Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 09, 1904, Image 1

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VOL. 38 NO. B.
Main Street, Oregon City,
!! aorta or level land on Mill Croak.
II mile from Oregon City, half
milt Id school to aorat In cultlva-tlon-10
of fenced, 40 sorts light
clearingtwo living ' creaks run
through lh place. ga.00-ntw
dwelling, T rooms two barns, and
other good oul-bulIdlnit-7 head of
settle. 10 lona hay, span horses,
waacfl, name, 0 doien chlckani,
nd all farming tool.
I'rlca 34M. Vry cheap. Terms
Eighty aorestart of Ran Itlriek
Un a old plait at Highland, 10 aorta
In lood cultivation living ertek-
fruit-only fair building.' A Ho. t
bargain at Il20j Uov down, bel
anew In year tlmo at I per cent
i kuerst.
8. A. McHhMry place. I mil from
Highland, 71 acrte. it acrta In eul-ttvtlon-ll
good soil. Running
water. Ona and ono-balf aorta or
chard. Good dwelling, I rooma,
coat MM. Good Urn ind gut
ulldinga. Price 1M. With team, I
head cattle, and Urn Implements,
I2UI M; liltO.C down, balance t
year. , .
Ona hundred and atxtjr aorta In High,
land. 130 aorta level, good toll, all
ftnotd. 40 aorta In cultivation, run
ning atrtam through ttit ptaoe,
watar In all fields. 1 aera orehard,
4 -room boa nous, barn 4410, 10
aorta in clover, to acres la grain
and vegetables, great outrange, I
milaa to Catad.ro, 10 btad o atook
with Inert, ail for U400; half
down, balance In years at I par
otnt par annum.
Two hundrad and fifty aora atouk
ranch, roUIng enough for good drain -ago,
toll good, 10 aorta In cultiva
tion, 10 aorta mora slashed and
City property for sale to Oregon City and Gladstone at fewest rates
We are .cilia,: lands In Clackamas county and desire some choice bar
rator tale, especially do we need some farms from $1000 to $2000
If you don't see what you want tn the above list, write at once and ta
lull list to select from, J , - ji j
AMTaactaorraoriBTf roaaiiaan.
OBee a t to Oregoa City KnterprUe.
Buoceator to Dr. Lev
Acuta and chronic disease. Norvou gig.
order. Women'a and children- die
ease a specialty. Office hour 0 a. m.
to I p. m. Consultation free. Room
11-14 Oarde Bldg , Oregon City.
CoUecttona, Mortgage Foreoloaurea, Ab
atraota of Tltlt and General Law Sua-
Oftlc over
Bank of Oregon City,
Oregon City, Or.
I Li !
W. B. U'Sai 0. Sohiabal
Attorneys at Law.
Will raotlca in all court, malt oulleotloni
and tettlementi or Kniales.
Furnlnh ahatract ot title, lend you money
ltd laitil your money on first morgan.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Attornky at Law.
JuHtlue of tlie IVace,
jHiKr Iildn., Oregon Ci'y
aaaon City, - Oatoon.
Wlllpraotlneln alltheoourtaettheitete. 01'
In, lu liHUlluld bunding.
Pumtah Abatraota of Title, Loan Money,
roraoloe Mortgagea, and transact
General Law Business.
Capital, ....
Lnani made. Hllli dlaoonnted. Makei nel
leotlon" BuriandiolUtxohangaon allpolnta
in in UDiiua s-awa, nurona anu nong Kong.
Depoatu received lub'eol to oheck. Bank
epenfrom0a.it. tot r. n,
D.O. LATOUKKTTE, president.
F.J. MBYIR Oaahltr.
233 Washington Street, Portland, Or.
burned, and could bo put Into oultj"
vatlon for 119 par aora, balanoa pas
turt land, amaU orotic rum through
the plaoa, I living a prima, I aorta
orchard, I -room box house, eovorad
with ruatlo, painted, 1 ona-half
ttitry, big homt mad barn 10x40,
ahtddad all round, largo outrange on
main road XI mile from Ortgon City
ona and ona-half mil from W4lholt
Spring. 120 per acrt; 12000 down,
balance on long tlmo at all por otnt
par annum.
Stork and timber. tit aorti, T.
It. I E.,ona milt from Molalla rtvtr
and on tint of extenalMt of nto'or
railway, too aorta Itval, (0 a oral
fenced, SO acre In cultlvat'on, no
, houaa, barn Ii7l, living water, 100
acre heavy timber, fir and cedar,
valuable, would cruise five million
or mort feet of good, merchantable
timber, beeldee piling. 1-4 mile from
school, great outrange, 17 mile to
Oregon City, perfect ' tlUa, Price
1119 per acre; I10O0 eaah; balanoa
In I years at I par cent Interest.
Eighty-acre fruit and vegetable farm
at Can by on line of Southern Pacific
railroad, an level. 74 aorta to niot
cultivation. AU fenced, bordera an
Molalla Hver, II acre prunea In Al
condition, II acre peaches, 0 aorta
applaa, aorta strawberries, (-room
frame dwelling. Urge bam. 40x14,
prune dryer, Kits, ooot 11104, gran
ary, wart houaa, 1-3 mile to school,
1-1 mile to railroad elation, coo mile
to ataamboal landing, To go with
place: 1 epaa bora. I oowa. chick
en. I plows, wagon, hack, harrow,
mower and ail other farming toaple
menu and growing: orop at time of
sale, price 11000; $0000 eaab, bal
anoa In yearn at 0 percent Interest
; l f-i
i 7? v!, STEEL
. iiniiuiaV
If you noed anything in the way of Hardwire, Crockery,
Glaflu-ware or Gianlte-ware, I can supply our wants. Call and
inspect my stock.
Complete) line of new and second-hand FURNITURE carried. Let
me supply you with a bou- keeping oatflt carncu. ii
WALU PAPER of the beet quality sod latest slyles at right prices.
Attention, Here's a Bargain
I Fi 6000 fet, X Inch first claat Manila rope, In ona piece, la offered for
Wli Basal Bt at hsl ri t n flital fuwat A
I Lj -ww ww w vniKWiu IVI tl IC T VJRJ Oa
B I.
h Mam Street,
Brunswick House & Restaurant
Newly Furnished Rooms.
Meals at AU Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite Suspension Bridge.
Only First Class Rostaurant
In Town
We are in a posi
tion to save you
from 10 to 20 per
cent, on undertake
er'e supplies of
which we carry a
complete stock.
R. L-. HOLMKN, Undertaker & Embalmer
Offlcei One door south of Court House or at Cigar Store opposite Bank
Stock Farm Inveatment. 114 aorta
two miles from the termlnua of Oi
W. p. lly Co. line at Spring-water,
110 aorea In cultivation, whole place
fenced, 00 aorea In clover, 14 aorea
orchard, two million feet good mer
chantable timber, three fine living
prlnge of pure water, email dwell
ing, large new barn 40sM, outrange
of elkweed and pea Vina for a thou
aand btad of stock, about 40 head
of cattle, apan horses, wagon, new
binder, and all farming toola with
preeent crop for 1 30 per acre; very
eaay tarma. Good achoo! and grow
ing neighborhood.
Two hundred and twenty-five aorea
at Logan. ( mile due eaat of Ore
on City, 10 mike from Portland. 100
aorea in cultivation, 40 aorta mora
nearly ready to break, I aorea prune
orchard, whole place fence d. moun
tain trout atream running through
the ranch, aeveral large springs,
frame dwelling. I rooma, coat 1400,
poet barn, I mtlea to cheeae factory,
same dlatance to creamery that telle
11000 worth of butter a month, echool
one-quarter mile; aplendld neigh
borhood. ISO per acre. Tarma to
Three hundred and forty-nine acree
of level, rich soli. In Marlon county.
mliee from Woodburn. 1:0 aorea
In good cultivation, free from etumpt
and rocks, heianca In pastor, whole
place fenced and croee fenced, one
fair old dwelling, rooma. two large
bam a, other outbuilding conven
ient to place, atz aorea orchard, T
aorea hope; one quarter mile to
echool. title perfect Price M per
acre; terme made to ault the pur
chaeer. Thla la a rare bargain.
a J2k A
Oregon City. 3
We are under
.small exp tine.
Have no middle
men to pay, own
our hearse and
will treat you fair,
Onk Prick to All
f. I. Maytr "a-Elected Ctly Treaaurer
Three Antl-'ranchlaa Alder
man Choten.
hr. K. A. Hommer, Cltlsn, waa elected
Mayor In MondaVa municipal eltctlon,
by a majority of 21 In one of the hotteet
election ever held for city officer In the
history of Oregon City. The total vote
received by Dr, 8mmer, who carried all
three ward In the city, waa 431, aa
agalnat 260 for Chaa. Albright. Independ
ent Cltlsen Taxpayer; and 1(4 for J, V.
Campbell, Republican. Y. 3. Meyer, on
the Independent ticket, waa re-elected
treaaurer over J, A. Tuft, Republican,
by a vote of 410 to ISO. Republican
aldermen, on a platform oppoalng the
granting of perpetual franchise and de
claring for the apeedy completion of the
South Knd Road, were elected aa fol
low: rirat WardIavld C. William;
Uecond Wari Wm. Rheahan, (re-elected)
Third Ward Henry Brandt.
More vlgorou work waa perhapa never
before done by rival candidate at a
city election here. The eupply of carri
age In the local atablea waa exhausted
and conveyance were Imported from
Canby for the occaalon. Prom early
morning until the poll cloaed at 7:00
Monday evening the fight wa waged
with ever-lnereaalng earneetne, and
not until late in the afternoon did It be
come apparent In which direction the
wind waa blowing. It waa then all Horn
mer aa the count of the ballot latter in
the evening Indicated. The main part of
Dr. Hommer vote wa polled hit In the
afternoon when a doten riga were em
ployed In transporting to the poll the
mill employe, who voted largely for the
let 2d Id
Total Majority
in 92
17 70
111 171
117 112
112 111
431 20
Council men
si P. Story, 1M
Williams. ISO
Wa Shcahan,
8o4 Walker.
Henry Brandt.
8. P. Francis,
Are Thankful.
Dr. E. A. Sommer, Mayor-elect Coun
cilman D. C. Wllllama, Was. 8heahan,
and Henry Brandt, the aucoesaful candi
dates In the election Monday, desire to
express their thanks to their many friend
for their loyal support They also apprec
iate the courteous treatment they rt
celved at the hand of their opponent
a well. , ' i
Many 'ratemal Organization Hold Semi-
Annual Elect lona.
Thla week was the time for holding; the
aanual or term election of officer In a
number of Oregon City lodges. Those
holding election were aa follows.
Court Robin Hood. No. I, Format era of
America, elected officer, who will be In
stalled the flrat Tuesday In January. All
of the officer of the court were elected
except the office of lecturer, which will
be filled later. Court Robin Hood wlU
meet every Tuesday In December. Follow
ing are the new officer: Linn E. Jones,
past chief ranger; L Punlfull, chief rang
er; M. Repogle, sub-chief ranger; J. A.
Moore, treaaurer; F. Koenlg, recording
secretary; F, W. Humphrey, financial
aecretary; I, Rlttenhouae, senior wood
ward; Earl Moaler, Junior woodward; D.
Seari, aenlor beadle; T. I Vlerboora,
Junior beadle; W. Rlttenhouae. trustee.
Oregon City Assembly. No. T, United
Artisan, ha elected officer for the en
suing term Mrs. 8. A. Oillett, past mas
ter artisan; Frank Doty, master artisan;
T. Carlco,- superintendent ; Hattie Rlngo.
Inspector; R. J. Ooodfellow. secretary;
M. Bollack, treasurer; D. Matheny, senior
conductor; Mrs. P. Schwarta. master of
ceremonlea; Mis. Hattie Gemmell, Junior
conductor. Installation will be held the
first meeting in the new year, when the
appointment of the warder, instructor,
and finance committee' will be made.
A. O. U. W.
Fall City Lodge, Ancient Order of
United Workmen, ha elected the follow
ing officer: John Lowrey, past master
workman; Horace Wllllama. master work
man; C. P. Sanden, foreman; Sam Roake,
overseer; John Kelly, Inside watchman;
It. J. Hording, recorder; C. H. Dye, re
ceiver; C. Scheubel, financier; Sam Roake,
trustee. Installation will take place the
flrat Saturday In January.
Degree of Honor.
The Degree of Honor hekl Us semi-annual
election and the following officer
were chosen: Ming Llisle Vegellus, chief
of honor; Miss Margaret Goodfellow. past
chief of honor; Mr. B. F. Linn, lady of
honor; MIbb Emma Vegellus, chief of
ceremonleg; Mrs. Jennie C. Pierce, re
cording secretary; Mrs. Glllett, financier;
Mrs. M. E. Barlow, receiver; Mr. Frank
Forsburg, usher; Mrs. Dona Doty, Inside
watchman; Mrs. R. J, Goodfellow, out
side watchman.
Royal Arcanum.
Clackamas Council, No. 2007, Royal
Arcanum, held its annual election of of
ficer with the following result: J. E.
Hedges, regent; Harry K. Draper, vice
regent; Dr. H. S. Mount, orator; Llvy
Stlpp, secretary; B. Brodle, collector;
Franklin T. Griffith, treasurer; Rev. P.
K. Hammond, chaplain; Frederick J.
Nelson, guide; J. R. Cauflold, warden;
Frank Newton, sentry; C. O. Huntley,
trustee for three years. These officers
will be Installed the fust Tuesday In
January, ,
Q. A. R.
Meade Post. No. 2, Grand Army of the
Republic Monday night elected offloers
for the coming term, beginning the first
meeting In January, a follows; Jarne
F, Neliion, commander; A. W. France,
enlor vice-commander; K. T. Grlder,
chaplain; Cflorg Y. Morton, Junior vice-
commander; George A, Harding, fiarter-
maater; Jamee A. Tut, aurgeon; A. J.
Hobble, officer of the day; 1,. W. Ingram,
officer of the guard; C. A. Deuchy and
A. B. Moore, member of the council of .
admlnlatratlon. The following deiegatea
were elect:! to reprenent the poet at
the grand encampment of the Department
of Oregon, which meet In thl city next
aprlng: Jam M. Taylor, Jam Tuft.
F. Hayford, Prank Redner, D. Catdkln.
C. Horn. W. H. Gull. The alternate are:
D. K. Bill. Joelah Martin, O. A. Cheney,
T. F. Drown. larael Putnam, B. Wirt,
George Weetfall.
W. R. C.
Monday afternoon. Mead Relief Corp
elected the following officer for the en
ulng term: Mr. Louisa Freeman, pres
ident; Mr. Mary Ingram, senior vice
president; Mr. C. A. William, Junior
vice-president; Mr. Julia Tingle, chap
lain; Mr. R. O. Pierce, treasurer; Mr.
Pauline Schwarta, conductor; Mr. Ketch
um, guard. The following were elected
delegate to the etate encampment: Mr.
Laura William, Mr. W. M. Bhank,.Mr
Mary Ingram, Mr. Jame P. Nelson.
The alternates: Mr. Clara Moore, Mr.
Pauline Schwarta, Mr. Mary Horn, Mr.
Julia Tingle.
Council Ordinance Carrying Appro
priation of 112,500.
At the last regular meeting for the year
of the city council Wednesday night.
the ordinance appropriating 112,500, or
aa much thereof as may be required for
the completion of th South End Road.
wa passed by the unanimous vota of
the council. In explaining his vote for
the ordinance, 8heahan said he felt satis
fied that It would not require anything
like the amount of the appropriation
carried In the ordinance tc complete the
building of the road and since the Im
provement had proceeded aa far as It
has. he believed the road should b finish
ed Immediately.
An extension of on year'a time or un
til January 1. 104. wa granted C. D.
Latouretto, of th Oregon City an Sub-
b urban Railway Company, In which to
complete the construction of It rail
way line as per the requirements of the
franchise heretofore granted. In consid
eration of the council's favorable action.
Mr. Latourett paid Into the city treasury
the aura of ISO.
Ordinance levying taxes of 4 sains for
general municipal purpose and I miUa
for atreet Improvement wc. were pass
ed aa was also an ordinance assessing
the cost of Sewer District No. 4. Side
walks were ordered constructed aa fol
lows: On Jefferson between Fourth and
Fifth; west aide Monroe between Second
and Thirdi north side Third atreet be
tween public prominade and John Adam.
City Engineer Rands submitted his fi
nal estimate for Sewer District No. 4,
showing cost to have been I474.4S. Same
official repoUed aa to coat of Third street
Improvement which waa estimated at
The vote cast In the city election Mon
day was canvassed. No error were found
in the return which are as given on Page
1 of the Enterprise this week.
An am light was ordered placed at the
intersection of Tenth and Main streets
and the light at th head of Fourth street
was ordered removed to Its former posi
tion near Third atreet.
City Attorney Story reported progress
and present statua of Injunction suit
against the city and on uoiion of Kelly
was Instructed to continue to look after
the city's interest In connection there
with. In this connection. Mr. Kelly took
occasion to make some pertinent remarks
concerning "government by Injunction"
and assured his colleagues that they
were face to face with such a condition.
On motion of Knapp, the city Attorney
was instructed to prepare ordinances pro
viding for the improvement of Fifth end
iSlxth streets between the railroad and
I Water street.
Good Healtlh
to the
Children especially are fond of dainties,
and the housekeeper must look carefully
to their food
As good cake can be made only with
good eggs, so also a cake that is health
ful as well as dainty must be raised with
a pure and perfect baking powder.
Royal Baking Powder is indispensable
in the preparation of the highest quality
of food. It imparts' that peculiar light
ness, sweetness and flavor noticed in the
finest cake, biscuit, doughnuts, crusts, etc.,
and what is more important, renders the
food wholesome and agreeable to young
and old.
a.. iA t. w i i . . w . .... .
w w i ,.wn, mcrtimv, , arpisy ana;
Wal jsmot Convicted Marie
Wars Acquitted.
In the United States District Court at
Portland Tuesday afternoon nJtor delib
erating forty-five minute, the Jury In
the government land fraud case, return
ed a verdict finding five of the six de
fendant guilty of a conspiracy to tie- '
fraud the government. Those agalmit
whom th verdict was returned wems
8. A. D. Puter, Emma I Wataon, Hor
ace G. McKlnley. Frank Walgamot and
Dan W. Tarpley. Miss Marie Ware,
who was indicted with the other defend
ants, was acquitted.
District Attorney J. H. Hall asked
that the defendants be placed tinder ad
ditional bonds in this casa, as be did not
consider the existing bonds, which also
bound the defendants to th coming
trials, to be sufficient, now that convic
tion had been secured. Th offense wsa
not an extradlctable one. and the bonds
were for only $4000 the Government did
not desire to run th risk of forfeiture
In this case and consequent loss of trial
In the cases yet to come.
The court decided that a bond of 14000
for the case convicted would.be ample
and therefore ordered that such security
be given. This will place the defendants
each under 18000 bonds, with th excep
tion of Tarpley and Walgamot, who are
concerned In on case only, and whose
bonds are J4000 each.
The case has been a long and stub
bornly contested one, both for and
agalnit. No pain or time or expense baa
been spared by the Government to ac
complish lu purpose. Special Inspector
A. R. Greene has woven around the de
fendants a net so compact, so cloa and
unbreakable that there was no means of
escape. John H. Han. the attorney who
has been laboring for month on the,
case, has gathered together th loose
ends of evidence until nothing was over
looked or forgotten; special prosecutor
Francis J. Heney has guided and con
ducted th trial and has hurled the mas
of evidence at th defense until the other
side has stopped aghast at the on
slaught and been bereft of hope.
There Is no doubt but that an appeal
will be taken. The attorn eye for th de
fense are now preparing their motion,
and will in all probability present It at
the opening of the next case, on Tues
day, December IS.
... . . - j
uain Interest Causae Republican
Chairman To Give Up Place.
Wednesday Chairman Ernest p. Rands
filed with the Republican County Central
Commute hi resignation. Mr. Rand
"I nave for some time felt that our
party's best Interest demanded that I
give way to some one of the better quali
fied members of the party, as chairman
of your body, and now being convinced
that because of the occupation of my
time by business matters which oblige;
me to be out of the county and frequently
out of the state for months at a time, I
am unable to property attend to the du
ties of chairman and should In justice to
both the party and myself, resign that
"I do therefore respectfully tender yoa
my resignation as Chairman of the Re
publican County Central Committee to
take effect Immediately.
"Thanking' you for your cordial sup
port through the recent campaigns. I am
Tours very truly.
It Is not known when the Central
Committee will hold a meetins to select
a Chairman to succeed Mr. Rands whose
resignation will be regretfully accepted.