PAGE 6. ORSOON CITV NTIRPRH. fRIDAY. OCTOItft .. 104. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnlthrd Every Wk by tht Clackamas Abstract A Trust Company. to J. Knitson. :s. Tp. 51: ( A. Nach t al M M t.. an. I t A. Kamsoy. Hit ai-ivs in Sivs 14 and 11. t. ;-:: tr.oii. j K. II Itott.'milW to V. Hutti'mUW. I his Intortt ill all tho llolttMiiilU-r i t-Mato. sitmito in Clackamas ciiutt ; I $.'"t'. i A. 1. Foster, to V. V. Kosl.T. :: aires In Si-o. li. T 2 2; $.vi. M (ilry ( al to M.ittiisas anil Oirry. part Mk. 1. ParnWI's A.M. to1 Otvojtn City, part lot of k 22 of; Holmes A!il. U'O aores in See III, T. ' jioo. : J. lais to J. li Lewis, i, aeres . in Win. Holmes P I 0. T i $ E. Erntson aiiil if NKk, ol SE' of N.'l. j linson and wife to E. Ernt son. CO acres In W-j of NE'4 of Sec C4. Tp. 51: J.Y'jO. 0. J. TniMir.ser an, I wife A. H Kliodes. NW4 of NV, of Sec. ;:5 Tp. 4-?; W. Ittlimire an. I wife to K Koenls;. UliK'k 2. Kainrount: JlS'i. E Killin t.i Soinip. SE'4 of Sec. 14. Tw;v 5-3: M."iV IVr hester an. I Johnson tl.y sliffTi to E. E. Uiley. J4 lots in llks, 4;t. V. S:l an.l S4. Minthorn; $14 :::'. 11. Straight et al thy stiff to E. K. Riley. SEU of Sec. i'l Tp. 22:;. , W. C. Is.Sie et E. Riley. 3 tracts taining "2i acres: A CHAT WITH A POETi THE STOHY OF AN INTERESTINC tVEMNG WITH LONGFELLOW. Hun "KarrUlur." (k "Wrrrk ! Ifca liraprraa" Nal lha "Olal I Urh tbr Malr" Itiar to H W rttlaa. -hr HrUir" Waa Dora ( tiwraw. I otiev nU to tho inx-t l-outlfi'llow ! I skiiu liitn to give uit seme Urtvuul ol j the circiinistuev!i Muter wlileli b row "Tlir HrlilKi'" "1 aloud ou 111 brulo at muluUlit"- hh ui wliloh an I'liiiuetit KiikUsU critic lias called "tlx1 unst m niiuttietlc in this Unguai:." 1 reo'Ive! In return a cordial nolo from the K.x't it) which he saul, "If yon will, come over and pass an even. tig with, Uie It will give uie pleasure to tell you the bin tor y of the poeut aud also of auj of uiy poems that way lutervat you." A few evYu!iifc"t later found ui at tti poet door at his Cambridge uou. U was theu erk'lu ou aevcuty year, to the fullness of hU expcrlcuc aud th nivness of hl fauie. I wa ahowo lu to a long, hail like room, dimly lighted. In which were a broad table, antlipie furniture and a tall colonial clock. Tbe l'HI rOMMKHCIAL iank OF OKKHON CITY, apltal, .... Iieo.ouo ttaui watt. Hilla diaeouulot. Makaaral I fiiom Hun aail !! it'hauft on allpulnu la Ika I'uUrd aiaiaa. Kumpa auJ lluiif Voni txoii ra.-HJ uh)ol to ahaek taut i-n lrui a. a. lot r. a. '. LATOt'KtTTE, rraal.laat. r i. MKYXIl Oaakiar. Superior Work Lowest Prices That is what you get wlirn A Miblotin iloos your tihnuhing work. IIoiKm general tinning, jilunibintf ami jobhing bum ih'k.h. Kntimat8 chwrfully furuisbixl. Hot air hratinw' fiituies inanufaclurvd and upjilird. A. MIHLSTIN MaioStmH OKKtiON CITY, OR JOHN YOUNGER. I Near Huntley'a Drug Store, Hct waa ther' alone. He aroae to, m.vt me and formed a Mrlking and FOKTY YEARS EXl'KRIEN'CE N .... hi al (by in Tp shffi to E 3. con- l. Irwin's I'leasant Little Homes; Two tracts lu Tp 22. containins 4.' acres; i'2 l.'i P. H. Marley an. I wife to M. R Ktia;Iish. 10 lots in I. Iks 5, aud 0. of Pleasant Little lloms. No. 3; $1. J. W. English to M It English, 1 lots in 2. 5. ami t; of Pleasant Little Homes No. 3; Jl.iw A. C. KBlrcluld and wife to C. M lUleman, acres in lp 1:', Sec. ;'S; $1.00. A. C. Palmer to C. M. I.lieman. 25 acres in Sec Tp. 1 2; $2500. W. lfcfson et al to A. ('. Moehnke. of XE'4 and N E 1 4 of NE't, Sec. 30. Tp. 32; ;ni. M. I. White to S. R. Taylor, 147 acres in S'-cs. 30 au.l 31. Tp. 51; $;oo0. A. and C. Schnel.. ! to E. P. Elliott, lot 4, hlk. 3 in Mt. Pleasant; T. Kan dall's subdivision of blk 3; $'.j0. H. W. farmer to J. Kelly. Iut.s C and 7, blk. 13, Sunset City; $.".75. F. H. Renoiui and wife to J. V. Ix!er. W'i of NW'i of Sec ), Tp. 41; $lu oo. O. & C. R. It. Co 23 acres In Pec. i: to T. r, 8 Tp. Rostall, 2; $392. M. (J. and C. U. VanWat. rs to E. and M. Kinzel, lots 2'., 3n. 31. ."I, and 5C in "Priirielaiid " $:'.23o. W. II. .Marvin and wife to E. R. Seely, hi acres in Sec. 2 4 and 25. T. 51 W; $)o.)o. M. and J. I!;iker to .1 I.. P,ak acres in A. K. Ib-.Ues i I.. C, 31; $.;3.. A. .I K. Kir lilieinuT to E. Nut tall, lots 5 and blk 44. County Add. to Op-okii City; $",.'o. J. II. Kitchihg and wife to .f Ins Berry, part of I). L. C. No. 41, Tp. 34; $1.D0. T. ('. Rok'ts arid wife to C. R. An hanl, lots 1 and 2. blk. 12, Moun tain View Add. to Oregon City, also strip S feet wide joining said lots; $300. J. and R. J. Mooro to R. lioswell, SVi of tract 3, Molalla, Ore.; $400. O. ami S. Stein to I CI. Shaver. 29;o acres in Sc. 24, Tp. 31 V; $500. 1'nion Meat Co, to H. pethko, lot 4, blk. 4S, Ore. Iron and Steel Co.'s 1st Add to Oswego; $;..o. J. E. Hedges and wife to 0. G. Huntley, lot 7, blk. 'I, Or-on City; $'0u. J. F. Graham to S. .1. Orabarn, hd 18, l'J and 2" and 21 in blk. 75, Min thorn Add, to Portland; $1 ou. O. W. Eastbam and wife to .1. I," Campbell, All lot 2, part of lot 7, blk 46, Oregon City; $1000. M. f'laniagn and wife to liank of Oregon City, Vi interest in lots 3 and 0, blk. S, Oregon City; $1.00. Sellwood Land 'and Improvement Co., to W. B. liarksdale, part if lot 2, blk. 42, Oak Grove; $230. The Clackamas Abstract aV Trust Co. are owners of the only complete abiitract (d&nt In Clackamas county. Prompt and reliable woik on short notice. All work truarantf-ed. Abttracts made, money loaned, mortgaK'-s foreclys-d, trusts exe cuted, estates stt'ed and titles per fected. J. V. CLARK, Atty-at-Law, Pr-sld-r.t and Manager. OnV-e over Bank of Oegon City. I LandScripforSale FOREST RESERVE SCRIP, SOLDIER'S ADDITIONAL 8CRIP, MILITARY LAND WARRANTS AND OTHER KINDS. IF YOU WANT GOV ERNMENT TIMBER LANDS, GET A TITLE BY LOCATING LAND SCRIP. WRITE FOR PRICES. R. H. PEALE, Springfield, Mo. j t:i!iies,ue uVurc, with his kindly smile aud lenjf white hair aud heard. "And so tou would like to kuow Boiiielhiu atnuit the Inspiration of some of uiy poi'ins -w hat led uie to i write them?" he said whcti we wert senti-d. "Well, you are very Wind. "I will tell tou tlrst how 1 came to w-ile the "Piialiu of Life." 1 was a yoimi; man then. I can recall the time. It was a bright d.-iy. and the trs were bKn'tnlnj;. aud I felt au lui- ftilse to w rite out Uiy aim and purpoe In tbe world. I wrote It for myself. I diil not intend It for publication Some month afterward I was asked for a KH-iu by a opuliir magazine. I nvalletl my Tsaim of Llfrt' I copied It and sent It to the periodical. It saw the li-lit. took wrings and Hew over th world. There you may see It written ou a Japanese servvn.' He pointed to a hlnh. richly orna mented s.reen which stoml In-fore a Rreat tin-place. He added an anecdote which I bare always regarded as a true picture of his aoul: "When I w as In Entjlund I w as hon ored by receiving au Invitation from the (jm-co. As l was leaving the pal ace yard uiy carriage was hindered by the crowd of vehicles. There came to the d.xr of the coacli a noble looking English wurktugman. "'Are you Professor Longfellow? he said. "I bowed. " 'May I ask, sir, If you w rote th "Psalm of Life?'" "I answered that I did. " 'Would you be willing, lr, to taka a wurklugmau by tbe baud?' "I extended my baud to hlui. He clasped It. and uevr In my life have I received a compliment which gave uie so much satisfaction. "I wrote 'Excelalor,' " he continued, "after receiving a letter full of lofty sentiments from Charles Sumner at Washington. In one of the sentence oecurn-d the word 'excelsior.' As I dropped the letter that word again caught my eye. I turned over the let ter and w rote uiy poem. I wrote the "Wrei k of the Hesperus' because, after reading au account of the Ions of a part of the Gloucester fibbing fleet lu an autumn atorm, I met the words 'Nor man's woe.' I retired for the night aft er reading the report of the disaster, but the scene haunted me. I arose to write, and the poem cauie to ine In whole stanzas. "The clock In the corner of the room," he went ou, "la not the oue to which I refer in my 'Old Clock ou the Stair.' That dock stood In the country hou of my father In-law at PlttsQeld, among the Berkshire hills." The great clock In the room was beat lug the air In the shadows as he spoke. I could seem to hear It say: "Toujour jamais! Jamaia toujouri!" It was these words by a French au thor that hud suggested to hlui the solemn refrain: "Forever- never! Never forever!'' "Excelsior" had been set to popular niuulc by the Iiutchlusous wheu the poet met oue evening the minstrel fam ily after a concert lu ISostou Music hall. "I have," he said, "another poem which I will send to you." He did so. It was the first copy of the "Old Clock on the Stair." One of the family set the word to music. "My poem entitled 'The Uridge,' " he said In efTect, "was written lu fwrrow, which made me feel for the lonellneaa of other. I was a widower at the time, and I used to sometime go over the bridge to Uostou evenings to meet friends ajid to returu near midnight by the same way. Tbe way wa silent save here and there a belated footstep. The sea rote and fell among the wood en piers, arid there was a greut furnace n the Brighton hills whose red light was reflected by the wave. It wa on luch a late, solitary walk that, the spir it of the poem came upon me. Tbe bridge ha been greatly altered, but the place of It 1 the same." Ilezeklaa Dutterworth lu American Author. Ureal Britain and America. Tinrin nnnnniniiiiTrl MID UPI lulllljl I SECURE AN OIL PORTRAIT When your purchasoa at our store agreato $25, you aru entitled to an enlarged oil portrait of yourself. Kemotn ber and secure a coupon with each purchase. Our stt)ck of groceries is fresh and complete and the prices are right. Call and nee. Got one of these fine jort raits and decorate your home, A similar opjorunity may not he offered again. Tho HLIiCTRIC Grocery I). M. KLBISEN, hop. Ml. Moved In fe I Mob Bilk r. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER , I liraiiEiii PIONEER tila Eruaoailval War. "My husband has' strange Idea of economy." "How Is that?" "Why, he seems to think be are money by drinking so much at tbe club that he has no appetite for breakfast." Chicago PosL - There 1 a whole chapter of sound idvlce In the admonition: "Don't dodg difficult!!-; meet, them, greet theo, beat Uieffl." m$ht and Epre, Freight and parcel" delivered lo all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE -jELLOH 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in ojeration by the Pacific .Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,250 towns. Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication Distance no effect to clear understanding. Spo kane and Kan Francisco as eacily heard as Tort land. Oregon City office at Harding's Druir Store. Gigantic Stock Reducing Sale To nuke room (or oty Furniture Factory output wc ar compelled to clean out large spaces, occupied now by other merchandise. In order to make these goods move quick, we will sell them at prices never offered before, quality considered, In any part of this western country. Credit sales will only be made on well secured notes with 6 per cent Interest. 1 1 .11 lc.1 K sular 13 0i) now ft . Turn Yum Wmrn Vli Vllii' .liaid WimmI framea, lu-at Itt tli niai-t. Irgu lur f I &i alnp. hear, aa l"C aa aim k l 4 si All ii'lM-T tilikrl .lal.l Ua k.lllf ltr(nlai alua II : Sua al ita i:,. aiii ft. iii I.' Li) I I 1 lu. s ''in al ,ir I : . j I ti Ii iii I :ih) ialra if t a- r Cullaliia ,. i. ..lil,lr i, IT. I I, )r, t.. . ! 1 ,'l "' aua ' li-Jr.lW lllmikcia MO ialr In U 00 t m ii a. !hi3 r 1 r a lug Ma. Mil. W 00 i-S';ai J'.- !,!, So It canli HA1I Fornltore sold at Manufacturers' Prices. AH Crockery sold at Cost V LT a., I i. ii 2000 DOORS Contractor and bulldars, .line iiule prlira: Writ araaim-l anl w.-ll put up ri; (loora. 1 3-Jrln. Ilil. at ''t 8 In xt tvt t In. 4 j,an.-l, ivjculni valim Jl ti, now 11,35 t 1 Tons pnnH dwn, I f.-.-l I n xi trrt C In xl I H In., r.-iilar II 76 value, now 11.24. Front doora and wlmjowa In picpoi tlun. 8:iHi-n dimra 90c Ilni !.., W of all .j..t ia . ,,11,!,.. I.- an. I III l.t- ,11 al a ' I..I. ..I ,i, i,i,l- j,t'l l.ltl ,1 1. i.iniiirn- m 1. .1 t .... ... r . 1 11 ;i F 1 m 1 ai ii" 11 II a-j - ' , ? -i ; , - , - ' -: ; ' T j Jli-avy iliiirinal II11 waali Imllrr r. V. 21 valur. una,.. II J4 Air tlclit tiralrr, laioai iiiiif.ivrtiirnli aiamla 2 fi ( Iih Ik 1 1 1 at M . (I 00 valur iw JM 71 Steal Rangas In our battmtnt hav to " tu nink riioin lllslirai, wai liiillnl lliikr f aal, 1; li,,l runs.-. U llu h ovm. Iamr. all r,,,i r 1,1, H,' r-a.-tvulr. i.-icular .'.o w :.., w n 00 C'!,?,', ""H". ' K-a.-rv.tlr, irii lar ? 0i lalm-. nuw 13100. i UAr Cliarlrr Ouk ruiifr. ri-iulnr lie 00 Mlllf , II, iW 121.00. Wiiriniilail rook alovra. iih.4 alar, ..I'Jto All our alrrl runs, a dava lh lura ,. .iovn..nia. lu ,r , t.rialluat ami looking ia,. liy limn any u,i-r. av.rr7? i Regular $10 value, now $7.00 liiinianar aaaoi lin.-ut f nw Wlllona In malna, HriiaiM-la. Aiinlnain a. ,tr t,U, iiIiowii n, ,.-. lul vulu.-a 011 aiilo u Ion ua ,rr,-at ,t,.k B II -6 VMIion vrlvrt q- II w Wilton alui. , l' '''"""-'r .'.'' j: A,air:ir.'.,:i ;ry'i to Col ion '. A I". All a, rK, ' j;,' i, y" AMERICAN ROTARY WASHER. ",!"" ',yr,"rr from olh-r lolury mo tions. II.- f ur la th ,-v.-r . known, HiT-for. t o,"..ralloii of "'; lr.l. Hl.uln of ,"at luica not known in tnia .-.r li.-n.-. ""hnaa la .llml.,t..,. llu I.Hkl.,K n.-n ot.rn or rlw., Fit FRANIC BUSC TKc S2oisefirnisKer H