ENTERPRISE SUPPLEMENT VOL. 37.. NO. 52. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1904. ESTABLISHED 1P66. 8. P. COMPANY WILL AID CITY. H.ulroad Will Cooperate With Coun cil in Flyhtlny Injunction. In fitthtiins Hi.. inlnMi'lloti full Huil litis been lil'oll.'.hl liy loeNtoi rltl- "ii.. .i ir tit l!n ni'in;ii:,i. ol mi or ii::ianee ("lint I ti In tin. Southern I'll eU'.c "inn piniy u mt-i nut fi mit-hlso Li Iwolnitfl Avenue Ill litis ill)', the I'.iini il will hale cuopctallon (if la" b ;:.il l .irt jii-nt i( tin- railroad I'.i.njMiiv. Mr. l.i itrr. r-'in -i-iiiliiic I raili'mid i -. 1 1 m ji ji y . lit Ii'H'IimI the ln.-.-li 'H c n m f i 1 We ill" day c.."itiv, mi ! a . I v I I llu' 1 1 1 t u t T rt of t'l.'.t 1. 1. iiy ill (In. ii , nf llu- -ru C; u- H"'l I.I Ii" I 'ji: : I.C.I I, II t l.f.il t it '11 HI lil'hlln't III" 111, 'ttlel nt I Hi t ' i-l.iu; . ullli (liii mi'l"! "IniiililH! Dial II hi. i ' nil i .li....t,h Hi 11." Ittjnne i ..ii, I ii Hi i'i "ii Hi P. ii j i u i. - ii i; - dl ii" ni IIiikii"" I'i" railroad ritiipiiny v. ill I. in il i ii. . . .Liii.-" I i,ii, i Alt-, ui ii", I..,! I.v il," "iiiiii ) J: Ii In Ii m l.'il the City Attorney til ..I" . itli He null'. id c.niiiaiiy h I ;" . : '.vim In cuiiitiicl li.t: tin' i 1 ' i!i !-.-. To I'li'iiiril alio nut I" i-.i i'i 'it iii-.-i lUii; lii" U,yni"ii( nf nil i'i I I lift." lit I i I h" i mi' ( I""- I ih lu ll. 'ill Li' I I " l'. .''it l" !"!l'il'. I'. . liii i I III, ii"! Inn, ii 'i hi '! I I' Co n s llil , iIii-i i Itp.ilopila! ii'C t ' .' '''' ll'lll I " II" -I lll'lll".V n re.W-,1 l.i I' ' 1.I-I1I', :il i'; al fit -nl fur t V lin I , i.i.l l',!li',"lii'll nl (ho )!oit!i Kil-I Ii ',1 ; Will, i. ill , i!'.'!i- ""iil:i ii II i' Ii'mi'i'M i,! II" . 1 1 1 1 1 ! n,,;i".ir I i I ivnr I'" hMi'i r mi 'i!i I ii ill f H in I i l.'i'i "i.""l which '-as Id'i ii v-ry (-I, - n ),, I ,li,.ii--1 or liy Hi" mm- !" of ( I' i- ji.ii Hit y I" "ii mm :i' i"ii I mill I '"' I'lo'if b' r's t-f the cili'i'it's cn'incllleo re- !' 'i " i: ti i-'"i"'! if. hoi .', 'i-'i the c:tv elfin. .T !,, facjIle'T for III" ;' 1' l.i . "v Jul i'n ii'n mi '.- of do- I. -':!'!.: C " iii ii lin i'i'i.i',1,' plan fi'i- f I nil ii",; of lin' n'.i;i i -'-I l'iv I" . ! ' I v. c. H'iiii;il ! Ii:!,l"i on I" '"' r '..' S ' ' M'"' I . I'l l. II. i'i lor I, ! I'lloiiiil Hj-iiU on (',.;-' - i'i I- I'.-l"! r- I I I'li'lirilil I on li. t i iin I i'ili!lf i:o;i'-i'ty I'n '','',.'1 " of In. II li"iiilin hubs for (UJ 'Hi " i"i I. I'"f"l:i.,l In fnimiilll -i oil ft''" Il 'l I " ;il "' H- 1 1 f ! Klv Sidewalk; nutters of which tin' city Ih rKilurly pnylnit nliuiit Jil'i Of course tin-re was no oiin ui":i'i)( who cnihl Klv" the In fix inatioii for It Ih h iioIoiIoiih fact Huil In Hi" la it nx moil l hi Main Mill"! lull o( I Il (ll HIIi'il til t'XI.'ni'il perhaps. H half dozen (imt'H. It (1-ii 'M not Hi-i'in Unit ilin condition of the flly In Dial lln.li tliai Ii inn nffonl ti phcc any of Hi i'iiiloy"H on u pen Ion, If the, iiii ii who arf'now draw UiK J'") l'"i' iiionlli for ilolni; thin v oi K ilo lint aic lor tin' Jul), lln'j' - liotil'l lot i'n aii'l i:i-, i.onii' out' i b.o a I'lniiici' to Ilin luiirovi'iii"iil ol tin' imlillr MTi'ii'i- Sochi Events. 'I'I'" Ynii'ii! P i.l" S'.clii! Cliilj of il. i' P.'.'ill t finr-!i In-Ill a llallow'i-.-ii j oi-liil Hi t'i" fhiin-'i Mnn l.-y cvi'iilti'!. , I'nii'i'". .,iini; ami varloiH cannn ! roiiiji-i. i-i H,i, iii'inrlji'il pari of tin' I'M-iiiiii.; h proiaiu. I I lull i".."ii win oIisit", l.y llio 'ii' i'i' ' r- of yt .IoIi-i'm C.-il!iol!f juir i I ;'t I'm! i'oiit:'i r it Ion Mmi'lav ov-n-I lr-', !:i-n nil I'lil'-ri.i'n'in :il ami dunfo I wi-:.' i;l'.'i n Ml V,,o,;ii"i Hull. Till? I "Vi nl witt wry i:iri-,"ly iill"'i.i'il. i I S.-v 1 1 of )i-"i-.,,n I'ily'n H.'i' lifnl I'lil i ilivotci'il liiiMiii.'-lM-s from tln-lr jnal'iiiil 'l:illili-ncf la it Stiinr'luy nli'M ami tjii' a l.i'ini Your ilniiclin; parly 'Ml ilin Arimry Tin' ymini! lall"M i '.i.licili-,1 lin- ilati""H inn! piTfiiriiii-il I Hi" '."I'vlco n-- v"! as tin ln.ys ever j 'I"! A V "V ' III'!'1 1" fM'llllll! was j tin' ii'iiill of tin' yoiiiii! IioII:m' of , forli (liiy wcri? r'coKtil.'.''l In tlm oll faith loni'il MwroDii'iirti aii'l Iiohiix of Ionic ukii. Tin IiomIi'is Itii'l lici'ii inakln-? uli rnt iliirlnn tin' day, lint noun wan left ulii-n III" morry crowil of old, -Iiiiim ii'part"i with ihi'lr wIkIh-h and '. falls of "yiKi nljcht." Sali'in Slatoi.-' man. ! Ijiht Sutiday about a aenre of thf tn-rinan fictpialitlanros of Mr. and Mm I'lillllp Ilnrkloln ralloil at tho Ilni'lili'ln liiiiin- w lii-rt tin- day was paKsi-d ploaKimlly In music and uncial cotncrHc. A spli-ndid dinner h n-rvi'd and a non'-ial i!iKd tlnni wan dad ROUTE ,iK.,,.,k WZ j C0LUMB,A RIVER SCENERY l.olianon, I.lnn cmniv, wirn inarrlr-il !n .Tt'ioK'HVX'j Portland The Dalles mornitis', ucioln-r :!0, Hoi. Mr. IIal.fr j liH l arra'i ;i'il for a pp-lty lionn- wcil dime at ll.o liomo of hln nioth'-r. ii-ar Sln.Tord, on liii- i viTiin'! li"for". Imt a wri'i'l; on Hi" railroad pn-vontoil tin princ li:il I from icacliiiif; the appoint "d pla"" at lb" t f n if; nanii'd so Hi" ':"i"!ii:;iy uim difi-irfl until t!n: fol low lin; day. Kcvoral iluy a:''i, M r. Pal. or went to l.i-anon, ohI-iihIIjIv to linnt I'l.ini'-c Pli a-iants, li-uviiij! In'inii'1 lilm iiioiiii.ii'iio'.s proniloii to fiii inl'1 v-'ioai In? volmilocrrd to ri mt'ii'lnT Willi a l lrd. lint tin- birds earn" lt"t and t!r cvi i.t li"ii' cliroiil "l'd Is licci ;iti"l a an explanation by the ill .appoint"'! friends v. Itli p!i"a-i-a nl lip:)"t:,-s, nlio Join with llic many other lrl"!nh In wIslili'R Mr. and Mrs. Hal er a bonnliful kIiuic of the world's CnniW iiid niieli liappini'Bs. They will reside on Mr. Pal-.er'M farm in ar New Kra. Regulator Line Steamers ; A iT'"!ll llil" llalliiw'ee'l fill Ttlllll- i ineiil wii t j-.'M-n by H.e ! C i n i; DaiKh !t"i'i nl Willaa "It" Hall hint Saturday """'l!e :. Hie pi'ii-i-am Inc !ud!n'! Vncil an I in.!: ii Mental music and panto I 1 lie lii.ll.deenratlonx Imr- . nii'.i! -.el! with Hie ni'.-ison. Hi fresli-;,ii"-ii ,'ei'e i.e-ved am! t'.e e verilliR's !"!") "'. were coin' hided with dailf- I INC One of the- nm it brilliant receiitlons erer li'ii lereil at (re in Cltv was i!:e on- i;lv.n nn ler the aupifs of the j ,nii linn al Lylt-wlihC lin-Ki us Cluli al II " home of Mr. nun Mrs. llriii" ('. Curry Tuesday in honor of Mrs, ('. H. Moores. of :i;i!"ti. Ant mm haves and n proluniei of Mi" I peas comprised the r.'viln dec ( "'il t ii ill Si Which were fspec'aliv beau lif'il. An orcliesH'n. from Poithiud, phiye I linrlim the afternoon and cmc- oial. and Afir ha I the w,l Mrs WHS S.'-"i bv Misses Mi'i'rl e l.lpnilt Ii II ' I Mrs. I.. P i"'."r. r the 'nvilalions for till; rec eit 'on he. nl is'tiel, I was learne.l that date lor the event was 111.1 li'hl Inn; uiin: fsai v of Mr. and nil".- p'on "tv i"d I i con- 1 I l"l"l IIC'V v llil. I . ;it-- I i'!.-' nil,, i-n Twelfth yt . I" io' .!l.i "lay ivh.M'l. oi-.b :. . l"p.i!ie,! I' ' I h i I coiiii'iNslniie!', I i.ip i i loll i,f wood I n )' ti;: i v u o I' .''la"1"- en! M'-ir I under l'Ji.'''lli ' I'" t "i :: rel""-i"l In cnni'nll le" on h",illli ii til police. ( 'o n ai t lor it dl- irlct No. I , a Mir led In Harry .lonei for f:lr,n' Vl.-Mioii or (pel on Mil in. V l'i'-i '"I di's n 'HMoiil ; ih rerie.l until . I. itinary iiieiiim: I "r il'ii-ii.u I r'i'lh and Jachs.m S" I ,. I r l "0! l,i i.:!nli" llil eel". I I pioil le dili li for dialnai!" p.ir- p " . The Na di ilahl" n-ii iuce on P -v-i. il'l ;l' '"-l v : i s ri-fetrcil l.i coiiimitleo if In'iilt'i and police I'lipii'l ol Tails View people for ',il lor iiii! In h'lildini; mad. denied. An i'liande- nl lamp was ordered on Tlil't'ienih hi reel. I li'iilnaiiC" for piii chnse of strip of mini. I Ifo. n Mr Cociiraii for $l"irt, pa . i l 'I lie nrill T of ari"ini!iii'.', for cnllec Coll ol ill'l! 'lllil oIll'T llfetn.es tine the c.ty an! ant hori'",! liy city ordinances v. as leiened to tiic cimiiiitl"!' on l,,i:iiiii' Some Pf'tincnt Inquiries. When the c Hiipact bclwei ii III" Cily A 1 1 1 tti" mid llic S P. Comiil'iy l.',;al reor.' ."iitiohe.: n,i furn-.c'l for liulilin II," iiijnnt Hon pmci edl:ii;s in behalf of the clly. Knapp liniii:"l Ih" rea-nii for appio'i''iat ini! rj..VM b.r the i oinplelion of Hie South ICml l! ilnl mid at the same lin e Iht'il Hie in iiim lion suit, lie thonhl lii.it one or the nl, it-1- should lie dropped since Ihe completion of the Soi.lh ICml Uoad by I lie railroad enmpany wan one of Hie con .iileral lon-T In he received by Ihf city In return lor the perpitnal Ii :inclii ." to Hie i ii 1 1 1 1 :! compaiiy if II Is i!ianled. lint Ills ivinail.s fill on ih al fins ami did not cliflt any c xplan.tlioii. Kocnier asii'-il If any one knew when ..Main stivet had hern cleaned under Hie pifsiiil conliail and lor I r n City and Its People." was Hi-' siibh'i I of .lp ! ;e Caple's I a Hi lit I ie Men's ('Inh supper, r'vcii at t!.o Y. l ('. A t'o'ipi.i Weilne iilay evcnl'u;. Th" nit -it t of plat '.s wan Unilleil to I. "i'i an t all were lal;en. Iltiriitfc Hif ".fpli.i; a proiyain. Iiifludlni! vocal Selel'llolfi by !j;s 1 1 11 Tc I i ! lll( vllllill ' nlos bv ,lr A tiie,"son wee rendered.: 'I'ii" nf: iir was vet 'd a j;:'"at success. II wa.i the lirt of a s.'i ii'.i of snppi"'H II. al Mil he Kivcti Hiis winter nn ler , Hie aiiii.ih iM ol Ihe .Men's Clnh of lin." I i i si l "i iiik ii":ni ittii I church. j A. lv .bines ti ml Mary Moore, both of Cains, we.'e tim;i in niarriu1!" by i Hev. P. K. llam.nioiiil Wflnesday all 'itioon i, SI, P.ml'.s Kplscopal church In llil.; city. The ceremony was . lines-.!',! by p. A. V'lilreloucti and! Mrs. P. K llaiiiinoinl Mr. and Mrs.) loti", will resile ill Cams w here the! i.'i'noiii la a slice".-- nil yonni; farmer, j I tv Hie v.ny. lie Is also C'lrrespondent to Ihe Knf'tpi lse at Cains and with I the help of his hotter half, Mr. Jones iiy e ovu'JV'd o ; i-e;.-esi'i,t the fains iiei!.;hiioi hood, even heller, Ifi thai Is possible, than he has In the nasi. T!ie ICnlerpilse wishes Mr. and Mrs. Jones prosperity ami happiness in Ini'M" quantities. Moons, and It was decided to f'ir.Iitoi" the ilnv's limerum Mu'nii j!i Hie cvenlii'! when Mr. Moores would M '"' o..i..... a ......K.iinni.. ii... i f anradi 1 arrive Itoin Salem. Accordingly Hie iiK'-p.liers of Hie clnh. arco'npaniei', liy their husband and a few invited friends. Bsscmbled nl the Curry lioi.ie In H venli'i! and proceede.l to a thoroiKh enjoyment ol the ocision In Hie came ol '."." ". Miss ,:i. i.k wi'er and Mr. Moores won first prii'es and In a mai;a.lne Kiies::iii'C ami 'st Hie rewards went to Miss Coiioan and Mr. Sominer. Afler a d-dicn ,is luncheon had been ilisciissed. Mr. and Mrs. Moores were appropriately cis tnnied and the marriin:e tvreni'iiv of more than twenty years ni!i with .l!lit tnodiricnlions. was ik-pealed by Kecorder llnice Cnrry. til alter company disbanded after cxtendin,; ! coiiKrat nl.it ion.s tn Mr. and Mrs. .Moores and wishing f:r thein many .nore such happ")' anniversaries and assuring Ms' and Mrs. Curry and the! nieiiihers of the Dickens Chili of hav-1 UiK passed a most delightful evenm!! "EAILEV GAT2CRT' "DALLE6 CITY" "REGULATOR" "METLAKO" "SADIE B." fitr. 'Ti.-iMcy Gatz.-rt" leave Portlani 7 A. M. Mnndays. Wedni-ti'lHys and Kri ilayti; Iruvia The Dnllo 7 A. it Tur davs. ThiiHrrdaya and Saurday. Sir. "I!i Kulator" li-avi a Portland T A. M. TueMlaya, Thurrdayi and Saturdays; li'uus Ihe t'allis 7 A. M. Munduya, Wnliienl.tys and Krldayn. fii ani. ii Imvlnic Portland make dally H. & N. train for Ci.jl.h ndale and Klickitat Yallt-y filllllH. C. H & N. tialn Uavpi Cohb-ndale on Men, lava, V,-,lni- layi and Krldaya at S.ao A. M , making connection with simmer 'Ki'tfulator" for Portland and way points. ' C. K. it N. train Iravof Cnldnndala on Tiitmlaya. Tliurmlaya and Baturduya at j n .in A. M . connt-ctlitK at Tyle with I niinnii r "ShiIIp It." for Th Dallei. con j in c tun; time with O. R. & N. Ualna i Kant and Went, I Sir. "?tidie U." Ifavtv Caitcade Locka daily (ni'ipt Sunday) at 7 A. hi (or TIi I 'nil. mid way polnta; arrive at 11 A. The Dalle P. M., arrive Can, ode Uk Iii 6 P. M. .Mi sis Bi-i ved on all (tiamer. fine accomntiHlation for team and WHKona. building at Portland at Alder Street DocK. H. C. CAMPBELX Manasar. len. Oflie. Portland. Orcifon. THREE TRAIN TO THE EAST -- - DAILY -- i is Thniimh pullinitn atandard and"Tour- IIt ii".. Cio-i v It uiu ii.it im ' " ' l'"'B ""iiy in uuiHiia, . nteatco. Him" ( in,). It was not utl-j s I leuiln alcnlnn do-, dniiv i ti!bln.li;':it Hint Hie merry I Kan.-ns City; throiiKh Pullman tourlat llif cuts IIH'lfnllHlly conducted) lv lo.l liii iin,., Kansas Cltv. reclln. Ini! clialts (m-uta free to the east daily.) til, 'ipii w. i kl; Sotue cvettlii'is ni!o It few- friends of Mr and Mrs.. C. II. Monres met In' their obi new home to welcome them i Illicit to Salem. Allhoti'ili the nint lv j men were not in full dress nor the ladies tleeollftli it Is worthy nf men- j lion it) Hie social column for it was an 1'vetiltn! of pleasant ') and abund ant recollections of old school days. I when the Hour of the homo was press- I ed by many a yinMiK fool llcht In the hope of youth and its happiness, it was a real surprise mi far as the1 hostess was concerned, unit partially mi In the host, who was RttetnliiiK' i "prayer nteetiiit!" where a duly ap , poinlt'tl deh ualion loiind lilm and brought him home to his housefull of . li'iends. There wero cut .Is. old photo-' ! uraplis were gotten out, ami there I were hundreds of them, anil much : InuKhliiK when falheis iiiul mothers,1 Igraiiilfathera and BiaiKlinothers of this CASTOR I A For Iufants and Chiliiren. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Signature of 7 HOURS Portland to Chicago No Change of Cars. 7Q Depart. ChlcaKo I'm nun J Spi ctul H.lu a. m Atlantic l-:xiresa 8:15 p. m. Time Schedules. Atatvi .-alt lake. Denver. 1 1. oi Hi, Omaha, I Kansas City, Si. 5:25 P m. Units, Chicago and h)iu,u . i Salt I -ake. Denver, Kl. Worth. Omaha. Krisa I'lfv 1, via. Ilunt-i I ,. rhi.M1.:, Intiton. i BuBt. 8:0u a m. Brick for Sale I have on lniml jjooii btiihlitie; hriclnrfor sale at Crescent Btick Yanl on the A be r n e,t h y. G. M. B. JONES Hanager. 1 8t. Paul .-... i i.- iii; " unt una. iw ! J n,'.t ' Ixt.m. R,K.k,ine, Win-! ' i 1 i neaiKin. Mt. Paul, 7.15 a m. via ti0- Pultun, Milwaukee,: kane. v-tiicatio ana fcADUj ocean and River Schedule I For San Franclnco Every live day t p. m. For Astoria, way noiiim and : North Heach I'ally (except gutidav) at i 8 p. tn.; Saturday at 10 p. in. Dally ; nervli-e (water permitting) on WUlam- eite and Yamhill river. I For it.t ii n.l i., f... . i,. m ....... 1 berth 'enervation, etc.. call or writ t i your neait-at ticket apent, or , I A. U CRAIU, ' i nndi t . 1 . I " 1 " " r Hi"-nt(er AKrili. The Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Co, Portland, OreRiin.