, Notice Is hereby given that tha follow Ing-named eeitlrr has tiled notice of Ms Intention to make final proof In SUDfttrt hl" cUlm' ni1 ,h"t ',1 Proof " 60 mad9 0"0 '" Agister snd Ileceiv.r at Oregon City, Oregon, on Jsnuary II, 19M. vis: Carson C. Marlcls. H. K, 11S41 for th VVH of 8W ft SR BW!4 Bee. 0, T. 4 8.. It. I K. He names the following witnesses to prove nls continuous residence upon snd cultivation of said land, vis Itobert H. Bnodgrsiui, of Meadowbrook, Oregon, George llofatedter. of Clarkes, Oregon, John Denlaon, of Clarkea. Ore gun, and William Standtnger, of Meadow brook. Oregon, ALOEUNON 8. DREH8EU, Register. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that Emll viose ana rmz wiose have been duly appointed administrators of the estate or Andrew Wlose, deceased, ay oraer or trie County Court, County or Clackamas, State of Oregon. Any and all persons having plalma airainut the said estate must present thorn to me unaersijmea, duly verlflod ac cording to law, at their home at Da mascus, Uackamas countv. nrmrnn within six months of the date or this notice. Dated this 18th day or Novemher, KMIL WIE8E, FRITZ W1KSE, Administrators or the estate of An drew WIobo, deceased. Notlcs to Creditors. Nollrc Is hereby Klven thnt the uruler. "Irifl has been uppulnlid Admlnlatra trig of tho emato of Kdwar'd Tucholke All proim havlnir tilnlms afialimt the Slllll tHlUtO lirfl hl'll'tlV llutllll.d trt uvm sent tho same to mo nt tha olDce of U Hon & Rchuebel, at Oregon City, Ore koii, duly VHrlllcd ai-oordlnir tn lnw. with In six months from ditto of tho first publication horror. Date of first publication, December 2d I'M. iiouism TUCHOLKE, Admlnlxtrntrlx fi'Ilin & flchunbel, Attorneys for Ad' mlnlHtratrlx. Saloon Llcenie. Notice Is hereby Klven that I will an. Ply at tho next meetliiK of tho city coun cil for a renewal of inv aalnon Ilfcn.n my prosi-nt place of biiNlnuss, Main and fourth streets. w. m. wii.Hnv Notlcs to Creditors. Notice Is hereby irlvnn that thn slBued has been appointed exocutrlx of the last will and testament of John O. WilHon, deceancd, by order of tho county court, of the Stats of Oregon, for Clack nmas county, and has duly quallflcd, Ail persons having- claims against the said estate are hereby sent tho same to me at the office of Hod ges & Orimth, Wolnhard Building, Ore gon City, State of Oregon, with the prop er vouchers duly verified, 'within .1. months from the date hereof. Dated and first mibllnhrl iii mh. day of November, 1904. EMMA Wir.snv C. M. Idleman. -rr Attorney for Executrix. , Notlot to Creditor. Notion Is hereby given by tha umUs. signed executrix of the estate of V. M. Manning, dncttasod, to the oradl tors of and all porsons having tils! ms nttAliiMt the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them, duly vorlllod accord ing to law within six months after the first publication of this notice, to the said executrix at her resldtmc In Mullno, Clackamas county, Oregon, or at th times of (loo. 0. Urownoll, Oreguu City, Oregon. Dated Novembor 18th, 1M4. MARY MANNING, (loo, C. Mrownell. Kxecutrli Attorney for Kxocutrlx. Registration of Land TKl. In the matter of the application of Guy T. Hunt, to register the title to the Esst Half of the South west quarter and West half of the South west quarter of election 30, Town ship a, a. It. 5 East of W. M., Clack amas County, Oregon. To Whom It Msy Concern: In the name of the Htsto or Oregon: Take notice that on the 7th day of November, A. 1)., 1904, an application wss filed by said (luy T. Hunt In th Circuit Court of Clackamas foamy, ror Initial registration of the tills of the land above described. Now, un less you appear on or boforo the 20th usy oi ui'cciiuier, iyu, and show 'cause why such application shall not be granted, tha same will be taken as confessed and decree will he en tered according to the prayers of the application, and you will be forever barred from disputing, the same. I F. A. BI.KIUliT, Nov. lltt County Clerk. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of OroKtm, for the County or Clacka mas, Terty D. I-owsll. Plaintiff, vs. Ionora J. Lowell. Defendant To lwnnra J. Lnwr-ll, the shore named dfndant: In the name of the Hiate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear In the above entitled court, and answer to the complaint nied agslnat yos In the above entitled suit on or bsfore the 24th day of December, 1904. and If you fall so to appear to answer for want thernor. the plaintiff will apply to the court for a decree demanded In the complaint against you. to-wlt: for a decree or absolute divorce. This summons la published pur suant to an order made on the 7th day or November. 1904, before Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge of tho above entitled court, and the first publication Is made upon the 11 to day or Novemher, 1904. E. R. MEMOES. H. C. 1)110 1)1 K, Attorneys ror Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, (or the County of Clacka mas, Ktta Espe, Plaintiff, vs. Peter Espe, Defendant To Peter Espe , the above named De- ennsni. In the name of the Btata nf rvomn you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed agaroat you in tho above entitled court, snd suit, on or before the expiration ot six weeki rrora date or the first pub lication of this summons, tivwlt- rn or before the 9th day of Deoember. 1904, and If you fall to to answer said complaint for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief prayed for In her comnlalnt nn on die herein, to-wlt: that the bond or matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant he 4iaanlvt and for such othor and further relief as to the court may seem equitable and proper. This summons Is pub lished by order of Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, County Judge of Clackamas County, Oregon, this 27th day of October, 1904. The first nubllcstlnn nf ihla summons Is October 28th, 1904 and me issi publication thereof will be the 9th day of December, 1904. DIMICK ft DIMICK. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Brights Disease and Diabetes News. The New Fulton Compounds Have Record of 87 per ctnl of Recoveries Among Chronic Cases of Bright'a Disease and Diabetes, Heretofore Considered Incurable. DrUKglxts know thr.t llrlght's Divans and Dlabotn have Ix-cn roifitrilud by phjHlolans as Incurable and Hint up to tho advent of ths Fulton Compound that nothing on their nhnlves would touch It. It Ik a provun fact that nearly nliie lenthn of all oaten urn now ouruble, and druiiglHts therosnlves are taking tho new Com pounds. One of the rmuivrtrlos was Dr. Zelle nlUMelf, tho (iliinecr druxirlnt ot K13 l'nolfla street, Sun I'runolHco, and he gave it to over s dozen otherH who recovered, Here li another IntercKtlng reoovery (We copy from the Baors BjcuU) News of November ID, lU02)t "After aiterloua illneHX of over a year Jurlgs J. It. Allen of tlila city has recovered and ro B until hlmtnlf niimt fortunnte tn aiioceKNfully buttling with what In sunernlly regarded ns a fatul malady, HrlKht'a DIwmihs of the Kidneys. In speaking of his ouno Judgo Allen said: '1 believe that the treatment given m by my phyNlelan wnn In aeeordnnee with the tH-it tnethoilH uiwd In tho regulur praclles ef medi cine, but It ufforded mn nn relief, llenrlng of the Fill urn (kjnipoundiil went to Him KruiinlHeo tolnveHtlKUteiind will nuoii convlneed lNliolild unilergo the treatment. H wiin thrno uinnt ln befurn I not iced 11 elmngefor thn betuir. 1 Uned the medicine faithfully for nearly a year and cn now llnj no ev Money of tho dlHOUHii and Sin HatlNlleil It 1h entirely eliminated, My ap petite 1m good, 1 have gained aovonlnsn iMiiinds In weight and will bo iilnnwtd to desnrlhn Uty eiperlenoo to anyone who may eall or write.' " Kaeraniento News, Nov. In, Ulna. The editor of tho Nown hhiiNelf wan the friend who told JndKo Alleuof tho Fulton (JoniHiuiidN. J'hey are the only thlngn known that ours Jtrlght'H DlHeiiNn ai.d MalmteH. Kul ton'" Itenal ConiKiuuil for Hrlght's and Kidney IMhounmh, lit for IUiilietim, II.W. John J. Fulton (., 4ti WoHtilngton street, Ban Franoleo, ool eompoundorH, Free analywa for patients. Bond for l'amphlet. We are the eiolualv agents for thwo Compoundi In this olty. Chaman & Co., City Drug 'Store.