Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 02, 1904, SUPPLEMENT, Image 10

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WTiffari ns i
Personal Mention
S. W. Cochran fxrnt Sunday with Balem,
relative. t
J. C, Paddock. of CUwkamaa, u In
the city Saturday. '
H. I, Sklrvtn, of Morquara, M la
the city Saturday. v
Dr.C. R Smith of Eagle Creek, wa
In Oregon City Friday.
Gilbert Horton hna returned from an
extended visit In Iowa.
C. D. Latourett has returned from a
business trip to Seattle.
W. II, Rottemtller, ot Clarke, had
business here Tuesday.
Dr. K. T. Parker spent Thanksgiving
with relatives at Albany.
O. W. Easthnm haa returned from a
business trip to linker City.
Mla Mnyine Baboock. of Balem, Is
the truest of Mis Dollte Pratt.
Orn Cut tin, of Molalla, was In the
city the tatter part of last wek.
Mayor Wm. Sehlndler, of Mllwaukle.
was an Ore ton City visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L Porter spent their
Thank giving with relatives at CoivaJ
lis. . Daniel Watts, a former of the Stone
country, was In Oregon City last Satur
day. Hon. T. J. CIcaton, of Columbia county,
was an Oregon City visitor one day re
cently Mrs. Chas Monell and Miss Oney 8mlth
both of Portland, have been visiting Mra.
Chas. Kelly.
J. W. Watts, a leading fanner of the
Stone country, was In Oregon City last
Henry Gans. of Oswego; Wm. Voipahl,
Can by, and J. W. Roots, of Boring, were
In the city Tuesday.
E. P. Moreom. an attorney of Wood
burn, was in the city Saturday on busi
ness at the court house.
Governor George E. Chamberlain was
In the city Saturday morning on his way
from Salem to Portland.
Cornelius Balr. of Canby, one of Clack
amas county's substantial cltlxerrs, was
In Oregon City Tuesday.
Al Bean, formerly of Oregon City, but
now located at Tacoma, was visiting
old friends here last week.
Mrs. Chas. Albright has returned from
a visit with her daughe.tr, Mrs. J. W.
Church, at Llnd. Washington.
Tom 8hockley, ot Canby, was In Ore
gon City last Friday arranging for a
dance that la to be given at Canby Xmas
J. Wilkinson, of Vancouver, visited
over Thanksgiving with relatives at
Oregon City. Mr. Wilkinson Is the Van
couver Correspondent to the Orcgonlan.
Miss Edna Caufleld, Miss Edna Da ni
ton, Jack Latourette, and Roy W. Kelly,
of the Btate University; Boy Sleight, of
the O. A. C. ; Misses Helen Bollinger and
Jessie Blbee, of Pacific University, were
among the students spending the Thanks
giving season at their homes In this city.
Seth Leavens and Kenneth Lattourette
have returned from Salem where they
have been -attending the T. M. C. A. con
vention. J. W. Thomas, of Molalla, was In the
city the first of the week on his way
home from the National Orange Conven
tion at Podtlund.
J. H. Revenue and Gilbert Jonsrud, of
Bandy, were In the city last Saturday,
bringing O. D. Pickens to this city for
commitment to the asylum.
County Treasurer Enos Cahlll has
moved Into the John Page residence at
Gladstone, while Mr. Page will take
charge of Mr. CnhllPa farm near New
Miss Sue Purkerson, of Portland, spent
Thanksgiving In the city, tie guest of
her niece, Mlxs Lode ma Fisher, local
manager of the Great American Import
ing Tea Company.
D. Robeson, a farmer of the Cotton
neighborhood, was In tho city Tuesday
In the Interest of the Improvement of a
road near Mcadowbrook. Mr. Robeson
served as a juror at the November term
of the circuit court.
K. J Mendenhall, a farmer residing
pnt-fokedyAbout the extremely light vote
Fmrter received In ClackMHtas county,
anrnuighlngly remarked, that he did Hot
ha time to go to the polls and vot.
-Router A. 8. Dresser, of the OrcKon
City Land Office, has gone to Hanger,
Maine, his old home, where he will re
Main until after the Christmas holidays.
In his absence, the office will be In charge
of Receiver lilbee and Mis Mln Kelly.
Clark U. Williams of this city, has
accepted a position on the reportorlal
staff of the Portland Evening Telegram
where he expects to be permanently em
rloyed. For a number of weeks Mr. Wil
liams has been doing substitute work on
this Portland paper,
Mr. and Mis. Jos. 8. Purdom and Mlas
Cora MeCown leave tonight for Callfor-
j nta where they will spend several weeks.
i Mra. Purdom and Miss MeCown will visit
at San Jose while Mr. Purdom trawls
In the Interest of the attachable ball
bearing hub for which he Is a traveling
Pra. ReoJI A Beetle. Dentists; rooms
IS. 17. II, Welnhard building.
The very latest edition In fin Sheep
binding; sold by agents at IJ 76, Oet one
at Huntley Bros. Co., for 1117.
Prof. Raber's dancing school. Armory
Hall, Saturday evening, December 10.
, Concert tioorably Spoken Of.
Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 29, 1904..
To the Editor:
At the request of some of the friends
ot the girls. I wish to say a word for the
concert to be given on December 10th,
by Miss Mary Conyers. Mrs. Charles Pop
and Mis Veda William. None of us
; have forgotten the many times these s
1 tlmnblo young ladles have sung for pub
lic causes, school, church, social and
. charitable events, delighting all with their
willingness to assist any good cause.
Oregon City is liberal patron of music
and the theatre, and now, when some of
our own home girls bav undertaken an
exhibition to assist them In their musical
studies, let us all turn out and give them
a rousing benefit. By such appreciation
only can we encourage the rising talent
among us.
If It be true, as we have often heard,
that the mild Pat I tic climate la espec
ially favorable to vocal development, then
In the years to come more and more will
the world at large come to recognise the
advantages for singer on this const.
Meanwhile let us do what we can, to as
sist In pluming our songbirds for further
Yours respectfully.
IMS Convention Will Held In New
Before adjourning Its Sessions last
week, lb National Orange Convention at
Portland, went on record s favoring the
Introduction of Industrial education, par
Ocularly along the line of scientific
farming and the late agricultural method
Into the country schools. The resolution
, of Master F. A. Perthlck, of Ohio, to that
i effect several day ago ws reported
ny mo committee on education, and the
project a rotumemted. Thfl report fa
vored the appointment uf a committee to
investigate to what degree It wsi advis
able to Introduce nature studies and In
dustrial training Into the rural schools.
Tim toinmlltva'a riwt was an able
unci exhaustive one. Among other things
recommended was a system of school
consolidation In the rural districts. It
was Introduced by George R. Idd, mas
ter ot the Massachusetts Slate Grange,
and was adopted by tliiie convention.
Neither Hartford, Conn., or Washing
ton, D, C, thought to be the twe like
liest candidates fur the next convention,
are to have that honor, a the-.delrgstes
this morning voted to go to New Jersey
next yeai, upon Invitation from the mo
siiulto slate, A rival Invitation also
came from Connecticut, but the vote
stood J 3 to It In favor of New Jersey, and
the furmvia will meet next year In the
very hotbed of trusts. The city where
the gathering will hurt will be decided
later by the executive committee, but
the time of meeting will be the same a
this year, beginning the second Wednes
day in November.
W. F, Hill, chairman of the Committee
on co-operation, made an exhaustive re
port, showing the results ro-ofwraltun
had accomplished among the Grange of
the East, and recommending more at
tention to It In the future. The report
as adopted.
The entertainment given by J. E.
Stubbs hist Wednesday evening was very
successful. A good program was under
id. Graphophone selections were freely
Interspersed through the program through
the kindness of Alfred I.lnn. lilt. 50 wns
the financial return of th evening's en
tertainment. The same evening after the entertain
ment, a dnnee was given at the hall,
Onrfield Grange held a very successful
session last Saturday. Seventeen visit
ing members were present, eleven from
Eagle Creek Grange, four from Spring
water, one from Harding, and one from
Oswego. The grangers present practiced
the funeral ceremony of tho order.
Dr. Ernest L. Tlffuny, the temperance
Evungcllxt, who has een speaking ,ln
many of the counties of the state, was
visiting his frwlcnd, Ernest Huffman, last
Saturday night at Estacada, Lodge No.
175, Estacadu, Oregon, E. T. Davis was
eleced Noble Grand, F. H. Davis, Vice
Grand; G. It. Crawford, Secretary; C, K.
Howe, Treasurer, and J. K. Ely, degree
team captain. Estacada lodge has 45
members and all are In good standing.
The debating society met last Friday
evening and debated the subject: Re
solved that country life is preferable to
city life. Tho negutlve won. Next Fri
day's debate Is: Resolved that more
pleasure may be derived from hope than
from memory. if. M. GILL.
School Reports.
Following Is the report of the Heaver
Creek School District, No. It:
Number of pupils enrolled 24
Number of dax taught 18
Average dully attendance 17
Number rases of tnrdluevs
Those who .were nslthrr absent nor
tardy during the month are: Marie and
Max llollinun, Walter and Herbert
Kuiits, Harry and Tommy llunm-lt. Mary
Martin, Krllxlo and Krnetle Kamrath.
Visitor during the month were: Mr,
Shannon, Director; Supt. Xinser, Ray
mond and Hatel Glnther.
Visitors are always welcome.
Following Is the school rc.ort of plat.
No. 3, Highland, Oregon, for the month
ending November 25, 1901:
Total number of days attendance ....(61
Total number of days absence 70
Average number of pupils belonging.. 34
Aversge dally attendance 30
Number of times tardy 19
Number of days taught 1$
Those neither absent nor tardy Vere,
Amanda, Lure (to. Sndle, Hurley and
Arthur FsIIowb; Eva Schram, Nellie
Wstsh and Agnes Krohn.
Visitors present Were, Supt. J. C. Zln
ser, Messrs. D. A. Miller and U-sler Fel
lows. Visitors are ulwuys welcome.
! Following Is th report of school district
No. 8, Logan, Oregon, for the month
'ending November 25, 1904:
Number of pupils rninlled ,11
.Number of duys attendance 5:15
: Number of days absence 7S
, Number of times absent 61
j NuinlH-r of duys taught 17
Those neither absent nor tardy were,
Bessie King, EfTle und Marlon Klrchcm,
Hazel and Hurry Siiriigue, Louis and
Ouy White, Helen und George Tracey,
Omcr and Viola Hermann, and Helen
VImIiois during the month were F, W.
King, Mrs. Frukcs, and Mr. Nelson. Vis
itors always welcome, especially patrons.
. .B. C. Palmer, of Colton, has been au
thorized to make collections and solicit
new subscriber for th Enterprise. Pay
ment on subscription to Mr. Palmer will
receive the proper credit at this office.
Following Is the report of District No,
20. Macksburg, for the month ending
November 18, 1904:
Nu in ler of pupils enrolled In the prin
cipal's room, 36; In the primary depart
ment, 37; total, 73.
Number of days taught, 19. Averugu
dully attendance, 05; number of cases of
tardiness, t.
Those who wero nullher absent nor
tardy during the month are, Principal's
room: Marshall Scramlln, Walter Inert,
l-.QrtfeN.i amtr, Kathrhi and Jas.
LMpu,- iniile nger, ('hvsir Smith.
WliiWjjeso4 Pearl Psnner, ' Italelgh
PorSf MurOoek, Maigaret 5en
er. Primary Dept --Fried granger. Tilly
Inert, Sophia Iners, Ruth Murduck, Frieda
and Elsl KraJibergnr, Ulu Smllli. Anna
Tenske. Sylvester, Willie and Pr Hlb
oif,','lltmtir'Ml Andy pniihi, Uufus
Kraabergetv Man iteiiger, Kddle Kotih.
Gem go LalioUr and Bruno Kraxberger.,
'Visitor' Mmmt during Om month,
Mra. Ilecht, Mra. Tenske, Mra. Scramlln,
and Supt, ZUser. v
Wa Welcome the immtila in uiu n,,.
school' from time to time.
i" ROBERT UI NTH Ell, Principal.
The wet Weather has come and seems
as if It's going to stay.
Th telephone gang who had been tak
ing a lest advanced with great speed
after receiving enforcements and went
as long as th pole lasted.
Jacob Bohlander left tills wk for
Eastern Oregon.
Mr. nad Mra. A. Macord visited friends
at Highland last week,
A. R. Steven and family have moved
to Ely,
Jack Willi wa In this burg last week
and disposed of his farm for 11909. The
purchaser Is a wealthy cattle rancher
fiym Eastern Oregon.
W. r. Hani, the saw mill man. has
bought ths II. Barns farm for Mr. Davis,
former owner of the W. T. Hartnell
Wm. Scanton who la Improving very
slowly, disposed of a horse last week for
O. Moehnke la In thl burg doing car
penter work for Mrs. Edward.
A. Bluhm and I. R. Junea hss sick
hoises at present.
Several of the young people of R. C
atrnded the social gathering at the resl
dence of Mr. and Mr. ' June of Cams,
an dei ported g good time. : .
Mtsse Mary and Magi Herman from
Portland. sint few day horn last
In the Circuit Court of the Stele of Ore
gon, for the County of ClackamM.
J. W. Worell, Plaintiff,
Adallne Wilkinson, Alfred Neevts, and
William Nri vea. and all other heirs known
and unknown of Henry William Nreves,
deceased. Defendants.
To Adsllne Wilkinson, Alfred Neeves.
William Neeves, and all other heirs
known and unknown of Henry WlllUtm
Neeves, deceased:
In the nsme of the Slate of Oregon, yon
and either of you are hereby reipilred to
appear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled Court
und cause on or before Monday, th lAlh
day of Junuary, 1906, and If you f .tit to
appear and answer the plaintiff will, for
wsnt thereof, apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for In this complaint filed
Herein, io-wii: i"r a uuurev uuieuni.'
inie m me niuinun in ina nouinean
tiiiArter of the Southeast uuarler of H.-
,n . a . ..4 .... . ,
.. I. I. ft it. a r,: 01 wilt vinuuie
Meridian, containing 40 acres inure
!..an unit ahtiiilA In ( 'luoltu miifl eom.
Oregon, and by I no same uecrse nan
fine i-liiltn nr Inlornat whlelk Iht-v t
have In the same, and for such other
runner rener a to in t:ourt may sjr
meet and niullahln, Jr
This summons Is published for f
evsslvn weeks In the Oregon Cltvt
prise by order of Honorable Tlirl
!.,.. T...I.... ..f (t..
Clackamas County, Orvgon, nind-
2Sth day of November, 1904. li
illation being in the issue or 1 recent
2d, 1904, and the last P'lblMTulon be
In the Issue of January lJttg ijoj.
Attori7..v for Plnlnft
ii i ...
Winter Rate W Vaqulng Bay.
In order to Hcotnrrwdatft the many
people who jrtiHh to make a winter
trip to YttX,ulnA Hay, the Southern
rncinc y. will mill, on Wednomlavr
anu Saturdays of each wenk.
March" 31, 1905, round trip tickets
low' rates, to Yaulllna and Mlum
limited to sixty days- from date of
wile. Those who doslro to' take ad
vantane of this rate should apply to
ntmroHt Southern Pacific agent for
ticket. ', ' ' "' '"" " ' 1 ' '
tS tti