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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1904)
r.u PAGE (. ORIQON CITY ITtRPniSI FRIDAY, IPTIMtlK. J. 1M. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estats of Parker F. Morey, deceased. Notice la hereby given that tha county court of the atata of Oregon for tha coun ty of Clackamas has appointed tha under signed executrix of tha laat will and tratament of Parker F. Morey, deceased. All persona having ctalma agalnat said eat ate are hereby required to preaent , same, properly verified, at tha office of Hedges Qrifflth at Oregon City, Oregon, rlthln alx months from tha data of tha first publication of thla notice. CLARA S. MORET. Executrix of tha eatate of Parker F, Morey, deceased. HEDGES GRIFFITH. Attorneys for Executrix. First publication July 11. 1J04. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon. L. Coblents. doing business as Coblents ft Levy, plaintiff, vs. , Bert Cochran and Mont Cochran, part- ners as Cochran Bro.o defendants. State of Oregon. County of Clackamas, ss. By virtue of a Judgment order, decree and an evecutlon, duly issued out of and tinder the seal of the above entitled court, tn the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 13th day of July, 1904. upon a Judgment rendered und en tered in said court on the 12th day of July. 1904. In favor of L. Coblents. doing business as Coblents & Levy, plaintiff, and against Bert Cochran and Mom Cochran, partners as Cochran "Bros.. de fendants, for the sum of S419.S0. with In terest thereon at the rate of t per cent, per annum from the U'th day of July. 1904, and the further sum of 1CS.0O costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make gale of the following described real prop erty, situate In the county of Clackamas, tate of Oregon, and heretofore and on April 8th. 1904. attached by me In this action and particularly described as fol lows, to-wlt: The SW quarter of section C. and lots 1 and 2 of section 7, in T. ( 8.. R. S E., of the W. M., and containing ilS.17 acres more or less. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execu tion, Judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands, of said writ. I will, on Saturday, the 10th day of September. 1904. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. at the front door of the county court house In the City of Oregon City, In said county and state, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for 1". S. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them had on the date of the Judgment herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution. Judg ment order, decree. Interest, costs and all accruing costs. J. R. SHAVER. Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT. Deputy. Dated Oregon City, Oregon. Aug. 12th. 1904. GUARDIANSHIP SALE OF REAL ESTATE. In the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Clackamas County. In the matter of the guardianship of Ben jamin Harrison Jacques and Margaret Myrtle Jacques, minors: Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the above entitled court duly made and entered on the 29tb day of July, 1904. the undersigned guardian of the said estate will, on the 5th day of September. 19M4. at 2 o'clock p. m.. sell at public auction at the court house door of the court house of Clackamas county, Oregon, at Oregon City, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described rial estate, to-wit: The undivided two-thiids Interest of the above minors in and to the land situated In Clackamas county, Oregon, described as beginning at a point 2182 feet from the northeast corner of the P. Foster D. L. C, aid point being on the north line of a tract of land described In Book K, page 170. Deed Records of Clackamas county, Oregon; thence west on a continuation of said line 483 feet to the county road and to the northwest corner of the tract of land owned by the Jacques heirs; thence southerly along the center of the county road 6S2 feet to the center of an other county road; thence easterly 623.5 feet along the center of said last mention ed county road to the line of the Oregon j Water Power & Railway Company s right of way; thence northerly along said right of way 079.7 feet to the place of beginning, containing 8.8S2 acres of land In T. 2 S., K. 4 E.. of the W. M. ELIZA WILBERN. Guardian of Benjamin Harrison Jacques and Margaret Myrtle Jacques, minors. Date of first publication August 5. Date of last publication September 2. CITATION. In the County Court of the Slate 0f j rv,.nn for flackmas countv. In the matter of the estate of Edward I W. Bingham, deceased: To Kate S. Bingham and all other . heirs of Edward W. Bingham, deceased. and all others Interested: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby commanded to appear ; before the Honorable County Court, of I h srt nf Oregon, m and for the Coun- ! tv of Clackmas. at the court house in h Mlv nf Oreirnn C"lfv on the 28th Aav I of September, 1904, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, to show cause, If any exist, why an order should not be made directing the sale of that certain real property belonging to said estate which la described as being 6.28 acres j Jn the east half of the James and Phil-1 Inda Terwllllger Donation Land Claim ! fendant. Jn Township One (1) South, Range One! In the name of the State of Oregon. (1) Earn of the Willamette Meridian In j ' heiyt.y required to appear and Multnomah county. State of Oregon; the answer the complaint filed against you same being a strip of land extending:'" the above entitle 1 court, and suit frpm the line dividing the east and west on or before the last day of the time halves of said claim, easterly and parallel j l es -i In the order for publication to the south line of said claim to the j made herein, to-wlt: 30th daj of Hep center of the McAdam road, the south 1 te,nber. 1904. and If you fail to answer for line of said strip of land belfig 1283.35 j wnt thereof the plaintiff will apply to feet north on the south boundary of said j the Court for the relief demanded in his claim, and also the right belonging to complaint on file, viz: mat the marriage aid E. W. Bingham In his life time and j contract existing between plaintiff and to his heirs and assigns to shoot, take I defendant be forever dissolved, and kill ducks and other wild fowls This summons is served iin you by nd game upon any and all sloughs, ! order of the Hon. Thomas F. Ryan. Judge lakes and lands coveied by water on of the County Court of the State of Oie- jots l, 6 ana i, me or me nvti-i cf Section 23; lots 1, i, 3, 4, and Wl-3 j of SW1-4 and Wl-2 of NW1-4 of Sec tion 14, Lot f. Section 15; Lot 5 and SE1-4 of SE1-4 and El-J of NE1-4 of Section ' It, tha 8E1-4 of the 8W1-4 of Section ; the El-1 of N W 1-4; the N 1-Z of 8E 1-4 and W 1-2 of NE 1-4 of Section 10, all In Columbia County, Oregon; also fractional river lot S, Section 35; lots . i. 8octlon :S: lot 6. Section Si and the E 1-1 of SV 1-4. Section IS. all In Town Three, ll). North Range One (1), West of Wil lamette Meridian: Also river lota 1, S, J Section 5. Towpshlp S North, Kange 1 Weat of Willamette Meridian, more par ticularly described In deed found record ed at page 507, Book F, Records of Deeds In Multnomah County. State of Oregon. Witness my hand and the seal of said court affixed thla 3th day of August, 1104. F. A. Sleight. Clerk of the county court, by F. V. Oreentnan. deputy. First publication August 11) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice la hereby given that the under signed haa been appointed executor of the last will and testament of Israel Rivera, deceased, by the county court of the atate of Oregon for Clackamas county. All persons are hereby notified to pre sent any bills they may have against said estate properly verified according to law at the office of Geo. C. BrowneU at Oregon City, said county and atate, on or 0l.(0r4 SX months from tha data of the first publication hereof. W. H. SMITH. Executor aforesaid. GKO. C. BROWNELL and L. STIPP. Attorneys for executor. First publication July Si. 1904. SUMMONS. Ill the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Clackamas, J. tieorge Stoll. plaintiff, vs. v EIU V. Stoll. defendant. To El'.a V. Stoll, the above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint hied against you In the above entitled suit within aix weeks from the date of first publication of this summons, to-wit: On or before the ISth day of September. 1904. and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, which la that the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween the plaintiff and defendant be for ever dissolved, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication there of in the Oregon City Enterprise, for six successive weeks, by order of the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan. Judge of the county court of Clackamaa county, Oregon, made at chambers at Oregon City. Oregon, on the 3rd day of August. 1904. Date of first publication August 6th. 1904; date of last publication Septem ber 16th. 1901. J. N. HART. Attorney for plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Clackamas. Anna Girard. plaintiff, vs. Frank Girard To Frank M. defendant. CI raid, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and an swer tha complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit In the above named court on or before Friday. Septem ber Kth. 1904. the same being six weeks (rom t(,e fr8t publication of this sum mons, and you will take notice that if you fall to so appear and answer said com p:. :nt the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint, lo-wlt: That the bonds of matrimony ex isting between you and plaintiff be dis solved. This summons Is published by the or der of the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of tbe County Court of the County of Clack amas, State of Oregon, In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of general circulation In Clackamas county, for six successive weeks, commencing Friday. August Sth. 190(. and continuing to and Including September IS, 1904. GEO. C. BROWNELL, tAttorney for plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- gon for Clackamas County. David T. Brush, plaintiff, vs. Helen A. Brush, defendant. To ji,.,-n A. Brush, defendant: jn the name of the State of Oregon you jare hereby notified to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on Monday, the 19th day of September, 1904. (that being the day fixed In the order of the court for you to appear, and which is more than six weeks after the first publication of this summons) and If you f ill so to appear and answer the plaintiff ill apply to the court for the relief de- rnanded In the complaint, wiilch is for a divorce upon the ground of d-sertion. This summons is servcu upon ou qv me puo- i licalion thereof In the Oregon City Enter prise for six successive weeks by virtue ! of a order made by the Hon. T. A. j McBi Idc, Judge of said Court, on the 2nd day of August, 1904, the first publication of this summons being made on the 5th ,Ja' of August, 1J9I. J- c- MORELAND, . Attorney for Plaintiff SUMMONS. j In tlWIreult Court of the Ktatc of Ore- gon. for Clar-kamas County. I I:ivM C. Rogers, Plaintiff, vs. Klla K. Rogers, D T" Kll Rogers, t Defendant. tbe atiove named dc- " "'! -- , ut 2.'.th. 1904. and the date of the pub lication of this summon Is August Jiitn, , 1!M, and the date of the last publica tion thereof is September 30th. 104. and the time within which the defendant Is ieqjir. ,1 to answer the omplainl ts Sep tember 30th, 1904. GORDON K. HAYES. Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber land act June 1, 171. United States Land Office. Oregon City, Oregon July 11. 104. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the pro visions of the act of congress of June S. lst.8. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Land atates bv act of August 4, 1893, MARJOR1K T. NOllLK. Of Portland, county of Multnomah, atate of Oregon, has this day tiled In this office her swum statement No. 45. for the purchase of the SK. quarter of NW. quar ter and Lota 3. 4 and f. of Section No. t In Township No. 3 8.. Range No. T K., W. M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Ita timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver of this ottice at Oregon City, Ore gon, on Friday, the 33d day of Septem ber. 1904. She namea aa witnesses: Thomas Prown, of Salmon, Oregon: John T. Me Intvre, of Salmon. Oregon; John H. Cook, of Portland, Oregon; Geo. W. Cook, of Portland. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-deacrlbed laads are request ed to file their claims In this office on or before said 2Jd day of September. 1904. ALGKKNOX S. DRESSER. ' Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been uppolnted by the county court of the state of Oregon for (.lack- : amas county administrator of the estate I of William Joyce, deceased. All persons , having claims against the 4ld estate are hereby notified to present them with the vouchers nrooerly verified according to . law at the office of the undersigned In Oregon City, said county and state, on or before six months from the first pub lication of this notice. uvr si'ipp. , Administrator aforesaid. First publication July 29. 1904. SUMMONS. tn the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Clackamis. Uatue E. Parr, plaintiff, vs. Waller J. Parr, defendant. To Walter J. Parr, the above gamed de fendant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you In the above entitled suit, In the above named court, on or before Friday, the 9th day of September. A. D. 1904. that being six weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this summons, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demand ed in said complaint, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and plaintiff be dissolved and held for naught. This summons Is published by order of Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, county Judge of Clackamas county. Oregon. In the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper, published weekly, and published, printed and in general circulation In said Clackamas county. Oregon, for six successive snd consecutive weeks, and the first publics tlon thereof being on July 29th. A. D. 1901, and the last publication thereof be ing on September 9th. A. D. 1904. G. B. DIMICK. Attorney for the plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ix-partriictit of the Interior. Land Of fice at Oregon City, Oregon, August 13, 1904. Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver, at Oregon City. Oregon, on September 28, 1901. viz: Ell F. De Bord; H. K. No. 14491. for the lot 7 and SE1-4 of SW1-4 and 81-2 of SE1-4 Sec. , T. I 9.. R. 4 E He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: R. C. Hunter of Montavilla Oregon. Glen Hunter, of Montavilla. Oregon. Anson Countryman, of Colton. Oregon. William Bonney, of Colton. Oregon. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER. Register. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. The undersigned will present the fol lowing petition '0 the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, on Wednes day, the 7th day of September, 1904, for a license to sell splrltous, malt and vin ous liquors. In less quantities than one gallon, at a saloon In Cascade Precinct, for a period of one year. CASPER JUNKER. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the petition of Casper Jui:k,-i for a petition for liquor license. To the county Court of the above County and Slate: Your petitioners would respectfully rep resent that they are legal voters In Cas cade pivelnct In the above County and State, and actual residents thereof. That they would respectfully request that you grant a llcnse to Casper Jun ker, authorizing and permitting him to sell spiritoiis, malt and vinous liquors In a saloon located at what is known as Sandy, In said precinct. And your petitioners will ever pray. etc. S. n. Coalman. F. Largensonew. J. H. Wewer. Herman Fischer, Ulrlch Trubel, John Cosholm, Frank S. Bellman, Aaron L'ndegrave, S. O. Mitchell, H. Wendland. J. H. L. Maybee, Daniel Herllhy, George Klsecker, M. C Donahue, A. C. Browning, W. A. Proctor, u John H. Hoffmelster.E. Barrett, Julius Wenulano, r. Dunn, Theo. Koennoeke, Fred Warner, H. Ridderbuach, J. F. Thlebke. Gottfried Stuckl, Ramund Kaiser, John Kelsecker, Wm. M. RamsdelL John S. Gibbons, John Strauss, Henry Wldmer, John Muller, Charles Suckow, O. W. Beers. Anton Malar. T. H. Fischer. Theodore Hscher, Wm. Waespe, Fred Waespe, E. Beers, E. Donahue. Gilbert Gllbertson, James Fowler, C. E. Edwards, W. K. S pleas, Frank Irvln, Fred Rlem, James Lam per. H. W. Donahue, C. H. Edwards, 8. H. Edwards, J. Suckow, 8. W. Scovllle, O. Ram bow, H. P. Bunn, 8. E. New. George Harris, E. Coleman, Ed. Suckow. Henry Kelsecker, Wm. Bobbins. 3. 8. Wllcoxson, Henry Ridderbuach, Will Bell. J. A. AlbeL A. J. Brgham, F. J. WaJkley, Herman Bruar, Wlllard Bos holm, C. L. Idietm, C. S. Chase. F. J. Buckow, John Meyer, Joseph Meyer, Peter P. Hia. P. Rldderbusch, Fred Kelsecker, Ira R. Dodge. J. O. DeShaver, J. H. Revenue, A. U. Hell, T. G. Jonsrud, E. A. Revenue, R. E. Hyatt. U. 8. Griffith, Max Kllzd. Chaa. Sharnke, B. P. KlIgeL J. S. Albel. Jake McDaudl. Albert Thollnger. Henry Koch. Gottlieb Muller, Otto H. Melnlg. J. M. Dickenson, Albon O. Melnlg, P. iC Melnlg. T. J. Stone, E. Beers. C. Pfyffer, F. Beers. James Bell. J. 8. 8. Sabers, John Maronay, N. C Kufca. Gigantic Stock Reducing Sale To make room for our Furniture Factory output we are compelled to clean out large spaces, occupied now by other merchandise. In order to make these goods move quick, we will sell them at prices never offered before, quality considered, in anv part of this western country. Credit sales will only be made on well secured notes with 6 per cent interest. Iron lixlr. t.gulur 1100 now Cm-arts from IJ.50 Blankets. Ui pair from 4 4c to ..ii.OO All Fornityre sold at Manufacturers' Prices. 1 " -."'M flBl j lit Hr; jk ill 2000 DOORS Contractors and builders, pleane rioic uiet-H: Well seasoned and well put up . .-.J ,, 1 doors. 1 .1- III. thick. ; f.-et S In xi feet S ill. 4 panels, regular lalue 11.15. now Jt.35 5 cro panel iloolS. 2 feet 6 In XO feet t In xl 1-1 In., regular II. "i alue, now 1.25. Front doors and windows In proportion. Here, n doors 90c ) E3 (f1 Iff (IS i FRANK 3BU TKe S3o5SsfxrnisKer V urn Y nm Woven Wire Hprlngs..hnrd. ood frames. In si In the m.irket, regu lar $1 fii value, now, ns long us stock Inats. ft.M. All rnplM-r nickel pUled lea kettle Kegulur value II :'i Now .... M L'OO pairs of Ijicx Curtain. No rea sonable offer re Jected. All cMM OO 4f3 run stoi It of wall paper Is (omplele ainl will I- sold at u great reduced pile-. - ''jsiii.iiiii- hhiistt"- ir- iniiii. tin inimiurn iW - -if lleat. v ('hfinoiil tin wash boiler Air tight henter, latest Improve ijicnts.stiiinls '.' ft G Inches high, II 90 value now 12 50 78 Steel Ranges In our basement have to go-to make room - Highest guide, war ranted Hake-I'asl. ii hole range. 1H Inch oven, large, all copper lllckel plated reservoir, regular value, now $35.00 Charter Oak Rang., c.ifl refivoli, regu lar H'J.i'V valu , now 33.00. 4 -hoi" Charter Oak range, regular $::.'. 00 lill'le, lliiU' $28.00. Warranted rook stoves, good size, ..13.50 All our steel ranK'-H have the lalcst Im provements, f,a per cent more healing and co'ikmi; capacity than any oilier. ltnm MM fiPfot trnt-nt of tv w Wilton. In KialtiM, ItriiHHt lM, AxinttiHln h. vux.,wvt Hhowri. Thfi- MMliil vhIiu-h uii aule a htut hh i'i4-rit Ktof k lantfi: II. VVilmn vlvi't H'jc yd 1 if) WildMi uluir OTc yl xfif ltriiHH'li 'J'tc yt Sfic All wool extra aup'-r InKraiti. .'); yi f..n- if;ilf wool 4't-C '1 fi4j T'lttoti 'i5o yd All matt If ikk and ruK In pruportlon. AMERICAN ROTARY WASHER. It Ifi a d partur from otlit-r rotaty mo t Ioiih. The K'r m thn ntr Min-nt lver K known. iJieri'forp th onration of thf Hiiint Ik the uMlt-Mt. tiiraln of rat Iiikh ii't known In thin (C-fir, hn'p ItrtakaK Id llrnlnntfl. Man lo-kitij IifnK K'ar, wlilh locks the niuchin wh'ti ofH-n or cloned. ctt Thla l. u.illl rolilller seal rock .1, rciil.irilu 12.71 Suw II.IWl .toertret 4 - , TJO pairs of Por tiere. No reason- idle offer rejected I :,,. pocket knife regular 3uc value. Now IS cents Crockery sold at Cost rig. J-.'J." value, now $1.29 Regular $10 va'ue. now $7.00 I! 1 t Jl M HI IiikI'I- paint, highly reioinnun l.-l l il'ie p. r r. il II ?4 I 1,1 mm ii i p ii v?"e' ' - Tb-- j sch! 1