OREGON CITY NTIBPBII1, rIDAY, DtCtMBt", i, 19H, PAGE S. New To-Day. VOn HAt.K-A ntMwlleVtlnVVrl JtlMlMHrttl, biographical, and notion, t.lat aeiit cm ftjntlUmtlon. Addreag Mm. Mntt'liett, Kly, Oregon, MONET TO " LOAN At'1' "AND " ? par cent. Farm geourity, U'Ken ft Bchuuel. Foil nVNT-iuWm "houM fend "initio, nnnr railroad autlon at Claekama. S0 jmr year. Call on A-0. 1 lay ward, Clackainaa, Oregon. 1VANTKD,-Mn or women to takiTor". derg for art gooda; guaranteed aalary r cotiintlHoloo. Addreae Oregon Art Aeeoclaflon, hnrliMlt Hldg., I'ort land. Orrgon. Daa. l Hun, Ai (inly memhnra of thin board are BUIhurlaed to milk liblt0 gtafwment a In wlntlu 'In Imi liitt Mi'lciic In, or In nut, Me. Vimiiim'ii tiilemi'iit fnny be taken an uiillioi Kul lvc. , MiimIim) ut thn himm of A. C. Hhnor, near New Km, Wedneaday, November 23, lltui, C. V. Bloker and Mra, M. M. Neat, Hv, C.) A. Iloueel, of Canny, officiating. Only Imini'iliiiin nlutlvea und f clri dt r.i'iu iionniii. I'Otl It If. NT Oil HAI.IS.-40 Horn Improv l all fenced, good l)iill(lliig, orchard, I well, running water, near gchool and church, plunk road. Kor tnrtna call on or eddreee, C, W. Stephena, Clarke, Oregon. t.T0N the Hat of land fur Bale bytha Clackamaa Title Company, 608 Chamber of Commerce, I'ortland, la the EAST HALF OF 8KCTION 1. T. t Bit I E, 320 aoroa, about thran mile northweat of Molalla, at 111.60 pr acre. Thlt la a IIAKQAIN and ahould not be neglected. Local Evei). t At tha regular meeting o( Warrior Orange. No. J17, November It, a reaolu Hon adopted directing I tin maafnr to e-tmd to Hrother It JTraytag a vote of thanka for th magnificent dlaplay that wa mada In behalf of Clackamaa county, at th National Orange Fair held at I'unland. A. W. rrant-e, maeler of Werner Orange. No. 1 IT. i'atrona of llua bendry, Itaa ent Mr. Keying tha follow lug eaiweaaion of thanka: "Cm behalf of Warner Orange No. 11T, P. of II., I hereby attend to llrother It. Kreytag tha hearty thanka of Warner Orange No. 117 for the epterulld eahlblt ha made at tha National Orange fair held at the Armory tn I'ortland. November !. and for hla untiring work In making tha exhibit uf Clackamaa oounly tha eueoeea It waa on that occaalon." From Ilvcember 6th until January 10. Mlaa Wiener will give one llrmnld or enlarged pie! ore with each doien regu lar cabinet photographa. Hha will be) ' glad to have you call and eiamlnn her woik. tier etudlo la on Main etreel near Hrventh, 11-1 A regular clearance Sale. Mlaa C. Ooldamlth. Mr. lili Kuril Young, who, under tha aua ltra of tha local Church of Chrlat. HHentlal, la to apeak at tha Congrega tional church on leee-ber 10. on tha aublect of fhriattan Science, la a member of tha Hoard of Lectureahlp appointed by tha Mother Church of the denomlna- ICvnry trlmiuoil and untrluuiied bat retliipttil, Ml Ha C. Ooldamlth. County llcnirdrr II. K. fltnveti at tended a convention of tha Cnutily Clnrka and lleeordur of tha Bute at I'ortland Friday and Halurday, Ha read a paper on tha aujwt "Mhould tha Olfloe of Coun ty Itnvordnr lie Abollehod." offering many reaeona why that onVe ahould not be dleiM'tiaed with, County Clerk Weight, who waa echeduled for a paper on "1'ro bata Itmiorda and Fana," waa unable to attend the aeealona of tha i-onvc-ntlon. "A Tramp i Nute-IiiMik," In which Morley lloberta telle moat Intereatlngty of a vliilt to Hun Franrdat'o, of aome of hla adventurea there, and of people ha mat; and "HiimlnlBi'eniea of lrara and War," volume by Mra, Itoicnr A. ITyor, who wrltea of willllcal pxuple and condltlona before, during, and after the Civil War, are booka tu which tha Argonaut of No vember IN, devotee touch epaca, giving lengthy extnfi'ia from them. named to debate with Notre Dame L'nl viimlty, on the aubjecti "itcaolved that Labor and Capital ahould be compolb'd to aettla thlr diapute ln-fora legally i-elnlillelifil 1m,o rde of Arbitration." Ilata at a great reduction. Mlea C. GoMhiiiIUi. A ton-pound daughter waa born Bun day to Mr. und Mra, Chna, Koitikt at llollon. I .net Hatur'lny Judge Kyan oltlrlatad at tha mania o of I.ydla Tourfeat ai.l Harold Oordon. The ceremony waa per formed at the court houaa. Grain Chop clean and rich, 9 5 eta for 90TT aack: flour fl.OS up; S Ml. coal oil, 95c; bacon 12o and 18o; timothy aed, bc. RED FRONT. The Rod Front aella cream cboeae at lOVi to 13c; candy, walnuta, pea nuta, 10c; loan, Uc, 2 Go, 45c; cof tmn 12', 4c, 14c; beat at 20c; ralalna, 7o; rice, 4c and fc; twang, 4c; aweet potatooa, 2c pound. The maauerad ball at tha Armory Ttmnkaglvlng night aw well attended. There ware ninety In maaka with even greater number of eiwrtatora. The award uf prlaea rvaultad aa fullowa: Ileal ooatumed lady, Mlaa I lodge ; boat coatumed gentleman, Mr. McCord; moet comic, Mra. Warren and Ira Dtmgcy. The local lodge Foreetera of America acored another aurcraa In their Tenth annual ball at the Arnviry Thaokegtviag evening. There waa a large attendance and a thoroughly enjoyable time waa bad. With every dozen photorraphe tak en btifore ChiiRtmaa, Mlaa Cheney will jive one mounted on a foldor, Sepia effect Studio Tenth and Main 8ta. Judge a. E. Hayea eetahlUhed for him aelf a record In the Clackamaa county divorce court laat Saturday when In a Ingle day ha aecured dreea of divorce In four aulta. Cut Prlcee Oil Ilata. 20c; leather glovea, 20c up; auapendera, 8o up; Cut prlcea on Clotblns, winter coat, enlrU and underwear many at K off at RED FRONT. Trafton M. Uye, eon of Mr. and Mra. C. II. Dye. of tola city, who la attending Obertln I'nlveralty. waa recently elected leader of tha unlveralty team that waa Tha annual tnapactlon of Meada I'oet No. t, O. A. R. of thla city, will be held neat Monday evening, December I. At tha aame meeting; will occur tha election of offlcere to awrve for tha enmilng year, Tha l'oet la clnalng a proaperoua year with a memborehlp of HI Preparation a will Boon bo commenced for tha enter tainment of tha Htata fl. A. R. Encamp ment which will be held In thla city nest June. , Special Prlcea on lading' and child ren'! fashionable millinery at RED FRONT. Are you looking for g hornet Have you one to aU that will return good In tereet? Have you property you wlah to exchange Then aea J. A. Moehnke, Hurclay Hid. Jhona 1001. Holiday grKtda. New Block toya. pic turea, handkrrchicfa, glovea, rlbbona, umbrellaa and neckwear at bargain prlcea. Uing fur boo 12 U and I! S. worth 13. SO and ft.&O at Thomaon'a Bargain fltore. Trof. Raber'a dancing echool. Armory Hall, Raturday evening, December 10. 8t.' Paul'e Church, rector the Rev. P. K. Hammond, eervlcea for tha eeoond Sunday In Advent. Holy communion at I and 11 a. m, ; Sunday achooi at 10; Evening Prayer at o'clock; Morning Sermon on "The Opening of the Hooka," and In the evening. "The Vlalon of Ood." Iloya may b had (and eometlmea glrla) for (1) ordinary eervlce at wagea; (!) upon Indenture, (to work, attend achooi, and be brought up aomewhat aa your own;) and (I) children may be had for legal adoption. Addrvea. W. T. Gardner, 8upt. Oregon Iloya' and Glrla' Aid Society, I'ortland, Oregon. ba charged aa fnllnwa; fierit; lading, free, Oeiitli-mil, m. Paul' Oulld will hold a Mle of aprona and other wwk on FrlrtHy after noon, Dacambar , at Wlllamotla Hall, and In the evening a anijuct and nUr tnliimint at MIS. 26 rente will admit you to the banquet. Don't mini It. 12-19 if, H J. A. (,'aln and C. E. Ramaby hava e tnllllii'd another In dim try at Oregon City. They have equipped a packing plant at Ely and will conduct a funeral meat curing builneaa. Mr. Cain hai had twnlve yeara' experience In tha bunlneaa. Alttiough the enterprlaa la ni III Infancy, tha energetic manngera expect to build up a large bualneaa. Mr. Ramtby, the i Junior member of tha firm, I deputy county recorder. OLIDAY SPECIAL The theme at the Congregational church next Sunday morning will be "How Should we think About the Holy Lifer' In the evening the addreas will be on "A Need ed Cruaada." Thla addreee will have epeclal bearing on local condltlona. For choice lard, apare-rlba, and tender loin, go to Cain A lUmaby at Ely. Choice atock alwayt on hand. Prof. Raber'a dancing echool. Armory Hall, Buturday evening, December 10. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, al they cannot reach the et-at of the dlaeaae. Catarrh la a blood or conatltuHonal dla eaae. aad In order to cure It you must take internal remrdlea. Hall'i Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, and acta directly on th blood and mucoua aurfacei. Haifa Catarrh Cure la not a quack medicine. It waa preacrlbed by one of tha beat phyalclana In the country for year- and I a regular preacrlptlon. It la compoeed of the beat tonka known, combined with the bint blood purlflera, acting directly on the mucoua aurfacea. Tha perfect combination of tha two Ingredienta la what producea auch wonderful reaulta In curlnff Catarrh. Rend for teatlmonlala free. F. J. CHENEY k CO., Prop. Toledo, O. Sold by Drugging, price 75c. Take Hall'a Family It I la for constipation. Neglected colda make fat grave yard. Dr. Wood'a Nerway Pine Syrup helpe men and women to a happy, vigorous old age. Prof. Raber, conductor of the largeet and moat popular dancing academlee of Seattle, Port Towneend, and Chicago, will open dancing claaaea for beginner and advanced puplla Saturday evening, December 10. at the Armory, the beet floor In the city. Claaaea every Wednes day and Saturday evening. Dancer wiahlng to epend a pleasant evening, and not being member of tha claaa, will NOTICE TO ADVERTISER!. ..Tha Interprla dailrea to announce that advertiaera dedrlng a change of their ad, muat aubmlt copy for tame he for I o'clock Tuatday evening, etherwle tha change will positively net fee mad until the following week. Thlt rule Is mad neceary by the Incraau of holi day advertlalng and will be strictly ad hartd to. OAOTOTl Bainlaa A Lia4 1 KlU iUtljt Bfaatait tf IN everv business no matter how well regulated, there is an occasional lot of odd sizes in broken lines. We have selected the broken lines, pot them on sale arid marked the prices down, in some cases one-half, in others one-third. They are stylish suits and overcoats which readily sold at their former prices to many pleased customers. People who are short of money and need clothing should consider well our present offer. Note a few of the many tempting bargains : Fine all wool black, unfinished worsted suits, latest military cut, which formerly fold at $16.5 now $1 1.25. Regular $12,50 black and blue all wool clay worsted suits now at the low figure of $7.35. Nice nobby patterns in fancy cassimere suits. Their former price was $8.50; while they last at $5.25. A big lot of fine all wool gray and black kersey overcoats. They were good values formerly at $9.00. You can buy them now at the extremely low fcVure of $5.50. ' An elegant line of long 50-inch all wool overcoats-the latest creation, full back; Ifs a beauty and tt pleased many at $ 1 6.50. It will make you as happy as a lark when you buy ft for . QO. WL PMC CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER Agent for H. S. & M. Clothing, Hawes Hats and W. L Douglas Shoes. Oregon City Oregon f Y aaaaeaa,.,aaYaAfa.y. A TUT TIT TN TT T TTT aTI TT? TITTT? TIT TT TOU are cordially invited to inspect otif new and beautiful line of Holiday Goods. We are ready and waiting to snow yot the best of everything for Christmas. Our stock of Watches. Diamonds Jewelry, Silverware, Opera Glasses. Cut Glass. China ware, Leather Goods. Kodaks and Cameras, Musical Instruments, Pianos and Organs, Victor Talking RIachines, Clocks, Umbrellas and Canes, Fountain Pens, Etc., is thoroughly first-class and tip-to-date, combining novelty and quality with very reasonable prices. Our assortment is so complete that a variety of desirable gifts in many grades and prices will afford you a wide field for the selection of appropriate gifts for one and all. Our Holiday stocIcTgives you new ideas and supplies exactly what yoa want. aWmeiste & Andiesen The Oregon Qty Jewelers Suspension Bridge Corner i .... . f i