Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 02, 1904, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Hew To-Day.
por oont Farm locurltf. U'Bes
4 Sfihubal.
WANTKD lrl forgeneral rmuacworV (n
u.uil family. App'y of W. It. '.urn-
wall, rom-r Hlxth and Jefferson .
IXIHT Oiifl three "year old' red ataer. alao
one three-year old heifer. rt except
on flank, branded "M" on lft hip. car
cropped .mil alat haa two allta. A r
ward will be. paid fur th return of
tin or both to Mr I', r, iry.
near Oawrgo.
ixill ftXr.f;" tlui'wUKiit rooms.' g'lod
stable., together with about one. fourth
of an acre of land. located at Clack
amaa. three mlnutee walk from rail
road station. Inquire of George A.
Drown. Oregon Clly. H. K. IA No 3.
Hrptonttxr 30.
money to libXhi-T HAVK Sever-
al attma of monoy belonging to pri
nt Individual! which I am author-1
Uod to loan, on kmc time at 6 and
Ufa W loan, on m
7 pr cnt. Coat of loan will b)
made vary ranabl.
II. E.
Croaa, atlnrnny at law.
WANTKI- - ftpcrUil r-preaentiiilve In thli
rounty and adjoining terrltorlra to rep-rrai-nt
and advertlae an old eataoliahed
hualnraa houae of aolld fliiuivlal atand
ln. $J1 wmifcly. with eanenae ad
vanrrd rnch Monday by check dirwt
from hradquartera Morae and bugfY
fumlahed when neceaaary: raitlnii per
manent. Addreaa Hlew Hroa. A l,o..
Dept. A Monon r)ld. Chlragn. III.
r-V- ar 14 V" y ""a"
T 1 T? L 4
u9tA-A.i. ev. A aav
Veung broke hartee for tale cheap.
Can fee aeen at the farm of Oearge Clark
t Logan. ert range from t Ti.
Kept 2.
Olive lUrdiety and V. A. Tnuna wre
m.irrlrd Wrdneadny nfii-rnoon at the
iourt houae by I'ounly Judge T. V. H).in.
UUd drinka a epeclaJty at the Planet,
(eirde building. Seventh and Main atreeta.
Kelly A Huconlrh. propa.
The Weet Oregon Telephone rompuny.
wlilch propoa-a to lntnaiit a g-neml
t"rphone bualneaa, luui hle1 iirtlcle nf
Inrorporatlon with County Clerk 8UI-M.
Willamette will be the location of the
(ompany'a oitlce and the rouip.my la ln-
orporated for $.'00. the lncorpo'tor
f-lng. Chiie. Itnker. O. I. C.ruaa and .
N. Kruee.
Kor that tired feeling try a gleee of
Welnhard a cedrbraled Columbia beer at
I ha Tlanet. Kelly A Ruconlch. prop.
Thoa. Kelland. a young farmrr irald
tng near New Km. waa thla week fined
U for killing Chlneae l'heaonU out of
PtCIAL. I-adle handkerchlefa. t for
0o; chlldV handkerchlefi. lc; plna. lc.
taper; roamnpolltan pattern cut to tc;
I ad lea" black hoee cut to c; lc. and 10c.
atln rllibona now tc and 6c; trimmed
lata. 7c. up; untrlmmed, o. up: cou
pona gl n for dlahra. Red Kront.
The flahway over the Willamette Kulla
at Oregon City wna thla week completed.
Thla liiipiMM uicnt will enable the aal
mon to reach the upter Wlllamete rlier
and Ita tributary etrenma for atuiwnliiK
purpoaea. The llah ladder waa drelKm-d
by J. W. Moltlltt, of thla clly. under tin
direction of Kleh Warden VunPuaen. It
cotialata of it ain-ceaalon of pool blaeted
from the aolld rock at Intervale of three
fi-rt. enabling the anlmon to lutcend Die
Kalla which lire CS f.et lilah. The Im
provement :ih piild for by the utate
which male an n;propr!:itlim of r.i)D.
Thla win adei)iiate to meet nil coat. My
an eatalillah'd law. Ilahlng la prohibited
within tlOO feet of the new ilehja).
Old Crow, riunct and Red Tip Rye
the flneat whlaklra made. The Planet.
Kelly A Ruconlch. propa.
J. C. Campbell and J. li. I-itnur.tte
Wire al KuKie Crei k Wednesday where
the former was Interested III a sheep re
piesln iaa: liidi lla. be-ll ;-ct fur trl.il
Krlilay of thla week, before Justice nf the
Peace Allapaugh.
SNAP8. Ilnblea' 60c. ahoea 37c; chllda'
"Sc. to 90c; mute.;s' shoes, J1.10; ladlea'
j:.60 shoes for 11 '.'0; slippers cut to 60c.
Red Front.
Knur young Oregon Cltyltes left laet
Hatui ilay ew nlng on quite a long Jour
ney. The party ciiiiBlHted of John Hop
pell, luted 11 yeaia. who will chapel-one
his Din younger brothers and sisters,
huddle, George C. Mild Kda M.uda. to
I'eorl.i. Illinois, where tiny will H
their grainlather.
Welnhanl's ccleointed Culunilil.i beer
the purest and beat beer In the market.
The Manet. Kelly A Ruconlch. props.
One" of the city's obliging und vigilant
guardians of the pence mid a Wist Hide
motormnn had a rather exciting chase
Tuesday night after a stranger that was
supposed to be the fugtiltlve murderer
Oukman of Hlllsboro. The strnm;er was
el. lei t. il on the suspension bridge early
In the evening. He resembled the Wash
ington County murderer and ns soon as
he beciune iiwuiv Ihat he was being
watched, took every means to evade the
oltlcers nnd finally escaped from the city
by way of Canemnh. In explanation of
the man'a strange uiUoiih. It was after
wards learned that the fellow had during
the day pawned a gold watch nt a Im-nl
store and It Is suspected that the watch
was stolen property.
The coolest glass of beer In the city.
The Manet, Kelly i Ruconlch, props.
"The Mexican Sexton." one of the best
tales ever printed In the Argonaut, la ,
republished, by request. In the Issue of
September 6. Its chief character, the
caretaker of a Mexican cemetery'. Is an
unusual creation, und the nuthor re
peats his stories and sayings In a man
ner full of the richest humor. Il will he
much enjoyed by ull who relish genu
ine fun.
All the county ntfra all the time In th
arriving dally at Mia C.
Thar recently appeared In the Ore
Ionian a communication reciting the faot
that a single plftnt of the doli1n Band
Lily produced eighteen blossoms. There
la im exhibition this week In the show
window n( Alison l'iuik" . u ('I. nit of
I ,., , ,mr ...ut, haMng f..-ty tto-aoma
Itcporta r i diii iii hi r actlona um now In
order It m grown by Mrs. J. J Cooke
NAPE. -Cream chetae, 10c; (larch. Co;
aixla. 4c. coffee, 12 l-2c; rl. 4a; crack-
via. c; lemona or orangea. lc; tea dust.
i: i-:c; Kngium btvni.fiist da. 16c; mar
or Iloiecahoe tobacco, i'k.
P.ed Front.
The U month old child of Mra. !. A.
Hull died ut Die home In Green Point
County Treasurer Cahltl will no to
Anderson, on the O. W. A P. t'o.'a line
east of Portland, to' apend Hunday with
a lily of tl. A. It. nun from Portland
and vicinity who will conclude it week a
I i-ncatnpiii-nt at that pUr..
NVw velllnaa. new drapra, new hat plna
ut MIm r.oldamlth'i.
M.imeeteiid patenta have been received
at th oreg .n City lind Urtice In favor
of the f.il'owlng nimi'd aettiera: Kaal
Dilr H'lwh. Haniuel Jihn.irt. WeaU-y C.
K'eeton. l.ynn K Jonea. Harrtaon IhvW
eon. Am Codwulder. Wm. C. K!rg.
Alfred W. Illgliw. K. O. M!1U. Augunl C.
Kanlt. Henry 7-itrow. Thore V. Ilaa-en.
teeorge Hlniron. Jam-a A. Peulle. Jay
llleiikney, Andrew P. Kuhlman. Jamea
Mil.ec John II Allen. r-d GUI. Ed
ward A. Porter. Everett H. HldgwAy.
Henry P. 8tlver, John V. Tumldge, Thoa.
W. Morgan, Arthur II. ft! go. H-nry
Aualln. Frederick IVtereon. il unie V.
Chlhlelln. Joa. Hluket. Wm. ). C. Muoda.
Nettle Hubiaka. Adolph Hdileve. Kmlly
K Tompklna. Helnrl.-h Tober. Peter M
Johnaon, W. Kvert Llndfora. Wm. Koa-,
Oacar V. IllUer. Kdward A. Lfean and
Andrew Johnaon.
The Good
Old Quaker
onre ,il to hit boy :
" Natban. it U not
what thee read that
make the itnart ; it
ia not what thre eata
that makci thre fat ;
nor what tbre earn
that make thee rich,
but what thee
' Thla saving haliit may
be acjuiret by open
ing an account or tak
ing an interest-bearing
certificate at
The Bank of
Oregon City
Oregon City, . Oregon
The ladles Aid Society of the Plrat
Pri'sliv lerlan church 'gave a s.wlat at the
home of Superintendent and Mrs. J. C.
Zlnier Wednesday eienlng. There was
a good attendance that thoroughly en
Joed the music. il programme which was
followed by tl.e serving of Ice cream.
Jolui I'arb-on and Kristine Klinga ob
tained a marriage Hcciine from I'ouuty
CI, rk Sleight tl.e tirst of the Week.
Chaa. M.irns Jr. severely cut one of
his thuinos tho Hist of the wick while
rei,il'lni( k'lldUlig Uih'd.
J H. l'unlom this week sold his resi
dence property on the hill to J. K. Hedges.
Th- price paid wa. l:0"O.
J. I'. Nelson Is In receipt of word from
Ins ilauKliicr. Mia. Mad.iliiie ltureiice.
to the effect that her husband. Ivl.
Laurence, has organized a stock com
caiiy and will leave l'ayton, Washlng
l.iii. lieu week far an ixlepded tour of
the Northwest. It Is probable that the
company will he seen at Oregon City.
A it:i iivlit--r was born Monday to
;.nl Mis. I'.en Kt'.v at t'auemah.
'i'lie iituin ot ll, i . J. ii. Wood uf pas
tor of the First Methodist church, has
been jifcl.t-il by a large repi esentation of
the loctl church. Kei. Ibiod has Just
compli-teil tlie first year of his pastorate
of the I'.ioii i'Iii church.
Campers, returning from tile Toll Gate
on the .Mt. Hood road, report that the
tlircnlciilnx tire that prevailed In that
locality for a number of days last Week,
aa entirely extinguished by the recent
heavy rains. For a time the rich timber
in the Forest Reserve und the source of
I hi tl. ii , l.i u.iler supply al l'.ull I'.un
were in danger.
A horticultural freak has been found
back of Vtau s colibli r shop- It la a tree
t Ii ii t closely t, si'iubles the -.each in snapi
ai d i uuii while the leaves .lie lery
m'iiiIIiii- to those of a prune tree. The
r. nil product'ii on tl.e ttee !':is a klu (
much I. l.i t)i.. t o! an apple, tastes like j
a cross lictwceii a peach and a prune
and has a peach seed. Those who have '
si en the ftiunKe fruit pronounce It the
i piodiict nf a hybrid.
Janle l.ce and It. F. Preston Were
K anted a license to wed Tuesday.
Killing the last al months. Him Key.
a loci. I iitiuimun. has ntcecsbf ill'. par
ticipated in a i'ortla.id lottery, hi win
nings for that period representing $.'i)oo
In the aggregate. I
- Tuesday Mr. and Mr. Ward Lawton
drovt over the Mouth End road for Itf
entire length. They are the flmt per
una to drive over Hie new road In a
Unlit conveyance, and found the thor
oughfare both feasible, and pamnblo. Tho j
road la not unite compli I' d 'nit will soon
be open to Inn i-l.
I'r.iil Moalrr. who recently returned to
It.ia t If y from the Hound country, ex-!
IM-i tia aoun to open up a cigar store ul
tho front of the Hub saloon.
Born. Monday, August ;i, a daughter
to Mra. K. K. laitourctie. of llnrvry,
Washington, ul tht- home of her sUter,
Mra. A. K, MeCaualand.
rjeralillne Homier, writing lo Hie Argo
naut of Heptcmber &th. tella of the de.
light of living In Venice: of the lazy duya.
the alow trips around the canals; the
old, pctun-iiie palacea; and the vari
ous beautiful feu t urea of the world's
mol unique city. The letter la charming
In alyle. aa well na Informative.
Personal Mention
1'red K!y and party are home from
Nea port.
. V. I'uvIn. of Mariuam. waa In the
city Tuesday.
Mra. U I.. Porter U vlaltlng with rela
Uvea at Newport.
Mra. M. A. Thomas and daughter,
Amy. tire at Newport.
Mr. and Mra. W. II. Howell have re
turned from Heaalde.
Mr. and Mra. Chrla llartman are home
from an outing at Heaalde.
Kd IWkner and O. V. Wllltama have
returned from Belknap Kprlngs.
Mra. V. W. Pope and Mra. Mary Con
yera have relumed from Heaalde.
Kepreaentatlve-elect J. M. Hramhall, of
Alma, waa In the city Wednesday.
Mr. and Mra. Uert Greenman are at
Seaalde for a few days' vacation.
Mlaa Hadle Chaw and Mra. Wm. Iewth
walte have returned from Goldendale. ,
Mlrs Hadle Hurae, of Salem, was this
week the gueat of Mlaa Gertrude Bashor.
Philip Rous and family are home from
an outing on the lower Columbia fiver.
Mrs. K. !. Kby has relumed from a
visit with relatives at Kebv. Washing
ton. Mr
and Mra. C. I. I.atourette have
been spending n number of days at Bea-1
side. !
Chambers Howell nnd family have re.
turned from a ten day's outing at New
port. Miss Jessie Humphrey, of Vancouver,
visited with Oregon City yfriends this
Misses Helen and Anrlta Gleason have
returned from a vtelt with friends at
L. W. Kobblna. the Molalla merchant,
was an Oregon City business visitor Wed
Mlsa Almee Pollack was III of a fever
thla week. Wcr condition Is now Im
proved. Hoy W. Kelly and Jack Latourette
h ue returned from u ti n days' outing at
Mt. H.w.1.
Mlsa Anna rUigllsh, of Portland, was
thla weik the guest of Mis Kthelwyn
W. R. Jones, of Colton. was in the city
Wedueaday and became a aubacrlber to
the Knterprtae.
8. Hutchinson, a hading farmer nf the
Highland country, was In the city the
first of the week.
Frank H. Welsh left Monday for the
Eagle Creek mines, where he will remain
ubout ten days.
Rev. J. K. Doeschcr. pastor of the Ger
man P.vangi llcal church at Shuliel. was
In the city Tuesday.
Miss Bertha II. Hewitt, of Portland. Is
Uniting her uncles. K. I- und A. H.
Johnson of this city.
Mrs. E. D. Fellows, of Oregon City. Is
visiting with relatives In town. McMln
vllle NeWS-lteporter.
W. I. i;rowu, ilia well-known Viola
merchant, was transacting business In
Oregon City Wednesday.
Carleton Harding, of this city, has been
admitted to the freshman class at the
I'nlveralty of California.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Marshall, of High
land, were the guests of friends In Ore
gon City the first of the week.
Mrs. J. W. Church has returned to
I.lml, Washington, after a visit with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Albright.
('. II. t'aurtiid and family. Miss Maud
'Torey, Miss Marjorle Caurleld and Loyd
llanllng are home from an annual outlnK
at Mt. Hood.
Chas. Emory and Joe Davenport left
last Saturday night for Sacramento
where they expect to remain Indefinitely
haling pei ured employment there.
Finger Cots
4 for io cts.
for fumigating
3 cts. per lb.
j !
City Drug Store
If you'll visit our store during this sale you'll find hundreds and hundreds
of articles marked with a green tag. A green tag on an article means
that we are anxious to get rid of that particular article and that we are
going to sell it at a price utterly regardless of cost or value. Not that
there is anything wrong with the various articles on sale. But we have
made it an invariable rule never to carry goods over from one season
to another. Hence these extremely low prices on the very best of
Summer merchandise.
We Must Make Room
Rev. G. W. gwope. of Nashville. Ten
neaaee. visited old acquaintances in thla
city this week. Rev. Hwope was formerly
engaged In the legal practice at Oregon
Prof. Theo. Whittlesy. of the North
weat I'nlveralty, of Chicago, where he
holds the chair of organic chemistry, waa
one day this week the guest of Hal
I Rands.
Miss Mary Dahl. who haa been spend
ing a week at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Fred Arthur, returned to her home In
Oresron City last Wednesday. Sllverton
J. F. Clark, of Oregon City, was In
Albany yesterday and left on the after
noon train for Lincoln county for a few
days' stay on his farm near Toledo.
Albany Herald. Sunday.
Fred C. Charman has resigned his posi
tion with the Southern Pacific company
at San Francisco and gone to Portland,
where he has accepted a similar position
In the office of Auditor Benson, of the O.
K. at N. Co.
Wm. Lobdell, of Luke county. Illinois,
waa In Oregon City last Sunday visit
ing his old friend J. W. Noble. The two
men were raised on adjoining farms In
Illinois, tabdell at one time attending a
erhixd that was taught by Mr. Noble.
Mrs. Clark Ganang. of Oregon City-
has been In the city for several days
visiting the family of her cousin, Mr. 1 Remember the place
John F. Farrar. who was operated on i Ilurmelster & Andresen's, Suspension
at the Florence Sanatorium a few days llrldge corner.
since. She returns to Oregon City today. ! EILERS PIANO HOL'SE.
Salem Statesman, August US. i W. H. Weir. General Agent.
1. R. Wlshart of Oregon City Is now I -miinager
of the Model Drug 8 tore. His Card of Thanks.
family will sum arrive und they will oc-
cupy the Echis Pollock house at Fifth I
and A streets. Grants Pass Courier. I
J. H. Howard. Past Ornnd Sachem and !
orgaaizer for the Keilmen is In the city i
In the Interest of that order, accompanied i
by lils wife. He will make an effort to
put a lodge in this city. Tillamook
Wlllard N. Morse, who for some time
lias been conducting a drug store at
lone, has returned to Oregon City and
will spend the winter In the valley. Mr.
Morse and Harvey Hickman, also of
Oregon City, have been appointed house
doctors at the Multnomah county' hos
pitul. They will assume their duties at
the hospital early in September and will
continue their studies at the C of O.
medical college at the same time.
Dts. Boatle & Beatle. Dentists; rooms
16. 17. IS. Welnhard building.
' Drowned Today.
You can drown your sorrow today by
going to Howell & Jones, the druggists,
and buying a box of Palmo Tableta.
They make you strong and happy: Price
50 cents; six boxes J.'.5i).
Eby & Eby, attorneys-at-law. Oregon
City. General practice. Deeds, mort
gages and abstracts carefully made.
Money to loan on good security. Charges
always reasonable.
Lost August 16th, 1904, on the road
from Oregon City to Mt. Hood, a canvas
bag containing bedding. A reward of
Five Dollars will be paid for Its return
to the undersigned at Oregon City.
Surface Irwin Wedding.
At the residence of Mr. and Sirs. W.
S. Irwin, parents of the bride. In Gar
field township. Clackamas county. Or.,
on the I'lth of August. li(V. Mr. E. F.
Surface and ilins Lilian Irwin were tint
ed In marriage. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. A. S. Black, at 7:30 p. m.
in the presence of nearly llftv Invited'
guests. The chosen colors, pink and 1
white, were tastily displayed. During
j the playing of a wciUling march, the '
! contracting parties entered the puiior 1
i and stood under a decorated arch. There 1
were four flower Klrls In the party. After
the ceremony and congratulations, re- '
! freshnicnU were served. I
Both bride nnd groom have estah- '
llshed enviable reputations as teachers. '
Mr. Surface has a tine residence In course I
of construction at Estaciula. to which he
will take his bride In the near future.;
Mr. and Mrs. Surface are among the most '
highly respected people of the common- ' K
I Ity In which they have lived.
Adams IBrotKcrc
Gieeia Tag Sale
To Hold a Special Sale of High Grade
Pianos In Oregon City for
Tan Days.
This announcement should Interest
every piano buyer In Oregon City, aa It
affords you an opportunity of purchasing
a piano at home at the same prices on
our Ooors In Portland. Realizing that It
takes time to come to Portland to m?ke
your selections, and from the number of
Inquiries received relative to pianos and
prices from your city, we have concluded
to ship an assortment of fine piano i to
our local agents, Burmelster & Andre
sen and inaugurate at Suspension I'.ridue
Comer a double-quick small profit sale
and dispose of the entire lot In tea days.
1M means much to piano buyers aa
we realize that to dispose of I large
number of pianos In this length of lime,
merciless price cutting will have to be
indulged In. This is exactly what w; l ro
pose to do. Easy terms of payments can
be arranged. We will simply leave you
without an excuse on this piano proiio
Bltlon. 8tore open every evenlnjr. The
wonderful Pianola will be on exhibition
and for sale.
Come In and spend a pleasant twnin,
hear some good music, select your piano
1 and go home happy.
To the neighbors and friends In Oregon
City and Portland, who so willingly and
kindly assisted us In our late bereave-
ment. we wish to extend our heartfelt
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ownby and Family
Annual Meeting of Clackamas Pedagogues
for Next Week.
The annual Clackamas county teachers'
Institute will be convened ut the Barclay
school next Wednesday and conclude its
sessions the following Friday. Wednes
day evening there will be given a free
lecture nt the Frst liaptlst Church by
Rev. J. H. Heaven, under the auspices
of the Institute management. Rev.
Heaven will give an Illustrated lecture,
his topic being: "An Evening with the
Microscope." A musical programme will
be given in connection with the lecture.
An invitation Is extended to the public
and particularly to those interested In
educational work to attend the sessions
of the institute at the Barclay building.
Among the prominent lecturers that have
been engaged for Ihe meeting ate State
Superintendent Ackeiman, President!
Mulkey. of the Ashland Normal School:
Henry D. Sheldon. I'nlveralty of Oregon; i
C. I lawiey. Willamette University: j
L. It.
n-aver, city superintendent of ,
si'hooiM nt R:i!.,m' ri a f-:,..ii u.i n m i
Babbitt, of Portland, and Rev. J. IL ,
Heaven, of this city.
Great Slaughter
in Oregon City During; September, of
Tons of New Books
Consisting of standard works, histories, biographies,
dictionaries, bibles, cook books, reference and religious
works, dictionary stands, encyclopedias, latest fiction,
w -rks of wit and" humor and the p jets. We guarantee
our special big cuts below Portland prices, whiclj means
Store open day and evening. Next to Bank of Oregon
City, in part of building occupied by Lamb & Sawyer.
While Intoxicated, Prank M. Ford, Steam
boat Man Loses Life.
Frank M. Ford, a local steamboat la
borer, waa accidentally drowned In the
Willamette river near the O. R. N.
Company'a dock in thla city about 10
o'clock Wednesday morning. The body
waa recovered about two hours later.
At the time of the accident, for aul
clde waa evidently not contemplated.
Ford waa Intoxicated and It waa while
attempting to recover hla hat. that he
waa drowned. The dead man came to'
Oregon City several years ago from Salem
and haa always worked as a laborer on
the different river steamers having; for
some time prior to his death been em
ployed on the Pomona. Tuesday even
ing he waa dismissed from th? boat be
cause of his intoxicated condition and
he waa again put off the same boat when
he tried to go aboard again Wednea
day morning, being atlll under the In
fluence of liquor. He returned to the
business district of the city and while
standing on the O. R. A N. Company'a
dock, the wind blew his hat Into the
river. He descended the ladder at the
wharf and in attempting to reach for the
hat. slipped and fell Into a deep hole
from which he waa unable to save him
self. He was seen to. enter the water
but disappeared before any- help could
reach him.
Ford was a young man about S3 years
of age and was unmarried. Suicide waa
not the purpose of the young man, evi
dently, for he had just Invested In a
new suit of clothes.' a pair of shoes and
hat.' presumably with the intention of
preparing to get other employment. He
had only five cents when the body waa
Coroner Holman conducted an inquest
Wednesday afternon. the Jury returning
a verdict of death by' accidental drown
ing. The remains were given burial
Reduced Rataa to 6L Leula Exposition.
The Southern Pacific Co. will aell round
trip tlckete at greatly reduced rates to
8L Lou la and Chicago account the BL
Louis Exposition, on the following dates:
June 16, IT, 11; July 1. J. S; August a.
t, 10; September S. . T; October . 4. a.
Going trip muat be completed within
ten daya from date of aale. and paaaea
gera will be permitted to a tart on any
day that will enable them to reach des
tination within the ten daya limit. Re
turn limit ninety daya. but not later
than Dec Mat, 104.
For full Information aa to ratea and
routea call on Agent Southern Pactflo
Co. at Oregon City. Oregon.
Chief ot Police D' U- Gibson. Of
Salem, is Suing the publishers of the
Salem Capital Journal for $5000 dam
ff, an flrtirl, aepus.
inS f kicking a dog to death
Doggonet, anyway.