Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 16, 1904, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Mew To-Day.
OOATH FOR f At.R-B. B. Wllcoek, of
Can by, hu thirty Angora, Goat for
POR'HALIS Fin dilvlng bor and neat
buggy and liarnen. He Atluinrya
F.by - Kby. ,
par cent. Firm security.
A Bcuubel.
V?ANTKD-A".Md driving WsV for II
a feed thl winter. Animal will receive
brut of treatment. Call on or addre
lr. I,. J. Wolf, (lard llldg, Oregon
City, riregou.
l'"OiriS AT.!;" 1 lou VuF7lTiwt7iaTwl
stable, together with about one-fourth
of tn aero of land. located at (.'lai'k
Ama, three minute walk from rail
road nation. Inquire of (lr A.
Hrown, Oregon City. R. V. I). No. J.
BepUmber 30.
al sums of money belonging to pri
vate Indlrlduali which I am author
, Ir.ed to loan, on long tima at 9 and
7 pr cent. Coat of loan will b
made vary reasonable. II. K.
Croaa, attornay at law.
i OK HAI.K -10 acre, 60 cleared. iuck.
aialn, hay, Improvemente. etc Two
Well, running, walrr, plenty wood,
good building, orchard. Twelve mile
from Oregon City, loud roaila. If taken
before October 1. price I1.1Q4. C, W
Ht.pheita, Clarke, Oregon. Sept. SO.
WAOTkT8MMlaf fepreeiilatlvlirthl
county and adjoining territories to rep-
reent and advert l an old established
bualnr houaa of solid financial atatid
In. $.1 wekly, with esprnses ad
vancd each Monday by check direct
from headnuarter. Horn and buggy
furnished when necessary,; IMfltlon per
mnnrnt. Addieaa Blew llroa A Co..
Dept. A Motion Ride. Chicago, III.
Mild Tucker and Al Lindsay were
granted a marriage llcenaa Wednesday.
Pearl Moaler hua opened an a neat
and attractive clgur atund In front of the
Hub auloon.
Orand Millinery Opening, Friday and
Saturday, September 2 and 24, and fal
lowing daya. Ml. C. Ooldemlth, 1
Mr. T. D. Clark la vtaltbig with friend
at Baker City. -Jullu
Paulsen, of Oaorge, wm tn the
city lout Friday.
K. A. Mile, the groorryman, wa at
Hulcm Thursday.
K. K. Howell and family are vlaltlng
nt Bclo thla wek.
Gilbert Morton hue gone to Iowa for a
vlalt with relatives.
Mra. (). A. Harding vlalted relative
I'Klit -!'' lluttiTlck Kimhlon Hhset at Harlow thla wik.
for Oi lfiller, fren for asking fit Huntley I C. T. Tooae, of Wllsonvllle, was In the
cny in nmi 01 in wea.
I Inn. Co. If you live nut of town seii'Ji a
(MMtiil raid ri'MUiKt.,
Onind Millinery filoplny September 'i',
und '.'4 anil following day. Mis C
Loral EvenK
ft ifi ifi fi fl-0vWi iti Jl
Mia (J
r'rlduy, bVptembcr . to Mr.
Iv He J. II. k, a daughter,
Tk roolrat of brer In tke city.
The Planet. Kelly A Uuronlch. proya.
On f (cinder I. I'untniasti-r lUndull tiua
Iwm-ii aihlsed Ii the trt utTlce di-purt
mi nt at SN iiahliiKtoti the pnat nttlce
ut I'lilnn Mills, thla county, will le dla-
nullum il
Mixed drlnka a specialty at the Planet.
Oarde building. Heventh and "Main eireeta.
Kelly tt Ruconlch, prop.
The W'llliiini'lti' achiml iriied Monday
with I'rof. T. J. liiiry. prlncipiil. uml Mlsa
Hhlplcy us neslHtiint.
For that tired feeling try a glass of
Welnhard a eedebraied Columbia beer at
the Planet. Kelly Kuoonlch. prop..
Mlas Helen Cnpi-hinil, of Purtlnnd.
In tlm city this week urraiigliig for the
formal ppcnlnii nf her dancing rlirne In
this clly in Wlllnmiite Hull. Thuraduy
venlng. Hi-ptcnil'r .!.
Old Crow, Planet and Red Top Rye
the linnet whlakloa made. The Planet,
Kelly t Ruconlrh.vprope.
Attorney J. Iv tledgi and family this
wwk remiived from North Main street
to the I'tirdiui renliterice at l'l(tl) and
Adiima Ktno-ts where "they will reside.
Mr. Hedges recently purchased thin prop
erty from Mr. Ptirdnm.
Welnlilrd'a celebtaled Columbia beer
the pureat and bt beer In the market
The Planet, Kelly A Ruconlch. prop.
C. II. Williams, the regular Oregon City
iiirrrapondiMit to the Telegmin. lias gone
tn t'ortlumJ where fur a number of weeks
he will be employed on the city reportor
lal atnlt nf that paper to 'relieve one of
the force who has gnne Eust on a vaca
tion. Mr. Williams expects to return
to Oregon City In ulwut six weeks, ,
Clean chopped out and wheat file for
P0 pound: sacks are 10 pound heavier
than shorts. ltetter feed than short
and 20 per cent lei. HKU FRONT.
Iivhi HlKglnhothem. the young ball
player who borrowed the young ludy
friend watch dining the Chaiituucitiit
meeting lust nimmi'r and refused to re
turn Hi" time piece, paid a hue of t'M
In the Justice- court here Tuesday. Hlg
Xlnhothcm Is n ball player and I nt
present located ut Clutskuiile. He wuh
Hist arrested nil n charge of larceny by
bailee, but the criminal Information was
reduced to that of simple larceny.
The Good
Old Quaker
once said to his boy :
" Nathan, it is not
what thee reads that
makes thee smart ; it
is not what thee eats
that make thee fat;
uor what thee earns
' that makes thee rich,
but what thee
X This saving habit may
lie acquired by open
ing an account or tak-
iog an interest-bearing
certificate at
The Bank of
Oregon City
Oregon City, - Oregon
Mnrahull Hnst., who for the past year
have been auecessf ully engaged In the
general merchandise bulnea at High
land, till county, hu decided to dls
pn of their buslnei at that place. They
will useume charge of a lurger store ut
RusselvHIe, Multnomah county, October
1st. ,V. K. Marshall, the Junior member
of the linn, hu been usilitlng In the
Huntley llios.' Co. drug store this week.
Rev, "nmui I Matthew, aged 3 year.
of Canby. and J. Taylor, aged 39 years,
a recent arrival from Portland, were com
mitted to the slate Insane asylum Tues
day. Rev. Matthew win for moie than
fifty years a Methodlit minister In the
Willamette volley. The men were taken
10 Balem Tuesday night by HherlfT J. K
Hhaver and Constable Trembnth.
Men's Jean pant 111 to 3 worth tl.l'S
for ?tc: beat corduroy, worth 13.80 for
-.'.60, common corduroy, cut to 11.50; tOc
unimer underwear cut to 13r! broken
lot winter underwear 3l;; Hog 6c 7 l-'Jc
c; sample hat at 3-3 price.
Mra. l.lle Roppell on Wednesday f'
ternoon, nt the home of Mr. and Mr
A. N. Munacy, corner of Center and
Hlxlh streets, intertaltied about tsenty
of her Herman acquaintance In n pleas
ing manner. A very cnjuynblc nfternoon
wa passed, the gui st being sened Kith
hinch and Ice cn am.
0Miilng U.iys, Heptrmixr
Krlday mid Haliirduy. Mls C
3.1 and
I.adle' tine ihivi worth tl 10 for 11.33;
odd, ends 3c; ladles' I Mil shoe SIM;
baby ' hoe JSc; bally Sir- aliOe S'c;
light hoea, ( to I. for 5c; not He, be.it
'alf t to 1. II "0 !( calf, I to 13 for
tl.3; beat 13 1-3 to 3 at II 60, little gent
culf 11.31; iMiy' calf 2 1-3 to i for II 75
lleat boy' heavy winter hoes II 47 and
11.73. Hitter shoe -lower prices than
Aa the worth of a garment I deter
mined by Its wear, so Is the value of an
advertising medium to be Judged by U
patronage It reieh. In order to accom-
oditt our large number of generous ad
vertiser und at the stiine time furnish
ur renders with nil the local and county
news, the KnterprlH Is this week obliged
to add two extra pages.
The enlarged Knlei prise, consisting of
ten pages, while not H permanent hang,
will be I'outlnui'd as long us the
enterprises; merchants of Oregon City
it lit us In 'filling up the column of the
paper with their bright, uttructlie und
readable advertisement.
The equipment of the Enterprise office
I second to no other ome outside of
rtlnnd. We are III a position to render
full value and fully appreciate the lib
eral patronage we are receiving and the
nsure of confidence the placing of till
pnlmunge signifies.
(Cuutlnued on page 7.)
1 Mantinn
1 i. t,i auuai I'lyiuuu
J. (1. Miller, of Aurora, was In the City
R. J. 1 Smwlfcllnw has returned from 11
visit to Salem.
Airs. Mary Heller visited this week
with friend nt Cornelius.
Wm. II. Uluhm. u farmer of Curus.
was in l tie city 1 uesuuy.
Fred Meyer Is visiting with relatives
netr AtMTdein. Washington.
J. W. Cole was among the Oregon City
peopl taking In the fair this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Amman, of Canny.
were visitors to Oregon City Tuesday.
'. Schuebel. deputy district attorney.
ha returned from a business trip to
J. A. Hhlbley. of Bprlngwnter, was un
Oregon City visitor Tuesday, on his way
to the state fair.
lir. K. A. Summers has returned from
San Francisco where he attended the
tSrniul Conclave of the Knights Templar.
K. J. Dnulton Is expected to return
home tomorrow from an extended visit
to hi old home In New York state.
Jack Irfitourette und fgirdon Moore left
Wednesday for Eugene where they will
resume their duties at the State univer
sity.' Mayor C II. IMmlek and Senator
llrownell. pf this city, have been secured
as special lecturers for the Oregon Law
Mrs. I. 1). Schlndler, who hu been
visiting her parent. Ir. and Mrs. J. W.
Nonls, leave today for her home at
San Francisco.
John II. Imvld. a former resident of
this city, was visiting old acnualntance
here thla week. Mr. David Is now located
at Forest fil'ove.
Mis Mury'S. Harlow has returned to
her home at Huilow, after attending the
11 1111 mil Clackamas county teachers' In
stitute In this city.
Mrs. Florence Peterson and family, of
Spokane. Washington,, und Mrs. E. A.
France, of Portland, spent, n few days
visiting with the' latter' mother. Mr.
Chn. Mochnke. of Willamette Fulls the
last week.
Norman White and Roy Sleight have
returned from Idaho where they were
connected with the surveying pintle of
E. P. Rands and II. JI. Johnson. The
other members of the purty will rtcurn to
this city about November 1st. The re
turn of these young men at this time
wo to enable them to prepare to attend
college this fall. Mr. Sleight will enter
the Corviillls Agricultural t"olleg while
Mr. White will resume his studies at
Purine 1'nlverslty ut Forest Grow.
Mr. J. li. t'pton, of Portland, visited
In Oregon City this week.
O. W. East ham (pent Sunday with his
family at Moffltt's Spring.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Moores attended the
State Vulr at Bulem thla week.
Mia Ethel Qreen haa recovered from
a severe attack of pneumonia.
Mr. and Mra. Andre aen attended the
State Fair ut Balem Wednesday.
Adam Knight, a prominent young man
of Canby. wa In the city Wednesday.
Mis Ethel Rlgdon, of Salem, was the
guest Sunday of the Mliwe Caufleld.
Attorney Frunklln T. Griffith was a
bualne visitor to Vancouver Monday,
. J. I'. Campbell and II. W. Moody wenV
to Halem Tuesday to attend the Fair.
Mis Edna Daulton haa been seriously
III at her home In this city this week.
Lieputy Recorder C. E. Ramaby spent
the week at Salem attending the State
Wm. Hammond left thla week for Cam
birr, Ohio, where he will attend Kenyon
Deputy County Ajutewtor Fred Nelson
pent several day at the Fair at Salem
thla week.
- J. C. Hprugue, a leading Clackamas
county furmer from lgan, was In the
city Thursday.
Mr. PeUr TMnlivtyre and daughter.
r.MIs Mary, are visiting with friend at
Peoria, Illinois.
Mis. Mury Hurley, of Portland, vlalted
thl week with her daughter, Mr. Fred
Terr)' In thl city.
Oeorge Bulllvun ha returned to Mt.
Angel college where he will continue hi
tudle thl winter.
Mr. J. R. Shaver visited with Salem
friend and atended the state fulr ev-
erul day thl week.
Deputy County Clerk and Mr. F. W.
(Jreenmun have gone to Clatsop Beech
for a ten day' outing.
Mli Mary Torrence, of Dayton, Wash
ington, ha been visiting Mr. H. A. Ca
rother and daughter.
J. F. Wood, editor of the Springfield 1
Nt-a. wa visiting In Oregon City the 1
latter part nf lust wek.
Mr. end Mr. A. M. Frost, who arrived
h.-re tecently from the east, have been
visiting 1.0-vullev points.
Ml Morthu Koerner ha returned to
Eugene where she will continue her stud
io at the State I'nlvemlty.
J. A. Thayer, of Modesto, California,
and a former reldent of Oregon City,
I visiting old friend here.
Mr. Minnie Kline, of Stafford, wa In
the city Tueday on her way to Salem
to spend a few day at the Fair.
Ml Florence Sullivan, of thla city,
hu been admitted to the Sophomore
lass at Stanford I'uiverslty.
Mis Hern Ice Kelly und Miss Hanlfan
were among the Oregon City people at
tending the State Fair Thursday.
Mr. C. D. Latourette and Mrs. J. W.
Norrl went to Salem Wednesday to at
tend the Fair and visit with friend. .
A. It. Price, a merchant at Bremerton.
Washington, visited this week with hi
brothels, J. M. and A. A. Price in thl
D. M. Klemsen. R. Petluld and Mr.
Rrown, were among the Oregon City
people visiting the State Fair Wednesday.
Mr. II. Hennlngsen Is visiting with
her sister Mr. Davidson In San Fran-
Isco. She will be absent ubout two
Mis Gertrude Hashor, atenographer
for the Oregon City Manufacturing Co.,
Is spending a ten day' vacation with
relative at Salem..
Rev. A. 8. Illack, of Viola, was In the
city thl week. Rev. Black will move to
Salem where hi children will attend
Willamette 1'nlverslty.
Ex -President of the Oregon AgPi Board.
T. Apperson, of Oregon City, wa on
the ground with Mr. Apperson yester-
ilay. Fair New, Salem Statesman, Sep
tember It.
Mury und Fred Hornshuh have gone
o Ijike county, Illinois, where they will
attend school thl winter. They went via
St. I.onls and wilt spend a few days at
the World's Fair.
Mi. i.nd Mr. E. A. Chapman have
cone to 1 ong Reach to remain a few days.
Mis Hill, of Eastern Oregon, haa been
ii 'iig in Oregon City, tne guest 01 ills
i:tli,'hvn Albright.
President E. D. Resaler, of the Mon
mouth Normal school, was In attendance
at the M'SMons of the Clackamas county
teachcis' Institute In thl city the latter
flirt of lust week. I
G. A. Wilcox left Tuesday for Port
land on a few days' vacation. N. L.
France, of Oregon City I agent at the
S. P. station during Mr. ilcox' absence.
Independence Enterprise.
J. II. Vernon, munuger of the Hunt
ley lima. Co.' store at MTflalla. was In
the city Wednesday. He had Juat re
turned from Salem where he spent a two
weeks' vacation with relative.
Mis Veda William, of Oregon City.
who spent three weeks visiting her sis
ter, Mis. J. M. Lawrence, left yesterday
morning for home. Mrs. J. M. Law
rence entertuined a company of ladles
Wednesday afternoon In honor of her
sister. Miss Veda llliams. of Oregon
City. Bend (Eastern Oregon! Bulletin.
Drs. Beatle A Beatl4? DentUts; rooms
ii, 17, IS, Weinhard building.
Drowned Today.
You can drown your sorrow today by
going to Howell A Jones, the druggists,
and buying a box of Palmo Tablets.
They make you strong and happy: Price
60 cents; :.!x boxes 13.60.
!' T II II I ).LLLQl.L-ia Il
New Fall tyles In Men's Black Un
hrtlihed Worsted, custom tailored
ulu, finest material; all the latest
modes; 115.00, 118.00, (20.00, up to
$25.00. '
New Fall Styles in men's Business
Suits, big assortment of desirable
materials and design at $10.00, $1150
$15.00,, $18.00 and $20.00 a suit.
Men' Belt Overcoat In new models,
$15.00, $17.50 and $20.00.
Fine, medium weight, Black Overcoats
handsomely tailored and perfect fit
ting, new, exclusive styles, $15.00.
New Fall Trousers, beat material and
pattern, from $2.00 to $5.50.
New Fancy Laundered ihirts, neat
patterns. Immense variety.
New Golf Shirts, the celebrated Cluett,
Monarch, and Standard makes, $1.00.
New Silk neckwear, In four-ln-hands.
Imperial, English squares, solid
colors and fancy designs, 25c and 50c
New Conqueror Hats, Derbys and
Soft styles, always $3.00.
New Stetson Hats, the best that's
made, $4.00 and $4.50.
School Clothes Ready for Boys of All SUes
Suits, Overcoats, Underwear, Shirts, Caps, etc Everything in Clothes, Hats or
Shoes that a boarding-school boy takes away, or a day-school boy needs at home
Boys' Two-Piece, Doublc-Breasted Suits . $185 to $600
Boys' Three-Piece, Single-Breasted Suits . . $3,35 to $6.85
Boys' Long Trouser Suits . 4.35 to 1000
In every department. Suits, Coats, Children's Apparel, Men's and Boys'
Clothing, New Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, Dress Trimmings, Silks, Dress
Goods, Curtains, New Footwear, New Hosiery and Underwear, New
Corsets and Undermusfms, New Waists, Skirts, Kimonas, New Leather
Goods, New Neckwear, New Wash Materials, etc. J J j
The latest fashions, greatest varieties in Oregon City. Seeing is believing
Oregon Gty's Leading Cloak Store 8
In fact as well as name the greatest varieties of the best styles the
largest and best department the best value for your money. Supplying
satisfactory ready-to-wear apparel for women and children is our great
specialty. All we ask is the opportunity of showing you what attractive
reasonably-priced garments we have for your choosing. .
Smart Fall Apparel for men. Clothing, Furnishings and Hats.
The best America produces in assortment second to none and
at prices 25 per cent below what equal grades and fashions cost
ou at the exclusive clothing store we've convinced thousands
of this fact the past few seasons we won't, have any trouble
winning you over The old prejudice men had about buying
their outfit in a department store is a thing of the past. Our
clothing store is entitled to a great share of the credit for win
ning out this feeling always offering the best merchandise, and
one price to all and that the very lowest. J J
Murle Tlngry. of Cortland, ha brought
null for divorce from C. (1. Tlngry to j
whom she wa married at Vancouver In
IMi. Plaintiff alleges thut while living
in Portland the defendant became ex
tremely Jealous of her, calling her mler-1
able names and refusing to speak to her i
for periods of three- Weeks at a time,
tlnully accusing her of being criminally
Intimate with other men. In addition j
to an baiuto dlvori. the plaintiff asks
for a monthly allowance of $50 aa alimony.
AIS IV! jm ft. lil V-VI saaalsm 1 a I I IsaT
for Women
Hubsrrllx- lor the Knterpriw.