Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 12, 1904, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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SuocMiful Sale of 0n.nd Rends Reser
vation Tracts. "
TIik government will realise lain. re
turns from thn Unix (if reded tnirH In
IhO (llUIMl Itllllllll I.Hl'llll Kl'DiM'.'llllOll,
which win l'ciihIii. ted Ml (lie (ri'(n City
Ijind Ofllce Monday.. NHanri l. Wheel
rr, iiM'iilni(ir, of Kiidinviu, Va , will In
nil priiliiililllty H' I Iba hulk (if 10.11110 acres
Included In I ho smith Im If of Ihe reser
vation lliul wua Iiii'IikIimI In tlix sale. Ill
minimum bill fur any one liui't waa f I 30
nr acre, and III" offi'iK runicd l 111 Id
I'it arte fur th more valuable Umber
In nil Wliveler submitted 100 hid,
which aveiiwid H 16 per aric. There
with but ten ti ill-la In the smith half
Ihul Wheeler dlil nut make bids upon,
and III tilil Im-Iiik fur In esnns of any
rnnip'lllnr, nltleris of th local Land Of
tic, thiwiKh whlrh bldM wire received
nil opened, will recommend the le
lmrlm.nl nf thn Inlirlnr lit Washington
that Wlicrlcr'a bid bi' accepted In nil
cases In wlilrb tin In hlklirst bidder on
Inillvldiml trails. Thin rni'iina Ihul be will
become thn owner of in-iirly 100 of the
tracts, for the reason (hut bin bid on
Individual tracts wan eicrrdi'd only In
few ItlHI tlttl'l-M
There, were 47 bidders who submitted
3:9 Indlvlduiil nnVrn. No bid In bulk was
received fur tli mirth half. embracing
.00 acres. Thli triu't Inrludcs tlmlx-r
partially buriii'd over and round, moun
tainous ialure ImixIm.
Mark Clackamas County Write-Up and
Distribute 'Among Vour frltnili.
Tha Enterprise this weak republishes
tht vary creditable and comprehensive
write-up of Clackamas county and tti
estanalve resources that appeared In a
recent laue of tho North Pacific Rural
Spirit. It It a valuable advertisement for
th la taction and ahould bs thorouohly
A numbtr of antra copltt were prlnttd
th la weak and thata may ba had at a
nominal cott by Individual! or raal estate
flrma for dlttrlbut Ion among Intending
Tin- Triennial (.'one-lave Knight Tcm
pl ii r will bu lii'lil ut Hun riaii'lnco Hi-p-(ember
6th to 9th, mid tht Hovrrclgn
(iniiid I.odge I. O. O. K. will he held at
name point Hi plcmber I '.'III (o LTilh. Fur
Ihine occasions thn Houtherii I'liclnc Co.
will pliii i In i ff i rl I In. -x t r rii. v low
niti' of one and onc-ihlid fair for (lie
round trip, not to cm-red IJft, (he rati
fniin I 'o I luiul Those who Mir punning
u t 1 1 to California alioiild lukf nod' of
these rules. -M
1100 REWARD, itOO.
Tha renders of Ihla paper will be
pleased to Irarn that thira la at Irani
una dreaded disease that science haa been
able lu euro In all Ita I (!, and thnt la
catarrh. Ilnll'a Catarrh Cure la tha only
poaltlva cure now known to tha medical
fi-atrnlty. Cnlarrh bi-ln a connlltutloniil
dlai-aan, rrqulit-a a ronatltullonal trrat
nirnt. Ilnll'a Catarrh Cure la tnkrn In
ternally, ai-lln dlreHly upon the blood
and nuii-ona aurfiirrt of tho ayiti-m. thra
by dralroyln( tha foundation of tha ilia
aaoa. and giving tho pall'nt atrrngth by
bulldln up the conatllutlon and aaalat
IriK nalurn In doing lla work. Tho pro
prietors have to much faith In Ha cura
tlva powera that thry offer fma Hundred
Dollara for any raa that It falls to cur.
Hrnd for lint of tratlmonlala.
Addnaa: K. J. CHENET A CO .
Bold by drtiKKltta. 16o. Toledo, O.
Take llall a Kamlly l'llla for conatlpa-tlon.
MjUi'ln Iiki' their ilieud for "Hint ti -rtliln
ki i .mil h inn rn r '' when they hm
In. Kowler'a Kxliiii l of Wild Hlruwberry
In Hie lioime. Nuluie'a nperllk' for auin
mi l i unipliiliita of every mill.
Contract for Connecting School Build
Ingt With Btwar It Awarded.
Tha Oiron City Hrhool Hoard hehl
meeting thn flrtt of the week, when It
woa dii lil. d to open the arhoole on Hi p
ti mber 20. Hup pltkln and the harveat
Ing of other ciopa will have been com
pleted by that time to that It la not ex
pected that there will be anything to In
terfere with a full attendance of the iu
plla at the vnrlotia achoola.
The contract for connecting the Hnr
clay and Kuatham ai-hool butlillnge with
the aiwer wua ttwanli-d to U'Wla &
Retching, of Chicago, thnt llima bid
being I lW.O
Hlate of
In the Couiitv Court of th
Oiinuii fur I'liukmnn enmity.
In Ihe iniitler of the retain of Kilwanl
W. r.liiKhniii. ili i i ui il:
To Kiite H. ItliiKhiiin nml nil ollur
lu ll ii nf l lilwanl W. Illniitiam, di i iih. iI.
nnil all ol here Inliieeteil:
In the name of the Hlate of Ohkoii.
you uie hereby coininiinded to apiiear
bifuni the lloiiiiralile Counly Court, of
the Hl.ite of liregon. Ill unil for the Coun
ty of Clnikmim. nl the court houHr in
the city of Oregon City on the .'Nth lay
of September, 1901, ut the hour of 10
o'clock B. in. of nalil day. to how ciuiHe.
If ony cxlBt, why nil order ahould not be
made illiicllng thu tain of that certain
mil propi rty belonging to eald eelalc
which l deacrllii d ua being 6 2S ncrca
In tho ct half of Urn Jumca and l'hll
Iniln Terwllllger lionatlon I.uiul Claim
In Townehlp One (1) South. Itnngu One
(1) Kiut of thu Wllluiin tlii Merldlun In
Miiltuomiih county. Hlute of Oregon; the
eatmi blng a atrip of land extending
from the linn dividing the mat und went
halvca of enld claim. coMterly und purullel
to tho aouth line of aald claim to the
center of the McAilam roiid, the aouth
line of aald atrip of land being nK3.35
feci north on the eoulh boundary of aald
claim, and aUo tho right belonging to
raid K. V. lllngliam In bin life tlmci und
to hla helra and aeelgna to about, take
and kill ducka ami other wild fowla
and game upon any and ull alougha.
lakca und Innda covered by water on
Lola 1. 6 and 7, the NW1-4 of the NW1-4
of Bectlon 23; loll 1, 2. 3. 4, and W1-!
of BW1-4 and Wl-2 of NW1-4 of Sec
tion 14, 1it'6, Bectlon 16; Lot 5 and
BE1-4 of BK1-4 and El-2 of NE1-4
of Boctlon 10, the BE1-4 of the
8W1-4 of Boctlon 3; the El-2 of N
W 1-4; the N 1-2 of BE 1-4 and W 1-2
of NK 1-4 of Boctlon 10, all In
Columbia County, Oregon; alio fractional
river lot 3, Section 32; loti 6, 6, Section
28; lot 6, Section 33 and the E 1-2 of
BW 1-4, Section 28. all In Town Three,
(3), North Range One (1), Wcat of Wil
lamette Meridian; Alao river loti 1. 2. 3
8cctlon 6, Townahlp 2 North, Range 1
Weal of Willamette Merldlun, more par
ticularly dcacrlbcd In deed found record
ed at page 607, Hook F, Kecorda of
Dceda In Multnomah County, State of
Wlincaa my hand and the acal of
auid court alllxcd thta 8th day of Auguat,
1904. r. A. Sleight, Clerk of the county
court, by K. W. Oreenman, deputy.
(First publication Auguat 12.)
All klnda of Job printing la done at tha
Enterprise olllce. Onr work can not ba
excelled In 1'ortland.
l Mother's Ear
( a oo in atorxaava an, wnmm
' Hummma aw ihuht. mo im rum
, ori that com airou tmt
3tiru thw twrm trniiara mo
nouinr to aicniiiir ro
-urn HHirn oc torn MOTHM Atto
Sf rd (or free sample.
SCOTT ft HOVVNK, t htmliU,
r.ri'i I'5"' strut. New York.
'4 joe. and tt.oo all drutgisis,
Suit Over Inturanca Money. U It' n 6
H. liriibi l, Im nl attoriieyn, ale i nndiii tlng
n null ilri lili illy out of the otdliiary In
the Miiltiiomab county clicult court. The
pioi ei ils of an liinuiume poll' y fur 1000
Is Involved In the litigation which haa
I. i i ti liisiltuted by liiacle I lirnni ll
uaalnnl Hut ah Hulk und the Oruud lAalge
of the Am lent Onler of United Workmen
of Oregon. The defi hilatit fraternal or
ganisation linn paid Into the court the
uniounl of the polity and the court will
awaid the custody of the money after
Ihe li-ntlintuiy ban been offered. The
facta of the tune ua slated In the com
plaint, are that at Oregon City In 1K93, the
defendant corporation isnued and deliv
ered an Innurunee poUry lu the sum of
l.'iiuo to John 8. Korbet. Ihe fare of the
pulley to be paid to the plaintiff lirucie
I, llciinrll, his daughter. In considera
tion of the daughter being named aa the
benenclury In the lullry, It wua agreed
between the partita that the futher
should live with the daughter vlio wua
to provide for him a home and In cute
of alcknens or other disability, the
daughter was to pay all anseanmenls and
keep her father In gtaid alundlng In the
older, and In the event of hla death wua
to have Ihe body shipped to Mcl'herson,
K.inniin. for burial. 1'lulntlff alleges
that she performed every obligation that
wua Imposed on herself In Ihe agree
ment, piovltllng a home for Forbea both
at Oiegon City und at I'ueblo, Coloradu,
until the time of bis death In April,
1004. In August, li03, Korbre. without
the knowledge and consent of the daugh
ter stun nilrred the oilglnul policy to
the Win km' n Ixxliie and caused another
policy to be Issued In luvor of Suiuh Hulk
a sister residing In un Knsiern atule, all
uf whlrh Is iilli ged to have been In viola
tion of the compact between futher and
daughter, The daughter neks for a dc
enr of the com t (Inviting (hat she be
eiitllli d lo ti. rive the full ainotiiil of
tile pulli) and that tin- polii' miming
tint nli lank oc iliiiuii-il null ami void.
iiikI that Kit- iimi.. juiIkum-iiI lot all
onlM lilnl illitllHi im till.
NhhuI Catarrh quickly yii-Mi to treat
ment by Ely a Cream Halm, which is agree
ably aromatic. It i roceived tliroiifjU tb
uoBtrilH, cleanses, ami licnla the whole nr-
faco over winch it ditTmci itself. iniKKi'i
tell tho COc. li.e; Trial aie ly mini, 10
oenU. Test it aiiil you are lure to continue
the trcatmcuL
To accommodate thoeo who are partial
to the use of aUnuireri in aijlying liquitbj
into the DaHol iOHsa;ei for catarrhal trou
ble, the proprietor! prepare Cream Holm in
liiiiM form, which will be known aa Kly'l
Liquid Cream Halm. Trice including the
ipmyinu tube it 7.1 cents. Dra-gitta or by
mail. 'J'ho liquid form embodiea the Died,
iciual propertici of the solid preparation.
flera Ara Rome of the Convincing
Pacta That CuuncJ ua to Tuki J
tha Agency for tha Fulton Com-
pound., theFlrat Thlnga Known 4t
that Cura Chronic Kidney Du-
cuaea. J'
1 (
rt'it, let II be d iilnrtly anderstood thai J,
avery one of Iba esses Iwlusr bad beeudlogootcd .
by out or mors physician! at enrunlo and In-1'
tursUls; tec'.nd, sole th eertaluly of the re-
lulu at abowa by the recti'ery tlno of Ut .
frletjoi tkey told wuo were aloitlsrly aBiloUid
with supposed lerurtlile kidney dlx sies.
N. W, Hpsuldiug, 1'resiUoDl H.isu)illr. Bta ,4,
Co , Han r-ancisro, had a reeovery In bis oa 4e
I stnliy and li.ld seerul others lio rrrotered. 1
A'tiiipn weS'i. eaiiiaiist, hio Francisco,
rofloneri d liiUiel and Utlil two friends uo r-1
l)r. tsrl D. 7lele, pioneer dnilt, W Parlflt'
atreut, hau 'raiu:liico, recovered hlitiaelf stitl 4
g ve It Ui mors tntn a duun puilcuis mUi r :
Oovernd !
Charlea F.nrelke. editor of Ihg Germao papf,
Ban rsuclsi!o, rmovered bimself and tola 11 lo 4
a nuint.nr utio recovered, due of Ibem liellig 4V
Ci.arles K Wscker, Hi- hillli street Diercbsnt ;
il M. Wood, mlUor Wine anu Hi Irll llili-w,
retxirered bluisiilf Slid to d It 10 terrral liO 4V
reimvered, uuiong ILvai being au OiU-scuoul i a;
K.lwsrd Hnorl of the Ban Franelseo Call rt-1 v
fiver' il. si mi threi of !l fili-iid't. vlr : Wullktn 1 4V
Mnriln. Csplaia lluoburil of Ins Honolulu route, 4,
and W'llllsui IUHln of.tl.e V 8 tjusrlcr-:
B.-ler't ! psrtuiri.tof ho Kraoclsro. 4.
John A. i'brlps of Hi- llolrl rpnller, 8t j
frsiultro, and loo of bis frlendt. etc. eto I a-
Tim kidneys are the sewers that strata the 1 aj
poisons out of iba system. W'a cud siaud tba
OersnKi'uii nl for a short while, bul wb'Dllie v
Inierfnrnnie beonnin rhroulo (permanent I, as I 4,
Oral riiilsli.eil '.J llriyhl, It Is only a guesilun 14,
oi mis sing w.i.ire aesin wiiivdhus. 11 iwu
tailed Iti i tit I Hi., ime and Incurable. All
kltlnnf tr.iuolet S vekip Into this form about
Inettb to Nil u month. The obove cases wnrt
luourtble by sll oib.-r known Bieana feoplt
bailns kul ry d !.- should begin at Brat ltb 4.
Ine otiln ksoan thing thai will cure It If It bat , 4.
resnhed il.a serious slsne (ulmn't Ri t ar 4.
Uiiiiixeiod for Krlirhl't ai d Kidney Diseases. ' i 4
for Inalielaa. i bo John J Kulloo (., ! 4,
Wsshmglvn street. Rsu rranclno. sole eotn- .
pouudrm Seuil I01 yau.vuwb V t Sit Uie anal ' Z
Wsult lui Uiia ikf . I4
ruiDUlhl a fft. DRUQ&IITI.
DlWItt II thi Name.
When you go to buy Witch llaael Salvi
look for the name DeWITT on every box.
The pure, unadulterated Witch Haael la
used In making DeWltta Witch Haiel
Salve, which li the beat ealve In the world
for cuta. burna, bruises, bolls, eczema and
plica. The popularity of DeWitfi Witch
Hazel Solve, due to Ita many curea, haa
caused numerous worthleaa counterfelta
to be placed on the market. The genuine
bears the name E. C. DeWItt A Co., Chi
cago. Bold by O. A. Harding.
Bean tha in Halt Wwajt tufa
Detervet Your Patronage.
The growth of a community and the
auceess of Its local lnstltutiona depends
entirely on the loyalty of ita people. It
la well enough to preach "patronlie home
Industry," but except the acrvlce given
at a homo Institution equula that of out-of-town
enterprlaca. thla argument car
rlre no weight and la entirely disregard
ed, as It should bo. Hut with Oregon
City people It la different. A few montha
ago E. Ii. Johnson established the Caa
ende Laundry. It la equipped with the
Intent Improved machinery nnd la dnlly
turning out work that la equal to any
and superior to much of the laundry
work that II being done In Portland.
Delng a home Institution and furnishing
employment for many Oregon City peo
ple, It la enjoying an Immenae patronage.
The high standard of the work being
done commends It to the general public.
Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop will
be promptly called for and delivered.
Packages will be called for and delivered
to any part of the city. Telephone 12M.
E. L. Johnson, proprietor.
Oregon City Market Report.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat No. 1, 76 0 to 90c per bushel.
Flour Valley, $4.40 per bbl. Hard
wheat $1.90. Portland, $1.16 per aaclc
Howard'! Belt, 11.06 per lack.
Oala In lacks, 11.10 per cental. '
Hay Timothy, baled, $14J16 per ton;
clover, $10; oat. Ill; mixed hay, til;
cheat, til.
Mlllstufre Bran, $19 per ton; thorta,
$22.60 per ton; chop, $19 per ton; barter,
rolled. $26 per ton.
New potatoea, 2 centa per pound.
Green pena 6 centa per pound.
CJrcen and yellow wax beana to 7c
per pound.
Erks Oregon, 18c to 20c per dozen.
Butter Ranch, 36c to 45c; aeparator,
40c to 60c; creamery 60c and 66c.
Oregon Onlona 1 l-2c per pound.
Dried Applea c to 7c per lb.
Prunea (Dried) Petite, lo per lb; Ital
ian, large, 6c per lb; medium, I 1- e;
Silver, 4 1 2c.
Applea 60 to 76c.
Stock Carrots Sacked, 60 cents.
Dressed Chickens 14c per lb.
Livestock and Dresaed Meata Beef,
live, $2.60 to $3.00 per hundred. Hogs,
live, 4 1-1 to Ic; hog, dressed, I 1-1 to
7c; sheep. $1.76 to $2 pr head; dressed 6c;
veal, dressed, c; lambs, live, $1.60 to
$1.76 per bead; lambs, dressed, I a.
County Judge Ryan Interviewed On Road
County Judge Kynn attended a meeting
of the executive committee of the Btate
Good Itouds Association at Bulem thla
w. k where he waa Interviewed on the
subject of road construction. The States
man mported the Interview and other de
talln of the committee meeting aa fol
lown; "A Statesman reporter nut Mr. T. It.
Itvan ut the Willamette Hotel yesterday
afternoon ami the matter of good roads
wan tllM.isMd.
Mr. I'yan favors plank roads above
all oi,;i ;H mull r most conditions In Ore
gun. " Tliey will be found cheaper of con
struction.' stilil Mr. Kynn. "Then again
liny will Inut at least five years without
any repairs ut ull. and they are good for
twelve to thirteen years of ordinary farm
travel. Of course plank roads will not
hint so long under heavy wood and lum
ber hauling, but for farm hauling they
are ull right. A farmer tan haul a larger
load over a plank road than any other
kind for the reason that there is no
friction on a plnnk road."
" 'Of course no one cun find fault with
the Macudam road, well built, but It
costs more for construction and more for
repairs per mile. Now to build a mile of
crushed rock rond costa about $2100,
while a mile of plank road can be built
for $10t)0. and the lutter can be kept up
for about $140 per mile per year."
' C'laikaniiis county hue spent $36,000
on ita roada thla year, building of crushed
rock, plank, gravel and conders. The lat
ter mukca a good road, and we can build
a good ni.'jiy of the roads In the neigh
borhood of the old Iron works at Oswego
very cheuply with thla medium.'
We carry the best make of Paints, Varnishes and Painters'
Material on earth, proven so by practical tests and chemical
analysis. New Era Pure Prepared paint has been analyzed by
all the leading chemists of the United States, and over their af
. fidavit found to be absolntely pure containing not over one per
cent of water, while other inferior grades contain from five to
forty-five per cent.
Ask your painter about it everybody knows the "Acme Line."
Guarantee on every can. We submit a partial list of their line.
NEAL'S CARRIAGE PAINT for repairing all kinds of ve
hicles. NEAL'S CARRIAGE TOP DRESSING for renewing the
finish of leather and rubber tops, dash boards, sachels and
leather goods of every description.
ACME WAGON PAINT for repainting wagons and agricul
tural implements.
GRANITE FLOOR PAINT. Quick drying and durable.
DAVIE'S VARNO-FLOOR STAIN for finishing floors, lino
leum, oil cloth and interior wood work in exact imitation of ei-
Binsive wood. Will not crack, mar or chip off.
AVIE'S VARNISH STAINS for renewing the finish of
wood work, furniture, etc Needs but one application.
NEAL'S ENAMEL. The kind for earthen and metal sur
faces. Gives a genuine enamel finish.
NEAL'S BATH-TUB ENAMEL for bath-tubs, walls, ceilings
and wood work of bath rooms or any surface exposed to hot or
cold water.
NEAL'S SCREEN ENAMEL for screen doors and frames.
NEAL'S CYCLE ENAMEL. Splendid for bycicles.
NEAL'S HOUSEHOLD PAINTS. Put up in small, "easy
to open, ;' cans. 25c a can.
NEAL'S POPULAR VARNISH. The best to be had, and
in most any sized can.
Poarch and Chair Enamel, Stove Pipe Enamel, Floor Paint,
Paint and Varnish Remover, Lubricating oils, Benzines and
Gasoline, Lead, Oil and Glass. In fact, everything in the paint
line can be had at our store. Now is the time and this is the
place to buy.
Howell & Jones
Oregon City, Oregon
I. It. Dlmlck, the liveryman, was car
rying his eye In a sling thla week, but it
was a cane In which the ' other fellow"
Superior Work
Lowest Prices
"I waa troubled with stem
aoh trouble. Tbedford's Black
Draught did me more good
la one week than all the doo
tor's medicine I took la
year." MRS. BARAB B.
Bill RF I ELD, EllettsTillt, Ind.
Thedford t Black Draught
quickly iuvigoratri the ac
tio.1 of the stomach and
cures even chronic cases of
intlijfetfion. f you will
take a small dose of Tbed
ford's Mack lrupht occa
sionally you will keep your
stomach and liver in per
fect condition.
More sickness is caused by
constipation than by any
other disease. Thedford 's
Black-Draught not only re
lieves constipation butenree
diarrhica and dysentery and
kepi the bowels regular.
All druggists sell
lt-oaat packsgaa.
"Thedford'i Black
Draught is the best medi
cine to regulate the bowels
I have tver ud." MRS.
A. M. GRANT, fineads
Jerry, N. C. .
That is what you get when A.
MihlMin does your plumbing
work. He doc? general tinning,
plumbing anil jobbing busi
ness. Estimates cheerfully
furnished. Hot air heating
fixtuies manufactured and
apltal, ....
Lu mmle. Hills discounted. Makes col-l-ctiont.
Huva and tells exchange on all points
o the I'nlted States, Europe and Hong Koni
eposlts received subject to check Dsns
' pen from t k. t. to 4 r. u.
r. LATOURETTE, President
F J. MEYER Cashier.
All kinds of Building
Material, Sash, Doors
Moulding, Etc. - -
did not get the worst of the bargain. Mr.
Dlmlck woa hitching up a horse, when
the animal threw Us head around fierce
ly, striking the liveryman Just below the
right eye. The member, though severely
bruised. Is not permanently Injured.
Mear Huntley's Drug Store,
A Sweet Breath.
Is a never falling :u of a healthy sto
mach. When the breath Is bad the sto
mach Is out of order. There is no rem-
i edy In the world equal to Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure for curing Indigestion, dyspep
sia and all stomach disorders. Mrs. Mary
S. Crick, of White Plains. Ky., writes:
I hae been a dyspeptic for years; tried
Ureat Britain and America.
Rare Op
t-finty Juilge T. F. Ryan went to Sa
lem Wednesday morning, where he at
tended a meeting of the executive com
mittee of the Oregon Good Roads Asso
ciation, of which he Is a member. Before
returning home. Judge Ryan, with the
other members of the committee, visited
the Immense stone quarry on the Cor
vallis & Eastern railroad.
A Perfect Painless Pill,
la the one that will cleanse the system,
set the liver to action, remove the bile,
clear the complexion, cure headache and
leave a good taste In the mouth. The
all knda of remedies but continued to famous little pllla for doing such work
otow worse. Bv the use of Kodol I began 1 Pleasantly and effectually are DeWltt a
to Improve at once, and after taking
few bottles am fully restored In weight,
health and strength and can eat what
ever I like." Kodol digests what you eat
and makes the stomach sweet Bold by
G. A. Harding.
When your purchases at
our store aggregate $25, you
are entitled to an enlarged oil
portrait of yourself. Kemem
ber and secure a coupon with
each purchase.
Our stock of groceries is
fresh and complete and the
prices are right. Call and see.
Get one of these fine port
raits and decorate your home,
A similar opportunity may
not be offered again.
rThe ELECTRIC Grocery
)l D. M. KLEMSEN, Prop.
Bamtha The Kind Yon Haw Always BoagM
U. B. Church,
services at the
Little Early Risers. Bob Moore, of La
fayette Ind., aays: "AU other pills I have
used gripe and sicken, while DeWltt's
Little Early Risers are simply perfect"
Sold by G. A. Harding.
Bsanthe ' ) Ui You Have km BfliigM
A Summer Cold.
A summer cold la not only annoying.
but if not relieved Pneumonia will be the
Brethren church, head of Seventh street. uul " no' .ievu rneumonia Wm oe me
every Sunday. 11 a. m.j Sunday school 10 ' P"able by fall. One Minute Cough
a. ro.; Christian Endeavor 7 p. m.;' uro ",0 " -
preaching S p. m. Prayer meeting every
Wedneaday evening at I o'clock. All
are cordially Invited to these services.
C. P. Blanchard, pastor.
The' Chrlstilla Cemetery Association,
of the Chrlstilla school house, near Lents,
haa filed articles of Incorporation In the
office of County Clerk Sleight The In
corporators were: J. L Henderson, J. B.
Deardorc, E. A. Odell, George Brookman,
C. C. Henderson, F. G. Strlekrott, Chas.
Hensler, Otto brookman, W. C. Hollis
and John Chltwood.
(lamination, heals, soothes and strength
ens the lungs and bronchial tubes. One
Minute Cough Cure Is an ideal remedy
for the chuldren. It Is pleasant to the
taste and perfectly harmless. A certain
cure for Croup, Cough and Cold. Bold by
G. A. Harding.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears tha
Bignatara of
In all IU stages.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanses, soothes and Deals
Uie diseased membrane
It cores catarrh sod drives
away a cold la lbs bead
6A JUfil
Balm Is placed bio tha nostrils, spreads
Srer tb SMmbno and Is absorbed. Belief is lm
BeduUe and s Cars f ooom. It is not drying does
Bo produce sleeting. Luge Size, 60 cents at Drng
fiats or by stall ; Trial Sise, 10 centa.
SLT BBOTHJaiS, M Warren Siren, Hew Turk