Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 18, 1904, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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New To-Day.
YOVL niONT Hiimll house In Willam
ette, J, W. Moehnko, liarclay lildK.
per cent. Karin socurlty. U'Ken
JL C .it.nl
ANTEIV--Home clean ran ai m
Kntorprlse oHIce at hue.
V0 I KOIt rULH Koiir ronls"il
dry IiIk Hr wimil for sale 18 Inch
IkiirIIi. Inquire at till "mo.
FuTt fllCN'f HlxTiMim hoiiMu ami
stable, near railroad station at
Clackamas. $r. per your. Cull on
A. O. llayward. Clackamas, Oregon.
lOA!UlClt WANTKD-Klrat class
room with good board. Klther lady
(ir gentleman. Inquire of Harry M.
Hhaw at Knterprlse office.
Vail " A LIS Klvn room cottaKO In
HiinH.-t. U1 5"xlU0 fenced. nilt
tree, well, barn and culler. Hunt
for IH.oo pur month. I'rlo fK&o.OO,
IJM) down, balance at 10 pr
J. A. MOI5IINKK. liarclay IllilK.
I TOS'tliii'lUt f land for alo by tho
t'lut'kamaa TltUi Company. !
Clianibur of Commerce, 1'orllaml, Is
T. 5 Hit I K. 320 acres, alsiut throe
mile northwest of Molalla, at 112.50
per aero. This I a llAllUAIN and
should not bo neglected.
Ilati at a (trout reduction. Mlia C.
Mr. Hobbles, of the West Bide, tbla
week adopted the two minor children
of hli aon, who resides at Kagle Creek.
Alfred (im-rrlor, a subject of Great
ii.ii iaa rim'lnrnd hla Intention of
being a rltl7.4n of tho United States. ' Monday
Tankaglvlng Fair and Market at thai
Congregational church Tuesday, No-1
vember 22. I
At Shlvely's Opera IIoiiho for two
iiIkIiIh, November 22d and 23, the sen
national I'lay of "Woman against
Woman" In live act. Prices 2r,c, 35c,
r.nc. Beats on sale at Huntley lro.
Hvcry trimmed and uiitrlnimed hut
I educed. Miss C. Goldsmith.
Marriage license were Issued Tuna-
day an follows: Us.le K. liruach and
Herman HariiiH; AnnlH Darling ane
Cha. H. I-anee.
a divorce was arantod Tuesday In
tho case of Mlnnlo Hollo Kauton vs.
Henry It. Kantou. Mr. Kanton la
awarded tho custody of a minor child.
in th ault of tho Magby Lumber
Company aKaliiMt I. K. Uraaor, the
Jury returned a verdict for tho plain
tiff in tho amount amid for, something
tnoro than l0.
Hn.wliil Price on ladles' and child
ren fashionable millinery at
KKl) rKuni.
Local Ever)lS5.
Olrl wanted at tho Win. Tel! Hoiiho,
iih ami Main ulreetn.
I noticed In your Ihhiio of Itint weuk
of lh CoiiKotaeraliiKin cinfwyp wlulu
A regular cloaranco Hulo. MIh C.
OMcar Johnmin. a native of Bwooibm,
Iihh declured hla Intention of ecuin
ln a aulijert of I'nclo Bam'a.
Ilorn, lant ww.k, to tho wife of E. O.
Allen, of tho Allen Commercial Col
li'K. a nlmi pound aon. Mother and
child doing nicely.
Walking bata and every article In
millinery reduced. Mlaa C. Oold-xmlth.
John Miller, aged CS yoara, of Weat
Oregon City, aiiltered the double frac
ture of hla leg below the knee, Satur
day afternoon, while felling trea.
Mlaa Wlanor'a Photograph Studio
will be oMn on Thankaglvlng Day
between 10 and 3. Her new Btudlo
la on Main Btreet near 7th.
The liaraar. recently held by the
ladle of Tualatin Hive No. 43, Ladloa
vt the Maccabeea, waa largely attend
ed. The proceoda of the aale amounted
to f25 and the I ad leu are much pleaa
d with their evenlng'a work.
With every doen photograph tak
vn before Chrlatniaa, Mlaa Cheney will
give one mounted on folder. Sepia
ffuct. Studio Tenth and Main 8ta.
Eby I Kby, repreaentlng Bhattuck
Hroa.. of Greaham, are aulng E. P.
Ilerdlne In the Justice court to recover
$173 on aaalgned clalma. Personal
property of the dofendant'a haa been
At Bt. Paul'a Eplacopal Church,
rector the Rev. P. K. Hammond. Ber
vlcea for the Sunday next before Ad
vent. Holy Communion at 8 a. m.
Sunday School at 10. Morning Prayer
and aermon on "Ood'a Jewula" at 11.
Kcvenlng prayer and aermon on "Liv
ing In the Love of God" at 6 o'clock.
t'ndnr tho auaplcoa of the Chrlatlan
HMnntinfn of Oreiton City, a lecture
on Chrlatlan Science will be given at
the Klrat Congregational churcn at
n m. on Saturday. December 10th, by
TUrWnell YnunK. C. 8. It., member of
the Chrlatlan Science Board of lec
tureship of tho Klrnt Church of Chrlat
Sciential. Iloaton, Maaaachuaetta. AU
mlaaton froe. All are cordially Invlt
A masnuorade ball will be given at
tho Armory ThankRglvIng night by
Turney a orcheatra. Prl.ea will be
on exhibition at Uurmelater & Andre.
een'H. Nov. 18
Married at tin homo of the brldo't
mother, Mra. Price, at 7 p. m. Wed
neaday, November 10, 1!4. Mr
Anne Diirllnir nnil Mr. E. 11. Ijuico
n,.v A J. Montgomery, of Portland,
otllclatlng. Tho aervlco was perform-
I'd In tho preHenco or only tno imineui
.it,. ri'lHtlveH and frlenda of the con
irnriinir imrtleK. Mr. and Mm. Lance
will realde on a farm at Woodstock
and hnvo tho beat wIhIios of a ho8t bt
filendH, for much haplnea.
Shlvolv'a Onora Houae. Saturday
November lth, the Gllmore company
preHenta a farce comudy In 3 acta,
entitled "Married Yet Slnfilo" from
the nen of L. C. Grlfllth. Tho play la
1 a quaint conceit written for laughing
purpoHOH only and there m not a aun
moment In It from beginning to end.
ir.o Ihiil'Iih In 150 mlnutOH doHcrlbes
the effect perfectly. Klne speclultles
between actx. Hcntu on aale at Hunt
ley Bros. Prices 25c, 35c, BOc.
In the circuit court Wednesday,
.luilire McHrlde granted two divorces
as followa: W. A. Hanklns vs. Estella
N. HaHkliiH: Mlnnlo Hello Kanton vs
Ufiirv It. Kanton. In the cbho of
(iottfrled Marquardt vs. Wra. Molden
hauer, being an actloh to recover Judg
ment for 1 195, alleged to be duo on
two pronunlHHory notes, the Jury re
turned an unexpected verdict, awaru
lug tho defendant Judgment against
tho plaintiff' In the sum of $22C. The
litigation resulted from a.dlHagreo-
ment as to the management of a farm
under a verbal contract and the ue-
f,.nriftiit nresented a counter claim
for labor performed and claimed dam
'ages for hBrm done growing crops by
cattle belonging to plaintiff.
Carl Palran and Anne 0. Husbands
were married at the Congregational
manse November 10, Itev. Kolllnger
officiating. Both brldo and groom are
from near Liberal and will reside
kvnnii ltimrh ha tiiirchasod from
I tilt riiv Hut Ints adtolnlna the Baker
pinning mill on Main street and will
erect thereon a building for the manu
facture of furnlturo.
li,.L.,mliLr on December 1. and con
tinuing until after the holiday at
i..uhI Hie sale of stamps at the Ore
gon City post office will bo made from
the money order window.
Oraln Choti clean and rich, 95ct
for 901b sack; flour $1.05 up; B gal.
coal oil. 95c; bacon 12Vc and l.ic;
timothy seed. 5ttc. II EI) KHONT.
This. Friday evening, the Oregon
City Idgo of tho Fraternal Brother
hood, will give tho nrst or a series 01
itunrinu iiartle at Willamette Hall.
There wMI bo In attendance a trolly
party from Portland.
r.. Prlr. oil Hals. 20c: leather
rt..v iic mi: susnendera. 8c up;
Cut prlcea on Clothing, winter coats,
ahlrta and undorwear many ai
(,tt t RED FKUNr.
T M Price, the rustling clothing
dealer, haa recently equipped hla busi
ness house with a number of the lat
est show caaea besides making othor
Improvement to the interior of hi
store for tho more convenient display
of hi large stock of good.
.The Red Front aolls cream cheeae
at 10 to 13c; candy, walnuts, pea
mm liw teas. 12 He. 25c. 45c; cof
fee 12o. He; best at 20c; ralalns,
7c; rice, 4c and 5c; bean, c; sweei
potatoes, 2c pound.
i,i,l llvsn waa In the Bandy neigh
borhood Tuoaday and accepted the
bridge that was recently consirucieo.
there. The Judge finds that it will be
nwouiirv to construct an approacn
250 feet in length before the atructure
will bo entirely completed., I ma fea
ture of the Improvement will cost
about $760.
wiiiiam rvirhit offers to raffle off
hla ten acrea of Improved lanT three
miioa annth of town. One thousand
dollar tlcketa have been printed and
are at O. A. cneney real esiaie auu
Insurance office for dlapoaltlon, who
will collect the money and keep the
record. 2t
BnrvlroB Incident to a celebration
of the sixtieth anniversary of the or
ganization of the First Congregational
church began Tuesday evening and
will be continued until Sunday even
ing, when Rev. P. B. Knight, a pioneer
pastor of the local church, will preach
the anniversary aermon. Rev. J. J.
Staub, of Portland preached Tuesday
night and Rev. W. C. Kantner, of Ba
id tho, milnlt Wedneflriav
Rev. Gray, of Astoria.
mhn snrvod aa the third Dastor or tne
church will be tne speaaer lonigni.
w a nimlrk. who recently formed
a law partnership with his cousin,
Mayor Grant B. Dimlck. In this city,
had his Initial case In the circuit court
one day lant week and bo won out,
too. It was a divorce proceeding in
which F. A. McCarthy was plaintiff
anil tinn M McCarthy was the de
fendant. Mr. Dimlck appeared for the
The Thanksgiving service will be
held In tho Baptist church tbla year
at 11 a. m. Rev. J. H. Wood of the
M. E. Church will preach the aermon.
The offering will be devoted to chari
table purposes In Oregon City.
Marin H Wlubam. aonrano soloist
of tho City Temple church, Indon, ;
Knuland. will open a class in uregon
City In tho near future. For terms
aiinlv Tourney BulldltiK. Second and
Taylor streets, Portland, Oregon.
Ouo of the special features at tho
service of "Hemlnlscenc.es" this Frl
iluv evenlmt at tho Conitreitatloiul
church will bo receiving by tho church
of a largo picture of Dr. Atkinson, tne
founder of Congregationalism in oro-1
Kim. i
Tho trial of Henry. Meldrum, ex-
surveyor general for Oregon, on a :
hargu of forging applications for the ;
survey of government lands, is being i
held In the C nltcd ritatos Court at:
Portland this week. Senator George !
C. Brownell appears as attorney for:
Mr. Meldrum.
County Clerk Sleight, on Tuesday,
completed the official count for Clack
amas county. Roosevelt has a major-1
Ity.of 2157 and Prohibition was do- j
feated by a majority of 1309, the to-,
tals being: Roosevelt, 2840; Parker,
GM3; Swallow, 144. Debs, 42(1; Watson, i
77; for Prohibitum, 1271; Against,
Prohibition. 2580.
The 60th anniversary services will
lie concluded at the Congregational
church next Sunday. Rev. P. B. Knight
the pioneer Congregational clergyman
of Oregon, will preach tho anniver
sary aermon at 10:30 a. m. In the
evening the choir will give a praise
service which promises to be up to
the standard of such services that
have been so successfully given. heretofore.
At an evening session of the Circuit
Court that continued from 0 o clock
until 10 p. in., Tuesday night, attor
neys for Interested citizens on one
side and Mayor DimlcK, City Attorney
Story and It. A. Loiter, representing
the Southern Pacific Company on the
other, concluded the argument on the
demurrer In tho Injunction suit that
Is pending in tho Circuit Court. The
case was taken under advisement by
Judgo McBrlde, from whom a deci
sion Is expected within a few days,
The ladles of St. Paul a Episcopal
church will conduct a sale of useful
articles at Willamette Hall Friday
afternoon. December 9. , Admission
free. In tho evening a anquet and en
tertainment will be held by the ladles
In the same hall and for which an ad
mission charge of 25 cents will be
Mr. Thomas Shute. of the Maple
Lane precinct, cast his sixteenth con
secutive vote for a Republican presi
dent at the last election, his first vote
being cast for Harrison In 1810 In
New Hampshire. Since then he has
lived In Nebraska, Kansas and Cali
fornia before coming to Oregon, but
has never lost his presidential vote.
Mr. Shute Is 85 years old.
The Thanksgiving Market and Fair
of the Congregational church will
be held In the church on Tuesday af
ternoon and evening, November 22.
The market will have the usual deli
cacies which have made this market
such a success heretofore. The Fair
will have numerous articles, useful
and ornamental, for sale at reasonable
prices. There will be no charge of
admission to the social and evening
program. Refreshments will be serv
ed at a nominal sum.
A laborer named Warner had his
right arm so badly mangled In a pick-
at the Oregon City Woolen plant
Wednesday afternoon that amputa
tlon at the shoulder was necessary.
Warner attempted to dlstangle the
contents of the picker when his band
waa caught by the sharp teeth and
hi arm was drawn Into the machine.
While Warner was an old employe of
the woolen mill he had only returned
yesterday morning to resume his old
position. He Is about 65 years of age.
"Our Search for the Missing Mil
lions" Is a volume describing the
adventures of a lot of treasure hunt
ers who left San Francisco In 1901
on tho vessel Herman, In search of
treasure supposed to be burled on a
South Sea Island. This is the first
complete and authentic description
published of that remarkable voyage
The Argonaut for November 21st
gives the book much space, quoting
freely from It.
A Surprlas at Highland.
A pleasant surprise was tendered
the young folks at Mr. Davis Satur
day evening, November 13. The even
ing waa spent In playing games and
tripping the light fantastic till a late
hour. Those present were, Misses
Mary and Vlnna Mayfleld, Alice Rltter
Hattie Ringo, Anna and Lizzie Davis,
and Gertie Shockly; Messrs. Frank
Ringo, Will Traylor, Edgar Welsh,
Ferrlo Mayfleld, Lawrence Shockly,
Tom and Morgan Davis.
Shlvely'a Opera Houso, Saturday,
November 19th, the Gilmore company
presents a farce comedy in 3 acts,
entitled "Married Yet Slngfo" from
the pen of L. C. Griffith. The play Is
a quaint conceit written for laughing
purposes only and there la not a dull
moment In it from beginning to end.
150 laughs In 150 minutes describes
I the effect perfectly. Fine specialties
between acts. Seats on sale at Hunt
ley Bros. Prices 25c, 35c, 50c.
Look Around
And you will see that
every person in this town
that is at all contented has
a bank account. A bank
account is a wonderful
help to peace of mind and
contentment. If you will
put away part of your
earnings each month you
will soon be out of ,
the worrying class and on
the road to happiness and
contentment. We will
help you all we can by
keeping your account for
you if you will let us. Will
you? Then call in and
see us, you will be wel
come. The Bank of
Oregon City
Oregon City,
I he Place
fF you were to ask why out garments were entitled
to the special comments of men m general, we
would say on account of their fit, style and ser
vice. Every garment is cut and fashioned individ
ually. Every yard of fabric has
been thoroughly shrunk before it's
employment. Every phase of mak
ing has been at the hands of tailor
men who. by their ability and ex
perience, have stamped themselves
l as masters of their craft. Our
'men's fall suits in the new shades
of brown will irressistibly appeal
to men who are desirous of being
fashionably yet economically clad.
These suits are on an even plane
with the tailored -to-order clothes
that would cost you $30.00; they
soarkle with newness and style and
a possess all the distinctive features
that will be conspicuous this tall.
The prices are are always right.
Our old but true saying, "satisfac-
. . t f i r
tion or your money oac.
lopyright 1904 by
lart Schaffner & Marx
if J1!
fl 1.1 1 .UVr- -A
; Ji V-V ill M Ul I
Fill i iMUfLry
Agent for H. S & M. Clothing, Hawes Hats and W. L. Doaglas Shoes
Orezon City Oregon
anum ism tr aousiumm vncrtm
P -1
Adams B?oso
Oregon City's Big Cash Store
Special Sale
Men's Qotliing
Special Sale
Meis Overcoats
all styles
amtftru 1304 Bt astaii uambhii. ttncA Kwwr
1 a r l kt vr- 1
7 --M- afi
shoes (tm M
Special Sale
Oregon City's Big CashJStore