PACE 4. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1904. Oregon City Enterprise CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. OFFICIAL Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates: One year $1.50 Six months 75 Trial subscription, two months.'. 5 Advertising rates on application. Subscribers will And the date of ex plration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If this is not changed within two weeks after a only the price of liberty, but it is payment, kindly notify us. and the the price of every other good thins. SOME VALUABLE ADVICE. The attached clipping Is taken" from The Philistine, in which It was pub lished under the caption "Heart to Heart Talks With Fhtllstlana by the Pastor of his Flock." It Is reprinted in the Enterprise en the suggestion of the manager of Oregon City's largest manufacturing Institution, and Is as follows: "A bis business Is a steamship hound for a port called Success. It takes a large force of men to operate this boat. Klernal vigilance is not It might be remarked that there are be another Kanxaslte among the Ha great many uch elector In Clack-1 tetter who was not to be outdone, amas county, who at the election next month will vote for a man for Presi dent whose name begins with the let ter "R." o i'iiiiiik me ji-nr 01 I i:mhi 1)1 ors the less than $10,000 receipts of the city of Oregon City, came from saloon licenses. Klliiilnate the saloon and the Indebtedness of the municipality He remembered very distinctly of one year In that state when he devoted some acreage to the raising of this product. It was not an unusual year for pumpkins either, but he said that lumber was exceedingly high Mint year so, with the assistance of neigh- he hauled one of the average matter will receive our attention. Entered at the post office at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. vince the Jury of his Innocence. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1904 including steamboating. "To keep this steamship moving, the captain requires the assistance of t hundreds of people who have a single aim one purpose a desire to do the The revenue derived annually from right thing and the best thing In order saloon license alone. In the city of that the ship shall move steadily, Oregon City Is suftlcUmt to meet the surely and safely on her course. j Interest payments on the city's In "Curiously enough, there are men detitednoss. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For President: THEODORE ROOSEVELT Of New York. For Vice President: CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS Of Indiana. Presidential Electors: 1. N. Hart, of Polk. G. B. Dimick, of Clackamas. A. C. Hough, of Josephine. J. A. Fee, of Umatilla. as Judge In place of suld A 11. Country man. In the matter of the claim of IS. Worthlngton for damages to horse by reason of a nail taken up on county road: Ordered that said claim of be taken under advisement for further Information. In the mattdr of the claim of Win sized pumpkins to a convenient site, Melvmald -for l.'.uoil for damages to and having removed Its contents, oc- olf and team, on count v road; cupled the shell as a dwelling, llelng ordered that said matter he taken a little short of room for the accom-1 under advisement until further in- modation of the large family, he went ! fiU'tniit I til lu luiil must Increase or the tax levy for city i to the pumpkin patch and brought ; In the matter ..r claim of Constable purposes must be doubled. lone of the smallest yellow faced pro- Kelso for capture ami care of a man o J ducts along side the house and occn-j ni n, rl ,,r sheriff Word of That Haker county man who shot ' ,,I,M' !'.""' "i " ,UI,,h,"n' TI,,M i Multnomah County; mat iwm r count) man who snot s mori, ,,, ,,, ,.,,,, ,,mi- , , , and fatally wounded his mother -In-1 rleator had bargained for. lie de-!,;,, ' ' " '"" r,"",", law, whom he mistook for a burglar. I camped at once leaving the Meld to the j t', mHl,,r of claim or .Instl. f will have a doubly hard time to con-1 "m" fl'"1" K""" I the Peace and Constable of Washing CLACKAMAS COUNTY COURT. ZU :'" """" Ordered that said claims be tllsal- constantly falling overboard, men who fall overboard are These I Bullion Traniacted at Rtgular Octobor ( )IWI,, In the matter of the petition of vol , . ., .. . ,, : ers that the iinesllon of sale of lliiuiU K In the matter of repairs ,e Hull j , ,M,.Uailm., r,llmIV M1V ,,'. Hun bridge near Pipe Line. milled to voters at election' h. he held Ordered that there be appropriated on the Nth ilav of November.' 1!I04 : ttie sum ol li.iil, provided the I'oit It appearing tluit petitions signed land Winter Commission and others by more than ten per cent of regis Interested pay the balance, to be paid tered voters of Clackamas county have omeuil nailot at the November elec tion. alwavsi If you believe in Prohibition In cautioned to keen awav from dumrer- Clackamas ountv. vote affirmatively ous places, still there are those who 'on the Uk-hI Option question on the!,1,v "" completion to satisfaction of , been llle.l . . .. . . . cotintv court. " Is orderei Ueligiit in taking risks. These Indi viduals who fall off. and cling to float ing spars, or are picked up by passing craft, usually declare that they were "discharged." They say the Captain or the Mate or their comrades had It in for them. "I am Inclined to think that no man was ever "discharged" from a suc- Tikc cold easily? Throat lender? Lungs weak? Any relatives have consumption? Then a couch means a great Cherry Pectoral deal to you. Follow your doctor's advice and take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents. for 40 yoirt I tiava riiiUt un Arsr'i Choir --lrl fur omigli. anl , I aium II m .! I V toHtKllitiit Inn,-. " Mm. P. A. UullkSiik. Julius Mu h. .lllltVt.t,. for J c Vlli i n . !,... II M,. Weak Lungs Ayor'a Pllla Increase the activity of th liver, and thus aid recovery. I that the same he sub- SUCCESSFUL GRANGE FAIRS. Barlow Grangers Could Not Accom modate Large Attendance. One of the most successful Grange fairs ever held In Clackamas county. a..i..i ....... . , i; iwus urn oi nit- i nt- uri i v nil i cessful conce,n-he d.scharges him- (, (lf ,,.,, ,, Krl(, ;, self. "When a man quits his work, say oiling the engine or scrubbing the I Saturday. So large was the attend- T, ii.., ,u.,r ,,r u,.Ko..i,,n.. ..r f i milled to the Voters of this coimtv nt A livers and others for graveling road , '" ''"" '' M, on the Ml. day j ""' ,nr" '';' from Pavoren's to Rock Creek bridge; , f November. I'.ml. jrinrdy f,.r a I th.,..t and una Ordered referred to County Judge to ascertain cost, and best way to per form same. I In the matter of property purchased by County at tax sales of IS'.iS. IS'.c.t : and VMM; Ssloon Llcana. Niillfi- la hereby glvi-ll Hint I will up- lev Ut 111,' IHXt nil'lllllS ilf , ry muull fur a rrm-wal of my uloon II- I cr-nse ill my pn-tH-tit pine,. tiimllKaa. Ordered that anv property nun-has- '" r.lahth etri-ri n.i- Main Hun t. ed by County at said sales, for which! K. MATTIIIKH. no bids were received by Sheriff at H-rt Irks'i I'lff'tiO rrnta anil II. Oiiniantrri) hy 1 1 1 w 1 1 ft Jnllrk, illUKKlklk. Tllul Ult Ih-s fn- insufllcient for many of the visitors ...t... ...... 1. 1.. ... ...........I..... i.A deck, and leans over theMde calling 7" . " J . "3. V.,. r.w to outsiders, explaining what a bum wa.s surprisingly large considering boat he Is aboard of, how bad the food j that the season was not the best. Is. and what a fool there is for a Cap- Tne two days' session r luded with t ,i h. ro.iiu- i..,. hi, ,..!. i I 8 dance Saturday evening the tirauge Robbtd lh( Grsvt. A ntai tlluK liu-liltiit I nanatrd ty JhIiii nihrr t,f riillaili'lilils, fiiluws: "t wna In an awful rutullllnn. My kln wan ii I mix I yrllnW, ryn kinikcn. Intigw A Ortat Santatlon. rnnitil. pnln I'lmllniiitlly In bark and ance that the accommodations weie I "" amount paid by the County Thrr- w. . bi .. n.atl..,, I:, I,. .-j " . ', .7" " said property and IM per cent ml '' . nrn v. u. nmrii er tbst, ' " - dltlonal. the sheriff shall sell same to wa rxprrtrj t.i db Ii . I lila , '' 1 ,,,' 1 ,u Kl.c-tilo parties offering same. ! avrd by Pr. Klns'a N. w 1 .im ie ,. y In the matter of property on which for ',"i"l'tln lti writ-j. I ,-n.inrrd sales shnll upon payment to the slier-1 until he falls Into the yeasty deep. There is no one to blame but himself. ! yet probably you will have hard work to make him understand this little point. "When a man is told to do a certain However Judge Parker's letter of thing, and there leaps to his lips or JUDGE PARKER'S "ERRATA. acceptance may have been received by his party and by the country, it is certain that he himself was not sat isfied with it, as after taking two months to compose it he was fran tically correcting it up to the time it went to press all over the country. As the general public may not un derstand, a lung document like this which Its promulgator desires to ap pear simultaneously in the press of the country is printed and distrib uted through the Associated Press several days in advance, under an Injunction not to print It until a cer tain day. Judge Parker's letter was distributed in this way, and the print ed copies for a day or two before the letter was printed last Monday. Documents that are distributed in this way are supposed to be as per fect as the authors of them can make them, and probably there never be fore was a political paper which had tb be corrected after it was given to the press in this way. Judge Parker was the first public man who after spending sixty anx ious days and sleepless nights over a pronunciamento could not get it into shape to suit him, and was com pelled to follow it with desparing er rata until the roar of the printing press warned him that it had gone beyond recall. These changes were more remark able for their number than for their Importance. Indeed, the significant thing about them was their trival character, considering his anxiety to have them made. He wanted "di vision" changed to "divisions" and "founders" into "framers." For "the Dingley act itself" he wished to sub stitute "the fourth section of tha Dingley act," and for "of" he wanted "this section of." He wanted "the reciprocity clauses" stricken out and "this section" inserted. He wanted "eight" instead of "nine" and 'forty" Instead of "seventy" and so on. He craved over twenty of these cor rections, and, no doubt, would have craved as many more if there had been time. ! The only explanation possible of these endless corrections is that Judge Parker was frightened or nervous over his paper. Thls is no great wonder, for he was confronted with many difficulties. The Repub-! lican party i- ii possession of most of the public policies that are worth anything, and there was nothing left to Judge Parkexcept to pick flaws in them and restate them. He did not venture to condemn them. His task was one of straddling and eva sion, and the situation was so un favorable for that sort of writing that he was like a mediaeval martyr walking over heated plow'sheares. This was all the more hazardous because he was not at all familiar i with the subject matter of his paper. I , In such circumstances It even to his heart, the formula. "I wasn't hired to do that," he is stand ing upon a greased plank that in clines toward the sea. When the plank is tilted to a proper angle, he goes to Davy Jones' locker, ami no body tilts the fatal plank but the man himself. "And the way this plank Is tilted is clearing aout $70 from Its fir 1-ast Saturday, the members of Warner C range No. 117. held their annual fair at New Kra. The at tendance was gixnl and there was unite an exhibit of farm products. Among the features was a baby show which elicited great Interest, espec ially among the Imtnedlute cliam-' pions of the respective contestants. your New IMaenvpry aav- inn li'iiu-dlnli' ! relief and aeon tlii'irufl.T r -! d a rimipli'tK cum," Similar curra of Can- unii'tlon, riiriimnnln. Ilronrtittla and CAVE-IN RESULTS FATALLY. T. Robinson, a Contractor, Buried Be neath Quantity of Earth. T. Kolmson. a transient contractor, was caught by a cave In and killed in this city Monday afternoon. Robinson, with a gang of men. was this : the man takes more Interest in I constructing a drainage ditch in the passing craft and what is eoinit on on -V8ra ,n l,r 'nois J" "'"low land, than in doing his work on board ship. ! Green Point. The ditch had been sunk to a depth of about sixteen feet and it was there that the men were "So I repeat: no man employed by working when without a nnmieiil's a successful soncem was ever dis- warning, the soft sand at the has . . . .. . . of the ditch gave way, and the side ...... B.. ., ..u -u "" '". i cnI1Ill)1,.( (, ratchlng Hoblnson who , ,.,.pte, and supervisor be Instructed get on the greased plank ami then ; was ,llrit b.-n.-ath several tons of I i have same rurr out and hhI.I taxes of the years 1 s:. and K.u; were , hiaufreiilde nti'iiil. fr,m, Aaihin.t but not paid nor property bid lu by Coun ty or other person ; Ordered that the Sheriff cancel tax es against any property on delinquent rolls of IStt.l and ls'.ir,. and which was not sold at delinquent tax sales ujhui payment of tax charged against said property. In the matter of the Improvement of Good bridge ami Canity road: Ordered thnt Supervisor of road dis trict 17 be Instructed to gravel this mad provided that the City Council of Canity first agree that If Canity Is entitled to the mad taxes collected within city limits that cost of gravel ing road be deducted from and paid out of said road taxes. In the matter of the claim of city of Canity for road taxes collected within city limits: Ordered that this matter be referred to District attorney for opinion. In the matter of im-i It inti of H. C. (Ill more and others for county road: Ordered referred to District Attor ney for opinion. In the mutter of subscription and petition of W. J. -wellen and others t for Sprlngwator ami Kstacada road: Ordered that subscription be ac Uuti-ia; lii my ch-M Joy, llm lliat buttle liimti- a dw-ttlt'il tuqt(ovriti-ut. 1 con lb, Ir nan for thrrv wn-ka. ant am now n Wi ll mini. I Itnuw tlii-y rubbrd tha wor uf niinlhrr vb llnt." Nil unit almulit full lo try Ihi-ni. duly 60 i-mla. guiuan-ti-i'd at lliiwill St Jiiiu-a. Ut uiiiilata. give it a tilt to starboard. , earth. Another workman narrow ly I supervisor Is authorized to expend a fjett-r get off from it, and quickly, too. "Loyalty is the thing faith!" If you are on a greased plank, you escaped the fate of Koblnson. siitn to complete said mad not to ex- Koninson s norritieii companions ; eeed i;nii. set to work at once to the rescue of In the matter of the petition of H their friend, but life was extinct .fucnues for license to sell liquors at 0 ! when after ninety minutes of hard Oswego: labor the body was recovered. Coro- Ordered that license be issued to If you think that 8') per cent of nt;r lman was promptly notified j said Jacques to sell liquors at Os the people of the county, who have no following the cave-In und assisted In i wego for one year saloons in their respective localities. ' the recovery of the body. That of-j In the matter of I-wis A Clark ex should have the right to say by their fl'lal l"c,i,k"! ""I"'1 wa l'"'".-. , ueain nawug neen purely ac-i following committee was naineii to ' ' ' w 4- 4 4 We Have Said: To please our customers Is our beit advertisement. WE PLEASE YOU Hv iiffrring tniart up-to-date gouda for no little tiiuiirv. Throughout our entire ktore we are connUntly oilmen good valuca. it lua Ix-cn a trade winner with ua. LADIES' UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY Wr hve made a grrat alioMing in thrtc two linra this fall. "Such ;niii VM.rKM and so i iihuh" o aay ttaoac ho have aliraily purchaat-d, None ts-tlcr than our heavy ribbed garment! at Jjc. None l-ttcr than our wool cmbtnerc hooe at Jjc. DRESS GOODS It it pleasing to ee no many pn-tty dmigiia a we are hon . ing. We ure hovting a large ktoi k ami frt l ante we tau wttisfy your tante in tliia line They are cheap enough. Do Hot overlook our swell line of Juckrta mid readv-towear SkirK Tui aeaion'a y,unnriita arc etciiilly well. THE FAIR 3 Doora from Pott Office cideii'al. Koliinson was about votes whether or not a saloon shall be maintained in any of the Oregon ! City wards, vote for Iical Option on i age and uniilarried. He was a Strang November 8th. But if you think that r j" ,ll"s,' l",rts ll,tl,; k,"lttn , , , , . of him except that he has a brother it should be exclusively reserved to n N,.w Mexlro . mvns ,. each precinct to determine whether , Htead In the state'of Washington and or not a saloon shall be conducted 1 was known to have on deposit a sum within its borders, it is vour duty to : "f money in a Portland bank. , . ... An unusual thing is related In con- vote aga nst th s proh bitive measure ' . " . ' , ' ne. tion with Mondav s accident. Only as it is proposed under the guise of a f,.w ,avK b,.for,., Koblnson in dis- j have charge of county exhibit at said years of I exiMisltloti: Abernatliy. II. Iv Cross: Harlow. W. W. Jesse; Heaver Creek. Frank Jagger Hullrun. A. Aschoff; Horlngs, James Knots; Canity, C. N. Walt; Caneiiiali. A. W. France; Cascades, Haul Melnlg; Canyon Creek, Win. Honney; Cher ryville. Win. Welch; Clackamas. Mrs. Gongelbach ; Damascus. A. W. Cook; Eagle Creek. J. Kf Fly: Garfield. J. J. Davis; George. Mans Paulsen: Hard- Local Option. Clackamas County now cussing with his no-n the liability of j ing. J. O. livers; Highland. M. Handle; has Local Option but the radical Pro cave-ins, in all sorts of excavation i Killen. Gilbert Hobblns; Mackshtirg. l, ,, ,.u .,.,, , i,, i,, i work, declared that he believed in the ! J. II. Mitts; Maple Lane. C. W. Swal- hibltionists wish to substitute the , . , . , ' theory of predestination, in that he Mow; Milk ( reek, Mrs. C. T. Howard; medicine and give us straight Pro- , r.msj,i,,r,,,i that "every man has his j Milwaukle. John H. Klsley; Marquam, hibition. Will you accett the substl- j turn" ami when an Individual's time Harton Jack; Molalla. Dr. J. W. came, death would overtake him In i lltomas; .Needy, II. t. Smith; New spite of all the precautions he might! Kra, George Randall: Oregon City 0 employ to prevent that result. No. 1. F. T. Grlfllth: Oregon City No. Even our Democratic friend, the! - K- K- Hrodle; Oregon City No. 3, Courier editor, admits a materially OREGON TAKES GRAND PRIZE, j p,,a''nnt "niTl'.' ' A' I!"' To'd'df 'g'oda ' improved condition in the finances of ! ! Springs. F. Mel'aran : Snrln'gwater. : tution? I'rice.s keasonable Work Guaranteed LET US Do Your Work U'e tlo a (leiienil Uiw.iw nml Tru sfer Hushiccs. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Ollicu Ojiposite Mnsonio lliiildii Williams Bros. Transfer Co. 'lVlepleilier Ollii-H 1121 Residence !8:U ft Ciackamas county. During the cam paign last June he repeatedly alleged that the county's indebtedness was $200,000 and In a recent issue he pub lishes statistics showing a I Exhibit From This State Receives I Many Gold and Silver Medals. debtedness of only $107,000. Accept- The Oregon exhibit at St. Iaiis : has been awarded a number of gold total in-1 n"''lalH ari11 one grand prize. For tne exploit in the agricultural de partment, Oregon received the grand ing the Courier's own figures, a re-1 prize for the grain and grass exhibit, duction of $93,000 in the county's oh-1 and for other articles in this depart ligations in six months under a Re-'t was awarded 3.'. gold medals, . ,. iii.., i . i i 41 silver medals, and T.l bronze med- publiean administration is not bjicIi ! a bad record after all. In the fisherv exhibit Oregon kih : . . ." . . ..." . ,, ! " Pari or W. J. U-wellen; Tualatin, T. I.. Turn-j er; t'nlon, J. S. Vaughan; Viola, Geo.1 Armstrong; West Oregon City, U. L. j Porter. j In the matter of petition of H. ('. Ollmore ami others for county road i within city limits of Canby; ! Th District Attorney rendering an 1 opinion that County Court has no Jur Isdlction In tin- matter, the petition is! denied. j In the matter of the petition of Peter Rath and others for vacation "Rath Road "; A single pumpkin vine at Oregon City, In defiance of the dryest season that Oreogn has experienced for many years, produced eight perfect pump kins ranging from eighteen t- twenty six inches in diameter. I'osey County, Indiana, whose record as a prolific producer of this pioneer pie fruit was formerly unchallenged, will hardly en ter the lists against Clackamas coun- I awarded nine gold medals, four sll- 1 ver and one bronze medal. i I .t... .1 ...... .. .... ... r- . ... u.e .,.-,,. u o. r ...e.,..,, , th lnat.r f )(.t,n of Jin Oregon received six gold medals, ..,,,, v t : a it f,.- i v, o nil vi-i ani l o nioii.t- iiieiidin. Ordered that said part of the Rath triad be and Is hereby vacated. i OREGON CITY PLANING MILL : ; All kinds of Building F. S. BAKER PROP. Material, Sash, Dimiih Moulding, JOtc. - - OREGON CITY, ORE. merit of funeral expenses of King How hall, indigent soldier; , . Ordered that this matter be taken under advisement for further Infor-1 mat Ion.- ! In the matter of the petition of John Gllmon relative to Hlcyele Path 1 in City ttf Milwaukle; i Speaking about Large Pumpkins. . The District Attorney rendering an In the education exhibit Oregon was awarded one gold medal, one silver and bronze medal. A number of other claims ap pending for more medals In these departments. Anionic other things. Oregon Citv has opinion that County Court has no ty, Oregon, after this showing of what h champion liars. I'nlike the jurisdiction in matter, said petition Is the latter can do in pumpkin-growing greater number of Its products, what denied. ; in an off season Oregonian rnay ,,e considered the bent, frequent-: In the matter of the repairs to ly finds his peer. This was evidenced bridge over the Sandy River near o i In a conversation that txtk place In a P'l" I-it"'; , , . .. . ,, , 'local barber-shop the other evening.! The Portland Water Commission, Convincing and effective should be . (,)nverKa.l(m arK, tne Klectrlc Company having an- was no , the protest against the adoption of gested Uy an item that appeared in cepted the proposition of county to 1 wonder that the compositor of his Prohibition in this county, made by the Oregonian with reference to a ' renew the entire wood work of bridge , letter was to Judge Parker a tread-1 the business and professional men of "Ingle pumpkin-vine In the yard of 'he cist not to exceed $750 'to the hv nle-ht r,, n, ,...,a.,i uol.i W. H. Howell, in this city, which con- county. 11 Is ordered that said agree-I by night, Oregon City, representing smeral of ... ' . ,.,.. rn,v , ,,ov i the substantial taxpayers of the com- collrHei that was not a circumstance old lumber and supervisor to take ! munlty. In a day such a protest was to what the champion liar had per- charge of same. signed by more than fifty of the Iea1- sonally witnessed while residing In In the matter of resignation of A. B. Kansas, lie stateri mat one year he countryman as judge oi election ai raised a pumpkin that welgtied 600 Canyon t reek precinct; Ordered that said resignation be ac mill by day and a nightmare and that he corrected It, without im proving it, or tried to do so, until the cry of the newsboy under his win dow warned him that his production was already in the bands of the pub licChicago Chronicle. ing u.'dness men of the city. ooiinds. Of course, no one Questioned Speaking about "sane" Democrats tDft statement, but there happened to cepted and Joseph Carlson appointed 0 Oregon City Machine Shop PHILIPP BUCKLEIN, PROPRIETOR f Twelfth and Main Streets Oregon City, Oregon