PAGE S. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, fRIDAY, DECEMBER I, 1t04. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by the Clackamas Abstract A Trust Company. J. and O. W. Newton to A. O.hrwn,. 4,49 acres In Elk. 16, Barlow : $50. . N. P. and P. Miller to R. W. Brown, S acres In H. Johnson D. L. C, S S, E; llOfl. V, Raenow (by Sheriff) to W. Rabe now and El Wlese, 8. 100 a. of 8W4 of Sec. 2S, 1 S. E; $2300. I. Fair and wife to J. C. Martin, kt 5, blk. SS, Oregon City; $4 SO. M. K. Nolan to P. Canavan, WH of SE4 of Bee. 5. S 4, E; $276. A. M. Stansbery to L. A. Foater. 100 a. In F. Revenue D. U C, J , E; SS60. C. R. Borougha and wife to C. and E. Fellenion. 8WH of 8V4. Sec. 8, 41, E; 12100. R. and A. J. Price to J. N. Pennock. 4100 a. In J. P. Eagen D. U C, S S. E; $50. H. M. Malon et al to C. B. Smith. 1-1 Int. In t.tts acre In 34, E; $340.08. H. and M. Jacques (oy guar) to C. B. Smith, 2-1 Int In 8 4SI a. In 1 I, E; $680.08. J. E. Crawford and wife to B. N.' Brld enatlne, 144.36 a. In D. l C. No. (4. 34. E; $2600. T. F. Ryan and wife to M. E. Graves, part lot t, blk. 1, Oreen Point; $00. J. DeShaser and wife to 8. K. New, 1 acre In 8 sc. St. $5. E; $l. 8. E. New, to J. DeShaser. IT acre In Sec IS. 1-4, E: H00. J. Flah to J. Webber, 1 acre In i 1. E; $60. T. Coiling and wife to F. Zaatera, 8E4 of NW14 of Sec 4. 1 i. E: $1.00. J. W. Loder and wife to W. H. Hol llnshead. B of lot In Oreen Point; $10. H. Osterhoht to E. J. Montandon. 41H acrea In t Whealdon D. L. C.. 4 1, E: $J500. Oregon Iron and Steel company to J. A. Bushbaum, acrea in Sec. it, 11, E: $150. J. Q. Cummins to P. Wacker. WV of KE. Sec C. 43. E; $2000. i J. W. Willla and wife to W. A. and J. McGillia. W of NW4 of Sec I, 42, E; $1900. W. F. Toung and wife to J. P. Toung. WH of NWH and N4 of 8W. Sec. 17, S-l, W; $5000. P, O. Herner to M. E. Kerner W4 of EH of SE Sec. 34. 1 J. E; $1.00. C. U. Barlow and wife to J. 8legrurt. Blk 1$. Barlow; $400, C. Knight to E. C. Knight Lot 11 blk 4. Can by; $1.00 L. C, Cole to H. Hornahuh, land In Oregon City; $550. E. H. Buahnell et al to Oregon Water Power and Ry Co. 100 ft. right of way In Sec 20, and T. 1 S, E; $35. J. Murray et al to J. Murray. lot 11 blk S. CManby; $1.00. E. Knight to A. F. Knight, lot IX. blk 4. Canby; $1.00. L K. and F. V. Zollner to E. P. Cant well 8 lota in Canby. 67 acrea In 1. E; $100. E. E. Chraman to O. M. Kuniman and L. Mauts, 106 acrea In Claim 56, 32, E; $2000. H. C. Stevena to W. Brusch. 84 of 8W4 of Sec. 23. 41. E; $400. H. C. Stevena to F. Brusch NE of NWi of Sec 2. 41. E; $200. H. C. Stevens to F. P. Brusch NW14 of 8ec. 26, 41, E; $200. A. Mlhrteln to C. t Baker, lot 11. blk. 13. Willamette Falls; $1100. R. G. Palmateer to H. Epperson. 1 acres In Sec. 24. 3 I. E; $30. B. E. Cartrlght to J. Courtrlght part of W. Fordyce CL in 23. E. and J 3, E: $5.00. E. F. Riley and wife to L. Moore, lot j 8, blk 8, Apperson a subd. blks S. 6. 7. Park place; $50. D. W. Cole to O. Carver and F. J. Toung. 10 acrea In Sec. 32, 13, E; i235. F. J. Young to O. Carver, 10 acres In Sec 1-3, E; $1. WUhmette Falls Co.. to C. B. Batdorf j lot s. Dik 12. Willamette rails; i&tw. . E. M. Rasmussen to C. B. Batdorf lot 10. blk 12. Willamette Falls; $500. I. W. Moser and wife to E. M. Ras mussen lot 10, blk 12, Willamette Falls; $1. C. and F. E. Galloghy to W. A. Holms, lot 3, blk 1, Parkplace. $'".0. C. B. and G. Batdorf to L. and A. Lavish, lots 9 and 10. blk 12, Willamette Falls; $800. acres in Claim 38, 33. E; $529.35. W. C. Buckner to C. Marrs. 10 acres ; In M. M. McCarver CI. In 32, E; $500. I Sellwood Land and Improvement Co., ! to J. B. and C. B. Bigham, lot 1, blk. 44 1st subd Oak Grove; $150. I W. Stabenow to U. Stabenow, NE14 1 Of NEH, Sec. 12, 43, E; $500. j .J. and L. Dlelschneider to E. Miller, I 10 acres In Sec 26, 12, E; $700. j C. Beck to R. Miller and N. D. Hartz Jer, 80 acres in Sec. 12. 51, E; $1750. J. A. and J. L. Mumpower to Mum power and Hattan, 80 acres in Sec. 26, 12. E; $2000. Willamette Falls Co to J. Downey, part lot 8. blk. 15, Willamette Falls; $100. O. H. Kyllo to O. H. Kyllo NW of NWK, Sec 11. 61, E; $450. L. L. Porter to C. and M. E. Shields, lots 4 to 17 Inclusive, blk 10, Windsor; $300. H. Barra to W. F. Harris, 30 acres in Sec. 15. 32, E; $2300. T. Wygant to F. Busch. lots 2. 3, blk. 10 Oregon City; $500. Avers One dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectonl at bedtime prevents nlent coughs of children. No croup. No bronchitis. A Cherry Pectoral doctor's medicine for til affections of the throat, bron chial tubes, and lungs. Sold for over 60 years. I kste m4 AyWt Oiwtt Fetters! In my fMllTforxght Trt. Thereto iHtliiiMtrHl t It foreradu ad nM. mmtIhIIt lor rlill- ."-Ms, w. H. Harass. OIuf, ai. i. o. ts m,. Of SBBSasssassBSiisiii All tmt'U. Night Coughs CLACKAMAS TITLE CO. Your Clackamas County abstracts of Title should be prepared by the Clackamaa Title Company, Incor porated, Chamber of Commerce building. Portland. Thla company is the builder and owner of the boat and most complete plant ot Clack amas county titUm. Astracta from Its offices are compiled by experts ot long experience, competent attor neys and draughtsmen, and are ot guaranteed accuracy. Clackamas County Lands, Mortgage Loans, Estates mansgtd, Taxes ex amlntd and paid. C. F. Riley, pres... F. B. Rlley, see. Keep the bMr4e amn with on of W'$ Pills mt aWtlme. Juet n. la to select your piano, pay $. or $8 down accordina to distance piano has to be delivered and then agree to per us $ a month until the piano Is paid for. Tou don't have to wait a minute (or the plana It Is sent to your house the very day you select it This la unquestionably the best way to secure a food piano and will be found by many, far more preferable than merely renting one. Thla new plan will be found by many better than pay trig cash, as It permits the use of the money for other purposes. The twenty cents a day which now buys a piano will never be missed, and as a usual thing would be spent In other directions with nothing to show for It at the end of the year. This matter Is well worth Investigating at Ellers Piano House $51 Washington Street Portland, Oregon. Mall orders promptly tilled. Mothers Be Careful of the health of your children. Look out for Coughs and Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. Stop them In tlme One Minute Cough Cure is the best rem edy. Harmless and pleasant. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. CASTOR I A for Infants uid Children. TIb Kind Yea Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of Eugene Field's Views on Ambition and Dyt pepsla. "Dyspepsia," wrote Eugene Field, "often incanacitates a man for andasvn and sometimes extinguishes the fire of smomon. Mnoucn great despite his complaint Field suffered from Indiges tion all his life. A weak, tired stomach can't digest your food. It needs rest. Tou can only rest it by the uie of a preparation like Kodol, which re lieves it of work by digesting your food. Rest soon restores it to Its normal tone. Strengthening, Satisfying, Envigoratlng. Prepared only by E. C. Ds Witt k Co., Chicago. Tb U bottle contains! time theMc. sue. Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree ably aromatic It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists sell the 60o. size ; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Test it and you are sure to continue the treatment Announcement. To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou ble, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by maiL The liquid form embodies the med icinal prop ruts 01 we soua preperauuu. Superior Work Lowest Prices That is what you get when A. Mihlstin does your plumbing work. He does general tinning, plumbing and jobbing buai ness. Estimates chetsrfully furnished. Hot air heating fixture manufactured and - supplied. A. MIHLSTIN Main Street OREGON CITY, OK 9 Seasonable : Delicacies : p p p p p fine Mackerel, Cod Fish. Salt Salmon and Anchoyia Also a new crop of nuts Just srrWcd. Don't forget M. G. B Cof fee in I, 2 and 3 pound cans, the finest, in the land. P Electric Grocery D. M. Klemsen, Prop. The Clackamas Abstract ft Trust Co. are owners of the only complete abstract plant In Clackamas county. Prompt and reliable work on short notice. AU work guaranteed. Abstracts made, money loaned, mortgages foreclosed, trusts exe cuted, estates settled and titles per fected. J. F. CLARK. Atty-at-Law, President and Manager. Office over Bank of Oregon City. AT TWENTY CCNT8 A DAY. Fine. New Pianos at Cut Price Only Six Dollars Monthly. Ellers Piano House offers now choice vl one hundred and twenty brand now standard made Doll & Baua Pianos to 1 cedents of this State on payments of $6 down and 16 a month (or J1.G0 a week.) Nor will these pianos be sold at regular retail prices, but quite the reverse, they are offered at reductions of from $6S to $115 on each piano according to its style and kind of case. Six dollars a month then, buys a good piano. The $250 style Is now $186. The 1360 kinds are $264. All you have to do JOHN YOUNGER, ear Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE N Ureat Britain and America. . I. ton PIONEER rrangfef and Emetf Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATE8 - REASONABLE liiEil tO lil'i I Mice Mil r. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER -ELLOH , 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire Id Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,250 towns. Quick, accurate, cheaj All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Port land. Oregon City office at Harding's Drusr Store Prices Reasonable LET US DO YOUr Work Work Guaranteed We do a General Baggagfl and Transfer business. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved .Office Opposite Masonic Building '""SETS"" Williams Bros. Transfer Co. TKe EoMSdsHirnisKer OUR SALE IS CM READ THIS Read every word, it means money in your pocket, our sale is on, these are happy days for the furniture buyer, and our offerings are ap predated by the public as our stores are crowded all day but our mammoth stock can stand some more heavy attacks. Every piece of furniture bears the stamp of good quality of excellence, merit and good workmanship. The matter of price is a matter that strikes home, it affects your purse. Lack of space prevents our displaying the thousand and one good bargains in our store, if you need any thing for furnishing the house, it will pay you and interest you to look through our establishment. IB SB $7.00 This glass safe is made of Maple, grown in Clackauiaa county by the way, one of the 6 nest grained Umber for furniture pur posesand built by firt-clis cabinet ' makers, thla sain is not the kind that is bought by furniture dealers from way off furniture factories, shipped In, knocked down and then nailed together by greea hand without any glue. Our safe will stand closest Inspection and ti a beauty In finish; no family can afford to be without oue, there yoa got a place for your dishes and a dust free and mouse proof place for almost aottbing you may desire to keep under cover. $11.00 would be a fair price for thla piece of furniture, but we only ask 7.00 during our big sale. Iron beds regular $1.00 now 1.9S. oontPty- m 120 pairs of Por tlers. No reason tb!e offer rejected. 1200 pairs of Lace Curtains. No rea sonable offer rejected. Cotton Felt Mattresses Tbe cleanest and purest 'of alt. The general health depends a great desl on bow we sleep. In order to be able to do a good day's work we muxt be freshened up by a good night's rest on a comfort able mattress A good mattress means good sleep and good health. Cotton Felt Mattres-es that are sold fur $(4 00 can be bought here for filoo higher grade ones for $1500 and 16.00. We have others made of different material a cheap as $i 50. This elegant cobbler seat rock ier, reg-ularvaiue IZ.Tsinow 2 6x66 Cedar Doors ft. is 18x68 Cedar Doors f 1.35 a3""-- B'oiLDer3 v 2cew a Steel Ranges We offer now for cash 6 hole steel Ranges, 18 Inch oven, elaborately nickel plated, 10 years guarantee for 130.00. This piece of furniture we may call the peace maker of the family, there are Ave well-nude and easy running drawers In our chiffonier, and If each is occupied by the belongings of a different members of the lamllv, peace may reign forever. This chiffonier U sold at a cold cash proposition of f5 00. You will have to pay f; 50 In any o called installment plan bouses where"? our credit is good.' Writing Desk, from $4.00 Good assortment of new Wiltons, In grains, Ilrussols, Axminamrs, eto., being shown. These spxclal values on sale as long as present stock lasts: 11.26 Wilton velvet go yd It.Ofl Wilton stair ...7o yd K&c Druiisels too yd Mc AM wool extra super Ingrain.. 0o yd 6o Half wool 4(g y, 60c Cotton S50 C,j All mattings and rugs In proportion. Regular $10 value, now 17.00 AMIHICAN ROTARY WASHER. ! ,Prt"'-a from other rotary mo. tlons -l'he gear Is the atrongest lever age known, therefore the operation of the same In the easiest. Strain of cast Ings not known In thla gsr, henoe breakage la eliminated, flaa loSklni hinge gear, whloh lock the maohln when open or closed. 'omni A Certain Cure for Croup. When a child showa symptoms of croup there Is no time to experiment with new remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommended. There I one prepara tion that can always be depended upon. It has been In use for many years and has never been known to fall, vis: Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. M. F. Compton of Market, Texas, says of It, "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In severe cases of croup with my children and can truthfully say It always gave prompt rellof." For sale by Geo. A. Harding. Beware of Counterfeits. "DeWltt's la the only genuine Wltoh Husel Salve" writes J. L. Tucker, of Centre, Ala. 'I have used It In my family for Piles, Cuts, and Burns for years, and can recommend It to be the beat Salve on the market. Every family should keep It, as It Is an Invaluable household remedy, and should always be kept on hand for Immediate use." Mrs, Samuel Ougo, of North , Iluah, N, Y says: "I had a fever sore on my anklo for twelve years that the doctors could not cure All salves and blood remedies proved worthless. I could not walk for ovor two years. Finally I was pemiaded to try DeWltfs Witch Hazel Salve, whloh has completely cured me. li Is a wonder ful rcllew." DeWltfa Wltoh Haul Salve cures without leaving- a icnr. Sold bv Geo. A. Harding. y Subscribe for the Enterprise,