Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 02, 1904, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 1
The Experience of Many
Here U the experience of few oat of
the many who write Dr. Pierce :
Mrs. Mary M. - Thomas, Secretary
Sierra Madre W. C T. U., Correspond
ing Secretary Young People's Christian
": Endeavor, Secretary Ladies' Aid Society
' Congregational Society, 337 Winston
Street, Los Angeles, Cal., writes: "I
was married several years before baby
came and after its birth I found that
my strength did not return. I daily
f became weaker and weaker, suffering
. with nervous headache, pains in the
- back and dimness, so that at times I
' had to lie down for hours before I could
raise my bead. Tried a tonic or two
before I tried Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
; scription, but the 'tonics' did little to
restore mv strength. After taking
the first bottle of 'Favoril Pre
scription,' however, I was so pleased
with the results that I kept on tak
ing it until I was restored to health
and strength. I shall never be
without this great medicine, and
shall take a few doses when I do
Hot feel strong."
Mrs. Beverly Sitgreaves, 124 Fnl
ton Street, San Francisco, Cal.,
writes: "I am pleased to add my
testimony in behalf of your 'Fa
vorite Prescription.' I cannot find
language to express my gratitude
and joy over the fact that I am
well once more. The wearing of
corsets too tieht seemed to have
brought on an abdominal pressure, weak
ening the ligaments and resulting in dis
placement, which troubled me until I
was not fit to walk, and at times could
hardly stand. What to do I knew not:
medicine and doctors it seemed were of
no help to me, until a neighbor advised
me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion. Before the first bottle was used I
felt ever so much better; I hardly dared
believe it could be permanent, but my
improvement went steadily on, and
within four months I was like a new
and well woman once more. I am now
perfectly well and strong, and extremely
grateful to you for your blessed remedy
a boon to sick women."
Miss Earline Agard, Chaplain Patri
otic Daughters of America, 413 Michi
gan Avenue, Lansing, Michigan, writes:
"Your 'Favorite Prescription' is cer
tainly a wonderful medicine for the ills
of women. I have heard it spoken of
in highest praise by many, and so I am
sure that my experience.)) only been
that of one of many air certain)' de
serves a good word. About a yr n(o
I began to have severe paius across my
back brought on by a cold at the critical
time, and each month afterward I was
in pain and distress until I dreaded its
approach. Your remedy was prescribed
and the way it acted on my svstem was
almost too good to be true, i certainly
have regained my health and strength,
and no longer have any pains nor that
extreme lassitude. Am restored to per
fect health." e
So uniformly successful has Doctor
Pierce's Favonte Prescription proven in
Bald execution, Judgment order, do-,
creo, Intercut, com and all accruing
costs. J. R. 8HAVKU. I
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By R. C. Haokott, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Novom-'
ber 11th. 1904.
cept no substitute for thi medicine.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore
Hon, for the County of Clackamas.
U. P. KabrUni Toy & Notion Company,
Waltt-r II. Keyrs and Mury V, Keyea,
. .
-it t r j 1- it. 1 : -.- iTirmnnu.
sua, or Falling of Womb, and LeucoV- 1 8TATK Oh?a0tt,'
rhea. that, after over a third of a can- I , . Co"n,y larkem...
tury's experience in curing the worst I y vlr,u: J;'"" '.
cases of these distressing and debilitat- i m' " duty issued out of and un
log ailments, Dr. Pierce now feels fully ' l,or U,B ",'u, of ,,M lH,v "ll,1,, court,
warranted in offering to pay J500 in I ,h MbrtV """'"d " duly
caah for any case of these diseases which ! ""''c'"' " ,w,,,d the !lt day of No
he cannot cure. j vemher, 19iM, upon a Judgment rendered
Favftrit Pnvilnllnii mmVmm and entered In auld court on tha Ith dav
women strong, sick women well. Ac uf November. Wi. In favor of it. P.
FBMicua Toy a Notion company, plain
tiff, and against Walter H. Keyea and
Mary F. Keyes, defendanla. for the sum
of 1707.96. with Interest thereon at the
rate of S per cent per annum from tha
ih day of November, 19M, and the fur
thfr mini of 119 00 coats and dlaburae
menta. and the rout of and upon thla
writ, commanding me to make sale of
the following deacrlbed real property, sit
uate In the County of Clnckamna, state
of Oregon, to-wit:
The North Half of the Booth Kant
Quarter of 8cctlon Fourteen, Tp. Four.
8011th of Range Five, F.nat of the Wil
lamette Meridian.
Now. Therefore, by virtue of ald exe
cut Ion, judgment order and derree, and
In compltunce with the commands of
aid writ. 1 will, on Tuesday, the 37th
MAa Ounce ot Prevention It Better M1'1 December. i04; at the hour of
Has a Pound of Cure." ' 10 'l'1,H',c m" ' ,ne 'rpnt aimr ,,,e
I County Court Hnum In the t'lly of Oregon
in "Flowery Kingdom," a China Is ' City. In aald County and State, sell at
called, lies on the opptwlto side of the public auction, .object to redemption, to
Insunce, a Chinaman will agree to par c""h hand- " ih riM- tM "n,, ln"
his doctor a certain sum as long as he l- terest which the within named defend
well, stopping payment as soon as sick-,, aula or either of them, had on the date of
ness overtakes him. According to Sir said mortgage herein or sines had In or to
Henry Thompson, more than half the ,h, above arlind real property or any
sickness of the world Is due to prevent- , ,,... , ,,. -i . .,M.,.,i,m
able causes which It would be wiser to )tt '"''' "IJ ".
employ some means to anticipate, rather J'unr" rder. decree. Intere.t. rots
than to cure their result. Metllcal at- and all accruing coata.
tendance Is of necessity, verv exoenslva. J. II. RHAVF.lt.
The bill for the doctor's senrlce Is a source Shvrirr of Cla. kamaa County. Oregon,
of worry and anxiety to co.intle,. suf- K c ....,, tvoutv.
ioNipsi at ni vnatiw a tuvi inna i mi ani. ' 1 '
fer torment, rather than add In this war
to their often overwhelming liabilities.
Dr. R. V. Pierce, founder, and chief of
staff of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
Institute. Buffalo. N. i .. offers fret medi
cal advice to all sufferers, through the
medium of his world-renowned book, the
"Common Sense Medical Adviser." which
will be sent on receipt of thirty -one
Dated. Oregon City, Oregon, November
:5th, 1904.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka-
eenta, to cover postage and wrapping. 'sean Wilcox Plaintiff
In case you are uncertain a to your con- wary iNUIMm "cox. t lainwu,
dition, a letter addressed him will be vs.
given personal attention, and an honest. Walter R. Wilcox, Defendant,
careful consideration. All the facts of To Walter R. Wilcox, the above named
your trouble can be told him, as they defendant:
will beheld sacredly confidential. H'rita
at once, for delay may be dangerous.
111 Ktt3 IIM11IV7 III hll7 OUIIV Ul llt'gl'll,
i you are hereby required to appear
gaJKSgfgSf tee that DPieri? fvorit Preoption doe not contain TlXTJILTZ
aiconoi. opium, or any harmful drug. It ut-i., ni.Mniarw UerSctl AisoclMIon ult- n or before the expiration of
is a pure compound of medicinal plants wa utspn wemcti AMoavion, :.x weekg from the dat of the flrj(t
A j(i y-. puuiiLavuii ui iui aiimmnna, win;
scientifically combined. Persons maklni
false statements concerning Us ingredients
win do prosecuted.
Meiers SALE.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, For the County of Clack-
Charles Keutemeyar and Jennie Keu
temeyer, his wife and Susie Gund
lach, PlalnUffs,
' VS. '
W. E. Young and Lena Young, his
wife, and C. B. Tyler and Carrie
Tyler, his wife, Defendants.
County of Clackamas.
."By virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the above
entitled court, in the above entitled
cause, to jne duly directed and dated
the 10th day of November, 1904, upon
at judgment rendered and entered in
said court on the 7th day of Novem
ber, 1904, in favor of said Charles
Keutemeyer and Jennie Keutemeyer
his wife and Susie Gundlach, plain
tiffs, against W. E. Young and Lena
Young, his wife, and C. E. Tyler and
Carrie Tyler, his wife, defendants, for
the sum of $1500.00, with interest
thereon at the rate ft 6 per cent per
annum from the lSih day of July,
1903, and the further sum of $125.00,
as attorney's fee, and the further sum
$17.30 costs and disbursements,
and the cost of and upon this writ,
commanding me to make sal of V
following described real property, sit
uate in the county ot Clackamas, state
of Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at the Southerly corner
of the donation land claim of M. M
tract to the Intersection with
Northeasterly boundary of a tract of
'"J -o"n-) )v Golden Williams to
Joseph Paquet by deed recorded In
Book 34 at page 186, records of deeds
of said Clackamas county; thence
McCarver and wife; running thence North 47 degs. 30 min. W. along the
North KZ degs. 15 min. E. 50 chains Northeasterly boundary of said tract
to the Southerly corner of a tract of
land conveyed by Julius Logus to
Dora and Anna Nefzjjer by deed re
corded -In Book "U" at page 493 In
the records of deeds of Clackamas
county, Oregon ; thence North 47 degs.
30 min. W. 22 chains to the Intersec
tion with the Southeasterly boundary
of a tract of land conveyed by E. M.
Haines and wife to J. A. & L. E.
Thayer by deed recorded In Book 67
at page 216 in the records of Deeds
for said Clackamas county; thence
South 42deg.30mW. 325 chains along
the Southeasterly boundary of said
Thayer tract to the Northeasterly
boundary of a tract of land conveyed
by John McGetchle and wife to David
P. Martin, by deed recorded in Book
"X" at page 47 records of deeds for
said Clackamas county; thence South
47 degs. 30 min. E. along the North
easterly ' boundary of said Martin's
Tract to the Easterly corner thereof;
thence South 44 degs. W. along the
Southeasterly boundary of said Martin
deeded by Golden Williams to Joseph
Paquet to the Northerly corner there
of; thence 8outh 42 degs. 15 min. W.
40 chains to the Southeasterly boun
dary of said McCarver claim; thence
South 47 degs. 30 min. K. 20 chains
to the place of beginning, containing
100 acres In said Clackamas county,
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, Judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
10th day of December, 1904, at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front
door of the County Court House In
On or before the 16th day of Decern
ber, 1904, and If you fall to answer
said complaint, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
- 'the relief prayed for In her complaint
the now on file herein., to-wit: That the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant be dis
solved and for such other and further
relief u to the court may seem erju It
able and Just This summons Is pub
lished by order of the Hon. Tbos.
K. Ryan, Comity Judge of Clackamas
County, Oregon, this 31st day of Oc
tober. 1904. The first publication of
this summons Is November 4th, 1904.
and the last publication thereof will
be the 16th day of December, 1904.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Henry Gana. Plaintiff,
Henry Metdrum, Jennie MuMrum, hla
, . wue, n. c. iaioureiie, irunee; anq
the City of Oregon City in sa d county The 8tate Ijind rioIird !.,,.,.
and state, sell at public auction, sub- btate of okfoon
t0 ,red?mP2lon' -,to e hlhe"t I County of Clackamas.
If'.l CO'n, ?arh inA By vlrtu Judgment order, decree
W theu IfM- title and Interest' ttnd an MecuHon, duly tasaed out of and
which the within named defendants un(J,.r the of the abve eBl,tM rt
or euher of them had on the date of ,n the ftbove entltlPd c
the mortgage herein or since had in U) me dUy dlrect(.d and dlltcd the 29th
or to the above described real prop- day of November. 1904, upon a Judgment
erty or any part thereof, to satisfy r,naored and entered in said court on
ov FOB
On account of the great merit and popularity of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR
for Coughs, Colds, and Lung Trouble, several manufacturers are advertising
imitations with similar sounding names with the view of profiting by the favorably
known reputation of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR.
Wc originated Honey and Tar as a Throat and Lung Remedy and unless you get
FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR you do not get the original and genuine.
Remember the name and insist upon having Foley's Honey and Tar. Do not risk
your life or health by taking imitations, which cost you the same as the genuine.
Foley's Honey and Tar is put up in three sizes 25c, 50c and $1.00. ,
Prepared only by FOLEY & CO., 92-04-00 Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois.
sold im recoioehsed by ' ' -
Tbe case of Miss Frankle
Orser, of Boston, Mass. is In
tcrestinj to all women.
"Da An Mai. Planum I suffered
misery forsereral year. My back avlied
and I bad bearlnffnlown palna, and f re-
?uent hesdaohss. I wuuld ofton waka
rom a reitful sleep la such pain and
misery tbst It would bs hours befom
1 could oloso my ayvs ag sin. I drsds4
tb long nights aud weary day. I
oultl do no work. I oonaultod differ
ni phyilolsQs hoptuif to pt rlif,
but, findlnf that thslr matiiatnrs did
not cur me, I triad Lt1U 1 llnk
ham'i Vffftabl Compound, as
It waa highly rwooramrndfld to ma. 1 am
glad that 1 did so, for I soon found
that tt wss ths madlolna for my cssa.
Very soon I wsa rid of srery aens and
Fata and rostortd to parfaot hsslth.
fool splendid, bars a flna appetlU,
and bar gsinad la weight a lot."
Mies FaAKsia Oiuaa, 14 VVarrvnton
Bt, IkMton, Maaa, -isooe ftrfn tfifi'
jUtmM M(f sraWaf ftimlntmt HW St
Surely you rannot wish to ro
main wr-ak,slck and discouraged,
and eahaustxl with each day's
work. Home derangement of the
feminine organa Is responsible
for thla eihaustlon, following
any kind of work or effort.
Lydla K. IMnkhara'f VegeUble
Compound will help you Just as
It ha thousand of other women.
the Jsih tiny of NovpntKor. 1I0. In (nvor
ilnrr tiann. ilainlt(T. and sasinal llmry
Mrlilrum. Jxnnlo Mfllnim, his wife; A.
K. Lalourfltn, Truntxo; snd the Hlate
Ijind IbHirtl, dpfcnilenl. for the um of
IMO.td, wlih Inter! thereon at the rate
of 7 prr cit por annum from the SUh
day of Nov 'rubor. 1904. and the further
urn of Is lit with Intermt thrreon at
prr rrnt from the I6lh day of Novem
Iwr, lot. and the further sum of 1180. as
attorni'y's fe, and the further eura of
IU.60 coets snd dl.lurTn-'(il. snd the
coats of an. I upon this writ, commanding
me to make sale of the following; d-.
crllx-d real prtiporty. situate In the county
of (.'lackamaa, state of Oregon. In-wit:
All of tola nombrred one (II and Two
C of Hick Hlxty-alx () of Orra-im
f'lty, On-gim; alao alt of lot numtiered
one 1 of )lM'k numliered altty-elaht
ms of Cn-(n nty, Oregon; ald lota
and bliM'ka Iwlng aa dialgnated on the
maps and Plata of said Orrgon City,
now on file and recorded In the office of
the Recorder of Convejancea In and for
aald county of Clnckamua. State of Ore
gon. N'ow Therrfore. by virtue of said
ii Hon. Judgment order and decree, and
In compliance with the commands 'if
an Id writ. I will, on flnturday. the Slat
day of December. 1J0,; at the hour of
10:30 o'clock a.m.. at the front door of the
County Court House In the City of Ore
gon City. In aald County and Btate, sell
at public suction, auhject to redemption,
to the hlgheat bidder, for V. 8. gold coin
caah In hand, ell the right, title and In
tercut which the within named defend
ants or either of them had on the date
of the mortgage herein or since had In
or to the above deacrlbcd real property,
or any part thereof, to satisfy said execu
tion. Judgment order, decree. Interest,
coats and all accruing coala.
J. It. 81 f AVER.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
fly K. C. liackett. teputy,
Dntcd. Oregon City. Oregon Deo. td.
Notice to Crsdltors.
Notion l horoby given by tha uudnr.
alKiic.il exorutrlx of lli ostste or V.
M. Manning, dofuaaiMl, to tho orodl
tors of and all pontons having claims
HKtUtiHt tho phIsIo of laid daooased,
to exhibit thoin. duly vtirlllnd auctird
lug to law within six mouths sflnr
Urn first publication of this notion,
to thti said exoeutrli at hr rtmliltmco
In Mullno, Clackamas county, Oregon,
or at the office f 0, C. llrownoll,
Ori'Kon t'lly, Oregon,
Dntud November Mth, 19,
Oihj. (5. Urtiwnell. Kxwutrlx
Attorney for Executrix.
Rtglstrstlon of Land Tit I.
In tho matter of the application of
(luy T. Hunt, to register tha title
to tho Kant Half of tho Hmith west
quarter and West half of ths South
west quarter of Hmtlon 30, Town
ship :i. 8. It S ICast of W. M , Clack
amurt County, Oregon,
To Whom It May Concern:
In tho name of the Btate of Oregon:
Take .notice that on the 7th day of
November, A. I)., 1901, an application
was filed by said (luy T. Hunt In the
Circuit Court of Clatikamaa County.
rr Initial registration of tha tills of
tlio land abova. dtMc.rlbmt. Now, un
less you appear on or before ths 39th
day of December, 1304, and show
csuho why auch application shall not
be granted, the same wilt bo taken as
con f eased and a decree will be en
tered according to the prayers of the
application, and you will bo forever
barred from disputing the same.
sal.) r. A. 81.KKJ1IT.
Nov. Jl 61. County Clerk.
In the Circuit Court ol the Hlate of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Percy D. Uwell, Plaintiff,
I-eonora J. Lowell. Defendant.
To Leonora J. Lowell, the above
named defendant:
lit the name of the. State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear In
the above entitled court, and answer
to the complaint filed against yoa In
the above entitled suit on or before
the Hth day of December. 1004. and
If you fall so to appear to answer for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for a decree demanded
In tbe complaint against you, to-wtt:
for a decree ot absolute divorce.
Thla summons Is published pur
auant to an order made on the 7th
day of November, 1904, before Hon.
Thomas A. McDrtde, jmlgo of the
above entitled court, and the first
publication la made upon the lltb
day of November. 1904.
K. K. M Kill ! Kit,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Department of tho Interior, Land Of
fice at Oregon City, Oregon, Octo
ber 29, 1904.
Notlqe Is htrctby glvon that tho fol-lowln-named
si.-ttler has filed notlco
of hU Intention to make final proof
In support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the Regis
ter and Receiver, at Oregon City,
Orogon, on Docombor 14th, 1904, vlx:
Isasc M. Park,
H. K. No. 12408, for the W of NE
of goc. 20, T. 4 8., R. 4 E.
He names tho following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence up
on and cultivation of said land, viz:
George W. Keller, of Dodge, Orogon.
Ebenezer Lacy, of Dodgo, Oregon.
William T. Honderson of Elwood, Ore.
Adelbert U.Henderson of Elwood, Ore.
Don't travel over the Illlnole Central,
as any old road will do you and we
don't want your patronage; but If
you are particular and want the best
and mean to have It, ask the ticket
agent to route you via the ILLINOIS
CENTRAL the road that runs through
solid vestibule trains between St.
Paul, Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis,
Memphis and New Orleans.
No additional charge Is made for a
seat In our reclining chair cars which
are fitted with lavatories and smok
ing rooms, and have a porter In at
tendance, Rates via the ILLINOIS crntpat.
are the lowest and we will be glad to i
quote tnem in connection with any
transcontinental line.
Commercial Agent, 142 Third Street,
Portland, Oregon.
T. P. & P, A 142 Third Street, Port
land, Oregon.
Prt. and Passenger Agent, Cojrnan
Bldg., Seattle, Washington.
In the Circuit Court of the Btate of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. '
Etta Espo, Plaintiff,
Petor Espe. Defendant.
To Peter Epe , the above named De
fendant. In the name of the Btate of Oregon,
yon are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint died against
you In the above entitled court, and
suit, on or before tbe expiration of
alx weeks from date of the first pub
lication of this summons, to-wit: On
or before the 9th day of Deoember,
1904, and If yoa fall to so answer said
complaint, for want thereof, the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the re
lief prayed for In her complaint now
on Die herein, to-wit; that the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defendant be dissolved
and for such other and further relief
as to the Court may seem equitable
and proper. This summons Is pub
lished by order of Hon. Tbos. V. Ryan.
County Judge of Clackamas County,
Oregon, this 27th day of October.
1904. Ths first publication of thla
summons Is October 28th, 1904 and
the last publication thereof will be
the 9th day of December, 1904.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Bright's Disease and
Diabetes News.
Tacts That Caused us to Tak the
Agency for the Fulton Compounds,
the First Known Cure for Brlght't
Dlaease and Diabetes.
Plntt, lei It be dUtlniHly understood thai
every one of the oaaca bcluw lud been diagnosed
by one or more phyalolatii t llrlght'a Dlaesan
or Diabetes and ohronlo and ItiouraMn; loeond,
aots the eartalntyot the reiulu sa ahown by tha
reoovery alao of tbe frlendi they told wuo were
similarly afflicted.
K. W. Hpauldlng. Prealdent Spattldlng Bmw
Co., Ban Franolaoo, had a rroorery In nil own
family snd told teveral othera who recovered.
Auolph Woake, oapltalUt, 8n Franolnoo.
reoovsred himself snd told two frleuds who
Dr. Carl D. Zelle, pioneer druggist, bl Paolfls
street, Ban Frsnolaoo, rooorerad htmanlt and
gave It to mora tban a doien patients woo
Cbaa. Engelks editor of the Oerman paper
Ban Frsnolaoo, reoovered hlmnelf snd told It to
number who reoovered, one of them being
Charles f. Wscker, ths Sixth street merohant.
R. M. Wood, editor Wine and Bplrlt Rnrlxw
reoovered blmaelf and told II to several who
""I.'. S? bXrfmen!' H" Frano&o V,U""
lolm A. Pholpa of the Hotel Kotieller fl.n
rrjnolaoo, snd twoof hi, frndi. MvelU, 8,0
Ire'Iin't"; ' W "
And huudredsof others.
Brlgbt'e DlnaaM and IMabataa Immii i.
Charman & Co., City Drug Store.