Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1904)
) ORtCON CITY CNTCHPMItK FRIDAY, MPTIMttM 2, 104. MCE 7. TATI NIW. At fair hrii(.uiiitiT In Cortland the arrival ii( m litter In mp..c,.. ,y frm (tin llPiiainy department giving notice, that th I'lillailelplilu mini will he ready Kl drllviT I'G.OOO lHla ul, Clt, ( , . nlr gold dollara early In Hiptimber and iiKkliiK Unit I hi' ci.mmltii p (.a y lulu lr rmllniiiil Ireiiaiiry li par value nf theap rolim, Afli'r Hip money In pd the mini will In- Itiatrurti d tu It- I mil the gold tlollut h on limn unit ahlp tli.m i ',. land A pinnliiin nf II Iihk U-.n miKKi ol id by guu-mmi-nt ultli lulu fia hImiiK right fur Ihn dlapoanl i,f Hi,. 1. 1, ul mill Clink boiivi'IiIib, Tin' Hi. I imi in dollara are now selling It IJ A. Yiitiiiui-r, i.f Ihi' linn Wutke, who la u member of the Aalilund nahlug and hunting puny Unit him been doing the I'tllcaii hay mill klunmlh country fur Iho paat two or tin.,, wpcka had an unpU nmuit i x n i li in ! lunt week). The hiintlnii parly wi,a ramped In (hi- big lsln. In th Charry tmh mountain, l( mllea beyond rllmn hay. tn search of bin guinc. Mr. Youngi r lift the amp Tinadiiy rjH.rnfliK early In thi' hope of miuullug up u Inn k. Thi' Monk" wut very Unii . i . n.l.-i iiik it IimimwiiIIiIi' to m y rroii I In- cuii) una pvni, mid Mr, Young er loat lila hcaituga im n eiinacnui nee. Hp t tin . l.-.l nil ilny, mill nltilll fnllllil him ulll In Hi.- wllili rtK'Hit, Wi .Im ailiiy nini n Ifilt In' an in k Hip Aalilmiil rnit'l wist of IVIInin, nut knowing ixiu'tly where hp wna, but fullnwi'il It up, mini' to tin lodge ul Ihn buy win 1 1' lie ul I Ik im III' 'I and llllttKIV llboul 7 o (lock, Mia Purll- panluiia hiiil hci nine mi' hh owl Ida full ul" In H liiiii tu niinp and niii' i if tin in inlrl nt itn luilki' altmlly after thi' In lull il litinti'i' 1'pinlitil flu ii', lii ai iii'i li of tlillnua nf Mill A -lil.m l Tldlliga. Tin' in mil fur Ni-Kpiiil lclluia Ihla Mliami aiiipimaia tllnt of liny pli'Vl'itirt (.'.iiiiimr lii It k lilM.iry, aniutnitlnu ti Tii'nl up to AiiKUat Thla n anit la be coming iiinii' piiinlur cvny and will In n fi w yi'.tia ai'irnl n(' tin- In nil uf (In Willcllllg pIlK'i'N uf Ihn I'.o I fit Ninth w a I . IfCRITAHY IHAW AT OAIQ0N CITY Prttldtntlal Campaign Formally Opened In Clackamaa County. I H.-i ntiiiy of III" Treasury Lcalle M. Hhuw, Hiblri'Nai'it nn Immense audience of cllltuia In thla rlly y"t"iihiy after- j maax Hi'i ri lliry Hhuw wna caioiti'l lu i thla illy from I'm tin ml Mn ti. W. I'.' I 'i.nil'.iny'a railway Hup, mi l after viewing ' tlin wonib'ifiil wnti r pnw r Ktid pmIi n jalvp (niiniifmiui Iiik locliiatl P a Ihtp Iii- inli'il, mlilivaai il Itin pi oplf of Ihla a 1 ll"n nt mi oppii hIi mi i'tlriK. Hp il' imil' 'I i on din Huutli botiipj ufti'iiiiHin Iim'hI for I Huh in whi'in hp bml an appulriliu"nt to I api iik In III" vi'iiliiit, ii'K"ii I'lly bilna h In i" niuiiufiii' ItiiilnK point, Hi'inliiiy Hhuw bud anit iKiainl for him a nuluiiil aul.Ji-i I for ilia ' I'tiaaion anil hp miiil" tlit moat of It. I Thi' hiblipaa waa all alii" imp ami Hip iiiuuiiniit ii'irlvpil unmlatiikablp pvhli-iu i' i uf lii'inni.'mi'tit at Ihn humla of lh" MUill- tui a. j what Houttwire cant lay AtlOt TWINTV-riVt CINTt j A DAYT ' Ai Ptmarkabl at It May etm, Thla tmall laving will Buy a Piano at i tlitrt piano Houia at thla Bait In I Ortoon City. Think II umi iind mini' In loiluy or t.itiluht iiicl api'iitn oiip of IHrai' I'lmio ! I tilt I'lllll'. I'ntiK' Mini piijoy tlm I'liiimlii mimic whilhir you want tu buy an lui.liuin.nt or not Htorp on'n cvpnliiKa at Hur nnliir A Anilnai'iia, (.'uiiht Till ulul M.ilu atHHta GIVES BUILDING TO ST. LOUIS. Oion'i 6tructurt to bt Permanent For cat Park Feature. Nothing Known Compounds. Wi Have 8ecur - 4r Will Cur Kidney Dltctwt Attar i They Hiive Fnatencd und Be- com Chronic But the Ftilt -n J; I A. tli ole Agenoy for Tbla Cit. ,t ! Ialt('t Raaal Comfiotiud enji t Uia aaltnt , ililltieiloi ef belsf (he only mint knowa llal J turae kidury Irouhle la all Itt itiini frma tktpiioiary iBflanimatlnB Bp la and lwluilll.. bo cfervbla it eallad Brlibl'a Xlpae, J blob ktt eeeti, up la tbt advent of Ihla Com-1 potted. poalilTely loeurablt. Thra wby ool Karl vlth tbe henal Cotn pound at flrei rtitei Ibaa ordinary kidney BirdiclaM, all of -bict!, fall abort U Ibedltraat bat reacted tbe ttaitt Tbea yw will know you are rliLt. No: aikteKMbta are publlabed by tbe Fulloa ppop't y ticrpl cirt tbat kart reaebrd kbt ebroLle' time, Inrurablt br all otber knowa Bdl loea. ! litre It auolbtf reioterj wa art perm li led M ' e feltr lo. ' r Vr H. T. (11of IW Croadwty. Baa Traa-! tlaco, oat prnuouored by bar plijelrlat ati, larurtblj 111 wltb kldoey dlatatt rbat bad ba-l come ebrtnit (Ilrlfbt't Dlwni), tie alar bud - dlaiK-lra. Anoiber phytlrlan waa railed In.! J Dropay bad aet In, the nalla ram off and be too aid noiblnn knowa would aavt brr. Bbe wat to ! far brynnd brlp Ibey told brr Bel to luritiri J tor lure h"ralf b diotlnr. hn wot en lb -fiilnui biiipuuinlt. The (bird week Mi tl'litljf l.-H"r. The third trull lb Hip r.alla l ' e pan to romp oauk, and a few oiooiht launr waa 1 4. well auil t-iu ilruppintf the trratir.ent. i:e alioini-y. f uui nf na. (line, Juiie I 11. w e Id cms assetoi Umi il.ikmiiii. n tiiiiiatint wto t-iinip iiipluyi', luhU.I nn. I kllh 'l l i iiik 1.. ii nil ul llillnlniio H.ilunl.iy nlaht ilut-'rif,- 11 titiiHTi-l irvci a kill (iitkmuii la "HII at in ik" lb tun tt M mini motlu i waa l Inn tit thi' p-iifil of ib lilh at III" llni" Ihr 1 1 111 it ' tnnk pl.ii" mid It la f'Uiril lh" mwa of In 1 urn A 'I' ulll will hunliii lh" 1-111I aixi'hil illapiiirh from VV,ialilni.'lon. 1. 1',. raya $'.;"' will ! ri'iillKnl from lh" aril" of lh" (iitintl Kunil" In. l.iimla In ' ! . .. .ri III. la on tin a. Innila, n i i iillv opi m il ul th" Ohkuii (lty l.iiiul nnii'". art' h. Ink i x.unlin.l by lh" tntiilur I iipui tiuint mid within a f w itu a niuioiiin'pnii nt will b" nun!" of lh" aab a autlioi laa d. Tin- iimounl nffi rtul la rnotp t tin ri ilnuhl" lh" niliilmuin IIxpiI by law, tL'H.r.iiii, or innily l( .no pT ui'i". Aa hhla w.i" ofTitiil only on 11 limit twii'lhlnla of th" I. mill mix "i l la-il fm aul". It la Hip Inti ttiloii of the ib pui tmi'iil, ul aunii' fiituip 1I11I". to ii'iiilMi'llai' Ihn rnanlit iKirtliitt of th" n ai rvatloii. umi tn n il II III minor aubillvlaloiia nt am Ii print aa inn U- nlilalni il. Thp Inti'ilor In pnrliin nt la illan Kin illiis nil hhla nf fi nil fm Uniii'l lloiuli' liui'la In bulk, oral b. i uium It ill'l not uilvirtlai' Hip lamia lii that form, ami ai'ioiully bp rmiap tfi" H If" o(T"H-il mi 111" trai t at a w'liol" la far In low th" aitKi' liul" iinnnmt irfi. iimI on vailoua ipiait"r ai'i'tlon tub (llvlalnna. Thp offli bila nip Kiatllli il lit th" pili . a i.n.n il fur tin e" Inmla. Jin k .Miiniix' a aapliallinia In lh" In .ny wi lchl rhnmiilnnahlp of thp Wnrld wi ip di iiibniil by ('hamplon Jiffrba within l. aa than alx nihiuli a of tlm.-. In Hun riiunlaiii laat Krlilay nlkhl. Thp bin mlnt'r froiii IIiiIIp wna a. nipb li ly nut- rlaaanl that durltiK thi- two roiimla that lh" 1 hiiniplon Itii'raaiinlly piimmilb'il him )n wna iinablp lo ri'tnlliilp with cvpii a alniil" blow. Hif.iip lirnmy ininl- fully alopppil Hip Miiht wlini tin ai ml roiuiil wna half ovpr ami ilprlnnrl Jiff rba thi- wliiini'. At tin' coaji IiihIiiii of Hi" 1'alr. th" iiiairuii bnllilliiH'. an i xio I 1. iiiimIim IIi.ii uf .ihi Knit Cliilaop, whlrll wna piiiIpiI upon th" Coliiiubin ihiu by lwla anil t'lmk In 1 1".''. will I'lnnln at Ht. I .mi la In inl.l fiirlln'i- Im'hiiIIi-m di Kni-pal Turk. 'Dip biillillntT will bp piphpiiIpiI In th" i'lly tiy (hp Oipkoii i.-ominlaaloiipia. 1'h" plan lo pipai-iit th" bullilliik to Ht lnila. orlKlniiti'il wlih lliiii-y A. luai li, i-iiinitilMMliini-i'-K' npial mul H rirmr of pxhlblta for th" l.uiila anil "l.ti k ixpoaiilon In I'm t In ml In I'M. Id- alutia that bpvpiiiI otlnr ni"iiib"ia uf thp roininlaalnti havp iiln nily pptpaapj th.nii lvpa In favor of aiuh 11 illapoal ili.n of th" hiillillin.' wIipii It Ima biivimI ihi- in . ila of th" KiPKoti . ominlaalun at lh. Kali'. Thp Hr.'iiiiii biillillnii Wii "riu (. il at III" mat of tlO.IXM). ami la built of II'.--Itnn Iukb umi lumln'i'. Tb" l'i uip fur diiiil wlih wonibn plna. 'ml Ini" mil nut oil" null napil In thn ronan ui'tlon of Ihi- I. nil. Unit It la built aa Hnuij.1,' 11a ihi Kurt Cliitrop. whli'h waa uaiil by the l.iwla ami Clink "Xh, III Inn. Mlaauiiila llrat kiin'iniir. Wlllluni ('lark, a bmthcr i.f thp pvploipr. Cpiirpp KoKi-ra Clink, ahpl In th" old fort, an nlao the Hint K-uvpinoi' of Irfiiilaliina, Mi rlwi'tlii r I.i-wla. Wbll" the Klft of lh" bullilliik la lu ll mini in 11 loinpllmi'iil ( Ht. l.nula ahoWlllK 111" Mppn i lllllmi of thp Oi'p K"ii I'liinmlaaloiiPia for th" I'oiiiti-aUa aluiKll lln lil Iipip. thi'.v alau li'illll" Hint Hip bullillna. aa a ppi'innm-nt hxturp In Tun at I'm k, woiihl bp 11 Kii'iit inlvi'i -llapmiiit fur iin-iion ami for th" Uwla ami Clark pxpualtlon In rurtlaiul mxt Mar - Mx. Cm 01 of Vli I'lne atri-Pi. Kan I Lkj" 4 diala-lre thai It alao Inrurni.le airordlL 1014. Ilia laaika. Kuo llur of brr rPcoverf bp U. loull 4 Ihe t- ulion CniiifumuiJa anil In nclii n nib, ro-i (alneil hla opaiin iiul la now In n II" practice. 1 4. Iimiix rlipun.anaiu from urle arid, (nut, .a D 4. In Ilia l"u u. Ijla.l.l. r inmhla, nr.. are proolt 4, dial tlm kulupya are In Iruul.le. Tbe larl Ui 4. It llnyhi e l'lae and OiabPira. If you n't 4 f-pii'( Uiiirulti orDilaarabiparnd ! 4. K.i ii . - r ip t-arly V amout ibpie bnl.rr'0 ,4, Infural'le diaeaapt. Kiiitotra HTal Ct ra-LI.4 . 4, for llrlrrbt'e and Kkiupv lilanr-a 1: 10114. DlutAli a II M' John J Kiilp.b (.. . '.Va : 4. . iriui. airi .1. 'it- l-fimcUio. i'le i.'itia'"'.ueia 4. a a art U-wl1 imdualrt agBii'.u tr Uia tU. I 4 CHARM AN f - V CO., DRUGGISTS. SHERIFF'S SALE. Detervtt Your patronage. 1 The irrowth of a community and the aui'tiaa of lit loral Inatltutlone dpendt intlnlv on the loyalty of Itt people. It la wi ll enough to preach 'patronli home Induttry." but eicept the tervlca Klven at a home Inatltutlon equala that of out-of-town enterprlBPt. thla argunM-nt car rlca no weight and la entirely ditregard ed, aa It ahould be. But with Oregon City people It It different. A few montha ago E. L. Johmon ettabllah'ed the Cat cade Laundry. It la equipped with th latpet Improved machinery and la dally turning out work that la equal to any and anperlor to much of the laundry work that la being dona in Portland. Uflng a home Inatltutlon and furnishing employment for many Oregon City peo ple, It la enjoying an Immense patronage. The lilkh atandard of the 'work being don commende It to the general public. Laundry left at the O. K. barber thop will be promptly called for and delivered, rackagea will b called for and delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 12M. E. L. Johnnon, proprietor. : ! i We carry the best make of Paints, Varnishes and Painters' Material on earth, proven so by practical tests and chemical analysis. New Era Pure Prepared paint has been analyzed by all the leading chemists of the United States, and over their af fidavit found to be absolntely pure containing not over one per cent of water, while other inferior grades contain from five to forty-five per cent Ask your painter about it everybody knows the "Acme Line." Guarantee on every can. "We submit a partial list of their line. NEAL'S CARRIAGE PAINT for repairing all kinds of ve hicles. NEAL'S CARRIAGE TOP DRESSING for renewing the finish of leather and rubber tops, dash boards, sachels and leather goods of every description. ACME WAGON PAINT for repainting wagons and agricul tural implements. GRANITE FLOOR PAINT. Quick drying and durable. DAVIE'S VARNO-FLOOR STAIN for finishing floors, lino leum, oil cloth and interior wood .work in exact imitation of ex- Bmsive woods.. Will not crack, mar or chip off. AVIE'S VARNISH STAINS for renewing the finish of wood work, furniture, e-tc. Needs but one application. NEAL'S ENAMEL. The kind for earthen and metal sur faces. Gives a genuine enamel finish. NEAL'S BATH-TUB ENAMEL for bath-tubs, walls, ceilings and wood work of bath rooms or any surface exposed to hot or cold water. NEAL'S SCREEN ENAMEL for screen doors and frames. NEAL'S CYCLE ENAMEL Splendid for bycicles. NEAL'S HOUSEHOLD PAINTS. Put up in small, "easy to open,;' cans. 25c a can. NEAL'S POPULAR VARNISH. The best to be had, and in most any sized can. Poarch and Chair Enamel, Stove Pipe Enamel, Floor Paint, Paint and Varnish Remover, Lubricating oils, Benzines and Gasoline, Lead, Oil and Glass. In fact, everything in the paint line can be had at our store. Now is the time and this is the , place to buy. t : TW ! ! s I z ; Saloon Llcente. Not b e la lipivby rIvpii that I w ill apply nt the npxt mpptlng of the city council for a rpnpwal of my aalnon llcpnae at my prpaeiit plnr-p of Imalm-aa. Main atr.Pt, in nr Sixth atrppt. KRANK NKHHEN. Saloon Llcentt. TliMiiloi" Thtiraion Ci nr, fm ni"i (iov- uf uiiK'in. la koIiik to miikc an otln r try lit th" l nllnl Stub s Hi nalui -ship Ihiouitli lh" mi'dlum of vox popull, ni'riirilliiK to a. Mil" pnlly bIiiiIkIii una alp. mul IIiiih ilma II uppnii thai Julin II. .Mill-In II. .n k.. in liii iinilii lit nn. I ai-ii lor Sinalor, la H"lim lo have an op pom nt whi n tlin tlni" i onn a inouiul for Kouii'lliiK puhllr opinion by Dip illrrit piliiuny iiumliiiillnna kiw. aaya lh" poll 1 1 nil wrllir fur th" T' likniin. Tlin alnry haa k-.iliuil i iiiTi tny llwit "thn Tall Hyi -linnil" uf III" Will. 1. 1 llllla" Mill anpllvH to th" pnallliiti to whlrll Iip i Inlilia Juat till" by llltil" of Hip vol" of Hip ppoplp In popular ballol, Juat bi fui " Chin lr V. Kullon iniili il 1 1 n Ihi' pill.- a llltb' whll" nan, anil tin- sump alnry aaya that III" man whu wan oiii-p (ioi'pinor, ami who probably wept on bltliT l.-uia of n-Ki-'-l wlini J. W. Kiiinlsh waa nllowi-d to n nuilii iiiiniob ati'il In rinatllln i. unity, haa ilii'lanil hia luti'iitlnn of iiimliik out bolil ly for Hip IiIkIi and illMlnxiuahi l poat of lioiioi', l.'i ilnya prim to tl K"ii"ial slut" li-i tluii two ypaia lii iin'. Ayers You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, all your folks, used it. They trusted Sarsaparilla it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. , "I inffared terribly from Indlrettlen and thin bieod. -1 fi.iiuil mi idler until I took AT"'" Haraaparllla. our kuttlei perma aeutlr cured iup." MM-f. R. Ha bt, Mt N. T. tint bottle. Aililruri.t. fori . r 4 tfr ro.. I".ll V.n Rich Blood Avar's fins ere teintiy Uiativ. They greatly aid tn Sarsaparilla. In the Circuit Court of the Stttt of Ore on, foe the County of Clackamaa. Muniri't lluiiliimi, I'liiintlff, va. John W. Linbr. .Mi a. A. M. Ilayibn umi W. H. Hayib n. Inr hiialiaml. Cuthi iliip Mllb-r ami Klvlru P. FpIIowm. Iii fi iul n n I a. STATIC (K (IHKi.'. Coiintv of Cliu'kamiia. Hy vli'tup of a JiiilKnn-nt onbr. iIimipp and an i Xpi'iitlnn. duly laaupil out of rind limb r Hip bpiiI of Hip almvp i nlltbul loull. Ill the libovi' Plllllbil ciiiibp. to mo duly illii'it.'il mid ilat.d the S'Mh day of Annual. 1001. upon a Jiulum.nt l. ml. ivd ami . tili l '-'I III Bald rnint on Hip Cili day of Annual. 1 !. in favor nf Maiitui"t IliirrliiKPr, rialnlirr. ami iiunliiMt .Mia. A. M Ilayibn anil W. II. llaydi'ii. In r liiiHhiuiil. ib'fi'iiil.inlH, for Hi" mill of ) nnii nil, with bib ri at llii'ii'on at th" nil" nf ii pi'r pint pir auinini from thp I.Mh day of Jaiiiuiiy. I'm., mul Hip ftir lln r ainn of $1 jr. oil. aa iillurii. y'a fi ". and 111" fiirthi'i' aum of ."! mata anil illalniiHi nn iita. and Hip roata of and upiiti Ihla wilt. comiiiaiidliiK ill" to make ant" of Hip following iliai illMd I'piiI piopi'ity, alluul" In thn utility of Clinkuniaa, Still" of Oii'koii. to-wlt: A unit of thi- H. I.. C. of liiiinvllli' C. 'I'huiinan and CiUhiilnp Thiiiniati, hla wlf", In airlioiia oil" ill and twilvp il-l In TiiwtiHhlp two ('.'I South of muni' two i:'l Kuat of th" Willami'lli' Mi'ildlan. mul of thn wlfp'a part of aald II. I.. C. land Iniuiub'd and di'arrlbid aa fullnwa: It. kIiiiiIiik at a point wlu'iv Hip ani'tlon i Ihi" li. lwii n ai'i lloiia i li'Vi'ii 111) and Jt'wilvp ll:' itiihb Hip cpntpr IIiip of the irotinty road liinllnK ftoin Cliukiiniaa to Ininiiiai'iia. and riinnliiK tli"it"p North on hit 1 1, in llni- IIDN:' f.-i-t lo a iBlnkc: Ihiiiip north UK iIiki""" IS mhi- ulia K. HI') fi'"t to a aliiki-; Hkiup South 1JIH it fi pt to thp rlKht bank of Hip Clark nniaa rlvpr: tlu iii" wlih thn iiipandira of the Cl.irkiinins river flown atream to a Btnkc; whli'h la aoutli aix 111) dcKrcra Eaat 441 fni-t dlatant from thp plarp of bi'Klnnlm:: thi'iii'p to thp plane of benln nliiK. ponlal ilii ! '.'5 lu fi a of land, iiioip or leaa. Now, Therefore, by virtue of Bald "- iiitloii. Juiiirniiil riilT and dn"n. n'uF In roini'liiiiiip with lb ni.iniiiuN of, aald will. I will- '"i Sulunbi'. tin- l.t : day of tli tolier. 1!'o. ul I'm luuir nf nil o'cloi k. a. in., nt H'p f.out do ir of Ibp i Cniinlv C t ll uiri hi II"' City nf On - Ijun Cilv. In auld County and State, ai II lit' piibllr niu tlon. aubjiet to ri'di'mptlnn. ', to thp hlclipat bliblor. for I". S. R-old I ruin riiali In blind, all the tltelit. title and i,n.-i-. at whli h the w ithin nanied ib -' fi iidiiula or either of Hu m. had on the 1 rlii le of Hip nioiimiBp herein or bIiiip had In or lo the almvp deai-rlbi-d real prop erty or any part thereof, to antlafy aald exeeiillon. Judgment nnbT. iIppipp. Iii len al. coata and all ai'iniliiK loaia. J. It. KIIAVKK. SbeilrT of Clackamaa Couniy. (Iivkoh. Iiulid. (ii-pkun City. Oie.. Atinuat 51. !"! Nolle la hereby nlvpn that I will apply at the npxt ii'isnlar iiippIIiik of, the city rotiiii'll for a rpnewul of my liquor 11 ei'iiae lit my preai-nt plane of btialneat, .Main atreet. between Kotirth and Fifth atreeta. E. A. HHADY. Howell & Jones RELIABLE DRUGUISTS, Oregon City, Oregon Itt it we rllnaT to life with a wonderful I tenacity. Many disrates are very de- j prpaalnn In' their worst atapea and we iret j tn the very brink sometimes, and yet the hoH' of survival Is great. Doan's Kidney Pllla have brought many back i from the verge and given them a new lease of life. The following case should Interest everybody In Oregon City. Many a reader will find new comfort and en- ADDITIONAL CORRSPONOENCE. JAMES. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ON THE VERGE. Many An Oregon City Cltlien Brought Back From the Brink. There are critical times In our llv wlii'ti It aeeina aa If we niuat let go. I I I JTS l TV I coiii'iiK mt nt In tills experpnce Mia. U W. Munich, wife of L. V. Monecli. ralilnet maker, residing at cor ner of 4th and Main streets, Albany., auvs: "After an over exertion or when I I contracted a cold, pain seated Itself In I Ihd amiill nf mi- hui'k pnoalne- It lo ni'hp severely and thrre was a difficulty with the kidney secretions. (In such occa sions stooping, lifting, twisting or turn ing, waa always followed by sharp shoot ing twingea tlirougn the kidneys. When 1 w as badly In need of something to i bring relief. I read about Poan'a Kidney l'ills and went for a box and took them strictly according to direction. They relieved me of Hie attack and up to the present time I have not had a trace or j symptom of ii i llation or Inactive kid-j in-ys. 1 will be ph ased to allow you to use my name If it will be the means of doing good to others.'' I'lenty more proof like thla from Ore- i gun City people. Call at C. G. Hunt- ! i ley's drug store and ask what his cub- j tuinei-s report. Kor sale by all dealers. Price SOcta. ! Kostei -.Milbtii n Co., Buffalo. New York. ' sole agents for the t'nited States. i Ki ineinber the name. Ooan's and take no other. j The rain Sunday morning freshened the air, layed the dust and cleared the smoke. Quite a number are off to pick hops already. Still the people go in crowds to the huckleberry' patch. There are berries for all that go. A fine baby boy arrived at Chat. Fish er's home the Ctith. Weight ten pounds. Mother and son are both doing well. HniTlsun Jones is moving his band of sheep back home to his place on the prairie. Willie Jones and wife were visiting at their old home u few days last week. The telephone poles are being put in at this place now. Let the good work be ' extended. The singing class at this place got their new books and will continue on (he afternoon of each Sunday after hop 1 picking. and Mrs. W. H. Jones, sprained hla wrist by playing one day. Wednesday evening while trying to shut the gate near the house, Wini- ; fred Parry, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. ! H. W. Pai-ry, met with an accident the gate fell on his leg and broke it. Medi cal aid was given as soon as possible. He Is now doing nicely. Miss Lizzie Parry is down sick with an attack of pneumonia. Mr. David Williams, formerly of Loa Angeles, Calif., Is staying at Mr. Haines. I He attended the Services at tbe First i Congregational church Sunday. Hurry up with that telephone to thia neighborhood, it is needed very bad. Several of the young folks attended the social Shubeland reported a good time, time. ii. ny from tliis burg attended the. show at Portland. OASTOniA. Bt art tbt L'a Hai li"S Entttuw , JUIul-, of Oregon City Market Report. BEAVER CREEK. Hop picker are passing on our streets evei-y il;iy. Hev. !!. H. Owen visit, d some of his mem''ii"S at Cams lust week. Abi I Thomas made Hying trip to town last Tm sday. .Mis. W. Evans, of Sumpter paid a short visit to htr old friends in (Ills vi cinity w.k. Miss Parry is on the sick list. Mr. W. Jones has noted his father's MBS. CECELIA STOWE, Orator, Entre Nout Club. 176 Wnrren Avenue, Chicaiki, Im.., Oct. 22, 1902. For nearly four year. 1 suffered from ovarian truiililes. Tbe doc tor insisted on un operation aa the only way to pet well. 1, however, strongly olijirted lo an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well at 1, for home with a sick woman it a disconsolate place at best. A fneir.liv druppist advised him to get a Lottie of Wine of Cardui for me to try, and lie did 50. 1 bep:ui to improve inafewdavs ami my recovery v:p- ervrai'ld. Vilh in ei(fi.tei'ti v.rsl.i I wat another being. Mr. Flowe't letter shows, evtry woman how a home is saddened l.r female weaknes ami linwroiupielclv Wine of 1 iimni ciuvt trat tick nets and Itiiioh health and hnpp nets ayain. lin not im on smler ing. io to your driikrifint frxlav and amir a 11.00 bottle of AVine of Cardui. (Corrected Wetkly.) Wheat No. 1, "6c to 90c per butheL Flour Valley. 14.40 per bbl. Hard w heat 14.90. Portland. 11.15 per tack, j place. Howard ! Best. $1.06 per tack. Wm. Danl. I and wife made a flying Oats In sacks, 11.15 per cental. trip to Soda Springs last Wednesday. Hay Timothy, baled. $146116 per ton: ' Several members of the First Congre- clover, Jll to J12; oat, (11;, mixed hay. . gational church and their pastor. Rev. Bar tit SJ m Haw) lwa BougM Elroatnt ef What's In a Name? Everything is In the name when It cornea to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. DeWItt & Co. of Chicago, discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that Is a specific for Piles. For blind, bleeding. Itching and protruding Piles, eczema, cuts .burns, bruises and all skin diseases. DeWitt's Salve haa no eiitial. This has given rise to numer ous worthless counterfeits 'Ask for De Witt's the genuine. Sold by G. A. Harding. OASTOniA. Bean the lh Han AlwaW BlW!4 8ignatnrt of Ml: cheat. $12. Mlllttuftt Bran, 11$ per ton; thortt, 121.60 per ton; chop, $19 per ton; barley, rolled, $26 per ton. New ivotatoes $1 per bushel. Green Peas 6 cents per pound. Green and yellow wax beans 6 to Cc per pound. Eggs Oregon, 20 to 2! l-2c per dozen. Butter tvanch, $5c to 45c; separator, 40c to 50c; creamery 6O0 and 65c Com 12 1-2 to lfic per dozen ears. Calibace 5oc to $1 per dozen. Oregon Onion 1 l-2e per pound. Pears liartlets. 40 to 60c per box. Cireen Prunes 1 to 1 l-2c per pound, ftroieateln Applea 50c box. Prunes (Dried) Petite. Je per lb; Ital ian, large, be per lb; medium, I 1-1 c; it. II. Owen, went to Liberal last tn day to visit Mrs. W. Robert, and held a religious service for the benefit of the . old lady, w ho has been confined to her ; bed for a long time. Mrs. Roberts is making her home with her datihter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. "Austin. The visitors were entertained cordially and enjoyed a good feast before theV left for ( home. I I Krnest Jones, the yotinest son of Mr. , A Power foi Good. The pill that are potent in their action and pleasant In effect are DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers. W. S. Phllpot. of Al bany, (i.t . says: "Dining a billons attack: I tisik one. Small as it was It did me more good than calomel, blue mass or any other pill I - r took and at the same time the eff-ct was pleasant. Lit tle Early Risers are certainly an Ideal pill." Sold by U. A. Hardng. i ' Silver, 4 f 2e. I Pi aches fin to ii cents per bust Pressed Chickens 14c per lb. Livestock and Dressed Meats Reef. 'live. :'.ihi lo $.1 ') per hundred. Hogs I live, i to He; hogs dressed. 7 to 7 l-2c! ! sheep 11.75 tu $;'.') per hd; dressed 5c; ' vcul. dressed, li l-2c; lambs, live, $1.60 to i j$l 75 n-i- head; lambs, dressed, 5c. I I StantA A II Kind tOf Naff Alwirs Bacjt WEI WEAIR COM There is no satisfaction keener than being dry and comfortable when out in the hardest storm. YOU ARE SURE OF THI5 IP YOU WEAR Q 'OfisM II Ill WATEBPBOOF IV ILED CLOTHING MADF. N SLACK OB YCU.OW I SACXtD Vt OUR CUABAKTCl unit nii' to.irniia. naro i tx. TtH AJK YOU! DtALta. J I If he ino ueV yen q I for OIV frre ml m aa 1 l ? I AW How about those bill heads, statements, letterbeude and envelopeaT Th Enter prise haa Just received a lot of new typo and we are now pr pared to give you Jutt what you want and Jutt when you want It. Our work la not surpassed anywhere Hive ua a trial. :atarrf :old'nhead THE CLK.SsINO AND UKALIXQ CI HE FOH CATARRH if Ely's Cream BoLn Euy and pltatant to bh-. Conitiut ao in luriooe drug. It it quickly ibtorbed. Uiiret Relief t once. It Openi aud Cleantee tbe Naaal Pta-ages. A IKra lnllminst i.ilL Resit and Protect tb Membrane. Keatoret th 8nt of Ta.te and Smell. Urge !-. crr.'i at Dr.ireittaor h mail; Trial Bute, l9reBt b mail fcLY ailOXUliUS, S Wtrreo Street, New lurk. 1