Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1904)
OMOON CITV INTIRRRIH FRIDAY, SERTCMIER 2, 1904. PACE 9. i: ...Short Sidehead Stories... TCUKP.LV-TOI.D TALKS UP TUB WtKK OUINIIH. Taken to Aeylum,--1i. Annie 'hu. 42 yrur ull, nf Hundy, wa committed lu the Hlntc Insane asylum at Halcni Thura duy afternoon lifter an examination run din l. il dy llr. W, 15. Curll. Mm. Cliuaii la a native of Wlaconsln and her Insanity la emotional In Ita form. Man of Bra Steal Wire. - Harvey K. Croaa, of liludslonc, report Hint un un crupiiluu Inillvlilunl, having neither I h four of (lul nut' man, oiik night recently entered ila yard and appiuprlntrd anil rnirlrd away Jito f.--t nf !-fooi wire frnrliiK wllh which the ChuutuucU pro moter hud lntin-! to enclose hl real d nre property. Mercantile firm Incorporataa. Arlli h-a of Incorporation for the lltirlim Mwnin tile Company have been filed with County Clerk Sleight. Th" company, which ex pects lit transact a general mercantile bnslnra at lliirtoti, Clackamu county, la mcorpoiutcd for 110.000, ami thn Incur poratui re: K. Tl Ilurghiirdt, A. II lull and C. A. Iluighordt. Dancing Party. - lnvltallona wire thla week leaned ly the Vado Vwura for a diinrin party I" "" given t Canemuh Turk ti.nliilit. Frank Newton and l,Hy StlpP have taken thn Initiative In alurt Ing thn social llfi' of thn city for the -prouehlng winter und thn dum n litiilarltt Will be thn tllt aorlnl function of thn vraann. Mr T. A. Pope, Mra. Chaa. Albright, Mia K. A. Hummer and Mra. I I.. I'lrknia will serve aa palruncaaca and n very enjoyuble time la In prospect, McLrn Hat Bean Arrested. Frank Mil.cimi, rtn litor of thn Wllholt Hprlnga. wa at reeled Monduy on a war rant Issued out of Justice Htlpp' court, charging him with assault und buttery, tlm complaining witness being Frunk Holt. M'I.eiuna irlnl hiia been act for next Tio-aduy. Aboul two work lfO Holt entered the grounds lit thn rnaort alter having hern notltlcd hy Melanin to keep off tin- prrtnlaca Thn rcaull wa thnt hn wu ejected from thn groiinde om.-whut forcibly und It wu In thn struggle that attended th I that Holt wua struck ovi-r tlm head with a cfcib In thn hamla of Melanin. Thn j.ropi Irtor o( thn resort hud hud warned Holt not to r.imn onto tlm grounds any morn for the r-iiaon thul hn ausiiectcd him of biliglng imiaona of undealnible mpula tlon. hut Holt pcralHtRd In vlaltln thn rrani'l anyway and It waa In coniwo,urnca that thn trouble bctwnm the mtl n-aticd. Wllholt Haa Poat.-Mln.ral water at thn vnrlooa aprlnira and aummnr rraorta huvn varlona pinpnrtlna. 8omn aprlnfa are noted fur po.-aaln wonderful halln qimlltlea. othera urn rnmemberid chiefly beraiian of the beauty of thn acenery with they ar aurrounded. Wllholt Hprlnita, In thla county, which la noted for both thn heallna; propnrtlea of Ita wnler and the h.Miuty of thn acenery, haa developed mill another dlatlnct char acterlatlr thla year when It actually pro duced a poet. Thn Individual upon whom thla plum hna Imatowed au h unuaual Innplrutlon la fhaa. Hchramm. of Orefon Thy, a aomple of whoan poetic produc ttona It waa thn writer' plcnaurn to re view on day recently. Mr. Schramm la a proficient painter, anmpba of hla work eln In evidence Hit over Oreon t'lly, but ludnlna; from thn ability hn hna ahown In hla Initial production along literary line. It III a aitfn waajnr thnt morn will be heard from him lJ thla Matlon In thn future. Thn title of hla flrnt effort I "Wllholt Burin.1' BnJmln Ralata Another 8tory.-In a cult filed for divorce acvcriil dnya ao by Mury A. lloydMton aalnt llenja mln F. Iloydatiin. thn woman chnrged thn hiiHbijnd with refiiRlniC to provide for the upporl of thn fnmlly. thnt he bn cume ahlftleaa and wna not what a lovlnic, dutiful nnd attentive father ahould be. Mr. Iloydntiin. the peraon thua complain ed of, tlirooah hla attorney. N. I- Hutlnr, yintenl.iy tiled an nnawer to the wlfc'a alleKiitlona. lie ndinlta all of the fuel pertaining to the ninrrliiKe of hlmaelf and plaintiff, hut tiKBcit that hn hna at nil tlmifi miide proper and adequate pro vlnlon (O far aa he waa nhln for the up port of the family, that the wlfn I tint UKKieamu- ami to lilnnie In the contro vcrny that ha ltn Introilnced In the court In that aim commuted wilful and pr meilllute.l ili notion when die left the family home In I'olk county ncalnat the KlBll und without the procurement of the defendant. Hoydnton aitk thut the cuntody of the live minor chlldien be iiwarded to hlmaelf for the reaaon that the woman la not n tit pcrmm nor la alie able to Hiipport and provide for them. Dlmlck lell Livery Stable.-I) II IHm bk. proprietor of (hn 1'Jkhurn lively alalile, thla week dlnpoaed of thn IminI neaa to lliuce .umwalt and Wm. J. Wllaon, both of thla city, who auri ceded to thn manaKement yeaterday und will condui t the liualnena. Thn conalderntlon mimed waa fL'ktfi. Property Applied on Judgment Juda" ineut by default hiia been entered In the Claikamn county circuit court In thn ui tlon for money brotiKht hy the Wuah Iukioii l.lipior Company aaulnat J. K. Ilulemaii and othera. Thn action wua hrouKht to recover on a claim for $101 7X und 111 Internal. lroNtrty belonKlng to the defendant and located at Ktacada hn been applied In cancellation of thn Judgment. Read th Argonaut Anion the lead Iliac feature of thn Argonaut for AuKUat 2th, will be "The VImt," an unuaually atronit (tory of frontier life; 'DieanK Fulfilled In Venice," a letter In which (leruldlnn- llonner deacrlbea thn dellxhla of that city; "I'chlyama aa an Imperson ator," a letter by Helen Hyde, who tell of IntereatlnaT event and condition In Japan; "I'uKun Ixmdon and Author," from the Ara-unaut Ixindon correepond cut. "Cia kalKiin," who dlcuat the. view In which author urn held by the imart aet In Umdon; und a crltlclam of Arnold Uuly In liemurd Hhaw "Candida" at the Columbia Theatre, by Joaephlno Hart I'helpa. Gained Flrat Plae. Thn member of tlm tin-gun City hon team returned the flmt of the week from Atorla where tlu-v anlned flrat plain III the hoe race at the Itegutta. They have ampin cauan to return aomewhat Inflated for at the tournament they won two Urate and two avonda while the celebrated Aetorlii ag gregation took two flrat und only one aet-ond. liealdi-a winning a greater amount of prlie money and more place than did the lad by the ara, the Oregon Clly boy feci eapedully proud of thn fuel thut they t-amn out winner In the chitmplonahlp menthe New York tet which wa the prlnclpul event of the meet. Will Make murvav Latr. Buperlntend- nnt Field and other officer of the South ern l'aclllc company were In the city lunt Thuraday afternmin looking over the compuny a trncka and other property In ion eiiv awer'tiilnlna thn company' right and the right of Individual pre liminary to Bdjuatlng the matter of right of way with the city authorllle. The party wa accompanied by a urveyor and It wn expected that a urvey of the railroad premlaea would be made In con Junction with City Knglneer Hand of thl city. Mr. Kami had not been noti fied and waa not In the city. o that the urvey will have to be made at omo future lime. Waa Fined HQ.00.-J. C. I'arker, thn young Portland attorney, who wa ar reded aeverai day ago. charged with aaaaultlng little Fanton at Harlow, waa allowed to plead guilty to lmple aaaault. Talker wa luken to Canby and anulgned before JuRtlce Knight, thn committing maglatrute laat Thuraduy evenli.i. I'le&dlng giillty to the aubdltuted charge, fine of 110 waa lmpoed and thla thn young man paid, going to hi Portland home on the overland trln. An In veatlgatlon of the caae by Deputy I'roae cutlng Attorney C. Bcbubel revealed that I'arker wa not guilty of the felony with which he wo charged, the girl having excitedly exaggerated the fact In dat ing them to her father, who wua the complaining wltnea. Accident In freight Yard. There came near being a need for the Hoolhern 1'a clflo company' wrncklng train In thl city lad Thuraduy. A a aouth bound freight entered the local yard, the brake un thn cahooaa struck the guard rull at the entrance of thn ewltch. tearing It from It place und forcing It along he ni iilh the coach. The heavy rail torn up the eii' Hi und mutilated a number of Ilea until thn water tank wu reached, when tint mlitplaccd ral' securely caught and the unnatiirul lever ruined lh couch Into the air, when the rail snapped In two. Thn car fell hack iiarely onto thn rail, while the plccca of the broken rail dropped free of the truck, ulherwlae a derailment would have been the cer tain product of the accident. How' Thlat We offer One Hundred IXilluri ri wrtrl for any man of Catarrh thut cannot lie cured by Hull' Catunh Cum. F. J. CIIKNKY CO.. Toledo, O. ' Wn, thn underalgned, have known V. J. Cheney for llm laat IS yean, and Ix llev him perfectly honorable In all bud nea tranaactlon and financially able to curry out any obligation made by hi firm. Waldlng, Klnnan ac Marvin. Wholesale Druggld. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure I taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous urfuce of the sydem. Tedlmonials sent free. 1'rlce 7&c per bottle. Bold by all driiKKld. Take Hall Family Fill fur conatlpa-tlon. WHAT WILL THI WIATHER BET U. . Department of Agriculture Pr. diet September Condition. ' General Crop Report Favorable tem perature prevailed during the week, which wa dry up to the evening, of the J7th when cloiullneH Increuaed und (how- ra and Ihnnderd.irni occuired marly everywhere In the northern porllnn of Ihe date. The ruin Were rather light In the vnlley. hut fairly good amount fell In the foothill and moimtnlna. These rain eleareil the ntinoHpliere of amoke und were benellcliil to late crop, but more ruin I needed for potatoes, garden and pud ill-age. Tli fall wheat crop ha been cut, thi'Hhed and a huge part of It hauled to the warehouae. It turn ed out very aatlsfuctorlly In nearly all part of thn Ktate. Spring wheat cutting la well njong, and In the Willamette vnl ley. It In practically completed and modly nil thruHhed. Hprlng wheat and out are yielding better thnn expected earlier In the aeiinon. hut both crop are below the average In auuntlty. though uliove the average In quality. Corn I doing m marknbly well, and tht planted early I now being harvested. Hop are maturing rather lowly and picking will not lie come general until next week. Thn crop promise to be lighter than luat year, but with favorable weather from now on the quality will be above the average. Faduragn la very ahort. and except In tide land neutlon. dairy herd have to be fed about a much a In mid-winter In order to keep up the flow of milk. Apple and peaches are rip and plentiful In the market French prune will yield a full crop, but the Italian are the llght eet In year. Wat Not Very Inaan.. An nttenipt waa made thl week to have committed to the date Insane aaylum P. J. Howermun, of thl city. The complaining wltnea wu the man wlfn and the woman wa the only wltnea to testify ugalnd the man at the examination of the caae which wa held before Judge Hyan Mon day afternoon and continued until Thura duy. The wife teatllled that both her elf and the children were afraid to live any longer with the hueband and father, but that waa the bulk of her teatlmony. In hla own behalf. Itoweimau teKtlHcd thut he had un Irritable temper that hud been grevloiialy aggravated of lulu by Interferrliig ncipialntuiiccH. Do mestic infelicity, rather than mental In flrmlty. appeal to be figuring somewhat In the effort to get the old man tempora rily out of tliu way. Saya Wife Wat to Blame.-S. It. Kent, who waa recently made defendant In a divorce ault brought by .Mary II. Kent, has tiled an answer through his attor ney K. P. Morcom. of Wooilburn. About the only thing In the wife's complaint that lh defendant luhnlt a the fact, are those pertaining to the marriage of the pintle In Wu. He any Ills wife has brought the suit In older that he may be decreed the exclualve owner of the property they cull home and eject him In his old age und slate of help lfHiif therefrom. Kent also charge the woman Vllh applying to him epi thets that would not sound well at an veiling reception and says that she In cited the children to become rebellion and disregard the mandate of the hus band. All of thJ, defendant allege, made life decidedly unpleasant for him mid he ask that tho decree of divorce b made In hi favor. The following dutn, covering a pedlod of i'i year have been compiled from the Wnulher Ilnreuu record at Portland, Oregon. They are Issued to hoW the condition that have prevailed, during thn month In queatlon, for the abuv. period of year, but mud not be con strued a a forecaat of the weather con dition for the coming month. Month, September, for 32 Yeir. Temperature. Mean or normal temperature, 61 deg. The wurmeet month wa that of 1 . with an average of 60 deg. The voided month was that of ls:5, with an average, of 67 deg. The hlgnVxt 'temperature wu 93 degree, on the 11th, 1M. The lowed temperature waa 38 de gree on the lat. 1M. Tho earlleat dule on which llrd "kill ing" froal occured In Autumn, Oct 13. Averuge dute on which first "killing" frod occurred In autumn, Nov. IS. Average date on which last "killing" frod occurred In spring. March 17. The luteal date on which lad "killing" frost occurred in apring. May . Precipitation (rain or melted inow). Average for the month, 1.82 Inches. Average number of day with .01 of an Inch or more, 8. The greated monthly precipitation wa j I :5 Inche In 1KM. I The leaat monthly precipitation wa , 0 00 Inchea In 1873. The greateat amount of precipitation I recorded In any 24 consecutive hours wna 1.27 Inches on the 20th and 21st im. Thc greateat amount of snowfall re corded In any 24 consecutive hours (re cord extending to winter of 18S1-8S only) was none. Clouds and Weather. Average number of clear duya. 12; part ly cloudy days, 10; cloudy days day, 8. Wind. The prevailing wind have been from the northwest. The averuge hourly ve locity of the wind 1 S mile. The hlgheat velocity of the wind waa 16 mile from the south, on the 2d, 1897. Station, Portland, Oregon. August 27, 1904. HOWARD A. UEAIJ3. lHatrict Forecaster, Weather Bureau. FARMERS' CONVENTION CALLED. Arrangement will b. Mad for an Ex hibit at th. 190S Pair. The (la'kams county court has Is sued an official call for a convention of the farmer and producers of Clacka mas county to be held In this city on Thursday, October 6, when details will be completed for the gathering of an exhibit of the a-rsources of the county for the I-ewla and Clark Fair. After reciting the facts concerning the offer made by the Lewis Ic Clark C'omrala alou to encourage the making of county rxhlblta, the rail ay: "Where, The County Court of Clack urnas County, believing that we have a county second to none in the State of Or egon In It rraource and product, and j that It would be of great benefit to th. j aid Clackama County and It people , that a full and complete exhibit of said j product hould be made at said Lewis , and Clark Fair, and fully realizing that j to make such an exhibit will require the hearty co-operation of every cltlxen of ' the county; therefore, be It I Revolved, That an Invitation be ex tended to the citizens of every precinct In Clackama County, and to every Grange, club, society or aiaociatlon In terested In aald matter to select dele gate to meet with the County Court In the Courthouse on Thunday, October , at 11 a. m. , for the purpose of formu lating plan and measures that will re sult In the gathering and placing on ex hibition a said Lewis II Clark Fair a full and complete exhibit of what w. raise, make and have In ' Clackama County. There are no restrictions aa to th. number of delegates that may be select ed In tho various precinct or bodies to to attend thl meeting and a cordial In vitation 1 extended by th court to all citizens Interested In this work to attend aid meeting and by their preience, ad vice and co-operation aaalit In the pro motion of Its object W would also request all farmer. miner, manufacturer and mechanic to preserve samples of all product that wiU aalt in making a nucleus for a credit able collection." "Now good digestion wait on api . tlte, and health on both. If it doesn't try liurdick Blood Bitter. HUNTLEY BROTHERS CO. POPULAR PRICE DRUGGISTS Yog can't tell either fey looking at a prescription or fey tasting it whether it haa been filled corectly or not yog masf trast entirely to yogr draggist. If Huntley's label is on the package yog may feel safe and sore. Twice the price couldn't make it better. if if if if if Exclusive Perfumes We make a specialty of unusual perfumes the rare and imported kinds that are not found in most drug; stores. Our line of perfumes will appeal especially to those fastidious folks who wish to affect a dis tinctive odor unlike those in everyday use. The popular and latest creations of Piver, Roger and Gallet, Violet, Lautier, Rick secker, Atkinson, Rieger, etc j Cytise, Violet Faraese, Am bre Roy ale. La Trefle In carnat, Peag d'Espagne, Chypre, Ylang-Ylang, King Violet, Gyp, Ariston, Ma dame Butterfly, etc., etc No need to fear audden attacks of Cholera Infantum, dyaentery. diarrhoea, summer complaint of any sort If you have Ir. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw berry In the medlrlne chest. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Matthias Kundle, the duly appointed, qualified and acting administrator of the estate of John I Scott, deceased, haa filed his final report of his doing therein, with the clerk of the county court of Clackama county, Oregon, and the court haa et Monday, the 29th day of Auguat. 1904. at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., at the court house In Oregon City, Oregon, a the time and place for the hearing of any and all objection to the aid final report and the discharge of the said adminis trator. Dated July 20th. 1904. MATTHIAS KANDLE, , Administrator of the edate of John L. Scott, deceased. G. B. DIMICK, Atty. for Administrator. Executor' Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed have been appointed Executor of the Estate of I.ulah Toedtemeier. de ceased, by tho Count;- Court of Clack amas County, Oregon. All person having claim against the said estate are hereby notltlcd to pre sent the same to us for payment with in six months from the dute of thl notice with proK-r vouchers at our place of resi dence near Stufroid. Clackumas County, Oregon. FRED KOEM.ERMEIEIl. CHARLES KOEI.l.ERM EIER. Executors of the estate of I.uluh Toed temeier, deceaaed. Hated Auguat 18, 10"l. ARE YOU THINKING OF BUYING A WATCH? If so, do you know enough about watches to make a safe purchase ? Re member that we arc an old reliable house, that we have been in the watch business for many years and that we make a specialty of repairing watches and thereore are in a position to know all about them. :: :: :: :: Rev. Hammond Return. Rev. 1". K. : Hammond, rector, of St. I'mil's Episcopal , church in tills i'1'V. has ivlm ncd from i San FruiieiM'o wlure h- wns i ailed us u witness for the (late iinalnst ltenjumhi i V. (lerniulii. the alb K'-d blgiinilnt. Rev. Hammond officiated at the ceremony In thl city In January. I!W. when tier main married' Wife No. 1. It 1 the opinion of the Oregon City clergymnn that although the case wu not concluded when he left SaiiFranelsco, there I little question of a doubt but that Cermaln will le convicted of bigamy. Rev. Ham mond sa.v the residents of BunKrunclsco are making elaborate prepuratlona for receiving und entertulnlng the Knights Templar In their grand Conclave In Sep tember. Neither pains nor expense are being neglected In decorating the city lavlshlv and arranging the detail of the j entertainment of the visitor. BIDS WANTED. Sealed bids will be received by the un dersigned until September 1st. 1904. for furnishing Oregon City with 500 or more cubic! yards of crushed rock. All bid most ta,te the price for rock delivered at the cnnher nnd the price delivered upon the rond. Tho Com It tee reserve the right to reject any or all bid. WM. SHEAHAK, E. F. 8 TORT, II. E. STRAIGHT, Committee on Streeta and Public Prop erty. Address all bid to Wm. Sheahan, Chairman of aald committee. July 27, 1904. M We recogniie that we tout be honest with you to retain your patronage, a we are here to stay and to make good our guarantee. We carry the largest stock of Watchea and Jewelry In Clackama county. These are some of the reasons why you should make It a point to see ua when you want to purchase a timepiece or. have It repaired. Our Watchea are made in solid gold, gold filled, silver and nickel In the filled we sell the Boss make. It is made of two layers of solid gold, with a layer of stiffening metal between. It haa the elegance and weiring qualities of an all-gold Watch, and the price is much leu. x A We have Nickel Watchea from $2.00 to 110.00. Gold Filled Watchea from $10.00 up. ft ., --1 tA IvS, F-S67 Solid Gold Watchea from $20.00 up. Burmeister & Andresen The Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Corner J Iliicklen'a Arnica Salve wholly cured It in five days. For Vlcer. Wounds. Pile. it is the best salve ill the world. Cure i guaranteed. Only "Set. Sold by How ell Jones. Priigglsts. It Saved Hi Lea- . P. A. Danforth of IiGrande. Ga., uf fered for lx month with a frightful running oie on hi leg; but writes that Traoedy Averted. "Just In the nick of time our little boy was saved" write Mr. W. Wat klns, of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneu monia hud played sad havoc with him and a terrihle cough aet In beside. IsH'tor treated him. but he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, andour darling was saved. He 1 now sound and well." Everybody ought to know It, Its the only sure cure for cough, cold and all Lung Disease a. Guaranteed by How ell ft Jones , druggist. Price SO cent and tl.OO. Trial bottle free. 44th Annual STATE FAIR SALZU, OREGON, SZPTZUBZR 12 fa 17. 1904 Good attractions, splendid racing, best of band masic, fto.cxx) in premiums, magnificent stock show. A fine camp ground with room for all, fresh water piped into the ground, plenty of shade, good street car service and lots of entertainment and education for every holy.