OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 190. PAGE 8. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnished Every WMk by the Clackamaa Abstract V Trutt Company. From October 31 to November 5 Inc. United States to Oregon and Cali fornia R. R.. 10316.32 acres In T. 15. 1 i. 2-6. 27, 37: Patent F. Welsh. Tmste and wife to A. F. Fisher, part of blk 3, Darling add. to Oregon City: $100. Oregon Iron & Sttel Co.. to A. Wal dorf, lot 12, blk. 7, Oswego Cemetery; 111.00. W. Mackintosh and wife to Lee Mee Cln et al., 207 acres in F. W. deer D. L. C, T. 31, W; $10,000. P. H. Raymond and wife to J. M. Johnson, lots 5 to 19 Inclusive, blk. 99, Minthorn; $75. P. Parrlsh to R. U Parrlsh. N4 of SE, of SEV Sec. 5, T. 43 E; $200. J. E. M. A. Donaldson and husband to A. W. Cheney, lots 1. 2. S, 4, blk 7. Green Point; $1500. S. E. Cole and wife to B. Men, SWV. of NE'i. Sec. 10, T. 41. E; $800. M. Koerner (by Adral to G. E. Loder. SE of Sec. 10, T. 45. E; $184.43. A. Ott and wife to C. Boss, 149.65 acres in T. 42, E; $3000. C. I. Calkins etal. to E. Calkins, 3 acres In Sec. 4, T. 31. W; $60. United States to H. R. DuBois, lot 6. Sec. 32, 34. E: Patent. E. Bell to H. E. Noble, lots 4 and 5, Sec. 27. T. 33, E; $1.00. Oregon Water Power Town Site Co. to J. Pocker, lot 3, blk. 11, Esta- cada: $75. G. Miller and wife to K. S. Wolter, 41.25 acres In I. Whealdon D. L. C, T. 41, E: $1237.50 K. S. and D. H. Wolfer to H. Oster holz. 41.25 acres in I. Whealdon D. L. C, T. 41, E; $2050.00. H. Kummer and wife to H. Oster holz. 62 H acres In Sec. 5, T. 5 1, E; $4062.00. P. H. Marlay and wife to T. P. Car stensen, lots 1. 2, 3. and 4, Sec. 9. T. 44, E; $1.00. T. P. Carstensen and husband to F. Millard, lots 1, 2. 3, 4, Sec. 9. T. 44, E; $400. P. Schnorr and wife to F. Millord. lots 1, 2, 3. 4. Sec. 9. T. 44. E; $1.00. B. F. Mitchell and wife to F. Vohs, Wtt of NE. EH of NV, Sec. 2, T. 43. E; $3000. J. W. Meldrum to Mrs. J. Hardman, 2.45 acres In P. M. Rinearson D. L. C, T. 22, E: $490. D. and H. Frey to E. E. Wendland, SW4 of NEVi. Sec. 29, T. 25, E; $600. M. J. Albright to F. E. Albright 20 acres In A. Marquam D. L. C T. 61, E; $1.00. R. W. Bagley, et al., to H. Bagley, Shi of W. R. Bagby D. L. C. Sec. 23, T. 52, E; $5.00. J. Wilkinson and wife to H. Mosler, lots 3 and 6, blk. 45, Oregon City, Oregon; $500.00. The Oregon Iron and Steel Co., to T. Johnson, Tract 6 and 7, J. D. Mill ers and J. M. Moore D. L. C's S. 24 acres, $1.00. H. L. Waybill and wife to M. Way bill and J. Snover, N of NW4 of SWVi. Sec. 29. T. 14; E; $1.00. H. Osterholz to C. W. and D. J. Carothers. NW'V! of NW14 of NEK of NWU. Sec. 4, T. 51, E; $3600. Mrs. F. Gale o J. Gerber. Jr. 180 acres in Allen Mattoon D. L. C, T. 33, E; $50. J. W. Leevis to J. Gerber. Jr. 180 the surface the same as on crushed rjLACKAMAS TITLE CO. nick surface. If the sand among the y ...., K - ' null V. mi IMtlllltn vimiii.j v.r. v i v ... Title should bo prepared by. the Clackammas Title Company, incor porated. Chamber of Commerce The Clackamas Abstract Trust Co. are owners of the only complete abstract plant in Clackamaa county. Prompt and reliable work on short notice. All work guaranteed. Abstracts made, money loaned, mortgage foreclosed, trusts exe cuted, estates settled and titles per fected. J. F. CLARK, Atty-at-Law, President and Manager. Office over Bank of Oregon City. LAXAKOLA DOES IT. No Other Remedy So Sure to Cure i . Constipation'. Laxakola Is the only laxative that acts as a tonic to the whole system, strengthening the organs and purify ing the blood. It will cure the most confirmed case of constipation after every other remedy has failed. With your bowels and stomach free from refuse and impurities, with your 'kidnevs and liver working naturally, and your blood pure and rich, back- hcs henrianhffs. weaK nerves, muu gravel Is half dirt, there could be less dirt put on the surface or none at all. ' 1 need refer to only one roal as that one is known from Dan to 1W sheba and catches all the travel from California to Portland and that Is the so-called gravel road from Oregon City to Gladstone. It Is so smooth and delightful that any one going over It once would never forget It, and would never try it again If he could avoid it, and those who have to travel it take to the ditches at every place possible, because of the abund ance of smooth hard stones all over the surface, thousands of them, and half out of the ground thousands more, and under the surface waiting their turn to come up thousands more such a gravel road is a nui sance and a detriment to any com munity. It is one bumpty-bump from end to end to addle the farmers eggs, and fuddle the farmer, to bruise the ap ples and mash the plums and In time of the Chautauqua gathering there are so many teams going back and forth over those stones with all man ner of household goods, and to have them cracked and bounced and broken and scratched, and scraped, is no cred it to the builders of such a road. I have nothing to say against the grad ing. It Is all right, but the stones left In the gravel. If they had been sifted out, every one above the site or an Inch, that piece of road would have been, and still be. the pride and ban ner road of Oregon. Now, today, the County is making another blunder in the same way after using this abominable road for ten or more years, then permit and order another three or four miles of road built in the same way, of the same material it Is past a sensible man s understanding. I refer to the road being improved from Mtlwaukie up towards Gladstone. The county Is spending thousands of dollars on it and when done it too will be a per petual nuisance on account of the rock In the gravel from the size of an egg to that of a man's fist, and wher ever here is a chance every every team will seek the ditch or the side to get off those abominable smooth boulders scattered all over the sur face of what otherwise would be a per fect road. I have never seen in all my travels from Seattle to Los Angeles and from there through all the states to New York City any street or road so out of order and good taste and Judgment as the streets and roads in and around Oregon City. When our friends come to us next summer from all parts of the United States, and see and ride over such streets and roads as we have, what would you have me say to them? What would they say when they see the ma terial lying here on every hand to make the best of roads, only that we live in the backwoods and don't know how to use it T Now this sifting of the gravel as It is loaded into the wagons at the pit is no great Job. It don't cut any figure in expense in comparison to the use less material hauled, bad roads made, and the life of the road. Now my fellow citizens, I have said all that I wish to at this time and hope the two purposes for which all these words have been spoken, namely, first, cover the crushed rock with dirt, sec ond, sift all gravel before It is put on the road, will not be cast aside as idle talk. For all the people who own a horse and buggy will rejoice with me if these two little suggestions will be tried for the public good. For not only they but every citizen has a direct in terest In good roads, Therefore t will now leave the matter in the hands of those to whom we have entrusted the building of our roads. L. H. ANDREWS. building. Portland. This company is the builder and owner of the best and most complete plant of Clack amas county titles. Astracta from Its offices are compiled by experts ol long experience, competent attor neys aud draughtsmen, and are of guaranteed accuracy. Clackamaa County Lands, Mortgage Loans, Estates managed, Taxes ex amined and paid. E. F. Riley, pres.., F. B. Riley, sec. Superior Work Lowest Prices No Poison in Chamberlain's Remedy. Cough From Napier New Zealand, Herald: Two years ago the Pharmacy Board of New South Wales, Australia, had an analysis made of all the cough med icines that were sold in that market. Out of the entire list they found only one that they declared was entirely free from all poisons. This exception was Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, made by the Chamberlain Medicine Company, DesMolnes, Iowa, U. 8. A. The absence of all naracotics makes this remedy the safest and best that can be had; and it is with a feeling of s;rr "It .ornnlexlons. and security that a mother can give it to a ll Sim lat -troubles will vanish, and her little ones. Chamberlain s Cough you wTl feel and look strong, healthy Remedy a especially recommended a Z, JnlrJ,a Ra.ise of its rjurity. : by its makers for coughs colds, croup Sasanuste aTd gentle yet "effect: and whooping cough This remedy Is ive action infants and the most dell- for sale by Geo. A. Harding cate Invalids can take it witnour. any disagreeable or harmful after effects. Huntley Bros. Co., recommend Lax akola to their customers with every confidence and guarantee you will get relief from the very first dose. Try it, and if it proves in the least disappointing the druggist will pay your quarter back. That is what you get when A. Mihlstin does your' plumbing work. He Joes general tinning, plumbing and jobbing burn ties. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Hot sir heatina Mxtuies manufactured and supplied. A. MIHLSTIN Main Street OKKHON CITY, OK Seasonable Delicacies Fine Mackerel, Cod Fish. Salt Salmon and Anchoyii Also a new crop of nuts just arrived. Don't forget M. G. B Cof fee in I, a and 3 pound cans, the finest in the land. Electric Grocery D. M. Klemscn, Prop. Iveil to is ulil fttie Bill F. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER 80ME MORE 8UGGE8TIONS. L. H. Andrews Continues Remarks on Road-Building. JOHN YOUNGER, JWIsX Near Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY. YEARS EXPERIENCE N 'Jreat Britain and America, man PIONEER Editor Enterprise: Having said all that is necessary on the subject of crushed rock roads, I have only tried to show wherein those who have the authority to order our streets and roads made, have failed to give the public the worth of their money, besides making roads almost Impassable out of the very best material any county anoras. And having promised to speak about gravel roads, I will now do so. There is but very little to say or do, to change the most horrid bumpty-bump gravel road into a smooth and perfect road with the same or less ex Tuna to begin with, and In the end fifty per cent less than the first cost, besides having the pleasure of riding over the best and smoothest road pos sible to make. In the first place there never should be a bushel of gravel put on a road without Its first being sifted down to not larger than one inch in diame ter - then if the sand and gravel a Dure and clean, after the gravel is puie. .u. and nroperly rounded pill on mo --- ' ,.rh PnhliclT Indorsed by the SoperloUndant of the crest PKOPLK'S MI3SK ORRIIIE ION, who ssjs it CURES INTEMPERANCE. PEOPLE'S MISSION. Waahlnrteo. D. C , Ttbrwj V, HO. Tb OrrlM Co, Inc., fcaaiiiiigtoii. It. t;. Otutleniao : It is rery gratlfjmg indeed for to report to 70a tbatOrrtee by proroa to mf totiro Mtiafaetioa uit 11 ta ipoe'Sc for drunktnnoM. A patient who but baea drinking stout pint of wlneta? daj for s rroM many yaara m eon. pltl7eiird wttbis us doff from tho tim bo took tho DrstOoM of Ornno, sod bo is now roatorod to ftrf,tar,hritv. I ohall b clod to hsvo foa rofor I iar wreoo to roo for s oristio of tbnautmonu ; I os CDVlBeodOrrlne las car for that torribia dia- ( OTUlUOIl D-M. iPfliOB full l.K , tuail Tory truly, W.C.MoMICHAIL, Sspsrmuudout i-aupio a Siaaisa, A SIMPLE HOME TREATMENT! tleat's kaowW o. 1; lot o!s- Orriaa No. 2. CU EFFECTED 0 MONEY REFUNDED. Soak o " Drmnkossoas " (asolsd) fro it rsqaasl. Orris nsilod (aoslodjoaroeoipt of lO by The Orrioe Co., Inc. WasUojtoa, D. C Sold sad rssssmsadal T 1 1 wm I Te care without pat Ma PWri, orris No. BOX. I tary traatsacat, bay ind thoroughly rolled, then bp and ExjiPefo Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE H ELLOI 2,000 miles of lone dis tance telephone wire io Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,250 towns. Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of Sireonal communication, istance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Port land. Oregon Citr office at "TS!!.. M,,,-" """ i Hardinsr's Drusr Store FRANK BUSCH Tke Hosefxrmsker OUR SALE IS ON READ THIS Read every word, it means money in your pocket, our sale is on, these are happy days for the furniture buyer, and our offerings are ap preciated by the public as our stores are crowded all day but our mammoth stock can stand some more heavy attacks. Every piece of furniture bears the stamp of good quality of excellence, merit and good workmanship. The matter of price is a matter that strikes home, it affects your purse. Lack of space prevents our displaying the thousand and one good bargains in our store, if you need any thing for furnishing the house, it will pay you and interest you to look through our establishment. si $7.00 This glass sale is made of Maple, ifrown in Clackamas county ly the way, one of the finest grained tlmher for furniture" pur-. poses and built by first-cla-i cabinet makers, this sain is not the kind that is bought by furniture dealer from way off furniture factories, shipped in, knocked down and then nailed together by green hands without any glue. Our safe will stand closest inspection and is a beauty in finish; no family can afford to be without one, there yoa got a place for your dishes and a dust free and mouse proof place for almost anything you may desire to keep under cover, fll.oo would be a (air price for this piece ol furniture, but we only ask $7.00 during our big sale. Iron beds regular 13 00 now I1.SS. SrXntP- ii 129 pairs of Por tlors. No reason able offer rejected. 1200 pairs of I-- Curtains. No rea sonable offer r-)ctet. Cotton Felt Mattresses The cleanest and purest ,'of all. The general health depends a great del on how we slrep. In order to lie able to do a good day's work wemut 1 freshened up by a good night's rest on a comfort able mattress A g'od mattress means good sleep and good health. Cotton Felt Mattres-es that are sold for fM.oo can be bought here for fioo higher grade ones for fijoo and $16.00. We have othert made of different material as cheap as 5o. s .. This elegant cotl)ler seat rock er, regular-value f2.Ti.NoW 11.50 2 6x66 Cedar Doors (1.15 8 i68Cedar Doors $1.35 WAA NtV .7 Steel Ranges We offer now for cash 6 hole steel Ranges, 18' imh o laborately nickel plated, 10 years gusrantee for $30.00. $5.00 Tbia piece of furniture we may call the peace maker of the family, there are five well-made and easy running drawers in our chiffonier, and if each is occupied by the belongings of a different members of the tsniilv, jieare may reign forever. This chiffonier is sold at. a cold cash proposition of f joo. Vou will have to PT y anT ' called Installment plan houses wherc"our credit la good.' Large Size Bureau $5.50 A well made Bureau worth f-H.jo. We have one hundred of the 111 and can make 500 more at a very short notice. There is not one one fmuily in Clackamas county that can afford to let this oppor tunity pass to secure one more bureau at such a price the gtass is strictly first class and the bureau Itself is put up in first-class workmanship. 'iooil nsniirtment of new Wiltons. In Rralns, lliunai'ls. Axinlneiers, etc. .lining Nhowri. These special values on aule as long ne present etock lusts; fl ;r Wilton velvet 9o y4 J I on Wilton atnlr 67c yl h5c UnixNcIa 60c yd nfir All wool extra super Ingrain. .lftc yd nic Half wool Abo yd bOc Cotton 36a yd All muttliiK ami rug" In proportion. Regular $10 value, now $7.00 iin AMERICAN ROTARY WASHER. It Is a departure from other rotary mo tions. Tha gear Is the strongest lever age known, therefore the operation of the same Is the easiest. Strain of cast ings not known In this gear, hence breakage la eliminated, lias locking hinge gear, whkh locks the machine when open or closed. 8WEEPINQ DY8PEP8IA AWAY. Tha Remarkable Curative Properties o Pepsikola. So many canes have come right un der their own personal obxervation that Huntley Bros, now know beyond all question what Pepalkola will do, and they can give you the names of score of people whoae experience with It has been remarkable. In fact, there is hardly a person in Oregon City today but knows of some one who has been decidedly benefitted. Thin people find that Pepxlkola In creases their weight. Others claim that it cures heart-burn, palpatatlon, sour stomach, wind belching, bad tanto In the mouth, coated tongue, fullnegs and diHtresa after eating, while to those who are listless, tired and worn out, and without ambition, It gives new vigor and renewed vital ity right away. And the guarantee is so plain and so sure that there can be no misunderstanding. The manufacturers do not want even one dlHsatlsflnd customer in Or egon City and Huntley Ilros. Co., al ways sell PepHlkola with the under standing that it miint relieve and cure you or you can have your quarter back simply by asking for It. Saloon License. Notice Is hereby given that I will apply at the next meeting of the city council for a renewal of my saloon license at my present place of busi ness. Main street, between Fourth and Fifth. CEO. H. YOUNO. ofcT.; aw ;roufd ns o- or two