Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 23, 1904, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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...Short Sidehead Stories...
M4 4444 -M4 Ml l4 4-f -M 444444"M444M44444
M. Deserted Hie. .-Through her I'orl-( rlr. Ciumi Lot of 11250. A burn
IhihI alUiniry, May M.iiluin has brought I neur WVrits station on lhi Oregon Water
mill for illviire from Kiaiik Merilnrn ot I I'ow'T Hallway Cimipiiriy'a llrif. be
wbom h waa miirrlnl In Wyoming In i lnlnc to Kil. Tuiholke, u burned fo
I Ml. Dem i Unit In lieirmlier, 1 WO l ul- 1 1 Ki oiind Heptenilier 13. lieslilea lb"
leged by the plaintiff, burn, a large store, of liny, together with
a I It ( machine and othi-r furm mach-
Marrled the Olrl. -Ai n M.-il lit (Irani, j Im-iy, with iiIko lMirrn-t, Inn toliil loss
I'aaa mill relumed In thin elty on a rrlml
mil -i ii i K r- preferied hv Kieiiu Itoul, of
Will Oo It Alon. The prlntililp
heretofore existing between I'hlllpp llui k-li-ln
arid A. Klelnamllh was Ibid week
(llimolv.il, Mr. IJnckleln purrhuslng his
partner' e interest. Mr. Hii'klelri will con
tinue the bualrVaa lit the present loca
lion, corner of Twelfth and Miiln etreeta,
where he I prepared to lve the eame
eiitlafartlon In nil line, of the biialuese
Ihul Hi" firm hue given in lb punt.
lomi School Note.. Th" Weat Oregon
City H'-hoola opened Monday morning
with a satisfactory altendiinre. W. till
bTt Ileal! la, the principal, la aaalsted by
Carrie l(ll I men. IX'liim Chtilnard and IP-a
Wml (li n City, Kuli.'il Trimble.
former llii'iiui flty boy, i-iiinpioiiilru-it the
alliiiitlon In h t Thursday afternoon by
wedding I hi' (II I. TIik charge tigi-nat
thr yminii mini wiia I Inn dismissed by
thr aillhollllr.
Will Walse Rica. -Mi. iiml Mia Allrn,
of folk loiiiily, accompanied by their (no,
Clarence Allen, of Ibla rlty. Icfl a few
iliiya ago lor ImiIhIhiiii, where Ihry will
rnguge III thr culture of rlrr. Two ulhrr
mini liuvr prrirritnl .Mr. Allen and mr
MirerMfully growing Ihla pioilurt In Unit
Htlltr where Ihn growing of tier la one
of thr prliiilpiil lifdu.tilea.
Crown Paper Company Gatt Water.
A lift y yeur'a lease from I lie I'ortliinil
Hernial Kleitile l'oiiiiuiiy to thr frown
I'u per I'oiniiiiiiy. gunning to the gimilie
wilier power and i labia to thr cumil and
In I lit- Ihiara, luia been lied In thr City
recorder's mm t here. Thr Crown Com
pany paya I.', (k"I ipimierly for thr pilv
llcgee clljoyed llllibT llir lease.
Delegates Prom Oregon City. The f.il
lowing mimed delegulis have heel) lllimed
by the' Klrat Cimgregntloiiiil church of
Oregon City to nttelnl the niertlllg of the
t'origiegiitlonal Asaorlullim which will be
brld ul I'm I In nil HiiiIiiiiIm r :7 lout. Mia.
('. II. I jiliniielle. Mm. J. M Mink, Mia.
M. M liHiilner. Mia, S A. White, llev.
K H. Ilnlllnuer, C. II. I've, iiml W. II.
A. lull
Horn and Buouy itoitn.-ll ti. Ileig
num. u tinnier luI'IIiik neiir Hherwoml,
baa ri'iHii teil to Itepuly HherltT llink'it
that a boiae and IniKKV w.ih atoleii fiom
bla fin in on the Illli Inn. Thr bniw,
mo.iniliig lu with no Ina.iriin. h ()rar), ThB p,,,. , oak Orov. ,
IHatrlet hiiv levle.l a tux or ten miiia
Hla Whtal Wat Stolan.- Hiimbiy after
noon a furmer mimed M"htikr, from
neur lleaver freek. oiimr to Oregon City
on bimlni . lie roilr hla blryrlii In Ibla
i lly, leuvlng thr wheel near llui Inn A
Jueka while tin lalli'd ut thr rralileni'r of
T. I. Churmuii. Hemming a few mln
utea Inter thn allrnt aleed had dlauppeur
rd und no trui r of thr properly could br
Will Locate at Oregon City. It . If. V.
Mniint la rxpeeled to retnni to Oregon
City from tin Kaat within a few duya.
Kor thr IiikI yiur Dr. Mount hiia been
aetvlng na honar pbyalelun at Ht. liur-
tholoniew'a lloapltul ut New Ymk City,
liealdea olhuwlae pinaiilug bla ineilliul
mil. Ilm. I'pon returning In Oregon City,
Ir. Mniint will form purtnerahlp with
lr. K. A. Stimmera mid exiwrta In br
IHTiniiniutly loeuled here In thr piurtlir
of hla pnifi l'Ul.
with whleh It la proimaed lo rumpb-ln
thr payment of Ihr aehool building that
waa reeetitly rreeted by Ibnt dlalrlrl.
'ieoige fV hool Dlatrlrt No. 07 hua levied
a tux of fifteen mllla. The In reullred
from tbla levy will br uaed In thr build
ing of it new aehool bonne.
Oregon City Wai In It. Onr of the
miiln fentiiiea ut the Hlutr Kulr ut Hah-m
lnnt Knday wua the buby allow. Tbla
proved one of the iimat nltruetlvi' ron
teata held during the aeaalon of the Kail,
mid On-iron t'lly won aeeond money. The
pilai-a were iiWiii'led ua fnllowa: I-'liat
pl lxe. Aller MH 'lellall. of Hllleln; Becolld,
Ctoige Kim rami J !,. Oregon City;
(Mid, ll mic e Todd, Woodbuint Tim
Judgi-a were: Mia. W. K. MutliMk. I'en
illelon; Mia. ii.ivld Cnilg. Miuleay; llinl
I). M. Averlll, I'm linn. I.
Ware Treated Royally.-John Adama,
of Adiima' llroa. IliK.iai. leporta u Kiand
llnie at HaiiKriiiH'Inio wheir he ntti mled
Ihr (iriiud I'oiii lave of tin- Knlghla Ti m
plur. Me aaya the pi nple of thr tlnlden
Iron giuy In olnr, w. Iiiha III'hi pounda, . Hair city apatt'd neither pulna nor r
and u loi boggy waa iilno taken, l-nl'-i ii iine to entertain thr vlallora. Tlrketa
ItTWia, W illi lei ellliy l iimpielell a year r
arnteni'e In the Oregon peiilleiiilary. la
aiiaixrled of Hie motn-iy. l'Mla hing
lurlaed I he aloie und port orher ut Wll
aouvllle. Ihla I'llllllty, llbollt eighteen
rnoniha nan.
Back From England. - It. K. Kelluud,
Ihr giHid-nalori'd ,Vi-w Kiu giungei, hua
relorueil tioin a thter moiitliN' vlalt to
hla old home neur Minn beater. Kiigland,
having lint lulled the at t tin of hla boy
ImmmI daya alin-a br eiime to Amrrlea 4i
yenia ago. Tluee mnullia were paaaed
In vlalilug dinferriit pmta of higlund and
unot her t till t y daya weir eonaomed with
revel al brotlieia und u "Inter at Ivinilt,
Mlilila.nl. A lllllllllt'l of otlnr of thr
pilin lpiit polnta In Hie Kant went vlnlted
by ,Mi. Kellaml who reliuna to hla adoi
ri Welifont atute III U Klelllel degree of
nut' iiliiii iit than rver.
to all plrrea of mniineiiieiit wrre pro
vldeil the elty a giienta Innnedlutely on
their ai rival in the big rlty und the la
Itora were Him Iri'.i'.i'd lo autoniobllr
toiira of the rlty mid parka und lu fart
were nliown every Minnl)ile eourteay that
Would 'Hill Unite In Hie pleuxille of their
vlalt. Mr. Adama report, that tin- entire
unite In I wren Oregon City and I'oitlaiiil
waa troubled hv u eloud of ainoke that
obneiin d from v Ixlnii many poluta of In
tel int. Kor Inalauie, Mt. Khiinlu waa
not vlnlhle front Hie iiillroiid mid thr
deunlly of the aninke defeiilt'd the In
tended vlalt of many polnta of grent ele
vation am rounding HanKruni'laeo, Mr.
Adiiina aaya. however, that the rleclrl
eiil illnpluy III Hau Kruiu laio, waa gland.
Mm ki t nti '-ct, for a illnlani'e of four
mllen, wua ulniont our eontlnuuua elec
tilr light. Tbla fiiitine of thr rnter
tulnuieiit nloiir i oKl ulimit thO.OUO.
-vri.-- fi.
( X 7" t A 7 " A t"Wjr" CAJ'
'tiAto Avsi rW-tr? J r;
Every time you compare price, and you will tend your next order for
Job workjto the Oregon City Enterprise. By giving quality In both
material and workmanship we endeavor to deserve your business.
In all kinds of Job and Commercial Printing .a well ae book work.
One trial will convince you.
Do you want that brief, catalog, etc., printed at once 7 Well, send it
to the Enterprise office. We have Just Installed a modern Mergan
thaler Linotype machine and are prepared to do all such work on
abort notice and at right prices.
For turning out all kinds of first class work In the way of good print
ing la second to no other house outside of Portland. If you are In
need of printing of any kind, correspond with ua and let ua figure with
you. We can save you money. All ordera and correspondence will
receive prompt attention. Telephone Main 21.
Want Him Removed tlovernor Chum
berliiln yeateiiiiiy reeelved ll ietltloii for
thr removal of one J. I. Hitter, of Needy,
li n ii notary puhlli: of the Htutr of Oregon.
The petition, whleh la algned by Mr, and
Mia. U. A. III. ilnn. Mr. and .Mm. Halld.ill.
of Oi en. ,n City; und Mr. an. I Mm. K. K.
Miller; Mr. und Mia. Cluia. Wolfei ; W.
ll. Miller: I'. Miller, und Mr. and Mia. A.
(Jtiilnl. of Aurora, all prominent cltlxena ,
of tbla and Cliiekuinaa rountlre, eomea
In the foim of a complaint and la couch- ,
rd In the following language: "Thut suld 1
J. II. Hitler did. In the preaence of thr I
uudernlgiied and upon the public highway
dlntui li the r ace and une lungtiuge in the ,
preneiier of women and child!'-, iinhc- 1
coming a man In hla oflleliil ponltlon, und j
make threat to do bodily harm to hla '
fellow cieaturea. We, therefore, dt em i
the nuld J. 1. Hitter unworthy of hla up- j
poliitnii nt and unk the, fjovrmor to con-
alder the removel of the wild J. U. Hitter
ua notary public" Tuendiiy'a Hnlem j
HlHlenuiun-Thla ucilon on the pint of'
Mr. and Mia. Miller rt al. la another i
chapter in the feud that haa exlnted for
aomr time pout between the Miller und
Hitter fumillea. ,
General Crop Summary. Thr weather
during the hint We.-k waa dry und nmoky.
with warm daya und generally cool nlghta
Koga occurred In the weatern a-ctlon on
aevrral mornlngn, und In portlonn of the j
eoiiat countlea there wua unite a drponlt
of m. limine from them, which wua of
alight benefit to gardeiia mid paHturca.
Thirahlng conilnuea In acuttered ruirtlona
of the Columbia and Otand Komle val
leya. Hop picking wua rapidly punhed to
completion, and only a few ynrda remain
to lie lllllnlled up. The yield contlnuen ,
Ih Iow average, hut the quality la very
gianl. Karly planted potutocn are being1
dug; the yield la very dlKupiaiintlng. !
Itiite aitutii a onllnue to do poirly on !
account of luck of rain. The third crop
of alfalfa la iilMiut ready for hm venting, j
and aom! cutting hua been done in mr-
tlona of eimtern Oregon. Hut little plow- i
lug or an-dlng wua accompllnhcd. an the
soil la loo dry for working. In the Wll- !
lumettr VHlley a few tielda have licen '
"dlnccd" III on ground plowed luat npi lng.
Corn la rlienlng nicely; the ema are
large und well filled, and on the whole .
Ihr crop promlaea well. Pnaturea ure
very dry and Block la inning Penh. Prune
drying la progrennlng rapidly In Bouthern
Oregon. In thn Willamette valley the
fruit la rut her alow in rlienlng. and pick
ing and drying will not be generul much
before next week; the crop la very light.
Ijiic applea, while rather small, promine
uliiiinliint yleldn; the early vaiietlea con
tinue to drop mure thun usual.
Don't Shop Around
tor Drugs and Medl
cirKi mlpht at well
come to Huntley'
first is last
Whcreun, It hua pleaaed the Oreat
Klnhl Mil not ll to remove from na our
Itrnther Kmunuel ott. one for whom we
huve felt a fraternal regard, let tin cher
Inh hla memory .Imltiite his virtue, and
pintU liy this atlllctlng dlKpennation of
the tirent Spirit, In whone hand all power
exlHta. Therefore be It
Henolved. That a committee of three
he appointed to draft reaoliitlona of con
dolence mid npiend the name upon the
recoiila of Waclieno Tribe No. 13. Im
proved Order of Itedmen, und a copy
sent to the relatives of Brother Ott. und
n copy Innerled In the Knterprlne and the
Signed in F. K. & C.
C. K. Woodward.
Chaa. W. Kelly,
J. Front.
Worklngmen Unite!
A meeting will be held at Wlllumette ;
Hall. September 24. Ht 8 p. m. !
"Whereaa there are ut thla time con- j
dltiona confronting the wage workers of
thin country which makes It necesnury !
for them to get doner together for their i
own protection, the Organiser of the .
American Inlnr 1'nlon will addrens the j
people Ht the nlnive named place, and
you Hie cordially invited lo be prenent ,
to hear the only loglcul plan for the work-
era to line to be nuccennful ill protccling '
the working oliiaa."
5 yT rSfitZ?? rs.
Because It's For One Thing Only and
Oregon City Is Learning This.
Nothing can be Rood for everything.
lining one thing well bring" nuccens.
Dnan a Kidney Pilla do one thing only.
They're fur nick kldneyn.
They cure backache, every kidney lit.
Here ia evidence to prove It.
Mm. Oove, of 5!l Montgomery ntieet,
I'oidand. wife of C'Hpt. C. J. Cove, ex
nea captain, anya: "I tried Doan'nKld
ney Pill, and they did me more good
than any other renn-dy I ever lined for
my kidney.. For two or three yeura off
and on I Buffered from nhurp pnkia
acrons my back which started with a
dull aching and when I walked or over
exerted myself the pain becume very'
acute. Any fold I couht aggravated
it and rendered my kidneys weak. I
read about Doan'a Kidney Pllla and got ,
a box and used them according to di- I
rectinna with the renult that the back
ache left me, and my kidney, were won
derfully atrengthened. I am greatly
pleased with the resulta obtained from
Doan'a Kidney Pllla and I unhesitatingly
recommend thla valuable remedy to any
one suffering from kidney trouble."
Plenty more proof like thl. from Ore
gon City people. Call at C. Q. Huntley',
drug (tore and ask what hia customer,
For aale by all dealer. Price tO cents.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Ruffalo. New York,
Kile agent, for the United Sutra.
j Remember the name, Doan'a, and take
no other. 1
If you want quality
accuracy, skill. In
your prescriptions
go to Huntley's
It is neither safe nor a saving to get anything
but the best when buying drugstore goods. There
is no economy so false as trying to save a few.
cents at the expense of quality, when buying drugs
and medicines. Only one grade here the best,
and the prices as low as you might pay for infer
ior goods. j& j&
Kubhzt Values Stretched I Next week
Having no real competition in Rubber Goods we
occasionally have to enter on a little competition
with our own prices. This week we are going to
sell Rubber Goods for less than many dealers pay
for them. Better yet, they will be pure rubber. We
buy direct from the manufacturers and we pick the
manufacturers carefully. Rubber Goods made from
old rubber are not good enough for our trade. These
prices speak for themselves. See the goods in the
Special !
Rex 3 pipe Rapid
Flow - $2.00 $1.46
Fleur de Lis 3 pipe
R.F. - 1.50
Priscilla 3 pipe R.
F. - 1.25
Challenge 3 pipe
R.F. 1.00
.78 !
Reg. Special
Marvel Whirling
Spray - $3.50 $275
Dr. Ftfllar: Whirl
ing Spray 3.50 $2.69
Dr. Humphry's
W. Spray 2.50 1.68
Dr. Kirlin's Whirl
ing Spray 4.00 3.08
Kirlin's is far superior to any
whirling spray yet designed.
Family, wood box
3 pipe - $0.75 $0.53
Family, paper box
3 pipe - .50 .39
For Fountains 50, 60, .75
Rubber Tubing, rapid
flow, 6 ft. for - .25
Reg. . Special
2 qt. cloth covered '
$2.50 $1.86
2 qt. heavy bag
1.50 .96
3 qt. good quality
1.00 .69
School Begins
We are ready with every
necessary book and all the
small accessories. There
is a saving for you here in
every item except new
books. New books we
sell at exact state contract
prices. We have lots of
second hand books at J-2
to 2-3 price good as new.
Best Ink 5c
Pens 5c doz.
Pencils 10c doz.
Pencil Boxes 5c
Tablets 1c up
Erasers 1c op
1 4 Colored Crayons 5c
Book Straps 5c y
Slates 5c, 10c, 15c
Bring your old books. We
will buy or exchange for
If so, do you know enough about watches to make a safe purchase ? Re
member that we are an old reliable house, that we have been in the watch
business for many years and that we make a specialty of repairing watches
and thereore are in a position to know all about them. :: :: :: ::
5 B Si Q SH r
Ve recognize that we must be hone?t with you to retain your patronage,
aa we are here to stay and to make rood our guarantee. We carry the largest
.took of W'atche. and Jewelry In Clackamas county.
These are some ot the reasons why you should make it a point to Me u.
when you want to purchase a timepiece or have It repaired. Our Watche. are
made in solid gold, gold filled, .liver and nickel. In the rilled we sell the Boss
make. It is made of two layers of .olid gold, with a layer of stiffening metal
bftween. It has the elegance and wearing qualities of an all-gold Watch, and
the price is much less.
F-1372 I ' Ifey. At,
W. have Nickel Watche. from
12.00 to $10.00.
Gold Filled Watche from
tlO.04 up.
k: . '.A
Solid Gold Watcbea fron
120.00 up.
Btirmeister & Andresen
The Oregon City Jewelers
Suspension Bridge Corner