Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 02, 1904, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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: ...Short Sidehead Stories... ?
Mllwaukl tlictlon Will D Hot Con
ttit The in it I ii contest In th Milwaukee
'li'i'lliin Im lictwecn I Iii village black
smllh, Chii Kerr, and Ilm cheese maker,
Wlllliim Hi'hllidli'l', lilt" it'Httit lltf'omh-
eut of Km tmiynialty. Mr, Kerr head
Hit lnilittnti'iil ninl Mayor Hrltlnllr,
the I'ltlseu' ticket, The former Inis a
hlMrksmlth shop mi Mulil slrcct, where
ho Ims linen hunted fur year, Muvnr
Hi'hlndler hit been h resident for Ilm
mt 2U years, mull nwim considerable
irneily In MHwiiukln. Yesterday Ihe
'iiiiiiiiIicii In thn ilil town was begun In
earnest, mill very few of the candidate
on either ticket IIiiiiikIiI very much Nliout
church or Huni)iiy school, tt will be Ilm
wmnitsl coittct HihI Im been held In
MHwiiukln since Incorporation, There I
no money In any of ilm office except In
Itmt of Itecnrder ninl Marshal, and there
on nt Mllwaukle, Wlacimsln with head
quarter nt I'hteaijo, after January 1,
J, II, Mnrln, for many year connected
with th n Hiandard lilaeull Company,
nvc up III old position to become)
president nnd acneral manager of Ilm
Attachable 1 mil (tearing Hub Company,
All of Ilm treasury stock has been taken
up. The company may be considered nil
Oregon nnd Washington production.
Those desiring to Investigate the merll
of the hull ran examine Ilm Cataract
hose cart, J, ft. 1'ordom. of thla city,
tin been appointed agent for thle tcrrl
lory wnd will be plraacd to innkn expliin
Mlmm mid demonstration nt any time
for lntsrtd person,
Clflrilori eurobrUtd.-. Kiirly Krlday
morning Ihe cigar and confectionery etore
of It. I lliiliiuiM In thl city, wm enter-
Is vety IIIIIk for thee, (ml Ihe honor I ed through h rear window nnd $1!.&0 In
considered very Kir I mid sufficient com
l'tmniin fur llio m-diiooi dotl Hint
mom t wrfitimid, A th ininlliliiti-ii
on tmlh tl'kl hv iliilmid In fnvor
of ti-viiltiiy lh ulitctih' rnllwny Kiininy
Willi faint?, Ilm f1l I lllinl of Mil
lunr, mnt Ilm rrmill will irolnlly lilnin
on th i.ii.iiuI M.iiih(iliy of ilia vrt
oim lumllilnli I'iiIIIIi la not iimlitlmi
it -- itrt'iionlan,
Lf fuh9, Lib PuIIm.-A i mitt at
iIiiiiiiiiiiIIiiii of ih r"nt lnvnllim
of an atlni'hntii lill Ik-hiIhb hub ww
tmd In (hi ray Hit w.k whrn lh do
vU" wo niuiliiil to lh ('Blnriti'l h'
pbiI. A ii ri'nult lh nmounl of jxiwnr
rfiiilird ,lu mov ths mil I rvduoxd
tioni 17 to 17 pound, II I wonderful
lllirovntnt Hint I rrrlnlllly wnlromnd
by I ho faithful ntxmtwt. of lh Uron
I'Uy Vuliiniiwr Kb Ix-parlmrnt. Tbo
hall Im-i ln bub I Ilm Invention of
Harry I', Kami nnd IWn I. Youman.
monxy Inkcn from Iho cnah rtilr and
Urn f. H thnt amout tZ.BU wtia ah-alra'-lfd
from thn caah rrRlali-r, tho bnl
mi'' of ilm motify bnlnv tiiki-n from the
nufr. Urn comblimtlon lo which tmd bn-n
worked. Mr. Hulinun wa forlunnlx In
that thn thlif oviTlix.ki'd alxnit MM
In unulhiT iliow.-r hr-nliW the druwur Itinl
wna ri'llxvud. No unrili haw hn-n limiln
but li I bidlvd lh roblry waa yvr
fiMiimd by om mm fuoillliir with the
pliira, Ollur Irnunt of tb aame build
in hvat'd imiiiiw mm ilii alMiiit In lh
loin nlHiut i o c Iim k In Urn morning, tut
lirraumliiK that II waa aom on ion
tintrd with th utoir. did not -lv an
alrm, Th Initudxr did not take any
lliln from lh htr Iim k of olam. to
haio and cuiifBt-tlniirry.
Krotn PlKbt to fotirtpfit ywitra old, the
clilliliMi r ilinltl-d for a fs of flftfon
cont. and lhilr dio urn flv wnta a
iimrltr. t'rul.T lkbt yenra, limy pay
no dim, nod am not tdlKlbla to offlirfi,
Thn National (Imnge Ionwb u lllla man
mil moat admirably adiiplnd to youthful
I'Htrona of Huabnndry. A matron from
lh parent grana:' tiua rhnm of lh little
folk. Miid h Kiildf and Inatruct thm
In ovirythlim. Tht-y huva a brbf Inula
lory cfrMinoriy, and thidr lltprary pro-
,r t ci I rt ttl fit ll..i..,l l.v ii m u innlimnl m
or mnrch. Tlw parant. UrariKa arranKf
a xp"illl iniUM lor in onournn hi iiuwh,
but thoy are rvrd by thidr own tabbi
commltt, Thl Juvt-nll Cran will
midotiolidly Inrrfaa tha mi-tnlwralilp of
Mni b-iiy (lriiBev tweaoa many famlllxa
who raiiiiol h-ava ttmlr children at homo
aloti may now hrln th llttl folk along
In lh dillahl of all coticfrnid.
Clackamas Tk th Prli. In lh !
(iraiiNo Kalr that waa hld In conjuno
tlon with th Oran Convuntlon at
I'.n timid, ClHL'knma county waa awarded
m art ul on It cxhlhlt. Th rxhlblt
waa a creditable on and rHctd great
crieillt on th county and pnrtlrularly
iiioii thoa who collrctod and anan-rd
lh diilay. Through lh courtcay of th
O. W, I. "omiany, th. prl a Htud
bakr inouiituln wagon wa given trans
portation by apmdal car to thl city,
whi'ip for vral day It waa xhlbltd
cm th Court lloua lawn, Th wagon
la th prorly of t'lackamna t'omona
(irang and will b aold to tho brt ad-Vanlng.
Ila employ, who I th h'-ad of a fam
ily, with a turky for Thanksgiving, Thla
prni lls hi coal iti company more than
1 1 WW iiach yar and th high price of
turkey thlM year would have added con
siderably more to thl txpena account.
In connection with Its extensive Improve
ment In the building of an additional
mill, however, th company contlnuea
serving free oup to all employe at the
noon day meal.
court house, limine reverae are con-1 Walking hats and crery article In
Idered largely responsible for I'kkens' I millinery reduced. M18S C. Gold
mental lllne. I smith.
A Juvtnll OrsngsMadcuy Orange,
No. 'Itt. pM-ated eight mile east of Ba
le in. ha Jul clnM'd lh charier of Ore
gon a first Juvenile Orange with twenty-
A company ha bn oiganlaed and thej rtv mernlwr enrolled. Th children have
inonnfai lure of the hub will be carried' begun their work with great enlhuataam.
Rural Carrier Appointed. Hural car
rliT have been appointed for Clackamas
county aa followa, for the two new route
out of Oregon Cliy poatoftVe: Charles A.
Andrus, regular; Charlea Croner, ub
alltute, route 4; David I'. Whlteman, reg
ular, William T. Hmllh. aubatllute, route
6, The distribution of mull on theae
route will commence Icmber II.
Formerly Lived Her Milton Ilrown,
aged H'i years, who died at Milver Ijike,
several days ago, Wa the oldcat real-'.
dent of 1 jike county, and the father of
Tom Drown of thl county. lie wa a
native of Kentucky and came to Oregon 1
In 146, locating at Oregon City the fol-1
lowing year and worked In lh Mc-
lioughltn grist mill. Of a family of eight
tihlldren, but two survive: Mr. Fannie
Marshall, Hllver Iike; and Tom Hi own,
of Oregon City.
for an I, 0. O. f. worn. -Judge ftyan,
as treasurer of the I. 0. O. P. lodge, ha
received from the executor of the es
tate of Ihe lal Alexander Mclntee, of
Marlon county, a check for 1120.3. That
amount represents on half of Ihe value
of the estate which the decedent had
provided, should be distributed equally
between a fund for the building and
maintenance of ,an I. 0. O. F. home and
the Hulem Hoapltal.
For Cruelty to Animal- Ttioma
Key, a farmer residing near Damascus,
waa arrested thla week on complaint of
neighbor charging him with cruelty to
animals. It la claimed that Keyea keep
a number of horse that are not regular
ly fed. II will be given a trial on the
charge In th justice court today.
I All kinds of Building
F. 8. BAKER - t . , ,
PROP X Material, Sash, Doors
v. i Moulding, Etc. -
Old Not Distribute Turkeye. The
management of Ihe Willamette Pulp 4k
1'aper Company thla year departed from
II annual cueloro of preaenllng each of
inean Because ti , Builnees Trouble.
George D. I'lcken. aged 4S years, a
farmer of Dandy, was committed to th
fttute Insane Asylum thl week. HI
malady la of a aulcldal tendency. Ill
examination aa to hi Insanity wa con
ducted at the court houae at the am
time the sheriff sold Pl ken' farm at
herirr aale from the front door of the
Oregon City Machine Shop
Twelfth and Main Streets ,
Oregon City, Oregon
v vnwan&i ii 3rd
WWtXM III i '-frm -
at Huntley's
December 6th
With the help of our friends we expect to make this day a hummer. First of all w e
will have music during the afternoon and evening to keep every one good natured. Then
we will give away absolutely free the following prizes :
1st prize for ladles a" $10.00 Handpatnted Loving Cup
2nd " " " 700 Rajah Vase
2.00 piece of Stationary
For the men two boxes of Key West Cigars
All it will be necessary to do for a chance in these prizes will be to register your name
in a book we will have provided at that time. Each name will be numbered and a
corresponding number willjbe put into a box. On Saturday the 1 0th the drawing will take
place; the first three numbers dawn out will constitute the winners of the ladies prizes 'in
the order they are drawn. The prizes for the men will be drawn in the same waytwo
numbers being drawn.
Aside and entirely distinct from these prizes from 2 o'clock on we will give to every
lady customer who purchases 25 cents worth or over, one beautiful Japanese fan. These
handsome fans were imported by us for this purpose and cannot be bought at retail for less
than 35 cents. We are displaying all these prizes in our window this week.
We want you to come out this day rain or shine and help make this Xmas Opening
bay tha biggest event of the year. We certainly haye beautiful goods enough for the' most
fastidious. However, we don't want any of our friends to think because we have a lot of
fine things that we have for a minute overlooked the cheaper ones. On the contrary, we
have more and better inexpensive things this year than ever before. Hundreds of articles
fwItZ at 25 and 50 cents for those people who must :maljheir money go a long ways.
f f .... . .11 1 t 1 .1 . . f . Ill a .
ty Nearly every stranger visiting oitr storejeiis us Deiore leaving, inai our stock is remarKatay complete and
our prices are extremely iow. We are of course very glad to hear all these nice things from out of town people;
but it makes us feel particularly good to have praise and commendation from our regular customers. We trust you will all turn out Dec.
6th and tell us what you think ot our efforts. You need not buy a cents worth tmless you wish You will be jtist as welcome whether
you buv or not, and remember every lady is entitled to a chance on the beautiful china wlthotrt making a ptcliase. The only condition
is that you register and that can be done anytime during the day or evening.
We meet any cot rate price
quoted and will save yotf money,'
risk, trouble and expense on your
magazine and paper subscriptions.
Bring your subscriptions all
of them to Huntley's and be safe.
Our catalogue o! cut rate and combi
nation prices is free for the asking. A
postal card request will bring it if
yots lire out of town. These are
sample prices:
Any two of these $ I
Magazines for $ 1 .50
American Agriculturist
Brown Book
Good Housekeeping
Harper's Bazaar
Leslie's Monthly
Physical Culture
Woman's Home Companion
Farm Poultry
Farm Stock Journal ,
Inter Ocean
Live Stock Journal
National Stockman & Fanner
. Popular Educator
Table Talk
Any three for $2.00
We have hundreds of equally sav
ing combinations. Get our catalog.
This year we will have
Lowncy's Candies in every kind
of a box imaginable; from the 10
cent quarter pound, to a 5 pound
satin covered box at $5.00. There
is nothing more acceptable for
Xmas than a box of Lowney's.
Better let us put a box aside for
you before the best packages are
Now is the time to select them while
the stock is fresh and complete They
are all ready for your inspection. We
make a special discount to teachers.
Christmas Cards - 1c to 50c
Calendars - - 10c to $2.00
Calendar Pads - - 2c to 5c
Booklets - - - 5c to 20c
A Camera makes a valuable and
durable gift though not necessarily
an expensive one if bought here. For
$5.00 we sell a first-class Camera, a
developing machine and complete
outfit all so simple that a child can
make good pictures. No dark room
needed. We are agents for Kodaks,
Premos, Pocos. and Century Cameras
and have them in stock up to $35.00.
If interested talk it over with our
Camera man.