PAGE 4. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1904. Oregon City Enterprise CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. OFFICIAL Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates: One year $1-50 Sn months . . . '. "5 Trial subscription, two months.. 25 Advertising rates on application. Subscribers will find the date o( ex piration stamped ou their papers fol lowing their name. If this is not changed within two weeks after a payment, kindly notify us. and the matter will receive our attention. Watch Clackamas. I A coiuneteiit general committee j has been named and'-with the enthti-' Mastic interest that has been taken , in the project by the farmers an pro-! thtcers from every sectiou of the in the project by the farmers and pro-; diet that Olackumas eouuty's Inter-' ests will be tlioronshly represented 1 and zealously advtM-ated at the i;h5 ' Fair. I i Entered at the postoffice at Oregon City. Oregon, as second-class matter. WOULD. GRANT FRANCHISE ANY- si WAY. It is dearly evident that six of the nine members of the city council are determined to pass the ordinance now I under consideration by the terms of I'nder present conditions, a saloon can be established In any precinct only when a petition, signed by majority of the legal voters of that ; precinct. Is presented to the county 1 court. A remonstrance, having the same representation, defeats the np- j plication lor a saloon license for any particular locality. Could anything' more fair be asked? j The saloon, may therefore, be con-. sidered REPORTS ARE MADE ill I Clack- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 19C4. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For President: THEODORE ROOSEVELT Of New York. For Vice President: CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS Of Indian. Presidential Electors: J. N. Hart, of Polk. G. B. Dimick, of Clackamas. ' A. C. Hough, of Josephine. J. A. Fee. of Umatilla. a necessary evil. And in con- Merino tins ouestum, mere Is a J business aspect to the situation. Take , for instance Oregon City. Last year the aggregate of the receipts of the , city was alumt $;mii and of that : amount $ 4I'i0 came from saloon II I licenses. In other words, eliminate the which a perpetual franchise is given , si,Kin fnnn Oregon City and the tax the Southern 1'acille Company to Kail- j ,,vv ,,- ,his municipality must be road Avenue, an unending franchise ' tUtiittlt-.I In order to produce the same not only to the rights now enjoyed, revenue. While the subject is not to but additional rights as to constrgc-1 1, considered alone from a business tion of tracks and practically undis- j ,,im i vow slin tK, rvsult 0f re puted possession of Railroad Avenue. ll(; i,v tilty iier cent the revenue The railroad company's representa-;f muuicipallty that has an Indebt ttws have dictated or caused to boldness npiiMiinating $HH.iM0 and Is amended to their own satisfaction Ihe 'already making tin maximum tax ordinance as it Is now pending before ,.vv s , ditllcult to torsee. the council and it seems as though the I o OFFICIALS SHOW CONDITION OF COUNTY'S FINANCES, Indebtedness ot Vtr Ago It Reduced Current Expenses arc Increasing. time had arrived for the members of i presbytery the council to assert themselves In ' the premises and secure to the city remunerative values for the valuable concession.! proposed to be made. ;y ,,,.v ,,f At Monday night's meeting, the cit- j Fan i this b.en's committee certainly relieved it self of the odium that has been cred ited to the members of that committee who have been charged with being actuated in their opxsition to the franchise entirely because of their hostility to the South Knd Road. It suggested to the council that the matter of providing the underground subway crossings be eliminated from i the franchise, that the cost of install DISSOLVE RELATIONS I Rev. F. H. Mixsell It Relieved ot Pastor ate of Presbyterian Church. the Pivshy tcry. held at vok. the pastoral rela tions cXistlllK letveen ltev. Frank 11. Mlcll and lite First I'rcshvlertuii i hutch i'f tills city Well' dissolved. The resolu tion adopted ly the I t .-shy tery nnd pro viding tor tins dissolution also, made oth, r provision as follows: That the pi. Sent ehlers of the church eeiise to .let. Slleh aetion to lie efTeclive Oetolier ;!1 : that R.v. Henry Marcnlte have chamc of the eoni;reu.itional ineetinit io eleet Hew elders, find to .let as model. dor of the ehureh session until the next ineet- I In k of the I'feshv terv III April, l'ni'i. ill i The Kntei pi Ise was delayed this week ! I'ccansc of preparing for puhlleatlon lla1 j semi-annual report of the county oltl , ccr. The IVpnilH Which will he found nil I pare 5. lev ml an improved tlnauelal con 'dltlon In county arfalis. While the ix : peases of the eotluty are gradually In- el , using I'eeallse of a resntnpt loll of road Improvement woik throughout the ! i ou'lll v , the net hldchtiilllfS of the enmity has been redlleed In the last tweh e months, j III llct.ilier, I'.UU. the total Indebtedness ; of the enmity was $1 1 l.'.ttut. VI and at this time I In- liabilities of the eoiiniv aUKie- li;atc JIHT.:'.'7 PI The I . it 1 1 of nnlMlailillllK , warrants Is JI'.MOnl n.' for the payment j of whteh their Is easli mi hand and rsit ! mated iiupaiil taxes appllealde to the ! amount of JUi.T7:i '-. Ttae cm rent ex penses of the eonnty are l ien aslnii For the last six month:' the enmity ; government cost iiii.hui to, as ai:aiu-it - .'' .VH V" for the preeedlmt six tumuli, j and $.1'.!'."i.7l' for Hie eorrespondluK half- ! , v ear In t'.ni.l j Treamier t'ahlH s ivpnit shows t'a IfollowlPK balances In the vuiinui f' 1 III Ills Keeping on I Ictnliel I: l.clici.ll fund. Ill '.'7:1 1'.. Itoad final. J Mils M. Illdlrent Soldier. .".'l '.IS : t'olllltv S. Ilool ruiid. J1 t. iir.ii :ii; State School fund. l M I .'in CilllIO Inn Unto. It Was disclosed lllnt lioth railroads an. I street railway me assessed at H (Ileal. 'I Vllluathill III t l.iek aulas iiniiity than In Mullnntiiah Hluilri MSSesseN tallltiail lit mile iiii.i sheet railway at :lMiu per mile wlille these i..i point Ions In Mult nomah enmity I'uy laxea on a valuation 1 of only limit) mid l.'imii, respectively per mile. 'Phis state of iitTali mmuesls to As sessor Nelson the need fur hoi. Una a eon venlluil nf the assessors of the xlati that It Millie e iluM.' IISSeSNIIiell! itf eoi poi iilons may lie had. l-'nr a iiiiinii. i of ,ears the ilHSessiiiN of the stale held I'Ollfeli 111'.' Hllllllallv hilt llle prai'llee WHS nhaiidoin il Assessor Ni Ison w ill aijllat" the hol.liim of tin s m milium attain for the good they ine eaitilde uf lining CLACKAMAS POMONA GRANGE. Fifth Degree Conferred on Large Claia of HuibaiHlnien, The i 'l.i. k, nuns I'uiiuly IMsirlet 'o molla IJnimte met Wednesday. Iletnliel I'.'. Willi rlaeklllll.lM ClallKe. 'ITle t IrtiligeH of the enmilv weie lepoited til lie III him id rendition ixeept III.ilili lilalIKe I'f Hot lug. whl.h apis ins l.i have got n of ex Isti and i "f 111 Ka e Tli. with Sel I j... .' n s ; ll.'t. k nee Mis W'nl.lo, slate i It I.e.iK ,.r it, i, .Kill e Slide I i I anee. We e Ml i seveial Implilni, l.lll.M f.ll.'llooll WuH lali.'ll lip till routine woil,. A line dliin.r left III el , IllHSter ehl and a. IV j HUN ' Ayer's Doctors first prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over 60 years ieo. They use It today more than ever. They Cherry Pectoral rely upon it for colds, coughs, bronchitis, consumption. They will tell you how it heals inflamed limes. 1 hl a vrf tuil r.myh fur tlirr-e Teuri Tliiai I lrltt A vnr'i rl.rir, tel,,isl MTi.irs were euuu tinalrsl anil uiy eoujlt ittrpeil waT." MM. t'liat. Ilvtii. Ilnthrla Centra, ta. .V., hi,' . ft Wl. J e avKlieo. All ,l.,.,.li t tor Old Coughs Ono Aver' Pill at bedtime Insure lutjrnl notion next morning. II llle HIl' i p. .on til III tile . i th e i liuli s lor . Kilt.'Uei pel . I , I lllollon III ..III, ,1 iiii.illier y slK'led all 1 1. .11 d. "I' M ..( slleeeed llllll I esoliltlon was Uliaullllon ;.i Maple I.I, II f.r. olllilt tni- ui inula eal i led id. also Mitw. inkle I'VlKUt d W.IS t was made In nil K.ltMii I Mr I'os- and Mi I. , . .1 to Still kweatllel. lis tiller. Tile next I'oltlolia Will he ll.n.UlU tilanue. the act iiml III ,1 ll II 1 1 II I -. held with Wrdllesdii fnvoihiK an mitt p.rss law slv eiiMl.d. Win. Ile.od, '. tuu.i.llleed ,1 lesolllllolt i st.ll'llhlllUetll of pill ,e III Hi. n. ni I'm The resolution and He. in I, Slunk and Lewis PROPOSES BUILDING DRIVEWAY County Judge 190J Ryan Would Fair Vlntora. Entertain THE PEOPLE HAVE THEIR SAY. Tualatin Plain. rhnreh. Washington ins the subw ays ho expended in the i e.mnty. completion of the South Kml Iloail ' ieportln the ease the i ,., had ill T w. ..m.ih 1st. met ul. I he Klud ti eonnty eoint In I'lilldliiK i Inter and s dihi t ' i ly." i'St the Mult -euro Its us wav lelw said rmmty i'i re u.iiiii d a i-oitiinlttei. to t arry It Into ITeel In the I'Venlni; a laitje i-lass was Inl ! Hated III the lit! 1 1 deuiee. J lldlV ItMHI. W.I. I. .ii Hliiuiks iiiiil I'mf Mil 'mm weie 1IU1"IIK the 11 II 111 I ',-1 X 'llle I'M'lllllll llosed 'with an ex. ll.lit piuitiam In ehaiKe of n Robbed the Grave. A iiliiillliiK In. Id. lit In l .loliu i 'liver nf l'hilii'lelplilii. as flllllWS I w v hi mi awful i dllluti. Mv wir- almost velluw, i-yea nunketi, Iuiiieui eiiaiid, pain eoul liiiiully In Imek and allien, no iippellte, KlowlUK wi-uker d.iv l ila'. Thiee ihsli-lana hud itlven tn. up T in ll I was udvlsi'd to umk lOleelil. Him. in, in my iti' ul Joy, tin, llrsl l..,n:. made u il. elded linpi . i enieii I, I roil t luiii 1 their use for three weeks, iind am now it well mail. I know they n.l.l.ed ll.. Kiui nf iiimther letltn." Nu nnn should fall In try thein. Duly tit) rents, Kmoun-tei-.l ut Howell Junes, tlruKiflnta. The political pot is already seeth ing in Clackamas County. This st tte ment Is a positive fact although it is not generally known to the people of the county. Wires are being laid and schemes are in course of forma tion by which the few who have for years manipulated the affairs of Clackamas county to their own po litical advancement and pecuniary ad vantage, propose to retain the1 self- appropriated right to name candidates for office and control the affairs of city, county and state. In doing this these dictators do not recognize the Direct Primary Nomi nating Law which dots not contem plate perpetuating the- political boss in his dictatorial role. On the con trary, the measure which was so near ly unanimously endorsed by the people provides a different order. The power to name candidates for office, sug gest and modify legislation is vested entirely with the people. In view of the confidence that was expressed by the voters last June in the Direct Primary Law to properly regulate the making of nominations, it would seem that some of the poli ticians of Clackamas 'county had bet ter be somewhat cautious and not re port too much to political trickery in order to carry their point. The people may refuse to ratify nominations that smack too much of machine methods. CLACKAMAS WILL BE THERE. Clackamas county will have a not able exhibit of its resources at the Lewis & Clark Kair at Portland in 1905. The geographical location of the county with respect to the place of exhibition and the possibilities of the county along agricultural lines warrant the making of the exhibit which should be collected and dis played at nominal cost to the county. The management of the 1905 Fair agrees to purchase all county exhibits that are made at one-half their actual cost, provided the maximum amount to be allowed any one county shall not exceed $500. Much good will re sult to Clackamas county in a compre hensive exhibit of its products. In the absence of an energetic Board of Trade or other commercial body,, Clackamas county, of late years has received but little publicity and the benefits enjoyed by this locality in the way of extensive settlement of county by home-seekers have been correspondingly limited. It is, then, quite proper that some effort should be made to acquaint the Lewis and Clark Fair visitors with the fact that Clackamas county is not only on the map, but that, as one of the richest agricultural counties in the state, it offers exceptional opportunities to the industrious home-seeker. With an Intelligent exhibit of the resources of the county it will be found that the benefits that will follow will amply compensate all expenditures in that behalf. Judge Ryan is in receipt of a reso lution by the Lewis & Clark State Commission, appropriating the sum of $1,000, $500, $300 and $200 to the four counties making the best exhibit at the fair next year. This Is offered as premium money and is additional to the offer to re imburse each county $500 when it bas expended $1000. which would insure a good road prop erly constructed-the railroad com pany to receive in return a franchise fur twenty-five years. Hut this sug gestion did not appeal to the council, which, it is a safe guess, wilf pass the ordinance as presented and amended Monday night except the members of that body be legally en joined. This step will in all proba bility be taken by the members of the citizen's committee who are Just as determinedly opixised to the. granting of a perpetual franchise as are the I members of the council determined to give the railroad company such a ; franchise. Litigation is almost cer-! tain to ensue before the franchise is , finally dlsixised of and in that event ! followintl : j "The familiar story was attain threshed 1 out. that the yount; people rounerted Willi tlie tiretion tTty t'hureh upposed 'the proposal that It. v. Mr Mlx II should J leave to heeome an evaueellfui llllssion ' ary, and that the elders, representint; j the older element 111 the eontrreKatlon, , were williiiK that the minister should t;n i to another tield of in th ity i "It Is not known whether the star ji humher session was a stormy one or not, as tlie eleri. al party did not take the newspaper np n into their eoutidenee. hut fiom a report furnished last ttUht hy on.- of the ministers present at the meet- intt. iJie i vldi nei- he'nid was not of a dls- I am-e-ai'le nature. " Nothlnt: was said that .iffeeted the rharaeter of Itev. Mr. Mixsell or any of the ridels, or any one eonneeted with the Oregon tTty ehureh.' went nu this minister. 'The pn shyte-y stepped Into ,'k. "tfiii'h a dilvi--out mid eompleteil i 'lark Fair Is well iintllllled llle I' "It eollld easily lie rai v. rnvei inu hut It up the r, miss ion tTty the trauuhise iu the annual municipal election in December when a Mayor and three conncilmen are to be elected. o "The railroad company is a party Hie l.reaeh al the .rlKht tlnv. and has may lie iiade the issue i hi oinjlit the matter to an amieahle s. ttl. , tneni. ll'-lter to step In Just lloW, til-Ill 'wait until there Is any hair-piilllii';. jt'ertaill people ep, et''i some thiuK 1 1 1 s - attrei aide at the session, lint nothing . thin nature enme la-fore us. and the evi dence was quite a surprise. Tlie Ironlilo to this contract, in fact the first nartv. ! nn d a mall on.'. Hut we think that and has thus far had but little to say." ' ":mi" m" i'"""'"" l"l'"" I helielli'lal. both In I!eV. .Mr. .Mlxs.-ll and The foregoing is, to say the least an , ,, ,... ,, ..,. .,, unusual statement -for a meinbtjr of sell Is a yonne man and he run eaMlv a city council .to make. an appointment hi this or some oih a- . s nod.' " . 0 The following aie tindintts of the pres bytery: "After a e the faets pre is nothing iu Portland and i h-eKoi .1 1 1 lie.- liynn this we w.iv should he laid Let. lie tile I.ewlS . started lliAl ear." i aulas rulUlty JlldKe. of a eireiutous Itlm sides of the river. "The driveway eould extern West side of the Willamette llv hit: the suspension hi l,le nt Or and thellrr to I 'ill 1 1. 111. I either hy llle Mllwaukle load or up the t'laekamas llVer via ,he H.ltehelV. Ilelllltlful seen- ery is nfTeit d alont; sil.-h a route. A lookout station at Klk Km k. on the di viding hue of (he (Wo eoimtleS oil llle W'eSt Side. W"lli fllltllsll .111 l-Xet'lletlt VleW'-Milllt Jnl the touilsl. Kuell ll drive Would prove popular amoiit; visitius tn the l!i".'i Fair and would he a vety ma terial aid In ai .pialutint; ylsltois Willi the K'aud ii-iiinal s.-eneiy this seitlun ofT'-t s. a dilve the Willamette In almost eonst.inl vii w four suow-elad mountain mati hless srenery of tin- r rouhl also he nppree- DO WE WANT PROHIBITION? Next month the voters of Clack amas county will decide by their bal lots whether or nut we are to have prohibition in this county. As pre dicted last June, the adoption of the Local Option measure was but a step preliminary to introducing Prohibi tion in November. It has been derided by the Anti- Saloon people that the county and not the precinct shall constitute the unit in this county. The local tern- ireful consideration . "uti-. we llnd that the i Vld'-llee w hleh perance people proposed to conduct the fight making the precinct the unit but the State Prohibition Alli ance stole a march and secured the introduction and circulation of peti tions calling for a vote by tlie county. Clackamas county cannot be carried lor strict prohibition as Is proposed, : and that tin under the guise of Local Option. A '''' l'd'iish 'eat majority of the single precincts will go dry as they already are, but : it is extremely doubtful If a single i precinct in which a saloon Is now op erated will be carried by the pro-' hibition people. The saloon men contend that an undue advantage is taken by the Pro- hibition people in making the county rather than the precinct the unit for the reason that they have everything ; to gain and nothing to lose. When county is made the unitthen if pro- j hibition does not carry the county it will be enforced in such precincts as go dry. For this reason the liquor men insist that in a spirit of fair ness the precinct should be made the unit. There exists no valid objection from any source to submit- ); ting- the subject to a vote by precinct, j of The saloon-man favors such a plan, believing that it should rest with the precinct Itself whether liquor shall be dispensed within Its boundaries. Since Prohibition does not prohibit, It is a reasonable conclusion that a regularly licensed saloon, bonded to conduct an orderly business in com pliance with all legal requirements, should be tolerated In preference to the "blind pig" that experience has proven Is the centain product of the Introduction of Prohibition and the strict enforcement of its provisions. any wnv prejiidieial to the rnlnistrlal or eharaetej- or peisoiial standing of the li'-v, K. II. .Mixsell. nor pn-Jiidl' lal to rV personal rharaeter or slandint; of the ! elders of the rhlireli. i "Nevertheless. Ill vi-W of tile Ijll'k of , en-Opel, itloll hetween the pastor and the I session and the strained u lalious In the ii-huieh. for tin peai-e and prosperity of the ehllleh. W- reeoinillellil ; I "i-Trst That the pastoral relations ex- ; islrUtf Is-tWeell liev. K. II. Mixsell and ! the Khst ' I'resliyt.-rlaii ehureh of Ore- 1 Knn ''Hy. he dissolved, to take effect I neioti. r :, Had. j "Sri-ond That the I'leshytery declare ; that the sev.-n elders of said church erase to ai l. to take , -ff.-et Oetohcr i'iH. ' "T'hhd That a on,'reeatnnal meet ! Iiik of said church he held in the church on Wednesday. November lltnl. at H p. nr. for the purpose of electing elders. stated rlrrk of the r'reshy suilalile notlre of the I'oli- Ki ' tcatioual nu i tins in the church; tleit K'-V. II. .Mareotte he -eilleSted to act as moderator of said meeting; i ' Koiirth Thiit Ii v. II. Mareotte bn ri'iuested to an, lime for the installation of and install the newly elcrted elders aim t,e appoiuieii mKleiator or the ses sion until the SpriiiK meetliiK id tlie i'leshytery. "Fifth That all papers In this ease, except the sessional and con?! i-Ra t records, hi- placed In the hands of (In stated cleik of I'leshytery. Attest: A. J. .MONTt;.MKItY. Stated f'lcrk.'' "Alont: su-li ri.-r would he ill addition to peaks while tin Clackamas iIm l.lleil." Judge Kvall IS of til" opinion Ul, 11 there is snttkeleni travel o ,:r the roads sug gested to w. III. lilt the expending of the amount of money that would lie re i nit io to produce a properly completed driveway without giving tin- Fair featille of tin- imposition any consideration. Me will take up the matter with the nicmhrrs of the Multnomah county court an once and seek lo have the driveway completed hefore tile opening of tile Fall- ll'-Xt year. Mui-h of the load is already In rx eell, nt condition and the halanee of the roadway could he pl.-n-.-d In proper condi tion at hut slight cost. I ! i i e i i i I 4 i a, ! j ' I 4. '' Merit is the Keystone or OUR SUCCESS We buy direct from New York. It keeps ut in touch with advance styles. We buy In Urye shipments, hence we show you the best at the lent money. DRESS GOODS For the coming season we are showing "taking effects" In every pattern of Drett Goods fresh from the fashion cen ter. The service and faihion features of these fabrics en lighten our path to success. They are remarkable for such low prices. , LADIES' FALL UNDERWEAR Get it off your mind and on your back Our new line are plendid values 25c and upwards. LADIES' SKIRTS AND JACKETS A strong line this season to see 'em you'll appreciate their style and quality for such extremely low prices. SATURDAY SPECIAL Ladies' Heavy Mercerized Underskirts Don't fail to see them special 49c THE FAIR 3 Doors from Post Office COMFORTING WORDS. Many Oregon City Households Will Find Them So. i had from Worth Attending. I Tlie mushale that Is to be given at the First ('mgregatioiial ehureh Friday 'vi nlng. Oetohcr ;. by the members of the faculte of I'aclllc I "nlversity. will he a tuat. this concert will he given under the auspices of the Halur i the assurance that the H high order. The memlsrs of the! faculty of the Forest Grove ("nlversity are capable musicians and there Is little j douht but that the program of next Krl- I day evening will he one nf merit and woi t h. I To have t in- pains and aches ol hack removed: to I nllrely fri urinary disorders Is enough to make any f kidney suffi-n r grateful. To C -1 1 how this great change ran he brought about will prme-comforting words lo hundreds nf Oregon City readers. .Mrs. rainier, wife of J, W. I'alnter. expressman, living at :H Fast Hevrutli street, i 'ni t III 111, says: "I have had more i or less kidney tumble all my life. Win n i .iill a young gill I had a severe spell of sickness and till who knew me thought I I was going lo die. 1 llnally recovereij. hut ever after my kidneys bothered me. there were headaches, dizziness, and could no more lie on my left side tym I I could My and could tint stoop to pick anything off the Moor without wot king ' my self up gradually by placing my ! hands on my hips. In addition In this there were headaches, dizziness and trouble Willi the kidney s.-eieilons for all of which I doctored and used more I than one remedy said to be a sure rure I for surh annoyaiircs. Nothing brought me eelii-r compared with that received from Doan's Kidney I'llls. The resiil' , stamp that 1-1-111'-') as one fully up to j representations made for it." I Plenty more proof like this from Ore gon City people. Call at C. (i, llunlley'8 drug store and ask what his customers I report. 1 For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cts. I Foster-Mllbuin Co., Murrain, New York, j sole agents fot the I 'tilled Hlatcs. I ilcmcmbcr the name lama's and take I no other. LET US ' ' Prices Reasonable DO YOUr Work Work Guaranteed We lo a General P,nnga;e and Trannfer ItiiHinefs. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Ooiee Oio8itu Mammii! I'.uiltlinn Williams Bros. Transfer Co. OREGON CITY PLANING MILL All kinds of HuiMing F. S. BAKER PROP. ! x : I : Material, asb, Doors" Moulding, Etc. - . 4, 04 OREGON CITY, ORE. 0 -- day club which miisicle is COUNTY OFFICIALS WILL CONFER. Clackamas Assessci Than Does Railroads Multnomah. Higher Many Mothers of a Like Opinion. F. H. Fit-Ids and Carl lilandes, county clerk and auditor, ressctlvey, of Mult nomah county, held a conference with Clerk Weight and Recorder Htevens Tiles day afternoon with reference to the hold Inn of a convention of the clerks and recorders of tin; state. It will he held nt i'ortland. November 2& and 2!.. The four gentlemen ate im-mbein of a com mittee that was appointed at a former county officers to Mis. I'llnier, of ;otdova, Iowa, says: "One of my children was subject to croup of a serious type, and the giving of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy prompt-j convention of Ihem ly always brought relief. Many mother arrange for the holding of another con in this neighborhood tblnk the same as-ventlon some time this year. I do about tots remedy and want no) Then officers were much pleased with other kind for Iheir children." For salt ' the, present ownership maps that are In by O. A. Hardin. utlf. , the office of Assessor Nelson. Hy Oregon City Machine Shop PHILIPP BUCKLEIN, Proprietor Twelfth and Main Streets Oregon City, Oregon