Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 02, 1904, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, rmDAV, dickmbik a, im
j Urn wlnli.r, hn become the rHxtnm lad
or aociiu aiitnuiiimn in niuuuutipa
home Mild uluba, Im won It wlda favor
iti niM'li'ly not imly by It uppeul to the
fun loving iiiiiiiltli- of the piople,
mIwi by Hi" nrllnllo port rail of fuvorlte
tnloi ami jiVtra, wlil h Us d csvas
cotiliiln, A pin k of "MtMP Id ''her
Mht'd eouvenlr of the ihettir of today,
TIib itnme miikee Mil ilcniiiiul upon the
plnyei that leaeeii the ooiivulaliig fun
that It create. It Im plnyd rapidly, and
thre mi w tnny imp that etn be ef,
for tin- unwary itiHt u Im ml In aeldom mi
aecmmmnled by eyclone of mletri, All
lUDtll'Ilt lf til plofiloll Mil- repleai-lll-
pil, from Oiainl )M'in t Vaudeville,
nml the 'ItllMard" (Mill I'teateB ItiM' h
t'liimlMiiiutliiii In the gam", ii I I'M Hil
of wriither ilii In th lin-rUl ii-f
Hun, Tlit, there, nr IN . "Hoidum"'
1'nlil, uulfn dlftVrenl wirt, flod; thn
'Ix-tt.liii til 'j whbh may hlp a plny-r to
thn iiiv.-I.m1 "lueful at l critical
moment. Titer w , "AHdtetme." too.
Hii) "Thcitli." nil of which r "ii
tliil to mircfM.
Although replete with fun. there l
iiothliiK In thn gunie of "Hmgn" to off-nd
Oik mnaf aenaluve. Tit -n-hok' r cn-
I Joy th game ipiUe ne much e th" piny
! fin, nml Nt large aochil nfTiili . group of
ubaerver may Im aw-n urrouixllnif the
blood cnixa
tft nr.ii.tM. t mwa.
pluyrnj. , IVoplx
MU t lMt1'"l . hllWMOf,
Mutt I !til!lktinif iimny tlmr ovT In !
the irfxwrantun ,,l IIm1 r-ll. Wom ll j
not iiillr Hi tkh, for urirtiliiitii live prortn ! J
tlmt tlis nuniiiil imiiilwr of rl blood ct-11 , 4
In mlutt mrti i fe'.e million; in womrn four'
Mid H Imlf tiillHou. to Hit Mjimrt HiilUiiirUf. ,
Tlir tiormiil ct II U not lolutljr round
In hmltli. hut, In dUmi, hteomf
Ifftiirly irrcifiiluT In hi. KviTjr on fin '
Im- In prrft-rt liniltlt nd Jmwwk the mil- J
Hon of tlch red bt.x! wriiiiclr if tlw ( 4,
only know how ta jo hIjou! it. Ir. K, V. 1
I'lrnp (otiiulliiiir i)lividnn to tb nv. !
lid.' Hotel mid Siiikh l Inmltutr. at lluf
full), N. V., dviM twrrt man and wouum
toprrpnrr for lontf lifr by olinrrving tin
ture'n Uwt, III 111 Oft phe'i U yf
digntlon I faulty, nd tb fod yo
rat U not taken tip by the Wood and $lm.
Ilutl proixrtly, you n--d a tonic and diiffv
tivt cottK-tor. n.iuriliiiiir that will incrro
th nil blol tirpucli he belirvr in
KoitiK alut lhl In natittt' own way.
VrarnaKo. In hi adiv prm-tlrr, be found
Hut an altrr: iiv atiHrt of certain hrrti
and foot, put up willtotit Oie ti ot alco.
hoi, would put th livrt, tiliig and brart
into fulU t and more complil lion Tin
mrdirln hf catlrd lr, Wrtttp'a Coldi ti
Wriliiwl UirovMf Uy finiilatinc thf
fund ralru, it nouuxltrn tlir I)1kkI, and, in
atrad of th lll.uapd lOfpUM-lea, the jr.
ann a blowl tkr on a Mts mi cour anu
if I u 1 ti 1 i . 11 . 1 1 . 1 r uaunlly Iwtl.T al
j MiiiniiiutiiHiiiN uivinuju- whn pluynll iwmBnvM, ,4 a r
ll I yJ "'" k 01 Scott wLmUlMUm, 1 ault, prralva Mta" partlwa r
LLI ,,,,,1 Ia 4, ,.,...f.. f.. ! nun h In d.iiiund. No lnltr way of
, , .,.., . 1 1 1 amiinlua an vnlrtir party hu yrt lt j , rorpunl are mm nearly found
minium iiiki itiiiir. in nw'11 d IimL i, j
ITl llllllHt llll 1 lie Clviliml COtm-l HrA(IK' I the fd f th ram, and
1 1 ii'H of t!lt Itlolifl i 'tywh.'r h"rd th rhynilu qui-ry,
1, ,i 1 j. , '. .. you piny HTAtlK't It all th
If tli cod iMi UftinHi fxtinctl ..
it won ll lienworM-w'ule ralain
it v. Ui'uiiho tho oil that couifH
Orlp Quickly Knocktd Out.
"Mottw waoka o durluic Dm via
winter weather ltli my wlf and mymlf
iimliatt.d avre eolda whlrh apeedlly
itrvrlnpil Into the wuint kind of la crlppa
with all Ita mlaerabl aymploma." aaya
Mr, J. H Kahaton of Miiplr l-aiwll". la.
"Ktirri and Joint ai lilnn. muauh-a aore, 1
frmii it 1 liver niirjHHwn all oIIht
fiunlii nouiiHhliijr anil lifi'-niviiifj
jirtijM'ilii'H, Thirty yi'firn iipi
tin prnprit'torn of Scott'i Kinul
miii fountl a way of tn'iaiing
coil liver oil nntiiat everyone cait
ti.kt.it n,,.l p t tin fall value of 1 JtZZX.
tlio oil wit limit t lie oiMifllonuiiie w Iwlll cn.miMrui.r couvh
tllftt'. S'Ott'M I'millnhll i the ! H'turdy. aldlnc the aam with a d.M. of
lat Ihlliir itillin wiiflil for Wl'llk I Oiamherlaln' Htomai h and Liver Tab-
l.titkviirtl hil.In'H, thin, iIHitate , j,Mp,y fcnmked out th tip" Th
Mttlilf. Illlil fill eollllitiollH Of 1 Tablet promol a healthy action of th
Ncrvouaiiea i oule thi: cry of the atarved
ni rvn for food, and when the nereea ar
fed on rich ml blood the peraoo low
tlioee irritublr r.llii lepa well at nig at
and feela refrenbid in th morning.
KMnwtriK'R i arjwi'.n.
If yon want to know about your body,
read I)r. Fierce' Common Se-nne Medtral
Advlwr. whic h can be had for the coat of
mailing. ,n renu in otw ernt aUmpa tor Hie
cloth Ix.iiihI laok. or ai ntuuipa for the
paper-covered volume. Im Igea. Ad
dreM Ir. K. V I'irrve, Bnflalo, N. Y.
I)r, Plerce'a Pleasant Prlkt clean' lb
bowrla and itiuiulate ibe aluKgUtt liver.
But in order to display our immense stock we are obliged to commnce
showing them now. Never belorc have we had such a large assortment
of 'Christmas dainties.", '"We have'asuperb lint ofhose articles of use
and . ornament that make the most appropriate j and we come gifts.
Fancy goods and toilet articles are here jn great , variety and all at the
' very lowest prices.- Our new stock is beautiful, appropriate, desirable,
complete and within your means. ' You can come and sec for yourself
that all this is so without feeling the slightest obligation to purchase un
less you find it to your best interest. ; AH; Visitors are welcome and no
questions asked. "Feel free to come one and aU.
wiinlin; ami lout strength.
.oa-.ia rat. aiaaar, a aw roan
A runny Car 0m. tattd On Th Joy
and erw( f th Thaatrleal
Th thealrt thla haa a dangrr-
nui rival In the affection pf the amuae
mrnl arrklng public In "Hli", an up
rrlouty funny raid game, whe play
Ina glvra many humomua hlnta of Ilia
and aorruwa of th tlieutrl.al bual
Thla aamr. abb h evt-n thua early In
bowrla, liver and kldneya, whbh I al
way benefh lal when th ytem U con
gealed by a cold or attack of the rrlp.
r..r aal by Oeo, A- Harding.
Oregon CUy Markat Racket.
(CorrMtad WMhly.)
Wheal No. I, Tie to Mo per buhl
rour vlly. It.l pr bbU IIr4
wheat I4.. Portland. 11.11 par .
Howard a Ileat. II. H per aark.
Oata-ln aa.ka. S1.3T M per cental.
Winter Vetehea 1 to I 1-lc per pound.
Cheat fteed-tl to 1126 per pound.
Hay Timothy, baled. I14CI1I pr torn
clover. Ill to 111; oat. 111 to 111; mixed
bay, III to III; cheat. Ill to 114.
MlllatufT--Iitan. ISO per ton; ahorta
t:i.tO ter ton: chop 120 per urn; barley,
rolled 12 per ton.
1 t'otalora 0c to II ler naek.
Kaaa-Oregon t to J.
ltutter-llanch. 41 to toe; aeparator,
! It to 10c, creamery, ti to 70e.
1 Cabbage !k) to ll per doaen.
Onion Oregon, to per pound.
Hubbard Bnuaah 46 to 10c per do.
Honey 11 to Ill-Jo per pound,
flood Applea SO cent boK.
Prune (Dried) Petit, to per Ib; Ital
ian, large, le per Ib; medium, I 1-1 0;
liver. 4 I-to.
Dreeaed Chicken Ho per Ib.
Turkeye-llve. l01c; dreaaed. ITIllIC
UvMtock and Drd Meat Beef.
live 12.60 to U.M per hundred. Hoga,
live. I to I 1-tc; hoga dreaaed I centa;
ahm-p. 12 00 to IJ.tO per hd; dreaaed 6'l
veal, dreaaed. f 1-t. lamba live. II M
to 1171 per head; lamb dreaaed. te.
That Throbbing Haadacn.
If you uaed ?
Thouaand 2
,1 Frit $u(jgetioM fur Gentlemen ami Boy
Collar and Cuff Box;-, . ....... 30i: to ?..IM)
I'urf Al!i;Mitor ami Aal l'mkit I'xKiku
from " to $3.00
Card Ca.' I-at.-t St vl-r ...;t55c to $1.00
Shaving S-t fl.CK) to ?3.(K)
Safety Huzora , $1..0 to f i.(K
Holler, flrilTin & Bokr lta.or ?1.."0 to ?5
Purae and Ciar Vi- All Priwu.
Tolfl lk.xtfi. Fvh'jrant RtiwiaB, f'-5, ?3
Hantlkfreliitf Ci-luloid, Klwiny,
He ,0c to ?3.00
ToiU-t Can in Staj,' (Vluloid, etc, f 1 to $8
Military Bruehi', latent tWinn. .$.T)i) to ?4
Fountain lVns ?1 to $10
Cold Pen from ,...$1.00 UP
Sterling Silver Match and Stamp
Po.te ;. . 50u to f 1
Single and Triplicate Mirror. . . .."50c to $4
Traveling Caws $2 to $3
Neektie Boxes '. 30e to $4.00
Stmelhing SaitMt for huHe anil hm . .
Manicure Set in Stag and Celuloid ?1 to
Framed and unfranied Picture. . . ,10c to
ir. -i. t t ' .uw tn nm
Vl'HIV IXJAIT1 Ul'lll .""V "V
Yaney Cut fJlaiH Bottle Perfume .0e to $3 )J
Glove and Ilandkerthief Boxes 25c to $5
Toilet set . . :$r to $10
Khony, Celuloid and Stag Pajier Knives J
from 23c to $1.00 J
Up Writing Pad ,r0c to $2.00
Card Ca' and Puren ...... 30c to $4.00 J
Photograph Album 30c to $5.00 a
Mu.ic liolls 30c to $3.00 &
Jewel Boxes ; '. .30c to $3.00
Hair Pin and Trinket Boxe. 25c to $1.00
Wrirt Bags 30c to $3.00
Work Baskets 23c to $1.00 J
Photo Holders 50c to $2.00
Handsome Jardiniera 50c to $1.50
Tnese are but a few of the hundreds of
things we have to show you. 5
Would quickly leave you,
Dr. Kln"a New Life Pllla.
of eunVrt-re have proved their matchle
mrrll for Slrk and Nervoua Headachea. ; J
They make pura blood and build up your J
health. Only St cnta, your money back ; ,
If not cured,
Bold by Howell A Jonea. f
Howell & Jones
jm IW kuiu lui niiwa? pvuia i
... , , ,
10 JiJ ill
Prieeit tpioted a they hav? never
lieen liefore.
Kvery article currying within it
iwlf the convincing proof that
in its purchase you are wiving
Men's Suits-Overcoats
Men's Stiitx, henvy weight , nil
wihiI Ciixniincreit or Cheviots for
this Mfinl wile, price ....T.85
For choice of Jlen'o Fine all
wool 8iiiln, regular price $12.50.
SK'cial Snle Price $0.83
Men's (Kereimts, Blue Melton,
Kcguhir $0.00 value
Special $0.13
MenV Overcoats, extra good val
ue at $12.00, now on stile
Mcn's PAnts
Men's all wotl Pants, heavy
weight reduced to $1.1)5
Men's good quality pants, prices
have been $3 to $3.50.
Specially reduced $2.33
Children's Knee Pants Suits,
Prices during Sale $2.10, 2.43,
3.10, 3.75, 4.35. This means
a big xnving. Extraordinary re
ductions in Children's Overcoats
during our great Special Sale.
Shirts, Etc.
Men's Working Shirts, double
front, yoke back, at great value,
I Hiring Sale
Men's natural wool Sox. scam
less toe and heel, are offered at
S'(eeial Price of Of
Men's Ctinghnni Blouses, heavy
weight, sale price 38c
Men Derby riblied wool Shirts
and Drawers, price per
garment c
Women's Jackets
All this season's leading styles
in Cheviots. Kerseys and Man
nish mixtures. An unequalled
opportunity is presented at a big
reduction from regular selling
duckets, a' collection offered at
$3.T5, $5.25, $5.75, $0.50,
$7.25 and $8.30.
Dress Goods Reduced
ladies' Cloth 50 inches wide
Special Sale Priee ..OOo
32 inch all wool Tricot reduc
tion Price, yard..... 33o
38 inch all wool Homespun.
Special at 43e
52 inch all wool Venetian Cloth
Sale Price, $1.10 yard. ,
Women's Underwear
Women's scarlet Yosts or Pants,
all wool. Price per garment 85e
Women's Fleeced Vests or Pants,
During. Sale each, 23o
Women's Vests or Pants, wool
ulnted. Sale Price 58c
Women's Union Suits On spec
ial Sale at 4.c, b.e, ami ;.e.
Child's Umbrellas
Children's Umbrellas steel rods
Siecial k'le
Ladies' Umbrellas
Pegular $1.00 now . . 78c
Uegular $1.25 now 08c
llegular $1.50 now $1.12
Pegular $2.00 now 1.08
Men's Umbrellas
Pegular $1.00 now 78c
Pegular $1.50 now .... $1.12
Pegular $2.00 now 1.08
Pegular $2.50 now 1.05
San Silk 2 spools for 3o
Finishing Braid 3 for 10c
Embroidery Silk, during sale
extra special, 3 skeins for.. 10c
Shetland Floss per skein ... .8c
Box of 12 skeins 85c
ladies' Shirt Waist Sets.... Do
Ladies' Magic Hose Supporters,
, 19c
Pillow Shams, scalloped and
braided 22c
Chenille Stand Covers. . . . 48c
Stockinet Shields, pair .... 8c
Women's 3.00 grade now $2.70
Women's 2.50 grade now $2.15
Women's 2.00 grade now $1.08
Men's Shoes
$4.00 grade now $3.35
$3.50 grade now 2.85
$3.00 grade now 2.35
Misses' and Children's School
Sizes 5 to 8 at ...$1.10
Sizes 9 to 11 at $1.35
Sizes 12 to 2 at ...$1.53
Ladies' Trimmed Hats
0 specials, greatly reduced 880,
$1.15, $1.35, $1.05, $1.85.
$2.10. Former prices $1.30 to
$3.73. all stvlish, all good, at
a reduction of 40 per rent from
regular selling prim look at
them and verify our statement.
Calicoes, Etc.
30-inch Atlantic 1 L Domes
tic, yard 3 l-2c
Hood quality Bleached Muslin,
30-inch, yard 8c
Lonsdale Cambric, 30-ii ler
yard .; 10c
Dark Indigoes, American, yd 3c
Light Indigoes, yard 3c
Figured Turkey Pod yard.. 3c
Light Shirting prints, yard 3c
Take advantage of the induce
ments offered which means un
matchahlo Bargains.
n o
Sospension Bridge Cornet