Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 02, 1904, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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Opposition T Wm. Sheahan Develop In
the second Ward. Reault en
Mayer I Uncertain, -
I Ii)wmmmmnmmwm0mmimimim,mmmmmma a iiijotmiiiwot sis
other Aspirant (or th place having ap-
It In th Raee. ,
J. A. TufU announce that he li not
only tho candidate (or city treasurer on
th lUpubllcan ticket but declare that
h la to the fight to win. Mr. Tun nas
nvad In Oregon City lor fourteen year
and haa alway been a lUpubllcan fur
tha success of which ha haa at all tlmea
labored. Mr. Tufta la an old vttaran and
la properly qualified for I ha offlca ha
amka. ! asks tho aupport of hie friend
In tha election Monday, '
Wednesday afternoon tho candidate
lor tha various office to bs volad for al
tha annual municipal election to be held
next Munday. filed with City Recorder
Curry their petlthma and acceptance.
There are three candidate for Mayor and
three candldatea. togethnr with thoee
.hint election to the other offices, will
be designated on lh official ballot by a
variety of non-partisan nnmea. The offi
cial ballot will Include tha following
namra and cleselflcallonas
Fee Mayor.
ffaaa. Albright Independent -Cltiaefte'
I. V. Campbell Republican.
IW. K. A. Somroer Clllacn.
rtrat Ward
K. F. Story citiscn.
Intvld C. Williams lUpubllcan.
rtocond Ward
Wm. Sheahan Republican.
Sol. B, Walker Independent-Ctllaen-Tax
pay era.
Third Ward
Henry Brandt Republican.
S. P. Fr ancle Clllsen.
r. J, Meyer Independent
J. A. Tufta Republican.
Blnco writing the article "Fight To A
rinlah," which appear on tha nrat page
of thia week leeue, tha altuatlon with
reference to candidate for aldermen, haa
changed. In the First Ward II. C. Stev
en declined to qualify aa tha Republican
candidate and the place on tha ticket
we supplied by the naming of David C.
Wllllama. of the Wllllama Tranafer Com
pany. In the Second Ward, Wm. Shea
han will be opposed by Sol S. Walker,
who haa been named on the Independent
Cltlacn-Teapayar'a ticket, but the man of
triangular affiliation will find defeating
popular "Hilly" Sheahan ona of tha moat
Impoaaible thing he ever attempted. Mr.
Rheahan'a record In the council haa been
aurh that hlj friends claim ana believe
hie election la assured.
In the tlret page article referred to
above the word "commutation" In the
following sentence ahould have been
-consummation," "Hut alnce the Mayor
dea not have a vote, except In caae of a
lie, which rarely oecure. alnce there are
nine member of the council, tna election
of that officer will not really alter the
altuatlon with reaped to a commutation
of the pending franchise deal."
In the City Treaaurer ngnt. in corneal
between Fred J. Meyer, preeent incumb
ant and Independent candidate to auc
ceed hlmaelf. and J. A. Tufta. on the Re
publican ticket promlaea to be do. Mr.
Xfnvar la a Democrat and haa held the
Y e for a number of eucceealve, terme.
Tiilla la ninmber of the 0. A. U.
r - . .
,dla bualnea man of thia city wnpa
frlAnda feel I entitled to tn omce n
Mr Tufta haa alwava Dccn a tie
aa to
ona. Ra
f 1 . 1 . , n
a number oft oceaalons tha vote of the
mill emVloye haa determined the
city election herebut thia year, tha vote
of the mllla will bdlvlded pretty equally
among the three caSdldntea. leaving the
final result a matter oY, great uncertainly.
Tha Mayor-elect will Have the appoint
ment of n Chief of PollcVClty Attorney,
Street Commissioner, and NNIght Police
Ortlcer and It mattera not who may be
elected Mayor. It H certain iai mere
will be eoine change In the personnel of
these aubordlnate oltlcera who, are di
vided In their aupport of the rival candl-date.-
The momber of the council elect
a City Recorder and It la reasonably
certain laat Recorder Bruce C. Curry,
will be. choaen to succeed hlmaelf. no
Oregon City Will Have Oanelnf School
and srofselonal Taachere.
, Prof. 1 lUUer will open hla dancing
uhool at the Armory. Saturday even
ing. December 10. He will have plenty
nf aeatatanc to help the many new be
Klnnrre who are going to take the oppor
tunlty of learning correctly all of the
vurv latrat danei with the eaae of
movement and grace of body that danc
ing require, which, If taught right In
the beginning grow with them. Dancing
a an art only acquired by diligent ana
nnllnued practice with competent teach
er,. On can ham in ix or eight lea
mni all of the very lateat dance. In
cluding the walli, lwo-tep and three-
I'rof. Raber will guarantee to teacn
any person to dance. Failure la Impoa
aible or money win be rerunoea. inw
will be proven to thoee who personally
Inveetigate tha method and ytem
uetd In hi chool. Special attention la
ihrve-atep which la all the rag In the
large Kaalern cltlee. I'rof. Rabcr will
teach both beginner and advanced dano
era the three-atep on Saturday evening.
December 10.
cheel doard Aeeept Rlontlon With
To the Hon. The Board of Director of
School Dtatrtot No. (2. CtackAmaa
County, Oregon.
Declining health compel ma to retire
from active bualneaa, therefor I hereby
tender my resignation aa clerk of School
Diairlct No. it,
Tha relatione with th Board hav been
very pleaaant and agreeable to me, and
I very much regret to sever them, but
It would aeem that It 1 decreed that thia
I th thing to do, so I patiently bow In
And now, with a high appreciation of
the klndneaa and courteay, on all occa
sion ahown, 1 am, gentlemen, each of
you. elncerely yours,
Dtatrlct Clerk.
. Enlerprlee venture no prediction
teult of th election for Mayor,
any the conteat will be a close
of the candldatea expreaaca
ince IT" nis sunny w
A Social Ivent.
Much Inlereat la being maAlfeated 1n
th coming concert to be given by M'm
Cony era. Mrs Kathryn Ward Pop an.l
Mlxa William. In Woodmen Hall. Decern-
lu.p 10 th.
M'ee Mlfred Warren a planlale. of
rwiianA will onen th concert with a
Chopin number and th program of four-
fn numtier. nromlee to oe in vm
of th season.. Many ticket are already
aold and everylWnf promisee for a d
llglitful evening.
Me. Dom Zan. who 1 already a favor
lie among will be aur to pleas tho
HriirnM.. with hla well choaen nongi.
Mr, X.an poeacaee a mognlflcent voice of
laic quality and hla selections and tyl?
uf aonga are always of the best
lia. Lulu Miller, contralto, of Portland,
will be heard In two ong. She haa a
aplmdld natural voice, and . with yeara
r .inrtv with the beat Instructor, she
i considered on of th best vocaliats
In Portland.
Mrs. Pope, soprano, of thia city, ha
not been heard In public for some time,
and no doubt a great Improvement will
lie noticed. She ha studied with Mr.
flpark. of Dreden and Mrs. Walter
Reed of Portland thl year and they
both are enthualaetllo over her voice,
which la a aoprano of beautiful quality
nnA vnrk on thia occasion will be
Imih nloaatn- and artistic.
Miaa Vera W 111 am, planiste. win nci
a aocompanlat and will give on difficult
nlnno solo. Ml William I Cluased,
huh in thia cliv and Fortlana. a an ac
eomtillahcjiS ptaniet and Inatructor, and
her llateners will be given a treat In her
Miaa Conver's Oregon City friend will
be glad of an opportunity to hear her
attain. MI tonyers ha a aoprano voice
of brilliant quality and her Improvement
ih mint few month haa been very
gratifying. . Mlaa Conyer will be heard
In everal of her very beat euleetlona, and
the audience will no doubt be greatly
Omee of Board of Director of Sohool
District No. Clackamae County,
Or aon.
Oivgon City, Oregon. Dec. 1st, l0.
Mr. C. O. T. Wllllama. City.
rwr fllr:lt I with atneer regret that
i hut tMwrd ha received your rlgnatton
aa DlalHct Clerk and w aece-pt It with
reluctance. Th reon you glv for
your action are usienwrW, and w
feel that It I to your Intereet to accede
ta vour wish In th matter. It I a
pleasure for to tat that during your
incumbency of the office our reiauona
have alway been most pleasant and
asreeabl. and we had hopea inai you
would remain a our Clerk for a long
time to come, but aa on' healti; la of
the utmost Importance. It I necessary to
ao whatever will benefit It ana we nope
that with your retirement from active
business you may be restored to your
,,u.l cnod health. With best wishes for
your speedy recovery, we remain.
Yours very truly.
. Director.
R E. Brodle haa been elected to uc
ced Mr. Wllllama. '
everyone Interested In eportlng new. It t
always beantlfuny iiiuitratea ana em
brace four full paces, covertn with the
thorotiRhneM that aattaOea to tna tttrnon
the whole realm of sports. Baseball new,
racing new, golf pewa, bowling new,
oveitna new, nuailstle new, yachting
news all th aportmf nw If given with
the greatest degree or lunneas am in
terest Th sporting page of the dally
lasues Is also exceptionally popular a
elf -evident fact to thos who have noted
the general vogue of the Chicago Record-
Herald among sporting bm t.
Mode From H Uteris Wood.
B. a. Caufleld, cashier of the Bank of
Oregon City, waa thl week preeented
with a novel olctur frame that was
made of wood Uken from the McLough-
lln bouse In this city, that Is now being
remodeled. Th gift, which la prised by
reason of lu interesting pioneer associa
tions, waa presented to Mr. Cauaeia by
W. H. Howell, who obtained some wood
that was discarded from th McLoughlln
realdence In the course of om Improve
ment that are being made.
The frame waa made from the window
111 and Is perfecly plain, th only
ornaments being oak pins, that are at
tached, one on each of the four aide
of the frame.
Tha Ken-elan Exhibit Building, one of
th largest exhibition palacra of tho Lew
la and Clark Centennial, la now com-
nietait. end exhibit will begin to be In
tailed In a few week.
rt A.ner.rT t A.
t m Ui Ten ilHva Hmn Eougm
jf ltH MnO Id
Oeeerve Your Patronage.
Tha rrnwth of a community and the
ucceaa of Ha local Institutions depend
....iin.iv mi tha lovaltv of Its people. It
( w.tll enonrh to Breach "patronlie home
Industry" but except the service given
at a home Inatltutlon equal that ol out-of-town
enterprlees. this argument car-i-lea
no weight and la entirely dlaregard
ed. a It Should be. But with Oregon City
people It is different A few months
V. Johnson established the Css-
cade Laundry. It is equipped witn tns
latest improved machinery and I flany
turning out work that I equal to any
and superior to much of the leunury
..k that ta belna done In Portland.
a hnnM Inatltutlon and furnishing
employment for many Oregon City people
It I enjoying an Immense paironaae.
Th hlh standard of the work being
tn mmmenda it to the general public.
Laundry left at the O. K. bartwr nop win
be promptly called for and delivered to
any part of the city. Telephone 12M.
E. L Johnson, proprietor.
Who Wii th Author
Ti,nr waa belna circulated about the
court house In the form of poetry last
Friday, ' a modern parody on the much-
used favorite, "Mary Had a Little urao
etc. The vera waa as follows:
Mary had a Uttlo flea.
She caught It on the dog,
She put it on the pig.
And now if "on tho Hog."
n,.m of the officer at the county capi
tal were mean enough to credit the au
ihm.uhin tn Cha. E. Runyon. court re
porter, but that oniclal declined the honor
which on lnvcatlgntlon dlaclonca oeionBs
sis a week vaudeville porformer at
Portland. Some Oregon Cltylte had com
mitted the few Unca and. having copiea
It by typewriter, gave It circulation about
the court house,
One Month Will Devoted to This Fea
Portland. Nov. U. Dairying tel have
been decided upon by the exposition man
agement to be a feature of the llveatocx
ahow at the Lewta It Clark Centennial.
One month will be given to the teeu.
which will begin September 1, lo. A
full set f rule and regulation to govern
the teat haa been complied by Richard
Scott and W. M. Ladd. who have rormu
latad a schedule by which the greatest
possible benefit may be obtained from the
nutter teats will be supervised by a
competent Jury, and uniform packages
ill be nrovlded by the Exposition ror
all butter produced by each breed. The
scale of point for Judging butter la as
Flavor JO per cent
Aroma 18 per cent
Grain 26 per cent
Color IS per cent
Salt 10 per cent .
Package per cent
The milk from each cow will be weigh
ed immediately after milking, and cor
rect eample will be Uken. Awards will
be made on the following points:
Wonnmlc production of butter rai.
economic production of milk for all pur
pose of dairying; dual-purpoae oeei,
milk, and beef merit of calf; production
of market milk; all on herd oi nve, usn
and fifteen cowa.
Similar tests, with awards will be made
on individual cowa of the Ayrshire,
Brown Swiss, Devon, Guernsey, Hov
eteln-Frtcalan, Jersey. Red Polled and
Short Horn breeds. There will also be
awards for the beat cow of any breed.
The amount of the vaiiou award
are now "being figured out and will be
announced at an early date.
Tha amusement atreet at the Lewi
h Clark Exposition ha been named The
A Great Sporting Nwa .Journal.
The illustrated special portlng ectlon
. . n A tT,.ll
of tn Sunday t'tiicago - -
thoroughly deserve, th attention 0f Fourth street.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice I hereby given that J. C, Elli
ott has filed hla final report as executor
of the eatate of Hugh Miller, deceased
and the County Judge has sot the second
dnv of January. 1906 at the hour or ten
o'clock In the forenoon of aam aay s
the time for hearing the said report ami
.n. neraon having oblectlone thereto are
hereby notified to appear at the Court
House In Oregon City, Oregon, a eaitt
time and make them known to the counw
Court. J- C. ELLIOTT,
Executor of the Estate of Hugh Miner
ratine a
Gordon E. Hayes, Attorney for Executor
Saloon License.
Notice 1 hereby given that I will ap
ply at the next meeting of the city coun
ell for a renewal of my aloon license n
my present place of business, Main ai